secure layer based compound image compression using xml compression

Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression Author D. Maheswari 1, V.Radha Source Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2010 Advisor Wen-Jan Chen Speaker Hui-chun Su

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Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression. Author : D. Maheswari 1, V.Radha Source : Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2010 Advisor : Wen -Jan Chen Speaker : Hui-chun Su. Outline. Introduction Methodology Experimental result - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML


Author:D. Maheswari 1, V.RadhaSource: Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2010Advisor:Wen-Jan ChenSpeaker:Hui-chun Su

Page 2: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Outline•Introduction•Methodology•Experimental result•Conclusion

Page 3: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Introduction•Digital image compression

▫Reduction to save storage space▫Reduce transmission rate requirements

•Compound images▫Computer generated images (CGI)▫Text images (TI)▫Scanned images (SI)▫Document images (DI)





Page 4: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Introduction•Compressing compound images

▫Single algorithm Elusive data types

▫Segmentation data Similar data types Lowers the bit rates Lowers the level of distortion

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Introduction• Segmentation algorithms


• XML Compression for Compound Images(XMLCC)▫Compression▫Secure transmission

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Introduction•The work’s three phase

▫MRC based segmentation Foreground (FG) Background (BG) Mask

▫Compressed FG using XML compression BG using JPEG

▫Secure transmission

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Outline•Introduction•Methodology•Experimental result•Conclusion

Page 8: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•MRC segmentation•Pre processing•Block transformation•Compression•Encryption

Page 9: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•MRC Segmentation

▫Foreground (FG) Textual elements

▫Background (BG) White space and picture elements

▫Mask Binary mask

Pixel's state

Page 10: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Pre processing

▫Halo effect Layer based technique

▫Data filling algorithm Enhance compression.

Page 11: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Rearranges the image data Step 1. matrix transpose Step 2. clockwise rotation

Angle θ Step 3. flips the matrix

Horizontally(rows) and vertically(columns) Step 4. converting pixel values

Adding a value in odd and even columns (8 and 4) Step 5. stores two separate images (odd and


Page 12: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 1. matrix transpose

50 100 150

55 110 160

60 120 170

50 55 60

100 110 120

150 160 170

Page 13: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 2. clockwise rotation

50 55 60

100 110 160

150 120 170

150 120 170

100 110 160

50 55 60

Page 14: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 3. flips the matrix (horizontally)

150 120 170

100 110 160

50 55 60

170 120 150

160 110 150

60 55 50

Page 15: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 3. flips the matrix (vertically)

170 120 150

160 110 100

60 55 50

60 55 50

160 110 100

170 120 150

Page 16: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 4. converting pixel values

68 59 58

168 114 108

178 124 158

60 55 50

160 110 100

170 120 150

Page 17: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Methodology•Block transformation

▫Step 5. stores two separate images (odd and even)

68 59 58168 114 108178 124 158

68 58 0168 108 0178 158 0

59 0 0114 0 0124 0 0

Odd columns Even columns

Original image

Page 18: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression


▫FG layer : using an XML compressor XML-specific compression tool as called Xmill

Separate structure from data Group related data items Apply semantic compressors

▫BG layer: using JPEG 2000

Page 19: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression


▫Insure security▫Shuffle Encryption Algorithm

Page 20: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Outline•Introduction•Methodology•Experimental result•Conclusion

Page 21: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Experimental result•The system was compared with

compression ratio, time and PSNR values.•All the experiments were conducted using

a Pentium IV dual processor with 512 MB RAM.

•All the images were of the size 256x 256 pixels.

Page 22: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Experimental result

Page 23: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Experimental result

Page 24: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Experimental result

CT : compression timeDT : decompression time

Page 25: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Outline•Introduction•Methodology•Experimental result•Conclusion

Page 26: Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression

Conclusion•Higher compression•Lower distortion•Security for image data transferred

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