secure information using steganography and watermarking · 2016-10-16 · the system includes two...

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128 ____________________________ *Email: [email protected] 112 Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking Hatem Nahi Mohaisen 1* , Ameer H. Morad 2 1 Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq 2 Al Khwarizmi college of Engineering, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq Abstract This paper presents secure hiding of information which provides confidentiality and authentication based on techniques of video steganography and watermarking. The proposed system embeds both secret information and watermark image into cover video in random fashion using LSB method. For each embedding process, different sequences of frames are be selected randomly depending on initial seed value. The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments which are represented by cover video, secret information, watermark image, and initial seed, and finally, produced the stego-video which is the original cover video hides inside it the secret information, watermark image. In the extraction phase, the system receives the stego video in additional to the seed value and number of frames used in embedding phase. The extraction module uses both initial seed and number of frames to generate the same sequence of frames as in embedded phase, then extract secret information and watermark image. The authentication of the sender is tested by match between received and stored watermark. For evaluation of the proposed system and to be ensure that the original media (video) is not affected significantly due to embedding process, many measurements are being calculate from video before and after hiding process such as histograms, mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and hiding time. The system is tested during embedding and extraction modules considering using several cover videos, secret information and seed values. Keywords: Multimedia contents security Steganography techniques, Watermarking, LSB Digital images and videos, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MES). لمائيةمة ا والع الختزستخدام فن امعلومات با سرية ال محيسن حاتم ناهي1 ,* اد أمير حسين مر2 1 لرياضيا قسم ا ت امعة بغداد, بغداد, العرعلوم, جاية ال , كل ق2 رزمي, جامعةية هندسة الخوا كل اق بغداد, بغداد, العرصة: الخ نق الختزد على فن الة والتي تستنصالسرية والتي تزودنا بات امعلوماء اللبحث أمنية إخفا دم في هذا المائيةمة ا والعلفيديو للمائيةمة ات السرية والعمعلوما من ال من ك المقترح يضلنظام . ا إلىوي غطاء فيديستخدام طريقةئية با بطريقة عشوا عمليةكل أهمية. لقل البت اطر مختلفة من اسلختيار سين, يتم ا تضم بشكل عشوائيدا على قيمةعتما اولية البذرة ا.(Seed number) ى وحدتين التضميننظام عل ال يشمل, ص. أوستخ واتي تمثلهات ال المدختضمين تحمل في وحدة الت السرية,معلوماوي, الء الفديلغطا ا والبذرة المائيةمة ا صورة العصلي ومخفيء الغطاوي المضمن الذي هو اء الفديلغطا ا ينتج ابتدائية, وأخير ضافةلمضمن بام الفيديو امستلم الص, يستلستخة. في مرحلة المائي والصورة ات السريةمعلوماه ال في داخلص تستخدم كستخ التضمين. وحدة امستعملة في مرحلةطر ال البذرة وعدد ا إلى قيمة مولية ن البذرة اISSN: 0067-2904

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Page 1: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


*Email: [email protected]


Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking

Hatem Nahi Mohaisen1*

, Ameer H. Morad2

1Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq

2Al Khwarizmi college of Engineering, Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq


This paper presents secure hiding of information which provides confidentiality

and authentication based on techniques of video steganography and watermarking.

The proposed system embeds both secret information and watermark image into

cover video in random fashion using LSB method. For each embedding process,

different sequences of frames are be selected randomly depending on initial seed

value. The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in

embedding module, load the input arguments which are represented by cover video,

secret information, watermark image, and initial seed, and finally, produced the

stego-video which is the original cover video hides inside it the secret information,

watermark image. In the extraction phase, the system receives the stego video in

additional to the seed value and number of frames used in embedding phase. The

extraction module uses both initial seed and number of frames to generate the same

sequence of frames as in embedded phase, then extract secret information and

watermark image. The authentication of the sender is tested by match between

received and stored watermark. For evaluation of the proposed system and to be

ensure that the original media (video) is not affected significantly due to embedding

process, many measurements are being calculate from video before and after hiding

process such as histograms, mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio

(PSNR) and hiding time. The system is tested during embedding and extraction

modules considering using several cover videos, secret information and seed values.

Keywords: Multimedia contents security Steganography techniques, Watermarking,

LSB Digital images and videos, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square

Error (MES).

سرية المعلومات باستخدام فن االختزال والعالمة المائية

2أمير حسين مراد*, 1حاتم ناهي محيسن ق, كلية العلوم, جامعة بغداد, بغداد, العراتقسم الرياضيا1

بغداد, بغداد, العراق كلية هندسة الخوارزمي, جامعة2 الخالصة:

دم في هذا البحث أمنية إخفاء المعلومات التي تزودنا بالسرية واألصالة والتي تستند على فن االختزال نقغطاء فيديوي إلى. النظام المقترح يَضمن كال من المعلومات السرية والعالمة المائية للفيديو والعالمة المائية

تضمين, يتم اختيار سالسل مختلفة من األطر البت األقل أهمية. لكل عمليةبطريقة عشوائية باستخدام طريقة يشمل النظام على وحدتين التضمين (Seed number). البذرة األوليةاعتمادا على قيمة بشكل عشوائي

الغطاء الفديوي, المعلومات السرية, في وحدة التضمين تحمل المدخالت التي تمثلها واالستخالص. أوال,البتدائية, وأخيرا ينتج الغطاء الفديوي المضمن الذي هو الغطاء األصلي ومخفي صورة العالمة المائية والبذرة ا

في داخله المعلومات السرية والصورة المائية. في مرحلة االستخالص, يستلم المستلم الفيديو المضمن باإلضافة ن البذرة األولية مإلى قيمة البذرة وعدد األطر المستعملة في مرحلة التضمين. وحدة االستخالص تستخدم كال

ISSN: 0067-2904

Page 2: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


تولد نفس السلسلة من األطر, كما في مرحلة التضمين, ثم تنتزع المعلومات السرية وصورة وعدد األطر للمرسل نعمل تطابق بين العالمة المائية المستلمة والمخزونة. لتقييم النظام للتحقق من أصالة ا. العالمة المائية

العديد من المقاييس جرى حسابها ملحوظ بسبب عملية التضمين,ر بشكل المقترح وان الفيديو األصلي لم يتأثعلى الفيديو قبل وبعد التضمين مثل المدرج اإلحصائي, متوسط مربع الخطأ, نسبة ذروة اإلشارة للتشويش

وات مختلفة, يووقت اإلخفاء. تم اختبار النظام خالل عملية التضمين واالستخالص حيث طبق على عدة فيد .ةالبذور األوليوقيم معلومات سرية,

1. Introduction

The art of security of sensitive information has received much attention in the recent years as

security system has become a big concern in internet area. Development of many techniques and

mechanisms to maintain most of the major requirements for security services such as: confidentiality,

authentication, nonrepudiation, and integrity of information when transferred on internet. Now day,

still there are many challenges to gain pure secure media to exchange information.

Figure-1, shows the techniques and mechanisms which are being used in security system, special

focus on information hiding techniques. The proposed hiding system presented here revolves around

steganography in digital images (video) with watermarking (imperceptible) which be indicated by

shadow blocks in the figure. Many researches are published [2 - 11] to develop mechanisms and

algorithms to hiding secret information into carrier media such as text, audio, digital images and video.

Table-1 summarizes the methods and tools being used in each of these researches.

Figure 1- The different disciplines of security system, special focus on information hiding techniques.

Table 1- Comparison between set of researches done in the same field

research steganography watermark LSB DWT DWT+DCT MES PNSR Image Video











The aim of our research work is to develop a system uses steganography technique to hiding the

information into video portion to achieve confidentiality and uses embedded watermark image to

video for purpose of authentication of sender and integrity of the information. The system is use LSB

method. The embedding process of information is done into random sequence of video frames.

Security Systems

Information Hiding Cryptography




Steganography Watermarking

Technical Linguistic







Page 3: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


In each selected frame, the portion of information is hiding in the first bit of pixels and in other

hand the watermark is embedded randomly in one of next three bits of pixel bytes. Since video are

stored in computer using different format, each of which has its own features. The most popular video

type is AVI and the frames (images) type is BMP type.

2. The proposed system structure

The implementation video steganography and watermarking system consists of two modules:

hiding module and extraction module, each of these units contains of many submodules. To start up

with hiding module, it is hiding the information in the specific frame and position bit in the pixel, with

a watermark hiding in another bit in same pixel in such a way that the hidden information is

imperceptible to human eye. The hidden technique should be kept the perceptible information of a

video without change the information and watermark, which must founded by an extraction algorithm.

Embedding the information and watermark requires compatibility of the length of message with frame

capacity and the dimensional of watermark with the dimensional of frames.

Hiding Module: The hiding module algorithm, shown in Figure-2, consists of many sub-modules to

produce stego in which it combines of (cover video + secret information+ watermark). Each sub-

module is described by using following algorithms:

Preparing of the video, algorithm-1, load the video portion and convert it into a set of frames and

save these frames in folder to be ready to use by embedded process.

Hide of Secret Information, algorithm-2, enters the information and converts its characters into

binary according to ASCII code. Compute the size of the information (in bits). Randomly choose a

sequence of frame. Then start embedding the information bits into first least significant bit (b1) of each

frame pixels of the frame as shown in Figure-3a.

Algorithm 1- Preparing of the Video

1. Open window to choosing video file name and the format (AVI).

2. Read the video.

3. Convert the video into numbers of frames(images).

4. Constricting the speed of frame in video (i.e. frame per second (fps)).

5. Read the numbers of frame in video

6. Store these frames in specific folder by format (.BMP).

Algorithm 2-Hide of Secret Information

1. Prepare the information (secret data) from text file name with format .txt, or

typing it directly by using keyboard from main interactive page of the system.

2. Convert the information to binary; replace each character or symbol by its

ASCII code. 3. Measure the size of the information data (in bits). Determine the number of

frames that needs to hide the information according to its size. 4. Randomly choose frame from the frame's folder. 5. Hide bit by bit of a portion of information data in the first lest significant bit

(LSB) of each frame pixels. 6. Repeat steps (4 and 5) unit complete hiding of all information data.

Page 4: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 2- Hiding Process Algorithm

Hiding of Watermark, algorithm-3, the watermark image is type (bmp) format and is the same size

of video frame. Firstly convert it into binary image and the embedded each bits of watermark into one

of three least significant bits (b4 b3 b2) of each frame pixels. Here the embedded is done in two

methods. In first method, use pseudo random numbers to determine randomly where the watermark

bits are embed to one of bits (b4 b3 b2) as shown in Figure-3b .In second method, Figure-3c, divide the

each frame horizontally into three equal regions. Watermark bits are hiding into (b4) of pixels in the

first region and into (b2) of pixels in the second region and finally, in the third region, hides watermark

bits into (b3) of pixels.

a b c

Figure 3- a- Select b1 for embedded message bit. b- Randomly select one bit of (b2, b3, or b4) for embedded

watermark. c- Predetermine bits.

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Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Pseudorandom Number Generation, algorithm-4, one of main contribution for this research is the

process of selection the set of frames, from the folder, are done randomly. These frames will be used

later for hides both secret data and watermark image. In addition, the hide of watermark image into

one of bits (b4 b3 b2) is also done randomly. The selection method is full randomizing fashion to makes

the task of disclosure of the secret information more difficult. For each embedded process, different

sets of frames are selected depending on initial seed value. The seed value is one of input arguments

are given at the beginning of stenography process. The pseudorandom number generation is defining

by eq. (1).

x(i+1)=(a*xi + b)mod n (1)

Where xi is previous random number, and x0 is initial seed, n is number of frames imply in the video

portion, i is number of needed frame for embedded process, and a, b are constant.

Evolution, algorithm-5, PSNR value is used only to compare the performance of loss coding scheme.

Calculation of PSNR is depends on the mean square error (MSE). The MSE is average of the square

error of the two frames (differences in pixel values), and also, calculate histogram error.

3. Extraction Module

At receiver side, extraction process, as in Figure-4 is done in the same method of hiding process

but in reverse. The modules accept stego and initial seed with number of used frames. Firstly, as in

algorithm-4, generate random sequence of numbers, and then determine the set of frames in which

embedded the information and watermark. Extracting secret information and watermark image is

follow algorithms-3 and 2, only here instead of hiding, the process is extracting. In the end the

extracted information is appear on front page of MATLAB or save it in text file.

Algorithm 3- Hiding of Watermark

1. Choose watermark image with format of (*.bmp) and has same

dimensional with frame.

2. Convert the watermark image to binary image.

3. Randomly choose frame from the frame's folder.

4. Using the LSB technique to hidden bit by bit of watermark image

into one of bits (b4 b3 b2). For frame pixels.

Algorithm 4- pseudorandom Number Generation

1. Read the number of frames is implied in the cover video which is

representing n (modulo) in eq.(1).

2. Read the require numbers of frames to hidden process i

(subscription in eq.(1).

3. Use the pseudo random generator eq. (1) with given seed (x0)

value to produce random sequence of frames.

Algorithm 5- Evolution

1. Read the original frame and the same frame after embedding process.

2. Calculate MSE, PSNR, and MAE values for both frames in step-1.

3. Find histograms for both original and embedded frames (HO and HE).

4. Calculate histogram error=((HO-HE) /h*w)^2

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Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 4- Extraction Process Algorithm.

4. Testing and Results

All algorithms and interactive front pages for the proposed hiding system are being implemented

using MATLAB software. Figure-5 shows the front pages for the hiding system steps. Load the video

portion to the system as in Figure-5a. Enter the secret information and seed value and then determine

number of needed frames as shown in Figure-5b. Figure-5c shows the process of embedding the secret

information and watermark image into frames. Finally, reconstruct the video in original order of

frames to produce stego_video and also, calculate PSNR and MSE and draw histograms for each

frame before and after embedding process. In extraction process is as in Figure-5d, first extract X and

S values, then extract both secret information and watermark image.

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Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 5- Hiding process steps. a- Load video, split into frames and save in folder.

b- Input secret information and seed value. c- Generate random sequence of frames, embedded information and

watermark image. Calculate PSNR, MSE, and embedding time.

d- Extraction process.

Experimentally the system is tested using four different video portions with properties listed in

Table-2 and Figure-6 show some samples of frames in each of videos. For all tests, use unique

watermark image which is appeared in Figure-7.





Page 8: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Table 2- Four video portions

Sample video name Duration Frame rate No. of frames Width Height

Bird 11 sec 30 355 256 240

Cbw3 6 sec 40 250 256 240

Drop 6 sec 30 182 256 240

Flame 3 sec 35 110 256 240





Figure 6- Samples of frames in each of videos.

1. In the first experiment, the proposed system is tested with compare to second system in which

the hiding of information and watermark are embedded in fixed predetermine bits shown in Figure-3c.

Loading Bird video portion and split it into 355 frames. Also, load watermark image showing in

Figure-7, convert it into binary image.

Embedding the information and binary watermark image into frame number (68) uses random

distribution method and predetermine method are shown in Figure-8. The results, listed in Table-3,

indicate that somewhat the random distribution is better than predetermine distribution even the last

one is more speedily, but still in random distribution the frames little affected by embedded process,

also, the confidentiality for proposed system is better. For proposed system, in each attempt of hiding

process, the secret information and watermark image are distributed randomly on the frame, i.e. the

distributions is not linearly and differ for each frame, but in second system the distribution of secret

information watermark image are the same for each trial of hiding process for all frames.

Figure 7- Watermark image

Table 3- Hiding process evaluation comparison for both cases

After embedded process

Random distribution Predetermine


PSNR 36.6983 36.593

MSE 13.9067 14.249

MAE 0.240 0.242

Histogram Error 0.0011587 0.00140

Hiding time (sec) 0.6552 0.5616

Page 9: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 8- Frame-68 for Bird video. a- The image and histogram for original frame 68. b- The image and

histogram for frame 68 after embedded information and watermark using random distribution. c- The image and

histogram for frame 68 after embedded information and watermark using predetermine distribution.

1. The proposed system is tested by loading Bird video portion and split it into 355 frames. for

experimental purpose, let the number of needed frames to embedding the secret message is (4 frames).

Then enter initial seed number (14), and randomly generate the sequence of 4 numbers (14, 211,248,

and 300) as shown in Figure-9.Then run the embedded process to embed both secret message and

binary watermark image. The result as shown in Figures-9c, d, e, and f.




Page 10: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 9- Embedding process using cover Bird video, with initial seed (14) and four frames. a- Enter initial seed.

b- watermark image. c- Embedded process in frame (14). d-Embedded process in frame (211). e- Embedded

process in frame (248). f-Embedded process in frame (300).

The minimum and maximum of, PSNR (36.802-36.05), MSE (13.5726-14.0614), MAE (0.242171-

0.24834), histogram error (0.00107776-0.00118636), and embedded time (0.6240-0.6708) Sec

respectively. Also, the histograms, before and after embedding process, for each frame are shown in





f e


f e

d c


Page 11: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Figure 10 - Histograms after embedding process. a- Frame 14. b- Frame 211. c- Frame 248. d- Frame (300).

2. Embedding the information and watermark images in each of four video portions Bird, Cbw3,

Drop, and Flame in addition to Bird. For each video portion uses different set of initial seeds with

random selection of 10 frames in embedding process. The results are listed in Tables- 4,5,6, and 7.

5. Extraction of Secret Information and Binary Watermarking Image

For each above experiments, the extracted secret information is being saved into text file, as shown

in Figure-11, or appears directly on front page of MATLAB as shown in Figure-12. Also, the binary

watermark image is extract from each of ten frames and saved into files. Figure-13 shows the ten

extracted binary watermark image. Later for verification, and authentication purposes, the matching is

done between each extracted binary watermark image with binary watermark image saved in the

memory. If the two watermark images are the same that is mean the secret information is not modified

or altered. For all experiments the degree of match is 100%.

a b

c d

Page 12: Secure Information Using Steganography and Watermarking · 2016-10-16 · The system includes two modules embedding, extraction. firstly, in embedding module, load the input arguments

Mohaisen and Morad Iraqi Journal of Science, 2016, Special Issue, Part A, pp:112-128


Table 4- The results of measurements form hiding process into Bird video.

Initial seed Frame PSNR MSE Time Hist_Err MAE


31 36.6645 14.0164 0.7020 0.001235 0.2448

43 36.758 13.7177 0.7176 0.001099 0.2486

175 36.7375 13.7826 0.6708 0.001101 0.2384

207 36.6952 13.9175 0.6864 0.001143 0.2412

204 36.7192 13.8407 0.7176 0.001186 0.2508

171 36.6742 13.9849 0.6552 0.001153 0.2494

163 36.7144 13.8562 0.6864 0.001148 0.2478

75 36.6652 14.014 0.6396 0.001209 0.2360

172 36.7469 13.7529 0.6708 0.001130 0.2384

174 36.7576 13.7188 0.7020 0.001119 0.2406


17 36.6373 14.1041 0.6708 0.00117 0.2522

244 36.6635 14.0195 0.6552 0.0015 0.2458

256 36.7247 13.8233 0.6708 0.001174 0.2415

33 36.7338 13.7944 0.6552 0.001177 0.2413

65 36.7571 13.7205 0.7552 0.001124 0.2400

62 36.6848 13.9508 0.6552 0.001176 0.2442

29 36.685 14.0033 0.6864 0.001316 0.2401

21 36.6376 14.1034 0.6552 0.001241 0.2446

288 36.7251 13.8221 0.7020 0.001099 0.2473

30 36.7094 13.8721 0.6552 0.00117 0.2404


12 36.6637 14.0189 0.6708 0.00113 0.2495

189 36.6425 14.0872 0.6396 0.001178 0.2507

6 36.6794 13.9681 0.6240 0.001148 0.2487

123 36.6817 13.9606 0.6708 0.001178 0.2535

245 36.7263 13.8182 0.6708 0.001055 0.2447

302 36.7388 13.7783 0.6708 0.001074 0.2447

184 36.7046 13.8874 0.6552 0.001212 0.2399

306 36.6575 14.0389 0.6396 0.001159 0.2364

288 36.7348 13.7912 0.6864 0.001079 0.2415

80 36.6614 14.0261 0.6552 0.001247 0.2442

















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Table 5- The results of measurements form hiding process into Cbw3 video.

Initial seed Frame PSNR MSE Time Hist_Err MAE


12 36.8795 13.3391 0.6396 0.004376 0.3170

189 36.2618 15.3781 0.6396 0.00407 0.2403

136 36.6667 14.0091 0.6864 0.006106 0.2215

53 36.8484 13.4351 0.6708 0.005264 0.2437

140 36.6534 14.0520 0.7176 0.006087 0.2157

97 36.6374 15.0087 0.7020 0.0031097 0.2529

124 36.5762 14.3039 0.7332 0.0057 0.2147

171 36.6810 13.9631 0.6552 0.004612 0.2831

188 36.2949 15.2629 0.6708 0.004285 0.2425

125 36.6169 14.1708 0.7020 0.006113 0.2130


21 36.5665 14.3962 0.6552 0.005460 0.2282

38 36.6829 13.9568 0.6552 0.006135 0.2210

225 36.5908 14.2559 0.6708 0.005539 0.2251

32 36.6321 14.1212 0.6864 0.006171 0.2166

159 36.7209 13.8354 0.6708 0.004412 0.22492

56 36.7819 13.6423 0.6396 0.005439 0.2420

173 36.6801 13.9659 0.7020 0.004586 0.2916

210 36.9914 12.9999 0.6864 0.003852 0.3191

117 36.6219 14.1543 0.6552 0.005649 0.2080

94 36.4143 14.8474 0.6708 0.003510 0.2517


12 36.6637 14.0189 0.6708 0.00113 0.2495

189 36.6425 14.0872 0.6396 0.001178 0.2507

6 36.6794 13.9681 0.6240 0.001148 0.2487

123 36.6817 13.9606 0.6708 0.001178 0.2535

245 36.7263 13.8182 0.6708 0.001055 0.2447

302 36.7388 13.7783 0.6708 0.001074 0.2447

184 36.7046 13.8874 0.6552 0.001212 0.2399

306 36.6575 14.0389 0.6396 0.001159 0.2364

288 36.7348 13.7912 0.6864 0.001079 0.2415

80 36.6614 14.0261 0.6552 0.001247 0.2442

















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Table 6- The results of measurements form hiding process into Drop video.

Initial seed Frame PSNR MSE Time Hist_Err MAE


31 36.8061 13.5666 0.6864 0.001524 0.2229

34 36.8188 13.5271 0.7020 0.001445 0.2481

67 36.8080 13.5608 0.6552 0.001243 0.2524

66 36.7340 13.7937 0.6552 0.001388 0.2389

55 36.7813 13.6442 0.6708 0.001376 0.2464

116 36.8328 13.4834 0.7176 0.001397 0.2454

59 36.8395 13.4625 0.6552 0.001354 0.2456

160 36.8179 13.5298 0.7020 0.001403 0.2463

179 36.7833 13.6381 0.6864 0.001183 0.2423

24 36.8619 13.3932 0.6552 0.001467 0.2365


18 36.6345 14.1135 0.6864 0.001753 0.2333

73 36.7741 13.6669 0.6552 0.001271 0.2428

132 36.8050 13.5702 0.6708 0.001370 0.2406

53 36.7936 13.6057 0.7176 0.001474 0.2384

94 36.8580 13.4053 0.6864 0.001378 0.2504

181 36.8016 13.5808 0.6708 0.001184 0.2452

46 36.9050 13.2610 0.7488 0.001301 0.2380

17 36.7560 13.7240 0.6708 0.001605 0.2438

62 36.8160 13.7240 0.6708 0.001355 0.2462

11 36.6571 14.0402 0.6864 0.002228 0.2180


11 36.6463 14.0750 0.6708 0.00223 0.2186

178 36.8204 13.5221 0.6708 0.00125 0.2417

13 36.8077 13.5616 0.6396 0.00161 0.2445

18 36.6192 14.1631 0.6396 0.00175 0.2348

73 36.7782 13.6541 0.7020 0.001273 0.2429

132 36.7979 13.5923 0.6864 0.001378 0.2401

53 36.7730 13.6705 0.7176 0.001475 0.2372

94 36.8562 13.4109 0.6708 0.001340 0.2496

181 36.6002 13.5837 0.6864 0.001180 0.2468

46 36.8930 13.2978 0.6708 0.001300 0.2372

















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Table 7- The results of measurements form hiding process into Flame video.

Initial seed Frame PSNR MSE Time Hist_Err MAE


3 36.5988 14.2300 0.6240 0.010312 0.2498

90 37.7448 10.9295 0.6396 0.005293 0.2789

57 37.4162 11.7887 0.6708 0.005805 0.2755

24 36.6705 13.7097 0.6369 0.008431 0.2437

101 37.5657 11.3896 0.6708 0.005619 0.2826

68 37.5119 11.5317 0.6708 0.005684 0.2910

35 36.8189 13.5266 0.6552 0.007485 0.2532

2 36.6105 14.1916 0.6396 0.010455 0.2462

79 37.6820 11.0886 0.6552 0.005451 0.2762

46 37.2389 12.2797 0.6552 0.006157 0.2814


15 36.7739 13.6674 0.6396 0.008303 0.2453

2 36.6062 14.2055 0.6552 0.010469 0.2451

79 37.6869 11.0763 0.6552 0.005532 0.2745

46 37.2267 12.3116 0.6708 0.006190 0.2801

13 36.7318 13.8005 0.6708 0.009039 0.2380

90 37.7368 10.9496 0.6864 0.005238 0.2788

57 37.4176 11.7847 0.7176 0.005747 0.2771

24 36.7602 13.7107 0.6864 0.008474 0.2433

101 37.5727 11.3713 0.6708 0.005622 0.2825

68 37.5071 11.5443 0.6552 0.005787 0.2921


21 36.7433 13.7641 0.6552 0.009369 0.2357

68 37.5047 11.5507 0.6552 0.005706 0.2913

35 36.8139 13.5421 0.6369 0.007476 0.2529

2 36.6247 14.1453 0.6552 0.010349 0.2471

79 37.6770 11.1014 0.7020 0.005484 0.2775

46 37.2360 12.2879 0.7020 0.006185 0.2804

13 36.7414 13.7703 0.6708 0.009003 0.2374

90 37.7414 10.9381 0.6708 0.005246 0.2798

57 37.4242 11.7667 0.6552 0.005718 0.2756

24 36.7557 13.7250 0.6864 0.008402 0.2445

Figure 11- The extracted secret information saved in text file.

Figure 12- The extracted secret information appeared directly on MATLAB front page.


















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Figure 13- The extracted watermark images.

6. Conclusions:

This paper present a new system combination from steganography and watermarking to provided

highly security method to prevent any third party entering and discover the position of information and

watermarking. The propose system it is constructor on the random selected of a set of frames from

video and chose the random bit to embedded the watermarking image between three bit (2,3,4) of

frame pixels, and hidden the information in first bit. Using least significant bit method to hidden both

information and watermark image, provided this method highly efficiency.

1. Encoding in LSB is a good way to implement Stenography .

2. Through the implementation of the proposed algorithms for hiding both of information and

watermark into a cover video. For the viewers, they are difficult to them to notice any alteration

or modification in the video.

3. Random selection of a set of frames from video portion, making the job of opponent is more

difficult to discover where are embedding the information and watermark in the video. Embedded

in which frame and where inside the frame.

4. Also the attacker jobs are being more and more difficult to reach the hidden watermark image due

to random distribution of watermark bits into one of bit (b2, b3, or b4) of each pixels of the


5. firstly, the implementation of hiding system is required to enter the initial seed value and the

number of frames needed to embedding both of information and watermark.

To test and evaluate the proposed hiding system many experiments are done. These experiments and

its results are listed next:

1. Make comparison between the proposed system and another system (second system) in which

the secret information and watermark image are distributed into frames uses deterministic

fashion, this is mean that in the hiding process, embed the secret information and watermark

image into specific bits of each pixel.

The result show that the second system is more speedily to hide the information and watermark

into each frame, but still the confidentiality for proposed system is better. For proposed system, in

each attempt of hiding process, the secret information and watermark image are distributed

randomly on the frame, i.e. the distributions is not linearly and differ for each frame, but in

second system the distribution of secret information watermark image are the same for each trial

of hiding process for all frames.

2. Test the proposed system for different video portions using many initial seed with 10 frames to

embed the information and watermark. the results are clearly indicates that the hiding and

extraction modules are done accurately and there is no missing for any character of the

information even the watermark image is matched highly with one stored in the memory



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