section led by ivan lee reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

Section led by Ivan Lee

Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu


Page 2: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

<% form_for :ninjaTurtle :url => { :action => “train" } do |f| %>Name: <%= f.text_field :name %><%= f.text_field :color %><%= f.text_area :favToppings %><%= f.text_field :weapon%><%= submit_tag ‘Cowabunga!' %>

<% end %>


Page 3: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

<form action="/turtles/train" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0"><input id=“ninjaTurtle_name"

name=“ninjaTurtle[name]" size="30" type="text" />

…<input name="commit" type="submit"

value=“Cowabunga!" /></form>


Page 4: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

In your controller…Access using params[:ninjaTurtle][:name]

Ex:If params[:ninjaTurtle][:name] == ‘turtle’

flash[:warning] = “Your turtle needs a better name!”# see how “flash” is displayed a few slides down


Page 5: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

<% form_for(:pics_or_it_didnt_happen, :url => {:action => :photoPost}, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |form| %><%= form.file_field :pic_field %><br /><%= submit_tag "Upload Picture" %>

<% end %>


Page 6: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

<% if flash[:warning] %><div class="warning">

<%= flash[:warning] %></div>

<% end %>


Page 7: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

You can treat it as a global variablesession["login_id"] =;If session["login_id"] == nil…

Can store all sorts of fun stuff in the session

But when you’re all done, clean up!reset_session7

Page 8: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

Usageif (dont_want_to_reload_page)

render(:controller => turtles, :action => :attack)


Note: “:action” renders the view with the same name as the action


Page 9: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

From the Rails book, pg. 397Many forms require a user to enter some

piece of information twice, the second copy acting as a confirmation that the first was not mistyped. If you use the naming convention that the second field has the name of the attribute with _confirmation appended, you can use validates_confirmation_of to check that the two fields have the same value. The second field need not be stored in the database.


Page 10: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

Ex (if you really wanted to ensure the Ninja Turtle’s favorite color):

<%= f.text_field:color” %><br /><%= f.text_field:color_confirmation”

%> <br />class Turtle < ActiveRecord::Base

validates_confirmation_of :colorend10

Page 11: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

if (there_is_a_post_error)@errorMessage = “You can’t do that!”render(:action => previousAction)return



Page 12: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1

To look something up in the database by multiple fields, use Model.find(:first, :conditions => { … } )

Write out a map of what redirects whereLast part: basically don’t use self.method

Def methodNOT Def MyClass.method or def self.method

Make your layouts prettier – this helps with frustration when debugging“but it still looks so nice!”


Page 13: Section led by Ivan Lee Reachable at ivan period lee at cs period stanford period edu 1