section b 3a-4 self-check unite 5 can you come to my party?

Section B 3a- 4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

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Page 1: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

Section B 3a-4


Unite 5

Can you come to my party?

Page 2: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

星期一 Monday

星期二 Tuesday

星期三 Wednesday

星期四 Thursday

星期五 Friday

星期六 Saturday

星期日 Sunday

Page 3: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

What’s today ?What was yesterday ?

What’s tomorrow?

What’s the day after tomorrow?

It was …

It’s Thursday the 12th.

Page 4: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?

B: I’m going to…

A: What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?

B: Well, I’m…


Sports game

Page 5: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

Great picnic !

Time: Sat, Oct 23, at 13:00pm

Place: Zhongshan park

Come and have fun! Name Yes No reasons


Plan a party!

Look at the invitation and fi

nd out who can come. A: Can you come to my picnic?

B: When is it?

A: Next week, on Saturday afternoon at 13:00.

B: Yes, I’d love to.

C: I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test…

D: I’m sorry, too. I have to…

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A: Can your mother go to the concert?B: When is it?A: It’s on Saturday evening.B: Sure/ Yes/ Certainly, she’d love to.

B: No, she can’t. She is doing housework. She has to babysit my sister. She has a party with her friends. your mother

concertMonday eveningdo housework

babysit my sister

have a party with

her friends

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theyplay footballSunday afternoon

A: Can they play football with us?B: When is it?A: It’s on Sunday afternoon.B: Sure, they’d love to Yes, they can.

B: No, they can’t. They have an English test.

They are visiting their teachers.

They have to do their homework.

have an English test

visit their teachers

do homework

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3a. Read the e-mail and write. Hi Henry, Thank you for your invitation.

I’m sorry I can’t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. (Yuck! ) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?

Write soon. Sonia



Tuesday dentist





A: What is Sonia going to do on…? B: She is going to…

? cousin’s birthday party

tennis training with the school team

study for the chemistry test

go to the movies with some friends


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Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message. Use “I’m + Verb+ ing ” or “I have to + Verb” .

Subject: Party From: TonyHi Henry,

Thanks a lot for the invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit next week.

On Monday , I have to ______________. On Tuesday, I’m _________________ with my friends. On Wednesday, I have to ______________ my dad. On Thursday, I’m studying for _______________. And on Friday, ______________________ on vacation with ____________. Please call me after the vacation.


go to the doctor

going to the moviesgo fishing withan English test I’m going to Hangzhou

my parents

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Hi, Lucy,

Thanks a lot for the invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit next week. On Monday , I have to ……On Tuesday, I’m…….On Wednesday I…….On Thursday …… Please call me after the vacation.

SherryThank you for asking.Thank you for inviting me.Thank you for your invitation.Thanks a lot for the invitation.I’m sorry I can’t...

3c Write an e-mail message to a friend. Say why you can’t visit next week

Page 11: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

2. Imagine you are Marie. Read the invitations and look at your schedule. Write replies to the invitations.

Sunday go to the mall at 9:00

Monday finish the geography project in the evening

Tuesday football match at 5:00 pm on TV

Wednesday piano lesson from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm

Thursday culture club at 4:00 pm

Friday movies with Sam in the evening

Saturday fishing with grandpa the whole day


What are you doing on Saturday? Can you play tennis with me?


Can you come to my party on Monday at 7:00 pm?



Can you come over to my house on Wednesday evening to discuss the science report? I’m free till 10:00 pm.


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Read the short passage

• Hi Lydia ,• Thanks a lot for the invitation to visit you 。 I’m sorry

I can’t visit next week 。 On Monday , I have to study for my science test.On Tuesday , I’m going to the movie with my friends. On Wednesday ,I have to have a piano lesson.On Thursday , I’m going to my friend’s birthday party.On Friday,I have to go camping with my classmates.Please call me later.

• Write soon.• Lily Fill in the blanks on P84

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Useful phrases:

study for a test come to the party the whole day another time soccer practice try to do write soon have a piano lesson

have to dothis weekenda birthday partythe day after tomorrow join sb.go to the concertculture clubthe day before yesterday

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Accepting invitations• Someone asks: "Would you like to...“• You: "I'd love to, thank you." • "That's very kind of you, thanks." • "It sounds great, thank you." • "That will be lovely, thank you.“• Someone asks: "Do you like to go to the

movie theater with us this afternoon?“• "What's great, thank you." • "What a good idea, thank you."

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•  • Making invitations 发出邀请:• "Do you have any plan next Friday night? We ar

e having some friends over for a dinner party. Would you like to join us?“

• "Are you free next Friday night?

• "Are you doing anything Friday night?“

• "Would you be interested in coming to our house that night?“

• "How do you like to join our party Friday night?“

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"That's very kind of you, but actually I'm planning to see my mother next Saturday.”

"Well, I'd love to, but I already told my girlfriend to stay at her place next weekend.“

"I'm really sorry, but I got to do something else on next weekend.“

"I really don't think I can make it - I am supposed to be at airport pick up my girl friend next Sunday morning."

Remember:• 当你拒绝他人的邀请时,要特别注意礼貌。通常你要给个理由,说明为什么无法接受邀请。或者道歉。

•Declining invitations

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Fill in the blanks with the words given, change the form of the word if necessary.

play come have to study visit

1. My American friend is going to _______ me next vacation.

2. Are you ________ football this weekend?

3. I can’t join you because I ________ help my mom on


4. Please keep quiet! I’m trying to ________.

5. Do you want to _______ to my birthday party?




have to


Page 18: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

Fill in each blank with a word or a phrase from

the box and change the form where necessary. discuss come help babysit invite

1.Can you_______over to my house? I want to talk with you.2. Last Saturday my best friend_______me with my mat

h.3. My teacher wants to________the science report with

me.4. On weekends, she always _________her cousin’s baby.5. He forgets to_______me to his birthday party.






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inishisited ad

Page 20: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

1. Do you have the h of drinking milk everyday?2. Hamburgers and potato chips are j food.3. Because of his sore t , he can’t speak loudly. 4. Hard work makes a lot of people feel s out.5. Every year, more and more foreigners come to China to study t Chinese medicine.6. It’s very important for us to eat a b diet.7. They didn’t stop talking u the teacher came in the classroom.8. Are you going to spend your summer v with you brother.9. If you feel tired of your work, you can take a day off to go s .10. How many kinds of t do you know?11. In China, buses are the most popular m of transportation.12. She’s going c for vacation.13. He watches TV t a week.14. Good food and exercise can help us to keep h .15. -- do you surf the Internet? -- Once a week.A: How much B: How long C: How soon D: How often









Page 21: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

1. Thanks for your i to visit next Monday.2. Can you come o to my house to j our music club?3. He is d the science report with his classmates.4. He has piano l every Friday.5. They are having a football m .6. Can they go to the c . 二、选择正确的词1. Thank you for (ask/ asking), but I can’t go to the mo

vies with you.2. Paul has to study (at/ for) the math test tonight.3. My mother has too (much/ many) homework to do.4. Can you come to my party (at/ on) Saturday night?5. She invites me (watch/ to watch) the basketball match t

he day after tomorrow.6. I like playing (piano/ the piano).三、选择题1. Can you play tennis with on Saturday ? A: us B: we C: our D: ours

nvitationver oin





onto watch

the piano


Page 22: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

2. Henry his homework this afternoon.A: have to do B: have to doing C: has to do D: has to doing3. Tony is playing tennis the school team.A: on B:in C: to D: with4. Jim play soccer with his friend this weekend, because he is very busy.A: can B:cans C: cann’t D: can’t5. - ? -It’s October the 14th.A: When is today B: what’s today C: What time is todayD: What day is today6. He is with his father the whole day.A: fish B: fishes C: to fish D: fishing7. –Can you come to my party? - .A: Sure, I love B: Sure, I love to C: Sure, I’d love to D: Sure, I’d love.







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16. Homework, most students do homework everyday.A: About B: For as C: As for D: For17. My mother exercises.A: hard ever B: hardly ever C: ever hard D: ever hardly18. We don’t know where to go for vacation and finally we Hawaii.A: decide in B: decide to C: decide at D: decide on19. – Where are we going for vacation, Daddy? -- It the money we have, my dear.A: depends B: depends on C: according to D: decides on20. The teacher starts the class a song.A: to B: with C: on D: in21. Stay and then you will do your work better.A: health B: healthy C: healthily D: healthiness22 --I have a bad cold. -- .A: Lie down and rest B: you’d better see a doctor C: I am sorry to hear that D: above all23.Are your lifestyle as mine?A: same B:as same C: so same D: the same









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24. You are coughing a lot. You’d better the medicine.A: to take B: taking C: take D: not to take25. -- do you live from school? -- It’s ten minutes’ drive.A: How long B: How far C: How fast D: How soon 26. It’ll you about half an hour to finish the work.A: spend C: get C: take D: bring27. In North America, most students go to school the school bus.A: take B: on C:in D: by28. – How do you arrive here? -- You see, I’m just . It’s not far.A: on foot B: walk C: on feet D: walking by foot 29. – Is it far from your house? -- Oh, yes, .A: two hour’s drive B: two hours driveC: two hours’ drive D: two hours’ driving30. I can’t help you cheat in the exam, we are best friends.A: because B: if C: so D: although








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四、按要求转换句型。1. He’s playing tennis on Sunday afternoon.( 对划线部分提问) on Sunday afternoon?2. The movie begins at six o’clock.( 对划线部分提问) the movie ?3. Mary can come to the party.( 改为否定句) Mary come to the party.4. He has to study.( 改为一般疑问句) he to study?5. Can you go to the mall this week?( 做出肯定回答) Sure, .

What is he doing

What time does begin


Does have

I’d love to

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II. 对话填空。每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。

A: Hey, Xiao Wang, can you go to the m_______ on Saturday?B: I’m s______, I can’t. I have too much h_______ this weekend. And I’m not f_ ____ well today.A: That’s too bad. What’s the m_______?B: I’m not sure. Maybe I have a c______, as I’m feeling a little cold.A: I think you’d b_____ go to the d_______.B: I also t______ so. A: Maybe I’m asking you to come another time.B: Sure. T______ for asking.

ovies orry omework



etter octor hink



Page 27: Section B 3a-4 Self-check Unite 5 Can you come to my party?

Homework1.Make a holiday schedule (日程表) like this :

2.Then ask your friends to go with you for some activities ( 活动) .

Play basketb-all



Visit my uncle

readClean the house














study for a test



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Write an e-mail message to a friend. Say why

you can’t come to the picnic next week.

Great picnic !

Time: Sat, Oct 23, at 13:00 pm

Place: Zhongshan park

Come and have fun!

Hi Tim, __________ __________ Ann

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