section 2: invaders, traders, & empire builders sargon ruler of akkad, conquered neighboring...

Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created the world’s first empire. Once Sargon died, his empire crumbled. ~2300 bc Empire: A group of states or territories ruled by one leader

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Page 1: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire BuildersSargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring

city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created the world’s first empire. Once Sargon died, his empire crumbled.

~2300 bc

Empire: A group of states or

territories ruled by one leader

Page 2: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Hammurabi King of Babylon. Improved irrigation, organized a well

trained army, and encourage religious unity across the empire.

1790 bc

Page 3: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Ruins of Babylon from Saddam Hussein's Summer Palace

Page 4: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Hammurabi’s Code•Most laws around since Sumerian time but he wanted entire empire to know

•Artisans carved 282 laws on stone pillar

•First important attempt by a ruler to Codify

Page 5: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Hammurabi’s Code•Civil Law: Private rights and matters. Such as, business contracts, property, taxes, marriage and divorce.

• Criminal Law: Deals with offenses against others. Such as, robbery, assault, and murder.

Eye for an Eye

Man had legal authority over wife, also legal duty to support


Limits personal vengeance and

encourages social order

Trial by


Page 6: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

~1400bc to 1200bc

New Empires and Ideas• Hittites

– They were able to extract iron from ore, this knowledge changed the way weapons were created. • Iron tools & weapons were harder & sharper than

bronze & copper

– Modified the chariot to allow for three man to ride. One driver, and an additional soldier to fight the enemy.

Page 7: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created
Page 8: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

New Empires and Ideas• Assyrians

– Among most feared warriors in all of history

– They captured Babylon and spoke of their conquests everywhere.

– Encouraged a well ordered society

– Used wealth from trade and war to build great palaces and well planed cities “The city and its

houses, from top to bottom, I destroyed & burned with fire.”

Page 9: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created
Page 10: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

• Nineveh• King Assurbanipal



Page 11: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

1st king

Babylon• Shortly after Assurbanipal’s death, neighboring forces defeated Assyrians

• Nabopolassar reestablished Babylon, 625 bc

• Nebuchadnezzar• Aggressive and ruthless• Quickly revived Babylon and surrounded the city with a moat and brick wall

(85 feet thick)

612 bc

2nd king

After nearly 1000 years

of decline & destruction

Page 12: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Ishtar Gate

• Lions representing goddess Ishtar

• Nine gateways dedicated to gods

Page 13: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created


Gardens of Babylon

–One of the seven wonders of the ancient world

Page 14: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

• Name a significant contribution made by the

Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians.

Page 15: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Persians Nebuchadnezzar's thick walls failed to hold back new

conquerors 539 bc, Babylon fell to Persian armies of Cyrus the Great

Went on to build largest empire yet

Persian kings known for tolerance, acceptance of

conquered people. Respected customs of diverse groups in

their empire

Page 16: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Codified laws

Hundreds of miles of

Roads built to encourage unity

Persians Darius I

Ruled from 522bc - 486bc Real unification of Persian empire

Set up bureaucracy: system of governance through departments & subdivisions administered by officials who follow set rules

Became a model for later rulers Divided empire into provinces (called a

satrapy) & headed by governor called a satrap Paid taxes based on resources & wealth Special officials visited to check up on them

Page 17: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Persians Darius I

Encouraged use of coins (Lydians of Asia Minor first introduced)

Brought merchants into early form of money economy

Still, most people continued barter economy

Goods & services paid for with token

of agreed value

Exchange one setof goods & services

for another

Page 18: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

United Persia

Zoroaster Persian thinker Rejected Persian gods

Monotheistic Taught of single wise god, Ahura

Mazda who was constantly at battle with Ahriman the prince of lies & evil

People would have to choose a side

~ 600 bc

Eventually Ahura Mazda would triumph over evil

Page 19: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

On final judgment day, all individuals would be judged for their actions

“Then the assembly... will meet, that is, all men of this earth will stand. In that assembly, every person will se his own good deeds and evil deeds. The righteous will be as conspicuous amongst the wicked as a white sheep among the black... They will then [carry] the righteous to the abode of harmony [heaven], and cast the wicked back to the wicked existence [hell]... Then [the last savior] Soshyant by order of the Creator will give reward & recompense to all men in conformity with their deeds.” Zoroastrian scripture

Two other religions

Emerged in the Middle East

Page 20: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Phoenicians•Small states of ancient Middle East also made contributions to civilization

Page 21: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Phoenicians•Due to the location in close proximity, to the sea, the Phoenicians were sailors and traders.•The sea gave the Phoenicians sand in which they created glass. As well as a tiny sea snail that produced a wildly admired purple dye.

•The Phoenicians set up colonies, a territory settled and ruled by people from another land. •These colonies allowed for better trade

between countries and continents.

Page 22: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

Phoenicians “Carriers of civilization”

They spread Middle Eastern civilization around the Mediterranean

Alphabet One of most significant Phoenician


Cuneiform, symbols represented syllables or whole words

Alphabet, symbol represents a single basic sound

Greeks adapted Phoenician


The words on this slide come from Greek alphabet

Page 23: Section 2: Invaders, Traders, & Empire Builders Sargon Ruler of Akkad, conquered neighboring city-states of Sumer. He expanded his territory and created

What were the accomplishments of the Sumerians? Hittites? Persians? Phoenicians? Babylonians?

What is Hammurabi’s Code & what was it the first example of?
