sectio s1ate society i… ·...

SECTIO rrlIE SAL LAKE HERALD STNDAY 25 190 7 OE JJNF3 I > = S1ATE SOCIETY PROVO One of Ute t 11e the se Ute ORe evening by My and Mrs S In honor ot the oI thplr daughter to nay lr or Lake wu in the Salt Lake teM rue party Will met at the with a decrted carriage followed by equally well equipped w ch were a hall giria and boys pouring forth sweet MuSIC from Un The JjlOUII WeIe lighted with arc Upts the tht hou presented a beautiful ap PC3Jancc with its floral deco- rations The ortde was ebiiutflg In ft gown oC white silk mull with trimming She carried bridal roMS The presents were many an An elaborate wedding uppfr waa served QuIte a number of S Lake people were In attendanN Mr d MrL will in Salt Lake City Miss BosweU and Wood PrOM- Incnt and Infivential women aC Wa g ton D e were the guests of lld Reed Smoot thia w TnOY were delighied with Prove 1tDI lit their praise of tM accord- ed the senator and his charming wife Th of Mr and Mrs SmUI S Balky Ji South Fourth est a seelf of beautY and gaietY on vin the be- Ing In honor of marriage or their son Bert to Miss Alice Kirkwood daugh ter of R C and Mrs EMza Kirk wood The ceremony which thene two prw was by tle Recd Smt at D HL lit enc of the immediate tam The was gowned In a dainty white crepe with the groom in the usual suit of blaCk The houSt dorationa were in white and pur 11 tll perfume and- S Nt prevailing K The lawT which was J1 TapalJe8C lanterna had a fleer atr waa In One and fttty were ed at mst simptuous wedding feast The pffS- u1ts Wfre MtMI Mrs nHI Smoot Wall a visitor in Salt Lake fore ol the week On rriday moat suecessful- e haling dish supper was on the lawn at of Mr aJMi Jlra F E oilman At oclock forty Irt down to a snowy table decorated entirely In white and green Cut sI1UJ8 bowls and vaspg were filled with white roses and swert pca8 MOd inter mingled with the flCent prsented Indeed a ttmptlng appeitluce The chafing were ably over hy Twelt and Lena Niss Bachman poured the TapanfS lanterna and fans coy eonterI- rranged with rage and tOZy tR ore Qut and bean bag throwing to give the spacious lawn and beautiful until dark all adjourned to liv Inmdrfd was for A or- bOIIrs were by Miae and Phil art the lelpeinus fruit was from a nook on too Many dp rving eompliments paid the boat and hOSISS for tntlb lniDC at SO plrasant an affair it being to large crowd 1t- h dish but it jfi to be then will be many such affAirs In the Itur A prtt hOOiC wedding waR that of Anna and Dorea- whkh took at the the brides parents fvening The knot lied I Bishop Ralph bride tmlnt in dainty gown or taM crepe A sumptuous supper Mall and prele1lW were re co1vd Salt Lake City is her daughter Mrs nCfil SMoot this C1o Charles JOI daT s siting aiMI ill Proo thi The trout Prswo to meet ml party as guests of Go rnnr utler iicnaes ahil MIS Srnt Mayor end Mrs Roylanee Irs R R IrVmc 51 Mr MAd MrS J mfS and State Caleb T3flucr Thc annual reunrou of the Cleft took place at the Provo Lake Resort 1 utsday on u lItth anniversary flee j Ironl Cluff His Beta William OLSSIt Ike- mlld lIyrum and Jerry 1 Provo were prcoent with tn abbut a hundred of their a little jirramme mat rdtations ricnieing and boating con tuted main pleasures ol the irofeasor and Mrs Lund entertained PresldE Lund Tuesday Hank Johnson was surprised Tuesday at Isle home in the Sixth ward b mCml 18 of his Sunday school class ltH in rnd reitatione and a dainty lunch was sc1 Mr arid Mrs A stir by officers of the X I A or- Tht Fifth ward at the home of and iTrs C Newell Tuesday evening Long tabls neatly decorated were arranged on the lAwn and about fifty partici- pated and lIIialD3 left on ridJY for another JI to the Sand islands Ada Dusenberry of Xr and JL and one or Provo moot charming and popular 31uug ladies was on Wednday t F Sibley of Perry certmony WM performed at noon in Ute Salt Lake lnakfast was served at the Emery Johnes at which the of the YOU couple Wt cUt and Mrs will In a few days for an extended European trip returning the latter part of will be Rt home to their friends ftpr Sept 1 at Perry Ore Miss Sadie Draper of this city and Remington of united marriage by oBotb- 1llSStS Mina Houston and Sadie ra lam spent in American Fork the Jnsts of Mr and My LoIIston Mrs Kitty and Mrs D Slater cr a few days at and Mrs to C Donovan have re after a months vacation IlpeDt iD- visltlIU through California Mrr Elon Allcn a Ken smgton about forty of lady t lwr home afternoon TIle r ms Were pttily decorated With roMS k rpctttttions and elaborate rcfrp- hr ts all tended to make a most enjoy f afternoon E K Griffin or this but now residing at Elko an- T ures the marriage of her Ann F Otimon r Od1 at Elko Mr Gibson ill well known the WllPAper men the stat be- lg at one time editor of the Th Elks Commercial club a rn1er Tuenday evening in n d the defeat the baseball B P 0 FL sustained at- t Lc hands of tM merchants 1Iine TIre EIrnkr was well attended and several fatLrCS were pulled off for entertain which might not appear COlUMn being a beer t1rtnk- f1 g ontest between a prominent or each dub and notller a toutent Refreshments tnctdla arm beam were served All report a ddihUul evening Snator and Mrs SMOOt gave a fishing honor of Smith pusin Frederick SmIth from Iowa It is visiting the state The Inhdt about a dozen and taken t ti In two steam i1ta a elaborate luncheon by Mrs Smoot partaken 0- 1Aftr the deIlgbtul a dinntr was td at the Provo lake resort The fish dinner uj at the Hotel Robtru on Was nn of the social tt the sum TlT SOtOC ninety odd eXfUrsto sat d 18 the guests hm X paid glowing tribute tQ the a doing to it Xo- wtrr SfoonAtor Smoot acee- ltltma1 ter said that all Us t llo WAS to eat n vMs f1n and tit Hannon- i tj tam down u far as Pro tho 1ngrfMdonal partv visiting Pont of iI- i state mental hospital w XUndotlbJt8 went to i it d itS were chaperoned die Tnr 5 and T E ltd r rut forty of their at their home irItIIy evening of their Who marrf d Wednesdy to Mine The wee prct tHy decorated with Att elaborate vs by the hapy wire both tuabIe aiid useful Mrs DaldQulat ntlrlltlned- fonday at theIr Jnp In ward In hOnor their son C 6- ahlquist who hortty for Ikmb twtu4c tOO shod with H dainty luftCft v4p a 1IhIe HItm Wevdhead at1d N J Ra In a- tftk A- A Noon t tM two JPI- dd on t of Fourth and th immediate rUnt WCddtfl was iVIt- Fhursday marriage Nargaret yule 4ezed- at bridal hitetijW- OL Iacr rerd Mim Senator Mrs by rogjdenee tree- trr Wednmda3 the Mr ust1 is 5e th e bride eeUSfl- of Iac txmiaiit WC4t rcoca- peara by- mcrrus diing hun- dred ueIts valimede iweeI the nrt eeiibag it served the home 7 trailing green sweet fIowrS and ment beautiful and dsh s Miiuei- iFtwn ltachmafl and Beulab coffee combined gru1ids whori the boone where eoupe Prizes won Fnwn- Twelves Duriag tZY porch were an wimewbat- itW entertain so a et fing hoped Miss Gudgeon place home of Z North Third WeaL Wdneeday w Poltou The was cLi a waa hr autitul usefuL Mrs Eldredpr of vi- 1tmg Wc Mrs llcrkstead Weat TCIitU5S frIeida week following went tongremional Reed lr- ad Clove hgineer faM- U hC deceased seas min of Mealcu hear all c bthg lronY1- ealdes of amiga the day ctnng evening was games ed V Williams were rrAsed the Mr M Mr Mrs sicli Miss daughter Mrs W married Joscph Ore The wedding oniy Immediate- relatAves pres Mr IIb1Oy leave August They 1- I Brigham were r Wednesday Judge Sunday Ihues spenthng Castilia- Mr 1 ira td entertained a her fren Tuesday Mi Mrs C ty Nev to Wllftant Wednesday l et Springle- lrdcncndcnt gave the comm nine of- ttit reeesstjy IrA nt well la the rcity one reprc- rtative lcAng I arts in President and- s psty- r were fishing grounds where moat Ir 4v1dd was sail ffrh tr givct tin 5rSndOn- atjrty Monday events of scpre- Ivi I honor made and 40rg5 Sutherland f Misses and rced- T interest th the- tiler ark TL by gee ScCTOt1- Mr Mrs Boron frien IPS Second West sos was on evsig irz a tiidgeon rots ssr per was 5Pre4 meaeot 31r 2nd evening the of leaves speeches r eornhifld cot eventng- Mis issn were joined we4hk Wed erefling 1w Iuigf ef w4 North SeCOnd W05 Qaly > > < < > relituven of contracting were A sumptuous supper was served llISePts A most was at tile Fourth l ball Thursday contests were ntredced and prizes warded for the D P Thuenoia sd Mrs Ben the ones Songs MI were with The games and light refreshments Were served Mrs T A Smith of olereur is visiting jn this db with her mother Mrs Charles Mrs B haa to Eureka to a month with her mother Mrs aeck- i LIzzie WAS the recipient or- t S moat surpdse on Saturday in the way of shower at the of her parents Ir- I and Mrs the F urth Wmd y a of Boydert and William Meld 111m wit be married in the Salt Lake tempie on Wed I Belday aseat Mrs Eliza Nelson returned home Thurs aay after weeks visit In Willard with r parents Mr and Mrs Call The social given erasing at the home of Mrs Wee tar by Method 8t church was a mOt pleasing event OrrrIS the- I were perved and a menc dellgiltrul even Wilson H anti daughter Cora were visitors in Salt Thurs- day LOGAN Mr John and Miss Kate TIIadter two young II88IJIe of this Oily were unlttd In mar- riage on Wednesday Tile groom it one of Ute rltrs young his bSlds a of Moses Thatctler A reception was tndt red the wedded pair on WedneSday at home of the brldes parents Only members of tIe of tile contract partl weie ut at tt tlteIe was a Tht evening with and otliet Social Trt8 tiuri and a dejlcoue wedding sup per f rved Mia Althea CroeklU to her home In Boise this with Logan relatives Miss D Green ofrtDII Is VI6 T T Mr R S of Sell Lake City is spending a OT two with Chieg is ox ted to reach here week whore will with her other for a time Professor H IC Merrill and wife svnivstt In Logan this week from where he has been studying for time Mr and Mrs Robert of I with Logan friends this week On Tuesday A entertained in their honor and on Mrs Wlhoom father 1 C Gartf gave It btmqltft In their honor at the Lincoln hotel RalDh returiseil froM California wlttthPl a nQ- nf with Mrs of returned to home aft visiting for some time as the HIt of Mr fi Mr S W IfnJdricks of RkhntotMl peiit a days of week ift Ll1n Mr and Alfred Osmond of Provo LonR lids week Mr stsd Mrs S lAtm0ff8lIx returned this from York where ttwy nnetst a It- i II lTpbMm here for where he visit for a thus friends Mr W D Beers of Sttlt Lake City waS Rig friends on Tut dayMr It here frost Icy on a visit Dr Thomas of reached nit Monday and will San to medicine with his Dr P J J1nerI c Rpxbtlq was in Leiran the flrkt of 1ki week Mr Mrs T L Caibbu or in JAan Thuts4y BINGHAM A T who In Los Cat tf Mr Roberts x delightful trip Mrs Robrts who reat- lVftJ at West Jordan returned itkJlr Roberts The or Mr and Miss G eVa Bartlett took in Salt Lithe U 1IIQ Mr Esikk is of Bioghams popular young men and Bartlett from lammoth Mr slid Mrs RliBIi will snake BI their future home They have the wishes of their friends About a dozt had a nk up Dry canyon Senility the flAy was spent in social chat a Itt lunch served Mr and tl Henry Thames were city Mr and Mrs Deane were Zion Visitors first of week The ladles of the Pecahontas gave pleasant card party at the home of Mrs Jolmer Hill Whist Xr Finch and John SuWao while Mrs Beasts and XI W Brecken carried away the consolations A dainty lunch was served to about seventy Rs was a visitor to the capital dame Wednesday night 11 a large crowd Music was furnished Ir the Mandolin lhb Mr Mrs Murillo Honey and children from Sat Lake accompanied JIll Vir gil Benev of Indiana spent the Stt bath with Mrs l3eiies tIr and W S Garrison Mrs H Y Lure city visitor the fIrst of Mrs John Snfdar MRtJ to attend the Pwabontas card Miners An siid from Lake mft the guest their brother I R S GuNss a city during week Mrs Mary returned froM a to Salt Lake Y About twenty friends of Nr and Mrs X R planned t surprise on them at their la depot Mrs G4orpe E Lee is vllkt relative at X Murray Irons I is her Mel T W n C was tU- I eng 1 from Salt LaKe and Mrs A T Klourne were city visitors during Mabel trOts sJt Lake Is 15itin 10 caMP I Kiss Nannie Butt tJdd troRtSAX Lake I r pest Mine Vlet8lta Hem MI lake day I I A at t pIe Wed when Mills Mad Sen were ulllted in nh e BY President John D T XcAlIIBHr TM greets Is tHe j son of Mrs ASiMIIa SIdwPIl of this and resides at DeLamer Xev where b- ebI recently PurebSeed a y lttfl8 horn to take his bride The bride Is the I daughter of Mr Jenta Madsen of ManU and is ODe the btaudtul of I teMple dty being respected and r imitation of our peopltr ThfI COtIPt- eTb Y at noon for Y01k I bride has a brother a native of tMeIdnc in of the schools IIIfft spend their honeymoon t1Ie t for a short User they return to Te Lamar where tke orat his of No rt taiJII waS held k few of flirt and wished the Another fashionable I at noon on Wednesday at tM tAlltst1r e T D T NCAHtMet- I saarried o Jehn Frank Anre4 Fair view T1io ceremony wits perforasagi tilt father of the bride The bride was In a beautiful white and ifod to tle altar by a nUmbet f I her A quiet rlMp lion W evening at the home tM r1dt a i MOO gathered I for Fairview ThurM where they will short Urn next it Is expected that the grOftlR leaves r Nor wa to fill a TIjt ion interest or the MfflJI1otl church Both are very In their localities anti Mdtl young wopli Conrail law or our popular ssnd lL H Ogden Were niarrie fd day tpt1otl heW I at tl1 iwune tii usia city where a few I frnl f ty peok giitl1er 1 1 enjoy fI watllfmf A i ding fned I those prs the present and sissy imeifli es ward soda venlit Several WrI8e being frtdsb recitations Interspersed Vincent for a few days W Ward spend Miss evenisg gvea home of isusiber friatids Miss several strawberry Friday W the conveyed 5515 to Mrs WseterS home which is some miles out of tdvfl Refreshments Christianson aisllla well known energetic men and is daughter evening the families big pronL large throng was spent masic nmes was returned week Ztar visiting for two or tlree weekz and friends Maggie lUng with Campbell Logan Miss Mghei Orsndi of this she visit li1caati ifte41c14e aetna Wilson Ogilen visited evening Mrs James Ander- Son Wednesday evening Mrs Moore Saturday else wrest pie months ago bet mother Mrs West Esnas RIehfleid her no lVedpcrslay sd Mrs Rll entp14 if this Mrs tsited with triends W weok New City year snia5kkries Professor left on- Sanday the east will I4tIt greeting many Logan SelonBarber Stssrval to friends B4Igi Chlcwi here remain In Lit practice brother Budee- lrofeesor W and Plttalwrg- wete ROberts has bees visiting Angeles rcpOrt bus boen vielting marriage Jamne ltslkk hsee Monday June one Miss is ngham best many young pie Fork snd O- fpetizing was visitors Wednesday Fred the the a- very night was the game of the evening prizes were on by Tanner s Mrs Hill Mrs Fred W guests Mrs Mike Tuesday The given was attended ant by parents Mrs waa a the week was IM mrty- lbe Beritag Salt are In of Mr was visitor the Klupeimtlee tri Josien a Mindarnight Riverton- Mrs C Cuiseborlaud- Wyo visiting sister Sloane Mrs fimeis as In4mmbeg MOtIdY- Mr the WOOk Miss is the Beater was 5 lss- enger MrArI very plonsani wa4tsg the last Laray- ette and city daughters the highly vry many jo sft 1ew City we the MadnelT also Manti- w Ia eise The Wi wlpn tin groom up hIs Jshemitbing I here Osdy the Immediate yeda- I tfrea together yug 0 orcstred high I temple wheis Minera daugh- I r President was of Isy dregs d ws relatives ad Mends was bed here few relatives friends They left Spend a In the pop- ulr reanerttve romipeted Stutanegger jhotngrapbere MIne Mary gal at the temple Iat A ns nI 0015 Ig Wednesday vniisg els ie stud tji esteemed y uutg to ceugyittidale- these feast was < > > > cot and a number of by the newly married Mr and lTs er will make their home in this city p 11 slat Miss uuu ard both of were married at the temple Woones ay by President John D lcAIHster nephew the groom E of and Her TackseR Gleuiwood Sevier onus were married at the temple Wedner day Monday the young ladler of the I Improvement association of the North ward ot ManU gave a social to their members at the ward house lU8Jty of the young ladles were present and a number of the ward and take authorities were present to partake of the ties the of this association Strawberries and ceke were served An appropriate protramme was anti a general good time was by thoSe presentmore than lfd In number Marriage have issued to this week woo were not marrIed at the temple William F and Elvina itt Pleasant Austin Burl and Katie Rae mussenof A suriwise was undertaken Thursday by a of Ute friends of Mrs Ellza1teth It being her eiShtJIfJrst birthdAY A very pleasant time as enjoyed and Mrs T Taneser of Fatnlew were thIs week visiting Ute T T Lazenby and visited rieBds this Willis fRoblson and son I Benjamin or Los Wayne county In this week visiting friends J D T McAllister attended Ute stake conference at Fountain Green last W StIlwell sail wife and Gideon W Sidwell of Mereurwere here this to witanes the or their brother Fafayette to Miss Mary A J and tAmly of Mflburn were ManU vlsttOl8 C Keller and are an outing at Salt Lake and surruand at present Mrs John Leonard siC the Is visiting mOther Mrs Joshua The Literary stab MId Its first this yr lit the home of Mrs Louise F Becker Thursday evening IHft Mrs F Becker D C Brown Mrs T of Burns and Mrs lone Tinges acted ail The ladies tM t1suin Teat after which ft pleasant time spent the atttrnoon was en the Iswu ill front or the Decker Mrs Ellings ford ot Bench former meat of the 13 little talk upon the butics of her nWJY home on Cuds are out R the marriage- of MisS Ft lays of to Mr Leyland Gr bam of Provo The marriage wilt In Salt lAke tem- ple on Wednesday June Ii A reception will bra tM happy couple the fol loWIng at the home of brides parents and Mrs F T Flnlayson The moat Opular entertainment to transpire in Psyson month come next Friday flight In the pa yflion commencing at S ocleck The pro rIIinDlf will of musical and lit erary to eontludt with a grand ball local the Importation of two numbers on a solo Miss TpPpcnlOn or Provo and au okcu tlousry Iece h1 Mr Frank L Colburn- ofC o wtfl pro fine lea Tile proreeds from affair will go to u4 fund to a rousing ctlebra TIt thfo music taM thing lies been ooltfOd tM corn mittee It be sons that a Ja e mtm he added to the general und in this accepted the usittoet of agent at Robinson C C Langley spent vl among friends In lake City this week Frank Hawkins Is at Benja mln from vl6lting reitiUves and friends Mr Mrs Frgak Coomba of Sandy are sojourni Mis ieemhs parents oIl and JI Deputy Richmond was in Salt jr who the peat few months Sl Lake rtturQP4i home w TfIftftIn until after tile Mrs John Reeves sad eel urnId- tn their home m Salt LAke ThuNd after II ten visit their mother Mrs S fi H8Ir Tiptosi left for IslabOt tobf tllrH Bus her SOIt at Soda and at BlackWot CakkL who has SaI1l Dont has returned to la Salt Lke CIty Mrs Clifford BAte and went to spend a ten days Dr A F Noihabty to Salt Lake where sles a position with K II Townsend Co EPHRAIM and tuftents of sum- mer school gave a MJi 1 dancing party at the opera house Wednesday evening slid a sassiest entertainment evening Bishop A p Andersen a weeks here relatives friends ye turned to Ids home lit Ida Mrs DfII Larsen of Sunnysisle is with ttves and friends in this city Mrs Taylor ar Mr and MrS J C F Lund at Forest Dale Miss Sarah elaborately ulned the faculty of the summer and a number friends at her home Saturday Irs Christine of Salt Lake I is a guest of her daughter Mrs Charles TohMn of this city I Mrs Eric returned to home in Richfield Wednesday Miss Hazel of Prows and I Christie of MOIIroe were guests C Part Yfliardseu Monday P C of Draper was Ins with Mr and Mrs James Frost Tues d ies Nora Anderson from Fort Collins Cole Tweasiny for a few weeks visit relatives and friends Mrs Peter R Tea of Salt Lake City vWUnS relatives and friends lit tills clU Mr had Mrs Charles Nelson of Red were Ephratm O C left Sunday for Califor II to ho with his wife Is sueo- olg the summer there Oft Occount or her henith Moses came boise from Salt Lake Susdey Mrs TetzeII sad Miss Belle Turner of Salt Lake City were in Friday Wnrd Phersen IIe Iseesse Price where he been for the put three monthe PARK CITY social event of the the party giveis Monday evening by Florence and Leo Talbot at home on Roe Me The Interpreting of mauls was Ute game of the much interest to be taken by all tIt and the prize vas won by Ed Lecomttte An of the were very In halt choke cherry blossoms and carnations were used in the parlor choke cherry bloais SAd Jo the room roses Very dainty served and after a number of musical selections had been rendered the gathering Drok up and an the young peope de dared the evening spout Mine Agnes Hsrrhigtue and sister John Martin carne up to the Park this week Mrs Martin wilt visit for a short time Mrs John Geiger left Wednesday afternoon for Salt Lake wht she Will make Mr been the future Mr and Mrs AIMaJtder Gibson i home to the Park morn f in II visit hi the Mrs John Joluneon returned home I to Ms home in I Phfli1M1tar Wednesiav after a three visit in I was the fart ghen s FJII at their Mrs John A number I of and cards played after w1tktt were seared the party over Mrs I Gt st of all for In her te- MB Shields home Wednesday trots Salt Lake where has bon attending the and wiN the lairs Dickert t1t1DC un to the Park Friday morning on a Mine MAr t Watson returned to her home In Salt Lake Wednesday after moOfi Mr sister Mrs B A I Drake returned tf to the Park Sunday morMnl after a three months In Twist prjaJls Ida tlown to On It visit Wednesday after ROOr Ir returned bttmeto thE 1 a pleas t Jlk e Mr and Wn J 6f1 marrJlIgf or their daughter to T presentS wre Te- celved will Ifortense C Ogden of Chauney I ty of rendered enjoyed licenses been here I Gidne of CIt3 ed Louise Ame- I flft VaIIIS bf Mt Pleasent Justin A- Caates Farnsworth of Chester afternoprr number Mr 31 hero temple daughter wee Prcaident were the temple city Sunday week marriage Madsen W Tarpin sts week F lIsmily enjoying City metropofte bore her Fk4dhsg Ladles Kes1sgton L Mrs hoetsesee discussed daas of week for social was during Luncheon srired reel4enee WflIhun Loner Cal a her c1gs 34 selected tkeSetP- AYSON LiSle be solemnned the given evening the this will Payson eeWlSt seTertions Besiiei talent the programme by especially tures the Fourth Juty help defray the expenses of pavilktu every ncarly so can will way Skermer lass joint station Mrs a here ilsid Lopen and veLts MJamne Flfliayson Mkrs4m1 Jesse HaL hits spent this wecic Fourth children morning days whit Crandall Mrs Monday months will ialt Springs herdsssght5r MIsS Agaus been here visiting her husso children to- NepitI Thrsdity 11811 Mrs bs goon accosted The faculty the after visit with and Independence Moods vis- iting George Is visiting with Petersen enter school of evening Petersen CitY Charles her Strong Miss Morrison MIsS Rasmussen visit caine home with Is with stood 11oltocs Wednesday Larsen who iehen William visitors lialtrairn Friday from has The week was street advertise evening which particinetita dkooeatoss pertly the I refreshments were jolly Mrs where W hi vs- tutrued after pleasant Tbsrsday morning Ray t1gga returned Mont the Park- A very pleasant affair veil Mrs Sherman home fbr V7 Geiger friends were present weti retihnienb When as received the wishes prosperity ypew returned she iscade- my reniels fec sum- mer Miss short visit aeeeqspanhsd by Dan hIO1dO kttt Mire Sadie Riusbead s the- ft short Park edendly moraine alter weekvt The aniliEitWtUIsi by Keny MIss Loin Kelley < > J Fanning next at the St Mrs E E Shepherd and daughter up to Park on an a I crowd of young people on a Tuee I day up tramway The daY was I pleasantly spent in playing games and a was seed Henry Derry left Friday afternoon for Arizona where he has accepted a posJ tin MIss Frmces the stein hors of the Y G G U the Thu day on JHe The people a In- gathering flowerS nhldpaylng RICHFIELD marriage In Lake Iootl8 lIf WOOd ring and MIss 2tna olr is one of ttteproprioreaed publIsh ers of th and bride WaS until recentJ a resident of Salt Lake She Is a Mrs T T Thornss Of Salt A B Williams of this city Mr and WpOdrln left the city with the press party of weeks view the sights at the Portland exposition and places in Marriage licenses Issued the I John or Kimberly and Agnes Christensen CharMs of Elsinore and Ellen of Monroe and Hilt of Fayette and Hermolne of T Ross who moved to Sterling county in Canada a years Just come down from his home and that the outlook is not very fOrtJhls yeitr as a drouth Is threatened W A Ford of ElsinoreIs In Lebi this week will be joined by her husband and they will make a trip to Calitbn Mrs Minnie Sylvester of ElsinoreIs In Snit Lake this Professor orman MfCarty a Boner county young man but now at the head of musical depsrtmont at the In Michigan Is boise on a to his io Monroe He Is acromD8nif1i HalT Hirsebman of same Daniel Henrip of Mantj spent a day with his son Arthur In this week on his return from a trip to Pan where he a and brother This was the the four brothers and itEr of lam Wednesday came week visit with Mr Shopherik Mrs Charles Shieds chaperoned jolly Shields took leb trhM way dr 1dssaiit day games are ut anpounclnjt the J7j J Justesea Wood the sister of Lake and Mrs Mrs ecursion and will siisnd a eonle lug Oregon past week to George A Sylvester of El sinore and Jane of Rlchu4ld t Andreason of Olddbrandpn Jackson W frOm Jsoph few than reporta Mrs visiting Sh week foinjser Jsekson universIty by Professor the Rihfleld guitch visited sister first time the the I fly had been together coming to 11ah In 1S4 G T OIsoR hotel rOprletw d stockman Emery In Rle1fmd this week the tows wr witti a to a new kmtn I E te RIo field this after months Mt nt she was 1 her motherln1a1 Mrs G Cope of Provo the r pointed ourt stenographer for BuLb district has moved to Rtchffisd and make home Sidney Matming Grass alle and lila sister Mrs Harriet Bro and A Bnlbaker- SL Parts 0 In this DWight leteer hUe firm of Me teer Bros has moved bony where he now Rs employment Mrs W J of Gunnlron and Mrs William or Emery visit with relatives lit hfield this Mrs Ellis and Mrs Cattle Horne or Mesa Ari are visiting with their aister Mrs T B Ramee Harriet Wilkinson hoe returned a Visit or ovcl montbe with the of a Son in Idaho Charles a portion or the week In c or Salt Lake is here Mrs Alex Pioeh and children with her sister l1rs Tantes- BofltlJo sr of tills l1ace- Jr and Mrs Ed Citrk are spending I- Ifewd sIn salt Luke this Mr and Mrs J C Peters of Boukier Mrs jry and Htt Miller front St Johns Aria on a to rulaUvz months on the coast for the benefit of her health Mrs 31 lITolmeon of Sat vtstttd her mother and other relatives here this week Mrs Sena Christensen has returned te- 1t after a visit with her dtlUfta tOt here Mrs J H Nelson huts moved with fAmily to Gold Mountain fOr the summer J PaxmAn or Nephl was a Tuesday Mri Charles Colc in Mr and X A Robertson enter tamed R few friends last Monday night since of was view selecting Mrs Jorgenson returned week a visit aceompenied Jorgenan M the will thiplaee his future and niece baker 311ss Mary oC Richfield week S1the Edwards week Erlaise Mrs family sesut Salt Lake Mrs Maggie linke with her mother Ore of are visiting with relatives week 0 IL Crosby Miss dora visit Ole Larsenhu gestate California after Mrs Larsen Wiw spent sevetal Lake Pheasant hoc EUREKA W visitor In 1ureka spent Tuesday Mrs at a chefing dish party ijtootuit1 being very prettily arrled out In purple i and 0 The Violet WEre afternoon at the home St C C Dan beeR UI st two weeks is to be Mrs Is con to her bavig rust her loot Men day is visiting tsar par tn Sal is at Payson Ihe a I Fred Riches and ehuren have goes to Ptova to the summer and Joseph Barton are Mr and Mrs H Jonis 01- I Salt Lake the latterS father and mother Mrs Janet Harrison of Is vis king E Watkins Colin MeMurphy spent last at Pavseu with his Miss Dora Holdaway who was visiting j Harry is entertaining his c Ark R S Robertson returned Thurs- day front a visit with her daughter In Salt Lake j Mrs Sophia or Sautaquln Is Mrs Thomas Wilson Mrs RS Robertson returned i from a visit with her daughter In SAlt I oral yrs will spend her summer host at SL convent in Dais Editor C E Huish and wife of the Eureka Reporter left last for Portland where theY will the LEwis and Clark exposition and other points or interest In northwest They expect to be ten Fret Shontz went to Provo last Monday she will remain for the months Mrs Shontz but from R Illness Mrs T Monday frOM Butte WitS called foe a tow MAMMOTH AND Leo was called to Payson I on account of Uw of his ala Mrs Callwril1f Russell of Salt Lake is her mother Kirkendall- In Robinson I Tuesday Thomas came down tne- I wMte EmbreidOry chili en- terbsied FrMsv 119s tlrigga- fltsbttp who ba serisueli for the around flales residence i1 lntit M1s Oscar Dole esh William Clayton few weets vcstibn- Mrs aend Mr Mrs en W Prove Mr and Mrs Sunday family Mr slid Mta Joseph Larson returned Monday to her home in Provo Sblbley neph- ew Mrs City islting her sister of this olsen Thuraddy Isi Sister Maude who has had charge or- St Josephs chooIiu this for sev vera Marys otre Ins visit the gone Mrs where summer Isis recently recovered severe Sullivan returned she oil account of the of a bimner Mine ONeill will remain in Butte ROBINSON Vest yester- day death ter isiting Mrs hone um uutte uOil c homas ut coo atad I 11 t wore laSt It ot JosePD Bonn in In pn it J W intimate friipda I in j Mlt make numt moLts Salt City Miss tsartlett ag hter Gf Mr Mrs john rtktfI- 11moth and rDterb of and We many ot the plo jsito In wishing them meg nd- nnll ln u LEHI One the maSt swgetUI ha71ftC- ketcurstons of the seaSon was given by the Second ward I L TUft dky evening to the st1III S a1P Soon after arrival there Ice conm strawberries and enlse were StJTe1 alter which the pttrty hoUsed About ttrty and rrHals woue present D R held Tune in I 0 O F ball It Is follows Shermans March to the Sett 1 The situation Position of the disposal of cpCVTe of Atlanta Character sketch of lenders 3 Statistics eonerutng hIS 4 Plan of prOCedure during the march t Er feet Song Atlanta to the Sen David Timothy a brother or Hyruin Timothy puseed Lob l on his to the hospital at Salt Lake Benson and two daughters u Beaver were in town this week F H Green D R G is expected home front Quincy Ills this Mrs Owen Stewart of Mercur itlng with her narents Harry and S L tjoodwin salt Lake out Wednesday Miriam Thurman Is ittn in f I Editor McBride or the Utah I Democrat here Mrs Nannu Stfetl is visiting I in FaTmin ton Miss ChristIe Fox one of Lehts t tiaope ZOui15O- Laarie5ie as laitITlt t WkCht residence uanuuuen- by tsc- o y iij- coupie their us Latt James A telick and Miss Gantivit sme united in mflgiI- n Lake m the cf SpriVite friends yan cou his o AekrS ofileers their The prOgramme will he 26 the as army troops 2 1 army t En- gagements of march From through way ity- Mi agent week is via Saddler were ha Og- den County was Wednesday rela- tives most > < = 1IZ The Paris Millinery Co I The Paris Millinery Co The Paris Millinery Co US I Offer Notable Bargains in Skirts I There arc only about 25 of them were fortunate in getting tnem as to be able to offer 4 45 them 3t445 tile price rhey are made of brilliantine and come in lack and Wue Are aud in pleated Sylc with 5r ppcd trimiiling They quickly as a SPECIAL FOR MOXDAY r AT- c c Special on Silk Shirt Waist Suits Lpcbt chiffon taffeta shirt witiat suits Two styles s1Mrred effects 3 9 5 I strllP5 md 1llttoJl1tl1ipiruilsf athorailUU clewithQQ Iso dry full sJ1rts I conic pretty browis check l tterm They I PIKIAL i I oJ i A Fortcdte rchdse fidhies jp We so ili4teed of7M bti1ttr rood 1 gored ki1C stzkhed ivill- o I rics Pretty r iii pleated and with titchd u1jIeeves They in very slytdes ofJluegrcen ad algo in ii atsjuepherd p should sell fr26 00 OIc p I 75O Silk Coats t for 495 4 jg and block Peau de sOin 2tJ and made in the loose bolted effect being used so mudh- ThQy are with braid ribbon bow Has the new fun sleeve shirred Kt the top SPECIAL Mr 4R95 IT- e is They t0flk ta bot are bdut iItC1iOS long which is Wisimed and 500 285O- f Childrens TrinintedUai 1 25 2 for vJJ- JChilrens 1 85 3 for u to wear Tats in the popular Chflrlott Cor- dur shape Vslue 175 98r5 for Ladies Trimmed hats worth 111 for Ladies Trimmed Hats worth St for worth TrrmmI IIts worth Ready Hats 2 85 worth for ijP Duck Hats 59c 7DC for White Duc Outing trimmed 1 95 wIth veiling Special nt i Childrens Straw Outing 39c Hats for Large assortment of ready to wear Tints valu up to 400 in nil deSirAble S1 95 colors for It 31ies Trimnled 450 0 Ssilor worth Hats Raffia ° 8 rgoinsin Black Steen Underskirtsa I 89 of a flood Quality of Black Mercerized 89 i C Sateen lo full Widths with three rff1s C I around bottom are worth L25 A Rousing SpecliJI- I They are Made hemstitched Special in rearl Buttons 10 i5a unusual I 0 but It one that every Woman will I t rspptceite this lrice c two dozen 1 url i- IpelLl button that ahnt sell for I notltis than PER I OF i SpeCial in Milslin6owns I A neat gown for summer wear md 73 I full sizes muslin low Square c neck 100 for This rather speeiii is At we o1ie fresh wittr 1O SECIAL C4t1 TWO DOZEN FOR P411 length Made if with Heinetitehed Value ladies Waists 1 waists in white fronts of and tuJS uilso bltek atid polka dot tucked fronts 43c for s at43c Ladies lawns ernroidery wuiite laltIns altis75 j I Silk Unde- rskirts for 4s95 A fun line of silk underskirts at t11is price just heels received bY11S Are made ut several dijerent styles One made with accordion pleated illch flounce finished with two small ruf lIes Atd mercerized drop Another is made wjtll 3 3inth over mercerized drop ooIrs are red grf lwown black and skirts are mash of a quality of soft chi SPEIAL AT 4e95 73O new have jg circular rulks The uav gray The good ion titlfets Remarkable Valves i- nMiUinery ladies Vests bc lsd os cotton vests low ncck md o loss Au cxccption1 value I C- at Childrens nos I THE BEsT 25C OfflLDRES ROSE EVER 19 sow n ims CITY IS CO- FFERED are a fine black cotton Herinedarf Dye I Hose double and high spliced heels and 1ocs- nnd will give good hviultC slcevc Atr- Tlicy kmies satisfaction ladi s Vestsat15 Ladies fine white cotton vests fnncy yokes low neck and lccvelcss an exceptional value 4 at f I- L l i 15i Pou liI Ladles and flf Salt Lake were n9Jied Rtshots Fja14 itt tile home of t h Mrs Gaddk A F nistoed has moved if an4 fmnii down here from Salt I City 4 R N J U AND SATiS l Denver Co Props and The Bittner Co Tuesday and lav at JD The Comedy The Belle of Richmond and Matinee Saturday at The Pamet18 Play Sapho lie sir lOc A k Ladles Free Tickets for day Night MISS NORA GLEASON Teacher or PIANO AD GrITR Studio 231 Last First Soutb I 1 J AU thnught or past dissatll faction saused by cheap confections and try a pound or McDonalds Wnipped Cream Clocolates with the that are the best confection that ever tickled your AU good dealers sell them G McDonald Candy Co J WHEN WINTER COMES YOUU be wishing thAt you hail your coal bin fail meek nicer to get your coal In In summer MEIGUN STREET I U S A We have a corps ofUnifonned Savers That is our own messenger boys OR bicycles who deliver things quioldy to any part of the city absolutely free f And thereare times you know when you might want things from a drug store in a hurry The size of the package doesnt I matter We deliver anything you want anywhere and under this perfected sYstem our store I is as cle to you as your tele I phone SCHRAMMS Whera the Cars Stop THB GREAT PRESCRIPTiON i DRUG STORE I r It got r1s the Jrice o aU- creampry butter sold In the state There is riily one brand better and that is Hazelnut It costs us more and therefore costs you more I SUPPLY CO j Why nave Bad I i Coffee In Camp I A LEY SON COFFEE I is easily carried n- dI makes perfect e the mountains as weU as your dty dining room Thon 65 for the correct time E CITY s Wiiit- Rusacti brides graadmother his t ko F MATINEE llIATR WED Tbeare Mgrs Monday Wednesday Drama SSlWY 211 RESXightL Matie- fsr Mri MANDOLIN stale or positive as- surance palate LIT eWm Ita BAMBERCERi- ll Life I FAUST CREAMERY I MA- ChINE iii ha I LMonm- e JEWELER5- i r ij > >

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Page 1: SECTIO S1ATE SOCIETY I… · sectio oe rrlie sal lake herald stnday jjnf3 25 190> 7 i s1ate society provo one of


PROVOOne of Ute t 11e

the se Ute OReevening by My and Mrs S

In honor ot theoI thplr daughter to nay lr

or Lake wuin the Salt Lake teM rueparty Will met at the

with a decrted carriagefollowed by equally well equipped

w ch were a hall giria andboys pouring forth sweet MuSIC fromUn The JjlOUII WeIelighted with arc Upts the

tht hou presented a beautiful apPC3Jancc with its floral deco-rations The ortde was ebiiutflg In ft

gown oC white silk mull withtrimming She carried bridal roMS

The presents were many anAn elaborate wedding uppfr waa servedQuIte a number of S Lake people wereIn attendanN Mr d MrL will

in Salt Lake CityMiss BosweU and Wood PrOM-

Incnt and Infivential women aC Wa gton D e were the guests oflld Reed Smoot thia w TnOYwere delighied with Prove 1tDI littheir praise of tM accord-ed the senator and his charmingwife

Th of Mr and Mrs SmUIS Balky Ji South Fourth est

a seelf of beautY and gaietYon vin the be-Ing In honor of marriage or theirson Bert to Miss Alice Kirkwood daughter of R C and Mrs EMza Kirkwood The ceremony which thenetwo prw was by tleRecd Smt at D HL litenc of the immediate tam The

was gowned In a daintywhite crepe with the

groom in the usual suit of blaCk ThehouSt dorationa were in white and pur11 tll perfume and-S Nt prevailing K ThelawT which wasJ1 TapalJe8C lanterna had a fleeratr waa In One

and fttty were ed atmst simptuous wedding feast The pffS-u1ts Wfre MtMI

Mrs nHI Smoot Wall a visitor in SaltLake fore ol the week

On rriday moat suecessful-e haling dish supper was on thelawn at of Mr aJMi Jlra F Eoilman At oclock forty Irtdown to a snowy table decorated entirelyIn white and green Cut sI1UJ8 bowls andvaspg were filled with white roses andswert pca8 MOd intermingled with the flCent

prsented Indeed attmptlng appeitluce The chafing

were ably over hyTwelt and Lena

Niss Bachman poured theTapanfS lanterna and fans coy eonterI-rranged with rage and tOZy tR oreQut and bean bag throwingto give the spacious lawn and beautiful

until darkall adjourned to

liv Inmdrfd was for A or-bOIIrs were by Miae

and Phil art thelelpeinus fruit was

from a nook on too Manydp rving eompliments paid the boatand hOSISS for tntlb lniDC atSO plrasant an affair it being

to large crowd 1t-

h dish but it jfi to bethen will be many such affAirs In theItur

A prtt hOOiC wedding waR that ofAnna and Dorea-

whkh took at the thebrides parents

fvening The knot liedI Bishop Ralph bride

tmlnt in dainty gown or taM crepeA sumptuous supper Mall

and prele1lW were reco1vd

Salt Lake City isher daughter Mrs nCfil SMoot this


Charles JOIdaT s siting aiMI illProo thi

The trout Prswo to meetml party as guests ofGo rnnr utler iicnaes ahil MISSrnt Mayor end Mrs Roylanee

Irs R R IrVmc 51 Mr MAd MrSJ mfS and State CalebT3flucr

Thc annual reunrou of the Clefttook place at the Provo Lake Resort

1 utsday on u lItth anniversary fleej Ironl Cluff His Beta

William OLSSIt Ike-mlld lIyrum and Jerry

1 Provo were prcoent withtn abbut a hundred of theira little jirramme mat

rdtations ricnieing and boating contuted main pleasures ol the

irofeasor and Mrs Lund entertainedPresldE Lund Tuesday

Hank Johnson was surprised Tuesdayat Isle home in the Sixth ward

b mCml 18 of his Sunday school classltH inrnd reitatione and a dainty lunch wassc1

Mr arid Mrs A stirby officers of the X I A or-

Tht Fifth ward at the home of andiTrs C Newell Tuesday evening Longtabls neatly decorated were arrangedon the lAwn and about fifty partici-pated and lIIialD3 left on

ridJY for another JI to the Sandislands

Ada Dusenberry of Xrand JL and one orProvo moot charming and popular31uug ladies was on Wedndayt F Sibley of Perrycertmony WM performed at noon in UteSalt Lakelnakfast was served at the EmeryJohnes at which the

of the YOU couple WtcUt and Mrs will Ina few days for an extended Europeantrip returning the latter part of

will be Rt home to their friendsftpr Sept 1 at Perry OreMiss Sadie Draper of this city and

Remington of unitedmarriage by oBotb-

1llSStS Mina Houston and Sadie ralam spent in American Fork theJnsts of Mr and My LoIIston

Mrs Kitty and Mrs D Slatercr a few days at

and Mrs to C Donovan have reafter a months vacation IlpeDt iD-

visltlIU through CaliforniaMrr Elon Allcn a Kensmgton about forty of ladyt lwr home afternoon TIle

r ms Were pttily decorated With roMSk rpctttttions and elaborate rcfrp-hr ts all tended to make a most enjoy

f afternoonE K Griffin or thisbut now residing at Elko an-

T ures the marriage of herAnn F Otimonr Od1 at Elko Mr Gibson ill well known

the WllPAper men the stat be-l g at one time editor of the

Th Elks Commercial club arn1er Tuenday evening in

n d the defeat the baseballB P 0 FL sustained at-

t Lc hands of tM merchants 1Iine TIreEIrnkr was well attended and severalfatLrCS were pulled off for entertain

which might not appearCOlUMn being a beer t1rtnk-

f1 g ontest between a prominentor each dub and notller a

toutent Refreshments tnctdlaarm beam were served All report addihUul evening

Snator and Mrs SMOOt gave a fishinghonor of Smithpusin Frederick SmIth from Iowa

It is visiting the state TheInhdt about a dozen and takent ti In two steam

i1ta a elaborate luncheonby Mrs Smoot partaken 0-

1Aftr the deIlgbtul a dinntr wastd at the Provo lake resort

The fish dinner ujat the Hotel Robtru onWas nn of the social tt the sumTlT SOtOC ninety odd eXfUrsto satd 18 the guests hm Xpaid glowing tribute tQ the

a doing to it Xo-

wtrr SfoonAtor Smoot acee-ltltma1 ter said that all Us

t llo WAS to eatn vMs

f1n and tit Hannon-i tj tam down u far as Protho 1ngrfMdonal partv

visiting Pont of iI-i state mental hospital wXUndotlbJt8 went to

i itd itS were chaperoned dieTnr 5

and T E ltdr rut forty of their at theirhome irItIIy evening

of their Whomarrf d Wednesdy to Mine

The wee prcttHy decorated with Att elaborate

vsby the hapy wire both

tuabIe aiid usefulMrs DaldQulat ntlrlltlned-

fonday at theIr Jnp Inward In hOnor their son C 6-

ahlquist who hortty for Ikmbtwtu4c tOO shod

with H dainty luftCft v4p a1IhIe

HItm Wevdhead at1d N J RaIn a-

tftk A-

A Noon t tM two JPI-dd on t of Fourthand th immediate

rUnt WCddtflwas iVIt-


Nargaretyule 4ezed-atbridal








Mr ust1is 5e th e

bride eeUSfl-of Iac txmiaiit

WC4t rcoca-peara


mcrrusdiing hun-dred ueIts

valimede iweeIthe nrteeiibag it

servedthe home


trailing greensweet fIowrS

and ment beautifulanddsh s Miiuei-iFtwn ltachmafl and

Beulab coffee


gru1idswhori the boone where

eoupePrizes won Fnwn-

Twelves Duriag

tZY porchwere


itW entertain so a etfing hoped

Miss Gudgeonplace home of

Z North Third WeaLWdneeday w

Poltou The wascLi a

waahr autitul usefuL

Mrs Eldredpr of vi-


Mrs llcrkstead WeatTCIitU5S frIeida

weekfollowing went



ad Clove hgineerfaM-


deceased seasmin of Mealcu

hear allc bthg

lronY1-ealdes of amiga

the day

ctnngevening was games

edV Williams were

rrAsed theMr


Mr Mrs

sicliMiss daughter

Mrs W

marriedJoscph Ore The


oniy Immediate-relatAves pres

Mr IIb1Oy leave



I Brigham werer Wednesday Judge


Ihuesspenthng Castilia-

Mr1 ira td

entertained aher frenTuesday


MrsC ty Nev

to Wllftant Wednesday

l etSpringle-

lrdcncndcnt gave thecomm

nine of-ttit reeesstjy

IrA nt well la thercity onereprc-


I arts in President and-s

psty-r were

fishing groundswhere moat

Ir 4v1dd wassail ffrhtr givct tin 5rSndOn-

atjrty Mondayevents


Ivi I honormade


40rg5 Sutherland fMisses

and rced-T interest

th the-tiler ark

TL by geeScCTOt1-

Mr Mrs Boronfrien

IPS Second Westsos was

on evsigirz a tiidgeon rots

ssr per was 5Pre4 meaeot

31r 2ndevening the


speechesr eornhifldcot eventng-Misissn were joined we4hk

Wed erefling 1w Iuigfef w4

NorthSeCOnd W05 Qaly






relituven of contracting wereA sumptuous supper was served

llISePtsA most was attile Fourth l ball Thursday

contests werentredced and prizes warded for the

D P Thuenoia sd Mrs Benthe ones Songs

MI were withThe games and light refreshments Wereserved

Mrs T A Smith of olereur is visitingjn this db with her mother Mrs Charles

Mrs B haa to Eurekato a month with her mother Mrs

aeck-i LIzzie WAS the recipient or-

tS moat surpdse on Saturday

in the way of showerat the of her parents Ir-


and Mrs the F urthWmd y a ofBoydert and William Meld 111m wit bemarried in the Salt Lake tempie on Wed

I Belday aseatMrs Eliza Nelson returned home Thurs

aay after weeks visit In Willardwith r parents Mr and Mrs Call

The social givenerasing at the home of Mrs Weetar by Method 8t church was a mOtpleasing event OrrrIS the-


were perved and a menc dellgiltrul even

Wilson H anti daughterCora were visitors in Salt Thurs-day


Mr John and Miss KateTIIadter two young

II88IJIe of this Oily were unlttd In mar-riage on Wednesday Tile groom it oneof Ute rltrs young

his bSlds a of MosesThatctler A reception was tndt red thewedded pair on WedneSday at

home of the brldes parents Onlymembers of tIe of tile contractpartl weie ut at tt tlteIewas a Tht evening

with and otliet SocialTrt8 tiuri and a dejlcoue wedding supper frved

Mia Althea CroeklU to herhome In Boise this

with Logan relativesMiss D Green ofrtDII Is VI6

T TMr R S of Sell Lake City

is spending a OT two withChieg is ox

ted to reach here week whorewill with her other for a time

Professor H IC Merrill and wife svnivsttIn Logan this week from wherehe has been studying fortime

Mr and Mrs Robert ofI

with Logan friends this week OnTuesday A

entertained in their honor and onMrs Wlhoom father

1 C Gartf gave It btmqltft In theirhonor at the Lincoln hotel

RalDh returiseilfroM California wlttthPl a nQ-

nf with

Mrs of returned tohome aft visiting forsome time as the HIt of MrfiMr S W IfnJdricks of RkhntotMl peiita days of week ift Ll1n

Mr and Alfred Osmond of ProvoLonR lids week

Mr stsd Mrs S lAtm0ff8lIx returnedthis from York wherettwy nnetst a It-

i II lTpbMm herefor where he visit

for a thus friendsMr W D Beers of Sttlt Lake City waS

Rig friends on TutdayMr

It here frostIcy on a visitDr Thomas of reached

nit Monday and willSan to medicine with hisDr P

J J1nerI c Rpxbtlqwas in Leiran the flrkt of 1ki week

Mr Mrs T L Caibbu orin JAan Thuts4y


In Los Cat tfMr Roberts x delightful tripMrs Robrts who reat-lVftJ at West Jordan returned itkJlrRoberts

The or Mr andMiss G eVa Bartlett took in SaltLithe U 1IIQ Mr Esikkis of Bioghams popular young menand Bartlett from lammoth Mrslid Mrs RliBIi will snake BI theirfuture home They have the wishesof their friends

About a dozt had ank up Dry canyon Senility the flAywas spent in social chat a Ittlunch served

Mr and tl Henry Thames were city

Mr and Mrs Deane were ZionVisitors first of week

The ladles of the Pecahontas gavepleasant card party at the home of

Mrs Jolmer Hill Whist

Xr Finch and John SuWao whileMrs Beasts and XI W Breckencarried away the consolations A daintylunch was served to about seventy

Rs was a visitor to thecapital

dame Wednesday night11 a large crowd Music was

furnished Ir the Mandolin lhbMr Mrs Murillo Honey and children

from Sat Lake accompanied JIll Virgil Benev of Indiana spent the Sttbathwith Mrs l3eiies tIr andW S Garrison

Mrs H Y Lure city visitor thefIrst of

Mrs John Snfdar MRtJ to attendthe Pwabontas card

Miners An siidfrom Lake mft the guest

their brother


R S GuNss a cityduring week

Mrs Mary returned froMa to Salt Lake Y

About twenty friends of Nr and MrsX R planned t surpriseon them at their la depot

Mrs G4orpe E Lee is vllkt relativeat

X Murray Irons

Iis her Mel T W

n C was tU-


eng 1 from Salt LaKeand Mrs A T Klourne were city

visitors duringMabel trOts sJt Lake Is

15itin 10 caMPI Kiss Nannie Butt tJdd troRtSAX Lake


rpest Mine Vlet8lta Hem

MI lakedayI

I A att pIe Wed whenMills Mad

Sen were ulllted in nh e BY PresidentJohn D T XcAlIIBHr TM greets Is tHe

j son of Mrs ASiMIIa SIdwPIl of thisand resides at DeLamer Xev where b-ebI recently PurebSeed a y lttfl8horn to take his bride The bride Is the

I daughter of Mr Jenta Madsen of ManUand is ODe the btaudtul of


teMple dty being respectedand r imitationof our peopltr ThfI COtIPt-

eTb Y at noon for Y01kI bride has a brother

a native oftMeIdnc in of the schools

IIIfft spend their honeymoont1Ie t for a short User theyreturn to Te Lamar wheretke orat his of

No rt taiJII waS heldk few of

flirt and wished the

Another fashionableI at noon on Wednesday at tM

tAlltst1re T D T NCAHtMet-


saarried o Jehn Frank Anre4 Fairview T1io ceremony wits perforasagitilt father of the bride The bride was

In a beautiful white andifod to tle altar by a nUmbet f

Iher A quiet rlMplion W eveningat the home tM r1dt a

iMOO gathered

Ifor Fairview ThurM where they will

short Urn next it Isexpected that the grOftlR leaves r Norwa to fill a TIjt ion interest orthe MfflJI1otl church Both are very

In their localities antiMdtl young wopliConrail law or our popular

ssnd lL HOgden Were niarrie

fd day tpt1otl heWIat tl1 iwune tii usia city

where a fewI frnl f ty

peok giitl1er 11 enjoy fI watllfmf Ai ding fned I those prs

thepresentand sissy imeifli

esward soda

venlit Several

WrI8e being frtdsbrecitations Interspersed

Vincent for a few daysW Ward


Missevenisggvea home

ofisusiber friatids Miss

severalstrawberry Friday

Wthe conveyed

5515 to Mrs WseterS home which issome miles out of tdvfl Refreshments

Christiansonaisllla well known

energeticmen and is daughter


familiesbig pronL

large throng wasspent masic nmes


week Ztar visiting fortwo or tlree weekzand friends

MaggielUng with


Miss Mghei Orsndi ofthis she


li1caatiifte41c14e aetna

Wilson Ogilenvisited

evening Mrs James Ander-SonWednesday evening

Mrs Moore Saturdayelse wrest

pie months ago bet mother MrsWestEsnas RIehfleid herno lVedpcrslay

sd MrsRll

entp14 if thisMrs

tsited with triendsW

weok New Cityyear snia5kkries

Professor left on-Sanday the east will


greeting many Logan

SelonBarber Stssrvalto friendsB4Igi Chlcwi

here remain In Litpractice brother

Budee-lrofeesor W

and Plttalwrg-wete

ROberts has bees visitingAngeles

rcpOrtbus boen vielting

marriage Jamne ltslkkhsee

Monday Juneone

Miss isnghambest

manyyoung pie

Forksnd O-

fpetizing was

visitors WednesdayFred

the thea-


was the game of the evening prizeswere on by Tanner s Mrs Hill

MrsFred W

guestsMrs Mike

TuesdayThe given was


ant by

parents Mrs

waa athe week

was IMmrty-

lbe BeritagSalt are In

ofMr was visitor



Josien aMindarnight

Riverton-Mrs C Cuiseborlaud-

Wyo visiting sisterSloane

Mrs fimeis as In4mmbegMOtIdY-

Mrthe WOOk


is the

Beater was 5 lss-enger

MrArIvery plonsani wa4tsg

the last Laray-ette and


daughtersthe highly

vry manyjo

sft 1ewCity we the

MadnelT also Manti-w Ia eise

The Wiwlpntin groom

up hIsJshemitbingI here Osdy the Immediate yeda-I tfrea together yug


highI temple wheis Minera daugh-I r President was


dregs d wsrelatives ad Mendswas bed here

fewrelatives friends They leftSpend a

In thepop-

ulr reanerttveromipeted

Stutaneggerjhotngrapbere MIne Marygal at the temple

Iat A nsnI 0015 Ig

Wednesday vniisg elsie stud tji esteemedy uutg to ceugyittidale-these

feast was





cot and a number ofby the newly married Mr

and lTs er will make theirhome in this cityp 11 slat Missuuu ard both of were married atthe temple Woones ay by President JohnD lcAIHster nephew the groom

E of and HerTackseR Gleuiwood Sevier onus

were married at the temple WednerdayMonday the young ladler of the

IImprovement association of the

North ward ot ManU gave a social totheir members at the ward house lU8Jtyof the young ladles were present and anumber of the ward and take authoritieswere present to partake of theties the of this associationStrawberries and ceke were served Anappropriate protramme was antia general good time was by thoSepresentmore than lfd In numberMarriage have issued to

this week woo were notmarrIed at the temple William F

and Elvina ittPleasant Austin Burl and Katie Raemussenof

A suriwise was undertaken Thursdayby a of Ute friends of

Mrs Ellza1teth It being hereiShtJIfJrst birthdAY A very pleasanttime as enjoyed

and Mrs T Taneser of Fatnlewwere thIs week visiting UteT T Lazenby and visited

rieBds thisWillis fRoblson and son


Benjamin or Los Wayne county Inthis week visiting friends

J D T McAllister attendedUte stake conference at Fountain Green

lastW StIlwell sail wife and Gideon

W Sidwell of Mereurwere here thisto witanes the or their brotherFafayette to Miss Mary A

J and tAmly of Mflburnwere ManU vlsttOl8

C Keller and are anouting at Salt Lake and surruand

at presentMrs John Leonard siC the Is

visiting mOther Mrs Joshua

The Literary stab MId Its firstthis yr lit the home of

Mrs Louise F Becker Thursday eveningIHft Mrs F Becker D CBrown Mrs T of Burns and Mrs loneTinges acted ail The ladies

tM t1suinTeat after which ft pleasant time

spent the atttrnoonwas en the Iswu ill front or theDecker Mrs Ellingsford ot Bench former meat

of the 13

little talk upon the butics of her nWJYhome on

Cuds are out R the marriage-of MisS Ft lays of to MrLeyland Grbam of Provo The marriagewilt In Salt lAke tem-ple on Wednesday June Ii A receptionwill bra tM happy couple the folloWIng at the home of bridesparents and Mrs F T Flnlayson

The moat Opular entertainment totranspire in Psyson month come

next Friday flight In the payflion commencing at S ocleck The prorIIinDlf will of musical and literary to eontludt with a grandball local the Importationof two numbers on a solo

Miss TpPpcnlOn or Provo and au okcutlousry Iece h1 Mr Frank L Colburn-ofC o wtfl pro fine lea

Tile proreeds from affair willgo to u4 fund toa rousing ctlebraTIt thfo music taM

thing lies been ooltfOd tM cornmittee It be sons that a Ja emtm he added to the general und inthis

accepted theusittoet of agent at Robinson

C C Langley spent vl amongfriends In lake City this week

Frank Hawkins Is at Benjamln from vl6lting reitiUves andfriends

Mr Mrs Frgak Coomba of Sandyare sojourni Mis ieemhs parentsoIl and JI

Deputy Richmond was in Salt

jr who the peatfew months Sl Lake rtturQP4i homew TfIftftIn until after tile

Mrs John Reeves sad eel urnId-tn their home m Salt LAke ThuNd

after II ten visit theirmother Mrs S fi

H8Ir Tiptosi left forIslabOt tobf tllrH Bus

her SOIt at Soda andat BlackWotCakkL who hasSaI1l Dont has returned

to la Salt Lke CItyMrs Clifford BAte and went

to spend a ten days

Dr A F Noihabty toSalt Lake where sles a positionwith K II Townsend Co

EPHRAIMand tuftents of sum-

mer school gave a MJi 1 dancingparty at the opera house Wednesdayevening slid a sassiest entertainment

eveningBishop A p Andersen a weeks

here relatives friends yeturned to Ids home lit Ida

Mrs DfII Larsen of Sunnysisle iswith ttves and friends in this

cityMrs Taylor ar

Mr and MrS J C F Lund at ForestDale

Miss Sarah elaboratelyulned the faculty of the summerand a number friends at her homeSaturday

Irs Christine of Salt LakeI is a guest of her daughter Mrs

Charles TohMn of this cityI

Mrs Eric returned tohome in Richfield Wednesday

Miss Hazel of Prows andI Christie of MOIIroe were guestsC Part Yfliardseu Monday

P C of Draper wasIns with Mr and Mrs James Frost Tuesd

ies Nora Anderson fromFort Collins Cole Tweasiny for a fewweeks visit relatives and friends

Mrs Peter R Tea of Salt LakeCity vWUnS relatives and friendslit tills clU

Mr had Mrs Charles Nelson of Redwere Ephratm

O C left Sunday for CaliforII to ho with his wife Is sueo-olg the summer there Oft Occount or herhenith

Moses came boise from SaltLake Susdey

Mrs TetzeII sad Miss BelleTurner of Salt Lake City werein FridayWnrd Phersen IIe Iseesse

Price where he been for theput three monthe

PARK CITYsocial event of the theparty giveis Monday evening by Florence

and Leo Talbot at home on RoeMe The Interpreting ofmauls was Ute game of the

much interest to be takenby all tIt and the prizevas won by Ed Lecomttte An of the

were very In haltchoke cherry blossoms and carnationswere used in the parlor choke cherrybloais SAd Jo the room rosesVery dainty servedand after a number of musical selectionshad been rendered the gatheringDrok up and an the young peope dedared the evening spout

Mine Agnes Hsrrhigtue and sisterJohn Martin carne up to the Park thisweek Mrs Martin wilt visit fora short time

Mrs John Geiger left Wednesdayafternoon for Salt Lake wht she Willmake Mr been the future

Mr and Mrs AIMaJtder Gibsoni home to the Park mornf in II visit hi the

Mrs John Joluneon returned homeI to Ms home inI Phfli1M1tar Wednesiav after a

three visit in


was the fartghens FJII at their

Mrs John A numberI

of and cardsplayed after w1tktt wereseared the party over Mrs

I Gt st of all forIn her te-MB Shields home

Wednesday trots Salt Lakewhere has bon attending the

and wiN the

lairs Dickert t1t1DC un to thePark Friday morning on a

Mine MAr t Watson returned to herhome In Salt Lake Wednesday aftermoOfi Mr sister Mrs

BA I Drake returned tf to the ParkSunday morMnl after a three months

In Twist prjaJls Idatlown to

On It visit Wednesday afterROOr Ir returned bttmeto thE

1 a pleast Jlke Mr and

Wn J 6f1 marrJlIgf ortheir daughter to T

presentS wre Te-celved

will Ifortense COgden





licenses been

hereI Gidne of CIt3 ed Louise Ame-I flft VaIIIS bf Mt Pleasent Justin A-Caates Farnsworth of

Chesterafternoprr number

Mr 31hero temple



the temple city



MadsenW Tarpin

sts weekF lIsmily enjoying


metropoftebore herFk4dhsg


L Mrs

hoetseseediscussed daas of week for

socialwas during Luncheon

sriredreel4enee WflIhunLoner Cal a

her c1gs 34

selected tkeSetP-



be solemnned thegiven

evening the

this willPayson

eeWlStseTertionsBesiiei talent

the programmeby

especiallytures the

Fourth Juty helpdefray the expenses of

pavilktu everyncarly

so canwillway

Skermer lassjoint station

Mrs ahere ilsid



MJamne FlfliaysonMkrs4m1

Jesse HaL hits spent

this wecicFourth

childrenmorning days whit

CrandallMrs Monday

monthswill ialt Springsherdsssght5r

MIsS Agaus been herevisiting

her hussochildren to-

NepitI Thrsdity11811

Mrs bs goonaccosted

The faculty the

aftervisit with and



George Is visiting with

Petersen enterschool



Charles herStrong Miss


Rasmussen visit

caine home


Is with

stood 11oltocs WednesdayLarsen




Fridayfrom has

The week was

street advertiseevening


dkooeatoss pertly the


refreshments were





tutruedafter pleasant

Tbsrsday morningRay t1gga returned

Montthe Park-

A very pleasant affairveil

Mrs Sherman homefbr V7 Geiger

friends were present wetiretihnienbWhen as

received the wishesprosperity ypew

returnedshe iscade-

my reniels fec sum-mer

Missshort visit

aeeeqspanhsd byDan hIO1dO

ktttMire Sadie Riusbead s the-

ft short

Park edendly moraine alterweekvtThe aniliEitWtUIsi byKeny

MIss Loin Kelley

< >

J Fanning next at the StMrs E E Shepherd and daughter

up to Park on ana

I crowd of young people on a TueeI day up tramway The daY wasIpleasantly spent in playing games and a

was seedHenry Derry left Friday afternoon forArizona where he has accepted a posJtinMIss Frmces the steinhors of the Y G G U the

Thu day on JHe Thepeople a In-gathering flowerS nhldpaylng

RICHFIELDmarriageIn Lake Iootl8 lIf WOOdring and MIss 2tna olris one of ttteproprioreaed publIshers of th and bride WaSuntil recentJ a resident of Salt LakeShe Is a Mrs T T Thornss OfSalt A B Williams ofthis city Mr and WpOdrln leftthe city with the press party

of weeks viewthe sights at the Portland expositionand places inMarriage licenses Issued theI

John or Kimberly andAgnes Christensen CharMsof Elsinore and Ellenof Monroe and Hilt of Fayetteand Hermolne ofT Ross who movedto Sterling county in Canada a years

Just come down from hishome and that the outlookis not very fOrtJhls yeitr asa drouth Is threatenedW A Ford of ElsinoreIsIn Lebi this week will bejoined by her husband and they willmake a trip to CalitbnMrs Minnie Sylvester of ElsinoreIsIn Snit Lake this

Professor orman MfCarty aBoner county young man but now at thehead of musical depsrtmont at theIn Michigan Is boiseon a to his io Monroe HeIs acromD8nif1i HalTHirsebman of same

Daniel Henrip of Mantj spent a daywith his son Arthur In thisweek on his return from a trip to Pan

where he a andbrother This was the thefour brothers and itEr of lam



visit with Mr ShopherikMrs Charles Shieds chaperoned jolly

Shields tookleb trhMway

dr 1dssaiit daygames

are ut anpounclnjt theJ7j J

Justesea Wood

thesister of

Lake and MrsMrs

ecursionand will siisnd a eonlelugOregon

past week to George A Sylvester of Elsinore and Jane of Rlchu4ldt Andreasonof


JacksonW frOm Jsoph

fewthan reporta

Mrs visitingSh


Jsekson universIty

by Professorthe

Rihfleldguitch visited sister

first timethe the

I fly had been together coming to11ah In 1S4G T OIsoR hotel rOprletw dstockman Emery In Rle1fmdthis week the tows wr witti ato a new kmtnI E te RIo

field this after monthsMt nt she was 1her motherln1a1 Mrs

G Cope of Provo the rpointed ourt stenographer for BuLbdistrict has moved to Rtchffisd

and make homeSidney Matming Grass alle andlila sister Mrs Harriet Bro

and A Bnlbaker-SL Parts 0 In this

DWight leteer hUe firm of Meteer Bros has movedbony where he now Rs employment

Mrs W J of Gunnlron andMrs William or Emery visitwith relatives lit hfield this

Mrs Ellis and Mrs CattleHorne or Mesa Ari are visiting withtheir aister Mrs T B Ramee

Harriet Wilkinson hoe returneda Visit or ovcl montbe

with the of a Son in IdahoCharles a portion

or the week Inc or Salt Lake

is hereMrs Alex Pioeh and children

with her sister l1rs Tantes-BofltlJo sr of tills l1ace-

Jr and Mrs Ed Citrk are spending I-Ifewd sIn salt Luke this

Mr and Mrs J C Peters of Boukier

Mrs jry and HttMiller front St Johns

Aria on a to rulaUvz

months on the coast for the benefit ofher health

Mrs 31 lITolmeon of Sat vtstttdher mother and other relatives here thisweek

Mrs Sena Christensen has returned te-1t after a visit with her dtlUftatOt here

Mrs J H Nelson huts moved withfAmily to Gold Mountain fOr the summer

J PaxmAn or Nephl was aTuesday

Mri Charles Colc in

Mr and X A Robertson entertamed R few friends last Monday night


of wasview selecting

Mrs Jorgenson returnedweek a visit



will thiplaee his futureand niece

baker 311ss Mary oCRichfield






Salt LakeMrs Maggie linke

with her motherOre of

are visiting with relativesweek

0 IL Crosby Missdora

visitOle Larsenhu gestate California after

Mrs Larsen Wiw spent sevetal



EUREKAW visitor

In 1urekaspent Tuesday


at a chefing dish party ijtootuit1being very prettily arrled out In purple

i and 0

The Violet WEreafternoon at the home

St C CDan beeRUI st two weeks isto be

Mrs Is con to herbavig rust her loot Menday

is visiting tsar partn Sal

is at Payson Ihe a


Fred Riches and ehuren havegoes to Ptova to the summer

and Joseph Barton areMr and Mrs H Jonis 01-


Salt Lake the latterS father and motherMrs Janet Harrison of Is vis

king E WatkinsColin MeMurphy spent last at

Pavseu with hisMiss Dora Holdaway who was visiting


Harry is entertaining hisc Ark

R S Robertson returned Thurs-day front a visit with her daughter InSalt Lake j

Mrs Sophia or Sautaquln IsMrs Thomas Wilson

Mrs R S Robertson returned i

from a visit with her daughter In SAlt I

oral yrs will spend her summerhost at SL convent inDais

Editor C E Huish and wife of theEureka Reporter left last forPortland where theY will the LEwisand Clark exposition and other points orinterest In northwest They expectto be ten

Fret Shontz went to Provo lastMonday she will remain for the

months Mrs Shontz butfrom R Illness

Mrs T MondayfrOM Butte WitS called

foe a towMAMMOTH AND

Leo was called to Payson


on account of Uw of his ala

Mrs Callwril1f Russell of Salt Lakeis her mother Kirkendall-In Robinson

I Tuesday Thomas came down


wMteEmbreidOry chili en-

terbsied FrMsv119s tlrigga-

fltsbttp who baserisueli for the

aroundflales residence

i1 lntit

M1s Oscar Doleesh

William Clayton fewweets vcstibn-


Mr Mrs enW

ProveMr and Mrs


Mr slid Mta Joseph Larson returnedMonday to her home in ProvoSblbley neph-



islting her sisterof this olsen


IsiSister Maude who has had charge or-

St Josephs chooIiu this for sevvera

Marys otreIns




summer Isisrecently recovered severe

Sullivan returnedshe

oil account of the of a bimnerMine ONeill will remain in Butte

ROBINSONVest yester-

day deathter

isiting Mrs


um uutte uOil c

homas utcoo atad I 11 t

wore laSt Itot JosePD Bonn in

In pnit J W intimate friipda I in j

Mlt make numtmoLts

Salt City Miss tsartlettaghter Gf Mr Mrs john rtktfI-11moth and rDterb of

and We many ot theplo jsito In wishing them meg nd-

nnll lnuLEHI

One the maSt swgetUI ha71ftC-ketcurstons of the seaSon was given bythe Second ward I L TUftdky evening to the st1III S a1PSoon after arrival there Ice conmstrawberries and enlse were StJTe1alter which the pttrty hoUsed Aboutttrty and rrHals wouepresent

D R heldTune in I 0 O F ball It Isfollows Shermans March to theSett 1 The situation Position ofthe disposal of cpCVTeof Atlanta Character sketch oflenders 3 Statistics eonerutng hIS

4 Plan of prOCedureduring the march t Er

feet Song Atlantato the Sen

David Timothy a brother or HyruinTimothy puseed Lob l on his

to the hospital at Salt LakeBenson and two daughters u

Beaver were in town this weekF H Green D R G is

expected home front Quincy Ills this

Mrs Owen Stewart of Mercuritlng with her narents

Harry and S L tjoodwinsalt Lake out Wednesday

Miriam Thurman Is ittn inf

I Editor McBride or the UtahI

Democrat hereMrs Nannu Stfetl is visiting

Iin FaTmin ton

Miss ChristIe Fox one of Lehts

t tiaope ZOui15O-Laarie5ie

as laitITlt t WkChtresidence uanuuuen-by tsc-

o y iij-

coupie their us

Latt James A telick and MissGantivit sme united in mflgiI-n Lake m the

cf SpriVitefriends yan cou




ofileers their

The prOgramme will he26 the as

army troops2 1

army t En-

gagementsof march From

throughway ity-



weekis via

Saddlerwere ha


Countywas Wednesday






The Paris Millinery Co I The Paris Millinery Co The Paris Millinery Co


I Offer Notable Bargains in SkirtsI There arc only about 25 of them were fortunate in getting tnem as to be able to offer

4 45them 3t445 tile price rhey are made of brilliantine and come in

lack and Wue Are aud in pleated Sylc with 5r ppcd trimiiling They

quickly as a SPECIAL FOR MOXDAYr



Special on Silk Shirt Waist SuitsLpcbt chiffon taffeta shirt witiat suits Two styles s1Mrred effects

3 95 IstrllP5 md 1llttoJl1tl1ipiruilsf athorailUU clewithQQ Iso dry full sJ1rts

I conic pretty browis check l tterm They IPIKIAL i I



A Fortcdte rchdse fidhies jp

We so

ili4teed of7M bti1ttr rood1 gored ki1C stzkhed ivill-



rics Prettyr iii pleated and with

titchd u1jIeevesThey in very slytdes ofJluegrcen ad algo in ii atsjuepherd p

should sell fr26 00 OIc



75O Silk Coatst

for 495 4jg and block Peau de

sOin 2tJ and made in theloose bolted effect being used so mudh-ThQy are with braid ribbon bow Hasthe new fun sleeve shirred Kt the top SPECIALMr




They t0flk ta bot

are bdut iItC1iOS longwhich is

Wisimed and


f Childrens TrinintedUai 1 252 for vJJ-

JChilrens 1 853 for uto wear Tats in the popular Chflrlott Cor-

dur shape Vslue 175 98r5for

Ladies Trimmed hats worth 111

forLadies Trimmed Hats worth St


worthTrrmmI IIts


Hats 2 85worth for ijPDuck Hats 59c7DC forWhite Duc Outing trimmed 1 95wIth veiling Special nt iChildrens Straw Outing 39cHats forLarge assortment of ready to wear Tints valu

up to 400 in nil deSirAble S1 95colors for It

31ies Trimnled450 0





8 rgoinsin Black Steen UnderskirtsaI

89 of a flood Quality of Black Mercerized 89i C Sateen lo full Widths with three rff1s CI around bottom are worth L25 A Rousing SpecliJI-I

They are Made


Special in rearl Buttons

10i5a unusual

I0but It one that every Woman willI t rspptceite this lrice ctwo dozen 1 url i-

IpelLl button that ahnt sell forI notltis than PER I



SpeCial in Milslin6ownsI

A neat gown for summer wear md


full sizes muslin low Square cneck100 for

This rather speeiiiis

At we o1iefresh wittr


P411 lengthMade if with

Heinetitehed Value

ladies Waists


waists in whitefronts of andtuJS uilso bltek atidpolka dot tucked fronts


at43cLadies lawns


laltInsaltis75 j

I Silk Unde-

rskirts for 4s95A fun line of silk underskirts at t11is price

just heels received bY11S Are made ut severaldijerent styles One made with accordionpleated illch flounce finished with two small ruflIes Atd mercerized drop Another is made wjtll 3

3inth over mercerized dropooIrs are red grf lwown black and

skirts are mash of a quality of soft chiSPEIAL AT





circular rulks Theuav gray

The goodion titlfets

RemarkableValves i-


ladies Vests bclsdos cotton vests low ncck md oloss Au cxccption1 value I C-


Childrens nos


FFEREDare a fine black cotton Herinedarf Dye

IHose double and high spliced heels and 1ocs-nnd will give good

hviultC slcevc




ladi s Vestsat15Ladies fine white cotton vests

fnncy yokes low neck andlccvelcss an exceptional

value4at f I-

L l i15i

Pou liI Ladles andflf Salt Lake were n9JiedRtshots Fja14 itt tile home of t h

Mrs GaddkA F nistoed has moved if

an4 fmnii down here from Salt ICity

4R N JU AND SATiS lDenver Co Props and

The Bittner CoTuesday andlav at JD

The ComedyThe Belle of Richmond

andMatinee Saturday at

The Pamet18 PlaySapho

lie sir lOc

Ak Ladles Free Tickets forday Night


PIANO AD GrITRStudio 231 Last First Soutb I 1


AU thnught or past dissatllfaction saused by cheapconfections and try a pound orMcDonalds Wnipped CreamClocolates with the

that are the bestconfection that ever tickled your

AU good dealers sellthem

G McDonaldCandy Co



YOUU be wishing thAt you hail

your coal bin fail meek nicer

to get your coal In In summer


We have a corps ofUnifonnedSavers That is our own

messenger boys OR bicycles whodeliver things quioldy to anypart of the city absolutely free f

And thereare times you knowwhen you might want thingsfrom a drug store in a hurryThe size of the package doesnt

Imatter We deliver anythingyou want anywhere and under

this perfected sYstem our storeI

is as cle to you as your teleIphone

SCHRAMMSWhera the Cars Stop




It got r1s the Jrice o aU-creampry butter sold In the stateThere is riily one brand betterand that is Hazelnut It costs usmore and therefore costs youmore


Why nave BadI

i Coffee In CampI A LEY SON COFFEE

Iis easily carried n-


makes perfect e themountains as weU as yourdty dining room

Thon 65 for the correct time


s Wiiit-Rusacti

brides graadmotherhis t





Tbeare Mgrs

Monday Wednesday



RESXightL Matie-fsr Mri


stale or

positive as-surance













i r ij

