secret healing protocol - air water life® · 2017-08-25 · • acid reflux • cancer •...

WWW.AIRWATERLIFE.COM When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ 1

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�1

Page 2: Secret Healing Protocol - Air Water Life® · 2017-08-25 · • Acid reflux • Cancer • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis


When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�2

In this special report, you’ll discover how thousands of people around the world are experiencing positive health effects from drinking the right water!

Table of ContentsAlkaline Ionized Water Is Right For You! p3

Are You Suffering From Inflammation - The Silent Killer? p6Causes and Effects of Systemic Inflammation p10

Negative -ORP and Antioxidants p13How to “Put Out The Fire” of Inflammation p16

8 Detox Water Recipes to Try With Ionized Water p17Two Surprise Uses for Acidic Water p27

How to Save 60% on Your Next Water Ionizer Purchase p28

DETOXIFICATION & HEALINGDiscover How Ionic Water is Being Used to Restore Optimal Health

Visit us online at for the best prices on water ionizers. We are the direct manufacturer of the #1 Best Selling Aqua Ionizer Deluxe 7.0™ and

over the years have helped over 10,000 customers experience positive results from drinking ionized water. We’re also available anytime 9AM - 5PM Pst toll free

by calling 1-888-601-5886

Now, Please Enjoy This Special Report!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�3

The Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ water ionizer machine is a healthy choice, and the positive effects of drinking large amounts of bio-avaliable antioxidants in the form of ionized water will soon become apparent to you.

Superior Hydration Ionized water hydrates your body better than most bottled or tap water. The water ionization process reduces the surface tension by lowering the water molecule cluster size, taking on a silky smooth texture. This water is more bio-avaliable and absorbs easily into your bodies cells.

Anti-Inflammatory Chronic inflammation could be pain-less, and slowly deteriorate your body over time. Chronic (pain-free) inflammation is known as the “silence killer”. Ionized water contains hundred’s of thousands of anti-oxidants per glass, helping your body greatly to neutralize inflammation causing free-radicals.

Detoxification Water ionizing machines filter out the chemicals and toxins in your drinking water, as well as the oily toxic-pesticides from produce. Unlike reverse osmosis, water ionizers keep the helpful minerals like potassium and magnesium in the water.

Alkalinity Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ daily drinking water is slightly alkaline. Enjoy pH 8.0 - 9.6 and make as much alkaline drinking water as you could possibly want.

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�4

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

We’re Always in a Water Critical Time

In 2015 everybody knows that drinking water every day is crucial to maintaining optimal health. Since your body is up to 80% water, your organs, blood, brain, bones and other body systems all require quality hydration to function at their peak. As little as 1-2% change in hydration can have adverse effects on your body.

Obviously drinking the best quality hydration for your body is key to staying healthy for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, much of the world’s fresh water supply is polluted with toxic chemicals, heavy minerals and fluoride. It’s because of the impurities, and the “hard water” that comes from city water supplies that it’s not ideal for hydration.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�5

Ionized Water Hydrates Up to 6x Better

Thankfully the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ alkaline water machine produces healthy, filtered, alkaline ionized water perfect for drinking and rehydration.

Healthy water filters all unwanted contaminates and chemicals, reduces the water molecule size, and charges the good minerals with electric, antioxidant charges.

You want the very best for you’r family, and the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ helps to maintain perfect hydration for life. What could be more important that drinking the best quality water?

Convenient and Family Enriching

You want the very best for you’r family, and the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ helps to maintain perfect hydration for life. With a water ionizer machine conveniently located at your home or office, you and your family can enjoy a convent and unlimited supply of the best water!

Budget-Friendly Water

Compared to bottled waters, or home delivery water services, a family of four can save around $1000-$3000 annually. That’s money that goes right back into your families pocketbook.

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

“Give the Very Best Water You Can To The Ones You Love.”

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�6

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

You may be suffering from chronic inflammation, and not even be aware of it. Often it’s painless, but surfaces as number of symptoms of lasting inflammation:

• Visible signs of aging like wrinkles. • Susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. • Acid reflux • Cancer • Skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis • Heart disease • Candidiasis • Urinary tract infections

….just to name a few. Continue to discover how drinking alkaline ionized water every day can help.

Inflammation Discover how water rich in antioxidants can reduce chronic inflammation and help your body repair and rejuvenate from

chronic diseases caused by inflammation.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�7

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You! Inflammation - The Silent Killer

Did you know that inflammation is the common link between such debilitating conditions as Alzheimers, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis?

Many practitioners in the field of anti-aging believe that most of us are walking around in a state of chronic inflammation.

“It is becoming increasingly apparent that certain types of inflammatory tissue injury are mediated by reactive oxygen metabolites (free radicals). The most likely sources of these oxidizing agents are the phagocytic leukocytes (e.g., neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and eosinophils) that invade the tissue.” US National Library of Medicine

Sources of inflammation include stress from the environment, electromagnetic, toxins, emotions. Rats that were chronically inflamed died prematurely, had metabolic syndrome, had smaller litters of offspring and less active lives.

“Classic (acute) inflammation hurts.Silent (chronic) inflammation slowly kills.”

- Barry Sears, Ph.d.

Have you ever sprained an ankle?

If so, you’d be familiar with the effects of inflammation.

If you’ve ever sprained an ankle, or had a minor skin abrasion you’d be familiar with the effects of acute inflammation: warm, tingling, redness, pain to the touch and sometimes a loss of function.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�8

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

While these temporary effects of inflammation may be annoying, they are a necessary and appropriate response by your body.

The inflammation helps to contain the injured cells, while summoning microscopic soldiers to fight against foreign invaders like bacteria, fungi and viruses which can cause infection to the damaged tissue.

Your body forms these free-radicals around the injured area, to scavenge for foreign invaders like bacteria, fungi and viruses. Free radicals also serve as scavengers which help shuttle damaged cells out of the body, to make space for new healthy cells to take their place once the repair process begins.

Free radicals and inflammation have an role in a healthy bodies immune system - without them you could die from a minor cut or abrasion.

What Happens to you if Inflammation Becomes Chronic and Free Radicals are Not Neutralized?

However, problems can arise if the inflammation does not subside…

In the case of a sprained ankle, the initial inflammation is good. However if in the following days after the sprain you continued to walk on the inflamed area, the inflammation will remain, and may even increase as a result. Until the inflammation subsides the healing and repair process would never begin.

You must treat chronic inflammation to fully heal.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�9

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

Ionized Water Helps to “Put Out The Fire” Of Chronic Inflammation

Remember, it’s not until the inflammation subsides that the healing and repair process can begin.

Inflammation is intended to be a temporary response by the body. It’s not until the inflammation subsides that the healing process can take over.

Are You Silently Suffering from Chronic


TIME MAGAZINE Covers the #1 Silent Killer in America.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�10

Gradually the inflammatory response takes a toll, and we manifest symptoms of these degenerative diseases. In is now widely accepted that chronic inflammation that goes undetected and untreated is the primary cause of illnesses such as type II diabetes, fibromyalgia, metabolic syndrome, neurological disease like Alzheimers and dementia, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s, as well as a host of diseases.

The lasting effects of inflammation give rise to the disease. Symptoms of lasting inflammation also include:

• Visible signs of aging like wrinkles. • Susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. • Acid reflux • Cancer • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis • Heart disease • Candidiasis • Urinary tract infections

….just to name a few.

Just one of the symptoms above can lead to a host of other issues.

Many people quietly suffer from varying degrees of system-wide chronic inflammation for most of their lives.

Pain from chronic inflammation can lead to a host of other symptoms including:

Lack of sleep Depression Mood swings Lethargy

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�11

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�12

How To Reduce System-Wide Chronic Inflammation and Start Healing!

Free radicals are both a cause and a result of inflammation. Damage from free radicals causes inflammation; chronic inflammation goes on to produce lots of free radicals which in turn create more inflammation.

This is a vicious cycle which can damage many systems in the body. The thyroid, heart and pancreas can be affected. Inflammation can be likened to a forest fire that rages out of control in your body.

Neutralize Free Radicals

Now you’re learning to help facilitate the your bodies healing process, you’re learning to heal yourself. Neutralizing free radicals stops the vicious chain-reaction of inflammation in the body. In essence, antioxidants “put out the fire”.

Antioxidants are able to neutralize free radicals by “donating” extra electrons. An antioxidant gives up an spare electrons to free radicals that forcefully steal electrons from otherwise healthy cells. There are hundreds of sources of biologically available antioxidants.

New developments in anti-aging science and research show that we must maintain a balance of free-radicals, and antioxidants. When too many free-radicals are present in the body the symptoms of degenerative diseases will surface over time.

In today’s world a supplementary source of antioxidants is needed to fight against inflammation causing free radicals, and end the vicious cycle of chronic inflammation, pain and disease.

Aqua Ionizer Deluxe is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�13


You may be surprised to learn that IONIZED WATER HAS ANTIOXIDANTS in it!

Antioxidants in Your Water Researcher Ronald Prior, PhD, headed the landmark antioxidant study which measured the antioxidant values of a hundreds of different fruits and vegetables.

Cranberries, blueberries, and blackberries ranked highest in antioxidants among fruits in the study.

Antioxidants are important disease-fighting compounds. Scientists believe they help prevent and repair the stress that comes from oxidation, a natural process that occurs during inflammation and normal cell function.

Bottled and tap water, even bottled alkaline water, contain zero-antioxidants. In fact, many brands of bottled water have a positive ORP

and contribute to forming more free-radicals in your body.

If you want the powerful antioxidants contained only in ionized water, you can only get them from alkaline water machines like the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™.

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�14

-ORP Measures Antioxidants, and Antioxidants Fight Inflammation Causing Free Radicals!

To give this some meaning and relativity, here are some rough ORP measurements:

- Tap water: +250 to +400 ORP - Cola: +400 to +600 ORP - Green tea: -120 to -250 ORP - Orange juice: -150 to -250 ORP - Alkaline ionized water: -200 to -800 ORP

Remember, NEGATIVE -ORP Has a Positive



Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�15

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

The catch with fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant value is that the body does not absorb it all of it. The concept of one source of antioxidants being more absorbable than another is called bioavailability.

For example, although apples may contain less antioxidants than blueberries, a greater portion of the apples antioxidants may actually be utilized by the body due to the apples higher bioavailability.

Ionized water has a HUGE AMOUNT of antioxidants! In fact, the antioxidant value in water can be dramatically higher than fruits and vegetables.

“Antioxidants found in ionized water will protect your cells and encourage a body-wide reduction in inflammation

which will feel like an overall improvement to your health

Are you now beginning to see how alkaline ionized water is undeniably right for you?

Yes, Antioxidants Are Apart of the Answer!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�16

Ionized Water Helps “Cool Off” Your Inflammation, Putting Out the Fire

Ionized water helps put out the raging wildfire of inflammation.

Your body uses antioxidants to reduce inflammation, allowing for new circulation and life carrying blood to begin to repair and restore the damaged area.

The ultimate solution to diseases caused by chronic inflammation, and systemic inflammation is to remove the stressor causing the inflammation to allow your bodies healing process to unfold.

Now you know how a water ionizer machine like the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ can help you stop the vicious cycle of disease causing inflammation, in ways you didn’t know were possible before.

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�17

When you want to flush toxins out of your system, there’s no better way than drinking lots of water. But what if you don’t like the taste of plain water? By adding a few simple ingredients, you can make a fruit

infused detox water recipe that tastes great!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�18

1A Glass of Ionized Water!

Surprise! The foundation for any good detox water is antioxidant rich ionized water.

Start with the “daily drinking” setting on your water ionizer, and mix your own variety of organic, vitamin and mineral rich detox drinks!

Enjoy hydration, detoxification and antioxidants with a simple pH 8.0 glass of ionized water.

2 Raspberry Detox Water

Raspberries are a great way to add a food your already familiar with, is loaded with antioxidants and provides vitamins and minerals to your body. In this detox water we also add lemon slices and sacred rosemary as well. This recipe is perfect for summer when it’s getting hotter and and make your detoxing efforts more tasty and enjoyable.

Ionized Detox Water is Right For You!

Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ ionized water starts at a pH of 8.0 and -200 ORP on the “daily drinking setting” which is

the perfect liquid solution for your detox waters!

Page 19: Secret Healing Protocol - Air Water Life® · 2017-08-25 · • Acid reflux • Cancer • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis


When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�19

Cucumber Detox Water

Start with a 8 ounces of pH 8.0 “Daily Drinking” setting on your water ionizer. You’re also including lemons, cucumbers, and mint, a popular combination you’ve seen elsewhere in other detox drinks. You can instantly improve the quality of a glass of water by adding a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar to it.

Cucumbers, lemons and mint well-known for their detoxifying effects. This blend of all-natural fruits and herbs has a kick-to-it and is a great detox water to sip on through the day in place of your normal caffeinated beverages.

Fresher Breath - Mint contains an enjoyable mint oil aroma that will freshen your breath!Manage Stress - Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins, B1, B5 and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are known to help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer the damaging effects of stress. Supports Digestive Health - Cucumbers and mint have both been known to aid in digestion, and relieve feelings of nausea.

Fight Inflammation - Antioxidants in ionized water and the “cooling” effect of cucumbers work wonders together.Heart Health - Cucumbers and lemons contain potassium, which is associated with lower blood pressure levels. A proper balance of potassium is crucial for your body to function properly. Detoxifying - Ionized water, mint, lemon and cucumbers are all well known detoxifiers, and when mixed together have a synergetic effect!

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!


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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�20

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You! W

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“Our favorite detox water drink is mint lemonade! Simply

delicious.” - Kim

The detoxification effects of water infusions are greatly enhanced with Ionized Water!

Page 21: Secret Healing Protocol - Air Water Life® · 2017-08-25 · • Acid reflux • Cancer • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis


When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�21

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!


You may already be familiar with the “Master Cleanse” recipe popularized recently.

Well known for it’s slimming effects on the body, plus the added benefits of adding warmth (Cayenne Pepper adds BTUs to your body) this is an excellent choice for detoxification.

Starting with pH 8.0 ionized water, add half a lemon, a teaspoon of ground pepper and a tablespoon of honey for a detoxifying beverage you can drink all day long. Some people also choose to replace the honey will real organic maple syrup, the choice if yours!


Ingredients: Lemon, Cayenne Pepper and Honey!


The Master Cleanse Can Switch Your Body Into “Detox Mode”

A complete “Master Cleanse” is a liquid only fast for several days at a time. In order to do this type of “Master Cleanse” you stop eating regular foods and rely only on the concoction of lemon, honey and cayenne pepper. The reason this works is because it spurs your body into “detox mode” and the lack of food helps to give the digestive system a break to make sure that you’re entirely cleaned out!

If you do decide to undertake a “Master Cleanse” detox protocol it’s advised that consult with your doctor first.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�22

Fat Flush Detox Water!

Grapefruits are used often as a weight loss and plays a major role

in making weight loss supplements. Grapefruit is also a fantastic detoxing food which is often overlooked. We’re also adding a squeeze (or a slice!) of tangerine for sweetness.

Because as you know, as good as grapefruit is for you, people often avoid it because of how tart it can be!

So add tangerine to balance the tart taste of grapefruit, and enjoy this fat flushing detox water: The Fat Flush!

5Fat Flush Detox Water!

Aqua Ionizer Deluxe is Right For You!

Studies have shown that drinking water is a proven method for increasing weight loss. It fills you up, flushes your system and naturally helps your body release fat cells.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�23


Aqua Ionizer Deluxe is Right For You! In


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Zero Calories!

Stimulates Metabolism!

Vitamins & Minerals

Removes Toxins!

Antioxidant Rich!

pH Balancing


Page 24: Secret Healing Protocol - Air Water Life® · 2017-08-25 · • Acid reflux • Cancer • Arthritis • Bronchitis • Chronic pain • Diabetes • High blood pressure • Osteoporosis


When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�24

Blueberries & Oranges are also a great source of the

antioxidant Vitamin C. Ionized water aids in the absorption and transportation of Vitamin C in your body - the

combined effect is healthy synergy of Antioxidants & Hydration!

Blueberry Orange Detox Water

Blueberries are touted as one of the richest source of antioxidants readily available. Adding a few slices of fresh orange to your glass, and topped with a hint of mint makes a beverage you’ll love to drink!

1) Rinse your blueberries and orange slices in highly alkaline (pH 11.0) water to remove pesticides and toxins.

2) Fill your glass with daily drinking (pH 8.0) ionized water.

3) Add about half a handful of blueberries and a couple of orange slices - enjoy!



Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�25

Strawberry Lemon Detox Water

There is a reason most people think strawberries are delicious - they contain tons of vital vitamins and resources for our bodies.

Strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidant-promoting vitamin C and manganese. They are also a very good source of dietary fiber, iodine, and folate. Plus, strawberries are a good source of copper, potassium, biotin, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids.

A detox staple is always lemons! Lemons have such amazing detoxification qualities by themselves. In this recipe, the lemons are chilled in the freezer with the strawberries, making a cold, refreshing pitcher of detox water that you can sip on all day!


Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

Mint Lime Detox Water

The original classic, and a popular favorite. Just add mint and lime to your already alkaline 8.0 daily drinking water and enjoy a tasty detox water with positive effects!

• Kaffir limes fight harmful bacteria • A blast of important minerals and vitamins • Tastes delicious too!


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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�26

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

These machines produce pristine, alkaline, IONIZED WATER.

Only Available from

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�27

Alkaline Ionized Water is Right For You!

Acid Water pH 4.0 to 6.0 Acid water is not for drinking, but it is a marvelous choice for gentle toning and beauty care, thanks to its astringent effects. This water is also referred to as “Beauty Water” and it’s used to washing hair (and maintaining artificial hair color longer) and washing our skin. Since your hair prefers liquids that are slightly acidic, washing your hair with acid water will keep an even shine and your hair healthy and hydrated!

Strong Acid Water pH 2.5 Oil based pesticides wash easily away from food with strong alkaline water. However, some pesticides only wash away with characteristics found in strong acid water. You will remove more toxins, and make better meals with strong acid water. Strong acid water settings come installed on each Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ series water ionizer.

These machines also produce Strong ACIDIC WATER.

Water Ionizers, such as the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ series of water ionizers available only at create two flows. One alkaline, and one acidic. But why would you want acidic water?

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�28

Visit us online at for the best prices on water ionizers. We are the direct manufacturer of the #1 Best Selling Aqua Ionizer Deluxe 7.0™ and over the years have helped over 10,000 customers experience positive results from drinking ionized water.

We’re also available anytime 9AM - 5PM Pst toll free by calling 1-888-601-5886

Here’s To Your Health,Cheers!

The Air Water Life® Team320 S. Rock Blvd. Ste. 210

Reno, Nevada 89502

Alkaline Water Ionizers

FDA and Medical Disclaimer: Ionic water, Air Water Life™ and its associated products including the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™ water ionizer is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. Please consult your doctor

before you start using this product as alkaline and ionic water may interfere with certain prescription drugs and medications.

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When you think ionized water, think Aqua Ionizer Deluxe™�29