secondary evidence

Secondary evidence – The definition of horror is: an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear. I took this definition from Why do people choose to watch horror? Horror has the classic scare factor which has interested people for generations Very different type of genre compared to comedy or romance There are many different sub-genres in horror, so different consumers can enjoy different experiences. Horror genre watchers – Men are more likely to watch it between the ages of 15 and 24 This is because men are more interested in genres like this because they seek thrill and action rather than women who are more interested in comedies and romance (stereotypically). Horror movies are stereotypically quite gory and bloody so therefore might be a more suitable screening for men. Along with this, due to brief research conducted out through a number of websites, men are more likely to produce, direct or written by men. HOWEVER, I found contradicting research to this, saying that females watch more horror movies then men. This may be because females feel like they can imagine what it would be like to be one of the female characters and therefore could enjoy the film more due to this. The characters would be for example the last girl alive or the innocent female victims.

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Secondary evidence –

The definition of horror is: an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear.

I took this definition from

Why do people choose to watch horror?

Horror has the classic scare factor which has interested people for generations Very different type of genre compared to comedy or romance There are many different sub-genres in horror, so different consumers can enjoy different


Horror genre watchers –

Men are more likely to watch it between the ages of 15 and 24 This is because men are more interested in genres like this because they seek thrill and

action rather than women who are more interested in comedies and romance (stereotypically).

Horror movies are stereotypically quite gory and bloody so therefore might be a more suitable screening for men.

Along with this, due to brief research conducted out through a number of websites, men are more likely to produce, direct or written by men.

HOWEVER, I found contradicting research to this, saying that females watch more horror movies then men. This may be because females feel like they can imagine what it would be like to be one of the female characters and therefore could enjoy the film more due to this. The characters would be for example the last girl alive or the innocent female victims.

These are the possibly subgenres, features and frights within the horror genre that people are most scared off. As we can see the most popular one is spider but this doesn’t ever make regular appearances because the story line would be dull.

The smaller frights revolve around zombies and small spaces.

This is a pie chart of where people most prefer horror movies being placed in, clearly the most popular is by 42% is isolated parts of town. When making our video we should think about our settings very carefully which will entice a bigger audience, also what will be easier to do. The films that include these scenes would be like ‘paranormal activity’, ‘Insidious’ and ‘The Conjuring’. I think all of these are the most popular as they are the most realistic settings and kind of a truthful sense to the movie.

The list of most important to least important features wanted in a horror trailer –

1. Suspense 2. Music 3. Voice overs 4. Darkness 5. Jumpy moments 6. Originality 7. Good story line

Furthermore this is a representation of whether people want to be scared or not scared in a horror movie opening. 89% said yes to want to be scared in the opening of the horror movie but however we also have to take into the minority group as well (11%) because they are all my target audience. I think we could do this by having scary elements in our opening but however also have very generic pieces of text like a growing story line.