second presbyterian 2009.08.30... ·...

Second Presbyterian Church A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America 105 River Street Greenville, South Carolina 29601-2537 Established in 1892 August 30, 2009

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Page 1: Second Presbyterian 2009.08.30... · 2012-09-08 · the New Testament, since the 39 books of the Old Testament have been in place

Second Presbyterian Church

A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America

105 River Street

Greenville, South Carolina 29601-2537

Established in 1892

August 30, 2009

Page 2: Second Presbyterian 2009.08.30... · 2012-09-08 · the New Testament, since the 39 books of the Old Testament have been in place

THE LORD’S DAY August 30, 2009 8:30 AM 11:00 AM

The organ prelude is a call of consecration to worship the Living God. Let us prepare our hearts in reverence and silent prayer.


The Welcome and Announcements (Please sign and pass the Friendship Register — Visitors please give complete address and phone no.)

The Introit WE COME, O CHRIST, TO YOU DARWALL The text for the introit is hymn 181, stanzas 1 & 2

The Call To Worship Hebrews 1:1-2


The Prayer of Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer

The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 735

The Confession of Faith WCF 14:1-2 (Hymnal-page 856)

The Commandment Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”

The Confession of Sin and Supplication for Grace Most holy and merciful Father, we acknowledge and confess before You our sinful nature. We are prone to evil and slothful in good, and all our shortcomings and offenses are against You. You alone know how often we have sinned in wandering from Your ways, in wasting Your gifts, and in forgetting Your love. O Lord, have mercy on us, who are ashamed and sorry for all wherein we have displeased You. Teach us to hate our errors, cleanse us from our secret faults, and forgive our sins for the sake of Your dear Son. O most holy and loving Father, send Your purifying grace into our hearts, we beseech You, that we may henceforth live in Your light and walk in Your ways, according to the commandments of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Scriptural Assurance of Pardon Titus 3:5-7 For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one an-other. But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind ap-peared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.





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The Receiving of Tithes and Offerings

The Offertory Anthem THE LORD‟S MY SHEPHERD, I‟LL NOT WANT Hopson The Lord‟s my shepherd, I‟ll not want. He makes me down to lie, in pastures green, He leadeth me, the quiet waters by. My soul He doth restore again. And me to walk doth make within the paths of righteousness, e‟en for His own name‟s sake. Yea, though I walk in death‟s dark vale, yet will I fear no ill. For Thou art with me, and Thy rod and staff me comfort still. My table Thou hast furnished, in presence of my foes. My head Thou dost with oil anoint, and my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me. And in God‟s house forevermore my dwelling place shall be. Amen.

The Doxology Hymnal Page 731 OLD HUNDREDTH

The Prayer of Dedication

The Scripture Reading Genesis 37:12-36 (Page 36 in the Pew Bible)

The Prayer of Intercession


The Interlude Children’s Church, age 4-5; Shepherd: John Calvin Bechtel

The Scripture Lesson John 14:7-11 (Page 955 in the Pew Bible)

The Sermon WHOEVER HAS SEEN ME Rev. Richard D. Phillips


The Benediction

The Choral/Congregation Response TWOFOLD AMEN Greek liturgy


*Those who are able please stand 8:30 AM Worship Service Only

11:00 AM Worship Service Only







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Whoever Has Seen Me John 14:7-11

Introduction: When God Seems Distant ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Show Us the Father! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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2. ―Seeing‖ Jesus ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Reasons to Believe ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: Always with Jesus ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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―So Saul clothed David with his armor, and he put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail. David fastened his sword to his armor and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. And David said to Saul, „I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.‟ So David took them off.” 1 Samuel 17:38-39

The Prelude PARTITA ON ST. ANNE Charles Callahan

The Welcome and Announcements Rev. Robert Spears

The Call To Worship Psalm 46:1, 7 Mr. Melton L. Duncan


The Invocation

The Psalm 62 (verses 8-12) Page 50 in the Trinity Psalter ST. FLAVIAN

The Dedication of Tithes and Offerings

The Offertory

The Evening Prayer Mr. Melton L. Duncan

The Hymn 94 HOW FIRM A FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Children exit for Wee Worship Choir (4 years old-2nd grade) during the last stanza of the hymn.

The Scripture 1 Samuel 17:31-40 (Page 260 in the Pew Bible)

The Sermon THE ARMOR OF KING SAUL Rev. Richard D. Phillips


The Benediction

The Postlude THE GOD OF ABRAHAM PRAISE Michael Burkhardt

Evening Worship Service 6:00 PM

WELCOME VISITORS – Second Presbyterian invites all First Time visitors to go by the Visitors Table after the worship service and receive a packet of information prepared for you. The Visitors Table is located in the foyer on the ground floor at the Creation Plaza Entrance.





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The Armor of King Saul

1 Samuel 17:31-40 Introduction: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Earlier this week, I got together with my best friend from high school who was passing through town. We had a great time and were able to talk quite a bit about the Lord, the Bible, and finding a good church. My friend expressed concern over attacks on the Bible that he had heard in popular media, the point of which is that we cannot trust the source of our Bible. The impression is carefully given in books like The DaVinci Code and in popularized writings by liberal scholars such as Bart Ehrman, that the New Testament was put to-gether in a smoke-filled room by a shadowy group of power-hungry men. They point out that the earliest record finalizing the current 27 New Testament books was Athanasius’ Easter Letter of A.D. 367, three hundred years after the apostles! The suggestion is made that this list was a power-play to suppress alternative forms of Christian spirituality. All of this suggests that we should be skeptical about the Bible, seeing in it the agenda of certain religious men rather than the Word of God.

How do we respond to these charges? Most of today’s discussion concerns the New Testament, since the 39 books of the Old Testament have been in place since before the time of Christ. So the question is, ―How did the 27 books of the New Testament gain recognition as sacred Scripture?‖ I intend to go through this matter in detail in this week’s Wednesday night class (8/26/09), but here is a bullet point answer to whet your appetite:

The gospel and Christian doctrine were originally spread as an oral tradi-tion in the churches, based on the apostles’ personal teaching. As the apostles grew older, they wrote down their Gospels (our four were either written by an apostle – Matthew and John – or under apostolic supervision – Mark, under Peter, and Luke, under Paul). The apostles also began sending letters to their churches instructing them in doctrine and dealing with various problems. This was the age of persecution, so there were no Bible conferences or scholarly convocations. Apostolic scrolls (there were no books) rapidly spread throughout the empire – especially the Four Gospels and Paul’s letters – al-though any one church probably did not know all of the NT Scriptures. In the 2nd century, Christian leaders began writing to defend the faith and instruct the church, and they did so by teaching the books we now know as the New Testament. Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.) defended Christianity by refer-ence to the Four Gospels (he called them the ―memoires of the apostles‖) and the Old Testament. His student Tatian (120-180 A.D.) compiled the Diatesseron, a combination of the four Gospels. These and other sources show that the early church acknowledged only the four Gospels of the NT as authoritative accounts of Jesus’s life and ministry. We find this also in the writings of Irenaeus (130-200), Tertullian (155-222), Clement of Alexandria (130-200) and Origen (185-254). Meanwhile, the living testimony of the apostles was kept alive in the churches. In Ephesus, for instance, people remembered the teaching of John

Letter from the Pastor…

How Did We Get Our Bible?

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the Apostle in the A.D. 90’s. This church was the recipient of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, John’s Gospel, and the Book of Revelation, along with other books. So they knew personally which were the apostles’ writings! Consider Irenaeus, who wrote in the 170’s A.D. He was a personal disciple of Polycarp of Smyrna. Polycarp was a boy in the Ephesian church when John was preaching in the 80’s and 90’s. John was, of course, a personal disciple of Jesus. So in the 170’s and even later, this important church leader was a personal disciple of a man who studied under John himself and heard John’s first-hand account of Jesus. The point is that someone like Iranaeus knew what the true apostolic writings were because he had personal acquaintance with the process and people involved. Sometime between 170-200 A.D., a list of NT books was compiled in Rome. It is known today as the Muratorian Fragment. Unfortunately, it is damaged so that we can only read part of the list. But it is clear that the four Gospels, Acts, Paul’s letters, Jude, 1 and 2 John, and Revelation were accepted as Scripture. Note that no book not found in the New Testament was on this list. This list contained 21 of the 27 books in the NT and 80% of its material. This and later such lists shows a growing consensus of the NT canon. Only those books that were not widely disseminated – Hebrews and James being most prominent – were disputed. In the early 4th century, the emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and the age of persecution ended. This enabled the church leaders to meet and finalize their accepted list of canonical books. The historian Eusebius, writing at this time, divided the list into three categories: 1) those books accepted by all the churches: the Four Gospels, Acts, Paul’s letters, Hebrews, 1 Peter, 1 John, and Revelation. That is 22 of the 27 books; 2) books disputed by some because they were not as widely known: James, 2 Peter, 2-3 John, and Jude. These two categories put together all 27 books and none others; 3) rejected books: these include many worthy writings such as The Shepherd of Hermus and The Epistle of Diognetus, which were appreciated but rejected as Scripture.

What should we notice here? First, notice that there was never a time when a shadowy group of men met to ―decide‖ on which books would be in the New Testament. Rather it was a historical process of an underground, scattered, and persecuted church to acknowledge those books they recognized as apostolic and therefore authoritative. The key is that they recognized rather than decided on the apostolic canon. By the end of the second century, when a living connec-tion to the apostles themselves still existed, the basic shape of the New Testa-ment was fixed and is seen in church writings to have been the Word of God that shaped and empowered the early church.

This is only a brief summary of the issues, but I hope it is helpful to you. Perhaps you can use this information to help friends who are concerned and to defend the authority of the New Testament as it continues to speak today. In Christ’s Love, Pastor Rick Phillips

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Wednesday, Sept. 2

5:00 PM WIC Council


6:15 PM CAT Kids

6:30 PM Congregational Hymn Sing

6:45 PM Youth Bible Study

6:45 PM Adult Bible Study & Prayer

Thursday, Sept. 3

Friday, Sept. 4

6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study

Saturday, Sept. 5

Sunday, August 30


9:50 AM Children’s Chapel

10:00 AM RALLY DAY All children, youth and adult Sunday School classes will meet in the church sanctuary.


4:45 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal

5:30 PM Prayer in the Chapel (Congregation and Officers)


6:00 PM Wee Worship Choir


Monday, August 31

Tuesday, Sept. 1

9:00 AM Mother’s Morning Out

6:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 828


One Another

Remember in prayer this week the following member. Also, send

her a note of encouragement.

Mrs. Sara Edwards 3 Ila Court

Greenville, SC 29611 (mailing address only)

Memory Verses

for the Week

John 14:10-11

“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The

words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father

who dwells in Me does the works. Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for

the sake of the works themselves.”

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Upcoming Events

Aug. 30 Rally Day Aug. 30 Hymn Sing Sept. 2 WIC Council Sept. 6 Fellowship Supper Sept. 7 Church Office Closed Sept. 8-9 WIC Circles Sept. 9 Pastoral Care Committee Sept. 10 WIC Precepts Bible Study begins Sept. 13 New Members’ Class Sept. 13 Worship & Music Sept. 14 Diaconate Meeting Sept. 14 Session Meeting Sept. 15 WIC morning Bible Study resumes Sept. 17 WIC Book Club I Sept. 18 Senior High Dinner Sept. 20 The Lord Supper—am services Sept. 21 Young At Heart resumes Sept. 23 CE Committee Meeting Sept. 24 WIC Book Club II Sept. 27 Evangelism/Church Growth

All boys ages 11-18, who enjoy hiking, camping, canoeing, or sailing, just to name a few, check out Boy Scouts. Not only will you be able to do these things and more, but you will be taught how to be a leader in your school, church, and community. We are meeting every Tuesday in the Green House. For more infor-mation call Duane Bargar at 787-3299/Frank Mahon at 884-3648.

Boy Scout Troop 828

Hangers for “Providence”

Paul Anderson needs laundry shirt hangers for his ministry. If you have any of these or other hangers to spare, please place them in a box marked Hangers For “Providence” in the gym just inside the door. Paul thanks you with love in Christ on be-half of ―Providence Radio‖ and its missionary outreach.

River Street will be closed from 1-4:30 pm

on Sunday, August 30, for a bike race.

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Music Notes

—My heartfelt thanks to the many teachers, craft leaders, and assis-tants that made our summer Musical CAT Kids possible. You were all a joy to work with and I hope I can count on you again next year. —Wednesday, August 26, will be our end-of-the-summer party dur-ing our music time and is for all K4-5th graders. —The following Wednesday, September 2, we will be on the regular school year schedule where 3rd-8th graders will have music from 6:15-6:45 and then proceed to their CAT Kids classes. Please make a note of this earlier start time. Many thanks, Elizabeth Guest

Good News Clubs Volunteers Needed!

Contact Cyndi Player (963-8633).

WIC Bible Study Precepts Begins

The 13-week WIC Bible Study Precepts will begin Thursday, Septem-ber 10, at 9:30 AM in the Conference Room. The class will be studying 2 Timothy. If you are interested you need to contact Mary Russell (329-1670) as soon as possible.

The Tuesday morning Bible study will resume Tuesday, September 15, at 10:00 am, in the Fellowship Hall. The study this year is the book of Joshua. If you have any questions see Bobbie Houser. A nursery will be provided.

WIC Morning Bible Study Resumes

The Second Pres. Young Singles Group is currently meeting at differ-ent peoples’ homes once a week for fellowship and discussion. Starting Thursday, September 10, we will start a weekly Bible Study using J. I. Packer’s Knowing God. This is a group of young single adults who have graduated from college or are at least 22 years of age. The purpose of this group is to glorify God through our growth in Christ, which is centered on the study of God’s word, and the cultivation of godly friendships, by gathering each week to spend time together. If you would like to get plugged in and stay up to date on the Bible Study or other events, please contact Richard Brueck at: [email protected] or (864) 360-2331

Young Singles Group

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Young At Heart

Young At Heart will resume their monthly meetings on Monday, Sep-tember 21, at 11:45 am, in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be catered at $5.00 per person and will be collected at the door. This month, Mrs. Kathy Scwartz will be joining us once again to entertain us and inspire us with her beautiful music on the bells. Kathy is back by popular de-mand. Each year many of you request for her to return so she has be-come a popular favorite. Don’t miss this special program.

Rally Day

Sunday, August 30, 2009 10:00 AM - Church Sanctuary Speaker: Rev. Robert Spears

Our children and young people will be promoted to their new classes. Our Sunday School Teachers:

King’s Kids: Mrs. Deborah Martin 4 and 5 year-olds: Mrs. Cyndi Player 1st and 2nd graders: Mrs. Cindy Mann 3rd and 4th graders: Mr. Steven Schvaneveldt 5th and 6th graders: Mrs. Lora Evans Jr. High: Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Worley Sr. High: Rev. Gabriel Fluhrer College/Career Class: Mr. Seth Starkey Young Adults Class: Mr. Richard Brueck Westminster Class: Mr. Bobby Mann/ Mr. Johnny Mann Acts Class: Rev. Robert Spears/ Mr. Tim Crunk/ Mr. Bill Watkins Chapel/Outlaw Class: Dr. Stuart Patterson/ Dr. James McGoldrick Dr. Barry Waugh Nursery Coordinator: Mrs. Laurie Farley Children’s Church: Miss Julia Shreve

Hymn Sing

Sunday, August 30, 2009,

immediately following

the evening worship service.

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The flowers are placed in the sanctuary this Lord‟s Day to the glory of God, and in loving honor of our mothers

by the Senn, Cagle, and Griffin families.

SESSION Rev. Richard D. Phillips, Moderator

Albert S. Anderson (271-1835) Chmn. Worship & Music

David L. Bragdon (268-6725) Chmn. Missions

Billy R. Cross, Sr (864-972-8227)

Melton L. Duncan (268-8631) Chmn. Media

Gabriel Fluhrer (608-2972)

Kenneth N. Gamble (297-4239)

Emil H. Henning (322-1207)

Pat C. Holbrook (277-2242) Chmn. Finance & Benevolence

Jonathan A. Mann (244-0190) Chmn. Christian Education/Admin.

Bobby H. Mann, Jr. (895-3351)

Doug McDaniel (370-0008)

C. Stuart Patterson (246-0701)

Hugh Player (963-8633) Clerk/Chmn. Evang., Discipleship, and Church Growth

Keith A. Pratt (313-6477)

Walter H. Russell (609-5151)

Kenneth E. Safford (419-8267)

Robert E. Spears, III (244-9864)

J.W. Wheeler, III (895-4950)

Al H. Wills, Jr. (232-6807)

Fred H. Youngblood, Jr. (288-3499) Chmn. Pastoral Care

ELDERS EMERITI Roy Heath E. Dave Maney


Pat C. Holbrook Bobby H. Mann, Chmn. C. Stuart Patterson

SUNDAY SCHOOL Melton L. Duncan, Superintendent

Joe Stevens, Assistant Superintendent Nathaniel Johnson, Sunday School Treasurer


Class of 2009 Jon Guest Henry Martin Nathaniel Johnson Jim Leathers, Chmn. Ushering

Class of 2012 Michael Holman

David Lock

David Rainey, Treasurer/ Cmm. Stewardship & Finance

Tindell Russell

Class of 2011 Alan Farley

Chmn. Fellowship/Athletics Jacob Gamble

Co-Chmn. Bldg. & Property John Gray, Vice Chairman Bob Holman Marcus Laughter, Chmn.

Sympathy/Service Frank Mahon

Class of 2010

Kip Altman Arnold Childers Spencer Evans, Chmn. Bldg. & Property Joseph Maralit, Secretary Joe Stevens Kevin Worley, Chairman

WOMEN IN THE CHURCH Mrs. Leslie Martin, President Mrs. Alice Barnett, V. Pres. Mrs. Jane Rainey, Secretary Mrs. Lynn Shaw, Treasurer Mrs. Cindy Crunk, Historian Mrs. Lynda Duncan, Christian Growth Mrs. Debbie Martin, MNA Mrs. Kate Brueck, MTW

Mrs. Vicky Rogers, Circle 1

Mrs. Elizabeth Cureton, Circle 2

Mrs. Grace Cooley, Circle 3

Mrs. Jean Pennington, Circle 4

Mrs. Pat Shuford, Circle 5

Mrs. Myra Russell, Circle 6

Mr. Jonathan A. Mann, Session Rep.


The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Amicy Haiti Mr. and Mrs. Leon Amicy Haiti The Rev. Paul Anderson Providence, RI The Rev. and Mrs. Sidney Anderson Czech Republic The Rev. and Mrs. Wes Baker Peru The Rev. and Mrs. Rick Brawner R.U.F.I., Clemson Univ. The Rev. and Mrs. William Carr South Africa The Rev. and Mrs. David Cross England The Rev. and Mrs. Octavius Delfils Haiti The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Dye Mexico The Rev. and Mrs. Roger Dye Chile The Rev. and Mrs. Esaie Etienne Haiti Miss June Gallman Costa Rica The Rev. and Mrs. Josh Martin R.U.F., LSU The Rev. and Mrs. David Osborne R.U.F., Western Carolina The Rev. and Mrs. Alonzo Ramirez Peru The Rev. and Mrs. Guillermo Salinas Mexico The Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Speaks R.U.F., Clemson Univ. The Rev. and Mrs. Lian Tombing India The Rev. and Mrs. Tim Udouj R.U.F. Furman Univ. Miss Rebecca White Taiwan


Nurseries: AM Monitor Laurie Farley 8:15 Treasures/Cherubs Brian & Maria Bassett Sunbeams/Kings K. Janice Leathers 9:45 Treasures Kitty Swillen/Laurie Farley Sunbeams/Cherubs Kelly Woodard/ Janice Leathers SS Helper Rachel Stoddard 10:45 Treasures Kitty Swillen/Laurie Farley Cherubs Mariah Wendt/Elise Farley Sunbeams Serge & Christa Pomerlyan Kings Kids Laurie & Haley Schvanevelt PM Monitor Lynda Duncan 5:50 Birth-2 yrs Lynda Duncan 2 to 3 years Jon & Ann Guest Children’s Church: Jenny Spears

Ushers: Main Floor: 8:30 am: Jim Leathers, Daniel Evans, Kip Altman 11:00 am: Alan Farley, Trey Penning-ton, Jon Patton, Brian Bechtel, Andrew Guest, David Rainey, Jacob Gamble Balcony: Tim Keeley, Matt Griffin Evening: Trey Pennington


Spencer Evans, Joseph Maralit, Tindell Russell, Capt.

Elders on Duty:

Pat Holbrook and Melton L. Duncan

Wednesday night workers:

Prep: Linda Bragdon, Farrell Stillman, Meredith Altman Clean-up: Bob Holman, Johnny Mann, Jacob and Carrie Gamble, Amy Stevens

PRESBYTERY AND LOCAL SUPPORT Bethany Christian Services Greenville Rescue Mission Calvary Home for Children Miracle Hill Rescue Mission Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Piedmont Women’s Center Church Plant Hartsville, SC Local Relief Fund

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CHURCH DIRECTORY Rev. Richard D. Phillips Senior Pastor, Ext. 15 Email: [email protected]

Rev. Robert E. Spears III Associate Pastor, Ext. 14 Email: [email protected]

Rev. Gabriel Fluhrer Assistant Pastor, Ext. 16 Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Judy Grant Office Administrator, Ext. 10 Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Jane Warner Bookkeeper, Ext. 18 Email: [email protected]

Miss Elizabeth Guest Music Director, Ext. 23 Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Dana Carter/Mrs. Ellen Shearer Interim Organists

Mr. David Rainey Church Treasurer

Mrs. Pat Shuford Hostess

Mrs. Kitty Swillen Assistant Hostess

Mr. & Mrs. Marion Dillard Historians

Dr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw Cooks, Ext. 21

Mrs. Cindy Mann Librarian Compassion Corps Chairman

Mrs. Laurie Farley Interim Nursery Coordinator

Mrs. Janice Leathers Mother’s Morning Out

Miss Julia Shreve Children’s Church

All sermons and Wednesday night Bible Study classes are available for listening or downloading from the church website:

TO ORDER SERMONS ON CD OR CASSETTE TAPE complete this form and leave in the sermon drawer outside the library.

CD or tape can be picked up in sermon drawer usually within one week.

CD______ Buy______ Mail______ Cassette Tape______ Borrow______ Pickup______

(tape-two sermons—$2.00 * CD-one sermon—$1.00) SERMON DATE______________Both services____Morning____Evening____ NAME ____________________________________ Tel._____________________ ADDRESS (only if to be mailed)_______________________________________

Second Presbyterian Church

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Telephone: Office (864) 232-7621

Fax: (864) 232-7622 • E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Radio Broadcast: Sundays, 9:00 AM, Station: WLFJ 660 AM Information Centers: Church Services Information 1 • Directions 2

Hospital Information 3 • Upcoming Events 4 Church Directory 5 • Monthly Activities 6

Church Services: Sunday: Sunday School–10:00 AM • Morning Worship–8:30 and 11:00 AM • Evening Worship–6:00 PM

Wednesday: Supper & Bible Study – 5:45 PM