second periodical test english grade 3

Miriam’s Academy of Valenzuela Inc. Mabolo, Valenzuela City Table of Specification Englis III SEC!"# $%A#I"$ &E%I!#ICA' TEST !b(ecti)es "o. of Item s Item &lace* ment 'EVE' !+ "#ESTA"#I"$ - of Items .'ISTE"I"$ /no0ledge &rocess nderstanding &erformanc e . "ote details in a story 'istened to. 1 *1 1 2- 3. Spea4ing As4 simple 5uestions sing #o and #oes 6 7*8 6 7- 6. %eading Compreension A. %eread and self*correct Monitor one’s Compreension )ia S4imming of ideas. 6 9* 2 6 7- :. Se5uence series of e)ents 1 2* 1 1 2- ;. &onics and <ord %ecognition A. #ecode 0ords 0it #igrap =c= intial as in Cin and =c= final 3 7* > 3 ;- :. #ecode 0ords 0it #igrap 0= ,p= ,=t= and =s=. ; 8*3 ; 8- C. #ecode 0ords 0it long Vo0el sounds a, i,o and u. ; 33*31 ; 8- 1. $rammar A. se action 0ords in Simple sentences. 6 37*38 6 7- :. +orm and use simple &ast tense of fre5uently !ccurring regular )erbs. ; 39*63 ; 8- C. se te simple present tense of )erbs. ; 66*67 ; 8- 7. Vocabulary A. <ords 0it te same Meaning ? synonyms@ ; 6>*; ; 8- :. <ords 0it opposite Meaning ? opposite @ ; ;3*;1 ; 8- >. Spelling=<riting Spell 0ords 0it te long )o0el sound and digraps 1 ;1*12 7 3- 22- &%E&A%E# : B

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Mabolo, Valenzuela City
Table of Specification
!b(ecti)es "o.
'istened to.
6. %eading Compreension
  Monitor one’s
Compreension )ia
S4imming of ideas.
  :. Se5uence series of
;. &onics and <ord
3 7*> 3 ;-
  :. #ecode 0ords 0it
Simple sentences.
  :. +orm and use simple
  &ast tense of fre5uently
tense of )erbs.
; 66*67 ; 8-
  Meaning ? synonyms@
; 6>*; ; 8-
)o0el sound and digraps
1 ;1*12 7 3-
  A:!'!, VA'E"E'A CIT
I. 'ISTE"I"$
A. 'isten to te story carefully. In te blan4 before eac item, 0rite te letter of
te correct ans0er to te gi)en situation.
 _______1. Who rides a bike?
  a. Mother b. a friend c. Mike d. father 
 _______2. What happened to him when he rides his bike and flies a kite?
  a. He fell on his bike. C. He bumped on a tree.
  b. Nothing happened to him. D. He eno!ed it "er! much.
 _______#. What did his mother ad"ise him?
 a. $ou need to tie !our kite well on !our bike.
 b. Do not fl! a kite when !ou ride a bike.
c. %sk a friend to assist !ou when !ou fl! a kite and ride a bike.
 d. $ou should hold the string firml!.
 _______&. Did Mike follow his mom's ad"ice?
 a. $es( he does but still flies a kite with a friend on his back.
b. No( and flies a kite again while riding a bike.
 c. $es( he did because he reali)ed that what he did was dangerous.
d. No( and still flies a kite but runs the bike slowl!.
 ______ *. What is the ending of the stor!?
 a. Mike rides a bike and not fl!ing a kite.
 b. He flies a kite but not riding a bike.
 c. He pla!ed with another game with his friends.
 d. He went fishing instead.
II. Spea4ing
+ill in te gaps 0it eiter #! or #!ES and 0rite an ans0er to eac
III. %EA#I"$ C! &%EDE"SI!"
Coose te rigt idea by scanning te pictures. <rite on te blan4 space te
letter of te correct ans0er.
A : C
9. #anny
 returns te 0allet to te man. Te man is appy. Almira isproud of
2. #anny sees a 0allet tat fell from te man’s poc4et.
. #anny and Almira are 0al4ing along te grocery lane.
 Se5uence te e)ents tat appened in te story HTe :ig #ay. <rite
3. Se practiced a song number 0it er friends.
 6.Se mopped te floor and tre0 te garbage out.
 ;. Se in)ited er relati)es and friends.
 1. Ana 0ent to te mar4et 0it er moter.
IV. &D!"ICS A"# <!%# %EC!$"ITI!"
A. #igrapsB s, c, 0, pFt
#irectionsB Coose te best digrap to complete te 0ord for eac
7. I’d li4e some eese on my burger, please. ? c , 0, p @
>. I didn’t notice tat my 0atstops tat is 0y I am late. ?c ,0, p @
8. :e careful using tat 4nife because it is )ery arp. ? c, 0, s @
9. y fa)orite sub(ects are Science and a.? 0, t , s @
32. 'ast ursday my mom too4 me to te mo)ies. ? t, 0, s@
3. &lease ans0er te ****one 0en it rings. ? t, 0, p@
:.#EC!#I"$ '!"$ A, I , ! A"# V!<E' S!"#
%ead it. Ans0er it.
33. It’s not a sna4e. It’s s0eet and yummy. I ate it yesterday. <at is itG
a. a sa4e b. a ca4e c. #ra4e d. a ca4e
36. y friends lo)e my puppy )ery muc. Tey li4e it because it is smart and . <at is
  issing 0ordG
a. cute b. naugty c. noisy c. friendly
3;. #ogs li4e to eat tis. It is ard but tey li4e it. <at is itG
a. meat b. bones c. fis d. rice
31. It is a plastic toy. It is a mind building game. It’s sape as 7 e5ual side. <at is itG
a. tube b. cube
  A. Circle te action )erb in eac sentence belo0.
37. Te bluebird in te tree sings beautifully.
3>. Te football team dases out of te loc4er room.
38. Darold finds a purple crayon.
  :.+ill in te spaces 0it te correct form of tese regular )erbs in simple
past tense.
62. ou ?(og@ yesterday morning.
6. De ?miJ@ te cemicals togeter in te lab.
63. Se ? dance @ 0ell in te program last +riday.
 C.+ill in te spaces 0it te correct form of te )erb in simple present
I ?a)e@ 66. a best friend. Dis name ?be@ 6;. Koe, but e)erybody ?call@
61. im Koey. Koey and I a)e been friends for a long time. TatLs te problem. Koey
 ?li4e@ 67. to smo4e.
VI. V!CA:'A%
A. #irectionsB Coose te best synonym for te follo0ing 0ords
6>. 4ind 68. glad ;2.big
:.#irectionsB Coose te 0ord tat is most nearly opposite in meaning to
;. C'I"$ ;3.&%EVE"T ;6.C!"SI#E% ;;.A%CTIC
a. detac a. a)oid a. tin4 a. cilly
b. clutc b. interrupt b. finis b. tropical
c. ide c. stop c. study c. melted
d. slice d. cause d. ignore d. frozen
VII. S&E''I"$=<%ITI"$
<rite te names of eac picture in te boJ and use te 0ords to ma4e one good
I 0ant to eat tat pie. It’s yummy. ;1.  
;7. ;>.