second grade grading benchmarks reading

Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE READING 1) Reads at grade level. Trimester 1 2 3 4 1st Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level G or below. success at Level H or I. success at Level J or K. success at Level L or above. 2nd Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level I or below. success at Level J or K. success at Level L. success at Level M or above. 3rd Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level J or below. success at Level K or L. success at Level M. success at Level N or above. Reading level as indicated on the Teachers College Reading Level Benchmarks for the Independ ent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA). 2) Uses various sh·ategies to decode text (pictures, context, phonics). Trimester 1 2 3 4 ALL Student is unable or rarely able to Student sometimes uses phonic Student consistently uses phonic Student is able to use skills in a use phonic skills, picture clues, skills, picture clues, and context skills, picture clues, and context higher level text. and context clues to figure out clues to figure out unknown clues to figure out unknown unknown words. words. words. Second Grade Benchmarks - READING (8/15/19) Page 1 of6

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Page 1: SECOND GRADE Grading Benchmarks READING

Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE


1) Reads at grade level.

Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level G or below. success at Level H or I. success at Level J or K. success at Level L or above.

2nd Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level I or below. success at Level J or K. success at Level L. success at Level M or above.

3rd Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading Student has achieved reading success at Level J or below. success at Level K or L. success at Level M. success at Level N or above.

Reading level as indicated on the Teachers College Reading Level Benchmarks for the Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA).

2) Uses various sh·ategies to decode text (pictures, context, phonics).

Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL Student is unable or rarely able to Student sometimes uses phonic Student consistently uses phonic Student is able to use skills in a use phonic skills, picture clues, skills, picture clues, and context skills, picture clues, and context higher level text. and context clues to figure out clues to figure out unknown clues to figure out unknown unknown words. words. words.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

3) Reads with comprehension: Literal (main idea, details, character, setting, retells accurately).

⇒ Demonstrates successful understanding of the text through retelling, summarizing, and interpreting the main idea.

Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st • Student rarely demonstrates • Student sometimes • Student demonstrates a literal In above-grade-level texts: literal understanding of stories demonstrates some literal understanding of stories and • Student consistently and informational texts. understanding of stories and infonnational texts. demonstrates a strong literal

• Retellings and responses are informational texts. • Retellings and responses understanding of texts. simple, demonstrate little • Retellings and responses demonstrate an understanding • Retellings and responses understanding of the text, and demonstrate a partial of the text and partial demonstrate a thorough literal are generally based on understanding of the text and application of learned understanding of the text and pictures. partial application of target comprehension skills. application of above-level

• Student does not use target comprehension skills. • Student has achieved comprehension skills . comprehension skills. Student has achieved comprehension success at • Student has achieved

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level J or K . comprehension success at comprehension success at Level Hor I. Level L or above. Level G or below.

2nd • Student rarely demonstrates • Student sometimes • Student demonstrates a literal In above-grade-level texts: literal understanding of stories demonstrates literal understanding of stories and • Sh1dent consistently and informational texts. understanding of stories and infonnational texts. demonstrates a strong literal

• Retellings and responses are informational texts. • Retellings and responses understanding of texts . simple, demonstrate little • Retellings and responses demonsh·ate an understanding • Retellings and responses understanding of the text, and demonsh·ate a partial of the text and application of demonstrate a thorough literal are generally based on understanding of the text and learned comprehension skills. understanding of the text and pictures. paiiial application of target • Student has achieved application of above-level

• Student does not use target comprehension skills. comprehension success at comprehension skills. comprehension skills. Level L.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

• Student has achieved • Student has achieved • Student has achieved comprehension success at comprehension success at comprehension success at Level I or below. Level J or K. Level M or above.

3rd • Student rarely demonstrates • Student sometimes • Student demonstrates a literal In above-grade-level texts: literal understanding of stories demonstrates literal understanding of stories and • Sh1dent consistently and informational texts. understanding of stories and informational texts. demonstrates a strong literal

• Retellings and responses are informational texts. • Retellings and responses understanding of texts. simple, demonstrate little • Retellings and responses demonstrate an understanding • Retellings and responses understanding of the text, and demonstrate a partial of the text and application of demonstrate a thorough literal are generally based on understanding of the text and learned comprehension skills. understanding of the text and pictures. partial application of target • Student has achieved application of above-level

• Student does not use target comprehension skills. comprehension success at comprehension skills. comprehension skills. • Student has achieved Level M. • Sh1dent has achieved

• Sh1dent has achieved comprehension success at comprehension success at comprehension success at Level K. Level N or above. Level J or below.

Reading level as indicated on the Teachers College Reading Level Benchmarks for the Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA).

4) Reads w ith comprehension: Inferential (inferences, predictions, conclusions).

Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st • Student notices few details in • Student inconsistently notices • Student notices clues in In above-grade-level texts: I r 11 I• pictures and text. I <' some clues in pictures and pictures and text. • Student consistently analyzes

IL Student does not extend text. Student extends thinking by I' clues in pictures and text. ·I ,h. • II II

''- thinking or demonstrate II . Student sometimes extends describing characters, events, • Student extends thinking by ! inferential understanding of ,~,n thinking to describe a few and ideas beyond what is describing and explaining

clues. stated and shown in the text. clues to analyze and evaluate - ' ':" ~

I ' •---~

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informational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level G or below.

• Student notices few details in pictures and text.

• Student does not extend thinking or demonstrate inferential understanding of info1mational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level I or below.

• Student notices few details in pictures and text; does not

Second Grade Benchmarks - READfNG (8/15/19)

Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

• Student demonstrates a limited inferential understanding of informational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level Hor I.

• Student inconsistently notices some clues in pictures and text.

• Student sometimes extends thinking to describe a few clues.

• Student demonstrates a limited inferential understanding of informational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level J orK.

• Student inconsistently notices some clues in pictures and

• Student demonstrates an inferential understanding of informational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level J or K.

• Student notices clues in pichU"es and text.

• Student extends thinking by describing characters, events, and ideas beyond what is stated and shown in the text.

• Student demonstrates an inferential understanding of infonnational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level L.

• Student notices clues in pich\l"es and text; extends

characters, events, ideas, setting, and author's purpose.

• Student demonstrates an insightful inferential understanding of informational and imaginative texts.

• Sh1dent has achieved comprehension success at Level L or above.

In above-grade-level texts:

Sh1dent consistently analyzes clues in pictures and text. Sh1dent consistently extends thinking by describing and explaining clues to analyze and evaluate characters, events, ideas, setting, and author's purpose. Student consistently demonstrates an insightful inferential understanding of informational and imaginative texts. Student has achieved comprehension success at Level M.

In above-grade-level texts:

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

extend thinking or demonstrate text; sometimes extends thinking by describing • Student consistently analyzes inferential understanding of thinking to describe a few characters, events, and ideas clues in pictures and text; informational and imaginative clues; demonstrates a limited beyond what is stated and extends thinking by describing texts. inferential understanding of shown in the text; and explaining clues to

• Student has achieved informational and imaginative demonstrates an inferential analyze and evaluate comprehension success at texts. understanding of informational characters, events, ideas, Level J or below. • Student has achieved and imaginative texts. setting, and author's purpose;

comprehension success at • Student has achieved demonstrates an insightful LevelK. comprehension success at inferential understanding of

Level M. informational and imaginative texts.

• Student has achieved comprehension success at Level N or above.

Reading level as indicated on the Teachers College Reading Level Benchmarks for the Independent Reading Level Assessment (IRLA).

5) Reads with fluency ( expression, phrasing, rate, accuracy).

⇒ Demonstrates the ability to read accurately at an appropriate pace with expression.

Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL • Student does not demonstrate • Student reads some target • Student consistently reads • Student consistently reads fluency when reading target high-frequency and decodable target high-frequency and above-level, high-frequency high-frequency and decodable words accurately. decodable words accurately and decodable words words. • Student may read words ve1y and with appropriate pacing. accmately and with

• Lack of fluent reading is quickly and inaccurately or • Student uses and recognizes appropriate pacing; . evident during independent ve1y slowly and inaccurately. word patterns when reading • Student demonstrates fluent reading of texts. words fluently. reading of above-level texts

when reading independently.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

• Reading of texts is very • Reading is somewhat fluent • Student demonstrates fluent • Student attends to internal and choppy and slow. when independently reading reading of onlevel texts. ending punctuation.

• Student does not attend to texts. • Student reads accurately. • Reading is fluid and accurate. spaces between words or to • Student reads leveled texts • Student pauses briefly between • Student uses phrasing to group ending punctuation. either too slowly or too words. words that go together.

quickly. • Student attends to ending • Expression is matched to the • Reading is choppy some of the punctuation. mood, character's feelings, or

time. • Student uses expression actions in the text. • Student does not consistently matched to meaning and

attend to ending punctuation. punctuation. • Student uses very little or no


6) Demonstrates stamina during independent reading.

-Trimester 1 2 3 4

11 1st Student is unable or rarely able to Student is approaching reading Student consistently sustains Student consistently sustains 11 sustain attention for 15 minutes. stamina for 20 minutes. attention during independent attention during independent

reading for 20 minutes. reading for 25 minutes. -

2nd Student is unable or rarely able to Student is approaching reading Student consistently sustains Student consistently sustains sustain attention for 20 minutes. stamina for 25 minutes. attention during independent attention during independent

reading for 25 minutes. reading for 30 minutes.

3rd Student is unable or rarely able to Student is approaching reading Student consistently sustains Student consistently sustains sustain attention for 25 minutes. stamina for 30 minutes. attention during independent attention during independent

reading for 30 minutes. reading for more than 35 minutes.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE


1) Generates ideas. Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL • Student generates very few • Student generates a few ideas • Student generates, supports, • Student generates and tries out ideas. from experience. and elaborates on ideas for ideas from experience, stories

• Student does not use • Student uses a few pre-writing writing from own experiences, read, informational text, or pre-writing strategies taught in strategies taught in units of stories read, infonnational text, imagination. units of study. study. or imagination. • Student uses pre-writing

• Student uses some prewriting strategies taught in units of strategies to identify and study to na1rnw a topic and to nanow topic and to plan paiis thoroughly plan writing taught of the writing (lists, webs, and in units of study. organizers), as taught in units of study.

2) Develops ideas in an organized manner (beginning, middle, end). Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL • Most of the student's ideas are • Student's writing is pa11ially • Student's writing is organized; • Student's writing is organized not relevant to the topic. organized with some ideas most ideas are relevant to the with ideas that are relevant to

• There is a beginning with one relevant to the topic. topic . and support the topic and or two unrelated details. • There is a beginning and end • There is a clear beginning, purpose.

• Student uses few basic text with a few details. middle, and end with related • There is a well-developed features. • Student uses some simple text details in each pa11. beginning, middle, and end

• Student uses many sentence features. • Student uses target text with many relevant details . fragments or nm-ons. • Some sentences are features (title, pictures, • Student uses above-level text

incomplete or run-on. captions, author, page features. numbers).

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

• Student writes complete • Student writes different kinds sentences. of complete and complex

• Student produces complete sentences ( declarative, declarative, interrogative, interrogative, imperative, and imperative, and exclamatory exclamatory). sentences.

3) Demonsh·ates stamina during independent writing time.

Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st Student is unable or rarely able to Student is approaching Student consistently writes Student consistently writes 11 write independently for 20 independent writing stamina of 20 independently for 20 minutes. independently for more than 20 11

minutes. minutes. minutes.

2nd Student is unable or rarely able to Student is approaching Student consistently writes Student consistently writes write independently for 25 independent writing stamina of 25 independently for 25 minutes. independently for more than 25 minutes. minutes. minutes.

3rd Student is approaching Student consistently writes Student consistently writes Student consistently writes independent writing stamina of 30 independently for 30 minutes. independently for more than 30 independently for more than 30 minutes. minutes. minutes.

4) Uses capitalization and punctuation appropriately.

Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st Student rarely applies grade-level Student is beginning to apply Student applies grade-level Student consistently applies mechanics of capitalization and grade-level mechanics of mechanics of capitalization and above-grade-level mechanics of punctuation, including: capitalization and punctuation, punctuation, including: capitalization and punctuation.

(~l '-' ~· including:

- -- - - -- - - -

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• Proper names, months when writing dates, holidays, words in a title, "I."

• Question marks, periods, exclamation points.

• Commas to separate day from year in dates.

Student rarely applies grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st

Trimester, plus: • Commas when listing.

Student rarely applies grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st and 2nd Trimester, plus: • Apostrophe in contractions.

Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

• Proper names, months when writing dates, holidays, words in a title, "I."

• Question marks, periods, exclamation points.

• Commas to separate day from year in dates.

Student is beginning to apply grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st Trimester, plus: • Commas when listing.

Student is beginning to apply grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st and 2nd Trimester, plus: • Apostrophe in contractions.

• Proper names, months when writing dates, holidays, words in a title, "I."

• Question marks, periods, exclamation points.

• Commas to separate day from year in dates.

Student applies grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st

Trimester, plus: • Commas when listing and in

greetings and closings of letters.

Student applies grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation as listed in the 1st and 2nd Trimester, plus: • Apostrophe in contractions and

frequently occurring possessives.

5) Applies conventions of grammar and usage.

I Trimester I 1 I 2 3

Second Grade Benchmarks - WRITING (8/15/19)

Student consistently applies above-grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation.

Student consistently applies above-grade-level mechanics of capitalization and punctuation.


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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

,~ 1st Student rarely applies grade-level Student is beginning to apply Student applies grade-level Student consistently applies

grammar and usage, including: grade-level grammar and usage, grammar and usage, including: above-grade-level conventions of • Produce complete simple including: • Produce complete simple grammar and usage.

II~ sentences. • Produce complete simple I sentences. • Collective nouns to describe sentences. • Collective nouns to describe I •;

groups. ·I~• Collective nouns to describe ' groups. , l L II -


2nd Student rarely applies grade-level Student is beginning to apply Student applies grade-level Student consistently applies grammar and usage as listed in the grade-level grammar and usage as grammar and usage as listed in the above-grade-level conventions of I st Trimester, plus: listed in the I st Trimester, plus: I st Trimester, plus: grammar and usage. • Expanding simple sentences. • Expanding simple sentences. • Expanding simple sentences . • Compound sentences. • Compound sentences. • Compound sentences . • Adjectives, adverbs, and • Adjectives, adverbs, and • Adjectives, adverbs, and

pronouns. pronouns. pronouns.

3rd Student rarely applies grade-level Student is beginning to apply Student applies grade-level Student consistently applies grammar and usage as listed in the grade-level gra1mnar and usage as grammar and usage as listed in the above-grade-level conventions of 1st and 2nd Trimesters, plus: listed in the I st and 2nd Trimesters, l st and 2nd Trimesters, plus: grammar and usage. • Frequently occuning, irregular plus: • Frequently occuning, inegular

plural nouns to describe • Frequently occurring, irregular plural nouns to describe multiple things. plural nouns to describe multiple things.

• Past-tense irregular verbs. multiple things. • Past-tense inegular verbs. • Past-tense irregular verbs .

6) Learns and applies spelling patterns. j Trimester I 1 2 3 4

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

ALL Student does not use or edit Student rarely uses and edits Student uses and edits spelling of Student consistently uses and edits spelling of grade-level decodable spelling of grade-level decodable many grade-level decodable and spelling of grade-level and and high-frequency words. and high-frequency words. high-frequency words, by above-grade-level decodable and

consulting reference materials. high-frequency words.

7) Applies revision and editing strategies. Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL • Student does not read or revise • Student sometimes rereads and • Student rereads his/her writing • Student consistently rereads his/her own writing. revises some of his/her own to self, teacher, and writing and revises his/her own

• Student does not reread his/her writing with teacher or pa1tner. partner . writing independently and writing to edit for • Student adds or deletes a few • Student revises to make with partners. capitalization, punctuation, words. writing look and sound better • Student revises to make it look and spelling. • Student sometimes rereads by adding, deleting, and and sound better by adding,

his/her writing to teacher or changing some words and deleting, rearranging, and parent. details. moving words and sentences.

• Student sometimes attempts to • Student rereads his/her writing • Student consistently rereads edit for capitalization and to self, teacher, and writing his/her writing to self, teacher, punctuation with a partner or partner to edit for and writing partner to edit for teacher to check and correct capitalization and punctuation. capitalization and punctuation. spelling. • Student attempts to edit • Student consistently attempts

independently by consulting to edit independently by reference materials to check consulting reference materials and correct spelling. to check and c01Tect spelling.

8) Applies handwriting skills to write legibly. Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL Student does not write legibly. Student rarely writes legibly. Student writes legibly. Student consistently writes legibly.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE


1) Understands and applies mathematical concepts. Trimester 1

1st Counting Sequence • Student does not count sets

of up to 100 objects • Student cannot identify

and see patterns in number sequence to count, read, and write numbers to I 00 and beyond.

Addition and Subtraction: • Student is not fluent with

addition and subtraction within 20

• Student does not understand and does not use known combinations to add several numbers in any order

• Student is not able to solve a comparison sto1y with the difference unknown

Counting Money: Student is unable or rarely able to identify the value of a group of dimes, nickels,

Second Grade Benchmarks - MATHEMATICS 5-202 1


Counting Sequence • Student sometimes counts

sets of up to 100 objects • Student sometimes

identifies and sees patterns in number sequence to count, read, and write numbers to 100 and beyond.

Addition and Subtraction: • Student is somewhat fluent

with addition and subtraction within 20

• Student somewhat understands and uses known combinations to add several numbers in any order

• Student can somewhat solve a comparison story with the difference unknown

Counting Money: Student sometimes identifies the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and


Counting Sequence • Student counts sets of up

to 100 objects • Student identifies and sees

patterns in number sequence to count, read, and write numbers to 100 and beyond.

Addition and Subtraction: • Student is fluent with addition

and subtraction within 20 • Student understands and uses

known combinations to add several numbers in any order

• Solve a comparison st01y with the difference unknown

Counting Money: Student identifies the value of a group of dimes, nickels, and pennies and count combinations of coins.


Counting Sequence • Student counts beyond

100 objects • Student consistently

identifies and sees patterns in number sequence to count, read, and write numbers to 100 and beyond.

Addition and Subtraction: • Student is fluent beyond and

applies this understanding to all other problems.

• Use known combinations to add several numbers in any order and can elaborate on an explanation for these combinations

• Student can consistently solve a comparison story with the difference unknown and can explain their reasoning

Counting Money:Student identifies the value of a group of dimes,

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and pennies and cannot count combinations of coins.

Geomet1:y (2-D/3-D Sha12es): Student does not uses language to define attributes of2-D and 3-D shapes (numbers and shapes of faces, number and length of sides, number of angles and vertices) and does not draw shapes with those attributes.


• Student does not or rarely recognize that [halves, thirds, fourths] of the same whole can look different.

• Student does not or rarely partition 2-D shapes into halves, thirds and fourths and name the regions.

Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Student does not use or rarely uses manipulatives, pictures, and/or number sentences to solve put together/take apait sto1y problems with the total unknown, and add to and take

Second Grade Benchmarks - MATHEMATICS 5-2021

Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

pennies and count combinations of coins.

Geometry (2-D/3-D Sha12es): Geometry (2-D/3-D Sl1a12es): Student somewhat uses language to Student uses language to define define attribute attributes of 2-D attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes and 3-D shapes (numbers and (numbers and shapes of faces, shapes of faces, number and length number and length of sides, of sides, number of angles and number of angles and vertices) and vertices) and draw shapes with draw shapes with those attributes. those attributes.

Geometry: Geometty

• Student can sometimes • Student can recognize that recognize that [halves, [halves, thirds, fourths] of thirds, fourths] of the same the same whole can look whole can look different. different.

• Student can sometimes • Student can paitition 2-D partition 2-D shapes into shapes into halves, thirds halves, thirds and fourths and fourths and name the and name the regions. reg10ns.

Using Addition and Subti·action Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Student sometimes Strategies: Student uses uses manipulatives, pictures, manipulatives, pictures, and/or and/or number sentences to solve number sentences to solve put put together/take apart story together/take apatt sto1y problems problems with the total unknown, with the total unknown, and add to and add to and take from story and take from story problems with problems with the result unknown. the result unknown.

nickels, and pennies and count combinations of coins.

Geometi:y (2-D/3-D Sha12es): Student consistently uses language to name and describe 2-D shapes and compare defining attributes of 3-D shapes and their 2-D faces


• Student can consistently recognize that [halves, thirds, fourths] of the same whole can look different.

• Student can consistently pa1tition 2-D shapes into halves, thirds and fourths and name the regions.

Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Student consistently uses manipulatives, pictures, and/or number sentences to solve put together/take apart story problems with the total unknown, and add to and take from story problems with the result unknown.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

from sto1y problems with the result Place Value: Place Value: Place Value: unknown. • Student sometimes • Student understands that • Student consistently

Place Value: understands that 100 can 100 can be seen one understands that 100 can

• Student does not be seen one hundred, as hundred, as ten tens, and be seen one hundred, as

understand or rarely ten tens, and as I 00 ones. as 100 ones. ten tens, and as I 00 ones.

understands that 100 can • Student sometimes • Student understands that • Student consistently

be seen one hundred, as understands that multiples multiples of 100 ( e.g., 200, understands that multiples

ten tens, and as I 00 ones. of 100 ( e.g., 200, 300, 400, 300,400, etc.) are made up of 100 (e.g., 200, 300,

• Student rarely understands etc.) are made up of a of a number (2, 3, 4, etc.) 400, etc.) are made up of a

that multiples of 100 (e.g., number (2, 3, 4, etc.) of of hundreds. number (2, 3, 4, etc.) of

200, 300, 400, etc.) are hundreds. hundreds.

made up of a number (2, 3, Modeling with Data: 4, etc.) of hundreds. Modeling with Data: • Student can organize a set Modeling with Data:

• Student sometimes can of data into up to four • Student can consistently

Modeling with Data: organize a set of data into categories. organize a set of data into

• Student is unable to or up to four categories. • Student can create, up to four categories.

rarely able organize a set • Student can somewhat describe, and interpret a • Student can consistently

of data into up to four create, desc1ibe, and variety of data create, describe, and

categories. interpret a variety of data representations, including interpret a variety of data

• Student is unable to or representations, including picture graphs and bar representations, including

rarely can create, describe, picture graphs and bar graphs. picture graphs and bar

and interpret a variety of graphs. • Student can order, graphs.

data representations, • Student can somewhat represent, and describe a • Student can consistently

including picture graphs order, represent, and set of numerical data. order, represent, and

and bar graphs. describe a set of numerical describe a set of numerical

• Student does not or rarely data. Counting Money: data.

can order, represent, and Counting Money:

Student can show 2 digit numbers Counting Money:

describe a set of numerical with dimes/pennies, adding dimes

data. Student can sometimes show 2 to a number, calculating coins and Student can consistently show 2

digit numbers with dimes/pennies, then solving for how far from digit numbers with dimes/pennies,

Counting Money: adding dimes to a number, $1.00, shopping to spend a dollar adding dimes to a number,

calculating coins and then solving and showing all the many ways calculating coins and then solving

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

Student is unable to or can rarely for how far from $1.00, shopping that a number could be made with for how far from $1.00, shopping show 2 digit numbers with to spend a dollar and showing all coins. to spend a dollar and showing all dimes/pennies, adding dimes to a the many ways that a number could the many ways that a number number, calculating coins and then be made with coins. could be made with coins. solving for how far from $1.00, shopping to spend a dollar and showing all the many ways that a number could be made with coins.

3rd Place Value: Place Value: Place Value: Place Value:

• Student is unable to • Student sometimes • Student understands that • Student consistently understand that 3-digit understands that 3-digit 3-digit numbers represent understands that 3-digit numbers represent numbers represent amounts of hundreds, tens, numbers represent amounts of hundreds, tens, amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. and ones. • Student can read, write, and ones .

• Student is unable to read, • Student can sometimes count and compare • Student can consistently write, count and compare read, write, count and numbers to 1,000. read, write, count and numbers to 1,000. compare numbers to 1,000. compare numbers to

Addition/Subtraction: 1,000. Addition/Subtraction: Addition/Subtraction: • Student can add/subtract

• Student is unable to or can • Student can sometimes 10 or 100 to/ from Addition/Subtraction: rarely add/subtract 10 or add/subtract 10 or 100 to/ numbers within 1,000. • Student can consistently 100 to/ from numbers from numbers within • Student can utilize add/subh·act 10 or 100 to/ within 1,000. 1,000. strategies to add numbers from numbers within

• Student is unable to or can • Student can sometimes within 100. 1,000 . rarely utilize strategies to utilize strategies to add • Student can utilize • Student can consistently add numbers within 100. numbers within 100. strategies to subtract utilize strategies to add

• Student is unable to or can • Student can sometimes 2-digit numbers. numbers within 100. rarely utilize strategies to utilize sh·ategies to subh·act • Student can consistently subtract 2-digit numbers. 2-digit numbers. Counting: utilize strategies to

Student can count by Ss, 1 Os, and subtract 2-digit numbers. Counting: Student is unable to or Counting: Student can sometimes 100s within 1,000.

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Grading Benchmarks - SECOND GRADE

can rarely count by 5s, I Os, and count by 5s, 10s, and 10Os within Counting: 1OOs within 1,000. 1,000. Measurement & Data: Student can consistently count by

• Student can recognize that, 5s, 1 Os, and I OOs within 1,000. Measurement & Data: Measurement & Data: when measuring the same

• Student is unable to or can • Student can sometimes length, larger units yield Measurement & Data: rarely recognize that, when recognize that, when smaller counts (and vice • Student can consistently measuring the same measuring the same length, versa) . recognize that, when length, larger units yield larger units yield smaller • Student can estimate and measuring the same smaller counts (and vice counts (and vice versa). measure lengths in inches, length, larger units yield versa). • Student can sometimes feet, centimeters, and smaller counts (and vice

• Student is unable to or can estimate and measure meters . versa). rarely estimate and lengths in inches, feet, • Student can represent • Student can consistently measure lengths in inches, centimeters, and meters. measurement data on a estimate and measure feet, centimeters, and • Student can sometimes line plot. lengths in inches, feet, meters. represent measurement centimeters, and meters.

• Student is unable to or can data on a line plot. Equal Groups: Student can define • Student can consistently rarely represent even and odd numbers in terms of represent measurement measurement data on a Equal Groups: Student can . numbers that can/cannot be data on a line plot. line plot. sometimes define even and odd organized into groups of two or

numbers in terms of numbers that two equal groups. Equal Groups: Student can Equal Groups: Student is unable to can/cannot be organized into consistently define even and odd or can rarely define even and odd groups of two or two equal groups. Writing Equations: numbers in terms of numbers that numbers in terms of numbers that • Student can write an can/cannot be organized into can/cannot be organized into Writing Equations: equation to express an groups of two or two equal groups. groups of two or two equal groups. • Student can sometimes even number as a sum of

write an equation to two equal addends. Writing Equations: Writing Eguations: express an even number as • Student can write an • Student can consistently

• Student is unable to or can a sum of two equal addition equation to write an equation to rarely write an equation to addends. express the total number of express an even number as express an even number as • Student can sometimes objects in a rectangular a sum of two equal a sum of two equal write an addition equation array. addends. addends. to express the total number • Student can consistently

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• Student is unable to or can of objects in a rectangular write an addition equation rarely write an addition anay. Time: Student can name, notate, to express the total number equation to express the and tell time to the nearest 5 of objects in a rectangular total number of objects in minutes using analog and digital array. a rectangular anay. Time: Student can sometimes formats and associate a.m. and

name, notate, and tell time to the p.m. with time of day. Time: Student can consistently nearest 5 minutes using analog and name, notate, and tell time to the

Time: Student is unable to or can digital formats and associate a.m. nearest 5 minutes using analog and rarely name, notate, and tell time and p.m. with time of day. digital formats and associate a.m. to the nearest 5 minutes using analog and digital formats and

and p.m. with time of day.

associate a.m. and p.m. with time of day.

2) Recalls math facts with accuracy. Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st Student is unable or rarely able to Student can sometimes add and Student can consistently add and Student can consistently add and add and subtract I -digit numbers subtract 1-digit numbers up to or subtract 1-digit numbers up to or subtract 1-digit numbers up to or up to or from 10. from 10. from 10. from 16 or higher.

2nd Student is unable or rarely able to Student can sometimes add and Student can consistently add and Student can consistently add and add and subtract I-digit numbers subtract I-digit numbers up to or subtract I-digit numbers up to or subtract ] -digit numbers up to or up to or from 16. from 16. from 16. from 20 or higher.

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3rd Student is unable or rarely able to Student can sometimes add and Student can consistently add and Student can consistently add and add and subtract I -digit numbers subtract I -digit numbers up to or subtract I-digit numbers up to or subtract 2-digit numbers up to or up to or from 20. from 20. from 20. from 99.

3) Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems. Trimester 1 2 3 4

1st Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Student is unable or Strategies: Student sometimes Strategies: Student consistently Strategies: Student consistently rarely able to use manipulatives, uses manipulatives, pictures, uses manipulatives, pictures, solves complex problems

I '1. pictures, or number sentences to and/or number sentences to solve and/or number sentences to solve independently through a variety of 17 solve put together/take apart story put together/take apart story put together/take apart story strategies.

problems with the total unknown, problems with the total unknown, problems with the total unknown, and add to and take from st01y and add to and take from story and add to and take from story problems with the result unknown. problems with the result unknown. problems with the result unknown.

2nd Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Student is unable or Strategies: Student sometimes Strategies: Student consistently Strategies: Student consistently rarely able to use manipulatives, uses manipulatives, pictures, uses manipulatives, pictures, solves complex problems pictures, or number sentences to and/or number sentences to solve and/or number sentences to solve independently through a variety of solve put together/take apart story put together/take apart story put together/take apart story strategies. problems w ith the total unknown, problems with the total unknown, problems with the total unknown, and add to and take from story and add to and take from st01y and add to and take from story problems with the result unknown. problems with the result unknown. problems with the result unknown.

Place Value: Place Value: Place Value: Place Value: • Student consistently

• Student is unable to rarely • Student sometimes • Student understands that understands that 100 can able to show understands that 100 can 100 can be seen one be seen one hundred, as understanding that 100 can be seen one hundred, as hundred, as ten tens, and ten tens, and as 100 ones.

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be seen one hundred, as ten tens, and as 100 ones. as 100 ones. • Student consistently ten tens, and as 100 ones. • Student sometimes • Student understands that understands that multiples

• Student is unable to or understands that multiples multiples of 100 (e.g., 200, of 100 ( e.g., 200, 300, rarely understands that of 100 ( e.g., 200, 300, 400, 300, 400, etc.) are made up 400, etc.) are made up of a multip les of 100 ( e.g., 200, etc.) are made up of a of a number (2, 3, 4, etc.) number (2, 3, 4, etc.) of 300, 400, etc.) are made up number (2, 3, 4, etc.) of of hundreds. hundreds. of a number (2, 3, 4, etc.) hundreds. of hundreds.

3rd 2-Step Problems: Student is unable 2-Step Problems: Student can 2-Step Problems: Student can 2-Step Problems: Student can or rarely able to solve a 2-step sometimes solve a 2-step story solve a 2-step sto1y problem that consistently solve a 2-step story story problem that involves finding problem that involves finding the involves finding the difference problem that involves finding the the difference between a 2-digit difference between a 2-digit between a 2-digit number and 100. difference between a 2-digit number and 100. number and 100. number and 100.

Addition/Subtraction: Addition/Subtraction: Addition/Subtraction: • Student can represent and Addition/Subtraction:

• Student is unable to • Student can sometimes solve addition and • Student can consistently represent and solve represent and solve subtraction problems with represent and solve addition and subtraction addition and subtraction 3-digit numbers. addition and subtraction problems with 3-digit problems with 3-digit • Student can solve problems with 3-digit numbers. numbers. comparison story problems numbers.

• Student is unable to solve • Student can sometimes with a bigger unknown • Student can consistently comparison story problems solve comparison story • Student can solve a solve comparison story with a bigger unknown problems with a bigger comparison story problem problems with a bigger

• Student is unable to solve unknown with a smaller unknown. unknown a comparison story • Student can sometimes • Student can consistently problem with a smaller solve a comparison story solve a comparison story unknown. problem with a smaller problem with a smaller

unknown. unknown. Measurement: Student is unable or rarely able to solve comparison Measurement: Student can Measurement: Student can and other sto1y problems about sometimes solve comparison and Measurement: Student can solve consistently solve comparison and

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lengths. other sto1y problems about lengths. comparison and other story other story problems about problems about lengths. lengths.

Equal Groups: Student is unable to Equal Groups: Student can or rarely able to solve problems sometimes solve problems that Equal Groups: Student can solve Equal Groups: Student can that involve equal groups. involve equal groups. problems that involve equal consistently solve problems that

I groups. involve equal groups.

4) Computes accurately. Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL Student is unable or rarely able to Student sometimes identifies Student consistently identifies Student consistently applies identify appropriate operations and appropriate operations and appropriate operations and appropriate operations and mathematically compute the mathematically computes the mathematically computes the computes accurately on more correct answer. c01Tect answer. correct answer. complex problems, mental math,

and/or other mathematical concepts.

5) Clearly expresses mathematical thinking in written and oral form. Trimester 1 2 3 4

ALL Student is unable or rarely able to Student sometimes, but not Student often communicates • Student communicates all communicate mathematical consistently, communicates mathematical thinking using mathematical thinking thinking using accurate mathematical thinking using accurate vocabulary. precisely and with accurate vocabulary. accurate vocabula1y. vocabulary.

• Student communicates logical arguments clearly in oral, written, and/or graphic form to show why a result makes sense.

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