season;li926 north dakota ": ~jt~jminnesot a memorial stadium, october

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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



    NORTH DAKOTA/ versus

    ~ j t ~ J M I N N E S O T AMemorial Stadium, October 2, 1926

    2:30 p.m.

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Information on Admissions- - 000--

    T ICKETS fo r the Notre Dame game next Saturday will be on sale Monday at the Walgreen Drug Store, 7th and Hennepin; the Co-operativeBook Store, 15th and University Ave. S.E . ; and the GoldenRule in St. Paul;also at the Football T icket Office in the south tower of the Stadium. Alltickets fo r this game are $2.50.Tickets for the remaining games both at home and away should be ordered immediately. Special trains are being arranged fo r the out of towngames. Further information may be obtained from the Ticket Office, bycalling Dinsmore 4000.

    A special rate of .50 cents for children under 15 years will apply fo rthe Notre Dame game next Saturday.

    Members of High School football teams will also be admitted for . ~ o cents if accompanied by their coach. A list of the players, not exceeding 2;3,certified by the principal or superintendent, must be presented.

    Any articles that are found in the stands should be turned into theTicket Office in the south tower of the Stadium or else given to a Boy Scoutusher who will bring them in; inquiries should be made at the Ticket Officefor any article that is lost in the stand. Telephone: Dinsmore 4000.

    IT'S HOT!Your Gas Furnacehas the house alreadyfor that after the gamegathering.'

    Minneapolis Gas l _ ight Co.

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Nodaks Open Season in Stadium- -000- -

    Gophers Must Go Against . a Veteran ElevenFrom Grand Forks in First Game

    Playing North Dakota today and Notre Dame a week hence,Minnesota opens its 1926 schedule against teams that are the strongest in the states they hail from.Over a long period of years North Dakota has come down fromGrand Forks in the Red River Valley to line up against the powerfulGophers on the season's opening day. Besides the fact that thecontest has become an event of yearly interest to be looked forwardto, the meeting strengthens and tests both teams and sends themthrough the rest of their respective contests stronger and surer ofthemselves."Tod" Rockwell, famous quarterback on the Michigan elevensof only a few years back, is this year coaching the North Dakotaeleven under the helpful supervi- and center, graduated, while Fredericksonsion of Paul J. Davis, former and Stevning, reserve backs, have beenNorth Dakota coach and riow its lost.director of athletics.

    Survey of the Visiting TeamOn the opening day of the season "thedope" on a footba},} team is likely to beinaccurate, but a forecast of North Dakota's prospects has been written for theMinnesota program by C. D. Locklin,sports editor of the Grand Forks Herald,who had this to say:When Minnesota opens its 1926 football

    schedule against the North Dakota Flickertails, October 2, the probabilities arethat the N odaks will have a veteran huskyin every position. At least there will beveterans available fo r every position, butat this distance there appears to be a littleuncertainty as to whether some of themwill be able to hold their jobs against thecompetition of a half dozen graduates oflast fall's freshman squad.Followers of Flickertail football arelooking for about the best grid season theinstitution has ever enjoyed. Only fourmen were lost off the varsity squad bygraduation, and but one of them was aregular. Hal Steenerson, who came toNorth Dakota from Crookston, Minn.,and who filled the position of right guardfor three years, is the biggest loss theNodaks suffered. One other lineman,Samuelson, who $ubbed at tackle, guard.

    Have Veteran EndsNorth Dakota will have three veteranends in Geston, Rabe, and Doe, anyoneof whom is capable of starting. However, it will be impossible to keep Lee, aspectacular freshman end, off the squad,and there are many who believe Lee willdraw a regular berth. He is a big fellowwith speed enough to qualify as a hurdlerand as a center in basketball, making himvaluable as a receiver of forward passes.Booty, Stechman, and Watkins are the

    three regular tackles who will be back onthe job. Booty and Watkins drew starting assignments until the latter part of lastseason, but Stechman stepped into the position held by Booty and he looks good forthe job in the fall again. They are allbig fellows weighing in the neighborhoodof 200 pounds. Then Hills, all-state highschool tackle and a freshman star , will getconsiderable attention.Captain Plays at GuardCaptain Gustafson will be at his oldguard with Halvorson and Bokovoy, twomore lettermen, fighting fo r the otherberth. At center big Benser, 2oo-poundpivot of last year, seems certain of his oldplace.Those who follow Flickertail footballare not spending much time worrying overthe line. It is a typical North Dakota line

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    in size and just now looks to be one of thebest the school ever boasted. Last yearwhen Davis took his Nodaks to the Minnesota Memorial stadium field he lined upagainst the Gophers with four sophomoreson the forward wall. It was their firstbig game, but they showed their stuff andin October they will return there with ayear of experience behind them.There is not so much optimism regarding the backfield, although there will bean even dozen veterans in that departmentready for service. Boe, big quarterbackand captain last fall, has first call fo r hisold post. His passing and kicking makehim valuable, but it would not be surprising if another quarter is dug up andBoe shifted back to end. Golberg, whoworked with Boe at quarter, is availableagain, but he does not have all the weightthe coaches would like. Considerable timehas been spent on Kinn, a speedy freshman, and it may be that he will comethrough for the varsity.Thomas Is Drop-Kicker

    For halves North Dakota will haveThomas, sensational drop-kicker, who sawhis first intercollegiate competition lastyear; Moore, 190"pound husky of thesame length of service; Bjorkland, another big fellow, but who may be shiftedto a place on th e line; Young; and theveteran Drew. Two fullbacks of two

    years' experience are available in DonNemic and Ted Arndt, both good men.There appears little doubt but that ReneWambach of Moorhead, Minn., will seemuch service during the coming season.Wambach was a sensation as a half onthe freshman team and the coaches expect him to strengthen the ball carryingdepar'tment greatly. He is a natural football athlete and it will be surprising ifhe does not draw attention before he finishes his college career.Coach Was Michigan Star

    North Dakota's new coach is F. A."Tod" Rockwell, who comes to North Dakota with little experience as a coach, bfltwith plenty as a player. However, theformer Michigan quarterback has donewell at Salem College in West Virginiaduring the year that he has been out ofschool.Paul ]. Davis, who for the past sevenyears has been leading North Dakotateams against the Gophers, expected to retire from active coaching next fall anddevote his entire time to the administration of the affairs of the physical department, but before Rockwell would consentto come to North Dakota, Davis had topromise to help him with the line.The fact that Davis will be on the fieldagain is fortunate also, because Rockwellis stepping into a brand new job.


    Captain Roger Wheeler, who is playing his third year at right end, is aproduct of Twin City athletic fields,having come to Minnesota from SouthHigh, Minneapolis, where he establisheda remarkable record in football andbasketball. Wheeler became eligible theyear after the great Ray Eklund graduated, and he immediately got the assignment to a wing position which he hassuccessfully defended during two subsequent seasons. He is a two letterman, basketball being his other sport.Wheeler's running mate at end, GeorgeTuttle, comes from the same high schooland played the other end with Wheelerat South High before coming to theUniversity. Tuttle devoted his sophomore year to the classroom and is nowplaying his second year of 'varsity football rather than his third. CaptainWheeler is a brainy leader, a strong defensive end and a reliable pass receiver.

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



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    Midland National Bank & Trust CompanyEvery Banking andTrust Service MINNEAPOLIS Resources$25,000,000.00

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    TheUniversity of Minnesotaand You

    T H E University of Minnesota is an establishment for pub-lic education, maintained chiefly by the public, in whichall who meet the educational requirements are given an equalopportunity.SUCH institutions are maintained in practically all of thenewer states of the Union, which were poor communitiesat the start,and saw that they must make common cause i f{opportunities for higher education were to be assured andsafeguarded.A S the commonwealths which maintain state universitieshave grown in wealth, some support in the form of giftshas come to the universities, and at the same time the fundamental ability of the public to support these institutions hasgrown.T HE University of Minnesota stands today as the mostimportant institution of any kind in the state and by allodds the one best known beyond the borders of Minnesota.LAST year, more than 23 ,000 persons enrolled in the variouscourses of the University. Of these, some 10,000 wereregular students during the fall, winter, and spring quarters;5,000 , approximately, were in summer session classes, and theothers took part in extension classes, correspondence courses,or short courses.INCLUDING the legislative appropriation, the millage tax,and a year's apportionment of the building fund, the University of Minnesota cost the state last year about $2 perresident of Minnesota, or as much as one seat at a first-classshow or eight gallons of low-test gas.T HOSE of you who are here today have shown by yourpresence that you consider a single and quite incidentalevent in the routine of this university to be worth about asmuch money as the average taxpayer contributes to the wholeprogram of teaching, study, experiment, reseaerch, publicservice, and the spread of culture that the University of Minnesota carries on.

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


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    Hans Rosacker Co.Minneapolis ALMQUIST

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Minnesota's Season in PrQspect-000-

    Today's game starts off a football season at Minnesota that will comein bunches. With North Dakota as an initial number, the first bunchincludes little fracases with Notre Dame and Michigan. Following aslight let-down for the game with Wabash October 23d, the second bunchwill find the Gophers playing Wisconsin and Iowa on successive Saturdays.Butler and the final home game with Michigan on November 20 willconstitute the third bunch.Dr. Spears and his cohorts have been busy for the past two weekstrying to evolve a system that will enable them to take this trio of smasheson the shoulder rather than the point of the jaw. Over-confident is whatthe Gophers are not. Records show that Minnesota beat Michigan in1892 and 1893, tied them ten years later in 1903, and conquered them in1919. In the past four years Michigan has beaten Minnesota, with aggregrate scores of 74 to 7.With Wisconsin the story has been different, Minnesota having heldthe advantage in points and games. But the last three meetings of theneighboring rivals have resulted in tie scores, first of 0-0 in 1923; 7-7 in1924; and 12-12 in 1925. Gopher and Badger will clash with a mightythwack at Madison on October 30 and the only safe prediction is that thethree year tie will be shattered in one direction or the other.



    - -0-----



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    Cleaners, Dyers, LaunderersRug and Carpet Cleaners

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Roster of the SquadsMINNESOTA NORTH DAKOTA

    Ends Wheeler (C) 26 BackfieldTuttle 35 BoydWalsh 14 DrewGay 15 WambachBres 22 KinnTackles Gary 30 Doane

    Hyde 38 ThomasHaycraft 41 BjorklandMaeder 27 LinemenStrand 24 HalvorsonFulton 16 ShowersJohnson 39 Watkins

    Guards Hanson 29 DoeBredemus 44 KeuberGibson 25 HillsMeili 36 KotchianKanore 32 SheppardUkkelberg 37 WitkoffRiggs 45 MitchellKaminski 31 Solow

    Centers Hulstrand 18Mulvey 23MacKinnon 28

    Quarters Almquist 10Cashman 46Barnhart 17'Halves Riddell 34

    Geer 13 /Peplaw 11 , IArendsee 19Gordon 21, Nydahl 20

    Fullbacks Joesting 33411MatchanTHE SCORE

    1st Qtr. 2d Qtr. 3d Qtr7 c1.!3 --) 0M I N N E ~ T A TQUchdowns"I .Goals from field, n AlGoals from touchdown.b ...

    4th Qtr....r'! Minn.0 No. Dak.N O R T H DAKOTA

    Touchdowns ........... ..!? ..... ..Goals from field ........ .Q......Goals from touchdown . .o..


  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



    The Probable Lineup of the T earnsMINNESOTA POSITION NORTH DAKOTA

    Tuttle 35 Left end Rabe 71L. Johnson 39 Left tackle Lee 20Hanson 29 Left guard Gustafson (C) 1Hulstrand 18 Center Benser 54Meili 36 Right guard Bokovoy 10Gary 30 Right tackle Booty 28Wheeler (C) 26 Right end Geston 57Barnhart 17 Quarter Golberg , 50Peplaw 11 Left half Boe 4Riddell 34 Right half Nemec 2Joesting 33 Fullback Moore 6

    THE OFFICIALSReferee, George Lynch ; Umpire, : r ~ ~ Adams; Field Judge, Ed . Shave ; H ead Li nesman, C. McDonald.

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Above: Paul J. Davis, director of ath-letics, University of North Dakota; right,"Tod" Rockwell, former Michigan quar-terback, now coach of the North Dakota.

    Minnesota Football Schedule 1926--000-

    Date Time GameOctober 2 2:30 p.m. North DakotaOctober 9 ~ : 3 0 p.m. Notre Dame (Dad's Day)October 16 2:00 p.m. Michigan at Ann ArborOctober 23 2:30 p.m. WabashOctober 30 2:00 p.m. Wisconsin at MadisonNovember 6 2:00 p.m. Iowa at Iowa CityNovember 13 2:00 p.m. ButlerNovember 20 2:00 p.m. Michigan (Homecoming) ,

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Yumjn"n' OleMakes Touchdown!5c GOOD CANDY 5c


    YOU'LL UKE ITGurley Candy Company,


    Above: Fred W. Luehring, director ofathletics, University of Minnesota; left,Dr. Clarence W. Spears; headcoach of theMinnesota team.

    North Dakota Schedule-oO(}--

    Sept. 26, Dakota Wesleyan at GrandForks

    Oct. 2, Minnesota at MinneapolisOct. 9, Iowa at Iowa CityOct. 16, South Dakota at Vermil-

    lion, S. D.Oct. 21, South Dakota State at

    Grand ForksOct. 30, Des Moines University atGrand ForksNov. 6, North Dakota Aggies at

    FargoNov. 20, Marquette at Milwaukee

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



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    Where They Are Playing TodayOCTOBER 2Minnesota-North Dakota at MinneapolisWisconsin-Cornell College at MadisonPurdue-D. S. Naval Academy at AnnapolisOhio State-Wittenberg at ColumbusSouth Dakota-Northwestern at EvanstonMichigan-Oklahoma A. & M. at Ann ArborIowa-DePauw at BloomingtonIllinois-Coe at D rbanaChicago-Florida at Chicago

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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    ON BROADWAYIn New York a skyscraper was recentlybuilt on Broadway by a man who once soldnewspapers on that very corner. He earned,spent some, saved some.Deposits up to October I I , 3:00 P.M., drawinterest from October 1st.Hennepin County Savings Bank511 Marquette Minneapolis

    5tiffy 5ez:-The 01' humstead maybe jest a leetultoo small to accommodate all of you-

    But cum over any how and try an' geta malted.- F E A T UR I NG -


    ABL . I SH .Dl se lWrite For Our Gift Catalogue908 NICOLLET AVENUEDRY CLEANED AND PRESSEDCash and Carry BasisM 'SUITS SOC AuNpDen s O'COATS

    L d- SUITS 20a les' COATS 1- ANDDRESSES UPGROSS BROS.Cleaners, Dyers and Launderers86-90 South Tenth St.


  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Penalties Commonly Inflicted- 000 - - -

    Loss of Five Yards Loss of Half Distance to the Goal LineTime called more than three times 1. Return of the player to the gameduring a half at the request of the cap- who has previously been in that sametain 0 f a team. half.2. Disqualification of a player fo rI . Violation of the off-side rule, which rough play.includes: 3. Any foul occurring inside the op-(a) Lineman or backs illegally in mo- ponent's one-yard line.tion when the ball is snapped.(b) Any player of the kicking side Loss of a Downahead of the ball when it is kicked at 1. Illegal or incomplete forward pass.the kick-off. 2. Forward pass striking the ground.(c ) Attempts to draw opponents into 3 Forward pass touched by two eligi-charging before the ball is snapped. ble players of the passing side.(d) Player on the kicking side who 4, Forward pass going out of boundsis ahead of the ball when it is kicked on the fiy.and touches the baH before it touches an Loss of Ballopponent or an onside man. 1. Ball kicked out of bounds.2 . Unreasonbale delay by a team, III I f h d t2. ega use 0 an s or arms 0usually evidenced by calling signals sev- prevent an opponent from securing looseeral times before the baH is snapped. ball.3 Running into the kicker after he 3. Forward pass touched by ineligiblehas kicked the ball.F '1 player of the passer's side.4 al ure of substitute to report to 4. Interference by defensive side underreferee when entering the game.U f I ' a forward pass.5 naIr p ay not specIfically covered 5. Failure to advance the ball tenin the rules.6 Ad ' I yards in four downs.. secon mcomp ete forward pass. 6. Kicking or kicking at a loose ball.

    Loss of Ten Yards Important Note Regarding Time OutIntentional throwing of forward pass This is automatically taken out duringto the ground. a try-for-point after touch-down; after

    Loss of Fifteen YardsI . Substitute communicating with play

    ers before the ball is put in play.2. Interference with a man who hassignaled for a fair catch.3. Throwing player to the groundafter he has made a fair catch.4. Offensive player pushing or pullingthe man carrying the ball.5. Offensive player holding .a defensive player.6. Players of the side making a forward pass interfering with defensiveplayers after the ball is passed.7. Deliberately roughing the kickerafter he has kicked the ball.8. Piling up on players who are down.9. Tackling a man after he has runout 0 f bounds.

    10. Clipping.I I . Offensive player tripping anopponent.12 . Side-line coaching.

    a safety or a touch-back; after a faircatch has been made; after an incomplete or illegal forward pass; during enforcement of all penalties; when the ballgoes out of boundS; or when for anyreason play is suspended by the referee.Time shall not begin again, after anyof the aforesaid, until the ball is actuallypassed back from center.


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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October



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    All the Latest Recordsat


  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    Stop Here for Gopher 'Songs-000-----

    HAIL, MINNESOTAMinnesota, hail to thee!

    Hail to thee, our College dear!Thy light shall ever beA beacon bright and clear;Thy sons and daughters true

    Will proclaim thee near and far;They will guard thy fameAnd adore thy name;Thou shalt be their Northern Star.

    Like the stream that bends to sea,Like the pine that seeks the blue,Minnesota, still for' thee,Thy sons are strong and true.

    From thy woods and waters fair,From thy prairies waving far,

    At thy call they throng,With their shout and song,Hailing thee their Northern Star.

    THE ROUSERMinnesota, hats off to thee!To thy colors true we shall ever be;Firm and strong, united are we,

    Rah! Rahl Rah! for Ski-U-Mah!(Shouted) Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!Rah! for the U. of M.

    MINNESOTA FIGHT SONGOn, you Gophers, you fighting Gophers IBreak that line and win this game!Fight it thru men, win the Big Ten,Make them sorry that they came.For the glory of Minnesota!For the honor that's her due!For Maroon and Gold be warriors boldFor Dear Old "U."


    Minnesota! Come on! Let's go I ,It's a loyal crowd that's here!With a Sis-Boom-Ah!And a Skiumah!For the Varsity we cheer! Rah I Rah IThe old fight gang!On your marks! Slam I Bang!Hit 'em hard and hi t 'em low.Fight! Minnesota, fight!Minnesota! Come on! Let's go II Watch the cheerleaders, andfollow the band when singingthe college songs.


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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


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    Have you made a college educa-tion certain fo r your ch ildren? Letthe Northwestern National Life manshow you how.White & Odell Agency, Inc.

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  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    A Letter From the ConferenceT he Directors of Athletics Discuss Sportsmanship


    I NTERCOLLEGIATE football has been criticised considerably in re-cent years because of evils incident to the tremendous public interestin the sport. Football in the Western Conference, as well as footballelsewhere, has recently been subjected to attack.

    M01"e specifically, objection has been taken to making big college foot-ball games the occasion for mass violation of the prohibition laws, forgambling and betting on the games, and for ticket scalping. These lapsesseem to be most in evidence at "Homecoming" and other important con-tests involving the travel of considerable numbers of followers of oneor both teams.

    Whether he realizes it or not, the purchaser of a ticket to a collegefootball game in a real sense is a participant in the sport. And while hedoes not don a uniform and 'run with the ball, he nevertheless, distinctlyhelps to mould the character of the game, for better or worse.

    I t goes almost without saying that no genuinely loyal follower ofWestern Conference football would consciously do anything to injure theprestige it has rightfully enjoyed, and the Conference, on its part, isanxious to do everything in its power to maintain the high standards ithas set, and to improve them where possible.

    Appeal is being made, the'refore, by the ten Directors of Athletics onbehalf of the Western Conference and all that it stands for that the hun-dreds of thousands of loyal followers of its football and other sports willsee their opportunity to help keep intercollegiate athletics on the highestpossible plane. Such support of high character from students, alumni, andthe public is just as essential to intercollegiate athletics as is honorableand sportsmanlike conduct on ~ h e playing field.

    Yours very truly,P. E. BELTING (Iowa)Z. G. CLEVENGER (Indiana)GEORGE HUFF (Illinois)N. A. KELLOGG (Pm"due)FRED VI. LUEHRING (Minnesota)

    GEORGE LITTLE (Wisconsin)A. A. STAGG (Chicago)L. W. ST. JOHN (Ohio)K. L. WILSON (Northwestern)FIELDING H. YOST (Michigan)

  • 8/14/2019 Season;Li926 North Dakota ": ~Jt~Jminnesot a Memorial Stadium, October


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iIiTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTiiliTi

    There's a store 1n Minneapolis-whose fashion adviser gladly answers inqUIrIes.- famous for its quality silks and linens.- whose present management and fashion experts en-joy the confidence of the community .- whose business has increased more the past seasonthan at any time in its history.- that wil.! be 59 years old this fall.-specializing in feminine apparel and accessories.- known for its cheery, courteous service.- where it is comfortable and interesting to shop.- with exclusive fashions and varied assortments .- whose methods assure the lowest possible prices con-sistent with high quality.- which provides a reliable mail order serVICe.

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