sean heathcote district senior grand warden · and he has just finished the last year as district...


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Page 1: SEAN HEATHCOTE DISTRICT SENIOR GRAND WARDEN · and he has just finished the last year as District 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner. In the Rose Croix, he was perfected into Witwatersrand
Page 2: SEAN HEATHCOTE DISTRICT SENIOR GRAND WARDEN · and he has just finished the last year as District 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner. In the Rose Croix, he was perfected into Witwatersrand



Sean was initiated into University Lodge No.

7327 in 1999. His proposer and mentor was

Colin Robinson, a Past Asst. DistGM. Whilst

an entered apprentice, he learnt the Charge

after Initiation and delivered it in several lodg-

es, and many an EA in University Lodge has

been “encouraged” to continue this tradition.

He went through the chair of University Lodge

in 2006 and then Clifton Lodge in 2007. He is

also a member of District Grand Stewards

Lodge. His first District appointment was in

2009 as District Grand Steward, and in the fol-

lowing year served as an Assistant District

Grand Director of Ceremonies. He then served

as five years as Deputy District Grand Director

of Ceremonies.

In the Royal Arch, Sean was exalted into Apol-

lo RA Chapter and went through the chair in

2007. His first Royal Arch District appointment

was to Past Grand Standard Bearer in 2011

and he has just finished the last year as District


Assistant Grand Sojourner.

In the Rose Croix, he was perfected into Witwatersrand Chapter in 2002 where he was in the

chair in 2011, and a founder member of both Rosa Sina Spina and St Vitus Chapters.

In the Mark, he is currently in the chair of Bryanston Lodge and also in the chair of Transvaal Con-

clave in the Order of the Secret Monitor (for the second time) where he holds the rank of Past Dis-

trict Grand Visiting Deacon in the OSM. He has just come out of the chair of Kosmos Preceptory

in the Knights Templar and holds the Provincial rank of Captain of the Guard.

Sean was born in Ireland in 1969 and raised in England. As an avid musician at school he played

the trumpet all over Europe including the Royal Philharmonic whilst at University. Educated at the

Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London he worked in England for Billiton, until he was

head hunted by Anglo American. He has lived in ten countries and visited about 80 others until

he settled in South Africa marrying Rosemarie in 2009. He has one daughter who is currently 7

(going on 16) and who keeps him very young at heart.

Sean is a member of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the South African Institute of Di-

rectors and has made his reputation as being a Business Turnaround Specialist. He was an avid

golfer, 8 handicap, but married life and travel commitments soon meant he slipped down to a

“comfortable” 18. One of his current favourite past-times is mountain biking in the bush whenever

he can find the time, which is not often enough.

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Alan was born in August 1950 and from an early

age developed a passion for all things automo-

tive, especially motor racing.

When Alan left school, he served an apprentice-

ship in engineering which went on to qualify him

as an Automotive Engineer which, starting in

1968, occupied all of his working life. He consid-

ers himself luckier than most in as much as he

identified his preferred career path early enough

in life to successfully achieve all of his objectives.

He played hockey for Randburg Oblates for 25

years and played for their first team as goalkeep-

er for the last 7 years. During this time he was

selected to the Southern Transvaal Junior Board


Along with wife, Zelda, they also became in-

volved with the SA National Parks Board as Hon-

orary Rangers, which remained a facet in their

lives for 15 years.

Alan’s Masonic journey started on the 11th July 1986 when he was initiated into Boksburg Lodge

where he was Passed and Raised. Alan has never moved from this lodge and remains a staunch

supporter to this day, having served the Office of Master no fewer than 6 times. When he joined,

it was a well-populated and vibrant lodge, approaching its hundredth anniversary, which was cele-

brated in 1993.

He was Exalted into The Boksburg RA Chapter on 23 November 1992, just on two year after be-

ing Raised. The Royal Arch has gone on to be one of his preferred Masonic Orders.

In 1994, Alan joined the Rose Croix where he attained the 30th degree, in November 2002.

This was followed up by joining the Mark Degree in May 1995. Alan was honoured with Grand

Rank in this Order having served the District as DGSW in 2016-2017.

More recently, he joined the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner, which some believe to be of little Ma-

sonic value, but in which he has found great learning and enjoyment opportunities.

There can be no doubt in anyone’s mind that being offered the Office of District Junior Grand

Warden is an honour that few achieve and which for Alan, has created a climax to a wonderful

Masonic Journey and a memory that he will never forget.

“There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet” - Dave Thomas

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Tim came to South Africa in 1983 and joined Park Lane

Lodge in 1986. His mentor, Dougie Cook was the Dist

JGW and a Grand Officer. He is very proud of the fact

that he has held every office in Park Lane Lodge in his

progression to the Chair and became a Royal Arch Ma-

son four weeks after being raised. Tim belongs to the

Fairview Royal Arch Chapter.

Tim’s first District appointment was to DistGStwd, with

promotion to DistGPurs the following year. He has also

held the offices of DistSGD and DistGSwdB before being

promoted to DistSGW in 2011. During this period, Tim

received a 1st appointment to Grand Rank, PAGDC. He

was also invited to join District Grand Steward’s Lodge of

which he has subsequently become a Past Master. His

mentor at this time was Graham Granger. Tim’s latest

promotion was conferred at the 2018 AGM, where he was

appointed DistAsstGM.

Tim has also been very successful in the Royal Arch be-

ing promoted to DistGStwd, DistAGDC and DistDepGDC

before taking up the office of DistGDC. The work in this

office earned Tim Grand Rank (PGStB), which gave him

a tremendous amount of pleasure and satisfaction. Tim

went on to further promotions as 3rd

District Grand Princi-

pal in 2013 and then Deputy Grand Superintendent in

2014, which brought with it a Grand Chapter promotion to


Tim is an active Past Master in Witwatersrand Lodge. He is also a member and Past Master of

Hillbrow Mark Lodge and is a District Officer in the Mark. Tim is a Past MW Sovereign of St.

Aubyn’s Rose Croix Chapter and holds the 30th Degree.

Tim has been a financial advisor with Liberty Life for the past 25 years. He is married to June

and they live in Sandton.

He enjoys all aspects of Masonry and is proud to be called a Freemason.

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Vaughn was initiated into Orphic Lodge in late 1988,

where he joined a long queue of new candidates

during a very busy period within the lodge. Progress

up the ladder was slow and when he eventually

managed to get a foothold, his progress was halted

by a call-up for National Service. A 2 year sabbatical

in the Air Force and then another 2 years before he

resumed regular attendance meant that his climb to

the Chair took longer than expected, with Vaughn

eventually being Installed as Worshipful Master in


Vaughn’s District Appointments in the Craft were

PDistAGDC, DistSGD and PDistJGW but it was the

Royal Arch that held his interest. Having Joined Or-

phic Royal Arch Chapter in 1994, he quickly moved

up through the ranks, despite being Principal So-

journer (his favourite post) for 3 years, and was

elected 1st Principal in 2002. He returned to the

Chair for a second term in 2006. Vaughn’s District Appointments in the Royal Arch were PDist-

GStB, DistAGDC, DistGSoj, DistDepGDC and then DistGDC in 2014. A Grand Rank (PGStB)

was conferred on him in 2016 but his proudest moment was being invested as 2nd

District Grand

Principal in 2018.

He is also a member of the Knights Templar, having joined Omega Preceptory in the late 90’s,

where he served 2 terms as Eminent Preceptor before a long climb up the Provincial ladder

which eventually culminated in Grand Rank (PGA-de-C) in 2016. Vaughn also spent 2 years in

the chair of Composite Rose Croix Chapter before his promotion to the 30th Degree in that order.

Vaughn’s interests are varied with a prestigious motorsport pedigree, both on and off track, a dis-

tinguished background in Tenpin Bowling and a long period as a high performance motoring jour-

nalist. Vaughn’s greatest passion is being on the shooting range. As a dedicated sports shooter,

Vaughn is never happier than behind a rifle or handgun. He is an avid firearm instructor and as-

sists many aspiring firearm owners with their motivations and associated paperwork.

Vaughn has been married to Charmaine for 25 years and they have a son, Peter 24, who is look-

ing forward to joining Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry is 'veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols' because

these are the surest way by which moral and ethical truths may be

taught. It is not only with the brain and with the mind that the initiate

must take Freemasonry but also with the heart." ~ Carl H. Claudy

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"More than an institution, more than a tradition, more

than a society, Masonry is one of the forms of Divine life

upon earth." ~ Joseph Fort Newton

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Lance was born in Johannesburg on the 24th

November 1965. He attended Hilton College

and matriculated 1983. Rugby, Basketball

and Water Polo were all played at 1st team

level. Lance joined the South African Police

in 1984 and attended Police College, there-

after he was stationed at Hillbrow Detective


He left the SAP in 1989 and spent a year in

the UK working with his older brother.

On his return to SA, Lance married and had

two sons, Jordan and Jake who are current-

ly at Witwatersrand University after both at-

tending Hilton College. He returned to what

he knows best and entered the field of Risk

and Investigations starting his own compa-

ny, Zetetic, in 1999. The company is still

very active today in consulting to bluechip

companies, parastatals and other entities in

the world of Risk, Intelligence and Investiga-


Lance lives in Parkview with his partner

Vanyah. He was initiated into Norwood

Lodge on the 8th March 2000. He was in the chair of Norwood in their Centenary year 2005 and

again in 2012. With a handful of other brethren he resuscitated The Vrede Lodge in 2014 as a

lodge of special interest, consisting of ex- or serving policemen (Permanent Force or reservists)

and was in the chair of Vrede for 3 years. He is also Past Master in Transvaal District Grand

Stewards Lodge.

Lance was exalted into Transvaal Jubilee Royal Arch on the 12th November 2001 and joined the

Norwood Royal Arch in 2010 and was MEZ in 2012. He is also a member of Transvaal Royal Arch

and First Principals Chapter.

He received his first Craft appointment in 2010 as DistGStwd, followed by DIstAGDC (2013),

DistSGD (2015) and DistGSwdB (2017).

The first District Royal Arch appointment was DistGStwd in 2014, followed by Dist1stAGSoj 2016

and Assistant to the District Grand Principals in 2018.

He was one of the founder members of the Widows Sons Riders Association in South Africa, in

2010. This is a Masonic motorcycle club doing what Masonic bikers do best; ride and raise money

for charity. The Widows Sons have sourced a number of initiates into Masonry and have chapters


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53 years ago (21st September, 1965 to be precise)

Richard’s Masonic journey began when he was

Initiated into his Mother Lodge, Mufulira Lodge in


On 28th August, 1970 his Royal Arch journey be-

gan when he was Exalted into Mufulira Royal Arch


Moving to South Africa, his Masonic career be-

came even more fruitful. He became a Founder of

Exsequi Lodge 8994 EC, where he has twice been

Worshipful Master. Richard also experienced an

enjoyable year as Past Master of Transvaal District

Grand Stewards Lodge. Richard was also a

Founder and Past Master of the now defunct

Transvaal Nomads Lodge.

On the Royal Arch front, Richard joined Apollo

Royal Arch Chapter, where he was First Principal

in 1991.

His District activities make for impressive reading. 1990 brought his first District appointment as a

District Grand Steward. In 1991 he was promoted to Past District Assistant Grand Director of Cer-

emonies. 1993 Richard received promotion to District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. In

1997 he was appointed District Junior Grand Warden. In 2000 Richard proudly received his first

Grand Rank appointment, Past Assistant Grand Director Ceremonies, and had the joy of a num-

ber of visits to Grand Lodge.

In 1995 he received his first Royal Arch appointment as District 1st Assistant Grand Sojourner and

in 2001 he was appointed District Grand Scribe Nehemiah.

In 2002 he began a particularly busy period when he received his first “Chain” appointment as

Third District Grand Principal and then Richard received his first Royal Arch Grand Rank as Past

Grand Standard Bearer.

Richard’s appointment as an Assistant District Grand Master was from 2004 until 2009. During

this period, in 2006, he was promoted to Past Junior Grand Deacon. In 2014 a further Craft pro-

motion to Past Senior Grand Deacon followed.

For the period 2006-2011 he thoroughly enjoyed his appointment as Deputy Grand Superinten-

dent and was duly promoted to Past Grand Sword Bearer. In 2017 Richard proudly accepted the

position of President of the Committee of General Purposes.

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Paul was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1949

and was educated in both England and Scot-

land, and completed his tertiary education in

Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire. He immigrated with

his wife, Anita and their two children to South

Africa in October 1979, working for Union Cor-

poration as a draughtsman on a three year

contract and is still here.

After being initiated into Lodge Cornwall No

3490 on 9th May 1991 and raised to the sub-

lime degree of a Master Mason on 11th May

1992 he Joined Fordsburg Lodge No 2718 in

April 1997 and went through the chair for the

first time in 1999; again in 2002 and 2003 and

2010 and 2011. Paul is also a past Master of

District Grand Stewards Lodge No 8192. He

served as District Junior Grand Warden in

2016-2017 and in 2018 was promoted to the

Grand Rank of PAGDC.

Paul was Exalted into Clarendon Royal Arch

on 19th August 1993 and went through the

chair for the First time in February 2002 and again in 2008, 2009 and 2010. First District appoint-

ment was as an Assistant District Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2006. 2010 saw an appoint-

ment to District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies for two years.

Paul thoroughly loves Masonry and as a consequence belongs to all the Orders available in Jo-

hannesburg, Mark (PAGDC), Royal Ark Mariner (Grand Rank), Rose Croix (30°), Red Cross of

Constantine (PGPref.), Knights Templars (PGA-de-C), Knight Templar Priests, Allied Masonic De-

grees (PGSD), Secret Monitor (PDStd Br), Operatives (7°), and the Cryptic Council of which he is

currently District Grand Master.

Paul is enjoying his year as District Grand Scribe Nehemiah and being able to interact with all the

Companions he has met on his long and illustrious Masonic journey.

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- W Bro. Richard Lipnicki

I was informed of the Hallstone Centenary Event at Freemasons Hall, London much later than the

close off date but managed to book a seat and lunch with the help of W Bro. David Swain R.N.

Vice President, Circuit of Service Lodges who very kindly managed to accommodate both myself

and V.W. Bro. Albert Spencer.

As I arrived a week earlier than the event my Sister and Brother in law managed to get tickets for

the “Beyond the Deepening Shadow,” event at the Tower of London, which was commemorated

by ten thousand torches each of which represented 100 000 deceased. These were re-ignited

every evening. About fifty people at a time were admitted by ticket and allowed in to walk around

the moat of the Tower conducted by Beefeaters. We were warned not to be afraid of the, “shades”

who were young ladies completely covered, head to toe, complete with backpacks which played

synchronised sombre music. They would approach a group and blend in, music playing. An amaz-

ing experience!!

I was persuaded by my Brother in Law to wear my father’s medals and regimental tie. I think the

last time these were worn, was by my father, when General Smuts funeral procession passed

down Commissioner Street in Johannesburg.

The Victoria Rifles Lodge No 822 were the hosts of the event in Grand Temple which was a proc-

lamation Installation. As their custom is, Undress Regalia and no gloves the guests were encour-

aged to follow suite. The members of the Lodge wore First World War uniforms for the occasion.

Most Wor. Bro. Peter Geoffrey Lowndes, Pro Grand Master, was escorted with his delegation past

the banners of the Circuit Lodges (Military) were brought in and displayed at the rear of the Tem-

ple. The Lodge was then opened and as the Wor. Master proclaimed for a further year with offic-

ers remaining in office for a further year.

The Lodge was closed in due form and the Chelsea Pensioners were admitted along with mem-

bers of the pubic.

Over five hundred Brethren wearing the Hallstone Jewel were asked to stand while the Lodge’s

Jewel was presented to the Worshipful Master. This was much longer than the version presented

in our ritual.

The guest speaker, Simon Callow a famous Shakespearian actor was the orator with poetic read-

ings and period songs sung with by two well known singers and a famous young lady, Lydia Lucy,

who has a wonderful voice. The audience were encouraged to sing along in the choruses.

To culminate this there was a show of sound of and light to imitate the soldiers experience, the

whole building shook culminating in silence with poppy petals descended from the ceiling.

After the Last post, Two Minutes Silence and Reveille the Sentinels retired followed by the Stand-

ard Bearers. The audience left Grand Temple each placing a poppy on the silent Machine Gun.

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We then made our way to the Grand Connaught Room for pre-luncheon drinks and met R. Wor.

Bro. James van Zyl, WM of Rising Star Lodge and DGM of the Free State division. V. Wor. Bro

Albert Spencer, V. Wor. Bro. Peet Louw, Deputy DGM of Central Division and myself met up. Un-

fortunately, we missed Wor. Bro. Peter van Rooyen the W.M of Kosmos Lodge as he did not at-

tend the lunch. But I am pleased to say that all Worshipful Master’s of Hallstone Lodges in South

Africa attended this event. The lunch was very good and enjoyed by all. The Brethren wearing a

Hallstone Jewel were asked to stand whereupon the Pro GM took wine with them.

The very poignant words of The Kohima Epitaph quoted in the programme of the Hallstone Cen-

tenary event: “ When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our to-

day. ” gave us all much food for thought.

I am so privileged to have been able to attend the Armistice Centenary Meeting as well as the

Deepening Shadow event.

The Kohima Epitaph – “When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow,

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Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and

most widely recognised fraternal organi-

sation in the world - it is also undeniably

the world’s oldest “Social Network”.

The first Grand Lodge was founded in

London, England in 1717 and its current

worldwide membership totals over 6-

million. The Order has been active in

South Africa since 1800 and currently

has well over 200 Lodges spread

across all the Provinces extending from

Messina to Cape Town and from

Mahikeng to Nelspruit. Swaziland, Bot-

swana and Mauritius fall under the

same District structure.

As a fraternal organisation, they “unite

men of good character who share a be-

lief in the fatherhood of God and the

brotherhood of mankind,” although

members are of different religious, eth-

nic or social backgrounds.

The traditions of the Organisation are founded upon the building of King Solomon’s temple.

Its fraternal ceremonies use the working tools of stonemasons to symbolise moral lessons and


Membership is not meant to interfere with an individual’s commitment to his faith, family or occu-


It is a positive environment that reminds every Mason of his duty to God, community, family and


Part of the community involvement spreads into Benevolence & Charity - between the six Districts

in SA, amounts which accumulate to over R50m, have been distributed to numerous charitable

institutions in the last 12 years.

The Teddy Bears:

The Government of the Republic of South Africa declared the first Saturday of November as the

National Children’s Day. The aim of the National Children’s Day celebration is to highlight pro-

gress being made towards the realisation and promotion of rights of children. To aid in this initia-

tive, Masonic Lodges from all over South Africa will be visiting a Children’s Hospital, Home or

Sanctuary of their choice, to hand a Teddy Bear to children who are not at home on their special

day – a proud reflection of a Masonic credo “Freemasonry Cares”.

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This is not seen to be a one-off initiative and numerous mechanisms are being established to ex-

tend the Teddy Bear initiative to an annual event and possibly a permanent feature in some of

the dedicated Childrens’ Hospitals.


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"Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws

of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to pro-

mote the happiness of the human race." ~

George Washington

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MASONRY IN MOTION - W Bro. Paul du Plessis

In the biking fraternity we are well recognised as Freemasons, with a heart for benevolence,

which allows us to enjoy the hospitality of all Motorcycle Clubs without exception.

I am aware of at least two occasions that articles about the Widows Sons appeared in The Cor-

nerstone since I joined them in 2015. At that time, the Central Chapter in Johannesburg had just

short of 20 members.

Since then, I have had the privilege of travelling in excess of 7,600 kilometres with my motorcycle

along with many of my brothers and our associates (which include our ladies), to attend the four

most auspicious events in the Widows Sons South Africa calendar. Obviously we have travelled

many more kilometres as Widows Sons, for we are forever riding with each other, especially over

weekends and official riding and benevolence days.

These long rides mentioned, but for one, were related to our Annual General Meetings which are

held in an alternating province every year. Natal and the Free State were the first two with the

Western Cape, the last. This event was hosted by the Western Cape Chapter at the end of April

2018 and was attended by 90 riders from all over South Africa.

My other long ride for the Widows Sons was to Port Elizabeth with brothers Morné Steenekamp

and John Dixon to attend and participate in the chartering of the Port Elizabeth Chapter. What

added a bit of an endurance slant to all these rides is the fact that they were all winter rides.

Since joining the Widows Sons in 2015 I saw the Johannesburg Central Chapter grow from 20

members to 54 and to this end need to congratulate our President, Lance Epstein and his man-

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agement team, in doing a sterling job. Since the Widows Sons is truly an Inter-Constitutional and

South African Association, the dynamics of the group goes a long way in fostering Masonic

bonds and support throughout South Africa.

It is this national unity and singularity of purpose to benevolently improve the conditions of those

under-privileged communities residing in our areas of influence, that contribute largely to the suc-

cess of the Widows Sons as a recruiting agency for Freemasonry. Orphanages, shelters, old-age

and frail care institutions, facilities for those that are mentally and physically handicapped and

even the South African Guide Dogs for the Blind Association have the Widows Sons to regularly

assist and contribute to their endeavours.

As all riders are expected to be properly skilled and licensed to ride their motorcycles, it is with

pride (and special reference to our very special Road Captains) that I can say that we have not

had a rider lost or seriously injured on any of our official rides. We did lose our beloved brother

James Fairbrass around a year ago in an accident while he was out riding solo and in his

memory we have chartered a ride over the weekend of 10 June 2018 in which both the Johan-

nesburg Central and East Rand Chapters of the Widows Sons participated.

If you are a Mason (or interested in becoming one), love helping others, enjoy riding motorcycles,

as well as socialising with like-minded people, call Lance Epstein on 083 600 0006.

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Front (L - R): RW Bro. Prof. Guy Charlesworth (DGM), VW Bro. Chris van Gaalen (Dep DGM)

Back (L - R): W Bro. Simon Knutton (AsstDGM), W Bro. Brian McDermott (AsstDGM), W Bro. Charles Burn (AsstDGM),

W Bro. Tim Smith (AsstDGM)

L - R: E. Comp. Tim Smith (DepGSupt), E. Comp. Vaughn Williams (2nd DistGPrin), E. Comp. Prof. Guy Charlesworth (ME GSupt),

E. Comp. Tom Korff (3rd DistGPrin), E. Comp. Lance Epstein (Asst to the DistGPrincipals)

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DEATH NOTICES - Mrs Fern Rowles

It is with regret that we record the calling of the following Brethren to the Grand Lodge above:

W.Bro. J B Gillies PSGD Flame Lily 11/10/2018

W.Bro. J E Powell PAGDC Clifton 15/08/2018

W.Bro. R P Roux PDistSGW Lion of the North 15/09/2018

W.Bro. V B MacDougall PDistSGW Norwood 08/10/2018

W.Bro. C S J Vermaak PDistSGW Premier Diamond 15/09/2018

W. Bro. J D Hand PDistJGW Maritime 07/12/2018

W.Bro. B Naylor PDistJGW Transvaal 07/08/2018

W. Bro T B Edwards PDistSGD Oaklands 14/12/2018

W. Bro. A Hall DistJGD Doornfontein 11/12/2018

W.Bro. M D Segal PDistJGD King Edward 15/08/2018

W.Bro. A L Simcock PDistGStwd Clifton 29/09/2018

W.Bro. P J D Lloyd PDistGStB Corona 08/08/2018

Bro. P W H Smith Highveld 04/08/2018

Bro. C G Goetz Aviation 26/08/2018

Bro. J Stiglingh Jeppestown 14/10/2018

Bro. C P A Coertze Exsequi 14/11/2018


Editor: W Bro. Vaughn Williams -

[email protected]

Proof reader: Mrs Helen Charlesworth

Repro and layout: Michelle Segalla


W Bro. Richard Lipnicki

W Bro. Simon Knutton

W Bro. Gus Southgate

W Bro. Paul du Plessis

Mrs Fern Rowles

Photo credits:

Miss Kelly Adams

Wor. Bro. Daren Lewis