seabreeze sea brokers monthly 2010 may

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  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    Seabrokers GroupForusbeen 784033 Stavanger, Norway

    The Seabreeze Monthly Market Report is distributed world-wide through our offices in Aberdeen, Stavanger, Singaporeand Rio de Janeiro.

    Production & Administration: Seabrokers Ltd, Aberdeen


    May 2010


    Market Round-Up.....1

    Page Three Stunna.......... 3

    Daily AvailabilityRates & Utilisation North Sea...4

    Newbuildings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase5

    Rig, FPSO, Field & Oil Company News.....8

    Conundrum Corner, Duty Phones.11

    Monthly Rates........12

    For your free copy of Seabreeze, email [email protected]

    At the time of going to press the massive effort to contain escapingoil from the worst oil spill in US history was ongoing. All efforts tokill the well have been unsuccessful to date and relief wells will

    take 2 months to drill.It is now recognised that this event represents a milestone in off-shore oil exploration which will have global repercussions.For the US offshore industry the immediate consequences are asfollows:- Exploratory drilling by mobile rigs in deep water

    is halted, affecting some 30 rigs. A six month ban on all new applications for permits

    to drill in deep water. August 2010 lease sale in the western Gulf cancelled. Anticipated 2012 lease sale for blocks off Virginia cancelled. Permits for drilling in water depths up to 500 ft can still be


    See Drill Bits page 9 for additional news.

    U S Gu l f Oi l Sp i l l

    M o u n t a i n o u s M ayM o u n t a i n o u s M ay May was a month where North Sea spotrates scaled the heights for both anchorhandlers and PSVs.Supply vessels were in demandthroughout the month however anchorhandlers had more of an up and downtime of it with their availability graph re-sembling a cross section of the Himala-yas

    The oil price did slip a little from lastmonth, however it still remains prettyhigh and has definitely not fallen off acliff. Activity levels continue to climb with the summer well and truly now on its way.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    Mark et Round-up

    Tr in idad Act ion

    Another PSV Break s Lay-Up

    BP Trinidad and Tobago is spending USD 600 million onthe Serrette project which will lead to natural gas pro-duction from the Columbus basin off the east coast ofTrinidad. Heeremas Balder installed the Serrette plat-form jacket and topsides in April and the commissioningstage is about to commence.The DP2 Polar Bjorn (last months feature vessel) hasbeen fixed for 65 days for accommodation support andpipeline route survey work, which commenced at the

    end of May.

    Allseas pipe-layer Audacia

    (pictured c/oAudacia deckmechanics) isinstalling 36inand 12inpipelines.

    The only remaining idle PSV in NW Europe has comeout of lay up in Norway after 6 months of inactivity. The2007 built VS470 MkII design Siem Mollie is on charterto EMGs until July supporting seismic operations in the

    North Sea.

    New Ant i -Pi racy Device

    A Dutch inventor has come up with a simple and innova-

    tive device which appears from initial trials to promise aneffective method of thwarting waterborne pirates, atleast those using propeller driven craft.The principle of the so called P-Trap relies on a bundleof thin wires which are towed through the water to forman impenetrable zone alongside and behind the vessel.Extension brackets hold the wires some 5 metres off theships sides creating an invisible and impenetrable bar-rier. Any small boats running into the device are in-stantly disabled when their propellers are fouled.

    On entering a danger zone the whole arrangement iseasily and quickly deployed and once out of the zone

    just as easily retrieved and stowed.Earlier this year the device was trialled in the North Sea

    using the AHTS Esvagt Connector which is on charter tothe Dutch Coastguard. In a joint exercise with the RoyalDutch Navy, the Coastguard and KNRM (the Dutch life-boat service), the device proved itself to be highly effec-tive. A fast RIB ran at full speed into the protective zoneand immediately came to a standstill.Heavylift specialist Dockwise is the first owner to pur-chase the new system.

    Apache F ix ture

    Greenland Gear ing Up

    Greenlands coastal waters are soon going to becomecongested with offshore tonnage. With the drilling units

    Stena Don and Stena Forth due to mobilise shortly thelist of supporting tonnage is growing.The AHTS Vidar Viking arrived in May and will be joinedin June by Balder Viking and Loke Viking (newbuild seep 6). Also due to arrive early June are the 14,400 BHPUT722L AHTS Olympic Poseidon and the MPSV TromsVision both fixed to Capricorn Energy for 90 days and120 days respectively.The 4,900 dwt PSV Troms Pollux will commence a 120day charter for Capricorn also in June.As previously reported Esvagt have fixed the AHTS /Standby vessels Esvagt Connector & Esvagt Don for 90days + 60 daily options from July.

    Bourbons Brazi l Bonanza

    Bourbon Offshore Maritima, the Brazilian subsidiary of

    the French group Bourbon, has secured an impressive13-vessel deal with Petrobras. The contract involves 7of the new Liberty class PSVs and 1 Liberty class AHTSof 7,340 BHP. Contract period for the PSVs is 4 yearswith commencement between June and October of thisyear while the AHTS contract is for 3 years with promptcommencement. Additionally Petrobras are to charter 518-metre crew boats on eight year charters.As a result of these new charters Bourbon Maritime willalmost double the size of its Brazilian fleet within thisyear from the present 17 vessels to 30.

    The 1999 built VS 483 design PSV Far Strider obtainedan 18 months firm plus options charter with Apache ear-lier this year and delivered in early May. The vessel hasover 900m2 of deck area and will be primarily used tosupport the Apache Forties field. Apache have made asubstantial investment in the Forties infrastructure andas a result activity level offshore is very high thus thedemand for such a large vessel. Farstad have previ-ously supplied the Forties field with the Far Supporterback in its BP days.

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010

    Design Feature

    Departures - North Sea

    AHTS Northern Corona To Far East end April, sold to Chinese interests

    AHTS Vidar Viking To Greenland, Capricorn Energy (Cairn) 4 months

    AHTS Tor VikingTo Shell Alaska, exploration support & icebreak-


    AHTS Olympic Zeus To Ghana, Aker 2 months

    Arrivals - North Sea

    PSV E.R.Arendal Ex West Africa

    PSV E.R.Bergen Ex West Africa

    PSV Sea Halibut Ex Mediterranean

    PSV Sea Lynx Ex Mediterranean Oil & Gas Tunisia

    AHTS Subhadra Ex Ghana

    PSV Troms Castor Ex ConocoPhillips Canada

    AHTS Suchandra Ex Ghana

    AHTS Opal Ex Singapore with barge tow

    PSV Toisa Daring Ex Mediterranean

    Depart ures & Arr ivals - May

    P a ge 3 S t u n n a P a ge 3 S t u n n a


    Laid-Up - North Sea

    PSV Sartor AHTS Viking Troll

    AHTS Normand Draupne

    Better known as an operator of conventional tonnageDanish shipowner J. Lauritsen Group established Laurit-sen Offshore Services in 2008 with the intention to oper-ate DP shuttle tankers and to provide monohull DP off-

    shore accommodation.In November 2009 the new division took delivery of theAccommodation and Support Vessel Dan Swift whichwas converted by Blohm & Voss, Hamburg from the hullof the former cable ship Kraka.

    Dan Swift is ahead of the field being currently the onlyhigh-end monohull accommodation & support vessel ofits kind although more units are being ordered to fulfilglobal demand.

    The 149.50 m long vessel is designed to work adjacentto both fixed structures and floating units and isequipped with DP2 with triplication of equipment.On proving trials for its first job with the gangway posi-tioned on a moveable vessel the DP system held theship in place with less than 5 centimetres variation.The vessel has telescopic gangways on port and star-board sides and a 100mt knuckle-boom crane with ac-tive heave compensation. Accommodation is providedfor 291 persons and amenities include a cinema, aswimming pool and an internet caf so not your normaloffshore vessel !

    The vessels first employment is for Statoil in Brazilwhere it is supporting hook-up and commissioning oftwo wellhead platforms in the Campos Basins Peregrinofield.

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    May 2010

    Rates & Ut i l i sa t ion

    North Sea Average Rates - May 2010

    All Cargo Runs 6,556 19,741 +201%

    Cargo RunsPSVs up to 800M2

    6,059 19,379 +220%

    Cargo RunsPSVs over 800M2

    8,154 22,513 +176%

    CNS/NNS/WoSRig Moves

    21,205 41,746 +97%

    Category Average RateMay 2009

    Average Rate

    May 2010

    % Change

    North Sea Day Rate Levels - Spo t Market - May 2010Category Minimum Maximum

    All Cargo Runs 10,000 36,700

    Cargo RunsPSVs up to 800M2

    11,000 26,500

    Cargo RunsPSVs over 800M2

    18,000 30,600

    Rig MovesExcluding Southern Sector

    12,000 83,300


    Dai ly Avai labi l i t y

    North Sea Spot Average Utilis ation May 2010

    Type May 10 Apr 10 Mar 10 Feb 10 Jan 10

    Med PSV 93% 79% 73% 88% 86%

    Large PSV 100% 86% 77.5% 92.8% 93%

    Med AHTS 80% 63% 43% 58% 73%

    Large AHTS 76% 71% 62% 68% 79%












    2 0

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

    PSV 2010 PSV 2009

    AHTS 2010 AHTS 2009

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    Market Round Up / Newbui ld ings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase

    Phoenix for Oz

    AHTS Cancel led

    Boost From Renewa ble Energy

    Innovat ive Oi l Spi l l Ice break er

    from Kirkenes in Norway to China via the Northern SeaRoute.

    Footnote: Your Editor is so old he remembers the his-

    toric voyage of the ice strengthened tanker Manhattanwhich became the first commercial vessel to transit theTop of the World when it traversed the Arctic North-west passage in September 1969.The editor commenced gainful employment in the ma-rine industry at the same time; both endeavours werereasonably successful.

    The drive for renewable energy by European govern-

    ments is translating into increasing employment oppor-tunities for offshore support vessels. In addition to re-cent newbuild orders for specialised wind turbine instal-lation, vessels owners of existing offshore tonnage arehappy to be finding another source of employment.Esbjerg based Esvagt have fixed their 1989 built safetystandby vessel Esvagt Supporter to Vestas Belgium for5 years supporting windfarm operations offshore Zee-brugge.Meanwhile UK tug and inshore vessel owner HolyheadTowing is grasping the new opportunities by rapidly ex-panding its newly established subsidiary Turbine Trans-fers Ltd. The company currently operates a fleet of 9purpose built wind farm support catamarans with an-

    other 4 units due to be delivered by year end.More vessels are on order which will bring the fleet up to20 units by the end of next year.

    TS Marine Pty Ltd has fixed the 2009 built subsea-construction vessel Havila Phoenix for 2 years firm + 2 x

    6 month options. Therate is reported tohave been concludedon market terms butbelieved to be in the

    USD 45,000 50,000range with commence-

    ment in June. The vessel will mobilise from the Gulf ofMexico where it had been working following the cancel-lation of a 10 year contract with Phoenix International.

    Finland and Russia have signed a cooperation agree-ment to develop and build an oilspill icebreaker forSovcomflot, Russias largest shipping company. De-signed for the protection of the Baltic Sea the multi-purpose vessel will have an asymmetrical hull that isbased on icebreaking technology developed by AkerArctic Technology Oy. It will use an innovative sidewaysmovement to collect oil in demanding ice conditions, aswell as to break broad ice effectively. The vessel, whichwill measure 67m x 19m, will be equipped with threerudder-propellers and be capable of undertaking arange of other towing and rescue tasks.This development is interesting coming as it does at thesame time as Sovcomflot has announced that it is plan-ning a trial transit by a loaded tanker of the NorthernSea Route. With icebreaker assistance the transit will bemade from Murmansk to SE Asia in September.Also this autumn the first shipment of iron ore is planned

    Norwegian owner Mosvold Supply has cancelled a new-build contract for a 21,000 BHP VS 491 CD designAHTS under construction at Otto Marines Batamec

    shipyard in Indonesia.The vessel, the first of four AHTS of the same design onorder with the yard, was originally scheduled to be deliv-ered in October 2009. Under the contract Mosvold isentitled to a refund of its deposit plus interest accrued.Otto Marine said it was seeking legal advice.Delivery dates for the remaining vessels are scheduledfor end June 2010, December 2010 and July 2011 but itis already being reported that delivery of the second andthird vessels is likely to be delayed by five to six months.

    Act i ve Rem

    Rem Offshore ASA, through companies where they arethe majority shareholders, has ordered four large PSVs.

    Kleven Verft ASh a v e b e e nawarded con-tracts worth ap-proximately NOK700 million fortwo VS 485 de-sign vesselswhich are sched-

    uled for delivery in June and September 2011.

    The other two contracts are with STX Norway OffshoreAS for STX 06CD designvessels to bedelivered inOctober 2011and January2012.The value ofthese con-

    tracts is approximately NOK 750 million.Rem have been very busy this month - see more storieson next page.

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    New bui ld ings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase

    Look, New V ik ing

    Vega Ventures For th

    The first of a series of 4 large AHTS being built by

    Spains Astileros Zamakona shipyard for TransvikingIcebreaking and Offshore AB ( a Transatlantic / VikingSupply Ships JV ) has been delivered. The VS 4622 CDdesign Loke Viking (19040 BHP) is due to commence a4 month charter in June for Cairn Energy subsidiaryCapricorn Energy supporting exploration drilling offshoreGreenland. The vessel will join her cohorts Vidar Vikingwhich went on hire to Capricorn in May and the BalderViking which is alsoscheduled to com-mence in June.The Swedish flaggedLoke Viking has a

    LOA of 85.20m, dwtof 4,500 tonnes anddeck area of 750m2.The vessels 4 MAKmain engines achieve a bollard pull of 210 tonnes andan impressive top speed of 17 knots on abt 63 tonnes/day. Towing and anchor handling is provided c/o a Bratt-vaag double drum winch of 400ts pull / 550 ts brakeholding. There are 2 secondary winches with 138 ts pull.Class notation includes ICE-1A, Oilrec, DPII, Clean De-sign and Stand-By.

    Norways DOF ASA took delivery of the large AkerAH04 design AHTS Skandi Vega from STX Norway inearly May. The vessel features a hybrid diesel-electricmain propulsion plant developing 36,000 BHP which

    achieves abollard pull of350 tons.Other mainfeatures in-clude DP2,500 tonswinch, 250 TSWL offshore

    crane, large 1000m2 clear deck, moonpool, ROV han-gar with side launch for WROV, Helideck for SikorscyS92 and accommodation for 90 persons.On delivery the vessel commenced a 5 year + 3 x 1 yearcharter with Statoil in the North Sea mainly performingpre-lay mooring and ROV support duties.

    Rem Again

    In a separate announcement Rem Offshore confirmedthe purchase of 51% of Troms Offshore MPSV, a com-pany owning the MPSV Troms Vision (4,500dwt). ThisVS 495 DEM designed multi-purpose vessel has accom-modation for 68 persons, a heli-deck and 100 tons cranewhich compliments her supply vessel capabilities.The vessel, which was delivered in March, is currentlyemployed in the North Sea spot market prior to com-mencing a term charter in June for Capricorn Energy inGreenland.

    Norwegian owner Rem Offshore has purchased a

    UT755 LN design DP2 PSV which is under constructionat Drydocks World in Indonesia with delivery scheduledfor August. The vessel was being built for Hellespontwho cancelled the contract due to late delivery. Thiscame about largely due to the hull being badly damagedas a result of being struck by a passing oil rig.The yard continued to build the hull on a speculativebasis and is reported to have sealed the deal with Remfor a consideration approaching USD 25 million.

    New Sty le Acc ommodat ion Vesse l Ordered

    Yet another new acronym enters the offshore vocabu-larly, CSS which stands for Compact Semi-Submersible.Marine Asset Corporation (MAC) has signed a contract

    with the Fujian MaweiShipyard in China toconstruct this hullform for an accommo-dation unit to becalled CSS Accom-modator.The design belongedto Minnow Marine

    Projects Ltd which was acquired by the UAEs GMMOSGroup in Dec 2009.The concept has been 5 years in the making at a cost of

    USD 2 million to reach the final design stage. The de-signers, STX Marine claim significantly reduced roll an-gles compared to a monohull which together with DP3provides enhanced station keeping. The CSS hull canbe adapted for a variety of offshore applications such assubsea engineering, diving, ROV support, constructionand well intervention.The accommodation variant has a capacity for a total of500 persons comprising 430 passengers, 50 caterersplus a marine crew of 20. It will boast a 600m2 deck,150 tonne telescopic crane plus an active heave com-pensated gangway.

    Far Gone

    Farstad have sold the smallest vessel in their fleet, the1982 built PSV Far Viscount (1537 dwt), to Soros Ship-ping SA, Marshall Islands for USD 630,000.The vessel had been lying idle in Brazil since Q3 lastyear.

    Rem Addi t i on

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    New bui ld ings, Conversions, Sale & Purchase

    Newbuilds (predomi nantly Europ ean) delivered May 2010

    Vessel Design Owner / Manager Commitment

    PSV E.R.Georgina UT776CD E.R .OffshoreDelivered end April.

    AGR , 3 months

    AHTS UOS Enterprise Moss 424h UOS/Hartmann Uncommitted

    AHTS UOS Freedom AHTS UOS/Hartmann Uncommitted

    AHTS Loke Viking VS 4622 Viking SupplyShips

    Capricorn En-ergy,Greenland 4


    AHTS Maersk Lancer AHTS Maersk North Sea spot

    AHTS Skandi Vega AH 04 CD DOF

    AHTS Siem A quamarine VS 491 CD Siem OffshoreBP Norway till end


    PSV Siem Pilot Siem Offshore Statoil

    DSV Mermaid Endurer DSV Mermaid Offshore Uncommitted

    AHTS Skandi EmeraldTbr

    AH 08 ( DOF ) Sold to Vietsovpetro

    Siem Aquamar ine Del ivered

    Wel l Intervent ion CSS

    Hot on the heels of the compact semi sub accommoda-

    tion unit came the news that Hallin Marine had placed aUSD 110m order with Drydocks World for a well inter-vention unit based on the same groundbreaking design.The 84m, 8,200 dwt CSS Derwent will feature DP3, a200 ton multi-purpose tower, a 150 ton active heavecrane both operational to depths of 3,000 meters, twomoon pools and accommodation for 152 persons. Die-sel-electric propulsion will power four 3000kW fixedpitch Azimuth thrusters. Delivery is scheduled for Q22012.

    The Norwegian shipyard Kleven Verft in Ulsteinvik hasdelivered the large VS 491 CD design AHTS to owners,Siem Offshore. The vessel has a LOA of 91m, dwt of3800t, 800m2 clear deck, 28,000 BHP, bollard pull of275 tons and accommodation for 60 persons. In additionto her extensive anchor handling equipment inventorythe vessel is equipped for ROV operations and is de-

    signed fordeep wateroperations.

    Photo c/oS v e t o z a rCatovic

    Aker DOF Deepwater has sold the 16,000 BHP AHTS

    Skandi Emerald to Vietsovpetro Joint Venture for USD65m. The vessel is the first of six AH 08 design vesselsbeing constructed by STX Vung Tau shipyard in Viet-nam and will be delivered at the end of May with hand-over to new owners early June. The vessel had beenfixed on a 1 year charter to OGX Brazil. This contractwill now be fulfilled by the 15,560 BHP AHTS Odin Vi-king which is currently acting as frontrunner.The Skandi Emerald is the first vessel to be built at thenew Vung Tau shipyard which represents an investmentby STX of some USD 30m.

    New PSV for Mkster

    Changed Al legiance for A l l iance

    Norwegian owner Myklebusthaug Management has pur-chased the 2009 built, 5,150 BHP AHTS Jaya Alliance.Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The vessel, re-named Dina Alliance, is understood to be en routeEurope with a tow.

    Emerald Changes Hands

    Norwegian owner Simon Mkster Rederi has placed anorder with STX Europe for a newbuild supply vessel ofPSV 09L CD design. The hull of the vessel will be builtat STX s yard in Romania with final outfitting at STXEuropes Soviknes yard in Norway.Main particulars: LOA: 93.5m,Dwt: approx 4900 tons,deck area: approx 1055 m2. The vessels design incor-porates emergency towing arrangements, de-icing sys-tem, ice class, oil recovery, 300 standby class & DP.The vessel is specifically designed for environmental

    friendly operations with focus on low fuel consumptionand will be equipped with a catalytic reactor exhaustsystem for reduced emissions to air.

    US based Oceaneering International has acquired the2002 built US flagged subsea support vessel DMT Sap-phire, formerly the Kelly Ann Candies. The vessel wasbought from an affiliate of Deep Marine Technology forUSD 16.5 under bankruptcy auction proceedings.The deal is subject to approval at a court hearing sched-uled for June and once confirmed Oceaneering plan toupgrade the vessel by adding a permanent Sat dive sys-tem, a new crane together with additional communica-tion and survey equipment.

    Then, Sapphire Changes Hands

    Faroese Flour ish

    Also in expansionist mode is Faroese owner SupplyService who have confirmed a newbuild PSV plus oneoption from Norways Havyard Group. The Havyard 833design vessels will have their hulls built in Turkey withoutfitting at Havyards Leirvik facility in Norway. The ves-sels will have a LOA of 86m, dwt of 4700 tons and costapproximately NOK 350m each. Delivery is scheduledfor March 2012 and June 2012 for the optional vessel.

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    Internat ional Roundup

    Rig, FPSO, Field a nd Oi l Compa ny New s

    Corporate Column

    Brazil Petrobras has announced a new monthly oilproduction record in Brazil. In April it produced2,033,000 b/d exceeding the previous record by 29,000b/d. Output will be further boosted with the imminentcommissioning of two more FPSOs, the Capixaba atCachalote/Baleia Franca and the Cidade de Santos atUrugua/Tambau.In another announcement it was revealed that Iran andBrazil have signed a memorandum of understandingregarding cooperation on energy. Iran has offered Brazilparticipation in Iranian LNG projects while declaring itsreadiness to participate in projects in Brazil.

    USA Obviously the news has been dominated by the

    major oilspill offshore Louisiana. We report on some ofthe consequences of this major incident on page 9.On a happier note this years Offshore Technology Con-ference in Houston was the largest in 28 years drawinga record attendance of 72,900 delegates.

    Australia has issued permit applications for 31 blocksoff Western Australia. Among the blocks on offer is theMentelle basin, a new unexplored area said to offer thebest possibility of a major hydrocarbon discovery. How-ever in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico spill exploration ofthis area will face stiff resistance from local environ-mental groups who fear damage to the regions fragileecology.

    Norway has now released details of its plans to sup-port Norwegian shipyards which are suffering like theirglobal competitors from the current downturn in orders.The measures include a reduction from 50 to 30 percentof the Norwegian content required to qualify for financefrom Government backed export credit.The government have also widened the criteria for guar-anteeing loans to encompass projects of national inter-est. This means that other factors than actual deliveriesfrom Norway can be considered in the assessment ofwhether a project qualifies for loans and guarantees.

    Egypt / E.Med The US Geological Survey has is-sued a report asserting that the estimates of recoverablegas-liquids reserves in the Nile and Levant basins grantthe region the status of world-class for potential undis-covered natural gas resources.Their latest estimates put the potential reserves in theNile Delta at 223 tcf of undiscovered, technically recov-erable natural gas, 5.9 billion bbl of natural gas liquidsand a mean of 1.7 billion bbl of oil.

    UK At a press conference at OTC UK based trainingorganisation OPITO International took the opportunity toadvocate industry-wide standardised safety training

    Integrated services provider and sub-sea vessel owner Hallin Marine UK is to build a new 3million headquarters building in Westhill near Aberdeen.Once completed in 2011 the new building will housesome 180 staff.This latest development confirms Westhill as having thelargest concentration of subsea expertise in Europe ifnot the world with major players, Technip. Acergy, Sub-sea 7 and Schlumberger all located in the formerly quietdormitory town.In the midst of all this frenetic activity sits the offices ofSeabrokers Aberdeen who are elated to be in such goodcompany.

    Staying with subsea contractors, Subsea7 has opened a new office in Kuala Lum-

    pur with an initial staff of 32 which includes its regional

    management team. The pipelay / construction vesselSkandi Seven is mobilising to SE Asia to join the DSVRockwater 2 to support operations in the region.

    A new ship management company,Noah Ship Management has beenestablished in Dubai with the aim of

    managing tanker, bulker and offshore vessels. It is oneof the first companies in Dubai to specialise in the off-shore sector which has boomed in the area in recentyears with some 500 offshore vessels operating in UAEand adjacent waters.

    China Oilfield Services is planning toissue up to 500m shares, representing

    11.1% of the companys existing share capital, to raiseYuan 7 bn (USD 897m) to finance the expansion of itsoffshore fleet. No specific details have yet been re-leased however vessel types mentioned include deep-water anchor-handlers, a 12-streamer seismic vessel,deepwater survey vessels, an oilfield survey vessel anda jack-up rig. A meeting is scheduled in Beijing for endJune to approve the plan.

    Rotterdam based ALP Maritime Services andHamburg based HARMS Bergung have formeda JV HARMS-ALP Maritime B.V. to combineforces particularly in relation to long distance

    towages, mooring, installation & salvage projects.

    for offshore personnel.OPITO in conjunction with major North Sea employersand other training centres, has developed a MinimumIndustry Safety Training programme with the aim of im-proving efficiency and standardising safety training inthe UK offshore sector. OPITO plan to extend this train-ing concept across its existing network in 30 countries.Currently OPITO oversees 59 approved training provid-ers worldwide.

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010

    Rig, FPSO, Field a nd Oi l Compa ny New s

    Rig Utilisation

    Location May 05 May 2009 May 2010

    North Sea/Europe 92.9% 95.3% 89.5%

    US Gulf 84% 55.8% 61.8%

    Rig Type Average Rates US$

    Semi Sub < 1,500 ft WD 306,493

    Semi Sub > 1,500 ft WD 306,485

    Semi Sub 4,000 ft + WD 411,301

    Drill Ship 4,000 ft + WD 427,967

    Jackup IC 300 ft WD 108,959

    Jackup IC 300 ft + WD 147,955

    Jackup MC 200 ft + WD 47,307

    Inactive Rigs Northwest Europe

    Name Type Status Locatio n

    Sedco 712 SS Cold Stacked Cromarty Firth

    GSF Galaxy I JU Warm Stacked Cromarty Firth

    GSF Arctic II SS Cold Stacked Gdansk, Poland

    GSF Britannia JU Stacked Tees

    Ensco 92 JU Warm Stacked Humber

    Energy Enhancer JU Perenco early June Humber

    GSF Magellan JU Cold Stacked Rotterdam

    Energy Endeavour JU Maint / Stacked Esbjerg


    Dri l l B i ts

    Deepwater Horizon TragedyThe media has been dominated this month with updateson the major oil spill in the US Gulf following the blowoutand subsequent sinking of the semi Deepwater Horizonon 22nd April. As the oil spread locally, the repercus-sions spread globally.Against a background of allegations of slack regulationof offshore operations US President Obama is to re-organise the Minerals Management Service, the agencywhich regulates offshore drilling. Additionally a commis-sion has been set up to investigate the causes of thespill and provide recommendations to prevent futureincidents. New legislation was put before Congress on apackage of measures which will have far reaching ef-fects on the US oil industry. Proposals to increase thefederal oil spill trust funds liability limit from USD 75 mil-lion to USD 10 billion has prompted allegations thatsuch a move would make oil and gas activities in the USGulf uninsurable to all but the largest companies drivingout mid-size and smaller companies. Other proposedlegislation would link the amount of a companies spillliability to its profits.The US oil and gas industry has established two taskforces to address the issues of offshore equipment andoperating practices.A direct consequence of the tragedy is the immediate

    restriction of oil and gas activity on the US Outer Conti-nental Shelf. Until it completes a safety review the USDepartment of the Interior will not process any OCS drill-ing permits filed since 20th April.

    In Canada the National Energy Board is to review itsArctic offshore regulatory regime in response to theblowout.

    In Europe the EU Energy Commissioner summoned oiland gas executives to discuss the safety of offshore op-erations. The Commission intends to review existinglegislation relating to such emergencies and plans toestablish a closer relationship with national energy regu-

    lators.For its part BP is doing its utmost to contain the spill andremove the escaping oil. It is reported that more than1,100 vessels and some 22,000 people are involved inthe oil spill response effort.BP has made a commitment to spend up to USD 500million on a 10-year research programme to study theeffects that the spill has had on the Gulfs marine lifeand coastal environment.

    New Design Tender-Assist Drilling RigFrench drilling specialist Dietswell, in cooperation withother interested parties including Total, PTTEP andPetro Vietnam, is working on the design of a new

    tender-assist drill-ing rig concept.The so-called

    Horse Shoe Rig(HSR) is a col-u m n - s t a b i l i s e dsemisubmersiblewith an LOA of82.5m, main deckof 64 x 54m, andan operational dis-p lacement o f

    18,300 tonnes.

    The concept is aimed at reducing rig-up time and costsassociated with tender-assist drilling alongside a well-head jacket, mini-TLP or spar. To achieve these objec-

    tives the HSR will be capable of safely transferring lar-ger lifts, its U-shaped hull surrounding the platform onthree sides. The lifting system incorporates passiveheave compensation and a fast ballasting mechanismpermitting transfer to be effected without transmittingany loads onto the platform structure.

  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010

    Rig, FPSO, Field and Oil Company N ew s


    Not renowned for doing things by halves, Brazils Petro-bras has excelled itself by commencing the process ofordering 8 newbuild FPSOs. It has issued a letter ofintent to Brazilian engineering and construction groupEngevix Engenharia authorising the purchase of the

    hulls which will be built in an unidentified local shipyardat a reported price of approximately USD 470m per unit.It had been reported earlier that Engevix and its Swed-ish partner GVA had submitted the lowest bid with a to-tal price of USD 3.748 billion.The 8 FPSOs are intended for the deep waters of theSantos basin where they will produce the massive Tupioilfield, the largest deepwater field ever discovered. Pro-duction is scheduled to commence from the middle ofthis decade with the 8 units having a combined dailyproduction capacity of 1million barrels.Following last months report that Flex LNG were in ne-gotiations with a unnamed Asian oil company regarding

    an FLNG project offshore Australia, that company hasnow been confirmed as Thailands PTT Exploration &Production. Japans K-Line which is the biggest share-holder in Flex LNG, will operate the facility in a naturalgas field offshore northwest Australia.It is reported that Flex LNG has place a speculative or-der for a further 3 FLNGs from Samsung Heavy Indus-tries in S.Korea.Fast expanding offshore support services group EzraHoldings is planning to establish a joint venture com-pany with EOC Ltd, PetroVietnam Corp, and KSI Pro-duction Pte to supply a FPSO for Premier Oils ChimSao project offshore Vietnam. Ezra will provide the

    FPSO Focus 1978 built, 290m long Suezmax tanker Lewek Emas, exB.T.San Diego ex Denali, which will be converted atKeppel Singapore. When production starts in Q2 2011the FPSO will have a storage capacity of about 680,000barrels of oil and a daily production capability of some50,000 barrels.

    Office News

    Aberdeen Seabrokers place a high emphasis onsafety both within and out- with the workplace. In fur-thering our efforts to be safety conscious, several staffmembers from the Aberdeen office recently attended afirst aid course.The course ensured staff would be able to deal with

    emergencies inthe correct man-ner and potentiallysave lives. In par-ticular, our stafflearned how tomanage an inci-

    dent, the prioritiesof first aid andhow to perform

    CPR resuscitation).The dummies pictured left to right are: Svend Kris-tensen, Fiona Dawson, Ewen Henderson, Neil Muir,Vicky Spiers. Bob, the St. Andrews first aid instructor ison the right.

    Stavanger Seabrokers are pleased to announce thefollowing new appointments to their Stavanger office:Endre Gaard rejoins the team after an absence of twoyears during which time he was working with a subseaservice company. With a background in finance Endre

    $ 58.13

    $69 .29$65 .68

    $73 .02

    $68 .04

    $73 .82$77.20

    $ 75.16$ 77.13

    $74 .51

    $79 .85

    $85 .63

    $77 .55

    95.3% 94.4%90.7%

    88.0% 87.2% 85.3% 86.0% 84.6%88.5% 87.4%

    90.4%88.6% 89.5%


    46.8% 45.5% 46.4%50.0%

    53.8% 54.2%

    59.8%62.0% 63.1% 63.6% 61.8%












    M ay 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Jan 10 Feb 10 M ar 10 Apr 10 M ay 10










    Average Brent Crude US$ / Bbl European Rig Utilisation US Gulf Rig Utilisation


  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    Seabroker s Of f ice Contac tsSeabrokers L imi t ed - AberdeenDuty Telephone ++44 1224 747744 (24 Hrs)

    Duty Mobi le ++44 7802 304129Internet

    E-Mail [email protected]

    Seabrokers Charter ing AS- StavangerDuty Telephone ++47 51 815400 (24 Hrs)


    E-mail [email protected]

    Seabrokers Bras i l L t da- Rio de JaneiroDuty Telephone ++55 21 3505 4224 (24 Hrs)


    [email protected]

    Seabrokers Inc - HoustonTelephone ++47 51 815400


    E-Mail [email protected]

    Promar ine L imi t ed- AberdeenTelephone ++44 1224 211176 (24 Hrs)Internet

    E-Mail [email protected]

    Seabrokers Pte L t d - SingaporeTelephone ++65 6224 6062 or 0951Internet

    E-mail [email protected]

    Secura l i f t AS - StavangerTelephone ++47 51 815400Internet

    Sea Survei l lan ce AS - BergenLnningsf laten 28

    5258 Blomsterdalen, Norw ayTelephone ++47 55 136500Internet

    Int ernal New s / Conundrum Corner / Duty Phones

    Last Months Poser:

    Write out the missing figure in letters, while preserving

    the coherence of the sentence :

    In thiscircle the ris present times.

    Three wont do, because it contains an R, so the answeris FOUR.

    Congratulations to this months winner - Ian Perrott.This months teaser:During a tournament , two knights are tied for first

    place. To decide the winner the king tells them:Look at that tower over there on the horizon. Theone whose horse arrives last at this tower will be

    the winner of the tournament.Upon hearing this, the two knights rush to the sta-bles, where each of them quickly mounts a horseand heads for the tower at full gallop !

    How do you explain the apparently illogical behav-iour on the part of the two knights ?

    Suggestions to:- [email protected]

    will concentrate on project work in West Africa and else-

    where.Jahn Helge Bjrnestad is a civil engineer from theNTNU university in Trondheim. During the last 3 yearsJahn Helge has worked for DnV as a surveyor in Nor-way and overseas.Jahn Helge will join us as a trainee shipbroker and withhis offshore supply vessel experience and engineeringbackground will be a valuable asset to the S&P / New-build department.

    Chris Moncrieff has a BSc in Maritime Business withmaritime law from the University of Plymouth. During thelast year Chris has worked as a claims executive for

    marine insurers, Gard.Chris will start off as a trainee shipbroker supportingboth the strengthened S&P department and the brokingteam where his legal and insurance background willhold him in good stead.

    SingaporeWe are pleased to advise all clients and owner friendsthat our new Singapore office is now fully operationalunder the direction of manager Morten Jelert, who canbe contacted at:

    Seabrokers Pte Ltd165 B, Telok Ayer Street

    Singapore 068 617Tel: ++ 65 6224 6062 or 0951Mobile : ++65 9235 4114Email:[email protected]

    Office News[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:Email:[email protected]:Email:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/9/2019 Seabreeze Sea Brokers Monthly 2010 May



    May 2010


    North Sea Average Spot Monthly Rates

    Rig Moves







    2009 30,264 11 ,767 12,265 14,164 21,205 45,897 23,560 21,586 15,072 6,353 6,574 8,341

    2010 7,251 8,918 7,441 23,131 41,746 - - - - - - -

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    PSVs > 800M2







    2009 17,643 11,395 10,786 9,529 8,154 10,000 5,541 4,693 5,633 4,097 4,067 4,606

    2010 7,295 10,562 8,789 13,520 22,513 - - - - - - -

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    PSVs < 800M2







    2009 12,652 8,198 7,613 6 ,345 6,059 9,049 5,273 3,478 2,889 3,001 3,085 3,465

    2010 5,389 7,783 7,052 9,248 19,379 - - - - - - -

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    All Cargo Runs






    2009 17,060 9,584 8,748 7,343 6,556 9,247 5,326 3,828 3,956 3,560 3 ,439 3,939

    2010 6,630 8,810 7,390 12,621 19,741 - - - - - - -

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Average Day Rates To Month (May)







    2009 9,357 7,688 10,736 18,350

    2010 10,410 8,810 10,551 20,834

    All Cargo Runs PSV's 800M2 Rig Moves