sea fishing

Sea Fishing. Anna, Gemma, Agustí, Júlia, Mariana, Carles i Joan.

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Sea Fishing.

Anna, Gemma, Agustí, Júlia, Mariana, Carles i Joan.

Index.Fish varieties.-King prawn.-Sea- perch.-Tuna- fish.-Eel.-Hake.

Types of fishing.-Trammel.- Bottom trawling.- Longline fishing.-“Bussó”.-“Gànguil”.- Circling.

Varieties. King prawn. Sea- perch. Tuna- fish. Eel. Hake.

King Prawn.

Is a suborder of decapods crustaceans, variously called shrimp or prawns.

They may reach a length of over 330 millimeters and a mass of 450 grams. The body is typically robust, and can be divided into a head and thorax that fused together and abdomen. The body is generally slightly flattened side to side.

Sea-perch belongs to Percidae family. This fish is usually found in rivers and lakes. His length is 50 cm and his mass is 4,75kg. The body is cover by roughs and hard scales. And the rest of his body are green and silvery.

Sea- perch.

Tuna- fish.Is a saltwater finfish that belongs to the tribe Thunnini, a sub-grouping of the mackerel family.

Description :Their circulatory and respiratory systems are unique among fish, enabling them to maintain a body temperature higher than the surrounding water. Is capable of speeds of up to 75 km/h.The body:It has two closely spaced dorsal fins on its back. Seven to 10 yellow fins run from the dorsal fins to the tail. The tuna's dorsal side is generally a metallic dark blue, while the ventral side or underside, is silvery or whitish, for camouflage.

The Anguillidae are a family of fishes that contains the freshwater eels. The young eel larvae, called leptocephali, livse only in the ocean and consume small particles called marine snow. They grow larger in size, and in their next growth stage they are called glass eels.

Description:Freshwater eels are like a snake. They have large, pointed heads and their dorsal fins are usually continuous with their caudal fins and anal fins, to form a fringe lining the posterior end of the body. They have small pectoral fins. Their scales are thin and soft.


He belong to Phycidae and Merlucciidae family. It is a small fish of averaging 1 to 8 lb in weight. He can grow up to 1 metre in length. Hake species stay in deep sea water during the day and come to the middle depths during the night.


Types of fishing.

Trammel. Bottom trawling. Longline fishing.“Bussó”. “Gànguil”. Circling.

Trammel.Parts of the trammel:

Trammel is a type of fishing net that consists of three different nets: the exterior ones are the same and they are called “armall”. The middle one is thicker than the others, and it is called “lli”. Along the net, there are two ropes. The upper one is full of corks, and the one which is at the bottom is full of weights.

Trammel.The fishing process:

A fish passes through the first net, because its holes are bigger, but then, when it arrives at the middle net it can’t escape.

Trammel.Trammel can be used in any seabed, unless if there are pointed obstacles like coral, which would rip the nets, and it must be placed concurrently to the coast, to avoid catching things which won’t be sold.

Bottom trawlingWhat’s bottom trawling?

It consists of towing a trawl along the sea floor to obtain fish captures. It is usually done during the day, and the nets which are used look like a sack.


It damages sea ecosystems. Bottom trawling in sandy sea floors with depths between 400 and 2000m, causes a very negative effect to submarine species and coral.

Longline fishing.It consists of...

- A synthetic rope called “mare”.- Pieces of nylon thread. Each one is called “braçolada”, and they’re tied to the “mare”.- At the end of each “braçolada” there are hooks.

Longline fishing.The fishing process.The hooks must have a good baid to attract fish.

Catches mainly at the edges of the river and some channels that connect the ponds to the sea and is used to capture the eel. When the eel enters into a small hole and is trapped inside and they can't go out.


The ganguil is a net with the shape of a funnel with funnels inside and with rings that become smaller until the end of the net. The system consists of putting a net at the level of the floor, of this shape the fish, crabs, eels, etc, that want to go out of the net are redrived to the mouth of the funnel and inside the system of inner funnels remain trapped. The end of the tube is tied up with a cane nailed to land and that is to take out all fish.


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The capture surrounding on all sides and closing the network, to form a reservoir. It isused to capture large masses of oily fish such as sardines, anchovy, horse mackerel, mackerel and tuna.