s.d.a. bible commentary

8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/sda-bible-commentary 1/545 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 1 (1953) Genesis Exodus Leviticus  Numbers Deuteronomy S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 (1953) Joshua Judges 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 3 (1954) 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Era  Nehemiah Esther Job !salms !roverbs Ecclesiastes S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 4 (1955) "saiah Jeremiah Ee#iel Daniel $osea Joel $aggai %echariah &alachi S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 (1956) &atthe' &ar# Lu#e John S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6 (1956) (cts )omans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians E*hesians S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7 (1957) !hili**ians Colossians 1 +hessalonians

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  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 1 (1953)



    Leviticus Numbers


    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 (1953)Joshua


    1 Samuel2 Samuel

    1 Kings

    2 Kings

    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 3 (1954)

    1 Chronicles

    2 Chronicles

    Era Nehemiah





    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 4 (1955)








    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 (1956)


    &ar# Lu#e


    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6 (1956)


    1 Corinthians

    2 CorinthiansGalatians


    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7 (1957)



    1 +hessalonians

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    2 +hessalonians

    1 +imothy

    2 +imothy



    1 !eter 2 !eter 

    1 John


    S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7A (1970)

    Christ,s !lace in the GodheadChrist,s Nature During the "ncarnation

    +he (tonement


      Chapter 1 

    1-3 (!. 33"6# 9). A $e!er%oir o& 'ean!.--God s*o#e. and $is 'ords created $is 'or#s in the

    natural 'orld/ God,s creation is but a reservoir o0 means made ready 0or $im to em*loy instantly to do

    $is *leasure Letter 11. 13456/ 718C 1931/1:

      26 (*. 3"15). A +ar,er amily.--"n0inite love--ho' great it is; God made the 'orld to enlarge

    heaven/ $e desires a larger 0amily o0 created intelligences &S 53. 14916/ 718C 1931/2:

      27. 'an# a e/ an Di!tint rer.--(ll heaven too# a dee* and

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


      7 (1 Cor. 3"9 At! 17"2). 'an 8ner o:! Ser%i!ion.--+he *hysical organism o0 man is

    under the su*ervision o0 GodB but it is not li#e a cloc#. 'hich is set in o*eration. and must go o0 itsel0/

    +he heart beats. *ulse succeeds *ulse. breath succeeds breath. but the entire being is under the

    su*ervision o0 God/ =e are God,s husbandry. ye are God,s building/= "n God 'e live and move andhave our being/ Each heart-beat. each breath. is the ins*iration o0 $im 'ho breathed into the nostrils o0

    (dam the breath o0 li0e.--the ins*iration o0 the ever-*resent God. the Great " (& )$ Nov/ 3. 13436/

    718C 1931/:

      (2 eter 1"4). arta;er! o& o:! 


    atre.--+he Lord created man out o0 the dust o0 the earth/ $e made (dam a *arta#er o0 $is li0e. $is

    nature/ +here 'as breathed into him the breath o0 the (lmighty. and he became a living soul/ (dam

    'as *er0ect in 0orm--strong. comely. *ure. bearing the image o0 his &a#er &S 192. 1496/ 718C1931/5:

      *y!ial o/er +on, re!er%e.--&an came 0rom the hand o0 his Creator *er0ect in organiation

    and beauti0ul in 0orm/ +he 0act that he has 0or six thousand years 'ithstood the ever-increasing 'eight

    o0 disease and crime is conclusive *roo0 o0 the *o'er o0 endurance 'ith 'hich he 'as 0irst endo'edC+8$ 56/ 718C 1932/1:

      . Aam Cro/ne

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    case--8ecause a ransom 'as 0ound/ God,s only begotten Son volunteered to ta#e the sin o0 man u*on

    $imsel0. and to ma#e an atonement 0or the 0allen race/ +here could have been no *ardon 0or sin had

    this atonement not been made/ $ad God *ardoned (dam,s sin 'ithout an atonement. sin 'ould have

     been immortalied. and 'ould have been *er*etuated 'ith a boldness that 'ould have been 'ithoutrestraint )$ (*ril 2. 14916/ 718C 1932/:

      Chapter 3 

    1-6. A Se!!ion o& all!.--"0 the race had ceased to 0all 'hen (dam 'as driven 0rom Eden. 'e

    should no' be in a 0ar more elevated condition *hysically. mentally. and morally/ 8ut 'hile mende*lore the 0all o0 (dam. 'hich has resulted in such unutterable 'oe. they disobey the ex*ress


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      aine nly a

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    'hich. had they obeyed God. they 'ould never have had.--an ex*erience in disobedience and

    disloyalty to God.--the #no'ledge that they 'ere na#ed/ +he garment o0 innocence. a covering 0rom

    God. 'hich surrounded them. de*artedB and they su**lied the *lace o0 this heavenly garment by se'ing

    together 0ig-leaves 0or a*rons/ 718C 193@/@:

      +his is the covering that the transgressors o0 the la' o0 God have used since the days o0 (dam and

    Eve,s disobedience/ +hey have se'ed together 0ig-leaves to cover their na#edness. caused bytransgression/ +he 0ig-leaves re*resent the arguments used to cover disobedience/ ?hen the Lord calls

    the attention o0 men and 'omen to the truth. the ma#ing o0 0ig-leaves into a*rons 'ill be begun. to hide

    the na#edness o0 the soul/ 8ut the na#edness o0 the sinner is not covered/ (ll the arguments *iecedtogether by all 'ho have interested themselves in this 0limsy 'or# 'ill come to naught  Ibid., Nov/ 1A.

    13436/ 718C 193@/A:

      10# 11. Dre/ on $obe! o& =,norane.--$ad (dam and Eve never disobeyed their Creator. had theyremained in the *ath o0 *er0ect rectitude. they could have #no'n and understood God/ 8ut 'hen they

    listened to the voice o0 the tem*ter. and sinned against God. the light o0 the garments o0 heavenly

    innocence de*arted 0rom themB and in *arting 'ith the garments o0 innocence. they dre' about them

    the dar# robes o0 ignorance o0 God/ +he clear and *er0ect light that had hitherto surrounded them hadlightened everything they a**roachedB but de*rived o0 that heavenly light. the *osterity o0 (dam could

    no longer trace the character o0 God in $is created 'or#s  Ibid., &arch 15. 149@6/ 718C 193@/:

      15. Aam

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    8"ISL +$E ?)D =CN+"NEN+= "S $E)E E&!LED "N ( 8)(DE) SENSE

    +$(N "S C&&NL INDE)S+D +D(/ "+ "S "N KEE!"NG ?"+$ IS(GE N?

    8SLE+E. ?$"C$ !E)&"++ED +$E ?)D =CN+"NEN+= + (!!L + =+$E ,SL"D

    GL8E, ) )8 > +$E SIN ) &N= SEE OXFOR E!G"I#H ICTIO!$R% 6/ --ED"+)/and alienated 0rom its communion. Jesus has connected it again 'ith the s*here o0 glory S+ Nov/ 2@.

    13356/ 718C 193A/1:

      =n!tantaneo! Sb!tittion.--+he instant man acce*ted the tem*tations o0 Satan. and did the very

    things God had said he should not do. Christ. the Son o0 God. stood bet'een the living and the dead.

    saying. =Let the *unishment 0all on &e/ " 'ill stand in man,s *lace/ $e shall have anotherchance= Letter 22. >eb/ 1. 14996/ 718C 193A/2:

      C*ri!t lae eet in Aam:! Ste!.--?hat love; ?hat amaing condescension; +he King o0

    glory *ro*osed to humble $imsel0 to 0allen humanity; $e 'ould *lace $is 0eet in (dam,s ste*s/ $e'ould ta#e man,s 0allen nature. and engage to co*e 'ith the strong 0oe 'ho trium*hed over (dam/ $e

    'ould overcome Satan. and in thus doing $e 'ould o*en the 'ay 0or the redem*tion 0rom the disgrace

    o0 (dam,s 0ailure and 0all. o0 all those 'ho 'ould believe on $im  Redemption; or the Temptation of

    Christ, */ 1A6/ 718C 193A/:

      16# 17. etion o& Sentene @it**el.--God 0orbears. 0or a time. the 0ull execution o0 thesentence o0 death *ronounced u*on man/ Satan 0lattered himsel0 that he had 0orever bro#en the lin#

     bet'een heaven and earth/ 8ut in this he 'as greatly mista#en and disa**ointed/ +he >ather had given

    the 'orld into the hands o0 $is Son 0or $im to redeem 0rom the curse and the disgrace o0 (dam,s

    0ailure and 0all  Ibid., 156/ 718C 193A/@:

      17# 1. >*e Cr!e on All Creation.--(ll nature is con0usedB 0or God 0orbade the earth to carry out

    the *ur*ose $e had originally designed 0or it/ Let there be no *eace to the 'ic#ed. saith the Lord/ +he

    curse o0 God is u*on all creation/ Every year it ma#es itsel0 more decidedly 0elt &S 5a. 14916/ 718C193A/A:

      +he 0irst curse 'as *ronounced u*on the *osterity o0 (dam and u*on the earth. because o0disobedience/ +he second curse came u*on the ground a0ter Cain sle' his brother (bel/ +he third most

    dread0ul curse 0rom God. came u*on the earth at the >lood @SG 1216/ 718C 193A/:

      +he land has 0elt the curse. more and more heavily/ 8e0ore the >lood. the 0irst lea0 'hich 0ell. and'as discovered u*on the ground. caused those 'ho 0eared God great sorro'/ +hey mourned over it as

    'e mourn over the loss o0 a dead 0riend/ "n the decaying lea0 they could see an evidence o0 the curse.

    and o0 the decay o0 nature  Ibid., 1AA6/ 718C 193A/5:

     ($om. "22).

    --+he sin o0 man has brought the sure result.--decay. de0ormity. and death/ +oday the

    'hole 'orld is tainted. corru*ted. stric#en 'ith mortal disease/ +he earth groaneth under the continualtransgression o0 the inhabitants thereo0 Letter 22. >eb/ 1. 14996/ 718C 193A/3:

      +he Lord,s curse is u*on the earth. u*on man. u*on beast. u*on the 0ish in the sea. and as

    transgression becomes almost universal the curse 'ill be *ermitted to become as broad and as dee* asthe transgression Letter A4. 13436/ 718C 193A/4:

      >o;en! o& o:! Contine +o%e.--(0ter the transgression o0 (dam. God might have destroyed

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    every o*ening bud and blooming 0lo'er. or $e might have ta#en a'ay their 0ragrance. so grate0ul to

    the senses/ "n the earth seared and marred by the curse. in the briers. the thistles. the thorns. the tares.

    'e may read the la' o0 condemnationB but in the delicate color and *er0ume o0 the 0lo'ers. 'e may

    learn that God still loves us. that $is mercy is not 'holly 'ithdra'n 0rom the earth )$ Nov/ 3. 13436/718C 193A/19:

      17-19.--God said to (dam. and to all the descendants o0 (dam. "n the s'eat o0 thy 0ace shalt thoueat breadB 0or 0rom hence0orth the earth must be 'or#ed under the dra'bac# o0 transgression/ +horns

    and briars shall it *roduce &S 3@. 13456/


    718C 193A/11:

      +here is no *lace u*on earth 'here the trac# o0 the ser*ent is not seen and his venomous sting 0elt/

    +he 'hole earth is de0iled under the inhabitants thereo0/ +he curse is increasing as transgressionincreases Letter 22. >eb/ 1. 14996/ 718C 193/1:

      1. Amal,amation Bro,*t oio! lant!.--Not one noxious *lant 'as *laced in the Lord,s great

    garden. but a0ter (dam and Eve sinned. *oisonous herbs s*rang u*/ "n the *arable o0 the so'er theHuestion 'as as#ed the &aster. =Didst not thou so' good seed in thy 0ield ho' then hath it tares=

    +he &aster ans'ered. =(n enemy hath done this/= (ll tares are so'n by the evil one/ Every noxiousherb is o0 his so'ing. and by his ingenious methods o0 amalgamation he has corru*ted the earth 'ith

    tares &S A. 13446 *ublished in >/ D/ Nichol. Ellen G. White and Her CriticsF/ 718C 193/2:

      22-24 ($e%. 22"2# 14). beiene =! Conition o& atin, o& >ree.-- +ransgression o0 God,sreHuirements excluded (dam 0rom the Garden o0 Eden/ ( 0laming s'ord 'as *laced around the tree o0

    li0e. lest man should *ut 0orth his hand and *arta#e o0 it. immortaliing sin/ bedience to all the

    commandments o0 God 'as the condition o0 eating o0 the tree o0 li0e/ (dam 0ell by disobedience.

    0or0eiting by sin all right to use either the li0e-giving 0ruit o0 the tree in the midst o0 the Garden. or itsleaves. 'hich are 0or the healing o0 the nations/ 718C 193/:

      bedience through Jesus Christ gives to man *er0ection o0 character and a right to that tree o0 li0e/+he conditions o0 again *arta#ing o0 the 0ruit o0 the tree are *lainly stated in the testimony o0 Jesus

    Christ to John =8lessed are they that do $is commandments. that they may have right to the tree o0

    li0e. and many enter in through the gates into the city= &S 52. 14916/ 718C 193/@:

      24 ('att. 4"4 ?o*n 6"63). o S/or Be&ore r >ree o& +i&e.--+he Scri*tures. ="t is 'ritten.= is

    the gos*el 'e are to *reach/ No 0laming s'ord is *laced be0ore this tree o0 li0e/ (ll 'ho 'ill may

     *arta#e o0 it/ +here is no *o'er that can *rohibit any soul 0rom ta#ing o0 the 0ruit o0 this tree o0 li0e/ (llmay eat and live 0orever Letter 29. 14996/ 718C 193/A:

      Chapter 4 

    4. &&erin, '!t Be Srin;le @it* Bloo.--"n every o00ering to God 'e are to ac#no'ledge the

    one great Gi0tB that alone can ma#e our service acce*table to him/ ?hen (bel o00ered the 0irstling o0the 0loc#. he ac#no'ledged God. not only as the Giver o0 his tem*oral blessings. but also as the Giver

    o0 the Saviour/ (bel,s gi0t 'as the very choicest he could bringB 0or it 'as the Lord,s s*eci0ied claim/

    8ut Cain brought only o0 the 0ruit o0 the ground. and his o00ering 'as not acce*ted by the Lord/ "t did

    not ex*ress 0aith in Christ/ (ll our o00erings must be s*rin#led 'ith the blood o0 the atonement/ (s the

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


     *urchased *ossession o0 the Son o0 God. 'e are to give the Lord our o'n individual lives )$ Nov/ 2@.

    1346/ 718C 193/:

      (en. 2"17). Sb!titte Aete &or >ime Bein,.-->allen man. because o0 his guilt. could no

    longer come directly be0ore God 'ith his su**licationsB 0or his transgression o0 the divine la' had

     *laced an im*assable barrier bet'een the holy God and the transgressor/ 8ut a *lan 'as devised that

    the sentence o0 death should rest u*on a substitute/ "n the *lan o0 redem*tion there must be theshedding o0 blood. 0or death must come in conseHuence o0 man,s sin/ +he beasts 0or sacri0icial

    o00erings 'ere to *re0igure Christ/ "n the slain victim. man 'as to see the 0ul0illment 0or the time being

    o0 God,s 'ord. =e shall surely die=  Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ, */ 146/ 718C 193/5:

      6. o 'ar;! %ery Ation.--+he Lord sa' the 'rath o0 Cain. $e sa' the 0alling o0 his

    countenance/ +hus is revealed ho' closely the Lord mar#s every action. all the intents and *ur*oses.

    yes. even the ex*ression o0 the countenance/ +his. though man may say nothing. ex*resses his re0usalto do the 'ay and 'ill o0 God/ / / / ?ell might the Huestion be as#ed you o0 the Lord. 'hen you cannot

    0ollo' the im*ulse o0 your o'n rebellious heart. and are restrained 0rom doing your o'n unrighteous.

    unsancti0ied 'ill. =?hy art thou 'orth and 'hy is thy countenance 0allen= Such exhibitions reveal

    that because they cannot do a0ter Satan,s arts and devices they are *rovo#ed. and can only mani0est as*irit similar to that o0 Cain &S 55. 13456/ 718C 193/3:

      . Contention '!t Come.--+here could


     be no harmony bet'een the t'o brothers. and contention must come/ (bel could not concede to Cain

    'ithout being guilty o0 disobedience to the s*ecial commands o0 God Letter 1. 13456/ 718C 193/4:

      Cain ille @it* Dobt an 'ane!!.--Satan is the *arent o0 unbelie0. murmuring. and rebellion/

    $e 0illed Cain 'ith doubt and 'ith madness against his innocent brother and against God. because his

    sacri0ice 'as re0used and (bel,s acce*ted/ (nd he sle' his brother in his insane madness )$ &arch .135@6/ 718C 1935/1:

      15. 'ar; o& Cain.--God has given to every man his 'or#B and i0 any one turns 0rom the 'or# thatGod has given him. to do the 'or# o0 Satan. to de0ile his o'n body or lead another into sin. that man,s

    'or# is cursed. and the brand o0 Cain is *laced u*on him/ +he ruin o0 his victim 'ill cry unto God. as

    did the blood o0 (bel  Ibid., &arch . 134@6/ 718C 1935/2:

      (ny man. be he minister or layman. 'ho see#s to com*el or control the reason o0 any other man.

     becomes an agent o0 Satan. to do his 'or#. and in the sight o0 the heavenly universe he bears the mar#

    o0 Cain &S 24. 14116/ 718C 1935/:

     25. Set* 'ore oble in Statre >*an Cain or Abel.

    --Seth 'as o0 more noble stature than Cain or

    (bel. and resembled (dam more than any o0 his other sons/ +he descendants o0 Seth had se*aratedthemselves 0rom the 'ic#ed descendants o0 Cain/ +hey cherished the #no'ledge o0 God,s 'ill. 'hile

    the ungodly race o0 Cain had no res*ect 0or God and $is sacred commandments SG 96/ 718C


      Chapter 5 

    22-24. no* Sa/ o nly by ait*.--Did he EnochF see God by his side nly by 0aith/ $e

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    #ne' that the Lord 'as there. and he adhered stead0astly to the *rinci*les o0 truth/ ?e. too. are to 'al#

    'ith God/ ?hen 'e do this. our 0aces 'ill be lighted u* by the brightness o0 $is *resence. and 'hen

    'e meet one another. 'e shall s*ea# o0 $is *o'er. saying. !raise God/ Good is the Lord. and good is

    the 'ord o0 the Lord &S 15. 1496/ 718C 1935/A:

      C*ri!t a Con!tant Comanion.--?e can have 'hat Enoch had/ ?e can have Christ as our constant

    com*anion/ Enoch 'al#ed 'ith God. and 'hen assailed by the tem*ter. he could tal# 'ith God aboutit/ $e had no ="t is 'ritten= as 'e have. but he had a #no'ledge o0 his heavenly Com*anion/ $e made

    God his Counsellor. and 'as closely bound u* 'ith Jesus/ (nd Enoch 'as honored in this course/ $e

    'as translated to heaven 'ithout seeing death/ (nd those 'ho 'ill be translated at the close o0 time.'ill be those 'ho commune 'ith God on earth/ +hose 'ho ma#e mani0est that their li0e is hid 'ith

    Christ in God 'ill ever be re*resenting $im in all their li0e-*ractices/ Sel0ishness 'ill be cut out by the

    roots &S 3. 13456/ 718C 1935/:

      Stro%e to Con&orm to Di%ine +i;ene!!.--Let us realie the 'ea#ness o0 humanity. and see 'here

    man 0ails in his sel0-su00iciency/ ?e shall then be 0illed 'ith a desire to be ather 0or the hel* you need. $e

    'ill not leave you/ God has a heaven 0ull o0 blessings that $e 'ants to besto' on those 'ho are

    earnestly see#ing 0or that hel* 'hich the Lord alone can give/ "t 'as in loo#ing in 0aith to Jesus. in

    as#ing o0 $im. in believing that every 'ord s*o#en 'ould be veri0ied. that Enoch 'al#ed 'ith God/ $e#e*t close by the side o0 God. obeying $is every 'ord/ / / / $is 'as a 'onder0ul li0e o0 oneness/ Christ

    'as his Com*anion/ $e 'as in intimate 0ello'shi* 'ith God &S 111. 13436/ 718C 1935/4:

      Aboe in re Atmo!*ere.--$e EnochF did not ma#e his abode 'ith the 'ic#ed/ $e did not

    locate in Sodom. thin#ing to save Sodom/ $e *laced himsel0 and his 0amily 'here the atmos*here

    'ould be as *ure as *ossible/ +hen at times he 'ent 0orth to the inhabitants o0 the 'orld 'ith


    his God-given message/ Every visit he made to the 'orld 'as *ain0ul to him/ $e sa' and understood

    something o0 the le*rosy o0 sin/ (0ter *roclaiming his message. he al'ays too# bac# 'ith him to his *lace o0 retirement some 'ho had received the 'arning/ Some o0 these became overcomers. and died

     be0ore the >lood came/ 8ut some had lived so long in the corru*ting in0luence o0 sin that they could not

    endure righteousness &S @2. 14996/ 718C 1935/19:

      24. o 'oral Dar;ne!! So Den!e.--Enoch 'al#ed 'ith God. 'hile o0 the 'orld around him sacred

    history records. =(nd God sa' that the 'ic#edness o0 man 'as great in the earth. and that every

    imagination o0 the thoughts o0 his heart 'as only evil continually/= Enoch,s righteous li0e 'as in

    mar#ed contrast 'ith the 'ic#ed *eo*le around him/ $is *iety. his *urity. his uns'erving integrity'ere the result o0 his 'al#ing 'ith God. 'hile the 'ic#edness o0 the 'orld 'as the result o0 their

    'al#ing 'ith the deceiver o0 man#ind/ +here never has been and never 'ill be an age 'hen the moral

    dar#ness 'ill be so dense as 'hen Enoch lived a li0e o0 irre*roachable righteousness &S @. 14996/718C 1933/1:

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      no* t*e ir!t ro*et.--Enoch 'as the 0irst *ro*het among man#ind/ $e 0oretold by *ro*hecy

    the second coming o0 Christ to our 'orld. and his 'or# at that time/ $is li0e 'as a s*ecimen o0

    Christian consistency/ $oly li*s alone should s*ea# 0orth the 'ords o0 God in denunciation and

     or one hundred and t'enty years Noah *roclaimed the message

    o0 'arning to the antediluvian 'orldB but only a 0e' re*ented/ Some o0 the car*enters he em*loyed in

     building the ar# believed the message. but died be0ore the >loodB others o0 Noah,s converts bac#slid&S A. 1496/ 718C 1933/5:

      &any o0 the believing ones #e*t the 0aith. and died trium*hant &S A. 1496/ 718C 1933/3:

      no*:! eriene a Con%inin, Sermon.--Jude 1@. 1A Huoted/F +he sermon *reached by

    Enoch. and his translation to heaven 'as a convincing argument to all living in Enoch,s time/ "t 'as an

    argument that &ethuselah and Noah could use 'ith *o'er to sho' that the righteous could betranslated &S @. 134A6/ 718C 1933/4:

      A!!oiation @it* 8nbelie%er! Ca!e +o!!.--+hose 'ho believed 'hen Noah began to build the

    ar#. lost their 0aith through association 'ith unbelievers 'ho aroused all the old *assion 0or amusementand dis*lay )$ Se*t/ 1A. 149@6/ 718C 1933/19:

      (1 ?o*n 3"). C*ri!t in @ar&are in oa*:! Day.--=>or this *ur*ose the Son o0 God 'as

  • 8/9/2019 S.D.a. Bible Commentary


    mani0ested. that $e might destroy the


    'or#s o0 the devil/= Christ 'as engaged in this 'ar0are in Noah,s day/ "t 'as $is voice that s*o#e to the

    inhabitants o0 the old 'orld in messages o0 'arning. re*roo0. and invitation/ $e gave the *eo*le a *robation o0 one hundred and t'enty years. in 'hich they might have re*ented/ 8ut they chose the

    dece*tions o0 Satan. and *erished in the 'aters o0 the >lood  Ibid., &arch 12. 14916/ 718C 1933/11:

      4. reat Art an =n%ention! eri!*e.--+here *erished in the >lood greater inventions o0 art and

    human s#ill than the 'orld #no's o0 today/ +he arts destroyed 'ere more than the boasted arts o0 today

    Letter A. 13436/ 718C 1934/1:

      $o' did man gain his #no'ledge o0 ho' to devise-->rom the Lord. by studying the 0ormation and

    habits o0 di00erent animals/ Every animal is a lesson boo#. and 0rom the use they ma#e o0 their bodies

    and the 'ea*ons *rovided them. men have learned to ma#e a**aratus 0or every #ind o0 'or#/ "0 mencould only #no' ho' many arts have been lost to our 'orld. they 'ould not tal# so 0luently o0 the dar#

    ages/ Could they have seen ho' God once 'or#ed through $is human sublood. in many 'ays. than

    men today #no'/ Loo#ing u*on the 'orld. God sa' that the intellect $e had given man 'as *erverted.that the imagination o0 his heart 'as evil and that continually/ God had given these men #no'ledge/ $e

    had given them valuable ideas. that they might carry out $is *lan/ 8ut the Lord sa' that those 'hom

    $e designed should *ossess 'isdom. tact. and lood. $e blotted this long-lived race 0rom the earth. and 'ith them

     *erished the #no'ledge they had used only 0or evil/ ?hen the earth 'as re*eo*led. the Lord trusted

    $is 'isdom more s*aringly to men. giving them only the ability they 'ould need in carrying out $isgreat *lan Letter 15A. 1346/ 718C 1934/2:

      Del!ion! o& ro,re!!.--+rue #no'ledge has decreased 'ith every successive generation/ God isin0inite. and the 0irst *eo*le u*on the earth received their instructions 0rom that in0inite God 'ho

    created the 'orld/ +hose 'ho received their #no'ledge direct 0rom in0inite 'isdom 'ere not de0icient

    in #no'ledge/ 718C 1934/:

      God instructed Noah ho' to ma#e that immense ar#. 0or the saving o0 himsel0 and his 0amily/ $e

    also instructed &oses ho' to ma#e the tabernacle. and the embroidery. and s#ill0ul 'or# 'hich 'as to

    adorn the sanctuary/ +he 'omen 'rought. 'ith great ingenuity the embroidery o0 silver and gold/S#ill0ul men 'ere not 'anting to accom*lish the 'or# o0 ma#ing the ar#. the tabernacle. and the

    vessels o0 solid gold/ 718C 1934/@:

      God gave David a *attern o0 the tem*le 'hich Solomon built/ None but the most s#ill0ul men o0

    design and art 'ere allo'ed to have anything to do 'ith the 'or#/ Every stone 0or the tem*le 'as

     *re*ared to exactly 0ill its *lace. be0ore being brought to the tem*le/ (nd the tem*le came together

    'ithout the sound o0 an axe or hammer/ +here is no such building to be 0ound in the 'orld 0or beauty.richness and s*lendor/ 718C 1934/A:

      +here are many inventions and im*rovements. and labor-saving machines no' that the ancients did

    not have/ +hey did not need them/ / / / 718C 1934/:

      +he greater the length o0 time the earth has lain under the curse. the more di00icult has it been 0or

    man to cultivate it. and ma#e it *roductive/ (s the soil has become more barren. and double labor has

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    had to be ex*ended u*on it. God has raised u* men 'ith inventive 0aculties to construct im*lements to

    lighten labor on the land groaning under the curse/ 8ut God has not been in all man,s inventions/ Satan

    has controlled the minds o0 men to a great extent. and has hurried men to ne' inventions 'hich has led

    them to 0orget God/ 718C 1934/5:

      "n strength o0 intellect. men 'ho no' live can bear no com*arison to the ancients/ +here have been

    more ancient arts lost than the *resent generation no' *ossess/ >or s#ill and art those living in thisdegenerate age 'ill not com*are 'ith the #no'ledge *ossessed by strong men 'ho lived near one

    thousand years/ 718C 1934/3:

      &en be0ore the >lood lived many hundreds o0 years. and 'hen one hundred years old they 'ereconsidered but youths/ +hose long-lived men had sound minds in


    sound bodies/ +heir mental and *hysical strength 'as so great that the *resent 0eeble generation can bear no com*arison to them/ +hose ancients had nearly one thousand years in 'hich to acHuire

    #no'ledge/ +hey came u*on the stage o0 action 0rom the ages o0 sixty to one hundred years. about the

    time those 'ho no' live the longest have acted their *art in their little short li0e time. and have *assed

    o00 the stage/ +hose 'ho are deceived. and 0lattered on in the delusion that the *resent is an age o0 real *rogress. and that the human race has been in ages *ast *rogressing in true #no'ledge. are under the

    in0luence o0 the 0ather o0 lies. 'hose 'or# has ever been to turn the truth o0 God into a lie @SG

    1A@-1A6/ 718C 1934/4:

      iant! Be&ore t*e loo.--(t the 0irst resurrection all come 0orth in immortal bloom. but at the

    second. the mar#s o0 the curse are visible u*on all/ (ll come u* as they 'ent do'n into their graves/+hose 'ho lived be0ore the >lood. come 0orth 'ith their giant-li#e stature. more than t'ice as tall as

    men no' living u*on the earth. and 'ell *ro*ortioned/ +he generations a0ter the >lood 'ere less in

    stature SG 3@6/ 718C 1949/1:

      5. De,enerate rom +i,*tne!! to Deba!in, Sin!.--?e have the history o0 the antediluvians. and

    o0 the cities o0 the *lain. 'hose course o0 conduct degenerated 0rom lightness and 0rivolity to debasing

    sins that called do'n the 'rath o0 God in a most dread0ul destruction. in order to rid the earth o0 thecurse o0 their contaminating in0luence/ "nclination and *assion bore s'ay over reason/ Sel0 'as their

    god. and the #no'ledge o0 the &ost $igh 'as nearly obliterated through the sel0ish indulgence o0

    corru*t *assions Letter 5@. 1346/ 718C 1949/2:

      er%erte @*at @a! +a/&l.--+he sin o0 the antediluvians 'as in *erverting that 'hich in itsel0

    'as la'0ul/ +hey corru*ted God,s gi0ts by using them to minister to their sel0ish desires/ +heindulgence o0 a**etite and base *assion made their imaginations altogether corru*t/ +he antediluvians

    'ere slaves o0 Satan. led and controlled by him &S 2@. 13416/ 718C 1949/:

      Corrte >*ro,* er%erte Aetite.--+he inhabitants o0 the Noachian 'orld 'ere destroyed. because they 'ere corru*ted through the indulgence o0 *erverted a**etite S+ Se*t/ 2. 135A6/ 718C


      11. @or!*ie Sel&-inl,ene o!tere Crime.--+hey 'orshi**ed sel0ish indulgence.--eating.

    drin#ing. merry-ma#ing.--and resorted to acts o0 violence and crime i0 their desires and *assions 'ere

    inter0ered 'ith/ 718C 1949/A:

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      "n the days o0 Noah the over'helming maor one hundred t'enty years $e sent them

    'arnings through $is servant Noah/ 8ut they used the *robation so graciously granted them inridiculing Noah/ +hey caricatured him and criticied him/ +hey laughed at him 0or his *eculiar

    earnestness and intense 0eeling in regard to the

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    menace &S 12. 14916/ 718C 1941/:

      12. Bo/ S*o/! C*ri!t:! +o%e @*i* nirle! art*.--(s 'e loo# u*on this bo'. the seal andsign o0 God,s *romise to man. that the tem*est o0 $is 'rath should no more desolate our 'orld by the

    'aters o0 a 0lood. 'e contem*late that other than 0inite eyes are loo#ing u*on this glorious sight/

    (ngels re

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    their *ur*oses )$ Dec/ 19. 1496/ 718C 1942/1:

      Chapter 12 

    1. Abra*am C*o!en rom =olatro! eneration.--(0ter the >lood the *eo*le once more

    increased on the earth. and 'ic#edness also increased/ "dolatry became 'ell-nigh universal. and the

    Lord 0inally le0t the hardened transgressors to 0ollo' their evil 'ays. 'hile $e chose (braham. o0 theline o0 Shem. and made him the #ee*er o0 $is la' 0or 0uture generations &S A. 1496/ 718C 1942/2:

      Abra*am:! amily >o*e by al!e @or!*i.--"n that age. idolatry 'as 0ast cree*ing in and

    con0licting 'ith the 'orshi* o0 the true God/ 8ut (braham did not become an idolater/ (lthough hiso'n 0ather 'as vacillating bet'een the true and the 0alse 'orshi*. and 'ith his #no'ledge o0 the truth

    0alse theories and idolatrous *ractises 'ere mingled. (braham #e*t 0ree 0rom this in0atuation/ $e 'as

    not ashamed o0 his 0aith. and made no e00ort to hide the 0act that he made God his trust/ $e =builded analtar unto the Lord. and called u*on the name o0 the Lord= " &arch @. 13456/ 718C 1942/:

      2# 3 (?o*n "56 al. 3"). Abra*am Sa/ Comin, $eeemer.--Christ said to the !harisees. =our

    0ather (braham re

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      194'itness on the earth/ (t one time &elchisede# re*resented the Lord Jesus Christ in *erson. to reveal the

    truth o0 heaven. and *er*etuate the la' o0 God Letter 149. 149A6/ 718C 1942/3:

      "t 'as Christ that s*o#e through &elchisede#. the *riest o0 the most high God/ &elchisede# 'as not

    Christ. but he 'as the voice o0 God in the 'orld. the re*resentative o0 the >ather/ (nd all through the

    generations o0 the *ast. Christ has s*o#enB Christ has led $is *eo*le. and has been the light o0 the'orld/ ?hen God chose (braham as a re*resentative o0 $is truth. $e too# him out o0 his country. and

    a'ay 0rom his #indred. and set him a*art/ $e desired to mold him a0ter $is o'n model/ $e desired to

    teach him according to $is o'n *lan )$ >eb/ 13. 13496/ 718C 194/1:

      20 (en. 2"22 +e%. 27"30). >it*in, oe! Ba; to Day! o& Aam.-- +he tithing system reaches

     bac# beyond the days o0 &oses/ &en 'ere reHuired to o00er to God gi0ts 0or religious *ur*oses. be0ore

    the de0inite system 'as given to &oses. even as 0ar bac# as the days o0 (dam/ "n com*lying 'ith God,sreHuirements they 'ere to mani0est in o00erings their a**reciation o0 $is mercies and blessings to them/

    +his 'as continued through successive generations. and 'as carried out by (braham. 'ho gave tithes

    to &elchisede#. the *riest o0 the most high God/ +he same *rinci*le existed in the days o0 Job S+

    (*ril 24. 135A6/ 718C 194/2:

      Chapter 15 

    9-11. +et ot*in, 'ar or Sari&ie.--?atch as 0aith0ully as did (braham lest the ravens or any

     birds o0 *rey alight u*on your sacri0ice and o00ering to God/ Every thought o0 doubt should be so

    guarded that it 'ill not see the light o0 day by utterance/ Light al'ays 0lees 0rom 'ords 'hich honorthe *o'ers o0 dar#ness Letter 5. 13426/ 718C 194/:

      16. o Bore +on, &or Sa;e o& oo Amorite!.--"n the days o0 (braham the Lord declared. =+he

    iniHuity o0 the (morites is not yet 0ull/= $e 'ould not at that time allo' them to be destroyed/ "n this isrevealed the long-su00erance o0 God/ +he (morites 'ere at enmity against $is la'B they believed not in

    $im as the true and living GodB but among them 'ere a 0e' good *ersons. and 0or the sa#e o0 these

    0e'. $e 0orbore long/ Centuries a0ter'ard. 'hen the "sraelites returned 0rom Egy*t to the *romisedland. the (morites 'ere =cast out be0ore the children o0 "srael/= +hey 0inally su00ered calamity because

    o0 continued 'ill0ul disregard o0 the la' o0 God )$ July 12. 1496/ 718C 194/@:

      (l. "11# 12). $eetion o& +i,*t +e to De!trtion o& Amorite!.  --+he (morites 'ere

    inhabitants o0 Canaan. and the Lord had *romised the land o0 Canaan to the "sraelitesB but a long

    interval must *ass be0ore $is *eo*le should *ossess the land/ $e stated the reason 'hy this intervalmust *ass/ $e told them that the iniHuity o0 the (morites 'as not yet 0ull. and their ex*ulsion and

    extermination could not be

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      19. l&illin, Conition! Brin,! Ble!!in,.--"0 *arents 'ould 0ul0ill the conditions u*on 'hich God

    has *romised to be their strength. they 'ould not 0ail o0 receiving $is blessing in their households )$

    &ay 21. 134A6/ 718C 194/:

      Chapter 19 

    12-14. Soom a!!e Bonary o& 'ery.--+he Sodomites had *assed the boundary o0 mercy.

    and no more light 'as granted to them *rior to their destruction/ $ad the 'arning gone through these

    cities o0 the


     *lain. and had they been told oo reio! to i%e to o.--+his act o0 0aith in (braham is recorded 0or our bene0it/

    "t teaches us the great lesson o0 con0idence in the reHuirements o0 God. ho'ever close and cutting theymay beB and it teaches children *er0ect submission to their *arents and to God/ 8y (braham,s

    obedience 'e are taught that nothing is too *recious 0or us to give to God  Ibid., Jan/ 25. 13356/ 718C


      12. %ery i&t =! t*e +or:!.--(braham,s test 'as the most severe that could come to a human

     being/ $ad he 0ailed under it. he 'ould never have been registered as the 0ather o0 the 0aith0ul/ $ad hedeviated 0rom God,s command. the 'orld 'ould have lost an ins*iring exam*le o0 unHuestioning 0aith

    and obedience/ +he lesson 'as given to shine do'n through the ages. that 'e may learn that there is

    nothing too *recious to be given to God/ "t is 'hen 'e loo# u*on every gi0t as the Lord,s. to be used in

    $is service. that 'e secure the heavenly benediction/ Give bac# to God your intrusted *ossession. andmore 'ill be intrusted to you/ Kee* your *ossessions to yoursel0. and you 'ill receive no re'ard in this

    li0e. and 'ill lose the re'ard o0 the li0e to come " June . 14916/ 718C 194@/@:

      =!aa a i,re o& C*ri!t.--+he o00ering o0 "saac 'as designed by God to *re0igure the sacri0ice o0$is Son/ "saac 'as a 0igure o0 the Son o0 God. 'ho 'as o00ered a sacri0ice 0or the sins o0 the 'orld/

    God desired to im*ress u*on (braham the gos*el o0 salvation to menB and in order to ma#e the truth a

    reality. and to test his 0aith. $e reHuired (braham to slay his darling "saac/ (ll the agony that (brahamendured during that dar# and 0ear0ul trial 'as 0or the *ur*ose o0 dee*ly im*ressing u*on his

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    understanding the *lan o0 redem*tion 0or 0allen man  Ibid., &arch 1. 14996/ 718C 194@/A:

      Chapter 25 

    29-34 (eb. 12"16# 17). Birt*ri,*t +o!t Vale an Sarene!!.-- Esau had a s*ecial. strong desire

    0or a *articular article o0 0ood. and he had grati0ied sel0 so long that he did not 0eel the necessity o0

    turning 0rom the tem*ting. coveted dish/ $e thought u*on it. and made no s*ecial e00ort to restrain hisa**etite. until its *o'er bore do'n every other consideration. and controlled him. and he imagined he

    'ould su00er great inconvenience. and even death. i0 he could not have that *articular dish/ +he more

    he thought u*on it. the more his desire strengthened. until his birthright. 'hich 'as sacred. lost itsvalue and its sacredness/ $e thought. ?ell. i0 " no' sell it. " can easily buy it bac# again/ / / / ?hen he

    sought to *urchase it bac#. even at a great sacri0ice on his *art. he 'as not able to do so/ / / / $e sought

    0or re*entance care0ully and 'ith tears/ "t 'as all in vain/ $e had des*ised the blessing. and the Lordremoved it 0rom him 0orever )$ (*ril 25. 1336/ 718C 194@/:

      !a a >ye.--Esau *assed the crisis o0 his li0e 'ithout #no'ing it/ ?hat he regarded as a matter

    'orthy o0 scarcely a thought 'as the act 'hich revealed the *revailing traits o0 his character/ "t sho'ed

    his choice. sho'ed his true estimate o0 that 'hich 'as sacred and 'hich should194A

    have been sacredly cherished/ $e sold his birthright 0or a small indulgence to meet his *resent 'ants.

    and this determined the a0ter course o0 his li0e/ +o Esau a morsel o0 meat 'as more than the service o0his &aster Letter A. 13556/ 718C 194@/5:

      Esau re*resents those 'ho have not tasted o0 the *rivileges 'hich are theirs. *urchased 0or them atin0inite cost. but have sold their birthright 0or some grati0ication o0 a**etite. or 0or the love o0 gain

    Letter @. 13436/ 718C 194A/1:

      Chapter 28 

    12. >*o!e @*o 'ont '!t lae eet irmly.--Jesus is the ladder to heaven. / / / and God calls

    u*on us to mount this ladder/ 8ut 'e cannot do this 'hile 'e load ourselves do'n 'ith earthlytreasures/ ?e 'rong ourselves 'hen 'e *lace our convenience and *ersonal advantages be0ore the

    things o0 God/ +here is no salvation in earthly *ossessions or surroundings/ ( man is not exalted in

    God,s sight. or accredited by $im as *ossessing goodness. because he has earthly riches/ "0 'e gain agenuine ex*erience in climbing. 'e shall learn that as 'e ascend 'e must leave every hindrance

     behind/ +hose 'ho mount must *lace their 0eet 0irmly on e&er' round o0 the ladder S+ >eb/ 1. 13446/

    718C 194A/2:

      12# 13. C*ri!t Bri,e! t*e l&.--Jacob thought to gain a right to the birthright through dece*tion.

     but he 0ound himsel0 disa**ointed/ $e thought he had lost everything. his connection 'ith God. his

    home. and all. and there he 'as a disa**ointed 0ugitive/ 8ut 'hat did God do $e loo#ed u*on him inhis ho*eless condition. $e sa' his disa**ointment. and $e sa' there 'as material there that 'ould

    render bac# glory to God/ No sooner does $e see his condition than $e *resents the mystic ladder.

    'hich re*resents Jesus Christ/ $ere is man. 'ho had lost all connection 'ith God. and the God o0heaven loo#s u*on him and consents that Christ shall bridge the gul0 'hich sin has made/ ?e might

    have loo#ed and said. " long 0or heaven but ho' can " reach it " see no 'ay/ +hat is 'hat Jacob

    thought. and so God sho's him the vision o0 the ladder. and that ladder connects earth 'ith heaven.'ith Jesus Christ/ ( man can climb it. 0or the base rests u*on the earth and the to*-most round reaches

    into heaven/ / / / 718C 194A/:

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      e inhabitants o0 the earth. *raise $im; (nd 'hy 8ecause through Jesus Christ--'hose long

    human arm encircles the race. 'hile 'ith $is divine arm $e gras*s the throne o0 the "n0inite--the gul0

    is bridged 'ith $is o'n body. and this atom o0 a 'orld 'hich 'as se*arated 0rom the continent o0

    heaven by sin and became an island is again reinstated. because Christ bridged the gul0 &S A. 13416/718C 194A/@:

      Chapter 31 

    50. +aban 8ner!too t*e @ron, o& oly,amy.--Laban understood the 'rong o0 *olygamy.

    although it 'as alone through his arti0ice that Jacob had ta#en t'o 'ives/ $e 'ell #ne' that it 'as the 

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      Chapter 37  

    4. ?o!e* =ll!trate! C*ri!t.--Jose*h illustrates Christ/ Jesus came to $is o'n. but $is o'n

    received $im not/ $e 'as reeartoo# the *lace o0 e' tem*tations are more dangerous or more

    0atal to young men than the tem*tation to sensuality and none i0 yielded to 'ill *rove so decidedlyruinous to soul and body 0or time and eternity/ +he 'el0are o0 his entire 0uture is sus*ended u*on the

    decision o0 a moment/ Jose*h calmly casts his eyes to heaven 0or hel*. sli*s o00 his loose outer

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    garment. leaving it in the hand o0 his tem*ter and 'hile his eye is lighted 'ith determined resolve in

    the *lace o0 unholy *assion. he exclaims. =$o' can " do this great 'ic#edness. and sin against God=

    +he victory is gainedB he 0lees 0rom the enchanterB he is saved Letter . 13546/ 718C 1945/2:

      9-19. ro%iene @ill %errle nemy:! De%ie!.--(midst the snares to 'hich all are ex*osed.

    they need strong and trust'orthy de0enses on 'hich to rely/ &any in this corru*t age have so small a

    su**ly o0 the grace o0 God. that in many instances their de0ense is bro#en do'n by the 0irst assault. and0ierce tem*tations ta#e them ca*tives/ +he shield o0 grace can *reserve all unconHuered by the

    tem*tations o0 the enemy. though surrounded 'ith the most corru*ting in0luences/ 8y 0irm *rinci*le.

    and un'avering trust in God. their virtue and nobleness o0 character can shine. and. althoughsurrounded 'ith evil. no taint need be le0t u*on their virtue and integrity/ (nd i0 li#e Jose*h they su00er

    calumny and 0alse accusations. !rovidence 'ill overrule all the enemy,s devices 0or good. and God 'ill

    in $is o'n time exalt as much higher. as 0or a 'hile they 'ere debased by 'ic#ed revenge SG [email protected]@6/ 718C 1945/:

      20 (+am. 3"27 'att. 23"12). Seemin, ro!erity o& Vie# a Se%ere >e!t.--Jose*h,s 0aith0ul

    integrity led to the loss o0 his re*utation and his liberty/ +his is the severest test that the virtuous and

    God-0earing are sub

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      Chapter 42 

    21. ?o!e*:! Brot*er! eare Sla%ery.--+hey Jose*h,s brothersF sold Jose*h as a slave. and they

    'ere 0ear0ul that God designed to *unish them by su00ering them to become slaves SG 1A6/ 718C1943/1:

      Chapter 45 

    5. 'in! o& Brot*er! $elie%e.--+hey Jose*h,s brothersF humbly con0essed their 'rongs 'hich

    they had committed against Jose*h. and entreated his 0orgiveness. and 'ere greatly re

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      10 (eb. 11"26# 27). =n ,yt 'o!e! Stie +a/! o& o.--+he strength o0 &oses 'as his

    connection 'ith the Source o0 all *o'er. the Lord God o0 hosts/ $e rises grandly above every earthly

    inducement. and trusts himsel0 'holly to God/ $e considered that he 'as the Lord,s/ ?hile he 'asconnected 'ith the o00icial interests o0 the #ing o0 Egy*t. he 'as constantly studying the la's o0 God,s

    government. and thus his 0aith gre'/ +hat 0aith 'as o0 value to him/ "t 'as dee*ly rooted in the soil o0

    his earliest teachings. and the culture o0 his li0e 'as to *re*are him 0or the great 'or# o0 delivering"srael 0rom bondage/ $e meditated on these thingsB he 'as constantly listening to his


    commission 0rom God/ (0ter slaying the Egy*tian. he sa' that he had not understood God,s *lan. andhe 0led 0rom Egy*t and became a she*herd/ $e 'as no longer *lanning to do a great 'or#. but he

     became very humbleB the mists that 'ere beclouding his mind 'ere ex*elled. and he disci*lined his

    mind to see# a0ter God as his re0uge Letter 21a. 1346/ 718C 1943/:

      11 (At! 7"22). >rainin, &or >/o eneral!*i!.--&oses 'as a man o0 intelligence/ "n the

     *rovidence o0 God he 'as given o**ortunity to gain a 0itness 0or a great 'or#/ $e 'as thoroughly

    educated as a general/ ?hen he 'ent out to meet the enemy. he 'as success0ulB and on his return 0rom battle. his *raises 'ere sung by the 'hole army/ Not'ithstanding this. he constantly remembered that

    through him God *ur*osed to deliver the children o0 "srael " Jan/ 24. 1496/ 718C 1944/1:

      Chapter 3 

    1. ?et*ro Sin,le t.--Jethro 'as singled out 0rom the dar#ness o0 the Gentile 'orld to reveal the

     *rinci*les o0 heaven/ God has ever had a**ointed agencies. and has ever given abundant evidences thatthese agencies 'ere heaven-a**ointed and heaven-sent Letter 149. 149A6/ 718C 1944/2:

      'o!e! >ran!&erre to a ri%ate S*ool.--God trans0erred &oses 0rom the courts o0 luxury. 'herehis every 'ish 'as grati0ied. to a more *rivate school/ $ere the Lord could commune 'ith &oses and

    so educate him that he 'ould obtain a #no'ledge o0 the hardshi*s. trials. and *erils o0 the 'ilderness

    " Dec/ 1. 14996/ 718C 1944/:

      2-5. Brnin, B!* a $eality.--"t 'ill ba00le the #eenest intellect to inter*ret the divine

    mani0estation o0 the burning bush/ "t 'as not a dreamB it 'as not a visionB it 'as a living reality.--

    something that &oses sa' 'ith his eyes/ $e heard the voice o0 God calling to him out o0 the bush. andhe covered his 0ace. realiing that he stood in the immediate *resence o0 God/ God 'as conversing 'ith

    humanity/ Never could &oses describe the im*ression made u*on his mind by the sight he then sa'.

    and by the sound o0 the voice that s*o#e to himB but this im*ression 'as never e00aced/ $eaven came

    very near to him as. 'ith reverent a'e. he listened to the 'ords. =" am the God o0 thy 0ather. the God o0(braham. the God o0 "saac. and the God o0 Jacob/= ?hat 'ondrous condescension 0or God to leave the

    heavenly courts. and mani0est $imsel0 to &oses. tal#ing 'ith him 0ace to 0ace. =as a man s*ea#eth unto

    his 0riend=  Ibid., Dec/ 29. 14996/ 718C 1944/@:

      14. o See! tre a! @e See re!ent.--" (m means an eternal *resenceB the *ast. *resent. and

    0uture are ali#e to God/ $e sees the most remote events o0 *ast history. and the 0ar distant 0uture 'ith asclear a vision as 'e do those things that are trans*iring daily/ ?e #no' not 'hat is be0ore us. and i0 'e

    did. it 'ould not contribute to our eternal 'el0are/ God gives us an o**ortunity to exercise 0aith and

    trust in the great " (& &S Aa. 134A6/ 718C 1944/A:

      20. la,e! a Si,n o& o:! o/er %er All.--?hen the children o0 "srael 'ere in bondage to the

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    Egy*tians. God revealed $imsel0 as a God above all human authority. all human greatness/ +he signs

    and miracles $e 'rought in behal0 o0 $is *eo*le sho' $is *o'er over nature. and over the greatest

    among those 'ho 'orshi*ed nature. 'ho ignored the *o'er that made nature/ 718C 1944/:

      God 'ent through the *roud land o0 Egy*t

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      =!rael @ol Be re!er%e# %en i& *arao* a to Die.--!haraoh hardened his heart against the

    Lord and he ventured. not'ithstanding all the signs and mighty 'onders he had 'itnessed. to threaten

    that i0 &oses and (aron a**eared be0ore him again they should die/ "0 the #ing had not become

    hardened in his rebellion against God. he 'ould have been humbled under a sense o0 the *o'er o0 theliving God 'ho could save or destroy/ $e 'ould have #no'n that $e 'ho could do such miracles. and

    multi*ly $is signs and 'onders. 'ould *reserve the lives o0 $is chosen servants. even i0 $e should

    have to slay the #ing o0 Egy*t  Ibid., 2296/ 718C 1199/@:

      Chapter 7  

    10-12. 'a,iian!: @or; a Conter&eit.--+he magicians seemed to *er0orm several things 'ith

    their enchantments similar to those things 'hich God 'rought by the hand o0 &oses and (aron/ +hey

    did not really cause their rods to become ser*ents. but by magic. aided by the great deceiver. madethem to a**ear li#e ser*ents. to counter0eit the 'or# o0 God/ Satan assisted his servants to resist the

    'or# o0 the &ost $igh. in order to deceive the *eo*le. and encourage them in their rebellion/ !haraoh

    'ould gras* at the least evidence he could obtain to e!te.--+hose 'ho regarded the 'ord o0 the Lord gathered their cattle into

     barns and houses. 'hile those 'hose hearts 'ere hardened. li#e !haraoh,s. le0t their cattle in the 0ield/

    $ere 'as an o**ortunity to test the exalted *ride o0 the Egy*tians. and to sho' the number 'hosehearts 'ere really a00ected by the 'onder0ul dealings o0 God 'ith $is *eo*le. 'hom they had des*ised

    and cruelly entreated SG 21@6/ 718C 1191/1:

      Chapter 11 

    1# . 'o!e! earle!!ly 'et *arao* A,ain.--Not'ithstanding &oses had been 0orbidden to come

    again into the *resence o0 !haraoh. 0or in the day he should see his 0ace he should die. yet he had onemore message 0rom God 0or the rebellious #ing. and he 0irmly 'al#ed into his *resence. and stood

    0earlessly be0ore him to declare to him the 'ord o0 the Lord/ / / / 718C 1191/2:

      (s &oses told the #ing o0 the *lague 'hich 'ould come u*on them. more dread0ul than any had yet

    visited Egy*t. 'hich 'ould cause all his great counselors to bo' do'n be0ore him. and entreat the

    "sraelites to leave Egy*t. the #ing 'as exceedingly angry/ $e 'as enraged because he could notintimidate &oses. and ma#e him tremble be0ore his #ingly authority/ 8ut &oses leaned 0or su**ort

    u*on a mightier arm than that o0 any earthly monarch  Ibid., 221. 2226/ 718C 1191/:

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      Chapter 12 

    31# 32. *arao* Bro,*t rom rie to mility.--?hen the Egy*tians. 0rom the #ing u*on his

    throne do'n to the lo'liest servant. 'ere a00licted. and their 0irstborn 'ere slain. then there 'as'ailing throughout all Egy*t/ +hen !haraoh remembered his *roud boast. =?ho is the Lord that "

    should obey his voice. to let "srael go " #no' not the Lord. neither 'ill " let "srael go/= $e humbled

    himsel0 and 'ent 'ith his counselors and his rulers to Goshen in haste. and bo'ed be0ore &oses and(aron. and bid them go and serve their God/ +heir 0loc#s and herds should go also as they had

    reHuested/ +hey im*lored them to be gone. 0earing i0 they continued longer. they 'ould be all as dead

    men/ !haraoh also entreated &oses to bless him. thin#ing at the time that a blessing 0rom the servant o0God 'ould *rotect him 0rom the 0urther e00ects o0 the dread0ul *lague  Ibid., 2@6/ 718C 1191/@:

      3. 'any ,ytian! A;no/le,e o.--+here 'as Huite a large number o0 the Egy*tians 'ho'ere led to ac#no'ledge. by mani0estations o0 the signs and 'onders sho'n in Egy*t. that the God o0

    the $ebre's 'as the only true God/ +hey entreated to be *ermitted to come to the houses o0 the

    "sraelites 'ith their 0amilies. u*on that 0ear0ul night 'hen the angel o0 God should slay the 0irstborn o0

    the Egy*tians/ +hey 'ere convinced that their gods 'hom they had 'orshi*ed 'ere 'ithout#no'ledge. and had no *o'er to save or to destroy/ (nd they *ledged themselves to hence0orth choose

    the God o0 "srael as their God/ +hey decided to leave Egy*t. and go 'ith the children o0 "srael to

    'orshi* their God/ +he "sraelites 'elcomed the believing Egy*tians to their houses  Ibid., 22@. 22A6/718C 1191/A:

      Chapter 14 

    15# 16# 21# 22. an o& C*ri!t $olle Ba; @ater!.--+he mighty hand o0 Christ rolled bac# the

    'aters o0 the )ed Sea. so that they stood u* li#e a 'all/ +hus $e made a dry *assage through the sea.

    and "srael *assed over dryshod &S 1AA. 13446/ 718C 1191/:

      23# 26-2. r!it o& =!rael Clo!e ,ytian!: robation.--?hen the 'hole army.--=all !haraoh,s

    horses. his chariots. and his horsemen.=-- 'ere in the very bed o0 the sea. the Lord said unto &oses.=Stretch out thy rod over the sea/= "srael had *assed over on dry land. but they heard the shouting o0 he

    armies in *ursuit/ (s &oses stretched out his rod over the sea. the emban#ed 'aters that had stood as a

    great 'all. rolled on in their natural course/ 0 all the men o0 Egy*t in that vast army. not one esca*ed/

    (ll *erished in their determination to have their o'n 'ay and to re0use God,s 'ay/ +hat occasion 'asthe end o0 their *robation &S A. 1496/ 718C 1191/5:

      25-27. *arao* eri!*e in $e Sea.--+he monarch hardened his heart. and 'ent


    on 0rom one ste* to another o0 unbelie0. until throughout the vast realm o0 Egy*t the 0irstborn. the *ride

    o0 every household. had been laid lo'/ (0ter this he hurried 'ith his army a0ter "srael/ $e sought to

     bring bac# a *eo*le delivered by the arm o0 mni*otence/ 8ut he 'as 0ighting against a !o'er greaterthan any human *o'er. and 'ith his host he *erished in the 'aters o0 the )ed Sea &S 12. 14916/

    718C 1191/3:

      Chapter 15 

    23-25 (?er. "22). A Balm &or %ery @on.--?hen &oses *resented be0ore the Lord the saddi00iculties o0 the children o0 "srael. $e did not *resent some ne' remedy. but called their attention to

    that 'hich 'as at handB 0or there 'as a bush or shrub 'hich $e had created that 'as to be cast into the

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    'ater to ma#e the 0ountain s'eet and *ure/ ?hen this 'as done. the su00ering *eo*le could drin# o0 the

    'ater 'ith sa0ety and *leasure/ God has *rovided a balm 0or every 'ound/ +here is a balm in Gilead.

    there is a *hysician there Letter Aa. 134@6/ 718C 1192/1:

      Chapter 16  

    3 (1 Cor. 6"20). &&et! o& Aetite in =!rael:! eriene.-- ?henever their a**etite 'asrestricted. the "sraelites 'ere dissatis0ied. and murmured and com*lained against &oses and (aron. and

    against God/ / / / 8ut God 'as *roving $is *eo*le/ "n order to develo* 'hat 'as in their hearts. $e

    allo'ed them to *ass through severe trials/ ?hen they 0ailed. $e brought them around to the same *oint again. trying them a little more closely and severely//// 718C 1192/2:

      "n Egy*t their taste had become *erverted/ God designed to restore their a**etite to a *ure. healthy

    state. in order that they might en

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      119 by their gods that "srael should be utterly consumed. and the God o0 "srael brought do'n so that $e

    'ould not be able to deliver them out o0 their hands/ 718C 1192/3:

      (male# had made derision o0 the 0ears o0 his *eo*le. and made s*ort o0 God,s 'onder0ul 'or#s 0or

    the deliverance o0 "srael *er0ormed by the hand o0 &oses be0ore the Egy*tians/ +hey had boasted that

    their 'ise men and magicians could *er0orm all those 'onders/ (nd i0 the children o0 "srael had beentheir ca*tives. in their *o'er as they 'ere in !haraoh,s. that the God o0 "srael $imsel0 'ould not have

     been able to deliver them out o0 their hands/ +hey des*ised "srael. and vo'ed to *lague them until there

    should not be one le0t @SG 52. 56/ 718C 119/1:

      God did not 'ish $is *eo*le to *ossess anything 'hich belonged to the (male#ites. 0or $is curse

    rested u*on them and their *ossessions/ $e designed that they should have an end. and that $is *eo*le

    should not *reserve anything 0or themselves 'hich $e had cursed/ $e also 'ished the nations to seethe end o0 that *eo*le 'ho had de0ied $im. and to mar# that they 'ere destroyed by the very *eo*le

    they had des*ised/ +hey 'ere not to destroy them to add to their o'n *ossessions. or to get glory to

    themselves. but to 0ul0ill the 'ord o0 the Lord s*o#en in regard to (male#  Ibid., 5A6/ 718C 119/2:

      Chapter 18 

    13. See EG? comment on Num/ 12/ 718C 119/:

      Chapter 19 

    3. Anient =n!trtion to Be Stie.--+he instructions given to &oses 0or ancient "srael. 'ith

    their shar*. rigid outlines. are to be studied and obeyed by the *eo*le o0 God today Letter 2A4. 1496/

    718C 119/@:

      'o!e! an o in Seret Conil.--&oses. the visible leader o0 the "sraelites. 'as admitted intothe secret councils o0 the &ost $igh/ +he *eo*le 'ere given evidence that &oses did indeed tal# 'ith

    God. receiving 0rom $im the instruction given them  Ibid.6/ 718C 119/A:

      3-. o:! Co%enant r $e&,e.--+he covenant that God made 'ith $is *eo*le at Sinai is to be

    our re0uge and de0ense/ +he Lord said to &oses-- 718C 119/:

      =+hus shalt thou say to the house o0 Jacob. and tell the children o0 "srael e have seen 'hat " did

    unto the Egy*tians. and ho' " bare you on eagles, 'ings. and brought you unto mysel0/ No' there0ore.

    i0 ye 'ill obey my voice indeed. and #ee* my covenant. than ye shall be a *eculiar treasure unto meabove all *eo*le 0or all the earth is mine and ye shall be unto me a #ingdom o0 *riests. and an holy

    nation/= 718C 119/5:

      =(nd &oses came and called 0or the elders o0 the *eo*le. and laid be0ore their 0aces all these'ords/= 718C 119/3:

      =(nd all the *eo*le ans'ered together. and said. (ll that the Lord hath s*o#en 'e 'ill do/= 718C119/4:

      +his covenant is o0

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    S? &arch 1. 149@6/ 718C 119/19:

      7# (ote) (=!a. 56"5). A le,e to t*e Co%enant.--+his is the *ledge that God,s *eo*le are toma#e in these last days/ +heir acce*tance 'ith God de*ends on a 0aith0ul 0ul0ilment o0 the terms o0

    their agreement 'ith $im/ God includes in $is covenant all 'ho 'ill obey $im/ +o all 'ho 'ill do


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    these/= +hese t'o great *rinci*les embrace the 0irst 0our commandments. sho'ing the duty o0 man to

    God. and the last six. sho'ing the duty o0 man to his 0ello'man/ +he *rinci*les 'ere more ex*licitly

    stated to man a0ter the 0all. and 'orded to meet the case o0 0allen intelligences/ +his 'as necessary in

    conseHuence o0 the minds o0 men being blinded by transgression S+ (*ril 1A. 135A )e*rinted in )$&ay . 135AF6/ 718C 119@/@:

      +he la' o0 God existed be0ore the creation o0 man or else (dam could not have sinned/ (0ter thetransgression o0 (dam the *rinci*les o0 the la' 'ere not changed. but 'ere de0initely arranged and

    ex*ressed to meet man in his 0allen condition/ Christ. in counsel 'ith $is >ather. instituted the system

    o0 sacri0icial o00eringsB that death. instead o0 being immediately visited u*on the transgressor. should betrans0erred to a victim 'hich should *re0igure the great and *er0ect o00ering o0 the son o0 God  Ibid.,

    &arch 1@. 13536/ 718C 119@/A:

      reet! i%en to ar Dealo,e.--"n conseHuence o0 continual transgression. the moral la''as re*eated in a'0ul grandeur 0rom Sinai/ Christ gave to &oses religious *rece*ts 'hich 'ere to

    govern everyday li0e/ +hese statutes 'ere ex*licitly given to guard the ten commandments/ +hey 'ere

    not shado'y ty*es to *ass a'ay 'ith the death o0 Christ/ +hey 'ere to be binding u*on men in every

    age as long as time should last/ +hese commands 'ere en0orced by the *o'er o0 the moral la'. andthey clearly and de0initely ex*lained that la'  Ibid., (*ril 1A. 135A )e*rinted in )$ &ay . 135AF6/

    718C 119@/:

      (=!a. 5"13# 14). %ery Sei&iation =! o:! C*arater.--+he God o0 heaven has *laced a

     benediction u*on them that #ee* the commandments o0 God/ Shall 'e stand as a *eculiar *eo*le o0

    God. or shall 'e tram*le u*on the la' o0 God and say it is not binding God might

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    Letter 34. 13436/ 718C 119A/2:

      ($om. 12"1 2 eter 1"4). A @all o& rotetion.--"n the ten commandments God has laid do'n thela's o0 $is #ingdom/ (ny violation o0 the la's o0 nature is a violation o0 the la' o0 God/ 718C


      +he Lord has given $is holy commandments to be a 'all o0 *rotection around $is created beings.and those 'ho 'ill #ee* themselves 0rom the de0ilement o0 a**etite and *assion may become *arta#ers

    o0 the divine nature/ +heir *erce*tions 'ill be clear/ +hey 'ill #no' ho' to *reserve every 0aculty in

    health. so that it may be *resented to God in service/ +he Lord can use them 0or they understand the

    'ords o0 the great a*ostle. =" beseech you. there0ore. brethren. by the mercies o0 God. that ye *resentyour bodies a living sacri0ice. holy. acce*table unto God. 'hich is your reasonable service= &S 1A.

    13446/ 718C 119A/@:

      3-17 (ro%. 4"20-22). ealt* in beiene to o:! +a/.--+he love o0 Jesus in the soul 'ill

     banish all hatred. sel0ishness. and envyB 0or the la' o0 the Lord is *er0ect. converting the soul/ +here is

    health in obedience to God,s la'/ +he a00ections o0 the obedient are dra'n out a0ter God/ Loo#ing unto

    the Lord Jesus. 'e may encourage and serve one another/ +he love o0 Christ is shed abroad in oursouls. and there is no dissension and stri0e among us &S 1A2. 14916/ 718C 119A/A:

      o t*er! ro&e!!e to *rone Bet/een ea%en an art*.

    --Satan accom*lished the 0all o0 man. and since

    that time it has been his 'or# to e00ace in man the image o0 God. and to stam* u*on human hearts hiso'n image/ !ossessing su*remacy in guilt. he claims su*remacy 0or himsel0. and exercises over his


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     *rohibited by the second commandment. and that everything o0 this #ind should be destroyed/ / / / +he

    second commandment *rohibits image 'orshi*B but God himsel0 em*loyed *ictures and symbols to

    re*resent to $is *ro*hets lessons 'hich $e 'ould have them give to the *eo*le. and 'hich could thus

     be better understood than i0 given in any other 'ay/ $e a**ealed to the understanding through the senseo0 sight/ !ro*hetic history 'as *resented to Daniel and John in symbols. and these 'ere to be

    re*resented *lainly u*on tables. that he 'ho read might understand $S 2126/ 718C 119/1:

      -11 (en. 2"9# 16# 17 . 16"29). Sabbat*# a >e!t o& +oyalty.-- Every man has been *laced on

    trial. as 'ere (dam and Eve in Eden/ (s the tree o0 #no'ledge 'as *laced in the midst o0 the garden o0

    Eden. so the Sabbath command is *laced in the midst o0 the decalogue/ "n regard to the 0ruit o0 the treeo0 #no'ledge. the restriction 'as made. =e shall not eat o0 it. / / / lest ye die= Gen/ F/ 0 the

    Sabbath. God said. e shall not de0ile it. but #ee* it holy/ / / / (s the tree o0 #no'ledge 'as the test o0

    (dam,s obedience. so the 0ourth command is the test that God has given to *rove the loyalty o0 all $is *eo*le/ +he ex*erience o0 (dam is to be a 'arning to us so long as time shall last/ "t 'arns us not to

    receive any assurance 0rom the mouth o0 men or o0 angels that 'ill detract one

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      God desires Christians to res*ect the liberty that $e has in so marvelous a manner given them/ "n

    Christ is vested the


    o'nershi* o0 every man/ &an should not be another man,s *ro*erty/ God has bought man#ind/ neman,s mind. one man,s *o'er. should not rule and control another,s conscience/ "n the sight o0 God

    'ealth and *osition do not exalt one man above another/ &en are 0ree to choose the service o0 God. to

    love the Lord. and to #ee* all $is commandments &S 12. 14916/ 718C 119/5:

      Chapter 23 

    16 (?o*n 7). C*ri!t:! Sari&ie ro%ie! Bontie!.--+he rivers o0 blood that 0lo'ed at the harvest

    than#sgiving. 'hen the sacri0ices 'ere o00ered in such large numbers. 'ere meant to teach a great

    truth/ >or even the *roductions o0 the earth. the bounties *rovided 0or man,s sustenance. 'e areindebted to the o00ering o0 Christ u*on the cross o0 Calvary/ God teaches us that all 'e receive 0rom

    $im is the gi0t o0 redeeming love )$ Nov/ 19. 1346/ 718C 1195/1:

      Chapter 24 

    4-. $ati&iation o& t*e Co%enant.--!re*aration 'as no' made 0or the rati0ication o0 the covenant.

    according to God,s directions/ / / / 718C 1195/2:

      $ere the *eo*le received the conditions o0 the covenant/ +hey made a solemn covenant 'ith God.

    ty*i0ying the covenant made bet'een God and every believer in Jesus Christ/ +he conditions 'ere

     *lainly laid be0ore the *eo*le/ +hey 'ere not le0t to misunderstand them/ ?hen they 'ere reHuested todecide 'hether they 'ould agree to all the conditions given. they unanimously consented to obey every

    obligation/ +hey had already consented to obey God,s commandments/ +he *rinci*les o0 the la' 'ere

    no' *articularied. that they might #no' ho' much 'as involved in covenanting to obey the la'B andthey acce*ted the s*eci0ically de0ined *articulars o0 the la'/ 718C 1195/:

      "0 the "sraelites had obeyed God,s reHuirements. they 'ould have been *ractical Christians/ +hey

    'ould have been ha**yB 0or they 'ould have been #ee*ing God,s 'ays. and not 0ollo'ing theinclinations o0 their o'n natural hearts/ &oses did not leave them to misconstrue the 'ords o0 the Lord

    or to misa**ly $is reHuirements/ $e 'rote all the 'ords o0 the Lord in a boo#. that they might be

    re0erred to a0ter'ard/ "n the mount he had 'ritten them as Christ $imsel0 dictated them/ 718C 1195/@:

      8ravely did the "sraelites s*ea# the 'ords *romising obedience to the Lord. a0ter hearing $is

    covenant read in the audience o0 the *eo*le/ +hey said. =(ll that the Lord hath said 'ill 'e do. and beobedient/= +hen the *eo*le 'ere set a*art and sealed to God/ ( sacri0ice 'as o00ered to the Lord/ (

     *ortion o0 the blood o0 the sacri0ice 'as s*rin#led u*on the altar/ +his signi0ied that the *eo*le had

    consecrated themselves--body. mind. and soul--to God/ ( *ortion 'as s*rin#led u*on the *eo*le/ +his

    signi0ied that through the s*rin#led blood o0 Christ. God graciously acce*ted them as $is s*ecialtreasure/ +hus the "sraelites entered into a solemn covenant 'ith God &S 12. 14916/ 718C 1195/A:

      Chapter 25 

    17-22. +i%in, An,el! Be!ie ea%enly Ar;.--+he ar# o0 the earthly sanctuary 'as the *attern o0

    the true ar# in heaven/ +here. beside the heavenly ar#. stand living angels. each 'ith one 'ing

    overshado'ing the mercy-seat. and stretching 0orth on high. 'hile the other 'ings are 0olded over their0orms in to#en o0 reverence and humility S+ &arch 21. 14116/ 718C 1195/:

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      Chapter 26  

    31. >emle Vail $ene/e early.--(t the moment in 'hich Christ died. there 'ere *riests

    ministering in the tem*le be0ore the vail 'hich se*arated the holy 0rom the most holy *lace/ Suddenlythey 0elt the earth tremble beneath them. and the vail o0 the tem*le. a strong. rich dra*ery that had been

    rene'ed yearly. 'as rent in t'ain 0rom to* to bottom by the same bloodless hand that 'rote the 'ords

    o0 doom u*on the 'alls o0 8elshaar,s *alace S! 1. 156/ 718C 1195/5:

      Chapter 27  

    1 (*. 3"1). Ser%ie o& Altar $e!tore.--Directions 'ere given 0or building an altar 0or the

    o00ering o0 sacri0ices. a service 'hich had been almost 'holly discontinued/ ?hile in Egy*tian

     bondage the *eo*le,s


    ideas o0 sacri0ice had been largely molded by the ideas o0 the Egy*tians 'ho had themselves learned

    0rom "srael 'hen they 0irst 'ent into Egy*t. but 'ho had mingled 'ith truth the 0alsehood o0 idolatry/

    +hey had most indecent *ractices in connection 'ith the 'orshi* at their heathen altars/ +he la' givenin Eden and re*eated on Sinai 'as essential 0or the "srael o0 GodB 0or during the bondage in Egy*t the

    claims o0 God and $is commandments had been lost sight o0/ +his is 'hy the Lord uttered $is holy

    la' 'ith an audible voice in the hearing o0 all the *eo*le/ $e desired that they should hear $iscommandments and obey them &S A3. 14996/ 718C 1195/3:

      Chapter 31 

    1-6 (1 >im. 5"13). 'elin, ni!*e by Deat*.--+he Lord loves to see $is 'or# done as

     *er0ectly as *ossible/ "n the 'ilderness. the "sraelites had to learn to accom*lish 'ith exactness and

     *rom*tness the 'or# connected 'ith the order o0 the cam* and es*ecially the 'or# o0 the tabernacle.its ornaments. and its service/ (ll had to learn be0ore they could accom*lish this. to them ne' 'or#/

    +hey had to be trained be0ore they could do it as God desired/ +here 'ere men there ready to give

    counsel and advice and to meddle 'ith the 'or# o0 mounting and dismounting the tabernacleB andthose 'ho neglected their s*ecial 'or# to meddle 'ith the 'or# o0 others. thin#ing they had s*ecial

    'isdom and #ne' ho' it should be done. 'ere *ut to death/ Each one had to be taught the value o0

     *rom*tness and exactness in every *osition o0 trust/ +he memory had to be taxed. and they had to

    realie the res*onsibility o0 doing everything in due time/ 718C 1193/1:

      +his is the disci*line 'hich the Lord anciently gave to $is *eo*le. and it is the disci*line 'hich

    should exist in our missions. our colleges. our *ublishing houses. our sanitariums/ God li#es to see menunderstand their 'ea# *oints. and instead o0 closing their eyes to their de0ects. they should ma#e

     *ersevering e00orts to overcome them &S 2@. 13356/ 718C 1193/2:

      o/ Col t*e @or; Be DoneE--"srael had been held all their days in the bondage o0 Egy*t. andalthough there 'ere ingenious men among them. they had not been instructed in the curious arts 'hich

    'ere called 0or in the building o0 the tabernacle/ +hey #ne' ho' to ma#e bric#s. but they did not

    understand ho' to 'or# in gold and silver/ $o' 'as the 'or# to be done ?ho 'as su00icient 0or thesethings +hese 'ere Huestions that troubled the mind o0 &oses/ 718C 1193/:

      +hen God $imsel0 ex*lained ho' the 'or# 'as to be accom*lished/ $e signi0ied by name the *ersons $e desired to do a certain 'or#/ 8ealeel 'as to be the architect/ +his man belonged to the

    tribe o0 Judah.--a tribe that God delighted to honor &S 24. 14936/ 718C 1193/@:

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      2-7. Di ot Deen on S;ille ,ytian!.--"n ancient times. the Lord instructed &oses to build

    $im a sanctuary/ +he *eo*le 'ere to *rovide the material. and s#ill0ul men must be 0ound to handle the

     *recious material/ (mong the multitude 'ere Egy*tians. 'ho had acted as overseers 0or such 'or#. and

    thoroughly understood ho' it should be done/ 8ut the 'or# 'as not de*endent u*on them/ +he Lordunited 'ith human agencies. giving them 'isdom to 'or# s#ill0ully/ Ex/ 12-5 Huoted/F 718C


      Let the 'or#men in the service o0 God today *ray to $im 0or 'isdom and #een 0oresight. that they

    may do their 'or# *er0ectly &S A2. 1496/ 718C 1193/:

      13 (*. 25"). Sabbat*

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      Chapter 32 

    1# 2. Aaron:! Sin# ai&yin,.--?e re*eat the sin o0 (aron. *aci0ying. 'hen the eyesight should be

    clear to discern evil and state it *lainly. even i0 it *laces us in an un*leasant *osition. because ourmotives may be misa**rehended/ ?e must not su00er 'rong u*on a brother or any soul 'ith 'hom 'e

    are connected/ +his neglect to stand u* 0irmly 0or truth 'as the sin o0 (aron/ $ad he s*o#en the truth

     *lainly. that golden cal0 'ould never have been made/ +he same s*irit that led him to shun to declarethe 'hole truth 0or 0ear o0 o00ending. led him to act a 0alsehood in *ointing to the golden cal0 as a

    re*resentation o0 the ne 'ho brought them 0rom Egy*t/ +hus one un0aith0ulness leads to another

    Letter 19. 1346/ 718C 1194/A:

      4# 5. =ol rolaime o.--+he result o0 their murmuring and unbelie0 'as that (aron made them

    a golden cal0 to re*resent God/ $e *roclaimed this idol to be God. and a great deal o0 enthusiasm 'ascreated over this 0alse god )$ Se*t/ . 1496/ 718C 1194/:

      19. >able! o& +a/ ro!ely Bro;en.--"n utter discouragement and 'rath because o0 their great

    sin. he &osesF thre' do'n the tables o0 stone by divine direction *ur*osely to brea# them in the sight

    o0 the *eo*le. and thus signi0y that they had bro#en the covenant so recently made 'ith God S+ &ay29. 13396/ 718C 1194/5:

      Chapter 34 

    2 ('att. 4"1-11). o an,! o& n,er.--&oses had. on s*ecial occasions. been thus long 0orty

    daysF 'ithout 0ood/ 8ut he 0elt not the *angs o0 hunger/ $e 'as not harassed and tormented by a vileyet *o'er0ul 0oe/ &oses 'as elevated above the human. and 'as enshrouded in the glory o0 God. and

    'as es*ecially sustained o0 God/ +he excellent glory inclosed him  Redemption) or the First $d&ent of

    Christ, **/ @5. @36/ 718C 1194/3:

      29. C*ri!t =! t*e lory o& t*e +a/.--+he glory that shone on the 0ace o0 &oses 'as a re0lection o0

    the righteousness o0 Christ in the la'/ +he la' itsel0 'ould have no glory. only that in it Christ is

    embodied/ "t has no *o'er to save/ "t is


    lusterless only as in it Christ is re*resented as 0ull o0 righteousness and truth )$ (*ril 22. 14926/

    718C 1194/4:

      29-33 (2 Cor. 3"13-15). 'o!e! Sa/ t*e Day o& C*ri!t.--"n the mount. 'hen the la' 'as given to

    &oses. the Coming ne 'as sho'n to him also/ $e sa' Christ,s 'or#. and $is mission to earth. 'henthe Son o0 God should ta#e u*on $imsel0 humanity. and become a teacher and a guide to the 'orld.

    and at last give $imsel0 a ransom 0or their sins/ ?hen the *er0ect 00ering should be made 0or the sins

    o0 men. the sacri0icial o00erings ty*i0ying the 'or# o0 the &essiah 'ere to cease/ ?ith the advent o0

    Christ. the veil o0 uncertainty 'as to be li0ted. and a 0lood o0 light shed u*on the dar#enedunderstanding o0 $is *eo*le/ 718C 1119/1:

      (s &oses sa' the day o0 Christ. and the ne' and living 'ay o0 salvation that 'as to be o*ened

    through $is blood. he 'as ca*tivated and entranced/ +he *raise o0 God 'as in his heart. and the divineglory that attended the giving o0 the la' 'as so stri#ingly revealed in his countenance 'hen he came

    do'n 0rom the mount to 'al# 'ith "srael. that the brightness 'as *ain0ul/ 8ecause o0 their

    transgressions. the *eo*le 'ere unable to loo# u*on his 0ace. and he 'ore a veil that he might notterri0y them/ / / / 718C 1119/2:

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      $ad the "sraelites discerned the gos*el light that 'as o*ened to &oses. had they been able by 0aith

    to loo# stead0astly to the end o0 that 'hich 'as abolished. they could have endured the light 'hich 'as

    re0lected 0rom the countenance o0 &oses/ =8ut their minds 'ere blindedB 0or until this day remaineth

    the same veil unta#en a'ay in the reading o0 the ld +estamentB 'hich veil is done a'ay in Christ/=+he Je's as a *eo*le did not discern that the &essiah 'hom they re

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    0or sin. and ma#e an atonement 'ith his li0e. 0or he 'as also a sinner/ +here0ore. instead o0 su00ering

    death himsel0. he #illed a lamb 'ithout blemishB the *enalty o0 sin 'as trans0erred to the innocent

     beast. 'hich thus became his immediate substitute. and ty*i0ied the *er0ect o00ering o0 Jesus Christ/

    +hrough the blood o0 this victim. man loo#ed 0or'ard by 0aith to the blood o0 Christ 'hich 'ouldatone 0or the sins o0 the 'orld S+ &arch 1@. 13536/ 718C 1111/1:

      Chapter 10 

    1 (*. 16"12# 13). Stran,e ire &&ere >oay.--God has not changed/ $e is as *articular and exact

    in $is reHuirements no' as $e 'as in the days o0 &oses/ 8ut in the sanctuaries o0 'orshi* in our day.'ith the songs o0 *raise. the *rayers. and the teaching 0rom the *ul*it. there is not merely strange 0ire.

     but *ositive de0ilement/ "nstead o0 truths being *reached 'ith holy unction 0rom God. it is sometimes

    s*o#en under the in0luence o0 tobacco and brandy/ Strange 0ire indeed; 8ible truth and 8ible holinessare *resented to the *eo*le. and *rayers are o00ered to God. mingled 'ith the stench o0 tobacco; Such

    incense is most acce*table to Satan; ( terrible dece*tion is this; ?hat an o00ence in the sight o0 God;

    ?hat an insult to $im 'ho is holy. d'elling in light una**roachable; 718C 1111/2:

      "0 the 0aculties o0 the mind 'ere in health0ul vigor. *ro0essed Christians 'ould discern theinconsistency o0 such 'orshi*/ Li#e Nadab and (bihu. their sensibilities are so blunted that they ma#e

    no di00erence bet'een the sacred and common/ $oly and sacred things are brought do'n u*on a level

    'ith their tobacconied breaths. benumbed brains. and their *olluted souls. de0iled through indulgenceo0 a**etite and *assion/ !ro0essed Christians eat and drin#. smo#e and che' tobacco. and become

    gluttons and drun#ards. to grati0y a**etite. and still tal# o0 overcoming as Christ overcame; )$ &arch

    2A. 135A6/ 718C 1111/:

      Chapter 14 

    4- (?o*n 1"29). >/o Bir!--ne Die in Bloo.--+he 'onder0ul symbol o0 the living bird

    di**ed in the blood o0 the bird slain and then set 0ree to its

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    in glorious garments o0 the 'hitest 'hite. =such as no 0uller on earth can 'hiten them/= $e 'ill come

    in $is o'n glory. and in the glory o0 $is >ather. as King o0 #ings and Lord o0 lords. and all the angelic

    host 'ill escort $im on $is 'ay &S 11. 13446/ 718C 1111/A:

      Chapter 17  

    11 ('att. 26"2 eb. 9"22). Bloo @a! Sare.--+he blood o0 the Son o0 God 'as symbolied bythe blood o0 the slain victim. and God 'ould have clear and de0inite ideas *reserved bet'een the sacred

    and the common/ 8lood 'as sacred. inasmuch as through the shedding o0 the blood o0 the Son o0 God

    alone could there be atonement 0or sin S+ July 1A. 13396/ 718C 1112/1:

      Chapter 25 

    10. ear o& ?bilee.--Every 0i0tieth year. the year o0

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    718C 1112/5:


      Chapter 11 

    4. Diet 'oi&ie Di!o!ition# Ati%ate 'in.--+he state o0 the mind has largely to do 'ith thehealth o0 the body. and es*ecially 'ith the health o0 the digestive organs/ (s a general thing. the Lord

    did not *rovide $is *eo*le 'ith 0lesh meat in the desert. because $e #ne' that the use o0 this diet

    'ould create disease and


    insubordination/ "n order to modi0y the dis*osition. and bring the higher *o'ers o0 the mind into active

    exercise. $e removed 0rom them the 0lesh o0 dead animals/ $e gave them angel,s 0ood. manna 0romheaven &S 3. 13436/ 718C 1112/3:

      Chapter 12 

    1. 'o!e!: @i&e ot Bla;.--+he 'i0e o0 &oses 'as not blac#. but her com*lexion 'as some'hat

    dar#er than the $ebre's 1S! 236/ 718C 111/1:

      3. 'o!e! Serior to All $ler!.--&oses stands 0orth su*erior in 'isdom and integrity to all the

    sovereigns and statesmen o0 earth/ et this man claims no credit 0or himsel0. but *oints the *eo*le to

    God as the Source o0 all *o'er and 'isdom/ ?here is there such a character among men o0 this age

    +hose 'ho 'ould s*ea# contem*tuously o0 the la' o0 God are dishonoring $im and casting a shado'over the most illustrious character *resented in the annals o0 men S+ ct/ 21. 1336/ 718C 111/2:

      (. 1"13). 'o!e! Col ?,e =n!tantly.--&oses 'as a humble manB God called him the

    mee#est man on earth/ $e 'as generous. noble. 'ell-balancedB he 'as not de0ective. and his Hualities'ere not merely hal0 develo*ed/ $e could success0ully exhort his 0ello'-men. because his li0e itsel0

    'as a living re*resentation o0 'hat man can become and accom*lish 'ith God as his hel*er. o0 'hat he

    taught to others. o0 'hat he desired them to be. and o0 'hat God reHuired o0 him/ $e s*o#e 0rom theheart and it reached the heart/ $e 'as accom*lished in #no'ledge and yet sim*le as a child in the

    mani0estation o0 his dee* sym*athies/ Endo'ed 'ith a remar#able instinct. he could

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      30. Cora,e >*ro,* ait*.--"t 'as Caleb,s 0aith that gave him courage. that #e*t him 0rom the

    0ear o0 man. and enabled him to stand boldly and un0linchingly in the de0ense o0 the right/ +hrough

    reliance on the same !o'er. the mighty General o0 the armies o0 heaven. every true soldier o0 the crossmay receive strength and courage to overcome the obstacles that seem insurmountable )$ &ay 9.

    14126/ 718C 111/A:

      (Fe*. 4"6). Caleb! eee >oay.--Calebs have been greatly needed in di00erent *eriods o0 the

    history o0 our 'or#/ +oday 'e need men o0 thorough 0idelity. men 'ho 0ollo' the Lord 0ully. men 'ho

    are not dis*osed to be silent 'hen they ought to s*ea#. 'ho are as true as steel to *rinci*le. 'ho do notsee# to ma#e a *retentious sho'. but 'ho 'al# humbly 'ith God. *atient. #ind. obliging. courteous

    men. 'ho understand that the science o0 *rayer is to exercise 0aith and sho' 'or#s that 'ill tell to the

    glory o0 God and the good o0 $is *eo*le/ / / / +o 0ollo' Jesus reHuires 'holehearted conversion at thestart. and a re*etition o0 this conversion every day Letter 4. 13446/ 718C 111/:

      Chapter 14 

    29# 30 (*. 26"64# 65). @anerin,! tene >*ro,* Satan:! &&ort!.--God gave *ositiveevidence that $e rules in the heavens. and rebellion 'as *unished 'ith death/ nly t'o o0 those 'ho as

    adults le0t Egy*t. sa' the *romised land/ +he 'anderings o0 the *eo*le 'ere extended until the rest

    'ere buried in the 'ilderness/ 718C 111/5:

      +oday Satan is using the same devising to introduce the same evils. and his e00orts are 0ollo'ed by

    the same results that in111@

    the days o0 "srael laid so many in their graves &S 1. 1496/ 718C 111/3:

      Chapter 15 

    3# 39 (1 >im. 2"9# 10 1 eter 3"3# 4). =!rael:! Dre!! Di!tin,i!*e >*em rom ation!.--+he

    children o0 "srael. a0ter they 'ere brought out o0 Egy*t. 'ere commanded to have a sim*le ribbon o0 blue in the border o0 their garments. to distinguish them 0rom the nations around them. and to signi0y

    that they 'ere God,s *eculiar *eo*le/ +he *eo*le o0 God are not no' reHuired to have a s*ecial mar#

     *laced u*on their garments/ 8ut in the Ne' +estament 'e are o0ten re0erred to ancient "srael 0orexam*les/ "0 God gave such de0inite directions to $is ancient *eo*le in regard to their dress. 'ill not

    the dress o0 $is *eo*le in this age come under $is notice Should there not be in their dress a

    distinction 0rom that o0 the 'orld Should not the *eo*le o0 God. 'ho are $is *eculiar treasure. see#

    even in their dress to glori0y God (nd should they not be exam*les in *oint o0 dress. and by theirsim*le style rebu#e the *ride. vanity. and extravagance o0 'orldly. *leasure-loving *ro0essors God

    reHuires this o0 $is *eo*le/ !ride is rebu#ed in $is ?ord $) >eb/ 13526/ 718C 111@/1:

      Chapter 16  

    1-50. $ebellion A,ain!t +eaer!*i.--+hese men o0 "srael com*lained. and in0luenced the *eo*leto stand 'ith them in rebellion. and even a0ter God stretched 0orth $is hand and s'allo'ed u* the

    'rong-doers. and the *eo*le 0led to their tents in horror. their rebellion 'as not cured/ +he de*th o0

    their disa00ection 'as made mani0est even under the or this 0alse charge on the servants o0 God.

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    thousands more 'ere #illed. 0or there 'as in them sin. exultation and *resum*tuous 'ic#edness Letter

    12a. 1346/ 718C 111@/2:

      (1 Sam. 15"23). +e!!on! rom t*e $ebellion.--" Huestion 'hether genuine rebellion is ever

    curable/ Study in atriarchs and rophets the rebellion o0 Korah. Dathan. and (biram/ +his rebellion

    'as extended. including more than t'o men/ )E>E)ENCE "S $E)E &(DE + +? &EN

    LE(D"NG ( )E8ELL"N "N ( CE)+("N >"ELD/--ED"+)/F "t 'as led by t'o hundred and 0i0ty *rinces o0 the congregation. men o0 reno'n/ Call rebellion by its right name. and a*ostasy by its right

    name. and then consider that the ex*erience o0 the ancient *eo*le o0 God 'ith all its ob

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    entering the *romised land/ +hey said that God had not dealt 'ith them thus/ $e had not said that they

    should die in the 'ilderness/ +hey 'ould never believe that $e had thus saidB but that it 'as &oses

    'ho had said this. not the LordB and that it 'as all arranged by &oses to never bring them to the land o0

    Canaan @SG 96/ 718C 111A/:


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     behal0/ +his made it necessary 0or God to *rove to "srael that his admission 'as not 0ounded on

    0act/ / / / +o dis*el 0orever 0rom the minds o0 the "sraelites the idea that a man 'as leading them. God

    0ound it necessary to allo' their leader to die be0ore they entered the land o0 Canaan &S 4. 14126/

    718C 111/1:

      Chapter 21 

    6. a Been 'iralo!ly re!er%e.--+o *unish them 0or their ingratitude. and com*laining

    against God. the Lord *ermitted 0iery ser*ents to bite them/ +hey 'ere called 0iery. because their bite

     *roduced *ain0ul in0lammation. and s*eedy death/ +he "sraelites. u* to this time. had been *reserved0rom these ser*ents in the 'ilderness. by a continual miracleB 0or the 'ilderness through 'hich they

    traveled 'as in0ested 'ith *oisonous ser*ents @SG @16/ 718C 111/2:

      A atal Dei!ion.--+here 'ere those 'ho sto**ed to reason regarding the 0oolishness o0 loo#ing 0orrelie0 to this means/ +hat they should be healed by loo#ing at a *iece o0 brass 'as absurd to their

    minds. and they said. =?e 'ill not loo#/= +his decision 'as 0atal. and all 'ho 'ould not acce*t the

     *rovision made *erished/ 718C 111/:

      +he braen ser*ent 'as u*li0ted in the 'ilderness that those 'ho loo#ed in 0aith might be made

    'hole/ "n li#e manner God sends a restoring. healing message to men. calling u*on them to loo# a'ay0rom man and earthly things. and *lace their trust in God/ $e has given $is *eo*le the truth 'ith *o'er

    through the $oly S*irit/ $e o*ened $is ?ord to those 'ho 'ere searching and *raying 0or truth/ 8ut

    'hen these messengers gave the truth they had received to the *eo*le. they 'ere as unbelieving as the

    "sraelites/ &any are cavilling over the truth brought to them by humble messengers &S 5A. 13446/718C 111/@:

      Chapter 22 

    1-6. Balaam# Doble-'ine.--(t the time 8ala# sent messengers 0or him 8alaamF. he 'as

    double-minded. *ursuing a course to gain and retain the 0avor and honor o0 the enemies o0 the Lord. 0or

    the sa#e o0 re'ards he received 0rom them/ (t the same time he 'as *ro0essing to be a *ro*het o0 God/"dolatrous nations believed that curses might be uttered 'hich 'ould a00ect individuals. and even

    'hole nations @SG @6/ 718C 111/A:

      15-17. Balaam:! ne Sin# Co%eto!ne!!.--$ere is a solemn 'arning 0or the *eo*le o0 God today.

    to allo' no unchristian trait to live in their hearts/ ( sin 'hich is 0ostered becomes habitualB and.

    strengthened by re*etition. it soon exerts a controlling in0luence. bringing into sub

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    res*ective standards. at a distance 0rom the tabernacle/ 8alaam 'as *ermitted to behold the glorious

    mani0estation o0 God,s *resence. overshado'ing *rotecting. and guiding the tabernacle/ $e 'as 0illed

    'ith admiration at the sublime scene/ $e o*ened his *arable


    'ith all the dignity o0 a true *ro*het o0 God @SG @5. @36/ 718C 111/5:

      15-24. Bala; Amae by $e%elation.--+he &oabites understood the im*ort o0 the *ro*hetic 'ordso0 8alaam--that the "sraelites a0ter conHuering the Canaanites. should settle in their land. and all

    attem*ts to subdue them 'ould