scrutinizer (consolidated report on e voting poll) agm 2017 scrutinizer report.pdf · report of...

REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) 28th Annual General Meeting - 30th September,29l7 Saurashtra Kutch Stock Exchange Limited (De - Recognized) I N. V. Gaiiar & Associates Company Secretaries ****** 823 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chowk, Near Circuit House, Raikot - 360 001, Gujarat Mo.: 95241 4835E E-Mail ; [email protected]

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Page 1: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock


(Consolidated report on e - voting and poll)

28th Annual General Meeting - 30th September,29l7

Saurashtra Kutch Stock Exchange Limited(De - Recognized)


N. V. Gaiiar & Associates

Company Secretaries******

823 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chowk, Near Circuit House,

Raikot - 360 001, Gujarat

Mo.: 95241 4835E E-Mail ; [email protected]

Page 2: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

Office Add.:

8zj Stat Plaza, Phulchhab Chourt, Nr. Circuit House, Rajhot - 36o oo4 GujaratMo.: 9624t 4gy8 E - Mail: [email protected]


(Consolidated report on e - voting and poll)

Sublect Consolidated Scrutinize.'s neport on e-votin€ and ooll Dursuant to Section 108 & 109 of the

Comrranieo Act, 2013.ead with Rule 20 of the Companies (Mana[ement and Administr4tion)

RuIeB. 2014 as amended by the Conpaniee (Management and Adminietration) Anend! q4!

Rules,2m5 dulv.onducted at the 2Eh Annual General Meetinq of the Saurashtra Kutch Sto.k

Dear Sir,

I, CS Nikhil Vasantbhai Gailar, lnoprictor of M/s. N. V. Ca,jar & Associates, Company Secretari$, (ACS:-19,12,1,

CP: I l]328) havinS olfice at 823, St.rr Plaza, Phulchhab Chowk, ttaikot 360 001, Gujamt had been appointecl as

Scrutinizer by the Board of Directors of Saurashha Kutch Stock Exchange Li ihd (De - Recognized) (herein.rfter

referr('d b as "the SKSE Ltd. or "the Company'') in its meeting held on 31n August,2017 for the purpose of

scrutiniring e - voting process hi'ld between 09.00 a.m. on 27h Septemb€r, 2017 to 05.00! on 29'h Sept('mber,

2017 ancJ poll taken in respect of tho resolutions as set out in the Notice of the 28t, Annual General Mt'etirg d.rted

31! August,20U, Sp€cial Noticc proposed by the requisitioflists dated 14,h Scptember,2017 and AdditionalNoti.r dated 18rh Septemb€r, 2017 resp€ctively.

1. The Company had availed e-voting facility offered by Cenhal Depos

conducting the remote e - voting by the shareholders of the Company.

ik)ry Servi Limitcd for

Page | 1 | Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE Ltd | 28th Annual Gene

N. V. Gajjm dl AssociatesCompany Seretmies


Shri Sunil C. Shad


E change Limited [De - Recoqtrized) held on Saturday. 30rh September. 2017 at 11.00 4.m. at

the registered office of the Companv situated at "Popatbhai Sorathia Bhavan". Sadar Bazaar.

Raikot - 360 m1. (luiar.l

I suhmit mv rrport as under:

Page 3: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjar dJ AssociatesCompany Seoetmies

Office AiLl.:823 Star Plaza, Phdchhab Choa,t, Nr. Circdt House, Rajhot - 36o ooq G$arut

Mo.: 9624 4958 E - Mail: [email protected]

2. The advertisement as stipulated under Section 108 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management

and Administration) Rules, 2014 were published in "Sanj Samachar" and "Indian Eipress" on 8$


3. The members holding shares on "cut - off" date i.e.246 September,20tT were entided to votc on the

rt'solution stated in thc Notice dtd. 31* August,201| Special Notice dtd. 14$ Septearber, 2017 and

Additiorlal Notice dtd. lUs September, 2017 as issued by the Companl .

5. The toral paid - up capital of the Companv is Rs. 1750,000/- divided into 12350 equity sharcs of Rs

100/- each.

6. I h(' management of tht' Company is responsible to ensure the compliances with th(' r('quiremonts of thc

Companies Act,2013 and Rules rclating to e- votingthrough clecbonic means and poll process in respect

of the re6olutions as contained in the notices. \1]' responsibilitv ns a Scrutinizer for the e - voting prNess

nnd poll process is to make a i_ru tinizer's Report of the votes cast "in favour" or "agains(' the rosolutions

as set out in the Noticc and based on the e - voting delails as l,enerated from the e - votinll svstem

providedby the Cerrhal Depository Sewices (lndia) Limited thlough its website www.evotinliindia..o

, the authorized agencv to provide the e - voting facilities, en8aged bv the Company and \1tes cast

through e - voting proctss and poll.

7. Shri Sunil C. SlalL the Chairman of lhe 286 Annual General Meeting "suo moto" ordered for poll as per

Rule 21 of the Cohpanies (Managemert and Administration) Rules, 201'1.

8. Three empty boxes were duly locked and st'aled in presence of the members. It was Placed in an cmPtv

premises for colle<ting tlre ballot papers and polling was declard

at 1.45 P. M.

Chairman of the meeting

.n ea


Page | 2 | Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE ttd | 28'h Annual Gene' 017

,1. I hc c - voting period commenced from Wednesday, 276 September, 2017 at 09.00 a.m. ard tndend on

Friday, 2En September, 2017 at 5.00 p.In"

Page 4: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

Office Add.:823 Star Pldztl, Phdchhab Chotoh, Nr. Circttit House, Rajhot - 36o oot, Gujarat

Mo.: 96241 48j58 E ' Mail: nogajjarassociates@)

I0. Thereaftr'r, the votes cast ihrough remote e - voting \a'ere unblocked after completion of poll at the ACN1

in presmce of Mr. Divvesh and Mr. Mukcsh Rathod, two witncss€s by me at 2.30 P.M. on 30th

September, 2017 who r,,,'ere not the employees of the Company. TheY have signed in confirmation of the

votcs being unblocked in their plesence.

12. BrieI sunrmary of voting is as under

Details e - Voting Voting through Ballotpapet at AGM

Total Voting


Total numbe. of Shares

held by them

4,lffi 13,060

ordinary Resolution to consider and adoPL a. the audited financial statemmb of the Com an

financial year ended March 31, 2017, the rePorts of the Board of Directors and Au

the audited corsolidated financial statemens of the Company f e financia

y for tJre







Page | 3 | Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE Ltd I 28th Annual 6 130

N. V. Gajjm Ql AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

9. The locked ballot box was subsequently opened by me afld poll papers were diligendy scrutinized. The

poll papers were reconciled with the lecords maintained by the Company along with the authorizations

and proxies lodged with the Company.

11. Thereafter, the details containifl& inter alia, list of members, who voted for or against on each of the

resolutions 6lat were put to vote, were geneiatcd from the voting wcbsite of Central Depositon Se^ ices

(lndia) Limited i e. w$.w.r'

Number of members'who cast their vot€s

13. The combined results of the rcmote e - voting and poll talan at the AGM are as rmder:

Item No. l of the Notice:

Page 5: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gdjjm Ql AssociatesCompany Seretmies

Office Aild.:84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Choa,h, Nr. Cicrit Horse, Raihot - )60 oo\ Guiarat

Mo,:96241 48j58 E - Mail: [email protected]

(i) Voted "in favou-r" of the Resolutiont

Sr. No. Number ofmambers voted

Number of votes

ca8t by them"1, of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 61 3,010 26.06 %

l'oll (through

ballot paper)

1.10 $.52 %

Total: 207 10,0m E6.5E %

(ii) VoH "againat" the Resolutioru-

Sr, No. Number ofdrembers voted

Number of votescast by them

"1, of total numberof valid votes aast

E - Vothg 23 r,150 9.96.t

Potl (throughballot paper)

E 400

Total: 31 1,550 73.420/o

(iii) Invalid Voles:

# E Members abstained ftom voting on Resolution at Item No. I

Resolution No.1 with

Total number of vote6 ca6t by lhemNumber of membe$


---22 (in polls only)




09 2077


3.46 %

Page | 4 | Scrutinize/s Report I sKsE Ltd | 28th Annual General

Page 6: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjm dJ AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

Office Adil.:84 Star Plaza, Phdchhab Choruh, Nr. Citcuit Horse, Rajhot - 36o oor, Gujarat

Mo.: 962.4t 48j58 E - Mail: nvgajjarassociates@gmail,corn

Item No. 2 of the Notice: Ordinary Resolution to appoint a Director on the Board of Directors in place

of Shri Sanjay P. Doshi, Director (DIN:07371340)who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself

for reappointment.

(i) Voted "in favour" of the Resolution:-

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voled

Number of votes

cast by them7u of total nuEtbeiof valid votei cast

E - Votin8 1,300 11.15 %

Poll (through

ballot pap€r)

22 1,100 9.43 %

Tolal: 4E 20.56 %

(ri) Voted "agrintt" the Resolutionj-

Sr. No. Number ofmembe$ voted

Nunber of votes

cast by them

0/,, of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 58 2,860 24.53 "A

Poll (through

bauot paper)

tx 6A0o 54.89 %

Total: 185 9,24 79.42%

(iii) Invalid Votes:

# 5 Members abstained ftom voting on Resolution at Item No 2

ore, the Resolution No. 2 has been disapp roved.

Total number of votes cast bY themNumber of members

1,10022 (in polls only)




Page | 5 | Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE Ltd | 28'h Annual General Meeting | 30 09 2017


Page 7: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjar dJ AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

Office Ailil.:8zj Star Plaza, Phulchhab Choroh, Nr. Ctait House, Rajhot - 36o oo4 Gujarut

Mo.: 9624t 48jt8 E - Mail: [email protected]

Iteft No, 3 of the Notice: Ordinary Resolution to ratification of appointment of M/s. J. L. Parekh & Co.,

as Statutory Auditors of the Company.

(i) Voted "infavou/'of the Resolution:-

Sr. No. Number ofmembets voted

Number of votescast by them

'/o of total numberof valid vote6 cast

E - Voting 45 2210 20.46 %

Poll (through

ballot paper)124 57.37 %

Total: 769 &400

(ii) Voted "against" thr Resolutioni

Sr. No. Number ofnrembeE voted

Number of votes

ca6t by themYD of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 39 1,950 18.1.6 "/,,

Poll (ttuoughballot paper)

9 450 4.77 %

Total: ,t8 2AO0 22.33.1,

(ii0 Invalid Votes:

Number of membets Total numbei of votes cast by theEr

22 (in polls only) 1,100

# 23 Members rbtained fiom voting on Resolution at Item No' 3

3 hasthc

31& JJ


Page I 6 | Scrutinizer's Report I SKSE Ltd | 28t Annual General 09 2017


Page 8: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjar dl AssociatesCompany Seqetmies

OIfieg.Adil.:84 Stat Plaza, Phulchhab Chou.,t, Nr. Circuit Horse, Rajhot - 16o oot, Gujarat

Mo.: 9624t 48358 E - Mail: [email protected]

Item No. 4 of the Notice: Spe.ial Resolution for disposal of shares of SKSE Securities Limited (the

subsidiary company) at a consideration of Rs.7.11 Crores.

(i) Voted "in favour" of the Resolution:

Sr. No, Nurnber ofmemberc voted

Nurnber of votescast by lhem

'7, of total numberof velid votes cast

E - Voting 1.,60 1.4.01 %

Poll (through

bauot paper)

126 6290 53.08 %

Total: 160 7,950 67.@ r/o

(ii) VM "agrdaet" the Resolutionr

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voted

Numb€t of votes(ast by lhem

Yo of total numberof valid votes casl

E - Voting 50 2,500 21.70',X,

Poll (ttuoughballot paper)

2ti 1100 11.81 %

Total: 78 3,900 32.91%

(rii) hvalid Votes:

# 2 Members abgteined from votiag on Resolution at Item No' 4

Total number of votes cast by theurof membete

1,10022 (in polls only)

* garli



ng | 30 09 2017

- Therefore, the Resolution No. 4 has been disaPProved'


Page | 7 | Scrutinire/s Report I SKSE Ltd I 28th Annual

Page 9: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjm 0J AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

Office Adil.:84 Star Plaza, Phdchhab Chotoh, Nr. Circuit House, Rajhot - 36o oor, Gvjdt dt

Mo.: 9624t 4$58 E - Mail: [email protected]

Item No. 5 of the Notice: Special Resolution for Altelation of Article 110 of the Articles of Association

of the Company.

(i) Voted "in favorll'of the Resolution:-

Sr. No. Numbet ofmembers voted

Nurnber of votescast by them

Yn of total numberof valid vote3 cart

E - Voting 5 250 2.15 %

Poll (throughballot paper)

120 5,990 57.41 %

725 6,2EO 53.56 ol,

(ii) Voted "egdnat" the Resolution:-

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voted

Number of vote6

.ast by them

ul, of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 79 3,910 33.57 %

PoU (through

ballot paper)

30 1,500 72.87 %

Total: 1(x, 5,410 46.44 o/o

(iii) Invslid Votes:

* 6 Members abstained from voting on Resolution at Item No' 5

ore, the lution No. 5 has d

Totil nurber of votes cast by lhemNumber of membe$


tet22 (in polls only)


Page I 8 | Scrutinizer's Report I SKSE Ltd | 28th Annual eting | 30 09 2017


Page 10: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

Office Aild.;84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chout, Nr. Circrit House, Rajhot - 36o oo4 Gujarat

Mo.: 96241 48358 E - Mail: [email protected]

Item No. 6 of the Noti.e: Special Resolution fol Alteration of Articlc 112 of the Articles of Ass(riation

oI the Company

(i) Voted "in favouf' of the Resolution:-

Sr. No.

Number ofmembeE voted

Number of voteg

.ast by themY" of total numberof valid votes .ast

E - Voting 1.4 700 6.01 %

Poll (through

ballot paper)118 5,890 50.55 %

Total: 728 6,590 tr.s%

(i, Voted"againot"tht'Resolution-

Sr. No. Number ofmembe$ voted

Number of by them

% of total nufirberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 70 3,,160 29.70 %

Poll (throughba.Uot paper)

1,600 13.74 %

Total: 702 5,060 43.44Y,

(i ii) Invalid Votes:

* 6 Members ahilred from voting on Resolution at Item No' 5

Total nuanber of votes caat by themNumber of membe$

22 (in polls only)


Page | 9 I Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE Ltd | 28ih Annual ral Meeting I 30 09 2017

N. V. Gajjar U AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

- Therefore, the Resolution No. 6 has been disaoploved'


1,100 6R:

Page 11: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjm dJ AssociatesCompany Seqetmies

Office Add.:84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Choroh, Nr. Circttit House, Rajhot - 360 oo\ Griarat

Mo.: 9624t 48358 E - Mail: [email protected]

Item No. 7 of the Notice: Special Resolution for Alteration of Article 108 of the Articles of Association

of the Company.

(i) Voted "in favou.r/' of the Resolution:

Sr. No, Number ofmemb€ls voted

Nuffb6 of volec(a3t by them

ol, of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting '1_4 700 6.8%

Poll (throughballot paper)

119 5,940

Totali 133 6,640 57.74 0/,

(iD Voted"agahef'theResolutron:-

Sr. No. Number ofInembers voted

Number of votescast by them

Yo of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 70 3,,160 30.09 1,

Poll (thrcugh

ballot paper)28 1,400 7217 %

Total: 98 426\'/\,

(iii) Invalid Votes:

# 9 Member6 ibgtained from voting on Resolution at ltem No' 7

Total number of voteB cast by thedrNumber of members

1,10022 (in polls only)

u t 5a

Page | 10 | Scrutinize/s Report I SKSE Ltd | 28rh Annual ing | 30 09 2017

51.65 %

- Therefore, the Resolution No.7 has been disaporoved.


Page 12: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjar dJ AssociatesCompany Seqetmies

Office Adil.:84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chou.,h, Nr. Circtit House, Raihot - 360 oor, Gtiarat

Mo.:9624t 48j58 E - Mail: nvgaijarassociates@)

Item No.8 of the Notice: Ordinary Resolution for appointment of Mr. Hitesh C Mehta (DIN: 07934356)

as a Director.

(i) Voted "in favour" of the Resolution:

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voted

Nufiber of vote6

cast by themYo of total numberof valid vote8 caat

E - Voting 25 1,250 10.68 %

Poll (through

ballot paper)96 4,790 40.94 %

Total: 127 6,040 57.620/o

(n) Voted "ag.inst" the Resolutioii-

Sr. No. Number ofmember3 voted

Number of votes

cast by thernYo of total nufiberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 59 2,9"10 24.87 %

I'oll (through

ballot paper)

2,765 23.50 %

Total: 174 5,575 118.38 "/"

(ii, Votes:

# 5 Members ab6tained fron voting on Resolution at Item No. E

- Theref ution No.8 d with

Total number of votes cast by themNumber of members

1,10022 (in polls only)5


Page | 11 | Scrutinizer's Report I SKSE Ltd | 28'h Annual Gener 30 09 2017


Page 13: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjm dl AssociatesCompany Seretaries

Office Add.:

84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chotoh, Nr. Circuit Horse, Rajhot - 36o oo4 Gujarat

Mo.: 96241 4958 E - Mail: [email protected]

(i) Voted "in f.votf'of the Resolution:-

Sr. No.

Number ofmembers voted

Number of vote6

cast by them

Yo of total numberof valid votes casr

E - Voting 39 1,910 "t6.72 %

7 ).40Poll (through

ballot paper)742

Total: 181 ,0s0

ti Voted "egeinof" the Resolution:-

E - Voting

Poll (through 4.&%ballot

(iii) Invalid Votes:

Number of members Total number of votes aast by them

22 (in polls only) 1,100

# 3 Members abstelned from voting on Resolution at Iteni No. 9

- Therefore Resolution No. has been ssed with

Yo of total numberofvalid votes .aBt

78.9 %

Number ofmembere voted


Number of votescast by them

11 550

a.63 0k2,750Total:





Page | 12 | Scrutinizer's Report I SKSE Ltd | 28$ Annual General Meeting | 30 09 2017

Item No. 9 of the Noti.e: Ordinary Resolution for appointment of Mt. Nandkishor M. Jadeia (DIN:

00240467) as a Director.

60.25 %

?537 r/.

subie.t to approval of Resolution at ltem No. 7.

Sr. No.



Page 14: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjar 0J AssociatesCompany Seqetafies

Office Add.:

823 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chotoh, Nr. Circuit House, Rajhot - 16o oo4 Gujarut

Mo.: 9624 4958 E - Mail: [email protected]

Item No. 10 of the Notice: Ordinary Resolution for appointment of Mr. Mukesh P. Doshi (DIN

00838292) as a Director.

(i) \i)ted "in favour" of the Rcsolution:

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voted

Number of vote8

.ast by them"/n of total nurberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 2,31.0 79.49 %

Poll (throughbauot paper)

145 7,290 67.52 %

Total: 192 9,6N 81.01%

(ii) Vod "ag.iNt" thc Resolution:-

Sr. No. Number ofmembers voted

Number of votes.aBt by them

o/o of total numberof valid votes cast

E - Voting 1.850 15.61 %

Poll (through

baUot paper)

400 3.37 %

Total: 45 2,250 18.9E %

(iiD Invalid Votes:

f 3 Members rh.ined from voting on Resolution at Itedr No' 10

on No been a with

Total nirmber of votes cast by lhemNumber of members

tr*1,10022 (in polls only)

PaBe | 13 | Scrutinizer's Report I SKSE l-td I 28'h Annual Genera Meeting I 30 09 2017



Page 15: SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e voting poll) AGM 2017 Scrutinizer Report.pdf · REPORT OF SCRUTINIZER (Consolidated report on e - voting and poll) ... Saurashtra Kutch Stock

N. V. Gajjm U AssociatesCompany Seqetaries

Office Add.:84 Star Plaza, Phulchhab Chou.,t, Nr. Circrit House, Rajhot - j6o oo4 Gujarat

Mo: g6z4t 48j58 E - Mail: [email protected]

The electronic voting record along with the ballot papers and othe! relevant details and documents, are under

sale custody which shall be handed over to Mr. Sunil C. Shah, the Chair:man of the meeting and Director of the

Company for records on receipt of the minutes of the Armual General Me€ting.

NIr. Sunil C Shah, is further requested to place the results on website of the Company and cir.ulak, thr samc

amongst the members and oth(,r rolFlatory autho hes, as required.

For N. V. Gaiiar &Company


ACS: 16328

Dated this 3'd Ocbb€f, 2Ol7 at Raikot


4 I


i3 teJ

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