scrum user group recife launch

1 Scrum - transforming the world of work Kick of - Scrum User Group Brasil, Recife

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Scrum - transforming the world of work

Kick of - Scrum User Group Brasil, Recife


transforming the world of work


Yahoo Chief Product Owner – “Scrum is faster, better, cooler! It’s the way we first built software at Yahoo, yet is scalable to large, distributed, and outsourced teams.”


Any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure.Conways Law

ScrumMaster is a Change Agent

The job of a ScrumMaster is to help the organisation to change

Managers reduce complexity by building structures and processes

Leaders help people to overcome change

Leader is the Antagonist of the Manager

ScrumMaster is the Antagonist of the Manager

No Vision

No Product Backlog

Product Backlog is not sized

Product Backlog is not estimated

Sprint gets disturbed

No Burn Down Chart

No Daily Scrum

No Impediment list

No final product increment

No retrospective!


Scrum is not a ....

"My advice is to do it by the book, get good at the practices,then do as you will. Many people want to skip to step three. How do they know? " -- Ron Jeffries

1. Shu (守:しゅ, Shu? "protect", "obey") —

traditional wisdom — learning fundamentals, techniques, heuristics,


2. Ha (破:は, Ha? "detach", "digress") —

breaking with tradition — finding exceptions to traditional wisdom,

reflecting on their truth, finding new ways, techniques, and proverbs

3. Ri (離:り, Ri? "leave", "separate") —

transcendence — there are no techniques or proverbs, all moves are natural

Thank You!