scripture index

14 22 September 2021 1 Scripture index Articles with a Bible reference are generally not repeated elsewhere Bible Reference Title and link Book Passage Genesis Ch 1 Genesis 1: Fact or fiction? Genesis 1:1 The greatest miracle Genesis Ch 1-11 Snakes and ladders Genesis Ch 1-11 Genesis 1-11: Fact or fiction? Genesis Ch 12-50 Who can we trust? Genesis 1:1 2:3 In the Beginning. Part 1: The first week Genesis 2:4-25 In the beginning. Part 2: The first marriage Genesis 3:1-19 In the beginning. Part 3: The first sin Genesis 3:8-24 In the beginning. Part 4: Living in a dying world Genesis 3:1-6 Why didn’t God warn Adam and Eve about Satan? Genesis 6:1-13 Why was Noah’s family saved while the rest died in the flood? 2 Samuel 5:15 Continual thanksgiving 2 Kings 3:16 Why do some Bibles use the word “ditches” in 2 Kings 3:16 and others the word “pools”? 2 Kings 5:1-15 A major problem Job 1:20-22 When to praise God Job 26:14 The Fringes of God’s power Job Ch 38-40 Where were you? Psalm Ch 4 Responding to terrorism Psalm Ch 8 Huge and tiny Psalm Ch 19 Two messages Psalm Ch 27 Facing slander Psalm Ch 29 Awesome power Psalm 51:5 When David said he was sinful at birth & from conception in Psalm 51:5, what did he mean? Psalm Ch 65 Three reasons to praise God Psalm Ch 103 Psalm 103 Even Greater Praise! Psalm Ch 113-118 Hallel: An anthem of praise and thanksgiving Psalm Ch 121 Safe and secure Psalm 127:1-2 The best way to work Psalm 139:14 What did David mean when he wrote that he was “fearfully” made in Psalm 139:14? Psalm Ch 148 Who should praise God? Proverbs 3:5-6 How to experience God’s guidance Proverbs 16:18-19 What does the proverb “Pride goes before destruction” have to do with the fall of man? A friend said it refers to the first sin. Isaiah Ch 40 Strength for the weary Isaiah 53:5 What does “by his wounds you have been healed” mean? Jeremiah 2-6 A wake-up call from Jeremiah Jeremiah 29:4-23 How to find hope in a hopeless situation Jeremiah 29:11 When God has plans “to prosper you” & “to give you a hope and a future” in Jeremiah 29:11, what does He mean? Does this promise apply to us today? Jeremiah 52:1-34 Jeremiah’s prophecies fulfilled Ezekiel 37:1-14 How to survive tough times Daniel 7:13-14 Why did Jesus call Himself the "Son of Man"? Habakkuk 3:17-19 Thanksgiving in all circumstances Zephaniah Ch 1-3 God’s warning Zephaniah Ch 1-3 What is God warning us about?

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TRANSCRIPT 22 September 2021 1

Scripture index

Articles with a Bible reference are generally not repeated elsewhere

Bible Reference Title and link

Book Passage Genesis Ch 1 Genesis 1: Fact or fiction?

Genesis 1:1 The greatest miracle Genesis Ch 1-11 Snakes and ladders

Genesis Ch 1-11 Genesis 1-11: Fact or fiction?

Genesis Ch 12-50 Who can we trust?

Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 In the Beginning. Part 1: The first week

Genesis 2:4-25 In the beginning. Part 2: The first marriage

Genesis 3:1-19 In the beginning. Part 3: The first sin

Genesis 3:8-24 In the beginning. Part 4: Living in a dying world

Genesis 3:1-6 Why didn’t God warn Adam and Eve about Satan?

Genesis 6:1-13 Why was Noah’s family saved while the rest died in the flood?

2 Samuel 5:15 Continual thanksgiving 2 Kings 3:16 Why do some Bibles use the word “ditches” in 2 Kings 3:16 and

others the word “pools”?

2 Kings 5:1-15 A major problem

Job 1:20-22 When to praise God Job 26:14 The Fringes of God’s power

Job Ch 38-40 Where were you? Psalm Ch 4 Responding to terrorism

Psalm Ch 8 Huge and tiny

Psalm Ch 19 Two messages

Psalm Ch 27 Facing slander Psalm Ch 29 Awesome power Psalm 51:5 When David said he was sinful at birth & from conception in Psalm

51:5, what did he mean?

Psalm Ch 65 Three reasons to praise God

Psalm Ch 103 Psalm 103 – Even Greater Praise!

Psalm Ch 113-118 Hallel: An anthem of praise and thanksgiving

Psalm Ch 121 Safe and secure

Psalm 127:1-2 The best way to work

Psalm 139:14 What did David mean when he wrote that he was “fearfully” made in

Psalm 139:14?

Psalm Ch 148 Who should praise God? Proverbs 3:5-6 How to experience God’s guidance

Proverbs 16:18-19 What does the proverb “Pride goes before destruction” have to do

with the fall of man? A friend said it refers to the first sin.

Isaiah Ch 40 Strength for the weary

Isaiah 53:5 What does “by his wounds you have been healed” mean?

Jeremiah 2-6 A wake-up call from Jeremiah

Jeremiah 29:4-23 How to find hope in a hopeless situation

Jeremiah 29:11 When God has plans “to prosper you” & “to give you a hope and a

future” in Jeremiah 29:11, what does He mean? Does this promise

apply to us today?

Jeremiah 52:1-34 Jeremiah’s prophecies fulfilled

Ezekiel 37:1-14 How to survive tough times

Daniel 7:13-14 Why did Jesus call Himself the "Son of Man"? Habakkuk 3:17-19 Thanksgiving in all circumstances

Zephaniah Ch 1-3 God’s warning

Zephaniah Ch 1-3 What is God warning us about? 22 September 2021 2

Bible Reference Title and link

Book Passage Matthew 9:5 Why did Jesus tell the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven”?

Matthew 12:31-32 What is the unforgivable or unpardonable sin?

Matthew 12:36 What are the “idle” words referred to in Matthew 12:36?

Matthew 17:20 What about God’s promises to give believers whatever they ask and

move mountains for them?

Matthew 19:26 What does “all things are possible with God” mean?

Matthew 21:21-22 What about God’s promises to give believers whatever they ask and

move mountains for them?

Matthew 24:36 Why didn’t Jesus know the date of His second advent?

Mark 2:5 Why did Jesus tell the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven”?

Mark 3:29 What is the unforgivable or unpardonable sin?

Mark 4:35-41 How to overcome fear Mark 10:27 What does “all things are possible with God” mean?

Mark 11:22-24 What about God’s promises to give believers whatever they ask and

move mountains for them?

Mark 13:32 Why didn’t Jesus know the date of His second advent?

Luke 5:20 Why did Jesus tell the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven”?

Luke 18:27 What does “all things are possible with God” mean?

Luke 19:1-10 Obstacles in life

Luke 22:16 What did Jesus mean when He said He would not eat the Passover

again until it was fulfilled in the kingdom of God?

John 10:10 Who are we following?

John 14:21 Does John 14:21 mean that God loves us more if we love Him?

Acts A time line for the book of Acts

Acts The themes of the book of Acts

Acts 2:17-18 What does Acts 2:17-18 mean?

Acts 5:1-11 Are Ananias and Sapphira of Acts 5:1-11 in heaven?

Acts 8:39-40 Was Philip transported miraculously after the Ethiopian was baptized?

Acts 8:12-17 Why did the first Samaritan Christians receive the Holy Spirit by the

laying on of hands?

Acts 17:22-31 Faith in the family

Romans 1:20 What do you see?

Romans 5:12-21 The greatest leaders

Romans 6:23 The gospel in one Bible verse

Romans Ch 8 Victory in the struggle with sin

Romans Ch 8 There’s More Good News!

Romans 8:28 Please explain Romans 8:28 in light of such disasters as the

earthquakes in Haiti in 2010 and in Japan in 2011?

Romans 9-11 What does Romans 9 teach?

Romans 12:1 True worship

1 Corinthians 10:13 Resisting temptation

1 Corinthians 10:13 3 ways to resist temptation

1 Corinthians 11:2-16 How do we show respect for authority?

1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Order and disorder in the church

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Most Important Message: What We Believe And Preach

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 As the Bible says

2 Corinthians Ch 8-9 Generosity Towards Other Christians

Galatians 3:28 What does Galatians 3:28 mean?

Ephesians Ch 1-4 God’s plans for the church

Ephesians 1:3-14 DIVINE FAVORS AND GIFTS: Are You Enjoying Your

Spiritual Blessings?

Philippians Ch 1-4 Partners In The Gospel 22 September 2021 3

Bible Reference Title and link

Book Passage Philippians 2:9-11 Sooner or later?

Philippians 4:11-13, 13 How to be contented

Colossians 1:15-20 The greatest 1 Thessalonians Ch 1 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 1: Model Believers

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 2: Paul’s Example

1 Thessalonians 2:17 – 3:13 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 3: Paul’s Joy

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 4: Living To Please God

1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 5: The Rapture And The Day Of

The Lord

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 A Look At First Thessalonians. Part 6: Living As A Christian

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Where is Grannie?

1 Thessalonians Ch 1-5 Encouragement for tough times

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Three good habits

2 Thessalonians Ch 1 A Look at Second Thessalonians. Part 1: Encouragement during trials

and suffering

2 Thessalonians Ch 2 A Look at Second Thessalonians. Part 2: Standing firm against

false teachings

2 Thessalonians Ch 3 A Look at Second Thessalonians. Part 3: Don’t be lazy

2 Thessalonians Ch 1-3 Don’t be deceived

1 Timothy 2:9-15 Respect and disrespect in the church

Hebrews Ch 1-10 Jesus is greater than …

Hebrews Ch 10-12 Keep on running

Hebrews Ch 2-12 God’s greatest warning

Hebrews Ch 2-12 God’s greatest warning for us

Hebrews Ch 13 How to please God

Hebrews Ch 1-13 Never give up

James 1:19-20 Fast and slow

James 1:19-25 The best way to live 1 Peter 2:5, 9 What happened to the priests?

1 Peter 2:24 What does “by his wounds you have been healed” mean?

1 Peter 3:8 Selfies

1 Peter 5:2-3 Three essentials of Christian leadership

1 Peter Ch 1-5 Following Jesus in a hostile world

1 John 2:12-14 The path to maturity in the family of God

Jude 20-23 Contend for the faith

Jude 20-23 What should we do?

Revelation Ch 1-22 Who and how to worship

Revelation Ch 2-3 Are You Ready For God’s New Year Messages?

Old Testament characters

Old Test. Character

Title and link

Abraham How to live a life that pleases God

Lot Choices and Consequences

Job Surviving the burdens of life – lessons from Job Joseph and Moses The hills and valleys of life

Saul Two life lessons from king Saul

David Surviving the burdens of life – lessons from David God What’s God like?

Prophets Were prophets infallible? 22 September 2021 4

Old Test. Character

Title and link

Adam and Eve Adam and Eve: Fact or fiction?

Noah Noah: Fact or fiction?

New Testament characters

New Test. Character

Title and link

Mary, mother of Jesus Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Jesus Jesus is better than Santa

Jesus’s words Give Priority To God And People THIS NEW YEAR

Paul Following Paul’s example

Jesus Why didn’t Jesus respect His family at Capernaum?

Jesus Ten reasons why Jesus is more than a prophet

Jesus What’s Jesus like?

Jesus Symbols of Christ’s death

Jesus Who raised Jesus from death?

Jesus How did Jesus do miracles?

Jesus Why did Jesus do miracles?

Jesus Extra-biblical evidence of Jesus

Jesus Jesus: history or myth?

Jesus Jesus is like royalty

God God is great

God God is good

God What God does

God Does God have a sense of humor?

Peter Failure isn’t final

Jesus Why did Jesus call Himself the "Son of Man"?

God Would a loving God send people to hell?

Jesus More extra-biblical evidence of Jesus

Old Testament topics

Old Testament Topic

Title and link

Cavemen Cavemen in the Bible

Cave art The first artists?

Reading the Bible How to start reading the Bible

Exegesis of Zephaniah What is the meaning of the Hebrew words “adamah” and “erets” in the

book of Zephaniah?

Visiting Noah’s ark Visiting Noah’s ark

God’s covenants Keeping contracts

Bible chronology How to read the Bible in chronological order

Erroneous modern origins story Big history or little history?

History and science Using history and science to investigate ancient times

Backsliding The dangers of backsliding

The new heaven and new earth What are the new heaven and new earth like?

Going to heaven Can a person go to heaven if they have not heard about Jesus before

they die?

Rape Does the Bible condone rape? 22 September 2021 5

Old Testament Topic

Title and link

Funeral Looking back and looking ahead

Materialism Worshiping materialism

Hebrew language Did the Hebrew language exist before the exile into Babylon?

Slavery Does the Bible condone slavery? Part 1

Bible How to choose the best Bible

Jews When did the Hebrews or Israelites become known as Jews?

Grace and mercy I heard a preacher say that grace and mercy are two sides of the same

coin. What did he mean? And was he right?

Perseverance or backsliding Final words

Infant death If an infant dies, do they go to heaven?

Killing in the Old Testament Why all the killing in the Old Testament?

Genesis 1-11 – History or saga? Big history

Heaven I have heard there are seven heavens. How many are there, and which one

is Jesus in?

Evolution Evolution is theomorphic

How the Bible came to us Can we trust our Bibles?

Dragons and dinosaurs Year of the dragon

Temptation and free will Did God cause Satan to tempt Adam and Eve so He could send Jesus to

die for their sin?

God as creator and sustainer How the universe is held together

Ten commandments I’ve been told that Christians should keep the ten commandments as they

were God’s law and not the law of Moses. Is this true?

The church and the temple The church is like the temple

Bible What makes the Bible so great?

Revival Three Steps to Spiritual Revival

Divine revelation trumps

human ideas

Who invented Christianity?

Disasters Where is God when disaster strikes?

New year The New Covenant

Creation The awe of God

Creation God’s Creation

The day of the Lord The Day of the Lord. Part 1: The past

Creation and evolution The forest of life

Creation What is intelligent design?

Physical & spiritual blessings God’s Blessings

Surviving difficult times Sorrow and Joy

Polygamy Does God approve of polygamy? David, who wrote most of the psalms,

had eight wives

Israel’s leaders Old Testament Shepherds

Tattoos What does the Old Testament say about Christians getting tattoos?

Tattoos What does the Bible say about Christians getting tattoos?

God’s love for people God Loves People More Than Anything

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs in the Bible?

Authorities The Bible teaches us to submit to various authorities. But what if an

authority makes a law that requires us to disobey God?

Morning Star Is the Morning Star in the Bible Jesus Christ or Satan?

Adam and Eve Are Adam and Eve in heaven?

Pleasing God Pleasing God

Creation The Big Stretch: Creating the stars and galaxies

Garden of Eden I have heard that the Garden of Eden was located in Iraq. Is this true?

How do we know? 22 September 2021 6

Old Testament Topic

Title and link

God as a shepherd The Good Shepherd Is Always Near

God’s rescues Four Great Rescues

God’s judgment The Consequences Of Four Major Disasters

Trials Prayer And Praise In Times Of Trouble

Our choices have consequences Why was Judah the most prominent tribe of Israel?

Polygamy What does the Old Testament say about polygamy?

God’s promises Big numbers

Hinnom valley Where’s hell?

Creation Clever Nature!

Songs Songs in the Bible

Creation In six days

Noah’s flood Evidence of Noah’s flood

Blood and death Blood as a symbol of death in the Old Testament

Zion Where’s Zion

Babylon Babylon, center of humanism and materialism

Archaeology Does archaeology support the Bible?

Creation Complex creation

100 key Bible passages The essential 100 challenge

God’s existence Evidence for God’s existence

Archaeology Archaeology confirms biblical characters

Genocide Genocide of the Amalekites?

Egypt Lessons from Egypt

Sodom Lessons from Sodom

Creation One strange rock

The Bible Don’t forget to remember!

Working together Teamwork

God Lest we forget

Creation In six days?

The abyss Sampling the abyss

Jericho Massacres and miracles at Jericho

Creation The chicken or the egg?

Noah’s flood Flood stories: Fact or fiction?

Dating It ain’t necessarily so

Noah’s flood Was Noah’s flood global or local? Samaria Rebellion and deception at Samaria

Trials Responding to personal problems

Trials Responding to external problems

Jesus God’s greatest promise

Creation God created a huge universe

Creation Two Big-bang miracles

Creation An evolutionary miracle

Nineveh Nineveh experienced God's mercy and justice

Creation Theories that explain everything

Creation What is historical science?

Creation Why is there cancer?

Noah’s flood & Ice Age Life in the Ice Age

Noah’s flood Lots of limestone The Bible Conversation on the Bible

God Conversation on God

The Bible Heads I win, tails you lose

Creation - Coastal erosion London Bridge has fallen down 22 September 2021 7

Old Testament Topic

Title and link

Living fossils Wollemi Pine: A living fossil

Soft tissue in fossils Soft tissue in dinosaur bones

Geologic time Six reasons to be skeptical of the geological time scale

Bethel Worshipping God and idols at Bethel

The Bible A new Bible timeline

Megiddo Many battles at Megiddo

Creation A robust and resilient creation

Creation Was the universe caused by natural or supernatural means?

Creation A functionally mature creation

Creation When science caught up with the Bible

The Bible Read the Bible in one year

The Passover Festival Dramatic rescues

The Harvest Festival Record harvests

The Festival of Shelters Backyard camping

The Jewish pilgrimage festivals What was the purpose of the Jewish pilgrimage festivals?

The seven Jewish festivals What is the meaning of the seven Jewish festivals?

Extrabiblical evidence of 83

people in the Bible

Extrabiblical evidence of 83 people in the Bible

Does the Christian faith stand

up in our age of science and


John Lennox against the tide in science

Christianity in our age of

science and reason

John Lennox against the tide

Creation Limitations of atheistic creation stories

Creation The dangers of theistic evolution

Creation Questions and answers about Genesis

Creation The historical Adam

Creation Beware of the bias

New Testament topics

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Fear Three types of fear

Birth Andy arrives!

The metaphor of a fight The fight

Death Why does the Bible describe “death” as “sleep”?

Cremation What does the Bible say about cremation?

Heaven What is paradise?

Technological progress A new golden age?

Marriage Does the Bible make contradictory statements about remarriage?

Our purpose in life What are we here for?

How Christ did miracles Did Jesus use any of His divine power when He was on earth?

The Sabbath day What about keeping the Sabbath day?

How to prepare a message Prepare your messages

Unconfessed trespasses What about unconfessed trespasses?

Understanding and applying


Understanding the Bible

Biblical usage of the word


Who is a saint? 22 September 2021 8

New Testament Topic

Title and link

When are children accountable

to God?

Who is accountable to God?

Mother’s day A mother’s influence

Jesus’ bothers changed their

mind about Him

A change of mind

Bible chronology How to read the Bible in chronological order

Roman Catholic error What is the Christian “good news”?

Roman Catholic error What does the Bible say about Mary the mother of Jesus?

Christmas Good news that brings great joy

Backsliding The dangers of backsliding

Temptations Facing temptations

Trials Facing trials

The new heaven and new earth What are the new heaven and new earth like?

Going to heaven Can a person go to heaven if they have not heard about Jesus before

they die?

We are slaves to what we


Slavery and freedom

Contrast between physical &

spiritual life

No hospitals in heaven

Rape Does the Bible condone rape?

Slavery Does the New Testament condone slavery?

Funeral Looking back and looking ahead

Materialism Worshiping materialism

Eyewitnesses Fact or fiction?

Bible How to choose the best Bible

Bible Criticisms of the NIV Bible

Bible Improvements in the NIV Bible between 1984 and 2011 – Part 1

Bible Improvements in the NIV Bible between 1984 and 2011 – Part 2

Grace and mercy I heard a preacher say that grace and mercy are two sides of the same

coin. What did he mean? And was he right?

Perseverance or backsliding Final words

Infant death If an infant dies, do they go to heaven?

The Bible is history, not myth How many witnesses does it take to bust a myth? Paradise The good thief went to “Paradise (Lk. 23:43). Lazarus went to

“Abraham’s bosom” (Lk. 16:22NKJV). Are they two different places?

Are they intermediate heavens or the real thing? And where do Christians

go who die today?

A self-supporting missionary Paul the tent-maker

Heaven I have heard there are seven heavens. How many are there, and which one

is Jesus in?

How the Bible came to us Can we trust our Bibles?

Unconfessed sin If a Christian dies with unconfessed sin, will they go to heaven?

Temptation and free will Did God cause Satan to tempt Adam and Eve so He could send Jesus to

die for their sin?

New year From the Alpha to the Omega

God as creator and sustainer How the universe is held together

Christmas Why Jesus was sent?

Bible Why are some verses missing from certain Bibles?

Sabbath day I went to a church service that was held on Saturday instead of Sunday

and was told that was when we should worship God. What does the Bible

say about this topic? 22 September 2021 9

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Ten commandments I’ve been told that Christians should keep the ten commandments as they

were God’s law and not the law of Moses. Is this true?

The church and the temple The church is like the temple

Bible What makes the Bible so great?

Revival Three Steps to Spiritual Revival

Divine revelation trumps

human ideas

Who invented Christianity?

Purpose of life What’s the purpose of life?

Easter From the cross to the crown

Disasters Where is God when disaster strikes?

New year The New Covenant

Creation, conscience & Jesus Keep eternity in mind

Human spirit and soul The unseen world of the human spirit and soul

The day of the Lord The Day of the Lord. Part 1: The past

The day of the Lord The Day of the Lord. Part 2: The future

Heaven Heaven and hell: What is heaven like?

Hell Heaven and Hell: What is hell like?

Evangelism Hymns in a hospital

Physical & spiritual blessings God’s Blessings

Church family care Caring for our physical and spiritual families

“Agape” love Loving One Another

Liberalism The sin of liberalism

Legalism Recognizing and responding to legalism

Legalism The sin of legalism

Surviving difficult times Sorrow and Joy

Characteristics of a godly


Goals for the local church

Between Christ’s death and


Where was Jesus between His death and resurrection? He told them He

had “not yet returned to His father in heaven” (Jn. 20:17NIV1984) and

He could not have gone to hell, so where was He?

Assurance of salvation How can we be sure of our salvation?

Dreams Can we decipher information about our spirituality from our dreams?

Prayer Why don’t we pray to the Holy Spirit?

Church leadership New Testament Shepherds

Debatable matters What does the New Testament say about Christians getting tattoos?

Angels The Unseen World of Angels

Tattoos What does the Bible say about Christians getting tattoos?

Cultural relevance The local church in a changing world

New year Looking ahead in the New Year

A changing multicultural world Change and diversity

New year What does God want us to remember?

Those touched by Jesus & who

touched Him

A touch of heaven on earth

Heaven A place for you

The peace process Peace, Reconciliation and Unity

Culture Overcoming the barriers of language and culture

Singing Let’s Sing!

Preaching and teaching Illustrate Your Messages

God’s love for people God Loves People More Than Anything

Olympic games Go for the gold!

False teachers Recognizing False Teachers 22 September 2021 10

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Post-modernism What is post-modernism and how should Christians respond to it?

Post-modernism Living in a postmodern world

Senior pastors Was James the Senior Pastor of the church at Jerusalem?

Sins Our church often makes reference to the 7 deadly sins. What are they?

Why are they called deadly? What does the Bible say about them?

Essentials of the Christian faith Philip Melanchthon, Martin Luther’s advisor in the Reformation, is the

one who first said, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all

things charity”. What are the essentials and non-essentials he was

talking about?

Healing Does God heal all our sicknesses? Part 1

Healing Does God heal all our sicknesses? Part 2

Evangelism Boats and bicycles

Disagreements Dealing with disagreements

Christ’s sacrifice Once for all

God’s promises God’s great and precious promises

Christmas Jesus, what a beautiful name

Prophecy An outline of future events

Authorities The Bible teaches us to submit to various authorities. But what if an

authority makes a law that requires us to disobey God?

Morning Star Is the Morning Star in the Bible Jesus Christ or Satan?

Deliverance ministry What is a deliverance ministry? Is it scriptural? Should I get involved?

Christmas Putting Christmas In Context

Pleasing God Pleasing God

Breaking of bread Was the “breaking of bread” – mentioned in Acts 2:42, 2:46 and Acts

20:7, 20:11 – the Lord’s Supper or a shared meal?

Trials Encouragement for Difficult Times

The word “bless” Is it right to sing a song that says “I will bless the Lord”? Isn’t it God who

blesses us?

Christmas Why do Christians celebrate Christmas, when everybody knows it is

pagan in origin, tradition and most of its practices?

The trinity What is the Trinity doing today for the believer?

God’s love Tough love: Boundaries and consequences

Bible Why doesn’t the Bible record Christ’s entire life?

Shepherds and sheep The Good Shepherd

Wealth Does God Want Us To Be Rich? Part 1

Wealth Does God Want Us To Be Rich? Part 2

Wealth Does God Want Us To Be Rich? Part 3

Domestic violence Recognizing Domestic Oppression

New year An Exciting Vision For The New Year

Christmas God Has A Gift For You!

Addiction Get Outside Help!

Bible Why read the Bible?

Pain and disease Why does God allow pain and disease?

Father’s day Fathers And Their Children

Miracles A video entitled “Raised From The Dead” claims to be a 21st-century

miracle resurrection story. Is it true?

Easter The Raven And The Kookaburra

Evil Why does God, who hates evil, allow evil to exist in the world?

God How can we know that God exists?

Parenting Parenting Teens

Faithful women Faithful Followers Of Jesus

God doesn’t forget Always Remembered 22 September 2021 11

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Peace Peace In A War Zone

Demons The Unseen World Of Demons

Worship Worship Like The Thankful Samaritan

Christmas El Niño: How Will It Affect You?

Discipleship Discipleship: Passing The Baton

Satan Satan. Part 1: Knowing Our Enemy

Satan Satan. Part 2: Knowing His Strategies

Examples What Happens If We Reject The Creator? Part 1

Consequences What Happens If We Reject The Creator? Part 2

Renewal A New Start

Christian character SAFETY FIRST: Protecting Yourself From Danger

The divine nature Participating In The Divine Nature

Idols Dangerous Gods

God as a shepherd The Good Shepherd Is Always Near

Christ’s incarnation & death From The Cradle To The Cross

Preaching and teaching Target Your Messages

God’s rescues Four Great Rescues

Easter Good News From The Cemetery

New year Refresh Your Mind

Christmas When God Lived On Earth

Olympic games Olympic Memories – ONE YEAR LATER

Evolution The Idol Of Evolution: Part 1

Evolution The Idol Of Evolution: Part 2

God’s judgment The Consequences Of Four Major Disasters

Christmas The Christmas Spirit: Peace And Joy


Olympic games How To Be A WINNER In The BIG RACE

Conscience Keeping A Clear Conscience

Trials Prayer And Praise In Times Of Trouble

Marriage Three Commitments For Married Life

Heaven An Open Heaven

Materialism Living In A Material World

Principles and practices Practicing Scriptural Principles

Trials What’s The Use Of Trials?

Heaven Hope For The Future

Marriage Responsibilities in a Christian Marriage

Christmas There are two advents: He’s coming again! Our purpose in life Something to live for

Easter Innocent man executed and terrorist released!

Introduction to Christianity How to choose the best introduction to Christianity

Fear Go(o)d fear and bad fear

The gospel Good news and bad news

Writing a better blog post A well-written blog post

The Sabbath What does the New Testament say about the Sabbath?

Christmas Bethlehem, God’s solution to our crises

Why the temple is obsolete What happened to the temple?

New Year Anno Domini 2016!

Gender roles Gender roles in the family and the church

Gospel May we go in there?

Jesus On what day did Jesus die?

Jesus Apocalyptic imagery: Batman versus Superman in “Dawn of Justice” 22 September 2021 12

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Gospel You’ve got to enjoy life Gospel Looking for spiritual answers Gospel The world’s most testable religion

Women The role of women in the church Holy Spirit What’s the Holy Spirit like?

Christian living Strong and weak spiritual foundations

Environmentalism Environmentalism: Idolatry or stewardship?

The prize An Olympic athlete

Satan and demons Where are Satan and demons?

Sabbath day The Sabbath day difference between Jesus and Paul

Old and new covenants Why the new covenant is better

Christmas True Christmas: Sacrifice and celebration

Christmas Joy to the world

Reliability of the NT Is the New Testament reliable?

New Year Whatever happen

Reliability of the NT Mind the gap

Babylon Babylon, center of humanism and materialism

IVF The ethics of IVF

Sabbath keeping Is insistence on Sabbath-keeping legalism?

Homosexual marriage Same-sex marriage

Christian foundations of society The Canberra Declaration

Church government Collective decision-making

Homosexual marriage Gender and marriage

Homosexual marriage Jesus and marriage

Sexual ethics Nashville statement on marriage and sexuality

Homosexual marriage Marriage equality

100 key Bible passages The essential 100 challenge God’s existence Evidence for God’s existence

Christmas When Santa learned the gospel Christmas The strange sign

Christianity Basic Christianity

Church leadership How to be a godly leader

Children Leading children

Easter When death was arrested

God’s will Why is it important to know God’s will?

God’s will How to find God’s will Spiritual life Rebooting ourselves

The Bible Don’t forget to remember!

Working together Teamwork

The Bible Do we have the right Bible?

The abyss Sampling the abyss

Gospel The journey and the destination

Women Preventing violence against women

Gender Gender confusion

The Lord’s Supper The other Christian logo

Old age Old age and dementia

Our purpose Making a difference

Heaven Human destinies: heaven

Hell Human destinies: Hell

Gospel Many ways to present the message about Jesus

Gospel Incredible stories 22 September 2021 13

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Gospel Is faith bind?

Christmas Santa with us

Gospel God’s good news

Extra-biblical history Ancient history confirms biblical characters

Persecution Pattern of persecution

Jesus God’s greatest promise

Jesus Search for the real Jesus

Gospel Steps to peace with God

Glorification Good times ahead

Persecution of Christians Selective tolerance

Persecution of Christians Is the Bible hate speech because it's not inclusive?

Persecution of Christians Protection of religious freedom

Persecution of Christians More discrimination against Israel Folau

Church Why go to church?

Miracles Are miracles scientific?

Forgiveness The benefits of forgiveness

The Trinity Conversation on the Trinity The Bible Conversation on the Bible

God Conversation on God

Christianity What I like about Christianity

Gospel Endless weeding

Bible translation Can Greek be translated into English?

The Lord’s supper Until Jesus returns

Climate change What about climate change?

Christmas 3 explanations of the origin of the date of Christmas

Anxiety How to overcome anxiety

The Bible A new Bible timeline

The Bible Une nouvelle chronologie biblique

False ideas Misleading fire maps

Jesus Remembering Jesus

COVID-19 A new harmful mutated virus

The Bible The telephone game

Managing conflict How to be a peacemaker

COVID-19 Three lessons from COVID-19

COVID-19 Grief and loss during the shutdown

COVID-19 Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut COVID-19 Crazy times!

The gospel what does faith

COVID-19 Entertainment trumps worship

God Memory loss

Atheism Atheism and science

Science God and science

Climate A robust climate?

Biological evolution Biology doesn't support the idea of biological evolution

Biological evolution Paleoanthropology doesn't support the idea of biological evolution

Biological evolution Genetics doesn't support the idea of biological evolution

Biological evolution Is the theory of biological evolution science or history?

Children Investing in the next generation

Climate Is there a climate crisis?

Climate The real climate change

The Bible Read the Bible in one year 22 September 2021 14

New Testament Topic

Title and link

Discipleship Following Jesus: Our purposes

Discipleship Following Jesus: Our resources

Discipleship Following Jesus: Our obedience

Gospel Outsiders became insiders at Damascus

The Church Building the church – Acts 1-12

Extrabiblical evidence of six


Extrabiblical evidence of six Jews in the New Testament

Extrabiblical evidence of 83

people in the Bible

Extrabiblical evidence of 83 people in the Bible

Consciousness and suffering John Lennox against the tide in suffering

God and history John Lennox against the tide in history

Christianity in our age of

science and reason

John Lennox against the tide

Christ’s death Crown of thorns

Prayer Why pray in trials and difficult times?

Prayer 12 reasons God is not like a genie

Sin Making sin look normal The gospel The gospel in one Bible verse

Vaccinations What does the Bible say about Christians getting vaccinations?

Death and the afterlife Where is Grannie?

Other religions


Title and link

Islam Basic Islam

Islam Islamic prayer

Islam Testing Islam

Islam Monolingual Islam

Hinduism Basic Hinduism

Hinduism Testing Hinduism

Buddhism Basic Buddhism

Buddhism Testing Buddhism

Posts by Outreach Media and by Guest Authors are not included in this index or the Chronological Index. But they are

in the Category Index.

End Scripture Index

Updated September 2021