script writing

THE COURTSHIP OF DODONG By Julius Rey Custodio LIB 3B INDAY, a pretty 15-year-old came out from the front door of their house holding with her smartphone in one hand and a love story book in the other. She sits on a bench under the tree, which is located in the left side of their house. TINTIN, 14 years of age, with wide cute face, sits beside INDAY while looking at the former checking her Facebook newsfeeds on her phone. In another scenario, there’s BONGBONG, a 17-year-old rude boy doing his stuff which is selling fire crackers illegally. Across where BONGBONG is seen are NENE, 15, and MIKMIK, also 15, sit and watch BONGBONG at work. MIKMIK What do you think of him? NENE He’s good looking. He got a nice nose, fair skin, and nice hair style. I love his lips, and the way he smiles. He’s really cute. MIKMIK But he’s rude, and doing some work which is prohibited by law. NENE I know. And he got bad reputation in school as well. Always involve in troubles. MIKMIK You said before that he got a nice body structure. NENE I did. And he’s tall. Taller than both of us. MIKMIK Are we of the same age? NENE No. I think he’s almost 18. Older than us. MIKMIK You want to be his friend? NENE Hmm maybe. But how? Back to INDAY: TINTIN

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Script Writing


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By Julius Rey CustodioLIB 3B

INDAY, a pretty 15-year-old came out from the front door of their house holding with her smartphone in one hand and a love story book in the other. She sits on a bench under the tree, which is located in the left side of their house. TINTIN, 14 years of age, with wide cute face, sits beside INDAY while looking at the former checking her Facebook newsfeeds on her phone.

In another scenario, there’s BONGBONG, a 17-year-old rude boy doing his stuff which is selling fire crackers illegally.

Across where BONGBONG is seen are NENE, 15, and MIKMIK, also 15, sit and watch BONGBONG at work.

MIKMIK What do you think of him?

NENE He’s good looking. He got a nice nose, fair skin, and nice hair style. I love his lips, and the way he smiles. He’s really cute.

MIKMIK But he’s rude, and doing some work which is prohibited by law.

NENE I know. And he got bad reputation in school as well. Always involve in troubles.

MIKMIK You said before that he got a nice body structure.

NENE I did. And he’s tall. Taller than both of us.

MIKMIK Are we of the same age?

NENE No. I think he’s almost 18. Older than us.

MIKMIK You want to be his friend?

NENE Hmm maybe. But how?

Back to INDAY:

TINTIN You haven’t moved on yet, do you?

INDAY Maybe. I still think of him sometimes.

DODONG, an agressive16-year old boy who likes INDAY too much is crossing the street.

DODONG Hello girls, what are you doing here?

He shifted his attention to INDAY.


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You look prettier today, INDAY.

INDAY ignores him.

TINTIN Hi DODONG, where are you going?

DODONG (To INDAY) You’re always ignoring me.


NENE approaches BONGBONG when he stops nearby. NENE is a bit shy to say Hi, but she still calls over BONGBONG. He acknowledges by saying Hello. He makes sure that no one is noticing them in that gesture. He makes a signal for NENE to follow him. He starts the engine of his motorcycle, and leaves NENE standing. She follows him.

DODONG looks to INDAY angrily, but says nothing. INDAY appears to be busy checking her phone.

DODONG INDAY, you will just ignore me here forever?

INDAY You are always annoying me. Always! Why don’t you leave me alone?!

DODONG Why don’t you talk to me? If you keep on ignoring me, I’ll swear, I’ll spoil a little secret about you!

INDAY just ignored what DODONG have said, and continues checking her phone.

TINTIN silently observes the exchanges of words between the two.


TORTOR, shy-type 16-year-old with short but nice hair, is lying under the sun near the park. He is sweating and wears no shirt. He breaths heavily, and seems tired.

CARCAR is walking, talking to himself.

CARCAR I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!

CARCAR sees TORTOR lying under the sun in the park. He sits on a bench not far from TORTOR.

CARCAR TOR, what are you doing there? Come here fast!

CARCAR Hey TOR, can’t you hear me?


TORTOR lifts his head to check who’s calling him.

CARCAR Stand up and come here fast!


CARCAR I’ll tell you a little secret.

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TORTOR I’m relaxing here. I’ll come with you later, maybe.

TORTOR goes back to his position.

CARCAR No, come here now. I’ll go home in a while.

TORTOR I’m tired.

CARCAR You’re always tired.

TORTOR I am very tired.

CARCAR Let’s go swimming later. What do you think?

TORTOR I thought you’re going home in a while?

CARCAR Nah. I was just persuading you to come over here.

TORTOR Let me think about it. hmmm.

CARCAR Think fast! You can relax in the pool.

TORTOR stands up and come to sit with CARCAR. The two continue talking.

CARCAR So let’s go? Let’s find some pretty girls there!

TORTOR (Interested)We’ll find pretty girls there?

CARCAR Of course we will! Its summer time and I’m sure pretty girls go swimming, hang out with their friends, and willing to meet guys like us! Surely, we’ll have fun there! So, what do you think now?

TORTOR Okay, let’s go!

The boys now walking in the direction going to Umpisa Villa, the pool near the park.

TORTOR Do you know some girls there?

CARCAR Yes, sure! I am sure Nadine, Kathryn, and Bebe Lara are there!

TORTOR Hmm, I only knew Bebe Lara. He’s a friend of another friend in school. But, she’s not that pretty!

CARCAR She’s okay, and besides you’re just lying under the sun, doing nothing. If we go there, atleast we’ll meet new girls, and make new friends! Better than just lying under the sun!

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TORTOR stops walking.

TORTOR Can we go to another place? You know some other place where pretty girls hang out?

CARCAR Hmm, how about we go to Serebye?

TORTOR Okay, Serebye is a good place. I’ve been there last summer, and yes I saw lots of pretty girls there.

CARCAR (Excited)That’s cool dude!

The two boys continue walking. They pass by CARCAR’s cousin TOTOY. They converse for a few minutes, then heads up to Serebye.


TORTOR and CARCAR stand on line of people near the gate. The guards check each and every guest before entering the premises.


They’re now inside the Serebye premises. As they continue to walk, they observe that there are plenty of pretty girls there.

INDAY and TINTIN are sitting near the pool side. INDAY is busy updating here Facebook status, while TINTIN talks.

INDAY (Pointing her finger to someone)You know that girl TIN?

TINTIN looks across the pool trying to see who INDAY is pointing.

INDAY (Pointing to a guy)And that feeling handsome guy, he’s a player, but does no good in school. He was a classmate in my first grade.

CARCAR steps in front of INDAY and TINTIN. He interrupts their conversation.

CARCAR Hi INDAY! You’re here also!

They bump fists as a gesture of welcoming one another.

CARCAR (To TORTOR) INDAY is TOTO’s first cousin.

TORTOR TOTO from Sitio Sancho?

CARCAR No, from Sitio Chosan.

A girl from the pool calls the attention of CARCAR.

BEBE GERLCARCAR! CARCAR, you’re here! Come here!

CARCAR (To TORTOR) I’ll talk to a friend. I’ll be right back.

CARCAR leaves TORTOR to INDAY and TINTIN. TORTOR looks uncomfortable with the two girls.

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INDAY What’s your name?


INDAY raises her left eyebrow and talks to TINTIN.

INDAY(To TINTIN while pointing her lips to the guy who pass by in front of them)

That guy I was telling you earlier.

INDAY tells TORTOR to move a little because she can’t see the guy she’s telling to with TINTIN.

INDAY sees BONGBONG and NENE in the distance.

INDAY What’s your name again?




INDAY turns to TINTIN and continues talking to her.

TORTOR I will leave now to find CARCAR.

In another area of Serebye, BONGBONG is doing an impression of The Incredible Hulk, doing funny facial expressions and flexing his body. DODOY and BITOY look on.

BITOY is laughing at BONGBONG. NENE and MIKMIK stand close by watching.

NENE You are funny.

BONGBONG ignores her.

NENE I said you’re a fun guy to be with.

BONGBONG I’m sorry?

NENE Why you’re ignoring me BONG?


NENE Yes you are! Can we atleast talk?

BONGBONG What for?

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BONGBONG continues doing the Incredible Hulk imitations while his friends are laughing so loud.

NENE You know I like you. And I see some positive things in you. Or maybe I am too blind to see your rudeness because I like you so much?

BONGBONG Why don’t you answer that yourself?!

NENE Will you please treat me with a little respect? Or a little politeness when you’re talking to me will do. Please?

BONGBONG (Facing to his friends)Now she’s telling me on how I should answer her.

NENE You’re being rude, and insensitive. Maybe should’ve not told you that I like you.

BONGBONG Why don’t you leave now?! You’re wasting my time!

MIKMIK walks up to NENE and tells her that they should leave now.

BONGBONG That poor girl!


TORTOR and CARCAR go swimming. They’re playing in the pool: one squirts water through his lips.


DODONG and INDAY have been in disagreement. TINTIN is quietly sitting as if not seeing nor hearing the two arguing.

DODONG Why can’t you be with me?

INDAY Why don’t you leave now?

DODONG Why don’t you tell me that you also like me?

DODONG grabs her arm.

INDAY Hey, you have too much confident in yourself! Leave me alone! You’re harassing me!

INDAY walks away from DODONG. She sees CARCAR with TORTOR from nearby.


TORTOR turns around to INDAY.

INDAY What are you doing?

TORTOR I’m enjoying the water. Are you okay?


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Yes, I’m fine.

INDAY hears DODONG calling her name.

INDAY (to DODONG)Leave me alone!

INDAY asks TORTOR if he can accompany her to buy some food. TORTOR agreed, and the two walks away from DODONG, ignoring the latter.

INDAY Excuse us.

INDAY gives DODONG a snobbish grin.


INDAY That guy name is DODONG. He is overly confident of himself, and forced me to be his girl. I don’t like him!

TORTORI can sense that. Just be calm. Okay?


The two eat pineapple pie, and drink smoothie.


TORTOR Hey CAR, how are you dude?

CARCAR Hey, I’m fine. Are you heading to somewhere?

TORTOR No, can we talk? I need some information from you.

CARCAR What for?

TORTOR You remember INDAY? The girl from the pool a week ago?


TORTOR INDAY, TOTO’s first cousin. Remember?

CARCAR TOTO from Sitio Sancho?

TORTOR No! TOTO from Sitio Chosan.

CARCAR The one with bad hair?

TORTOR No! You’re playing with me. The one you bumped your fist with. Do you know here address?

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CARCAR You may want to ask TOTO?

TORTOR Why don’t you tell me now? I knew you have her address.

CARCAR (Teasing TORTOR)You’re in love with her? haha!

TORTOR No! I need to give her something.

CARCAR That’s why you’re asking? I’m not sure. I think she lives near San Agustin.

TORTOR Which side of San Agustin?

CARCAR I think near Delgado Street.

TORTORAre you sure about that?

CARCARI am not sure. But why don’t you ask around? I give you the information that might help.

CARCAR walks away from TORTOR, and talks to himself again.

TORTOR starts walking off to the direction of Delgado Street.


NENE and MIKMIK are standing in front of the former’s house.

MIKMIK Dance with me NE, let’s do the twerk dance!

NENE Is this the correct way to do it?

MIKMIK You got it girl!

NENE twerks hoping that BONGBONG will notice her.

MIKMIK I don't think he's watching.


BONGBONG sits on a bench across the street from MIKMIK and NENE.

BONGBONG Hey TOR, you want some stuff?


BONGBONGThe price worth the quality. Really good dude!


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I’m not interested.


TORTOR continues walking.

TORTOR sees TINTIN sitting in a bench at the side of INDAY’s house. TINTIN is ignoring him while he’s trying to ask some questions.

BONGBONG watches from the distance.

TORTOR Hey, can’t you hear me? Do you know INDAY from here?


TORTOR You sure?

TINTIN Positive.

TORTOR Wait, you’re with here last week right? In Serebye?


TORTOR I am sure, it was you! You must know where she lives.

TINTIN I don’t know any girl named INDAY.

TORTOR Maybe you’re thinking that I am one of those guys who is interested with her. I can assure you, I’m not.

A pause.

TINTIN Maybe. What do you want with her anyway?

TORTOR Now that’s a response.

TINTIN What do you want from her?

TORTOR I need to give her something.

TINTIN What is that something?

TORTOR I can’t tell you.

TINTIN I’m sorry. But I don’t know the person you’re looking for.

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DODONG approaches TORTOR after recognizing him.

DODONG I know you!

TORTOR doesn't answer.

DODONG From the pool last week!


DODONG You with INDAY! You with my girl!


DODONG I said you were with my girl last week! What are you doing here? You looking for her?


DODONG You really are pissing me off! You better go home, or me and my boys will beat you!

TORTOR Calm down. I’m not here for trouble.

DODONG Then you better move your feet from here. Go home!

TORTOR ignores him.

DODONG What are you waiting for?

TORTOR rounds the corner and sits down on the sidewalk.

TORTOR(to himself)I’m going to beat this guy.

BONGBONG is sitting from the distance while drinking a bottle of coke.


TORTOR is still sitting on the sidewalk around the corner.

TATA walks by him.

TORTOR Hey, you live here? Do you know a girl named INDAY?

TATA nods.

TORTOR Hey, where are you going?

TORTOR starts to follow TATA.


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Please wait! Hey!

TATA goes to the direction of INDAY’s house, entering the backdoor while TORTOR follows him. They see TINTIN.

TINTIN INDAY's not back yet

TORTOR runs his fingers through his hair.

TINTIN (With her eyes lowered) How's DODONG?

TORTOR doesn't respond.

TINTIN (to TORTOR) So, do you like her?


TINTIN So, then what do you want with her?

TORTOR stands up to leave.

TINTIN Hey! You want to hang out with me?

TORTOR Not really.

TINTIN Okay. How did you know INDAY?

TORTOR Remember last week?

TINTIN Yes, okay.

TORTOR You alright?

TINTIN You have a girlfriend?


TINTIN You want to be my boyfriend?

TORTOR doesn't respond. A moment passes.

TINTIN We both don’t like DODONG. I know how to get him back if you want.


TINTIN's eyes drop down to the ground.

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She quietly begins to cry. She holds her face in her hands. Fake tears.

TORTOR What's the matter? Are you okay?


BONGBONG (to TORTOR) What happened!

BONGBONG grabs TORTOR's arm tightly.

BONGBONG (Angrily) What happened?

TINTIN interrupts.


BONGBONG What? He hit you?

She sobs and nods “Yes..”

BONGBONG scoops her up onto his shoulder and grabs TORTOR by the arm.

BONGBONG marches them all up to confront DODONG.

DODONG sees the three of them approaching. He raises his arm and points a finger at TORTOR.

DODONG (to TORTOR) I thought I told you to go home!

BONGBONG speeds up as he approaches DODONG.

BONGBONG You hit my sister?

TINTIN sobs in BONGBONG's arms as he puts her down. BONGBONG releases TORTOR's sleeve.

BONGBONG hits DODONG in the face. DODONG falls. BONGBONG turns and finds TORTOR turning away.

BONGBONG (to TORTOR) Get over here!

TORTOR turns back towards the action. Holding DODONG against a wall, he pulls TORTOR near.

BONGBONG (to DODONG) Who told you to touch my sister?

DODONG I did not!

DODONG is pinned against the wall. He tries to free himself of BONGBONG but he is no match.

DODONG I didn't do anything! What are you talking about?!

DODONG struggles. BONGBONG looks to TORTOR.


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Did you see him?

TINTIN turns her head to TORTOR. She wipes the tears from her eyes.



BONGBONG punches DODONG in the stomach. DODONG doubles over.


It is a quiet late afternoon. INDAY is sitting on a bench near their house. TORTOR approaches her. They went inside the house.

INDAY You were looking for me?

TORTOR Yes, you left your book last week in the pool. I intend to return this to you.

INDAY You’re a good guy?

TORTOR Am I? You know I like you.


TORTOR Really, I like you. I’m not a player just like somebody else. Maybe you left the book so we’ll see each other again. Destiny they say. Do you think so?

INDAY I’m not sure. So where's CARCAR?

TORTOR Maybe home.

TORTOR sits down.


TORTOR I really wanted to see you.

A pause.

INDAY But maybe you already have a girlfriend?

TORTOR I don’t have one. Seriously.


TORTOR You got a boyfriend?

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INDAY Me? No. Don't want one either.

A pause.

INDAY gets up and walks away. TORTOR quickly follows.

INDAY walks through the half-open fence and leans flat against the wall. TORTOR stands close by, nervously.He keeps his distance from her.

INDAYYou said you like me?


INDAYYou’re a good guy. I can sense it. I can feel it.

TORTORWhy don’t we hang out sometimes?

INDAYLet me think about it.

The door suddenly opens. Both are shocked.

DODONG enters the house holding a knife with his right hand. He is angry. Very angry. And in the act of stabbing TORTOR.


DODONG stabs TORTOR. INDAY tries to stop her, and he is losing his mind, and even stabs INDAY. Blood flows on the floor.