script (rought draft)

Script. Scene One. Open with a looming shot of a car, driving down the winding and isolated roads moving deeper and deeper into the rolling woods. Vibrant reds and yellow leaves blanket the landscape of steep hills and thick forest. The shot focuses in on two couples riding in the car. The couple sitting in the back seat, THOMAS and ALLI, are noticeably uncomfortable. They peer out their respective windows away from one another. Watching the sun spots and scenery as the car twists and turns down the road. JULIA and ADAM, the couple sitting the the front of the car, can clearly sense the tension between their friends. Their unsure to the reason, but it’s very palpable. Adam (Leans over and quietly says “Tell me if you can tell me what this is.” Adam changes the music on the radio as the scene is engulfed in a vibrant trumpet lead jazz song. Julia “Hmmmm... I love this song.” Adam “Do you know it?” Julia “It’s Miles Davis.” Adam just smiles, as they go around another turn getting deeper and deeper into the woods. Julia “This song sounds like fall.” She says as she gazes out the window basking in the shuttering shadows of passing trees in the sun. The car enters a clearing as the come upon an old cabin and barn. Isolated from any noticeable population. They come to a stop and begin to unload their luggage. Alli and Thomas meekly move around each other, rigid and uncomfortable. The couples leisurely walk to the cabin passing under a tall and looming porch that casts a shadow beneath. Adam pulls out the keys and unlocks the door as they enter the cabin.

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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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The first draft of our untitled final project.


Page 1: Script (rought draft)


Scene One.

Open with a looming shot of a car, driving down the winding and isolated roads moving deeper and deeper into the rolling woods. Vibrant reds and yellow leaves

blanket the landscape of steep hills and thick forest.

The shot focuses in on two couples riding in the car. The couple sitting in the back seat, THOMAS and ALLI, are noticeably uncomfortable. They peer out their respective windows away from one another. Watching the sun spots and scenery as the car twists and turns down the road.

JULIA and ADAM, the couple sitting the the front of the car, can clearly sense the tension between their friends. Their unsure to the reason, but it’s very palpable. Adam

(Leans over and quietly says “Tell me if you can tell me what this is.” Adam changes the music on the radio as the scene is engulfed in a vibrant trumpet lead jazz song. Julia “Hmmmm... I love this song.”

Adam “Do you know it?” Julia “It’s Miles Davis.” Adam just smiles, as they go around another turn getting deeper and deeper into the woods. Julia “This song sounds like fall.” She says as she gazes out the window basking in the shuttering shadows of passing trees in the sun.

The car enters a clearing as the come upon an old cabin and barn. Isolated from any noticeable population. They come to a stop and begin to unload their luggage. Alli and Thomas meekly move around each other, rigid and uncomfortable. The couples leisurely walk to the cabin passing under a tall and looming porch that casts a shadow beneath. Adam pulls out the keys and unlocks the door as they enter the cabin.

Page 2: Script (rought draft)

Scene 2. Alli quickly puts down her suitcase and quickly walks into the kitchen. Adam and Julia look at Thomas inquisitively. Thomas “I don’t know…. I don’t know. I’ll just, I’ll talk to you guys later, okay? Adam “Let’s go unpack, okay?” He says under his breath, hinting at heading upstairs.

Thomas slowly and softly walk over towards the kitchen. His face reads upset and doubtful. He peers in the door way of the kitchen noticeably down trodden. He finds Alli sitting, hunched, with elbows on the dinner table. She’s smoking a cigarette and is noticeably distraught and contemplative in the mostly clutter free room. He stands there staring for a moment reflecting. He watches the rings of smoke shine through the light creeping up her dark hair, as she still sits in silence.

Thomas turns and walks through the hall back out the front door. He stands on the porch in the sun and takes a deep breath. He reaches into his jacked pocket and removes a pack of cigarettes. He lights one and stares into the forest. He notices a brightly colored and warn barn next to the house. He steps off the porch and begins to walk over, feeling the brisk fall breeze through his coat. There is an axe protruding from a tree stump, located next to the barn. He slowly enters and looks around at old machinery and tools scatterd across the shelves, old tables and

floors. He attempts to turn the light on but it’s rusted bulb merely flickers. He exits the barn and walks over to the car and positions himself and sits on the back of the vehicle. He leans against the rear mirror and continues to smoke his cigarette. Scene 3.

Page 3: Script (rought draft)

Julia and Adam upstairs, luggage open and strewn, lay in rustled sheets. They are curled close to one another, Julia happily clinging to Adam, as they pass a joint between the two of them.

Adam, taking a drag, ever so slightly turns his head.


“So, when I was little we used to come out here with my family, and hike and build fires and shit.”

He Exhales the smoke from his lungs.

“And I hated it, Every time I hated it . I was far

away from everyone I knew, theres no tv, theres no telephone, theres nothing because were in the middle of fucking no where. But there was this time; I was probably like seven or eight, real young. And it was sunrise one of those mornings. There was like this thick fog outside just blanketing everything, you couldn’t see shit. And I looked out the window, and through all the fog I saw my dad. He was just standing there staring into the woods. It had to be like six am or some rediculious time. I didn’t know what the fuck he was doing out there. But it seemed really fucking weird, ya’ know. Anyways, I had this bright red sweater that I always wore, I took it everywhere, school, soccer practice, bed, everywhere. So I grabbed my sweater and went to go see what the fuck he was

doing out there. Well, I get out there and I start walking over to him, the yard felt like forever, like when your five and the walk to the bed seems like a mile. So im walking over there, And he just disappears into the woods. I tried to follow him, I started calling his name, just trying to keep up but I could only catch glimpses of him . He didn’t answer me, he didn’t turn around, he just kept moving. And then I couldn’t see him at all. He was just swallowed in the fog. So I was standing there, in the fog and woods, alone. Just calling him. You know that feeling, when your stomach and shoulders tense up. And you get those warm pins that like climb up your neck to your skull? Like you can just feel something is wrong? Well I start getting those little pins, like it felt like

something was watching me in the woods, I could practically feel it breathing on me. So I just ran. I ran all the way back to the cabin, I was so fucking scared, Jesus Christ. That was by far the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life. The weirdest part though, and the reason I remember it so clearly, is I ran back to the cabin and i come flying in through the front door. And my dad is already inside, sitting there at the table, just smoking a cig and reading a book.

Page 4: Script (rought draft)

See, he said he was never out in the woods that day, he

said he hadn’t even left the cabin that morning. So I don’t know. My Mom used to tell me it was just a dream. Julia “When I was young, when I would have nightmares, my mom would always come in and she’d sit on my bed. And she would always say “dreams, you know, are what you wake up from.” (There is a long pause). ADAM I lost that red sweater though, I never found it. I

would swear I lost it in the woods that morning.” Julia “Your so full of shit.” Adam rolls over and kisses Julia. They begin to laugh hysterically as Adam begins tickling Julia. The laughter is loud echoing through the halls. Scene 4 Adam enters the front door returning from his cigarette still very contemplative. He slowly walks through the living room of the old cabin. The stairs and floors creak ominously and sporadically as the sounds of Adam

and Julia are heard through the old wooden floors. From Thomas’s perspective the sounds of laughter are almost indistinguishable from screams of horror because they have been muffled by the walls.