
1 EXT. WAL-MART – DAY 1 A Ford pick-up truck pulls into the parking lot of the Wal-Mart. Out of the car steps a large burly construction worker, TOM NELSON. He pulls out a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes and lights one up as he starts walking towards the store. While moving through the parking lot Tom scans left and right and nods at every pretty girl he sees in a nonchalant manner. Tom sees a particularly attractive girl cross his path. TOM NELSON Hey girl! How do you feel about givin’ your name and number to a good lookin’ old man like myself? RANDOM CUSTOMER UGH! NO! Leave me alone! (Car door slams) TOM NELSON (Chuckle) Man, could I be doing wrong? I’m a middle aged single father just looking for a nice conversation… As Tom enters the Wal-Mart, he passes by the greeter, giving her a wink, only to be answered with a slap on the face. 2 INT. WAL-MART – DAY 2 Tom begins to wander around the various aisles picking up things off the shelves and placing them in his cart. Tom eventually makes his way over to the toy aisle where he starts picking up and inspecting various Barbie dolls. To his immediate left there is a very attractive woman, LIN LEE, who Tom happens to notice picking up various G.I. Joe action figures. LIN LEE Couldn’t wait until Christmas to get the new Beach Babe Barbie? TOM NELSON Ha, something like that… I see you’re in the same boat with that Snake Eye you’ve got there. LIN LEE I wish! Unfortunately this isn’t for me; it’s my son’s birthday tomorrow.

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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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This is a script for our movie


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1 EXT. WAL-MART – DAY 1 A Ford pick-up truck pulls into the parking lot of the Wal-Mart. Out of the car steps a large burly construction worker, TOM NELSON. He pulls out a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes and lights one up as he starts walking towards the store. While moving through the parking lot Tom scans left and right and nods at every pretty girl he sees in a nonchalant manner. Tom sees a particularly attractive girl cross his path.

TOM NELSON Hey girl! How do you feel about givin’ your name and

number to a good lookin’ old man like myself?

RANDOM CUSTOMER UGH! NO! Leave me alone! (Car door slams) TOM NELSON (Chuckle)

Man, could I be doing wrong? I’m a middle aged single father just looking for a nice conversation…

As Tom enters the Wal-Mart, he passes by the greeter, giving her

a wink, only to be answered with a slap on the face. 2 INT. WAL-MART – DAY 2

Tom begins to wander around the various aisles picking up things off the shelves and placing them in his cart. Tom eventually makes his way over to the toy aisle where he starts picking up and inspecting various Barbie dolls. To his immediate left there is a very attractive woman, LIN LEE, who Tom happens to notice picking up various G.I. Joe action figures.


Couldn’t wait until Christmas to get the new Beach Babe Barbie?

TOM NELSON Ha, something like that… I see you’re in the same boat

with that Snake Eye you’ve got there.

LIN LEE I wish! Unfortunately this isn’t for me; it’s my

son’s birthday tomorrow.

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TOM NELSON No kidding, we really are in the same boat.


So you’re here buying Beach Babe Barbie for your son eh?


Nah, it’s for my little girls 7th birthday. This really use to be easier when the doll decisions were left up to the old woman.

LIN LEE Grandma?


LIN LEE I’m sorry

TOM NELSON Don’t worry about it. It was for the best, you live

and ya learn.

LIN LEE I understand, my ex was a dumb shit and I have no

regrets about leaving his ass.

TOM NELSON Single mother?

(Lin Lee nods) I’m Tom by the way. And you are…?

LIN LEE Lin, it’s nice to meet another person in the same

situation as me. Sometimes I feel like no one else understands what we have to deal with.


I feel ya.


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We are presented with a shot of a cashier bored waiting for some customers to come through his line. There is a rumble from beneath his feet that catches him off guard. He looks at his water and notices many ripples in his drink. The rumbling grows stronger. Lin and Tom, now just chatting in the home improvement aisle while finishing their shopping. The shelves start rattling intensely. A plate is rattling so much that it makes its way to the edge of the shelf and falls off.

TOM NELSON Shit! What was that? LIN LEE I don’t know! It felt like a small earthquake.

At this point, the lights begin to flicker. The rumbling comes back again, but this time even more strong. More plates and glasses fall of the shelf shattering everywhere.

TOM NELSON We need to get somewhere safe right now! Come with

me. Tom and Lin run to the bathroom, at the front of the store, and grab onto the stall doors that are bolted into the ground. The lights now shut off completely. The rumbling now turns to an enormous shake. Lin starts crying.

LIN LEE Jessie! I got to get back to him. I can’t die here! TOM NELSON

Don’t worry, we’re gonna get out of here alive whether you want to or not.

Tom grabs Lin and tries to comfort her and calm her down. The emergency backup lights now go off. The whole store is shaking and now starts to tip to one side. In the store we see some of the temporary shelving units slide towards one end of the store, along with many customers who didn’t get the chance to grab onto anything solid. All the emergency lights now shut off and the building now feels like it is starting to slide downhill. The wall of the the store now crashes into the something hard and the building comes to a stop.

4 INT. Wal-Mart – Night 4

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Pitch black. Muffled screams can be heard from O.C.. TOM can be heard moaning and breathing heavily.

TOM Jesus Christ, what the fuck… ugh. You ok LIN?


Tom rustles on the floor, shoes squeaking on the tiles.

TOM Lin! Get up!

LIN (moans)

TOM Get up! We need to get out of here. Shit sounds bad, Lin.

LIN (moans)… What happened? I must have been knocked out. I don’t remember anything.

TOM No fucking clue. Let’s get you up.

Rustling sounds as Tom pulls Lin up. Screams and yelling can still be heard from O.C..

LIN God, my head is killing me. I hope there are meds out there.

TOM No telling what’s out there.

Tom opens door, greeted by more blackness. In the blackness are flickering lights and a large slelf. They are greeted by a flashlight hurrying towards them. It’s the store manager JACK.

JACK (loud voice) You folks alright?

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TOM For the most part. What’s going on?

JACK Good, we need folks to help out the injured… and to move the bodies back into the collapsed area. (motions with flashlight)

LIN I’m sorry, I can’t be around blood.

JACK Well then you better stay here Miss ‘cause there’s plenty of that.

TOM What happened sir? Was there an earthqu-

JACK The name’s Jack- TOM My name’s Tom and this is Lin. JACK Pleased to meet you. It looks like the store slid underground as a cause of a earthquake. Couple cashiers went outside to see where we are and it looks like there was a cave in where we slid down.

TOM Shit…

JACK No time for cursing and doin’ nothing Tom, come help me out. Here. (hands Tom a flashlight) We need to get things in order, restore some civility around here. I used to be an EMT, you have any medical background?

TOM Sorry.

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LIN Hey, Jack, you wouldn’t happen to have another flashlight? I’m going to take another peek outside.

JACK Yeah, been giving these out. (hands small flashlight from back pocket) The entrance is over there (motions with flashlight) It’s a bit banged up but surprisingly intact. Ok, Tom, go help out these men in the back pile up bodies into the warehouse, their names are KARL and ANDY. I’m getting the other associates to set up battery-powered lanterns. As for me, I’m tending to the wounded and finding more survivors.

Jack, Tom, and Lin depart the area in 3 separate directions. The overhead cameras capture the movement of Tom, and his interactions with Karl and Andy. Fast-forwards and stops on conversation, capturing the isle.

ANDY V.O. Most of these poor fuckers got crushed by shelves. Good thing we have another man to help lift. Fucking things must weigh a goddamn ton. Here, let’s get this one. I smell death.

KARL V.O. (groans) This is some heavy shit man. I mean not this shelf, but this situation man… I’ve never seen dead bodies except my parents, but they were all peaceful. These people have fuckin’ brains smashed out of their skulls man.

TOM V.O. (heavy breathing) Lets not concentrate on how fucked this situation is guys. These bodies need to be removed. Order needs to be restored around here.

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ANDY V.O. (gasping) Fuck this thing is heavy, even after all the shit fell off of it.

TOM V.O. Alright, heavy shove on three, all your might, ok? KARL V.O. Ok.

TOM V.O. Ok… one, two, three!

Their heavy groans synchronize. Sound of groaning metal is heard.

TOM V.O. Oh my god.

View of woman cradling an unconscious child. The mother’s body is crushed and mangled. Tom rushes to the scene.

TOM Holy fuck, she’s alive but unconscious.

KARL (stuttering/crying) Holy fuck man, I can’t see this shit man.

ANDY Stupid woman should have ran to the pharmacy or eye-care center. She’d have a better chance of watching her child grow up to be just another whore…

TOM Woah, woah, woah! Shut the fuck up you idiot! Where the hell did that come from?! It’s pretty fucking obvious that this is a heroic act of a mother. Jesus…

ANDY Heh, whatever.

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Fast forward. Battery-powered lanterns are up. People have gathered around the front of the store. Lin and Tom sit together with backs to a register, holding onto the found girl (EVA HOCKETT) who is now conscious. Eva’s playing with a Barbie. People are in deep conversation and mourning. Jack, the plump man in cowboy boots and a plaid shirt, stands on a register.

JACK Ok folks, now that things have settled down we need to stay calm. We also need to organize and stock rations until help comes. Looks like we currently have about fifty people alive, 35 of them women and children. Men, I would like you to do everything in your power to help them out. Anybody have any questions?

A large black man, sporting a black polo with a white priest collar, stands up. Tears are streaming down his cheeks.

BILL GARRISON Yes sir! Why did God have to punish me for my past sins? Six of my youth children were killed because of me!

JACK Good sir, I see you’re a priest so hear me out when I say that this is not the work of God, but the Devil! He has drawn us closer to him, but we will endure until we are rescued from those angels of humanity from above!

The crown murmurs, the scene fades to black.

5 INT. Wal-Mart- DAY 5

2 weeks later. People are milling about and talking. Groups of people are walking around, looting random items from the floors. MARC BEEVER, JOANNE, and MARY are leading kids around the ruined toy aisles.

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MARC Oh man! Electronic chess! I haven’t played chess in forever! Last time I played it was with this kid in Takrit.

JOANNE I doubt any of these kids would want to play that Marc, they don’t have the attention span anymore to play a board game. This is the digital age.

MARY Well it is electronic chess, Jo. That might appeal to one of these rascals.


Marc waves over to a scrawny youth rummaging through the electronics section. He has short red hair, freckles, glasses. He’s wearing a striped polo shirt. He’s holding a PS3 box. Turns around with a quizzical look.

MARSHALL Yea, what’s up?

MARC You play chess? You seem to be a likely opponent.

MARSHALL Heh, fuck no. If only we had some sort of power generator I could power up this PS3 and one of these sweet LCD Sonys. (pauses to pick up a PS3 box) I guess I’ll stick with hand-helds.

MARC (turns back to Mary) I Guess Jo is right. JOANNE Of course I’m right. I have a bundle of teenagers that have a life connected to either video games or cell phones.

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[Meanwhile] Tom and Lin, along with Eva are walking towards the pharmacy section for insulin.

TOM This is bull. No sign of help for weeks. Me and Jack even set up some radios from the camping area and got nothing. What are the chances that we could find a tunnel that leads out of here?

LIN There’s only one big enough to maybe have an outlet around here and that’s the biggest cave system, the Flint Hill caves. Only problem is that they aren’t anywhere near Kansas City.

TOM But do you think there is a way out of this one?

LIN We’re pretty much directly under the city, and judging by the smell that’s been brewing over the past few days I’d say that we broke a sewer line. (pauses in thought) It may be possible, especially if we can get to a high enough altitude to radio in. And judging by those exit tunnels we found last week we might be able to reach a high place to establish contact.

TOM So it may be possible. I’d like to find a way out of here since it seems help is months away. Half the food has gone bad by now and what we have left is running out. I don’t want to survive all this crap just to die from starvation or worse.

LIN Tom, watch your words around little Eva. She’s already traumatized about her mom.

Tom bends over and gets eye-level with Eva.

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TOM I’m sorry sweetheart, we’ll get you fixed up in no time.

EVA Ok Mister Tom

Tom stands up and pats Eva on her head, then turns to Lin.

TOM (low voice) As an added reason I’d like to remind you that we’re running out of insulin for this poor girl. Doesn’t help either that we have a couple other people in here with diabetes.

LIN Yeah, I know.

The three continue to walk down the rows of dilapidated shelves. They arrive at the pharmacy desk. Tom pulls a stunt and jumps over the self, only to slip on something on the floor.

LIN (Laughing) Tom! You shouldn’t be so reckless!

TOM O.C. (groaning) God, did cough syrup spill over here or what… Holy fuck! Lin! Don’t let Eva come in here! Jesus Christ, this is… (coughing)

LIN What is it Tom?!

TOM Tell Eva to go play in the toy- nevermind, bad idea. Give her to Joanne or Mary.

Lin hurries away while Tom is starring at the body of a homeless guy named JASON, shoved under the counter. A knife is protruding from his back.

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6 INT. Wal-Mart- DAY 6 A “town meeting” is held at the front of the store, Jack stands on the top of the register. The crowd murmurs until Jack blows a whistle to quiet them.

JACK I have some deeply troubling news that arose this afternoon. It seems we have a murderer in our little community here- Crowd (loud murmers) Hey! What do you mean? Who did it? Did you catch them? Who was killed?

JACK (whistle) Quiet down! Tom and Lin found that homeless man Jason stabbed to death in the pharmacy. Now, me and Andy, and some other officers are going to be on patrol. We figured that whoever did this is mentally unstable and after prescription meds. From now on we will have a pharmacist. Any questions? TOM I have a question. (stands up) Why are we staying here just to end up with a knife in our back? Everyone knows that there are exits in the cave here, and I don’t know if anyone has realized, but we’re running out of food and meds here. We can’t make any sort of communication or escape from this hellhole if we just wait here without taking action. I propose that we have a group go out to try to find an escape or establish contact. Who is with me for some spelunking?

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JACK What if you get yourselves killed? If you had some faith, boy, you’d stay right here. Our government will take care of us.

BILL Like it did in Katrina?

TOM It’ll only be a few of us. We’re making an effort to get us freedom. And frankly, I don’t want to be in here with a murderer. So, who’s with me?

7 INT. Wal-Mart – DAY 7

Short shots of equipment being packed off the floor: axes, flashlights, rain boots, heavy jackets, insulin, food, and a stuffed rabbit. Scene ends with them emerging through the doors with flashlight beams. No dialogue, just sound effects.

8 INT. Tunnel – DAY

We see Tom and Lin emerge first from the first mossy tunnel. Their Mag light beams suggest that this is another – much larger- cavern. In the distance lights on the ground fade in, and the cavern is illuminated.


What now Lin? I mean… there should be a way out, shouldn’t there? If this is anything like Indiana Jones, there has to be a way out.

JOANNE Maybe we should go back, you know, someone might rescue us back there, or…

LIN Wait a minute… is it only me or does it seem like it got brighter here?


According to my theory, it’s just that our eyes have adjusted to the dark and –


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LIN It’s coming from there. Come on. It’s an exit. We are almost there.


(Holding Eva’s hand) Come on Eva. Let’s run.

Everyone runs down the tunnel towards the light. Before them is a gorge that spans into darkness. Floating in front of them are illuminated islands with an assortment of alien vegetation and vines hanging and connecting.

TOM What the-

LIN (looks at TOM)

What’s wrong? (looks in front)

Holy… shi- I mean… oh my god! How can this be possible?

EVA Wow.

JOANNE Beautiful, but where are we?

SUSAN I’m not sure about this. But it’s obvious that this is not the exit we were looking for. I have been to some crazy places in North America and I’ve never seen this before.

EVA They’re floating Christmas trees!


Yeah. There seems to be tons of them, and this is so freaking weird. The air even has a cleaner smell, like a crisp, fresh smell. (smells)


Well, looks like we discovered something. We’ll tell everyone about

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this crazy place when we get the hell out of here. This is just amazing though. (gawks for a second)

Hey, we’ll figure a way around this. I’m no quitter.

(looks at the people) Hey guys, you might wanna go find a seat down there, until we designated elders make up a plan.

Jackie, Lin, and Tom go over to a nearby rock face to discuss the technical solution for this.

JACKIE I might as well spill the beans guys.

LIN Huh?

TOM You know something about this?

JACKIE Eh, kinda. I work for the geology department at MIT. We got a report from the government that there was an anomaly within the tectonic plates. Our crew was going to dig for a soil sample a few weeks from now, when we could pin-point the best location… when all this shit happened.

LIN REALLY? That’s fascinating, but what I found in my studies of the Bermuda Triangle and Afghanistan was that there are immense energy fields that are magnetic. I began developing a crazy theory that there were pockets of an undiscovered material under the earth that caused this. (puts finger to lip) But I’d never think of Kansas…


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How does that help us?

LIN and Jackie Renewable energy.


Uh… How does that help us get out of here?


Well, uh. Pause.

JACKIE I think… in order to sustain these glowing islands, there has to be some sort of vortex, at the right magnetic flux… interacting with the material – presumably metal- to keep these afloat, like anti-gravity.

TOM I really have no fucking clue what you’re saying.


I think Jackie is trying to say that because of the fluctuation, the islands can-

EVA O.C. Christmas trees dance!


Huh? Tom, Lin and Jackie gaze into the distance. Eva is pointing at the moving islands. Deep, loud groaning can be heard.

JACKIE I guess we know what fooled us into thinking recue was breaking through to save us. SUSAN Oh my god, RUN!

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An island crashes into the cave wall feet below them. The party yells in unison and falls over as they’re sprayed with dirt and vegetation. Tom and Lin run to Eva.

TOM (panting) I’m surprised this cliff didn’t shatter


(panting) I’m telling you Tom, there’s a metal in this entire place, harder than anything… and solid sheet too… well, not that solid. Maybe after several million years it cracked and that’s how the Wal-Mart-


Lin, shut up! Now can you see that we have a way out of here?

9 EXT. Floating Island – DAY 9

vvvvJUN HOI KIM’s ONLY SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONvvvv (turned in over Thanksgiving) The group explores on the floating/moving islands, continuing to discover the alien features. Florescent squealing bugs crawl over the ground. They come to a cave entrance in the biggest island they’ve explored. We see a deep blue glow eminating from inside. They decide to go in and inspect. We see a silhouetted small figure approach from the depths. When it comes into full view we notice its some sort of bald monkey with 3 glowing-blue eyes and sharp teeth. It utters a screech that sounds like speech. The team panic and begin to run. Overhead they see thousands of small blue dots appear. Flying creatures hail them from above, killing ________. We hear one say to run back to Wal-Mart.


Well, this looks like a normal forest.

LIN Nope. I thought I could identify most of trees in the world, and by far, I see

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non familiar. And the soil… they are really thin, but they are really strong.


Ewww Cockroach.

JOANNE Don’t worry, it’s not a cockroach. Cockroach has 6 legs, but this only has four. And it is about 5 times bigger than the normal American full sized cockroach you see at home.


Be careful, don’t touch anything. We don’t know about anything. They might be toxic, who knows. Just don’t trust anything here.


Haha Lin, there is a bug on the back of you haha.


(hugs TOM) Ahhhh! Take it off from me please.


(little shy) I was just kidding.


LOOK! It’s a cave.

TOM Think it is a good idea to go in?


We will know that only if we get in.

JACKIE Good idea! My style.

EVA sees a silhouette of something.

EVA Eva seeing Peter Pan. Eva saw Peter Pan.

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Ha Ha. You are sleepy aren’t you? Eva Monkey monsters appear and start screeching.

TOM I don’t think she is sleepy Joanne. Only that it’s not our nice Peter… now… anyone got plan b?


Yes. Something I do well. RUN!!!!!! Tom (carrying Eva), Lin, Jackie and etc runs but meanwhile Joanne falls down and gets eaten.

LIN Damn it. I’m sorry Joanne.

(to people) Any other plans?


I don’t know. Ah just go back to Wal-Mart.

Tom, Jackie, Lin, and etc chasing back to the Wal-Mart through the tunnel where they came from. The Monkey Monster kept chasing peoples. Un-normal sized bugs kept distracting the people’s way but seem they don’t care. Their faces are full of horror. Only the hand light shows the pathway.


Go back Wal-Mart? Then what’s the next? Sewage?


I think it is time to zip your mouth and just run is really great idea for now.

Monkey Monster almost catches up Tom and Jackie saw that

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Monkey Monster



Shit! Tom Behind you! Behind you!

Tom looks at Monkey Monster.


Holy Jesus! Throw something to that monster! I can’t do anything! I’m carrying Eva! Somebody help me out for sake!

Susan turns back and garbs a stone.


Go away! You Bad Monster! Go away from Eva!

Susan throws the stone to the Monkey Monster and stone hit the target.

Monkey Monster



Thanks Susan! Thanks!

Monkey now begin to chase Susan. Tom continues running.


Susan! He is now targeting you!

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Watch out!


Don’t worry Tom. I’m the runner, you know?

We are almost there; I’ll make a time for you.

I’ll be there!


Thanks Susan! Please survive!


Tom and his group are now at the beginning of the tunnel. They smell the sewage. Everyone’s face got frown. But after few seconds later, they find out monkey monster is not chasing peoples. People’s faces now calms. Eva now takes down from Tom’s arm. Lin slaps Toms face to hard.


What’s wrong with you? Are you out of mind?

What did I do?


You murderer! How could you…. How could you left Susan alone? You bastard! You are not a human! (Lin begins



(Eva looking at both Tom and Eva) Tom and Lin are angry. Eva is sad.

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Listen Lin, I was almost got eaten by that monkey. Well, not just me, I was holding Eva. I’m fine if that monster kill only me, but not Eva and Susan was volunteered to rescue us. I feel very thankful and sorry for Susan. So,

should I have to just stand and cry because of her sacrifice? No! I had to run for saving Eva.

Lin But….But….


(Hug Lin)I Know….I know…. I really want to believe Susan is alive. No, she must be fine. Fine…. Sorry Lin….


I feel sorry for interrupting you guys, I think it’s time to get in that smelly Sewage-Mart.

11 INT. Wal-Mart


Tom and his group now get into the Wal-Mart. Tom sees part of Wal-Mart is collapsed by sewage. People’s faces are distorted few seconds because of strong smell of sewage. Only few fluorescent lights keep lighting the Wal-Mart inside. Ceiling of Wal-Mart cracking sounds. Eva hears the sound of wind blowing from somewhere. Tom and his group gathering the food and stuffs for survive.


Eva heard something! (Eva walks to the source sound)


Where you going? Come here. (Eva comes)

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(Look at Lin) I can’t hear the sound of people who stayed. This is ridiculous. Don’t you feel strange here?


Yeah, I just found that few seconds ago. Maybe, this place is dangerous now. We have to find new way as soon as possible. Where is Jackie? (Lin looks around.) Jackie!

Where are you?

Jackie wave his one hand not far from Tom and Lin


(Shout) I’m here! I guess everyone those who stayed are dead now! I found Jack’s body without his head and an arm!

(Jackie looks around and finds jack’s head near from jack’s body)Oh, I found his head! (Jack walks to Tom and Lin.) I

guess staying here is not a good idea. This place is extremely dangerous.


I agree. But, where and how are we going to leave this place?


Maybe Eva knows the answer. She heard something when we were just arrived this place. So, let just follow Eva for



Well, okay. Do it then. There is no other way than this for now.

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(Eva looks at Lin)Are we going?


Yes, we are leaving now. Eva, please follow what you just heard. (Lin looks at other people) It’s time to pack up and

leave this smelly place!

Tom & Jackie

Yes, Madame! (Both pick up their bags)

Tom and his group now following Eva and Eva finds new hole to enter another Tunnel.


(Tom bands his knee and look at Eva)Thank you Eva! This will lead us to the outside!


I hope. No I believe this is the way to go to outside. I mean, this cave must be the way to go outside.


I think we gotta hurry. I feel this place not good. We have no time to spend in here.

Tom and his group walk in to the Tunnel.

12 INT. Tunnel

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Tom and his group are walking in the darkness. Only the hand lamp is lighting their pathway. Tom and his group didn’t find any threaten while they exploring the tunnel.


(While other people are walking) How long do we have to walk? My bad, I think nobody knows.


True, nobody knows.


Seems we are at the very end of the tunnel now. I can see the light. Hope that is the end of this tragedy.

Tom and his group now reach to the end of the tunnel. They see the floating island where they arrived before. Their faces are full of deep despair (Except Eva).


(Jackie looks at floating isle)God….


Eva wants to go home!