
National reflectors - 14 th June, 2014 Its 2:30. Welcome back to the Network Service of Radio Nigeria. Stay tuned as we bring you NATIONAL REFLECTORS. Happy listening. Sig tune Welcome to ‘‘National Reflectors’’, a programme that highlights weekly activities at the ongoing National Conference holding at the National Judicial Institute, Abuja. The programme is coming to you from the Network Service of Radio Nigeria. My name is Martha Eche. This week marked the thirteenth week since the conference started on 17 th March, 2014. The reports of three committees were discussed and adopted. But before deliberations started on Monday, two issues were laid before delegates. The first was the official announcement of the 1

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National reflectors - 14th June, 2014

Its 2:30.

Welcome back to the Network Service of Radio Nigeria. Stay

tuned as we bring you NATIONAL REFLECTORS. Happy listening.

Sig tune

Welcome to ‘‘National Reflectors’’, a programme that highlights

weekly activities at the ongoing National Conference holding at the

National Judicial Institute, Abuja. The programme is coming to you

from the Network Service of Radio Nigeria. My name is Martha Eche.

This week marked the thirteenth week since the conference started

on 17th March, 2014. The reports of three committees were

discussed and adopted. But before deliberations started on Monday,

two issues were laid before delegates. The first was the official

announcement of the deaths of former Minister of Information,

Professor Dora Akunyili, who succumbed to cancer in an Indian

hospital and the former Emir of Kano, His Royal Highness Ado

Bayero. The announcement was made by the Deputy Chairman of

the conference, Bolaji Akinyemi.



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Many delegates expressed immeasurable sorrow at the death of

Prof. Dora Akunyili, looking back at who she really was. A federal

government delegate, Chief Mike Ozakome, SAN, was full of praises

for the late minister.

Dora Description

For Felicia Sanni, late Dora Akunyili was a role model.

Dora Memory

A delegate from the Retired Civil Servants, Ammuna Lawan Ali, also

spoke on her relationship with the late Professor.

Dora-Perm Sec

Speaking on the death of the Emir of Kano, His Royal Highness Ado

Bayero, Alhaji Bashiru Albasu from the Association of Retired Police

Officers of Nigeria, gave a brief history of the life of the late Emir.

Emir of Kano

The second issue before the conference was that concerning a

purported press conference given by the Orok Duke, a delegate from

the South-South Geopolitical Zone. Chief Bob Njemanze brought the

issue before delegates.



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When asked to respond to the accusation, Orok Duke denied ever

granting any press conference on the said issue.


The Chairman of the conference, Retired Justice Idris Kutigi, then

stepped into the matter as Oke Njemanze advised delegates.


The first report to be delegated on was the report from the

Committee on Science and Technology. With copies of the report in

the hands of delegates, it was agreed that Chairmen of committees

should not do a presentation. Rather, areas that needed

amendments should be tackled. The Deputy Chairman, Bolaji

Akinyemi, presided over the session.

Amend 1, Amend Fund 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The session also opened its doors to recommendations from


Women be encouraged, Corporate Social Responsibility, There

is also a proposal, Develop Science club in schools, High speed

internet, 50%, Bring the machinery, We need not go against the

current science and technology matters


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Concerning the fund, here are some recommendations from


Centralize fund, Income or profit-amend, Management of fund,

the way out

After much debate, Senator Ibrahim Ida, an Elder Statesman,

proposed the adoption of report.

Adopt report

You are still listening to National Reflectors coming to you on the

Network Service of Radio Nigeria.

The second report deliberated on by the conference this week was

from the Committee on Agriculture. The areas the committee was to

look into were food security, storage and packaging, animal

husbandry, water resources, agricultural policies, land acquisition

and irrigation among others. It was observed that most of the issues

in the report had already been tackled in other committees. Our

correspondent, Sandra Udike, reports on the deliberation on the

report from the Committee on Agriculture.

Senator Felix Kolawole from the Professional Bodies founded his

speech on the importance of agriculture.

Food production


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Nigeria does not live in isolation. She needs good relationships to

prosper. This was the position of one of the delegates.

Bilateral relationship

Many recommendations followed as well.

Practical Education

From the Committee on Economy, there was a recommendation that

the Ajaokuta Steel Company be privatized. But Professor Mariatu

Tunuche, a delegate representing the North-Central Geopolitical

Zone, was not in support of the proposal.


A representative of the Civil Societies, Ezenwa Nwagwu, however

had another worry.

Asians taking over

Other recommendations were also made.

Public sector Drive, Micro credit, hidden technology

After amendments, a proposal for the adoption of the report was


Adopt all the recommendations


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For a conclusion on the report from the Committee on Religion, our

correspondent, Dan Ede, reports.


The conference also proposed the removal of the immunity clause in

the 1999 Constitution. Victorson Agbenson has more on that.


That is our package on this week’s edition of “National Reflectors”.

The programme came to you on the Network Service of Radio


Join us again next week for another interesting package.

…………………… was our Studio Manager. Emerald Donald and Martha

Enoch assisted in the production. My name is Martha Eche. Enjoy

your weekend.

Sig tune

That was NATIONAL REFLECTORS. It came to you on the

Network Service of Radio Nigeria. Join us again same time next

week for another edition of the programme. It’s back to our

Zonal and FM stations across the country.