screengrabs for magazine front cover

Screen grabs for college magazine cover I decided to start to see how the blue cover lines would look to the white background before I added the main image and then I wanted to keep the text in the same font type after I experimented with different ones.

Upload: eleanor-jones

Post on 23-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

Screen grabs for college magazine cover

I decided to start to see how the blue cover lines would look to the white background before I added the main image and then I wanted to keep the text in the same font type after I experimented with different ones.

Page 2: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

I changed the font colours to different shades of blue apart from one of the cover lines that needed to be in red, amber and green to highlight the purpose of the cover line.

Page 3: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

After the cover lines were picked and aligned to the right hand side, I added the banner in a darker blue so that it would stand out when the main image was placed.

Page 4: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

In a smaller font I put the issue date at the bottom in another shade of blue so that it can still be seen with the main image.

Page 5: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

Once I added the main image, some colours of the cover lines needed to be changed just in order for them to stand out from the background (main image). The dark colours would not stand out so I changed them to be slightly lighter.

Page 6: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

When I added the barcode I placed it towards the bottom right hand side of the cover page because that’s where most barcodes are placed but I needed to move up the banner to fit the barcode in.

Page 7: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

For this screen grab I added a puff but to keep with the house style I made the puff with a blue background and a lighter colour of blue so that the text would be clear but also so that it would be conventional and stand out to the audience.

Page 8: Screengrabs for Magazine Front Cover

I placed the price with the barcode at the bottom so that it would not mix with the cover lines as they are more important but I used the similar colour for the price as the puff. I decided to keep all information for price and issue date together to keep it organised and conventional. This is the final image for my college magazine front cover page.