scratcher party - app store optimization

Scratcher Party Published by: Ibrahim Eminovic iPhone United States / English (US) 77 1. App Name The length of the App Name looks great! ASO TIP: Keywords in your App Name have a lot of a weight in the App Store algorithm. Try adding your strongest keywords in your title to increase your app discoverability. You can use up to 30 characters. Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win 60 characters 2. Subtitle Too bad, your app is missing this iOS 11 feature. ASO TIP: iOS 11 introduced an additional keyword indexing field to app’s metadata. Keywords from the Subtitle are indexed by the algorithm and have a lot of weight. We recommend to use all available 30 characters by explaining your app using relevant keywords. We found no subtitle for this app 0 characters 3. Promotional Text Too bad, your app is missing this new iOS 11 feature. ASO TIP: The Promotional Text is not indexed by the Apple algorithm so the keywords used in this field will have no impact on your app’s rankings. However, it is a great field to convince users to download your app in one sentence. We found no promotional text for this app 0 characters 4. App Description Your app description could be longer. 1 / 5 18/07/2018 19:37

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Scratcher PartyPublished by: Ibrahim Eminovic


United States / English (US)


1. App Name

The length of the App Name looks great!

ASO TIP: Keywords in your App Name have a lot of a weight in the App Store algorithm. Try adding your strongest keywordsin your title to increase your app discoverability. You can use up to 30 characters.

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win 60 characters

2. Subtitle

Too bad, your app is missing this iOS 11 feature.

ASO TIP: iOS 11 introduced an additional keyword indexing field to app’s metadata. Keywords from the Subtitle are indexedby the algorithm and have a lot of weight. We recommend to use all available 30 characters by explaining your app usingrelevant keywords.

We found no subtitle for this app 0 characters

3. Promotional Text

Too bad, your app is missing this new iOS 11 feature.

ASO TIP: The Promotional Text is not indexed by the Apple algorithm so the keywords used in this field will have no impacton your app’s rankings. However, it is a great field to convince users to download your app in one sentence.

We found no promotional text for this app 0 characters

4. App Description

Your app description could be longer.

1 / 518/07/2018 19:37

ASO TIP: Descriptions are not taken into account in the Apple App Store algorithm. However, don’t forget to add importantand relevant keywords in your description to improve your iTunes app page and optimize your SEO.

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

Your app description could be longer.

Keyword Count Density

play, party, lottery, tickets, games, facebook, twitter, wemobileapps 2 1.83%


Scratcher Party brings excitement and gives you the real feel of scratching lottery tickets on your iPhone iPad or iPod


If you've ever played scratch off lottery tickets before, you already know exactly how to play!

Choose from five different levels and let's the party begin.

P.S. Your feedback, as a user, is very crucial and most valuable. If you like our games please leave a review. If you want to

be updated about our new games, please make sure you connect with us on Facebook and Twitter:

Thanks for using WE Mobile Apps!

5. App Icon

ASO TIP: Your icon should be carefully crafted in order to improve your Click Through Rate (CTR) and increase conversion.Make sure that it’s original and descriptive enough, without too many details. Adding a border and avoiding text is highlyrecommended.

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

Most used colors in category

6. Screenshots

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ASO TIP: Screenshots are a very efficient way to convince and influence users to download an app. People prefer to look atscreenshots rather than read a description. It is therefore necessary to optimize them. You can add up to 5

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

We found 5 screenshots. They are optimized for 5.5" devices

7. App Preview

Make sure that you use the correct screen dimensions for each device.

ASO TIP: App Previews are a good way to convince users to download your app. Use this great opportunity to explain whatyour app does. Show off your best features. It will help you to get some coverage as well. Your video should be extremelyshort: 15 sec – 30 sec. It will autoplay in the search results.

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

The app does not have a preview video for iPhone.The app does not have a preview video for iPad.

8. App Details

ASO TIP: Changing the following App Details can be time consuming as they are directly linked to how your application isbuilt and with which other elements it be integrate

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

Size The size of your app is 16.65 MB. Your app can be downloaded through cellular network (the

size limit is 150 MB).

Passbook Your app does not support Passbook.

3 / 518/07/2018 19:37

Game center Oh! Too bad. Your game looks great but it does not use the Game Center. Add this feature, you

will gain many more users!

Apple Watch Your app does not support Apple Watch.

Price Your app is free. Even so, do not insert too much ads inside your app. Users hate to see ads,

even if the app is free.



Your app offers in-app payments.

9. Versions

It looks like your latest release was a long time ago. Update your app!

ASO TIP: Regularly updating your app can have a positive impact on your app rankings. It is also well perceived by yourusers.

Scratcher Party - Scratch Off the Tickets and Make a Big Win

Current version is 1.4, it was released on 2015-05-02

1.4 - 2015-05-02

Metadata change.

1.3 - 2015-03-26

Splash screen and metadata change.

1.2 - 2015-01-23

More Apps & Rate buttons integrated.

1.1 - 2014-11-25

Bug Fixes.

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1.0 - 2014-11-10

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