scout codnol wifllht convenes ·...

mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1919 ILOt A TKAS m ADYANCB f*v- GimENSfQRIL SCOUT CODNOL jHMebyMr.PlaiUapi W. I. Stcfln PfnUfSk The citiMM M I f i w w i and vida- ity at a maetiBC IMU TOMiUy •vwiac in Conacr'a HaB foCmed a eooadl to (ira oTKawiiied •Jnniwt -to tke 807 Seonta of Amefie*^ The meetms was in ehsrfe aC Mr. W. L StaMa, ehair- man af tha aoosadttaa ca rii jwiialiiiii. wha iiTH^iil. and « M principal «4-, dT«M w«|r|tada t^ Mr. X. T. K. FUnt, B07 Scoal W d axaevtivc, a« WrtUng-- ton. < Mr. PUutt^ addreaa, «biel> -was te^4iHl^ « a t « aample adiadi^ and wiU be Ipwad in a CrtMuUy y«t foreetal maiH- aer, waa dcrotad to tha work of tha Seoota—the weak of th* past, thtf dn- tiea of tiia praaMi and tha h^ea far the fotore—and ga'** Ua onm e^er- ieneca aa a Cathar a< boys, M a Se^pt master and aa a leader.*^ boys in Son- day School. Ha nrs«d pMtienlsriy thai fathan Kia^ tiie •pyiiilimllj to know their boys, to adept ia ttee the Wr-lg^MiirrtHtniiawtirthriMirftni- radadc^ mA mwllfiwcii batweaa fatb- fs and aoni. The meeting opened with the invo- catioB aad^ Scripture feadtear I>7 Bev. Westwaod HBtriaaoM, after wUeh the Df~tfae eummn zation waa stated by Mr. Bteerer "Hftising iihe jcreat ^aMw of the Boy Scoot mu»«uaeut in Amoiea, wfaicfi was Blade more apparent by tha giieat aariit* rendered thf gor^ ermnent and the war reU^ aetivitiee hy this organisation dorlnc the war, leading mea of tUs eoatrtzy organised « campaiKn," said ^I. Steare, "the ob- jeet <A wUefa is to nrottiply largely ' f t e S e a p nMTeBMBt Former Secre- tary McAidoo ia t ^ nationi^ of the campaign. 'FrenMi' issued a a^eodid proflam atien, arg- inglfce ^Wvat^Mft of &• wycit in Loosville, Ky4 a^cordiqK.tO * sears dinwt'^' ^ro** LeoiavlBe. I m a g e d momrtaiiiasr odebrated \p» ty Irt im t ^ Ast "S* Oiis maaliag was csIM u d itt program mxaaged," rimtimiwl Mr. &eere, * :wHh t S m w a< awafc^niug tite JBliilHgiim and eirttmaiaswi tA oar •eommaoity, to the m d timt eo^ local tn>^a of Bey Scoots and Girl Seoota ritall be enoearacad in ttia work and «ther troops organised, and titrt the g^ioal «Aee ef the campaign SMy re- and Jtr^JfeMR aMed that the teim B«9 Seoathaa or, "aa MTviee, tim ioBor." "Onr great Genoa! Pershi^ had _Bet been back on hia natrweawl from -ovcneas for many hoars," Steere, ""what Ke~lMiHied Scmts of AsHriat by reviewing the ScMts ef MMT Terk in Csntral Park. A week later when thg gi%at paraite, with General PocshiBg at its iMrrehed 19 PeBnojNwria A*enae m Wadhmgton, the Bne of atfercfa gaaided by 1,SM Bey.Seeota, aaaist- lag the Waihiiigtiiii pafiee. Then m t t » eyeniiigjrf tibO&>e day thip Amar- kaa Legion gave a dance en tke C^i- tol portico to tiw fameos First Diri-'' sico, and.wlM fuinisbed tha sMsle? Tbe crack band of tlm FJrat Pislalun ~' and the Boy Seoul band if the tta- triet of Cotaanbta." h ililiiaaia were made \^ Bev. Da- Forest Wade, paster ef the riaa Omreh; Bar. A. Staart Gtbaaa. ractir' of xruily _ aad^Ber.L. C^Mi United Brethren Church. ^le war work of toe local tzvop. very ereditidile reeerd of Jeied hy" Scootmaatsr Bfta and ma bojrs, waa gr^eo by Warrea Colflaaa. Ralpi) Laraen gave a Short addnaa oa "What Scoatrnir Ifeaiu to Mee," and Oi^vjle* Armistead Sinclair, Jr., gave a readiac. "Waate^A' Mas "to Maeii'il nombers inchrfed a vieUn 80I0 by Praf. Orvaie W. MoiAer, jr and ehoraa •ambers by Htc Seoota. a»- siated by a Minimal school eherna mxier the «aaetion ef Mia. B. T. H Hodge, wka pteeided at the piano. Hon. C. J. Meetse epohe faricAy ami msD^ a eaB tar asaoriata ateiiiberi. at ^'J>e noae of wfaick^the meDabera ef Uie ciLi^rng caoaeil nnnberad ftfly ee»ea. Foraml onranizatioB foUowad thf meeting cioaed with the, dection of the fallawiog officers: PrwiidCTit, D. P. B^H; vioe-preBkk>nta Mana«sai> Geo Ti ^^Tea; Brentcville. . .icT I- . !p>.il]e. R. A Riiat. " J Tk „, inden; LHimfnea, •'''.". Cr- •• .-, ,juat, -:eor^-' \. —" i«-rr u, r. a«aaureT •» &:• ..reman: e.tecntiv* ."on-, .iutu--. GOVERNMENT ASKS Dtetrict OifinjihMt #|gtelwr A»p That&«W]ffN«i AkMt 129 Waritm. Mr. Albert Fletcher, jr., snperriscr of tihe emmns for the cigiith dtstnft of VirgiBia, which indodea the cooatieo of Alaxuidria, Fairfax, Faaqniar, Loa- doon, Pxince William, Colpeper, Orange, King George, Stafford, Injiriaa asd the efty of Alexandria, has aa- ^1HPv^^^^ ^Htt h e wilL 11 m l ill Mil U & ennmerators for tioi distri^ Applkatlaaa or laaueats Car sppKri tioa feraw shoald be s o ^ to Wm «• or ^fora October 15. ms addraas is Warrsaton, Va. As a tMt of their itoeea ibr tbe i^^ic^ats wffl be required to duly iwitifleiiref , . ^ this test. So te aa fraettehla tbe place selected wOlka the one which is The work begias,oa Jaaaary 2 and will probably last a moatbor SNre in raral districts. Satea of. .pay wilT atry, eta|i»nding tqpon tha toeaUty.aad of the diatriet t« Iw eaa- Tha aTetage pay will proba-. tiy be not leaa than SMO. "AetJia. iaftfligaBt aad rriiable aiob and wo- amot not leaa than U yaarsof aas^aia tiys tadc,* ^*«i»jft.iy to U Bogara, Areetgr «# KENTDCK¥ MOUNTAINIBXR AUyg ANP WELL AT131 at 19 and Livea Font Wife 90^ Wiili «»f 29 ekSdrcB^fow 99. Joha Shell, said to be the oUart fiv- ing man ki the United States, rafently celebrated fl» «««»\pf>i,^^Aj^>AAS^^ first annivwsary «f Ji^ birdt at his waik,-aad asad be aiaa aadoas ta get back to Us faoa. en liliith be said there is a meitgiqta. S b d said that be does not aspect to ^ive to see another biribday. "^ am gulling old now," waa hia HTplanatiim Mr. a w D waa erhjhitftgg Msaaetf i ^ 4 fair ia LoaiBTiQe and will aae tbe money derived ia paying off tiw SMrt- gaga on his farm, be said. Shell waalSrst married at the-ag^ of tima M ymurs. He Irtad 7S hi eneieose. B e i s the laliMrf* IC DCDC 3CDC DEATH OE MRS. FULlZ &MPRO ' AT WASBINGTON HOIB ' Mia. SMMT nonnM yifa, ••wwa wifa irf Jamaa ^nOiam F U ^ dia< ag^xuUiag, h^ boaae. Vm Oitre avesiiM, WMib, D. C, on aejiteaiber M, i stator'Azst jaar af bar aga. Her by yahrdir EMSC Flaws si^aindBMd by an attack of ia Novmher, 1918. ' Mrs. Falts waa a native a( Wniittf coonfr, Virginia, daaghter.of tbe late Wpar FoiMitsii and Mary Peters Holmes, of She is awrvived hjfjter himband. Wimam Wade Fntts; a daoghter, Mrs. Battle Mae Appleby, and fear Mra. £mma E. AUei^ of Cajjbtt; Mra. Jacksie W. lones and Mrs. Maada H. KS^eEberg^^of WaaliiagteB.a«d Xza. M^ory V. Jamea. of IMstow. Jianiral aatiieea were oehdoeteA- at her l^fmeby a fanner pastor and dosa peraoaai friend, itev. 1>. L. Blakwnoiar todr of S p w o r n . Waahbigtaa, D. YEMENTS TO START AT R U F F N A BUILDING for the heaw of MM Ugh »rbail..bas paamd 9S00 aad tha aetaal wfll begfai withte the next Tbe eoi^ract for paint fad matariak baa baas bt bf Mr. J. P. Lfoa. traaaaiar of the fond, wbeae velaata^ campaign amde the isa- pnnvaanant poSdUe. Tbe mannal training class ondM' Mr. H. W. Sanders wiU qiead. daas boors in praetieal amh on tbe boild- ing, pacing in new wbidow glaas and making etbor neceeaary repairs. It is eapeeted tliat tbe paiiiUag aad lapalis" win be completed wittain two weeks af- ter the wwk'la Iwym.. CootribntioBs to tlie ImproveBWrt" fond, for winch neariy |lMi is siffl to be laiseil;'9X» aa fiBows: C. J. Meetse, » P . Lyon. C. B. C. Jirimaoa, laakin^Mrrdl Co., G. Bay- aimid BatdiSb, W. E. MeCojr,'Browa a S. Lacy. ioaf|ih Braabeaia, Mel' Baaaa. Jadaon Jaonea. WSiam Gaveatry and A a e s t Cetvin. ^The shaka «bat baa ftflaa aa Ear lovad ones is a hard ene," wrilaa a friead of Uw aaeaasad, 'Yor Mia. FaHz devoted wife. Bar eirde of friends eves- widening. Her plaea be ftBed in this wnrid.- bat bat iafln- wiD cantiaue to .btaa^iuiic alter dqmrtnre. lor the OatafvUti^ « of » diiUbea. tbe oidtfat now iiiiBr nana thimM years of age. Sfac years ago be iaasriad s^in at thaagaofUB. Br bis seeond w ^ be baa vmt dOd, a befy, aced %• yaaca: He was bora near KneacvflDe, t t e a . , 12 yaars after the'battle of BwJoar ffiU He bears Ua age waB. clear and bia of' Hisaund is I far «fB at TBT -CAM^-BBAD Urges One est of c w t j 10 Ajnerioans can- not rosd a newapaper at write a let- teafer Laaaj ifw9K>eare(i before the Senate GoBamMRen Bdatattoo, W passage of'iib OeOcaoMnot hsh or write Or read It. "1 am her* to that a( ear eaajptry, and I 1 speak maijmp^jiaii pee^ We want eaastraitiea. We waat to tbfaik ia We want thaae toa eveiy waH aad ea every hfflside—of^ pot^onlty snd we forget these aad if oc fori High school, MiM E. H. Oabeanii graded aehoel. Mrs. C M. Laridn; M E. Onrch. B. C. Cerawen; Catholic Chaaeb. Mrs. M»y E. Pope; Bapt^ Chweb. Mrs. A. H. HaireQ; Ptcsby. teziaa Chaaeh, Ida. Gee. &. Baker; Rpiacopal Church. I>r W F. Mer- t-hant: U B. Chnrch. J I Pr mitivf Baptist Church — nerao . ^nrc h. .T 7 . .-s ("hurch iHa.s it-. . W iirr'»Tie; Cirmoii Hs; ; th* Brethren. J.J i or.; ^r. to nana t a J v sarrwring b m l da ^lliiillil ofabagiy ' jT 11 b yeaai the aloea. She is .aht laat, bat wffl gladden the days Oatlatarvene tai flw ^ad BwatiBg ia.ilia tend af 'Om OTaatbya aad bya.'* A Uooir, W. F. Doweli^ B. Lynn Bo5^ ertsoa, Chas. B. MePonahi, Newaum- E. Gbarid^ Sv^th^Traalar Bardwai»0>., $10 oaeb; Hibba '" W. S. Atbiay, B. C. Oora- W. F. Marebaat, J. J. J. H. Bnrke A Co., Byaaon 4 Ob., Dr. L. F.Heagfa, Caaiper.A Jen- kina, Gasb, 9 . JT Arrmgtoa, Harry OMBWCB. B . Tboaatqai Davias, H. W. Saadars, H. D. Waarieh. Mrs. faaly O. Beand, D. B. Lioi^ G. T. Lyon. Mka GbettB, S. C. Bariey, Bevariey , T. B. Atbey, fS eaeb; W. & Ba9«BB.Dr. V . T / e ^ t i ^ Ciifi. lUt aacfc; A L. Codbril, T. B. YU^et, B. £>. Wiaate. Sabitary Lnndi. W. I. 8taaiia.Br. J. a Mawditb, B. W. Ji a O U H B S TO B B C B ¥ B POf 8 Service |hm, er^etary bottoas, win be-gfaab toanory man wba-ssw tbe Satardayat Bed ^••cten in tte M. I* C* BpfldBMif to f o - Tbe p i n a ^ be diBti3>tfa4 br IfaaL Ceuige A^'Jtockay. s T staff at WiAdagtaa. who vin < itar tbe af tbe bam of tbe \teiX Satarday from 1» to 12 1 S:30. year diach^rge rarri>rate tajft hair «ai be bata far OM day aalr- RBD CROSS WILL SOLD^ TniRD ANNUAL SBBSiOlf All SaetioM af Prteet CMBty to Ba H««0et«k«r2l WifllHt Tbe th^rrt snnaal meeting of tiie Bad Croes orgaidaatieiMr-ef m a ^ WilHam Coonty, inrJading tiie Priaee William Coonty Chapter with its flftasa branches andthree aoriHariea, will be held on Wednaaday, October-22. TK* w » . « t « » « »« ,\>mr^jAjtV^ meet- wlll malra fnll iTinnninii, mant of plana witiiin a few days, is emnpoaeit of Mr. W. L Steeia, Bar. A. Staart Gftaoa, Mrs. B. T. B. Badge, Mrs. B. & BynsoB and Mrs. E. B. I^rink^ <^pter committees and branehea wiU Buke their aaaaal r^orts aad tha anneal electimi of coanty oAcera wiU take place. The branch and eomaUttae reporto are of tapecial importaaee this "year as they wiU eovw the final war Vltogathar a report of wlneb the eoanigr may wsQ be proud. Btaaebaa aad anxiliaries sre orged to sead as away rapraaautativea as Itessibie. Each sMmber fai attmtdaaee irill be allowed to vote for the gOoers who are *« ^a^i-y «n|» »K. p j « ^ r^o- gram of tbe Bed Croas, whidi ia Prince WiHiam eeaaty ia primarily to be tiie sapport of a coonty aarae, wliese waft WiU be eooaty-wide in sc(9e. m.n fih¥.nng»s TO KNUOW SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Wffl Flauiee WasUwtoir • Lee Da»gi<iwit as Mcaa "^ rfau to <icaeMl-Lw.~~ Tbe Anrgima (hrand Csmp of Ccm-. judgment sd^° aside and fedwato Veterans at tfa«r recest ses- WD. in Barrisanborg, onandaniltr and enthMJastieaBy andorsed a to eqnip and endow the school af gineering at Wa^uiigtaa aad Lee Uai- veisity aa a manobaip (jUmrt BebertJU Lee. after be aaamaal tha praaidamfy of L. E. Baachlay, B. A. Sboemakar, G. WhOcer Marehaatw i. L. Maaer. C F. \mmat, W. C 4 j k » , W. J.'WalkttT Oaa^ 12 ead; B. N. H a i i ^ Cash. CWh^ Cash. Caah. Karl 7 Oaahh Gaah. a B . Wfaw. Cadi. | 1 fiOCB CBAflB AMB KILL More than batf of a flock ortwenty- ka^ hehwiging to Mr.E. B. Goo- gaaat war wfaa a « caHiner ware kMed or awimsd by -~- ^ "TBnSv^i535S3EZS^^S; farm Bloewia. Barrey TV)rpe, who SM plaea, fbmd the aheap eai^y Tatsdsy m A g a Vara afaU bawy wSt a. Tbafiratsi^afl in^toB Col lege, w a s to estobWsh Chair ef(SviI aad Bigiiway big. Widf Us bvge visiaaef the tl tbe aeo^ after the war be perceiv- ed deariy the iaveetaace of the team- CffiCBn'COlBT -' •\ CONVENES BBS Jadxc Bnat PTCOUM Or«r: Tbe Oetob^ tam af the eireait eoart for' ftiaee William cooaty, Jadgo S^mnal G. Brent preaidnig, cenveaed here Mondar~and eoatinaod ja i OB Tneedar and today.' Tim 1 of proeeedinga fellirwa; " la TaraHen Caauaaa Law. QaatiiieatibB of C B. C. Johason. adiool trostae far Ma- aaaaas district, to saecaed C E. Nash. reeigned, admitted to reeerd. Qualification of B. W. Storka aa achoiri trustee for Cobw district ad- mitted to record. Bobert H. Tajrtor <SeEaj^ad eastady nndar bead of | » 0 , with Bob. AI HatehisoB, autetf. QoaBficatian of W. L. Sanders as sdwol tnstee for Gainesville admitted to record. Jo E. tbe district C. Joneo 4oali«es as jHtfeo W paaca fiw Diiiiifiiea -Cm ita fax Meaaay*-^<Hieiiff sabnuto repeat ef prisoneis confined fai jail, as Mfewa: Joha Qcments. diarged with heaaa- breaking; Bar^ Bingimm. cbargad with rape, and Boy Payne, chargtd with how"*«T*^fc'-g" • » —«t «« «« gnmd jury, and C charged witii laraea^ B \ ewiiapd filni lagi "W. Jan. warrant diamimed. W. Liming against J. ML K^- .) against Fiaift B. Chaailsers. jr.. HUtterbad i^aiast B. & dismissed oa motion of plaintiff. tiaStL A. eoatiBaad to aecoad day of qairy entered at rnlaa dant aet aaide wiUawT: teWB H » i i t ji^danf B demmwT attWstiaMof tiai^laBewnw the (^eat War, GaaeH^ Leopold sddicesshMrid ondartafce to endow tbe Bobert E. Lee Sdmel of ffiigiae> 1 lug and provide it wiUi a to icMcb be the laat tve yeara apeeial endowsMaat wfll be -a part IbamaiioB^oBarfand M»a bdug iaia-^ ed far the UaHaimty. FBrtter ima.laliuiii pawed by the Gnnd Caav aatheriaed the a^oint- of a eenualttee of seaan to eo- xm C. B. Cbandlar- aaaiiist Qaybm Dnnn, ease diamitsed by eonaent. Alevaadris Fertiliser Bad Cbaniieal C c Inc., agaJnat A. C. StzoOar, jadg- far plaintiff of $12&.1B, with in- Ac -_ H. TbemtoB' Oavini | IB chancery, diiautad to aettJi] of C- A. Saciair and Babert A. ef aeeennCs. I a -A.^,8aMdair, ' chanearar, aidarad to settle Bobart necaaiits, a« 'czeeater of ffie ikna Oeedia PbffivK C M-' Ksgraa ai dathontiea of the Unieaiaitr iB^^earrying te ptini iiito ^ •jj-.j.- effect; famted:the GoBfederato vetar- ^^^^^^^ KBm tk «iOim statss to join in tbe en- mittee of Sa(ab~AS~Kqm. teeezacntiag bond with SOB, sarety. Camsfa^her J. Meetae nmmjsaiaaas bi abam tarpcias; and laqaaated that the plan be preaeated Ig-Pgasident B e ^ y at the raaaiotL of' the Uaital Tfligti^ RELIC OF CIYIL WAR hr the death of A. W. Ceorad Dixoa (nee Xearad) at al agalBst Jotaa T. Mason's admbk- Safe -D^osit 'aad "Cwnpany of BaMajjwre aad Jobn_ J. N c S w u appointed and sabatBated Tn f *nti Oi y i s a a a in irface^f^ John T Maawi. B.. a«d »F«»ffl.WFAIRFiUK i X ^ ^ Gaaperx^om, - WATBB AitD u^rr DVB Ifa. Barry P. Davie, tawa ealla partieolar attentioa to the role tinrt payBMnto for wator aad bgbt fomiebed by^ the town plant are dae 4l>e*<nL?>aBthj_ir^appa- alty ef M ceada to be added wSea'pay- ment is net amda by ttie tea'th a rale Mrietiy- farced. Saatoaiber paymmrts w B be • dditiaaef tba that wffibsi I-ina weaver: T. H. Athey; vi-ortt: Epi»- ..t . lUv. T Kb Cbsrch of G. Walker Mercheat aad fam- MiB. Badger^ totbe ty^ Mr. W M..Wbe(te-« (treat near the iwasi of Ceatre, Mrs. Badger having sold bar property to Miasea Maggw aad Bettie Bashoag, of Kensingtoo. Md., who wffl take pee- aaiioa at oaee. Mr. Wbealatis bsaaa aaa beca oceapiad by Mr. 4. C ory and family. Tbe nam 111 has grewB to be one ef O a moat aeceesary sMmbers ef the repmtugial staff of the modera aewa. It is BOtealy mace accarato. bat rften •""* fT*^l'^^'llg **T~ ^ttMk-jnattan^ WMT" SI enuBple 9t BUl wgt~br fisaJ Ua,,page of pictnrea ia the Be- Waabiaffmi Star depicting the aiiival of the Kfag of BaUiam, bia amaea and the oonn priacaTAnotha iWaahala tim tbrfflaw aaa aer*ad ia Admiral afaaa* FiaTbel L Beat,, of Saaday Sebaai b y N o r t k c n M - liag permittad to file addjtjenal pta^ it(rDKii«W«r«f'«L adthm tbaSr days of rismg ef ee«t. S. B. S « b w avaiast W. B. BaBack. WUa Mr. Stodton S. Jyftroei, of' Jadgawt Itar ptadaOff af ftSLlfi wi^ Fairfaz, waa haatiBg reeeatly ia a | iatareat *«. wood Bear tbe Fairfax fair groaads he t Ce^moBweaWi against Aaaa Cabs, picked op a sautB sMdicr^ identiflca- i ceotiBaed by eoaaent te^first day af Tbe BMdal was made ef silver, aad waa ia tbe shape ef a abMd. laaerfted ea ito face are tbe werda, T a a J. Bag- city, Ootapaay D.. lat 1st dm smt D l i M w . S Gecpa,''^ia said of ordarad deUverad to ealaaviag wttb tha: lat aad ea tbe bade ia "EaKsted Dctralt, Mick.. Jaly U, Ufil." - Tbe shield is ia perfect coadition, pte had retted sway, twaea the DoriBf the war be- Matce BovtBeiB eetditra an abeot amay figMa tteaa _ bkg*.' The Mr. EHeaB. BeBaaek, r^tAtea^HoBiraek. a ace with tim ? Faiitax and beat tha vil- mto meat n d learned that Mr ata aliva and Uvea m warraats. Applieatisaa ef Jamw Newtaa Car- ter and Joha WordaB Davie for CooH jary, Grand Wbeelcr, for Weotfcndaa. of J. D. J. Ceaner, Tbee. Samnel B. Lwe, O. C. Oatoa and J. L. Da wean. The Jonraal does net aiarepweeat ita dreolataoa in order to aeeare advar- tising. We have the largeet eireaia- tioB of any nawapapar pahBsbed ia Priaea WiUiam eoaatgr. Oar dreida- ioB ia eaer 14M. Baiks opea to ad- Wbita. J. W. CemmoBweaWi against Harry Bng- ham, fialony; eommoBwealtb agaiast J. W. Bowzie. misdeBMBnor; eeaunea- asaltb agamst Bobert H. Tayler. f^ ony; eommoBwealth against Carratl Glcna aad George Maaen, feiooy, and common wealth against Roy Parne, fetoay, all bnoo •Slft^ roimiumweelth agalBSt Hetoi Lhning. feior.v- - •«- amnoeeUh agarast Jnr.r < • felony, and common w«.i> , ,ii]»'>. (Contiaoed on pare -^ :

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Page 1: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919





W. I. Stcfln PfnUfSk

The citiMM M I f i w w i and vida-ity at a maetiBC I M U TOMiUy • v w i a c in Conacr'a HaB foCmed a eooadl to ( i ra oTKawiiied •Jnniwt -to tke 807 Seonta of Amefie*^ The meetms was in ehsrfe aC Mr. W. L StaMa, ehair-man af tha aoosadttaa ca rii jwiial i i i i i . wha iiTH^iil. and « M principal «4-, dT«M w«|r|tada t ^ Mr. X. T. K. FUnt, B07 Scoal W d axaevtivc, a« WrtUng--ton. <

Mr. PUutt^ addreaa, «biel> -was te^4iHl^ « a t « aample a d i a d i ^ and wiU be Ipwad in a CrtMuUy y«t foreetal maiH-aer, waa dcrotad to tha work of tha Seoota—the weak of th* past, thtf dn-tiea of tiia praaMi and tha h ^ e a far the fotore—and ga'** Ua onm e ^ e r -ieneca aa a Cathar a< boys, M a Se^pt master and aa a leader.*^ boys in Son-day School. Ha nrs«d pMtienlsriy tha i fa than K i a ^ tiie •pyiiilimllj to know their boys, to adept ia t t e e the

• Wr-lg^MiirrtHtniiawtirthriMirftni-radadc^ mA mwllfiwcii batweaa fatb-fs and aoni.

The meeting opened with the invo-catioB aad^ Scripture feadtear I>7 Bev. Westwaod HBtriaaoM, after wUeh the

Df~tfae eummn zation waa stated by Mr. Bteerer

"Hft i s ing iihe jcreat ^aMw of the Boy Scoot mu»«uaeut in Amoiea , wfaicfi was Blade more apparent by tha giieat aariit* rendered thf gor^ ermnent and the war r e U ^ aetivitiee hy this organisation dorlnc the war, leading mea of t U s eoatrtzy organised « campaiKn," said ^I. Steare, "the ob-jeet <A wUefa is to nrottiply largely

' f t e S e a p nMTeBMBt Former Secre­tary McAidoo ia t ^ nationi^ of the campaign. ' F r e n M i ' issued a a^eodid prof lam atien, arg-ing l f ce ^Wvat^Mft of & • w y c i t

in Loosville, Ky4 a^cordiqK.tO * sears dinwt'^' ^ro** LeoiavlBe.

I m a g e d momrtaiiiasr odebrated \p» t y Irt i m t ^ A s t

"S* Oiis maaliag was c s I M u d i t t program mxaaged," rimtimiwl Mr. &eere, * :wHh t S m w a< awafc^niug tite JBliilHgiim and eirttmaiaswi tA oar •eommaoity, to the m d timt eo^ local tn>^a of Bey Scoots and Girl Seoota ritall be enoearacad in ttia work and «ther troops organised, and titrt the g ^ i o a l «Aee ef the campaign SMy re-


Jtr^JfeMR aMed that the teim B«9 Seoathaa or, "aa MTviee, tim ioBor."

"Onr great Genoa! P e r s h i ^ had _Bet been back on hia natrweawl from -ovcneas for many hoars," Steere, ""what Ke~lMiHied S c m t s of AsHriat by reviewing the ScMts ef MMT Terk in Csntral Park. A week later when thg gi%at paraite, with General PocshiBg a t its iMrrehed 19 PeBnojNwria A*enae m Wadhmgton, the Bne of atfercfa gaaided by 1,SM Bey.Seeota, aaaist-l a g the Waihiiigtiiii pafiee. Then m t t » eyeniiigjrf tibO&>e day thip Amar-k a a Legion gave a dance en tke C ^ i -tol portico to tiw fameos First Diri-'' s ico, and.wlM fuinisbed tha sMsle? Tbe crack band of tlm FJrat Pislalun

~' and the Boy Seoul band i f the tta-triet of Cotaanbta."

h ililiiaaia were made \^ Bev. Da-Forest Wade, paster e f the riaa Omreh; Bar. A. Staart Gtbaaa. ract ir ' of x r u i l y

_ aad^Ber.L. C^Mi United Brethren Church.

^ l e war work of toe local tzvop. very ereditidile reeerd of Jeied hy" Scootmaatsr Bfta and m a bojrs, waa gr^eo by Warrea Colflaaa. Ralpi) Laraen gave a Short addnaa oa "What Scoatrnir Ifeaiu to Mee," and Oi^vjle* Armistead Sinclair, Jr., gave a readiac. " W a a t e ^ A ' Mas "to

Maeii'il nombers inchrfed a vieUn 80I0 by Praf. Orvaie W. MoiAer, jr and ehoraa •ambers by Htc Seoota. a»-siated by a Min imal school eherna mxier the «aaetion ef Mia. B. T. H Hodge, wka pteeided at the piano.

Hon. C. J. Meetse epohe faricAy ami msD^ a eaB tar asaoriata ateiiiberi. at

^'J>e noae of wfaick^the meDabera ef Uie ciLi^rng caoaeil nnnberad ftfly ee»ea.

Foraml onranizatioB foUowad thf meeting cioaed with the, dection of the fallawiog officers:

PrwiidCTit, D. P. B^H; vioe-preBkk>nta Mana«sai> Geo Ti ^^Tea; Brentcville.

. .icT I- . !p>.il]e. R. A Riiat. " J Tk „, inden; LHimfnea,

•'''.". Cr- •• .-, ,juat, -:eor^-' \ . —" i«-rr u, r. a«aaureT •» &:• ..reman: e.tecntiv* ."on-, .iutu--.


Dtetrict OifinjihMt #|gtelwr A»p That&«W]ffN«i

AkMt 129 Waritm.

Mr. Albert Fletcher, jr., snperriscr of tihe emmns for the cigiith dtstnft of VirgiBia, which indodea the cooatieo of Alaxuidria, Fairfax, Faaqniar, Loa-doon, Pxince William, Colpeper, Orange, King George, Stafford, Injiriaa asd the efty of Alexandria, has aa-1HPv ^ ^ ^Htt he wilL 11 m l ill Mil U&

ennmerators for t ioi d i s t r i ^ Applkatlaaa or laaueats Car sppKri

tioa feraw shoald be s o ^ to Wm « • or ^ f o r a October 15. m s addraas is Warrsaton, Va.

As a tMt of their i toeea ibr tbe i^^ic^ats wffl be required to

duly iwitifleiiref , . ^ this test. So te aa fraet teh la tbe place selected wOlka the one which is

The work begias,oa Jaaaary 2 and will probably last a m o a t b o r SNre in raral districts. Satea of. .pay wilT atry, eta|i»nding tqpon tha toeaUty.aad

of the diatriet t« Iw eaa-Tha aTetage pay will proba-.

t i y be not leaa than SMO. "AetJia. iaftfligaBt aad rriiable aiob and wo-amot not leaa than U yaarsof aas^aia

tiys tadc,* ^*«i»jft.iy to U Bogara, Areetgr «#


at 19 and Livea Font Wife 90^


«»f 29 ekSdrcB^fow 99.

Joha Shell, said to be the oUart fiv-ing man ki the United States, rafently celebrated fl» «««»\pf>i,^^Aj^>AAS^^ first annivwsary «f J i^ birdt a t his

waik,-aad asad be aiaa a a d o a s ta get back to U s f a o a . e n liliith b e said there is a meitgiqta.

S b d said that be does not aspect to ^ive to see another biribday. "^ am gulling old now," waa hia HTplanatiim

Mr. a w D waa erhjhitftgg Msaaetf i ^ 4 fair ia LoaiBTiQe a n d will aae tbe money derived ia paying off tiw SMrt-gaga on his farm, be said.

Shell waalSrst married a t the-ag^ of

tima M ymurs. He Irtad 7S hi e n e i e o s e . B e i s the laliMrf*



Mia. S M M T n o n n M y i f a , • • w w a wifa irf Jamaa ^nOiam F U ^ dia< ag^xuUiag, h ^ boaae. Vm Oitre avesiiM, WMib, D. C , on aejiteaiber M, i stator'Azst jaar af bar aga. Her

by yahrdir E M S C


s i^aindBMd by an attack of ia Novmher , 1918. '

Mrs. Falts waa a native a( Wniit t f coonfr, Virginia, daaghter.of tbe late W p a r FoiMitsii and Mary Peters Holmes, of She is awrvived hjfjter himband. Wimam Wade Fntts; a daoghter, Mrs. Batt le Mae Appleby, and fear Mra. £mma E. AUei^ of Cajjbtt; Mra. Jacksie W. lones and Mrs. Maada H . KS^eEberg^^of WaaliiagteB.a«d Xza. M^ory V. Jamea. of IMstow.

Jianiral aatiieea were oehdoeteA- a t her l^fmeby a fanner pastor and d o s a peraoaai friend, itev. 1>. L. Blakwnoiar

todr of S p w o r n . Waahbigtaa, D.


for the heaw of MM U g h

»rbail..bas paamd 9S00 aad tha aetaal wfll begfai withte the next

Tbe eoi^ract for paint fad matariak baa baas b t b f Mr. J. P. Lfoa. traaaaiar of the fond, wbeae ve laata^ campaign amde the isa-pnnvaanant poSdUe.

Tbe mannal training class ondM' Mr. H . W. Sanders wiU qiead. daas boors in praetieal a m h on tbe boild-ing, pac ing in new wbidow glaas and making etbor neceeaary repairs. It is eapeeted tliat tbe paiiiUag aad lapalis" win be completed wittain two weeks af-ter the wwk'la Iwym..

CootribntioBs to tlie ImproveBWrt" fond, for winch neariy | lMi i s siffl to be laiseil;'9X» aa fiBows:

C. J. Meetse, » P . Lyon. C. B. C. Jirimaoa, laakin^Mrrdl Co., G. Bay-aimid BatdiSb, W. E. MeCojr,'Browa

a S . Lacy. ioaf| ih Braabeaia, Mel' Baaaa. Jadaon Jaonea. WSiam Gaveatry and A a e s t Cetvin.

^The shaka «bat baa ftflaa aa Ear lovad ones i s a hard ene," wrilaa a friead of Uw aaeaasad, 'Yor Mia. FaHz

devoted wife. Bar eirde of friends eves- widening. Her plaea be ftBed in this wnrid.- bat bat iafln-

wiD cantiaue to .btaa^iuiic a l ter dqmrtnre. lor the OatafvUti^ «

of » diiUbea. tbe oidtfat now i i i iBr nana t h i m M years of age .

Sfac years ago be iaasriad s ^ i n at t h a a g a o f U B . Br bis seeond w ^ be baa vmt dOd, a befy, aced %• yaaca: He was bora near KneacvflDe, t t e a . , 12 yaars after the'battle of BwJoar ffiU

H e bears Ua age waB. clear and bia


Hisaund is I far

« f B a t T B T -CAM^-BBAD


One e s t of c w t j 10 Ajnerioans can­not rosd a newapaper at write a let-

teafer Laaaj ifw9K>eare(i before the Senate GoBamMRen Bdatattoo, W passage o f ' i i b

OeOcaoMnot hsh or write Or read It.

"1 am her* to

that a( ear eaajptry, and I

1 speak maijmp^jiaii p e e ^ We want eaastraitiea.

We waat to tbfaik ia

We want thaae t o a eveiy waH aad ea every hfflside—of^ pot^onlty snd we forget these aad if o c fori

High school, MiM E. H. Oabeanii graded aehoel. Mrs. C M. Laridn; M E. O n r c h . B. C. Cerawen; Catholic Chaaeb. Mrs. M » y E. Pope; B a p t ^ Chweb. Mrs. A. H. HaireQ; Ptcsby. teziaa Chaaeh, Ida. Gee. &. Baker; Rpiacopal Church. I>r W F. Mer-t-hant: U B. Chnrch. J I Pr mitivf Baptist Church — nerao . ^nrc h. .T 7 . .-s ("hurch iHa.s it-. .

W iirr'»Tie; Cirmoii Hs; ; th* Brethren. J . J i or.; ^r.

to nana t a J v sarrwring b m l da ^ l l i i i l l i l o f a b a g i y ' jT 11 b

yeaai the aloea. She is .aht laat, bat

wffl gladden the days Oat latarvene tai flw ^ a d BwatiBg ia . i l ia tend af 'Om OTaatbya aad bya. '*

A Uooir, W. F. Doweli^ B. Lynn Bo5^ ertsoa, Chas. B. MePonahi, Newaum-

E. Gbarid^ Sv^th^Traalar Bardwai»0>. , $10 oaeb; Hibba ' " W. S. Atbiay, B. C. Oora-

W. F. Marebaat, J. J. J. H. Bnrke A Co., Byaaon 4

Ob., Dr. L. F.Heagfa, Caaiper.A Jen-kina, Gasb, 9 . JT Arrmgtoa, Harry OMBWCB. B . Tboaatqai Davias, H. W. Saadars, H. D. Waarieh. Mrs. f a a l y O. Beand, D. B . Lioi^ G. T. Lyon. Mka

GbettB, S. C. Bariey, Bevariey , T. B . Atbey, fS eaeb; W. &

Ba9«BB.Dr. V . T / e ^ t i ^ Ciifi. l U t aacfc; A L. Codbril, T. B. YU^et, B. £>. Wiaate . Sabitary Lnndi. W. I. 8taaiia.Br. J. a Mawditb, B . W. Ji

a O U H B S TO B B C B ¥ B POf 8

Service | h m , e r ^ e t a r y bottoas, win be-gfaab toanory man wba-ssw

tbe Satardayat Bed ^ • • c t e n in t t e M. I* C* BpfldBMif to fo-

Tbe p i n a ^ be diBti3>tfa4 b r IfaaL Ceuige A^'Jtockay. s T staff at WiAdagtaa. who v i n <

itar tbe af tbe bam

of tbe \teiX

Satarday from 1» to 12 1 S:30.

year diach^rge rarri>rate t a j f t

hair « a i be bata far OM day aalr-


All SaetioM af Prteet CMBty to Ba



Tbe th rrt snnaal meeting of tiie Bad Croes orgaidaatieiMr-ef m a ^ WilHam Coonty, inrJading tiie Priaee William Coonty Chapter with its flftasa branches a n d t h r e e aoriHariea, will be held on Wednaaday, October-22. TK* w » . « t « » « »« ,\>mr^jAjtV^ meet-

wlll malra fnll iTinnninii, mant of plana witiiin a few days, is emnpoaeit of Mr. W. L Steeia, Bar. A. Staart Gftaoa, Mrs. B. T. B . Badge, Mrs. B. & BynsoB and Mrs. E. B. I^r ink^

< ^ p t e r committees and branehea wiU Buke their aaaaal r^orts aad tha anneal electimi of coanty oAcera wiU take place. The branch and eomaUttae reporto are of tapecial importaaee this

"year as they wiU eovw the final war

Vltogathar a report o f wlneb the eoanigr may wsQ be proud.

Btaaebaa aad anxiliaries sre orged to sead a s away rapraaautativea as Itessibie. Each sMmber fai attmtdaaee irill be allowed to vote for the gOoers who are *« ^a^i-y «n|» »K. p j « ^ r^o-gram of tbe Bed Croas, whidi ia Prince WiHiam eeaaty ia primarily to be tiie sapport of a coonty aarae, wliese w a f t WiU be eooaty-wide in sc(9e.


Wffl Flauiee WasUwtoir • Lee Da»gi<iwit as Mcaa "^ rfau to <icaeMl-Lw.~~

Tbe Anrgima (hrand Csmp of Ccm-. judgment sd ° aside and fedwato Veterans at tfa«r recest ses-WD. in Barrisanborg, onandaniltr and enthMJastieaBy andorsed a to eqnip and endow the school af gineering at Wa^uiigtaa aad Lee Uai-veisity aa a m a n o b a i p (jUmrt BebertJU Lee.

after be aaamaal tha praaidamfy o f

L. E. Baachlay, B . A. Sboemakar,

G. WhOcer Marehaatw i . L. Maaer. C F. \mmat, W. C 4 j k » , W. J.'WalkttT Oaa^ 12 e a d ; B. N . H a i i ^ Cash. CWh^ Cash. Caah. Karl 7 Oaahh Gaah. a B . Wfaw. Cadi. | 1


More than batf of a flock ortwenty-k a ^ hehwiging to Mr.E. B. Goo-

gaaat w a r wfaa a « caHiner ware kMed or awimsd by -~- ^ "TBnSv^i535S3EZS^^S; farm

Bloewia. Barrey TV)rpe, who S M plaea, f b m d the

aheap eai^y Tatsdsy m A g a Vara afaU bawy wSt a. T b a f i r a t s i ^ a f l

in^toB Col lege, was to estobWsh Chair ef(SviI aad Bigiiway big. Widf U s bvge v is iaaef t h e tl tbe a e o ^ after the war be perceiv­ed deariy the iaveetaace of the team-

CffiCBn'COlBT -' • \


Tbe Oetob^ t a m af the eireait eoart for' ftiaee William cooaty, Jadgo S^mnal G. Brent preaidnig, cenveaed here Mondar~and eoatinaod ja i OB Tneedar and today.' Tim 1 of proeeedinga fellirwa; "

la TaraHen Caauaaa Law. QaatiiieatibB of C

B. C. Johason. adiool trostae far Ma-aaaaas district, to saecaed C E. Nash. reeigned, admitted to reeerd.

Qualification of B. W. Storka aa achoiri trustee for Cobw district ad­mitted to record.

Bobert H. Tajrtor <SeEaj^ad eastady nndar bead of | » 0 , with Bob.

AI HatehisoB, autetf. QoaBficatian of W. L. Sanders as

sdwol t n s t e e for Gainesville admitted to record.

Jo E. tbe district

C. Joneo 4oali«es as jHtfeo W paaca fiw Diiiiifiiea

-Cm i ta f a x Meaaay*-^<Hieiiff sabnuto repeat ef

prisoneis confined fai jail, as Mfewa: Joha Qcments. diarged with heaaa-breaking; B a r ^ Bingimm. cbargad with rape, and Boy Payne, chargtd with how"*«T*^fc'-g" • » —«t «« «« gnmd jury, and C charged witii laraea^ B

\ ewiiapd filni lagi "W.

Jan. warrant diamimed. W. Liming against J. ML K ^ - .)

against Fiaift B. Chaailsers. jr..

H U t t e r b a d i^aiast B . & dismissed oa motion of plaintiff.

tiaStL A. eoatiBaad to aecoad day of

qairy entered a t rnlaa dant aet aaide wiUawT:

teWB H » i i t j i ^ d a n f B d e m m w T

a t t W s t i a M o f tiai^laBewnw the (^eat War, GaaeH^ Leopold sddicesshMrid ondartafce to endow tbe Bobert E. Lee Sdmel o f ffiigiae> 1 lug and provide it wiUi a

to icMcb be the laat t v e yeara apeeial endowsMaat wfll be -a part IbamaiioB^oBarfand M»a bdug iaia-^ ed far the UaHaimty.

FBrtter ima.laliuiii pawed by the Gnnd C a a v aatheriaed the a^o int -

of a eenualttee of seaan to eo-xm

C. B. Cbandlar- aaaiiist Qaybm Dnnn, ease diamitsed by eonaent.

Alevaadris Fertiliser Bad Cbaniieal C c Inc., agaJnat A. C. StzoOar, jadg-

far plaintiff of $12&.1B, with in-A c -_

H. TbemtoB' Oavini | IB chancery, diiautad to aettJi] of C- A. Saciair and Babert A.

ef aeeennCs. I a -A.^,8aMdair, ' chanearar, aidarad to settle Bobart necaaiits, a« 'czeeater o f ffie ikna Oeedia PbffivK

C M-' Ksgraa ai

dathontiea of the Unieaiaitr iB^^earrying te ptini iiito ^ • j j - . j . -effect; famted:the GoBfederato vetar- ^^^^^^^ KBm tk «iOim statss to join in tbe en-

mittee of S a ( a b ~ A S ~ K q m . teeezacntiag bond with SOB, sarety.

Camsfa^her J. Meetae nmmjsaiaaas bi abam

tarpcias; and laqaaated that the plan be preaeated Ig-Pgasident B e ^ y

a t the raaaiotL of' the U a i t a l Tfligti^


h r the death of A. W.

Ceorad Dixoa (nee Xearad) at al agalBst Jotaa T. Mason's admbk-

Safe - D ^ o s i t 'aad "Cwnpany of BaMajjwre aad Jobn_

J. N c S w u appointed and sabatBated Tn f *nti Oi y i s a a a

i n irface^f^ John T Maawi. B.. a«d

»F«»ffl.WFAIRFiUK i X ^ ^ Gaaperx^om,

-WATBB Ai tD u ^ r r DVB

Ifa. Barry P. Davie, tawa ealla partieolar attentioa to the role tinrt payBMnto for wator aad bgbt fomiebed by the town plant are dae

4l>e*<nL?>aBthj_ir^appa-alty e f M ceada to be added wSea'pay-ment is net amda by ttie tea'th a rale

Mrietiy-farced. Saatoaiber paymmrts w B be

• dditiaaef tba that wf f ibs i

I-ina weaver: T. H. Athey; vi-ortt: Epi»-

. . t . lUv. T Kb Cbsrch of

G. Walker Mercheat aad fam-MiB. Badger^ totbe

t y ^ Mr. W M . . W b e ( t e - « (treat near the iwas i of Ceatre, Mrs. Badger having sold bar property to Miasea Maggw aad Bettie Bashoag, of Kensingtoo. Md., who wffl take pee-• aaiioa at oaee. Mr. Wbealatis bsaaa aaa beca oceapiad by Mr. 4. C ory and family.

Tbe nam 111 has grewB to be one ef O a moat aeceesary sMmbers ef the repmtugial staff of the modera aewa. It i s BOtealy mace accarato. bat rften •""* fT*^l'^^'llg **T~ ^ttMk-jnattan^ WMT" S I enuBple 9t BUl wgt~br f i saJ Ua,,page of pictnrea ia the Be-

Waabiaffmi Star depicting the ai i ival of the Kfag of BaUiam, bia amaea and the o o n n priacaTAnotha iWaahala tim tbrfflaw aaa aer*ad ia Admiral afaaa*


L Beat,, of Saaday Sebaai

b y N o r t k c n M - l i a g permittad to file addjtjenal p t a ^ i t ( r D K i i « W « r « f ' « L adthm tbaSr days of rismg ef e e « t .

S. B. S « b w avaiast W. B. BaBack. W U a Mr. S t o d t o n S . J y f t r o e i , of' J a d g a w t Itar ptadaOff af ftSLlfi w i ^

Fairfaz, waa haatiBg reeeatly ia a | iatareat * « . wood Bear tbe Fairfax fair groaads he t Ce^moBweaWi against Aaaa Cabs, picked op a sautB sMdicr^ identiflca- i ceotiBaed by eoaaent te^first day af

Tbe BMdal was made ef silver, aad waa ia tbe shape ef a abMd. laaerfted ea ito face are tbe werda, T a a J. Bag-city, Ootapaay D.. l a t 1st

dm smt

D l i M w . S Gecpa,''^ia said


ordarad deUverad to e a l a a v i a g wttb tha:

la t aad ea tbe bade ia "EaKsted Dctralt, Mick.. Jaly U , Ufil ." - Tbe shield is ia perfect coadition,


had retted sway, twaea the

DoriBf the war be-Matce BovtBeiB eetditra

an abeot amay figMa tteaa _

bkg*.' The

Mr. E H e a B . BeBaaek, r ^ t A t e a ^ H o B i r a e k . a

ace with tim ?

Faiitax and beat tha vil-


meat n d learned that Mr a t a aliva and Uvea m

warraats. Applieatisaa ef J a m w Newtaa Car­

ter and Joha WordaB Davie for CooH

jary, Grand Wbeelcr, for Weotfcndaa.

of J. D. J. Ceaner, Tbee.

Samnel B. L w e , O. C.

Oatoa and J. L. Da wean.

The Jonraal does net aiarepweeat ita dreolataoa in order to aeeare advar-tising. We have the largeet eireaia-tioB of any nawapapar pahBsbed ia Priaea WiUiam eoaatgr. Oar dreida-ioB ia eaer 14M. Baiks opea to ad-

Wbita. J. W.

CemmoBweaWi against Harry B n g -ham, fialony; eommoBwealtb agaiast J. W. Bowzie. misdeBMBnor; eeaunea-asaltb agamst Bobert H. Tayler. f ^ ony; eommoBwealth against Carratl Glcna aad George Maaen, feiooy, and common wealth against Roy Parne, fetoay, all bnoo •Slft^ roimiumweelth agalBSt Hetoi Lhning. feior.v- - •«-amnoeeUh agarast Jnr.r < • felony, and common w«.i> , ,ii]»'>.

(Contiaoed on pare -^ :

Page 2: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919

* p « p p ^ ^ " ^ " " 1 ' ! ^




iP i i i i i l H M iiiai




Fwwai'd ApplteatioBs.

The AmexICaB-Red CroM ii award, ingr aervin badgw to all Bed Cross iniiHbe« QirtimtliBUl- tlw cuuiitiy gave. 800 hour* of service. The ser­vice medaU are of gold and enamel in the national colors, a red cross in the center s unsounded by a band of white and a band of blue, with the words, "9crrie«, American Bed Cross." The 800-hour badge is composed of the ser vice medal a bar-pln by a broad band of dark blue ribbon one inch long. One white stripe is added to this ribbon for every additional 800 hours, witb^ltree stripes as a limit for any period of service.

Fivi» mg**** hftve been awarded to the following workers in tiw Prince William Chapter:

Miss Mary UHflHR, eUJKtl Ucre-tary, badge with three stripes.

Mrs. R. S. Hynson, head of chapter production, badge with one stripe.

Miss M. E. Rixey, knitting sapeiwi-sor, badge with one stripe. • Mrs. A. H. HarrcQl, supervisor of surgical dressings. .

Mrs. R. B. Sprinkel, h<Hne service secretaryr ' ~ '~ ~ ~-

Other badges will be awarded as soon as hours of service are recorded-Every member who worked 800 htfurs is requested to file Us name with the chapter or with, the branch or auxil-iary_ with which he. Is identifled. Branch or auxiliary chairmen afteF approving applications will then for­ward them to the chapter chairman, the chapter in turn to approve and forward requests to Division Head­quarters at Washington^ through whiuli Ihn iiiedala giveu of the .country, are distributed. It" is suggested that officials ^assist in eal-culatlng the lime ers. It is impowible, of course, to judge the time accarately, aa^4aiB» records wefe-aot-kep^^ Tip rrmt nt a badge is (1. * It may be interesting to chapter members that all badges awarded b^ the Prince William chapter are for volunteer service.


Piedmont Chapter Pishaiiib and

Branch Orgainizatioiis Affil-

iate With Cfrnpty Units.

The IlayuHnkel—BrancB" A men can Red Cross, which has b e « a part of the Piedmont Chapter, "with headquarters at The Plains, has now become a. branch of 'the Prince Wil­liam Chapt^ in order to take its pank. H in the peace activities of the Red Cross, which are conducted mainly along ing of the Haymarkek be held dti tober 17.

The following notice, signed by Mr. R. A. Rust, chairman, and Miss Eliza­beth G. Meade, secretary, was'ad^ dressed to the membership under date of October 7:

"As the 4(!tlVJ0« 61 tU A4>6Hcan National Red Cross are now conducted along county tines, the Piedmont V^-ginia Chapter has- dtabanded in «i that its branches may affiliate their respective county chapters. A< cording Ui tngtmetloRt iroia-PWitgi Headquarters that the branches should not disband, but be«a)me branches of the chapter' of the county in which their territory Iies,^Baymarket u now a branch of the;

—tef ~ A miwllni; of IJiiynUUf

for the annual election of oAeers be held at the parish hall, Haynarket, on Friday evening, Octobte' 17, ml. 8 c'cl&cfc A sumnuaj uf the wwfc «( tTre bTTtnch since its ergaaisatioii will be read, and work for tike futore ex-alained and discussed."


Mr. Qibewa WM 8|i ring W« M^e Bcvart.

An important meeting of the Nokes-ville Fanners' Union will be Md to­morrow evening at the sekool boose at NokeaijU;. Mr.GJbiPli wffl ad dress the meeting and Mr. H. W. Her. ring, aelegaie to ^le ^/guKti

'OumeuUuii, will ttpuit uu weit ot the eanvention.

Very important business will be consKMied, ment of Mr. James T. Flory, Ury. KR m««b«fr •T«jaf|^ lo

^^ItifrHQttle MANASSAS. VA^

IMaible, Giauili! m^il!( liffluS Oi

"When you w ^ t to make flal^ biscuit, delicious mi figtis and gems, reat~4ou|;hnuts vaxA. calss of fine texture'—then you need



^lElectrical Needs fiplpr 7M wait • Ae in? d.

Mil B g l W W . Hii ••it m •mhiw it fa

• mnni hf Ihe BMH d

, to w > hil FKc ftt m p»i MA. lawgwjw Miiliwii



mats tAo iriah tft applr for member-ship.


LIBERTY BONDS B o o a H T r ^ : i „ t N a H o n a r B a i i k t Victory or Liberty Bonds, any issi:.'. anv denomination—$50 to S, 0 bought for CASH. ^

mp utiat you hare. P. 0. Box « 7 .

- yiee-Pna. Gee. ¥• WarleM. Ca«U«.


. — s — arCwaMBAlhin uf Catefaar^h:-

Dks of Lime, ^eariwsstw ctf LiMC and Potadi Is

Water SoMUo FtoM ALSO

TREAmDUST — ^ P o t M h Liiw> — - -

Analysis AprB 24, ltl9 Caldm OxMv <1i9^-^-> -3712 MacMsiinB QsMo . . . . . . . Ji77 Siilv iir TrinMe Jm* Total Potash IMt Water SotaMoFMask.... J672

Z Our Store b SplendkUy^ Ready ToScrvietl|6

Hoii8eke€^)er f Fer the maay rijlilri^li or hnbA tk» spttac aMi





THB UNITKD STATES CapiU) tlO«.0«O.M Surplufi anH Profltji . t2M.M«.M

Prnmvit atl titifiTi r •n to sH bosl-ne*w- p-- h r o u r K o u t


AO kinds of haaling at reason; able prices. See me or phone C. M. Larkin & Co. 4V the telephone office. 12 E. E. ROBINSON" TRANSFKR CO.

Manasxas. v*.



f Ow spaeiesM.awwMd tear howae keeptaw 4ep«rtaieM o i c n MM hsat

•%mt Meet reecs* 4evkw'1a odiBaiy UmmSry e ^ « i f sat, IM«M-•evftese, refrifsratsn^ 4tc


with a big ^awk uf Tim-othf.Seed—tlie Tenrbest that pows-^et oir prices

II before boymg. We have Red Top (hrcfaard Grass and Ckver, too—the best qiuiliHfts, and alLprices-rigt_&ff|rocery stock b leH aiwajs. We

DUUN&HARHNCO. 121* F at ami lai-lTCTft.,

^ Ijiiis. jBoae lo see is.

J. ft BURKE & ( M xxxsoooooooooxx dooooooooof i^

RICffS iTfce urgest^stoct.t>«^ laarg ni'.TSr-rr.ii rTTwi."

• Washington, D. C



Office—HibiM A Giddinsrs Building

Manassa-s : Virginia

TVv "ur Business Locals—tbey will



—flhowing the cxdarire and ' ^« « • f W u ano«aee tkat dtetiBctiye feafarBT worn by D«^fc« « »• ^y* hoMi alkvwed to tlM partkribr Ji lantia ***** ***** wttkoat •«•« tmj svtetl-Bajdng-ioatwear * y sMil is * ^ •* * * « ^ ™^-o< eoorse. wiB mmie mmj a a i •atkibet««y. • • " >***• *"**• Tm» mn t>w ^

Ttta4 to • • • Mr knmd W* keUeTe w» caa tmrwtak am arflde as foi asr ths

ITWeappriidMa tin'Jftcrk] patrowf* d tkepaUfe at « v QUICK LUNCH DBPAKnaNt. Wa will atwan ka

to MTT* r « i 1

-TkUDKBXSST and Antsiih Monatsd Isy

Most Natural MUMT SUM Tuned and Mads Into

Beasiffol RSBR. Fbst €3aaB Work €rawuitoe<


1112 Fifteenth Street, N.

Washington, D. C.

Phone. lOOfik


Rector & Co. HAYMARKET, VA.



35 vice .

Prompt and as ista ;tory »er-d for


i i p i^pp i ip

Page 3: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919





ngy iPP^ .11, III JI wpi III III PI j lypipwiiJpwfWMWpif lwI l f fP^^ »"• -' y ' p • _ i^^#»«»^i^»»*A*<,ii>^»M«i.i.'-.• iii.'i i.i 'i)i[i.'M»i.tw_iiniijiiitniy(fi-iiMM^<.i iTijiiiiiiii'Btumiii' III I II jiiM»..iujfii*i__t.

, Jh^Map^ias Joutnall r

D. B. UBWI8, BviiiMM MMK^W.

^°*tTy' **.^^jL^^^^^j^ •jLyA"T'~TT. Vs., M eecond-<ia»» mail m»ttw.

^olweriptioii, $1 tlw jrcu ia AdruiM

Fdday, October 10,1919

AS jOHyyuu WAWA88ii3> y i B c m u "WWaS THREE


PoUowingr President Wilson'* mes-B«ge to the childrer>^f the Junior Red CroM, GovernoT^Davia has addresised the following: fetter tfli the junian of Virginia, which it is hoped will b« read in every school in the commonwealth. The governor's message follows:

To the Boys and Girls of Virgrinia: Ihirintr the trying days of the war many of you as Junior members of the

'AlnerfeUi Red Cross TfflRrt«d~ni«itt yaluable and unselfish service to your couBtry ^ in «i<f of the AUted caoae. While the actual fighting has ceased, there remains much work yet to be done by the American Red Cross in eariHg-for ttie imjiioverished, sick and suffering people in the war-devastat­ed countries of E u n ^ , and to this wo*k there is an opportunity for every boy and grirl in Virginia to render ser­vice, in helping solve the proMeBUi of reconstruction. —IhftJBOrJL prog^m outlined for the Junior Red Crews members provides for a comprehensive scheme to furnish relief to sufferrng childrfen through' out the «orid, audi appeal to all the boys^and srirls in Virgrinia to Enroll or to i«-enr<ul a»> Junior members of the American Red- Cross in_ order to pair ficipate in this great service.


- 1 Com* to OM Stow %w\ her :-_,l_-„__^

1*H0I1AS A. EDI90N% VERY LAlttST '


Llstai. to the Broadway '^its,'* hear the stirrteg war

soBge, langh at the sew TaudeTille reeonUt.

Bring along y<mr friends, make yonradf at hmof. m .

Check yoor bundles, ose oar teleplMne, fiieet your

frienoB.. Stay ai h>ng as you wiA.

Ton wUTbe onder no obligations wliatsocTer.


— ~ r . WnTi YOU COMB 7

Dewelt^ Phannacjr THRREXAUrSTOKE"


_ The Ford Coupe has an especial appeal for real estate fcdks because j£itiJG0^S3ji^EHg|^EH^PPintmaito! A comfortable ancfdepend-able motor car every day of the year—shine, ;^dn, mud or snow. Equipped with electric self-starting and lighting systeniand demount­able rims with 33^-inch tires all around it, brings its owner all thoae-established depondable J''ord merits in economy in operation and upkeep, with assured long service. Not ak>ne for professbnal and busineaai men y^o-drive ^auch> but as-the-family car for women, the Ford Coupe meets every expectation. The demand for them increases daily so we solicit immedia^ orders to make reasonat^ prompt delivery. Will you. not make our shop your repair place? Genuine FonTparts and skilled mechanics.

W.LMOeOY Authorized Sales and Ser^iee^



- "I like it so much, if I am 83 years old." -

This is one,of the finest compliments -The^ Journal.JuLS received in a long time. It came with a ritrllar stnt to


renew the subscriptibn of an' old sufr. "scriber—old as a subscriber as weU'as

venerable in point of years. - A country newspaper seeks to.merit

' _the confidence and regard at its read­ers by a fair and just accounting of the ^news of its particular field, by blaang tbe_taai}..fpr any good jpublic work which can be fiurthered by fhe publicity which the newspaper is able to give, and by a personal and friend­ly int rest in its big family of readers, a larg«"i)ei*ratageof"wS4fitrthe"comi^

rrtry editor, Unlike the city editor, knows by name. _ ._ -.i

And vrhen such friendly and sincere expressions of .appreciation and loy-

Til^ drift into a country nfeir»papMr-offlce, they are grreeted as welcome sig-nals that' tiie train-is proceeding ac­cording .to schedule, tiie schedule be-

'ing the standard which the paper is trying^to' achieve.

Alw^it would not be amiss to say titat. .flSiriam hfma«», f I i 11 jl, fwn«

stmetive criticisnw^A welcome . ,aa . ynloBS,. SEat^t dangec ' signal

many a wreck.

fi* There Are Discrgnmating P e o ^ r ,- . : \ . • • ;.. ..; ;•-;••, : , ~ 'T ^ In erery comnwiity who Want to pordiasc the S best. These are oar friends. 1$cy have S ' oiff imaitiesd oiu rw>Btation. n IK Their Good Judgment - ^

xmj^ the name t^ "EpMONI^ n^en jQ feze, is neeCf -t icctacieB aad'^iVbuBm.'^ ,. proi

" ^



8M Fif teeath Street WASHINGTON, P. C. :giwaaite Shoreham Hotd

— r '*A FRIEND IN NEEET When fire lias devastated yoor home or pl{Ke of bosincss, when life hiolGa blackest, when the savings of years

THAT HOUR COMES BACK Whether vr want to or not, our

clocks will go back on October 26 ftnniriirirr—r-* **"'* *'" '•'~''~ "* country will'be tamed back to mid' night on the bwt Sunday in October has been made by (dldalf in answer to many inquiries.

Apparently most of us are 'willing, $tA ye -«age>, to welcome the ehwige —aa eager as the rest are set against i t - - - - • .'^-


have gone a|i in smoKe-^Bai yon i4»-preciaiie the value of an insurance policy in a good, seiiable company, which pays its leases prmnpt^ and sets yioii cm yoir i ^ the mily kind we represent.




:• /

TO THEUXBXANPRIA GAZETTE The Alcoouidria Gaiette diine 6M

OB Friday aa a paper <^ thirty-two pages in four sections, a v « ^ ervdita-

vhicb merits our warm. congratolatioBa. This special edition is a, "prosperity" mnnber, ia eeldtra-tion of etnama^ profctiss^ tkie Ga-Mtte^ fl«M.

O YOU wnBt mere milk and cfeam?—If so, vou should feed EUREKA DAIRY RATION,

the highest in quality and safest to use, for bc«t results. Ypu naay be from Missouri, but we ca3i dww yoo. Ask yoor feed dealer about EUREKA aaqhfmd-irtMU yoa hatfe .k>nf_JwMi tooldni






- W E ARE SELUMG SWIFTS HIGH GRADE-Donations -of books or magazines

'-will be gladly wekdnwd by tKe Ameri-«an Red Cross at Canif>"Holabird, Md. The boys statioasd at HoUbird ars eagsr for more litaratare7 partieolar-ly magmsiiMa. Tlwy a#| said to have read ^»etieall7 emyiMug en t)M post. •


The gbvemnwnt's praflt in operat­ing the Soothem Railway amoaBted to 910,637,97«, in cash, ftoeording to tits

*1t Pays to UseJhem" Long ndQ this year's harvest be

With ^iees--

brfore yott bttg. "Wdl hftgwn i« half doiie.** FatUizer givei your

i S f t l M ] it

f lUs i s t lMt imete i

1 0 « n to the bank ea which

HRARTBASB wheal a good start There is ransk in tta% wMstle

i\$ *k* *-*—' *• ^ajk^ k\mi k l a — r

T h « e is music in the mormiir Of the "Bee XBat Slpr llie 1«H,

There is music in the ripple Of the waters of the rill;

There is music in the fluttar Of the featiMTsd singer's trffl;-

There ia music in the rustle Of the leaves among the trees;

There is music in the nodding Of the flowers in the breexe;

There is music in the simplest Of the tunes of Nature's art;

Fo" 'he •'*'! rid is f li! of music - ^ •' > . t,he ;. . . .-t

\Mm iDDGI rifiI1&1n


far [ a t u i y tiMS

rjj,w.v " (DMMpormtM)

M A N A 8 S A 8 - - - VIRGINIA


"What Fertilizer Shall I Use on Wkeat?" flLii. . - t J ^ T l S riijf'^T£j.^^£5ntpg^ferf".T:

, * - ; • , , ««r- Sir-* :£*••.:«'?

* * • "iiiS^^BifiBad&iffliSiiiiiSifiijM^: , i j i«ai i

Page 4: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919

"^ •ST" '"jf" -"-npMippaiippiiiil PiPPIipipiWillgiiHIMBttJJIMIBIWW'WWBiW'^^ mmm wmimii



se uroff LBCAirfWIRi M <

-Now ia.the'tiBM.

—NOW l6"TOg U M l i r — ^ ^ ^ ^-

—A son was born on September SO to Rev. and Mrs. Jesse M. Bell, *% their home ia Asbnryi W. Vsl

—Mr. Ocie Abel snd Mrs. Ells

—Mr. P. E. Xa MJlffl haa wM tbe on sooth Main street, knewa a«

'[»iu> >*ffititjy jMchawd ttie property of Miss JnHs Lewis o^ Priuce William tUiMil. Ml. Rinksf,

Beavers were ma!ftM recently at tiie United Brethren parribiiase by Bev. L. C. Messick.

—TW'treUiirer vt the Priaes-Wil liam Red Croea baa been authorised to issue a check for WOO for a Ford au tomobile purcbasadTbr tbn rum d the county nursed ' ' : ~"

—A Hallowe'en party wiH be gi«*)i at Conner's Hall on Thoraday evening, October 30, by the ladies of Grace.M. E. Church, Sooth.

—Miss Vietorine Nicol, clauchter of Mr and HrsT DrTunmonOnedl, lUbnv-sumed her studies at Central Hifh School in WashingtOB.

—Mr. Clayton Simpson, for|nerIy of Gainesville, has sold his store <at Be-rea, Stafford. county, to Blr. Wilbur Heflin, of Rock Hill, Stafford «onnty.

—Miss Elizabeth LarUn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Larkin, has been appointed teacher of .the Bethle­hem public school, which opens on Monday.

—Miss Pauline Beachlegr, eldMt daughter of Mr. and MiauJi: E. Beaeh-ley, has accepted a poaition in Wash' ington and i f staylBi; "tn Alezutdrta for the present.

—Mr. W. A. Marshall, who haa beea in buainess at Neverlet for severe years, has purchased the property of Mr. Meredith-Hawes, of Centreville,

tear away the Uttlehonses on th« lot wiuch have been occupied for many years by eoloted peopte: '

—B«v. A. Stuart Gibson, rector of

and will ojyen'a sturo Uieie.—~—r-|

—"The Find," an interes^nff story of adventure; writtm 1^ ^rffit. Oxville W. Mosher, jr., appears in the October number of St. Nicholas Magasine. The story is illustrated by EhiOs Comstock.

^Miss Marian' ClazJE, youngest daughter of Bev.and Bn.^T.^D.'D. Clark, has mtmni Buainess Hig^ School in WashiA t<M> and makes'the trip to WaahlAgtMi by train each day.

has purchased tihe Sice prsperty in Vienna, conta&iog 6% ieni;~'Biid is improving it, i«<^paratory to rentov-ing there, saya-4he -Fairfa_He»ald.-The price paid tut HM ytopei^ waa $5,250.

—Mr. and Mr*. W. I. Steere have piSxhased pmperty at'Monnt Bunier, Md., and will move iojto tlnir Mir hoifte about October 20. Mr. Steere haa been particularly aetive in pnUie work in Mauaasas and will be greatly _ missed,

—Mr. and Mrs. Harry C Blakemo^, of Washington, have rented the int>p-erty of Mrs. L. A. Larkin, jr., on Cen-

next week. Mr. Blakemore, iHio is in the railway mul scjrviee,. owiM p n ^ erty at Nokesville.

—On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Baptist Church Bev. David Hep-bum, of the Anti-Saloain League,- wJIT preach in the interest ot~lliB w o ^ Rev. Mr. Hepbam will speak, at As-bury United Brrthroi Church at 3 o'cloclt^fi the aftentow and at jiight in NokesviUe.'

TrUMy Cboreh at MmRanaa, and Bev. W. E. Roach, rector of the Episcopal Church at Marshall, Fauquier codnty, wiil leave early next wek to spend sev­eral days in-King Geiag*, Westmom-land; Lancaster ~knd Northumberland counties in the interest at the Nation-wlde Campaign -Church.

Mi%. M. B. Bazbour has retomed .from A visit te her-adeee*'Mrs. Ffaree B. Redd, of Cstlett

Miaa LUlian V. GUbert, county home demonatratioB .agent, ia attending the state fair at Richmond.

—Meun. J. P^J^n^kJif Watsrfall. and James E. nekett, of Haymarket, have returned from Atlanta, where tiiey' attended the annual reunion of th» United Confederate Veterans as representatives of Ewell Camp. Mr. Smith and Mr.' Pfdcett-were royaUy-entertained dturing their stay in At­lanta by Daughters of tiie Confederacy and at the home a Mr. Gray«on, form-edXJ>f Vienna, Fairfa^c county.

—Bev. Alford Kelley, former pas­tor ( ^ €be Manassas Presbyterian Church, and his -sister, Miss Isabel Kelley, will spend, the winter at Clif­ton, Bev. BIr. Kelley having accepted the pastorate of the Clifton church. They are Ofccupying the home of Mrs. O. S. Wofsdy and her motivw", Mn. Bnllard, who are spwiding the winter in Washington. Miss Kelley made a visit to Manassas during tJie week.

—Mis» Nellie F. Oxley, a represen­tative of the nursing service of the Potomac I^vision, American Bed Cross, visited the Prince William Chapter this week, to confer with the committee on nursing activities •ytm illM Aodrty Drake, flic C m s eennty nnree. Miss Oid^, in company with Miss 'Drake- and Berf and Mrs. DeForeat Wade, visited schools at Qaymai^^ «tad Gainesville en Tuesday. V* '

—Mr. i . L: SisBM^ feenitJy^kffied on the Tobin farm infFairfax-county a black snake 7 feet 2 inches in lengtii and/«s big around as the iqiper part of a man's arm. The Teptile shewed fight, i t is stated, but was soom des-

Mr. B. F. A. J^F«^«(^Paiaax.[j»»*<h«*- "BU»

msmoMBfim fiaw is-thft-tixDc'

MANAiiSAS, VU^Gl-MA I I . — ^

iHil iAY. O<;T(:>BEK 10. iiH'4

fionlffn ^"nCVi " ^ Wyhing-toDj .is visiting friends here.

Miss Katherine Donohoe, of Balti­more, is vidting Iwr m o 8 ^ ltH;~T. M-D^doho^

I^nda and Graee Todd, of WaahiagteBt are v<aitte)rt>Mte partiuUt Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Todd.

Mrs. J. L. Harrell is speniUng sev­eral weeks with relatives and ftiands at her former home in Bristol^ Tea

^ Mr.JR. E. Knevels, of Elkhart, Ind., has been vlaiiing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Knevels, of Ben Lomond Farm.

Mr. Charles B. Larkin, of the Uni versity of Virginia, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James RMd Larkin.

Mr. and Mrs. Th<»nas WatUns, of Alexandria, spent Sunday here "with Mrs. Watkins' pArmts, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wenrich.

iCr. BenjsmiB J. Bradfield, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. aM Mrs. James E. Bradfield, leaves today

hia home in ^ie» -lis

Mr. J. Parker Milbum, exaininer of record fbr tl>e sixterath judicial cir-cuit, and Bfr. E. L. S. Bouton, of Vi«i-na, •were'Manassaa visitors Tuesday.

Major Fred D. Pattersmi and Lieut. I^tterswi, - tf Waahiagtiit;^

spent, the -week-end here with their mother,_MrB..BiUlan^nie Patterson,

Miss Zan Gibson, <jf Charies Town, W. Va., last week visited her uncle aad aunt, Mr. John T. Gibson and Miss Mary Gfteon, at th^^home near Lim-strong.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Monroe, of Burke, and their two little children, Abigail Bebeeea and' John Wallaee, have been viaiting. Mra. Mcproe's pa-

are retorted to be particnlariy'num-eroBs ttfia fail,*' sayrtiie FaicCsx H«r^ aid, from whidi this item was taken. "WoStAnot dsngernns thay areyaflier

uj^y looking customers."

-The marriage of Mias Ethel Elia-

zeota, Mr. and Mrs. JMm S. Green.

abeth SpUaan, of Watwaton, lUMl Mi.f J- B«aedl, of Marshall J<dm HopUns Hamsberger^ of Catlett, took tda^ £Bst ireek in Rockville, Md }Sx. Hwrnaberger swved with the

Vx. aaA Mrs. Q^ienee'W. Wagenear leave today for their Some at Cplum-lits, Ohio, after a short ^idt to 1tei# parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C: Wagener^j^ of Ifcinrrtsss, and Ifr. and Mza.

Mrs. Herman L. Bonney and her lit­tle son, Herman, have vetnmed i» thmr hmne in Clarendtm, after a visit

Anierican forces bi Mexico and ovei^t^ ^ra. Bonney's parents. Dr. Aid Mrs. - was wounded while in Trance a S. Saqnaon. Mr. BMM

and has recently retomedto this conf try. The bride is a daagbter «rf the ifcuuwsas. late Judge E. M. Sinhnan and sistor j of Gen. Baldwin Day Oilman and Major Robert Oilman.

wedc-end viaiior dnring tbeir stay

-T-Josef Konecny, a Bohemian vio­linist, -wfU. appear in a grand concert at Eaatern College on the evening e f Friday, Octcriier 24. He will bie as­sisted by Lola Alley, soprano, and

We haVe several hundred bushels of nice Recleaned Wheat of the STONERand LEAP'S PROUFIC variety

wheat-use THE BEST y

Manassas Feed and Wks^ - — MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

• ^


If yob reaUy want the KSWS of tfae county The Joomal wiH give it to yoa every vedc for at year for one dtjiar, te-advaoce. \

II flfjOfjUBUcaLBJui I _ J;_ r_ T'_! _ T _ m _ rL r ^ i r r i. V^v- . _ r„ r:. i - 1 i. 1 _ ) _ J _ I _ I _ I _ ! . I _ ! . F _ ! _ I _ I

rV !>;. ; _ I _ I _ 1 _ 1 _ ' ~ ! _ ? _i - ) - 1 .;. I „ I -"l _ I _ I . ! _ r _ ! . ! _ J _ ! _ I _ • - l i . 1 - f _ ! _ 1 _ • . f _ < „ • _! _ I _ I J I

, —Mr . Pulaski L. ProiBtt hiis re­turned .from ^ M « S | Ftavanna eeanty, where she was-called by the,-dMth of Mr. ProffiU's fafter on SeptembiT% Mr. Proffitt, who has been in Fluvan­na for some time during hia father's illness, is expected to rcton to,Ma­nassas shortly.

—Laird Areyreew e l Mr. 4md-Mrs. ^ S. Arey and a nM«nbv of the Prince. William county pooHry ekbs, is the owner of two Khode Island Bed pul­lets which won ftrat and sece*d honors in the class for dob Btede biand Reds at the state «ak held in SMi-mond this week.

—Mr. Wellingtea Bailey has sold his farm of 111 iwrsa on the BiistoW: Greenwich roid^abeiit three miles froA Bristow, to Ifr. H. C Wood, of A d o , who takes poeoeasioB between now and January 1. Mr. Bailey is ateylag fSrt the present -with his daughter, Mra. Btelviii WnTtMii tmt Idm

to 'be"'fhe7son of a Bohemian black-smith aJMi a student of Sevdk, teacher, of Jan Kubelik. He volunteered as n' private in the United States army at the begmnaig of the wnr and aflte the armistice w^ assigned to da^ witer-tammg" the seldiws at the eampe SKoad,

• • » • » • • • • # » • » • » • • » • • , » » • * • »

TU» Jomiial ILM « y«

worUi it.

DIXIETHE M(»day, Octob^ 13

BILLIE RHODES The Circus Girl in ^oop-La^

—Mrs. Ellen Steele, who has been-quite aick for several months at -her apartment in the Hibbs A GMdings bnildin?, -oi-ae token to Sibley Heapttal< m Washington on Sunday by her daughter, Mrs. Tliemas W. Howard. Later reporto stote that Mrs. ^eel^s CM»Ution i a « n A tmproved.

The follQ-wiag. news item, token frim the Fairfax Herald, is pnnted ajfam this week to correct a mistake which appeared in the re-print in last week's iseue: Mr. John W. Rust, of

WEii Wpcfnd to ft Kirl WIM was raised ewk whca she f«nd hcradf tnaaplaated to

I>niH Mtas this aM> AtelnfaM, lle-17e.

the biff to» of a dr-


.—The Daiiciiig Airtnlat— .ta.

MISTAKEN IDENTITT FMtariitff s death-def yinf Bwtor met with Barney O M M d u d hto G<ridcii Egg., Also Ktynteae CMMdy, ^VteOBoiced End."

Adaisshm, 6e-lle



T H E HOMEBREAKER" She wtM teaeh yoa a few -

Admission, llc-17e









I •_ I - >



• # •

: - I

' V ^

i jri-rfax. and Mrs. Stella E. I>arson, of \l.inassafi, havp purchased what is

, >-T. a? Voppir.i: farm. ? ^ miles •T -- A.;, •,,,:•,.;; - ' ' c \ : '\' " iver "THE

•,.* -!s of \ -to:-

!Wr.- •ISTAO r rrpmr •ISTAO




"THE T AW OF THE NORTH" : ^r countrv v .ere it

iilO. but en.i;^M t \ -

Cocke s Pharinacy MANASSAS* YIBOHtA



T H E GREAT GAMBLE" I Episode No. 2, T h e Clodc of Doom." Paramount SennettJ comedy. "No Mother to Guidei Him." N*" inrf Ford Weekly.



Page 5: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919


-SRS '^•im^r'


ytv* Ceata * Thre* Gaate

Helper Wanted—Apply Bell's *• Bakery, Manassas, Va. 21-1.

For sale iHHtvately at my resi -xm K. Centre St.—24-gai.

.lUfttle, hand oora eheller, Davis ''m$b>M chum, craiik cliurh7 new Ua^^Hreaker, eonVertible to aub-Tt^Ber; parlor coal stove good as •IMW, air-tight wood stove, Ca-)IO6Q grass s e ^ sower, roller gp^lter for large plow, pair fine $iyM«try curtains (portieres),

\ feena bedstead and springs, larg^ < BOJShester coal oil lamp. Please ddl next week at latest. W. L litMre, Maiiassas, Va. 21-1

4 .Speci«l atUoitiw h u bam eaXM by Mr. Benjamin L. Parcel), atate dairy and food m'"ph''^"TT. t'r ttw Mlinr

Pair of Mule4 For Sale—Good [>rk animals. F. E. Saffer. 21*

iPlYE DOLLARS SAVED Beat the Profiteer!

Soy your high-grade watch from ^Bmoot & Co, 202 7th St, S. W., l^tddBgton, D. C. Write for l^ces. 21-5

-" lyanted—^Boxwood sprays for Inafeo^^ate shipment; cash before

^ flftwed. A. B. Price, 925 Vir-' ^^^ Ave., S. W, Washington,

jMerdMBfClIcsfailnmtrsaRLjEDP Urig ggedw^yaraJBg F r w —

8tat« CbmmisBkMicr.


duAce pears at the orchard $1 ~4Rld $1.25 a bu. J. H. Dodge.212

^ ^ . -. " rJ.^ilL l imi

' Coal Btov&for sale, Iwute burtp tt^-^ good condition. - May be jiMn- at Journal oSke. Cheap at

: . • ^ -

Wanted—Dairyman to take «itiK£hargej>t herd. Apply ut iSiee to Waverley Farm, Hay-

ll^uiket, Va. 21-2

^or Sale—Oak Fooc, B. 2, Manassas, Va. 21-2^

W<a Side—Apples, $1 and $1.26 ha. at onduird. Geo. B. Mc-

Bristow,.Va. 20-?



Sale—Oak ikesser and d, good as-niew; will

Mrs. T. It. Galleher.

~- Wanted—To buy a fans, no Idste or black jack land, 6 or 6-

^ier for stask, aboat 100 acres^ c«nv^uent to Jtatii» wid. B « H

!:l4ltt^^ Va. 2(«*

i:^..—For Sater^sOne^lBisasepower '•^tikafn traction engine, $350, or >V«r8l trade for Ford car or truck.

" ' I douUe disc harrow,- 20 disc, Herbert PuroeU, E F D.,

• I & t — — 20-2*

" ^ WHOM rr laAY TONCEHNTT-^'^^-'-PBgJ^L.g^Igg^ i will not b« respwisible tta

^ aaQr debts contracted by my wife, Cunmie L. Peters,

v; "aw* J. H. PETEKS.

"-L POidenfial Sted Buildings we fjHreiwoof, portahje and perma-

_Baat. If yog are going to build or any tpae one-siory write J. M. Garber,

N^cesviHe, Va., * » prices. 28-2

Wanted—Two or 3 good sales-_ !aa» with cars to sen paint and

-.ifev JPQO&ig cement-on make $200 to $400 a mom

and e^qienses. Apfiy any Sat­urday or Sunday. A. R. WiUdns, Jfok*8vtne.^V«. - 20-4

ing extract* from regnlationa for c*r-ryipK^~oar the praviaiona of the Vir-trinia Cold Storaga Law adopted ia §eptemb<r for the protaetion of the eonanmar:

(1) Erary paraon, Arm or eorpora-tkm offoriac iot aala any freah meata, fn«B mm •pntaeu, trtrti flsh, pcwl-tZ7, ana , milk, batter, ehaaaa, edible fata and oila, and tani, a(l>ieh have baan held in cold atorace for thirty day* or over, mnat retain oa such ar-tidaa of food all markinga which they •howed when wi^idrawn from atotage; and ,

(2) Shall affix to the article «r its container.a ^aeanf with the worda "OM Storage Goods" prtnted theraon in letters at least one inch high; and

(3) Siail stamp or mark the oataide of every package oi soeh artieiea de­livered to « customer with the words "Cold Storage Goods."

(4) Hotels and restanrants serving any of the above named articles which have been held &t cold storage for thirty days or over shall place on tiieir billa of fare or menu cards a statement that "All Cold Storage Foods sold here are marked .thus (*)" and in such case every cold storage product appearing on the menu most his pTacieded by the sign of a star (*)


Fnaeral Servieea H ^ Yesterday at St. Paul's Church, Hayatarket.

Mrs^Xreorgie 'Bleight Osbom, wife of Mr. Fields M. Osborn and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samoel R.

igfat, of Haymarket, died liiesdsy flVOTiing te^ a Washington hospital. Fnnersl snrvtees took place

TUl MANAiSAg. ' a a a i 5a



| J » . I W t A i M a ' t i p Q » t A PAGE FIVE

The street committea^of Ihit town ooMwnt "-JMW- appuUH>ii;--";r~;^^i|||i coinpoaad of Mts- ~Boning~l^nn A6^ •rBfah aiwT Mi«» Asulia fontaiae Brown to soUeit funds for thc-improve-ment' Of thj principal highw^s of the teqm. Mrs. Bobertaon and Mias Brow* hope to arouse a large measor* d pob> lie spirit and -to b» '""lin'f*"f •vriTfrt Tf V program which is planned. It ia ex­pected that this program wlU elimi­nate hidas and ruts, »nd't^n dnst storms wUeh have threatenad tiie pnb-UekeaUli. "



A real teacher is one whb knows hm work and worka bet' knowledge; whe k>vea the bee in spite of its sting; who has originaHty and leadwahip and wiahee to develop them; who no^ only stays dose to nature but occaaionall; catches up with it; who can be genar-ooaly sympathetic without bring pa­tronising; who can sacriilee. a few man-made pleasures for the greater joy of communing with God's great out-of-doors, and who- understands that it is foolish to wait for one's.ahip' to come in when it luu never been launched.—Carbon Guide'(Utah)

—Fire of unknown origin Friday afternoon destroyj d the two-story, bam on the West street proi>er^^ Miss Julia W. Lewis, which is rented by Mr. and ICrs. Joseph C. Tnlloss. The blase had gaii»d consideraUe headway when discovered by Miss

afternoon at St. Paul's CHiiarcE'In flaymaricet. The serviee was read ac­cording to the beantlfnl ritoal of the church by the rector, Bav. T. M. Browne, and four famiUulqrmns waz« sung by tiut vested chmK "Dtm body was laid the dhmAyard at

Hint*—irt of the owafrahin. •awase-

S t PauTs. Mrs..O«A>orn WM a'fisithfnl member

and regular attendant of St. PauIV i^mreh-and the last time she left her 'Sbmi'h^iwo "hfTTig j y w a d tp7Bie~hos-pital was to be prMisnt at a Sunday

t'•••'' Sur jv^pg a^mbvs et

in addition to'bier huaband andiwr-entBr are three brothera, Hasns.. Aah-

- £4- ment, etc., reqiiircd by the Act Congress «rf August 24. 1912.

Of tike Manassaa Journal, published weekly at Manassas, Va.,, for OctobsE 1,19ia. State <rf Virginia, Ctumty of Prince

Wa^an,as. ° a Notary PiriiUe la sad Beftiri! UM^

for the state an^ county aforesaid, peraoaally appeared D. B. Lewis, whoy having been duly sworii according to -iawr dqposes.jind says that he ia-tta bosbtesa maajger of the Miiiisis Joataal and |hl|^4hevMloiraw i%... thobest of lite knowledgie-andbetiiitji

^ t.,i_ »»• « ; -!_, cavoon. reonired by the Act of Au-step duldren. Miss Nannie Osbmm, >="i'*~^ ro4»«w j Miss Nannie J o B ^ aad "Haines Osborn; a little ^utg^ter and an inAmt SMI ten days

l^rnrfiip»-~'TSM^arn^miiaaer i>y CoLrBrowii, af Atiaata.

CoL E..L. Brown, of the Federal Re­serve Bank at Atlanta, has pntdiased the Endless-Cavtoma in the nwthwest-em part of B<)ckingham county from Mr Ri<mnn.i J Wy..^liygiir. The cav«ns, which, beeanse of eoniticting interests in the estate, have-neivwbesa^ developed, will now be electrically

—,-- [lighted and improved so as to attract titmintM knd aie pnblic Th< cava is

Farm for JUaife=About acred, good house andlEcum. pfy to M. Lynch, Manassas.

2001 Ap. 19-8

'aSfiiffltf snd irrtrhahFy pnp^rinr to sny in tiie eeontry. The-ae-otDed diamotd

"lik—i—S^ Sale—Saw mill and 16-n. "'•''*''^ »f<»gine; niijl 20 f t of ctoriage,

"^^fich sawV D. Ma-


48 f t of tradmir; W. A. MarshiA, R. nassas, V*-

Money to Loan in sums of $2,-OOOorovec C. A. Sinclair, At­torney. - 17-tf

I have purchased wood work­ing machinery and am y^ared

~*» do all sorts < sBop work." T. R. Evans. «

Wanted—60,000 white oak -araaatioB. Seaaa—dietpwgc*. M-Lynch & Co. 2S-tf


- ^ f -

CLEANING, PRESSING AND inrEING esUbtishweat, Centre

^reet , opposite home of Roscoe L«*is. CM dothes i t t ie w ROBERT MA LOY. -__2*-f w^. IT. TTTt:

located rally one m&e from t ie Va&ity near New Maricet. y*

ThTcavenM mtn ilisHHTBrwi lFy_a£ cidmt October 19, 1879. For the va. riety and beauty of formation and tlie

room is 90 by 20 feet in siae.*nd forms a sort of vestibole to tiie -.l.;>t. 1- 7S ky 91ft «.«» w i t h m. >i- |niY «0 fe«» h i ^ The extent of tha cavw T S ^ o t t rf the company as cms is such tttat ttieyi

has not been fally sxplsnd.


Bepert States That Expect' m i l G* ta Afika.

Mias Ella G. Agnew, assistant di raetor of the extension divisioB of the State Agricu]«0al College and ¥&• ginia Pidytechnic Instttute, at Blacks

in the next twe duptus: '•

Miss Agnew's duties consisted main­ly m the organisaSon of girls' and women's clubs tiironghont the state.

Before taking diarge tt gfrte" and women's woik in the extennon divi­sion in-t9f 1, Miss Agaew ht>i


by tile house. The building burned rapidly and the flames threatened the nearby residence at Jfm.'F. B. Coles and Miss M. K. ^ c y and Asbory 9 . B. Church, breakmg windows and biu'iiiug Tines that covered Uie rert^ dence. Prompt work by the fire de­partment, howeyer, cbeckod tiie spread of the fire. : '


trae statanMnt of the ownerafaiB,^Mu-agement, etc, of the aforcaaid. poUi'

gust 24,1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Bc^ulatimis, printed on the reltatae of this form, to wit: ~

1. ^3^t the names and addresses of the publisher, aditm-, managing editor, and-biuiiiaBa-maziagsE-aii£

FtdtUsber, Manansa^ J»HnaA~Pnb-lishing Co., Inc., Manassas, Va.; Edi­tor, M. Larktn, Manaaaast Va.; Vxa-aging Editor and Ki8inea«^ Manager, D. B. Lewia, Wanssssn, Va.

2. That the owners are: - H. Thorn­ton Davies, Manassas, Va.; H. Thom> ton Davies, AdmV; D. B. Lewis, Ma naasaa, Va.; L.'Krank PHW,, Mjnsuas^ Va.; John J> Pavi^'. Cnl-peper, Va.

3. That the ' known bondhoMers, mortgages, and otlier seearity holders ownmg or' BoMlag'liiw cent or mert Of toiad amount of bonds, mortgages, or ether s^enri iea are: None.

4. That tbe two pari^^siais next above, giving the namea of the owners, stockhoMsw, and aeuuilj holdsrs, i f i ^ sny, contain not only tbe Bat ef stodc iMrtdan aud security huMara a r t t e y appear upea tbe becAs of tbe eompany but also, in caaea where the stock­holder or security bolder ai^ears upon

Or m any other fidoctoy ralstl^, the person or corpora tka

h trostesis astiag, is given; ^so that tile said two paragrapha con tain sUtem«0ts emlw'aring sOBant's fun knowledge and bdtef aa to the eireamstanees and conditions under which stoekhoMers and security Ir^f-ers iriw do noti^pear upon tbe books of the eompaiiy as trustee, hold stock sad securiOes in a capacity other than

of a bona Me ownitr; and this

SoaSB XirfeM, and It Is bcHevedbr~hor iriands that she intads to retom to h « position.

)p^*i on

"That's a i n c job," s>y» the a&liafied coatoner , whOM frinf^ iag ord«- haa bMO Ailed-by tlM Jonmars job departa»«nTr^"Sia 1 ^ j ^ ^ ^ p HOUGH cor work and jret oar quotations ^ ^ ^

card.<;. letter heads, *Ut*- DENTIST "s. sale MDs, pro-! Office—M L C . Building

gram^ . s . etc ^^«^ [ M&xiassas :: Virginia -^coJ-i . ...

afllant has no-Tvasm to believe that any nthar p*""". "imfistioB. T ""'"• poratJoB has any iutarsst direct or iU' aiwet ift the fUa itoekrtKHHls, m utl» «r seevMes than aa so stated by hin^

D. B. LEWIS, BnstneaS Manager,

Sworn to and snhamhed brfoM me thU 1st day of October, 1919.

VIOLA D X V I S PBOFFTTT, N . R My cemiaHslBH expaes Oci.^h^i»tt I waa coadkissioned notary aa Viola Davis.


tntorFisk Tii^ <iOBoe»jr vnhtmc

T o 6a ih»B«at Come^m b» tlm WcrUto Wwkfotamd A* Sqaantt Cometrm imfitdttmmui Jo do Bmbtma wiik.'^

It is that ba6kiai^ aquaic'tUum — tliat extra using

miles them;


Next Thne-^

N^EWMAN-TRUSSLER CO., Manassas, Vs. CENTRAL GARAGE, Manassas, Virginia. , R. H. DAVIS, Brisf«w, Virginia.

t\. l l



Still WetSow B R C A U S E

X)d8 Is a stnmK, careful, safe and successful instita-ti<^ It ia a growinf, a^ye, up-faHdate hank in ev«7 partiinlilr

B ^ G A U S E Oar Oflicers are e^gierieiwed Tsankers. Our diieet<Hrs

( are weO-known, weU-to-do busiiMss nten.

B E C A U S E — If yog $n —t a eaatomar of this ftank, let this ha

B EC A l l S T


Tour aeeooBt win be j^vxedated by this banik and yoor mterest wffi always be considered. ~ %

B E C A U S E Oar lands are guarded by a modem bur|^-proof

gafeTPKtwitK fall insurance. _ : .

.an InsitatJmLtayou toJwcome gne.

I The Peoples NatJonal Banfc OF MANASSAS, VIRGINIA

.•^.«-» «-. • - * ' ^ « - • -. •

Sfyleplus Grtlier

MiOer Hats Wears dafly

! • • years te cicliteca is eeatplete


The Journal—$1.00 a year—

and worth it.

J y rd-& Newman


Commencing at 10 O'dock, A. M.

I will sell at puUic*auction at my farm one mile from Greon-wich, on the above-named date, the following property:

Ten head of work horses and eolts; 50 head of good cow8,,heif-~ ers and steors, 16 Hoteteins in ^e buBcfat IS shoats, thorough^ bred boar, 2 sows and pigs, ona. good Adrian binder; Emerson mowN, good as new; com plan^ ter, in good tdiape; ridfng culti-. vator, S-horse ^springtooth har­row,. Fanners' Favorite wheat drill, dray harness, 3-horse CMi-ver idow, 2-horse Olivet, plow, Studebaker 3 ^ wagon, 2-horae Studebak^ wagon, truck wagoa» 2 hay frames, 70-bushel manure spreader, single and doubletrees^ set'wagon hamesB. ael lead har­ness. 6 sets Plow hamc^. paar _ horse Qlippers, 100 good "grain sacks, 10 tiffis-bay. Ford touriiur car, 1917, in fine condition.

TERMS:—Sums of |10 and [&c, cash; over that amount a

credit of nine months wiU be yivpn. the nurchaaer i^xfirntinr int^%8t-bearing, negotial^e note with approged-ieciaity^ payaWe at the Peoples National Bank~qf Mianassas. J. P. Kcdia, Aactimeer. '


PUBLIC S i Lit ' - . . N E A B . .


Csaspemeiag at IS 0'<iach. A. ML

: public eo date - — auction uu4.he abufe^iam

en tke farm of Ifichael Olejar on " alf wag-

i f ~ H I i r i ^ Kopp, ttte following personal propearty:

Two .horses, 4 and 18 yrs., 8 milcfa cows, 3-year-old will be fresh in January, others 8 and 10; 2 heifers coming three yean, • grindstone, brass kettle, grain cradle, feed cu.tter, set of plat-

,lcs, lot 01 gaiden Luids. floosehoM Goods.—Two beds

and bedding complete, extension

«t, couch, 'lecliHtnK chair, 2 rockers, 6 dining-room chairs, sewing machine, chifTonier, kit-fhon chairs, wash boiler and tubs, rug, lot of dishes, cooking utensils, kitchen mirror, lot c^ pictures, milk crock and pails,

"Ttand 6tho> aitisRs tee nuiBCTWB-

Conner BoiMing

• e > « « « » s > m i > « s » « e » « « « * > e » « .

kYourSubscriptioiiFaid " I N ADVANCE?

to mention. TERMS:—Sums of $10 and

undo*, cash;.over that amount a Virgiaia{cbedk of six months will be

jriven. the purchaser executing interest-be&riiTg; negotiable Jiote w:th approved security, payable at the Peoples National Bank of Mana-ssa.<?. J. L. Hinton, Auotionm -21-2* .iiiHN !••<'''

Page 6: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919

: i ift 9m .n>! l y y .ii t j.n .''14^

p^miSi* \ ^ T l g MAyASSAS JOUBNAL, -MANASSAS, VIKGLNi tKID-X \. i'* T U i . h k iu, ' i p f

Bfth«r^ath«r«ii CboMb, Biv. 1

Preaching at:2:S0 i». m. Services at tE« NokesviUa Luthieraii

Church at XI a. m. " 7 " ——PHBSBYTBItHilw'

P n y « r nM«tfa« WadiMpfi |rjHrt^^ , , . in-' . , . PrMchuis flnt and ^^xi Sondsya

Manaai&s Pre«hyt«mB QuKdi, Rev. DeForett W«<}e, Pmitor. —

Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. ^ 11:00 a. m.^Preachiiur, "Chri»tl*n

Giving." - ' 8:00 p. m.—Preaching. "Thyarting [ <^»y

(joci's Piii pu: Wednesday—Ftayw meeting at 8

p. m. There will be servic^at th« Green*

wood Church, Minnievilfe, Va . i«B SUU' (iay, October 19th. . .



SrmdMfTt THOTp

Trinity Episcopal Church, A. Stuart Gibson, Bector. • •

Sunday School at 10 o'clS^kAiBl!- .-Service first, second and fourth

Sunday at 11 a. m.; every 8:00 p . m . ,

St. Ann's Memorial Chapel, NokM-ville. Service first Sunday at S p. m.; third Sunday a t 11 a. m.


Manassas Baptist Chotch, Bar. T. D. D. Clark, pastor.

Sunday—Sunday School. 9.46 a. m.; morning service, 11 o'clock; B. Y. P. U., 8:46; evening sei^viea at 7:30.

Wednesday—^Prayer maatlDg at •f:30 p. m.


Broad Run, second and fourth Sun-*ays, l l_a. m^ , ^ _

Hatchers Memorial, second Smubiy, 2:30 p. m.; fourth Sunday, 8 p . m.; fifth Sunday, 11 a. m. '"..''.—

Oak Dale, third- StmiKf, 11 lU-JP.-j and first Sunday, 8:00 p. m.

Auburn, first Sunday, 11 a. m., and third Sunday 8:00 p . m . ^


All uamts' UathoUc CfaurchT Han^ assas, Father William Gill, paator.

Mass at T^SC^a. m., firsts t h i ^ and fifth Sundays. Se^tnd and fourth Sundays a t 10:30 % m., followed by benediction of tho. Bussed Sacrament. On the first Sunday of every month special devotion m hdbm of tfaa S t ­ored Heart, of Jesw(i ^


M. E. Church, South, Bev. WOUam Stevens, pastor, "'^-^

Manassas—Snnday-School «£ 9:46.. —Preaching a f 11 a. m and S-p. m.

Epworth Leagae at 7.90 p. in. —

at -Bradl«y-at* PreacKfng at Bnekhall s^eood^and

fniirth Snndays at } p. CftUKCH O F j r a B WtBTHBfW Bev. E. E. Bloogb, pastor; Bar. J.

M, JClina, aaaiataat. Cannon Brandt—Sunday School at

10 a. m. : : —


Farmers are busy prepiiing to««ed » h t t

Supt. Chas.'B. McDonald, of Gaines-viUe, and Pri-R.-fe-HMyri of Manas-aas, paas^ thrgugti M^nieyilla Tnes-day, visiting ti>e schools ef the dis-trict

Mrs. Et-^r-AJexander and h«r soif, P. C. AlcMnder. accQmrtHH«<l by Mis>

Preaching flnt and .third Snndaya M i l a. Bt^ "• - — - -^-,—

CStristian Workers at 8 p. m. Bradley—Sunday School at 10 a. at. Preacjiing second and fourth SnU'

at 11 a. m.


Primitive Baptist Chnreh, KMar T. 8. Dalton, pastor.

ServiMa every fourth Snnd^ at 11 a. in. and the Saturday preredfiig at 8:80 p. m. '


Bev. L. C. Meesiek's appointments taOami

Manassaa—First and third Sondaya, m. Seeoad and foortb Sun­

days, l l v . ia " Buckhall—Ffarst and third Sundays,

8 p. m. Aden Second and fourth Sondaya,

8 p. m. Midland—First and tUrd Sundays,

II a. m.

Geo. Da Baker Undertaker


Lee Ave., Near"C7~B;


, M*iiaaaas,~l^ Prompt attention given all orders.

Prices as low as good service and ma­terial wiU justify. Carried in Stock.

MetaUe Caaketo

Eyefything GOQ<!

to Eat-My line embraces Staple

and Fancy Groeeri^s Queensware, Tin afad

Enamelware '

coHE u m BE coinr»GB>


Xrseie-SpitMr, motored to Alexandria •B T u e ^ ^ , -where Mcs. Aleaander was iket by another son alid conveyed to Waahington to visit relatives and friends.

Mrs. Arthur Boatwright, of Muiu;y, Pa., has beeii lhs'gnext of hermfiths^. Mrs. E. J. Alexander, the past week.

Baptiat Meeting, A large congregation attended the

union meeting at the_ Qaptiat, Chmxh here last Sunday. The attendance on Friday and Saturday was very small. Elders Garland and Dalton, of Balti­more, Elder Miller, of Pennsylvania, and EUder Priest, of Manassas, were the ministers in attendance.

Mrs. Jqhn T. Clarke, who has been visiting har~home in Toluca, Stafford county, hM retomed to- Minnieville, and is now the guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul E. Clarke. •

Mr. C. E. Clarke made a business trip to Washifigton Tuesday.

Mr. William Crow, of Joplin, candi­date for sui>ervi8or from this district, passed through here Tuesday.

I^eagne Plana Prpgram. The Minnieville -school league is

making plans for a meeting on the evening of Saturday, October 18. Ev­erybody is invited to a t t ^ d .

Mrs. G. C. Davis and her daoghter. B«ml«t, aw Vlgltlng tileiKU m Hwd-ley this week.

dren, Arcelia anif Willid, are visiting relatives at Indian JBead, Md. —Mrs, fphn' AleTsnder, of Ifstaihall, Fauquier county., and MiBses Virginia and PatdinB Alexander were the week­end guests of MrffiE. J. Alexander and other &i«ids i ^ relatives in Min­nieville. r- ^

Mrs Fannie jftackelferd visited her brother, Mr. CoKi, ef Independ«it Hill, last week.

NOTICE ! To Subscribers bf the Lorton

- Telephone Company: t>xr-wsA after November

1919, the rental

THE S«S¥ CORNER" PENNA;W£AT 8 TH.ST. »«>ili*.S. WASHINGTON. O. C. OmB-pit.*.—

¥Seekii$ a Moderate-Priced Coat Of a Good Qualitjr aticHStyle


> •

At $35.00, $39J5rl4S.OO Loose-hefc Cwts, in Pekm bta^ Jchwrt-Pdo fM, mafe wMi shawl c d s ^

bn l^ed in fant At Ae saHie m e , art coats itf rikftftoiw. heited all aronnd, till teDgtli coats, in brown, nayy a d rdiiket Good < tQC A A range of sfecs tf . > . . . . . . -.—^ . . y J J « I I U

New Coats of Broadcloth, in behed and nodek of rekrar; some have co&yr$ of $elf Sak's phsh a n t i At. . .

styles, also (rtherl

• • m^ phon^ of tfiie said company will be increased-'fifty cents per month.

By order ef the Board of-^k rectors. .

I(r. C. DAVIS. Presidents Lprton, Va., Get 2, 1919, 26^

Fine Line of Coats, of aB-wool velonr, in tanjpe, brown and navji, afl belted models andfinbhedmtksealcollars. At . $45.00

and Poi

We are no our trade with Horse, Dairy, Hog and Poidtry Eeedsh^afeg^ouryt^ta^

Get the habit o f dropping in tli#> old filter street—you all

know the piace"-and yoiar ^dsit will always be s^preciated; If you find it impossiUe for you to get in just drop us a card and your order or Jnquiry^

D tentione



Kann's—Second Floor


United StetesUr^ ere s d Tires

-l-Most fkonomical - Wear—lile-^iiei vice—mite^

ase—safety—comf<Mtr These aie the things that count in. a the,"

Tahi^ means greater econo my—less cost of maintenance —less repaks and depreciation.

Gar owners '^ho do their own thinking -pteier United

get m United States Tiicss,::^ Stot^T'ires. Their merit la ^li^eni «Il40ttn^ t ^ satiih recognized ^ueryx^^^'^ ^^^^ ~ ^ ^ = ^ Wehave &eflf-a ty^^atSr

size for every car. This greater total of tire We KNOW United States TjreB^are GOOD tires.


That's why we sell them.

H n . F L s H & CLARKSON. Hnrmatketi ^ \ H LlFFE, EhimfnM. Vt.

ji^gSaie!Siu:r-.T^ rtw- -' l-MUlHhUixM- *

:p««g|«| wftiffia TiitirFiniiififtiitiiihtMi

Page 7: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919

^^m ^ ^ p


ORCUITtOHR't Coet to yott $ 3 y 2 S a QaUon w b n r n a d s ' fMSy ltd~iiM



eaners anihDy ei Parcel Post Service

By way of auggestioD w« append « partial^ Urt wkieli ilkuybraLtjaL the broad scope of our tenriee. Eight Branches, with phone connection. Let us know how w e can serre jou.

FwLaiii: Sdtt Dmtet Wabb Siredm, -CMIS ' EvcMgCswK

Slinen Fps

I Fsr^eriiaMi: SA • Ofeiorm Orcrcsab -FvCNb FaKjV»ti Tm

BaiMtet Sitkiil iMtoijIiiiMet-


Draw CM6~


Pwticm Bfahbis, Ctnhrii PiDnr Urm CMdrCOTcra-TaUeCnm Rski


Fm Swcitcn SMCb

Etc, Etc ^ ^ U A L I T Y WORK

The Hoffman Company, Inc. ^ X F E R T C i . E » N E R 9 IfcWD C ^ g f W


lbtai(ttee,.735 13tkSL,N.W. Washington, D. C.


' (Continued from page one.) Amgnostes Al exion, felony^ not t|ru«

l>ill8; grand jury discharged. Commonw^lth againat Roy Payne,

Invito n m r of 11,000 to appear on first day of De cember term.^

6A>ini<mweaIth against R. H. "Tay­lor, felony, defendant and Robert A Hutchison, his surety, bonded each in the sum of $250 for appearance of d fendant at first day of December term.

Commonwealth against J. W. Row zie, misdemeanor, defendant and U^ surety, W. L. Rqwde, bonded each in the sum' of $260 for def^dvbt's ap­pearance on fourth day of Dectmber termT ' ~ .

John W. Hix. i^gainst Gibson andL Perry, office judgment set aside and case dismissed. V *•

Accounts of W. J. Aabby, former jailor, allowed. -

Account of J. R. Wright, justiceTif the peace, allowed.

Account of W. f^ed Dowell, drug­gist, for medicines supplied to prison­ers in jail allowed.

Account of Dr. B. P. iden, phyai-Vciai) to prisoners in jail, allowed.

Allowance tfrW.B.-AUe»i-of W e ^ stock, for att«ndanee and mileage as commonwealth witne^ in case against W»7-erHrit-^ - ^ —

Upon application permits to sell.toft drinks at their respective places, of bu infegg' granted • to Butler Bridge Towu; J. B, CuversUme, Wei-lingtont Wm. Hinton and Bro. tmd E. A. MitaUdeB, both'bf Qosntico. . Account of Robe^ Jarmank, jailor,

alloweil. , * Accounts of G«>rge G. Tyler, etsrk.

Meat and Groceries 00000

We have bi8tsJled one of tiie best refrigerator n ^ t cirunleri^ marwet Inspen oivmeatob^ore youjbuy. You will finttiicnELsan-itary and whc^esome^

S Highest cash pri€» psld^for " and^Eggs, ^ *

Conner's Market CONflER sgiLDING MANASSAS^, VA.

allowed. Tuesday.— Gammonwealth against

George Mas<m, f^ony, verdiet of"B»t guilty, defendant discharged.

Commoawi^lth agaiiuit Geoirg* M»-W>n, felMtyi eeminonweaith'p atteOoyt with iM««nt of court, states thttk case wiUmotlw further prosecuted.

CaMbonwealth against W. IB. Har­ris, fctony, defendant anfd J. ¥. Leadw

%uul R. H. Davii, his sureti^, each in the sum of |500 fcflr de->'

int's appearance on Arst day of [ber teim

Clerk's list of writotga wjiiiitted to i«e6rd ordared^edr



Andrei Bird ttgainst Jeaaie Bataa. ^dngton, decree diarhiiwink case. (Omitted ia report of S^>tendier taBn.)

Moultf.—Geartnide Kelly r decree, CBose dismincl

Nora V. D&via, widow of H. H. Davis, deceaaed; NoraV. Davis, goar-dian 9* Elise M. Davis, Charles H. Davis, Gordon L. Davs, Eva V. Davis aad "Henry Hampton Davis, infants, against Elsie M. Davis, Charles H. Davis, Gordon L. Davis, JEva V. Davis, Henry Hampton Dairis, Hatti« M. Cal-ml and Juhu CLJCalffgn,1geiT1iugt>jBa7 Peatl v . Davia and Frank L. Davis, decree for sale at real estate;' Benja-min Purvis appointed npceial commia-

Tfae name means ALL. It i s made ^ the Victor Talkinit Machine Co. Dm't be deceived* by some other—ootaH-Cabi-net Machjnes T » Yictrolaa. Let me shew yea. Girs meyour i ^ i ^ W a - J f a ^ . r A l ' I h i i i i . • i l l * ill rfnair < l l * l i» tli»»L A f^tlm

•edreneeinrriee.' CilVBliEA-CALL. - .

Wald RepaJrii aad Fittiog « Glasses


ClCAmmTTES - WBSX Elf^^^iMf^'S

Cigarettes made to meet-Your ^|a»te!



t Camels are ofTered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ordinary—a flavor and smoothness never before attained. " To best rptitixci ity compare Camels wifh any cigarette in the wjorld at any-paceh

. C8it)e}& flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at onc« —it is so new and unusual. That's what •Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you I Youll prefer this blend to eith^ kind of tobacc6 smoked straight I

As you smoke Camels, youll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un-

^easahtcigarettybdorT" And, you'll be djdiglital. to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste!

Take Camels at«any angle—they surely supply rigarpttft t>r»ntt»ntmi»nt hpynnH anything yau. e v « . . experienced.. They're a cigarette revelation!

You do not miss coupons, premiunu or igifts. ' You'll prefer Camels quality!

18 cents a package Cam»l* « « moil «r»ryirh*ra m tdmlitlcmUy MCIKI paov> t^kmafX diiarmUmm or tmtl pmckmf ^300 c t f m M M ) 4 tlmttln»-p*p»r-coT»nd cmrton. Wm mtnntly nooatmaa* Hum cmrfoolbtUmlnmtm or oAo* mupptjorwhmn yom trmvmii



Wiiuton-SBlem, N. C.

UIBBII ST. LazktaraBd Gwrgk K- Lar-Idn, Infants over tlie ag« «t fourteen y«m«; Mary Lee'Asringtea, Paul J.

mill fiiiij r i i n i t 'A\\\\\g tOR, iiiriiiiTi lllilhl ttn nil* llT fii ytmn; Mary I«rkia, WiSahi L. Lar-Mu, Lucy

Adams atsd B e s ^ 3. Smpate. R ( ^ art A. Hntckisoa, special eommissioa-CT, ordered to ineote deei" to Beasie '% SimpsDii lof' leaM tuA "bit Mid in tida c a w ; wyort of wmiBissioner

Florence M. Lindberg against Fred, H. Lindbo^, cause dismissed.

Ruth M. Turner against J y d h TmetCr «fecree for order of pi blicatioB] -

t^tward N. Dewey, guardian. *c., et al,^gain8t Rath £..J)ewey et «il„re'


, j «f goaifdian con&WMd, guuniUur-

sioner to collect from United States of America 13,307, purchaseprice of real estate, td execute deed andjto^jwy out pmcliaae-muttef, ••ijuUudiuK eApeuaes and amount due pIlriQtif s and def^td-. -_ ants; commissioner to enter into bond of $5,000. - "

Nora V. Davis,^ widow of H. H. Dav­is, deceased; Nora V. Davis, guacditui of : ^ e M. Davis, Charles H. Dagris, fitiiiliM T.. naiiJK, KvM V nkv\vi mill

TO«ar eyes.^See tbow~«Un7 Eveiy ibowa where a U. S. Navy drip \

aqicember*2na. TOW. A e Navy 1 Sewn ScM.

Henry Hampton Davis, infants, against Elsie H. Dwvis, Charles H. Davis, Gordon L. Davis, Eni V. Davis, Htory Haavtam Davis, Hattiv M. Cat vert and Jotm 8. Calrtrt. bar hnahMid: TtmiA V. Davia and Fnndc Davis, cause referred to master eemmisaieiier for report. -^^Vir^i^~ Testis HsBHaa " ajpiiist fffiBiliiil TTaiiiaj iliiwiss 'fiir •4iTgBFV comptafnaat grven tigiit to««Bam* h

Alexaad^ McLean against Albatroa McLean, decree for divwee, suit to be rtrtek«i frooTdoeket

B?lea«sr B. Beid against nMMM L!<», canse referred ttf C. A. Siadair, comakksiMMr in- chaneery, for itpwt,

Tims. %. Lion against llaric Thoasaa fte. «t al, eanae referred t»TL A. 3SB-daSr, maater emrattsiaaar, far M.pi*t.

Sinelafr and HntchiaMi,

Us tv ftnt rtowBRKr fiueA/ bm filed by NMrmaa Laek

Mary "K. LaTk|n, gaardiaa of Qatlh-erine H.' Larfan, aa infant, agaiaat' Catherine H. Larkin, Sallie N. Laikta.


ICS b calling to yoni the red-blooded, hanl-' and Knifing JbrdgD hard-jplioring men of theU.

~lM>d» are hf^choniuf tufou. Ohufg Navy* cffandMetbeivarMl


Paree.' See the buU-figlits i^ CO tlK

On board du^ the dnjr-^oa join*

'Tjeun the hire that oomet with 'ttniwittrfiaiwfifi

man » alw^jn . fcanm^. Trade uhtxS» devdop ^kifi,^diisti7 and bininew ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each, y ^ wi(£ ftm p«y. t h e food n good. Pint onifonn o ^ £ t is J ^ ^

m 1 •




i ^ n ^ L S E FEATUKSS RB8TOKED Caskets of aU

Hearse Fnraiahed Any Sea-sotAMe Dbtaaee.


•nstraitfit in the eye—Britiihr French, Chinese, Japanese , -Spaniards,.


Shove off—Join the U. S. NavyJ yywi*fs bctwesn 17"and 3S go ta the a^krest recnutbig sti^ion Ux

B e a rsaf man ^ofthe-.-^sn the details. If you don't know worlds See the world. Saa it with. sjjsre'it ia >rtt^yoqy r^'"ss<«T.


^Ibmfe off ?-Jointfae U. S M DEAi.ER KI^ ^ \ i u i . R

p-^i'" tsm l*ia»^"«^ iris

iiatliB->iliiiitti ' '*°|'- * iBBlmiiliii»iiijiiirTiMitiiMiJi^iaii«rTtiinml¥iiJ^i ttifialfStSJia*

Page 8: SCOUT CODNOL WifllHt CONVENES · 2014-03-21 · mmmm^^^m^ r VOL. XXV. No. 2L MANASSAS, VA FRIDAY, OCTOBE. R 10 . 1919



T« th* VtAwTdr DmmtKim -DMriei:

did«te for the oAea X M»«rylMr of DumfriM diatriet. As t« my ^aaUfi-c*tk» to fill Mid offlot'if aketod I n -fer riiitomyssitTseMd.

To •f Princt WilliMo


tkte « r tatiiduua cwButyry^roff Little Rtver p&c H mile of 8* ro(^ school, ckn»« to church, iisc neighborhood. Theimprove-««Dt« coBfdst of a sBkmM 8-reom fmae hooae in ine condi-tloo. large new bam, large eat-tle died with ie»-ton silo attaeh-ed. 3Us<i8 fine laadTno wiati land, perfectly moMh, easy cvltlvate. Price, $8,600;

to salt par-

A CARD In view of Tariooi romorf to the ef­

fect that, if elMtod M «gerri«or from Dumfrie* dutrict, I -will hmy the roote of the proqgective tteto i W . c h u from the Dumftiea rvM to n n by J<v-Un; and that I will tpoid mcM thea • fair proportion ti. tito Diatriet Road Fund on the road at JepUn, I dwin to make tiw following statamfnt:

First. Th» ««•*• 0* **»• «*»** "»ed has jOteady !«««« -wiH hy tha State Highway authoritiM, to CO by Dnai' fries, and neither tiie member of th* Board from Dnmfriaa diatriet, nor th* whole Board, will haw any aalkucity to change the roate.

^Hcwul. If dected, it" wffl b< my



At the reqaeet of some of Mir eitl-zens I annooBce myaelf aa Ind^mident Candidate tor the, Hoaaa of P a l y l f ^ „ ^.f. j ^ ^ - ^ from Prince William Couaty, to >«f MIX taflH, Aaiaace voted for at tha gaaaral MaetiiM N»-•vember 4, 1919.

If electwl, it shall be my whole aim and ambition ta aar»s Uie people ac­cording to their wiahea to the best of my ability. .„ . __i *_.

ThJi time my name will be printao on the ticket, which was not t6« «»»• at the specuJ election in August

Yonr Buppet* is eepdially sskad far and as I wiU not be able to make a houee to house canvass I take thia method as a l*ft>*l means to inform the people <rf my candidacy. ^

^ O F T ^ f A T B R , -> Nokasvllls, Va.

Company B, l«!th Regt, Va. XI«T., C. S. A., 19«l-'65.


T. J. LINTON, Real Estate Agat ,


earnest aim to see that tlie'District Road Fimd iS fairly and eonitably distributed ovw all the Toads in the district. WIL CROW.




jour atock


aJl oontafious







Com Chib MMBbcrs Sead ' 27S IndiTldMl EzUMlB to _ Stato Brent j^JUduBood.

Farmers' th^ _ Stato Fair in Richmond. Thousands of faniars and thair fMoiliee from all •actioBs of Virginia and from «i-joiniag jrtates ware in attendance. For them the exhibits of tha j^wdaeto oit tha b<st farms in th* Old Dominion held tha greataat charm. Btit they &d not neglect tbt farm machinery or the cattle and live stodc. They saw, all and will go home to improv* thair meth«d/

Tfa^Tarioos exhibitions under tba gtmifal diiTcUou vt:ijmj>xtmmm jSsLr y vision of tiie Virginia Polytechnic In- ^ j ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ hotter stitato ar* ftatons of tha fair and kcareaty snytUng on the grooads sor-^plsaed them, in interest. Experts in •vary line of famTjrork ^ran in at­tendance^ give adTioe. Bd make dam; onstrations.

Charlas E. Salts, agricultural engi-s«r of tha Virginih Polytechnic Insti-tnto, was in charge of the exhibition •f farm tractws, said, to ha tha larg­est collection of tha different typaa of maffhinaa evar gathered in the state. The trac;tora vary »t siae- from the powarfol machine hauling a group of gang-plowa to thoae intmded for v«a in tttk garden, which are maaipalated hr one man. Just M the rardinacy plow.

In tha e ^ ^ «f the trays'* and girla' famter stato u>dar the diraeti(« ot the county aganto, Ae yoong tarmars are prov-iiig to~ all that they are oomiag into their own. The com eadiiMt of tbe boys' clalM is the largest ever assem->lad.. They aae 27B orflactiont a« *fc ears-of com each. The majority a| the com 1B K^ibited flat oa taUaa in-order ilist it nay be mizmtely spected. - -r ~ .

876 i]|dlTldnBl~«xfailnto of com sjibwn, 167 are those of wUlte boys and lOS of colored boys. There are only about thirty individual ex« hibits of com growli by the best farm­ers of ^te state at tha fair. In c«m-

with this the woric of the boys ttanda out aa a signal achievement.

UwMMslly good order ^ggfUtil^mf--*''*''^



Orange, Va., Oct 31,1919,12 A M. Eighty Heold of Registored Hobteiaa Selected by Sales CfHounittee. Best Consignment of Regis-tend Hobteins Ever Offered for Sate in the Sooth. All Ankul^ wUI be TabereoUn Tested by U. S. Bncaa of Anin^ Indnstiy. All herds from which the conslgnmento have been selected are Govern­ment tested, some of them are accredited herds. ^

If yea are loekiag for health, type, prodaction and breeding, ye« eould nqt afford to miaa this sale. Note dato. Ja:affetedfer aala>-»*-» eew, « yr*. aldir 1 yr.iald that has a l-yr.-oU^i«cord IMM Iba. Ska will freahen a few days after ssle data, brad to^a M-ft b»H; 2-yr.-old daughter of Vir-

giirfa Koradyka Better Boy brad to a 1159-lb. boll—a great tey; c**"wilh * yeaSljrfacmll^ISSSrib*. mOk aiid 679 Ibc bettnr, aha haa an A. R. O. dangMcr aaether oaa to be teat^; yonag cow that »a4e aa Jr. S-yr^M 1I7M lbs. milfc and 5ld Ifaa. batter; baU calf abed by Virgiida Komdyk* Boy. a proven aire, dam V. P. I. Javoea DeKol II. Stoto 7-day reeerd eew 29J Bia< better. She alaa h<rfda atate yearly Sr. 4-yr. reewd 171M Iba, mil^rami 786 Iba. butter; 4 daugh-tera ef a M-lb. soa ot Bag Apple KMmdyke;'heifMr (Osediqr a boll whoae Arai-iwe daughters tested atada stoto reeo^ , her dam has a aeven day aad yeariy record; year-old heifer full aister to a 1«-Ib. S-yr.-old, aired by a proves ball, her dam atood 7th aa prtsa wiaaer In S05 day class; cow with SSS Iba. batter aa S-yr.-oM and 18 Ibe.' in 7 days; eew witk a 2-yr. yearly recmrd of 4«2 Iba. batter; 2 graaddaoghtera of "FT' and a great-graaddaaghter of Banger-veU De KA aired by a ^ lb. .baU; graaMsoghter ef HcngHrekl De Koi from 20 A. dam; granddaogfater of « r Vee-man HeagerveU, the only ttvteg air* with 19 30 ib. daagb-ters; yr. *M bull sired The King of The Orauboys, a faU brother of a $«6,0e9.«0, the dam of the'yaang h n U « a d e ^ iba. as S-yr.-<rfd and her dam 35 lb*. Both of these cows are aaw * • yawly teat. Whaca,eoeM yoa flnd a better ,brad bnH7 Ball calf sired by a SO lb. SOB'of Rag Apple Karmirkt, dam Made ^ t aU maotha on year^ teat MHOa. milK aad S9« Iba. batter. She premiaea to auha by far th* feat 2.yr.-oId record f*r Boaai Hokteiaa. S«wad dam 2 yr. roeovd 14997 Oa. adlk aad elO NM. batter, third dam irrm iba. mOk and e»« n*. birtter. Nate the yearly ncard breedfaig. gr^iddaoglBtoc s ( the King of tiie Black aad WUtca oat of a 22 Jb. aaw; gtaat 3-yr.-old fnmi »-4 aiator to Mat. M. M. 4th, whega dam af th* Caraati4» ball Mato-der Segia Walker,~aire of Mi^adar BeSgerveU Beaa Sr.. S yr. 494 Aa better in ^ d a ^ ; 2-yr. gnmddaoghter ot Iti

Ap^-ftwirfyfca; y ^ i l l f ball from a saw Aat la on yearly teat. tk» wJH <itti>inll Sisha J>«er 17009 As. milk and 709 Oa. batter; b«B whasa dam ia a 24-lbL graaddaughter a( LflitkDe Kol Berrl, a Jinlt having « t A. R. p. idufhten^ » g-yrvoa danghtera af aa A. R. O. ^fO, brad a 27-Ib«raadMa ef Poatiae Kara dyka. practt. OiHy aOea^a aa4 two>'year alda iriUbefrel* ^ C0£. 6 ^ . ^ W. BAXTER, Aoahmeer. ' S. T, WOOD, WUgree Experf.

Apply for Catalog^ FRANK S. WAHKER, Woodbeny Ftfrest, Ya. mn.

^ The INDIANA TRACTOR AND FLOW can be used in any field regardless of size or shm e and will completdy irfow a smaS lot as well as a large field. The plow hookjrvery <loee to the tractor, mak­ing it liiht m draft, atoo pulling plow firom outer of ti^tor; e&ni-natingall AdbSSfWA aHuwlag idltw to im^ e»HU furrows. -^-- -^The operator is tp ppsitkm to see opefMMn ot piQW M weU as Tractor. • -,. .*> . If The Tractw runs level with one wheel in furrow, aubsoiyng eMh furrow wilji g|Mde lugs and maklBg it self-steering. ^ The plow has pewo- Bft so that it is not necessary fwM terator to stop control idow in turning, there being but<»e small lever which cauaes j)lo» tjj ftn»i»xjcroundJna very nbgrt tWa**™ - * « ? "» lever nusSng'plenr. TBls outQl totiiig^ suflaeiontiy light to aHaf~Ottt farmer to have his-idowing nea^y dose by the time he eouU go on the ground, ahouUwei^^^Us ootfi^ twice as heavy

DmiHg^gie day pnlx.^a><tfftato were •~ ' '"'*tte poHea. Thaaa wefe for

tha luihitiy. Wedaasr day^g^in»t )wjpawBt^ l4 j^fSKl f o r yajjianiMi; eoqiOTiaMing the amusMHwr sooe. CtmUHi filled the air and feather tieUaa/oii lonf . atieks were ia the hands «f amay. ol the strollers. Not a BIMW oe the eourae went without ite i m w ^ ~ -

To' the man intereiAed in military affaits the model camp of the army

^dproved a Mg attraction. A rolling kitdtaii-and all the field eqnti«Mnt tued l;^ army unite was riwwn in the camp: AC Ae faeadqnatrters of- the army recmitiag service a number'of ffl^LjiPplied during the daj for "Vic-l tory iwtt»nS| aad these w r a givan "w"

ttsjresentatian o<.diaehaage pajpwa. 'lodging of cattle aad live stock

•wtKA aa ahaeat wi boo*- iatermission. The live stock e x h i ^ is the largest one ever braaght to the stato fair and it win be Friday afternoon befMS the walk e^ sa^ae wffi~ be completed. A JudgHig ring haa been boilt near the mam cat­tle bnildingtaBd there the. animals are, brooght for inspection. -

A stand has been erected there to care n r any farmers or otiwrs SSw^ «rted-i& ilratching the work of the judges as tbey. distribut^their blue nbbons 'to the dwJwJTiyaeihvwis from t ) ^ and ether atataa. Oaa ci'the lirg-' ^' T^ aet exhibitiuua ut cattle tmmtf ftrem -Long L s&d aad the othan a n ftoar

b^ Manager

THE INDIANA AUL-ROUND TRACTC« '' The iNDINA ALL-ROUND TRACTOR ia the nearest perfect power unit for farm purp<»es. It delivers the maximum of tractor efficiency with the minimum of tractor weight It couples to aU horse-drawn top-working, planting, seeding, CBltivating and hsr-vesting implements already in use on the farm. It also does Ught belt work and will perfectly jrfowiaajjhe.ground that it is to successfuBy plant and cultivate. — -- — • «: One man aaNi>erate the INDIANA ALL-ROUND TRAQTQR ip connectioB with farm im^ements. This saves the wages qtjm man for the nasM^^st ft is poaaibte to operate POtn tntcfaaLlBd imptqneat frefi tha inyfament seat. ^^^.r^ .

MARTIN p. LT)K». Agent, 21 ~ Maoassas, Va.

E BUY BUTTER FAT Sfcip u. year Cream sad f ,««« '?»« ,»"«' •^to calvaa. .tea, a a d j ^ -

~re arc paying for butter fat bogmaaag Oilaaat Soi aa faHiMwt

FaiKj rent

««• AND TRANSPORTATION. TUa grade moat teat 35 per or norr ia irattfr fat and be of faaey i|aalt|, that Ja, aat tee And aet off in flavor . , - .

.,c Most t«*t M ptT cent, or more in batter fat aad be at good Huality.

No. 2. B2e—For Cream " S<>- - .nt.



Canned Palm«« V. Boyd and fovTOoikfal aa-sistaiits at the School aad Hens for TtoToekm Boya at -OsvtngtiR^- Vs., at­tracted' tiie major pmrtien of the at-tentioh in the farm prodocte faailding. Ifaaager Boyd was for five moate a prlswiar In a Gsiuiau piisea eamp, aad in eennaetioa with th* farm pro­docte raiaed by the boys vriiich az« be­ing Shown h* has assembled a number efaaovaairs of his stey in the prOsir

A daily ration of bread, aboot the six* of a man's fist, aad tfm wood­en shoes which Mr. Boyd wore ware taw^ertad btJaatrirada. ••». — - . - . .

Many twbias were brooght into tha hahy statioD In change of the Federa­tion of Hotiters' Clubs and tha Parentt..

UTaacbars' Association. They were feaated da milk and crackais asuTH' amabar af tIA amallest wen pot te alaap ia the cote provided.' Maey ra-qnaate to find lost babiea came to.tiM charge aail fartanataty, with

ef tha sai in, tiM

j<S>Xw« " ! ~ y

ffte nationtd joy

roUcertmittty tfe^^onra wben yoo lay yoor smokMardsen.the table.


AEa aan^sooi* pound

Ifer a tidy i ad tin oc-a teppy rad-bag ef-Prince Attert^^nd refl a tad-tSMt cUmmy'^^'rmcticMi main's dffoatteJ YooTl wMit to hire a SlatistlcSl bw«n ttrtmpcaaxt 'S-'.SEI^^^f:^; of yoor smokestositsl Why, yoo nav-dre«m«l ofr the ^ort ^ ^ «-;*j^p;^^-^x^^.. ,„llim]; yoK ctfB in a home tolled dgsNtle wi«Q J*^» P. JL for the • • • S . — i f f

pmemtagt ~ "Talk about flavorl lien, man, yoo havwrt got Ae- Hatea-cf hstfyewj l o^Msaer ttafi/you i»ow what roOing 'em wHh"P. K canlfc&'your

oanfeattmentl And, back of P. A.*s flaaor, and rare Iragrance—proofa of WaoeAOierfm «ja«iaiy---«SBds^wn'arfomve-patenftd process that e»» oat bits and patcb 1 • WUhT*. A. yoar smokespng in a mafciii's dga-

-i9tt»wiB-eatlastMVptaQ^V9^ racert yon ever bepnlI Piluue-Anmrt laaciDditoaBL Ifseriny cot mifmia^:^et^hk»^» mrfahir paK.

Prnce-A&art upeua any notkm yoa ever had as dd ctaful a It is tfifr tobacoe jtoat haa madeiras men amoke

idl over the natioo sap* te! ibeCora. ItfaasW«»

t t Hie joya of smokiag.



ad onea were f aoid.

fHave yoa prieaa ea JOB WOiA ? fai these days H li wal ta kaow hi advaM* hafk UM fvl l ty aad the JOURNAL.


CTAPr jumK:*T~zi

Am now in seaaoa and if yon wsBt a good stew or fry try ns. Yea win find oar oysters JUST RIGHT. We also Sifl theai hf the quart. CUeken dinnpr and e T y t h i a g

-goad to eflt ear ri.iTiA. THE v m i.UNCH

H. K.r. V, ;. jrietor


H 10 A. 1^ Kali ar SUM

^owsTliorseS) Hogs, Com an Hay, Farm Impl^nents, and

Some Household Goods J. P VJLRUN,

i o n e « r R. F 'h 1