scientology advance! magazine index 1968-96

8/4/2019 Scientology Advance! Magazine Index 1968-96 1/3 This is the data base of the issues of ADVANCE! from its beginning in 1968, but particularly with the institution of the policy to have in each issus an article on "l-Ian' s Spiri tual History " and an appropriate article by LRH: taken either from a previously printed article or excerpted from a taped lecture. ~ , : .  3ATE 3UBJECT ARTICLE OM KAMlS SPIRITUAL HISTORY TAPE OR ARTICLE BY t.iOI HUBBARD OAYE ==:2::2=:================ ••• ============::=:== •• ===========a2:a.:===========::==========:====2&2=================:=====:::======:=======2:.  Oc t 68 Christian Keaven and Hell l-  Tbe long Te r. Wili: t·, 'el'lr 5 Jul 1969 Toughness 5 Oct 1969 An Open Letter to 411 Clears 7 Yill This CivilizatioD Die as Well. LRN a feb 1970 , 1910 The Road to Clear la aT and Intelligence 11 ,A .., 11 Dec 1972 . ~ ! J i l i s .  . Anitist The Highest Level Dec 2. 197Z 14 Sreek why ~ a  Socrates Really Killed? AThetan Creates by ~ o s t u l a t e s  Dec 2, 195: 15 1973 ) ~ i r i t u a l i s .  $piritualisl An ~ T ' s  Basic Proble. D.c. 2. 1951 15 Dec 1972 Divination In the Hands of the Gods Galaxies and Planets' On the Use of Bodies Nay 23. 1963 11' 1973 Telepathy Telepathy Agreement and the .EST Universe OIC' 1. 1952 11 1973 Taoisl The Reaning of the ~ a  Your Universe, the lEST Universe and Illusion Prob, 1952 1J J ~ n / J u l  1913 Ehosts. 6hosts or and Clear O e f i n e ~  O . I ~ : · '  29. 1966 Zt 21 Aug/Sep 19i! Oct/Nov 197! Z 0r oas trianisl ' ; ~ ~ a  600d and Evil The Yedie Hy.ns Scientology: The Current State of th t Subject The Hope of the "Ages . Jul'3o. 1973 1 J 1 - ~ ' ~ 3 ,  1952 ZZ Dec 1973 Past Lives The Tradition of P3st lives Relative Size and Ancnor Points Dec 10, 195: 23 Apr/Nay 1371 ~ ; : d d h i s l  The ~ e s s a g e  of the 8uddha The Abyss Apr 6, 1963 Z3 Apr/Nay 1 9 i ~  Suddhisl ihe Message of the Buddha Scientology and Tradition Sep 1S. 196. Z4 Jun 1 9 ~ 4  ~ : . 3 l a i s .  ihe Message of llalaisl Death Jill 30, 1957 :: Oct 1 9 ~ 1  ::n-Buddhisil 7he ~ a  ~  (nowing Handling Energy and Foret 1952 t F?b 13:: ~ J j d h i s m  ~ ~  Z,:JO Ygar ? r , ~ h e c y  Boots i!! the 5 ~  Oec 12. 195: ~ o  19.·' ;:;ddhisl Jakaka {Birth Sturies) Spirals'of E x l ; : e ~ : !  i Dec 1952  Mar 1 3 ~ S  9uddhisl. Netteyya  Vision of the future Basic Personality an1 3 Thetanls Capabilities Dec 17. 1953 , ... 1 Dec 19i4 8uddhisI, Netteyya ~ h  2.500 Year Prophecy Boots In The Sky Dec 12. 195: 2a Jan 1915 E.( t erio r i za ti 0 n Exteriorization Wisdol. Freedal and Exteriorization 7111 2' feb 199; Nagic Nagie: A Lost Subject? Thr Power of Postulates ?1?? 31 Mar 1375 ~ e t t e y y a  AVision of the Future Basic Personality and a Thetan's Capabilities Dee 17, 195: 11 May 19i5 Xetteyya AWorld Without Insanity and·Uar Para-Scientology Apr 20 t 1955 32 Jun 1375 ~ o r s t  Pantheon The Sods of the North Making dn or, Part I Dee 16 1952 33 Jul 1975 Muha •• adanisl The Word of God Making an OTt Part !! Dec 16. 195: i4 Sep/Oct 1975 Nagic The Tarot Making an OT, Part III Dec 16, 195: is Nov 1975 Aztec Religion Aztecs, Heart feast of the Gods The Phenomena of the Thetan 1952 3' loy 15, 1915 The Essen.s The Dead Sea Scrolls Miracles 7171 An a r  37 Dec 1, 1975 Sreek Pantheon The Delphic araele The Spiritual Decliae ~  the West 1955 31 Jan 1975 Divination The I-Ching Surprise and the Anatoly of Sleep 1771 An art 33 Mar/Apr 1975 Hinduisl Bhagavad-6ita Mysticism Probably 1  •• - RayjJun 1 9 ~ ;  ~ n c i e n t  Egyptian Egypt. Egyptian Book of the Dead Longevity ???r 41 4Z Jul/Aug 1975 Sep/Oct 1975 Astrology The Pentateuch Astrology ~ h a t  lou Didn't (noy about the Bible Your Responsibility 35 an OT states of Identity ???? ???? An art

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Page 1: Scientology Advance! Magazine Index 1968-96

8/4/2019 Scientology Advance! Magazine Index 1968-96 1/3

This i s the data base of the i s su es of ADVANCE! from i t sbeginning in 1968, but p a r t i cu l a r l y with the i n s t i t u t i o n of the

p o l i cy to have in each i s su s an a r t i c l e on "l-Ian' s S p i r i t u a lHis to ry " and an appropr ia t e a r t i c l e by LRH: taken e i t h e r from aprev ious ly pr in ted a r t i c l e o r excerpted from a taped l e c t u r e .

~ , : .   3ATE 3UBJECT ARTICLE OM KAMlS SPIRITUAL HISTORY TAPE OR ARTICLE BY t.iOI HUBBARD OAYE==:2::2=:================•••=•===========::=:== ••===========a2:a.:===========::==========:====2&2=================:=====:::======:=======2:.

  Oc t 68 Christian Keaven and Helll-   Tbe long Te r . Wili: t·, 'el'lr

5 Jul 1969 Toughness

5 Oct 1969 An Open Letter to 411 Clears

7 Yill This CivilizatioD Die as Well. LRN

a feb 1970

, 1910 The Road to Clear

la aT and Intelligence

11,A..,11 Dec 1972 . ~ ! J i l i s .   . Anitist The Highest Level Dec 2. 197Z

14 Sreek why ~ a   Socrates Really Killed? AThetan Creates by ~ o s t u l a t e s   Dec 2, 195:

15 1973 ) ~ i r i t u a l i s .   $piritualisl An ~ T ' s   Basic Proble. D.c. 2. 1951

15 Dec 1972 Divination In the Hands of the Gods Galaxies and Planets' On the Use of Bodies Nay 23. 1963

11' 1973 Telepathy Telepathy Agreement and the .EST Universe OIC' 1. 1952

11 1973 Taoisl The Reaning of the ~ a   Your Universe, the lEST Universe and Illusion Prob, 1952

1J J ~ n / J u l   1913 Ehosts. 6hosts or and Clear O e f i n e ~   O . I ~ : · '   29. 1966


Aug/Sep 19i!

Oct/Nov 197!

Z0roas trianisl' ; ~ ~ a  

600d and EvilThe Yedie Hy.ns

Scientology: The Current State of tht SubjectThe Hope of the "Ages .

Jul'3o. 1973

1 J 1 - ~ ' ~ 3 ,   1952

ZZ Dec 1973 Past Lives The Tradition of P3st lives Relative Size and Ancnor Points Dec 10, 195:

23 Apr/Nay 1371 ~ ; : d d h i s l   The ~ e s s a g e   of the 8uddha The Abyss Apr 6, 1963

Z3 Apr/Nay 1 9 i ~   Suddhisl ihe Message of the Buddha Scientology and Tradition Sep 1S. 196.

Z4 Jun 1 9 ~ 4   ~ : . 3 l a i s .   ihe Message of llalaisl Death Jill 30, 1957

:: Oct 1 9 ~ 1   ::n-Buddhisil 7he ~ a   ~   (nowing Handling Energy and Foret 1952 t

F?b 13:: ~ J j d h i s m   ~ ~   Z,:JO Ygar ? r , ~ h e c y   Boots i!! the 5 ~   Oec 12. 195:

~ o   19.·' ;:;ddhisl Jakaka {Birth Sturies) Spirals'of E x l ; : e ~ : !   i Dec 1952  Mar 1 3 ~ S   9uddhisl. Netteyya   Vision of the future Basic Personality an1 3 Thetanls Capabilities Dec 17. 1953

, ..

... 1 Dec 19i4 8uddhisI, Netteyya ~ h   2.500 Year Prophecy Boots In The Sky Dec 12. 195:

2a Jan 1915 E.( t erio ri zati 0n Exteriorization Wisdol. Freedal and Exteriorization 7111

2' feb 199; Nagic Nagie: A Lost Subject? Thr Power of Postulates ?1??

31 Mar 1375 ~ e t t e y y a   AVision of the Future Basic Personality and a Thetan's Capabilities Dee 17, 195:

11 May 19i5 Xetteyya AWorld Without Insanity and·Uar Para-Scientology Apr 20 t 1955

32 Jun 1375 ~ o r s t   Pantheon The Sods of the North Making dn or, Part I Dee 16 1952

33 Jul 1975 Muha ••adanisl The Word of God Making an OTt Part ! ! Dec 16. 195:

i4 Sep/Oct 1975 Nagic The Tarot Making an OT, Part III Dec 16, 195:

is Nov 1975 Aztec Religion Aztecs, Heart feast of the Gods The Phenomena of the Thetan 1952

3' loy 15, 1915 The Essen.s The Dead Sea Scrolls Miracles 7171An a r  

37 Dec 1, 1975 Sreek Pantheon The Delphic araele The Spiritual Decliae ~   the West 1955

31 Jan 1975 Divination The I-Ching Surprise and the Anatoly of Sleep 1771 An art

33 Mar/Apr 1975 Hinduisl Bhagavad-6ita Mysticism Probably 1  •• -RayjJun 1 9 ~ ;   ~ n c i e n t   Egyptian Egypt. Egyptian Book of the Dead Longevity ???r



Jul/Aug 1975

Sep/Oct 1975


The PentateuchAstrology~ h a t   lou Didn't (noy about the Bible

Your Responsibility 35 an OT

states of Identity????

???? An art

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-'. ,. ", ."\: ~   ' : : : ~  .. " : p . : . L ~ . ~ · : " . : , , " . ' . : ' " : ' ~ ' :   . ~ ~ . _ , . ~  "';;,': ~ " ~ J ~ i . i ~ ~ ~ ~ ; d  ";::.:

~ u h a  . .adanis. Sufism, The " o ~ ! e .   Se:rch for i " ~ t h   E x t e r i o r i z ~ t i o n   ar.d ~ : ~ o ~ n i : a t i o n   t ???? S 1957NoviCec 1 ~ 7 6  J a n / F e ~   1977 ~ n e i e n t   Egyptian The Riddle ~   Akhenaten ~ h a t ' s   ~ r o n g   lIith t ~ i s   Universe? I ????

W h a t ' ~   ~ r o n g   ~ i t h   t ~ : s   Universe, II and III ????Mar!AF D7? :aini51 Jainisl

MayjJun 1977 Magic AI chuy Postulating Cause ????

Jul/Aug 1077 Past Lives The Phenomenon of Past Lives Acquisition of Bodies ??1?

Sep/Oct 1977 Medieval Christian The Inquisition Clear--You Can Be Ri;ht! ?1?1

Nev/Oee 1971 Ancient 6reekThe Sreek 60ds HOll To Have a 6ame I n s t e ~ d   of Case ?1?1

Jan/Feb 197! Aurican Indian The hdicine Men The Soul: 600d or Evil ????

Mu/Apr 1978 Luck and Superstition lhe Spirit of Play ??1?

May/Jun 1978 Ancient Japanese Shinto "The ~ a   of the [a.i· Conquest of Death Jul 4, 195B

Jul/Aug 1978 'Wind" Over Watter The Factors of Clearing .Jul 4, 195B

Sep/Oct 1978 Spirit Possession E x o r c i ~ 1   ~ h a t   Is Clearing? ????

Mov/Dec 1978 Crystal Sa zing Postulates and S e l f - ~ e t e r l i n i s l   ?1?1

Jan/Feb 1979 Medieval Christian Pilgrilages The Road to Truth 11??

Mar/Apr 1979 Teutonic Iythology The Lost 60ds of Europe The POller cf Choice ????

May/Jun 1979 Out of the Body Experiences Exteriorization: S c ~ r c i t y   and Abundance ?1?1

Jul/Aug 1979 Man: The or the Sod1 OT de fined . ,_".,.,.. .

Sep/Oct 1979 Catholic Christian Saints OT Welory and Ability U?1

MoviOee 1979 Catholic Christian The lnight's Vigil fro. HOlo Sapiens to Operating Thetan 1???

Jan 1980 Tibetan 8uddhisl The ~ h e e l   of Life The Free Being ???1

Mu 1080 Greek Pantheon The Little Inolln Gods HOll Big is a Thetan? ???1

May U80 Medieval Christian Saint Tholas Aquinas Knoliledge and Ethics ? ~ ? ? Jul 1980 In Quest of Miracles M rad es ????

Sep 1980 Ranicheisl The Divine Spark. Your Universe, the MEST Universe and Illusion ?1??

Wov 1980 Medieval Christian The Srail Man's Relentless Search Oet 5, 1956

Jan 1981 Snostic 60spels Forbidden 60spels The Educated Thetan Iov 10, 1952

1981 Betlleen HUlan and Divine Autolaticity and Interest . -' Dec 16 t 1952

1981 Angeles The Freedol to ~ i   . · f · · ~ j . - : , . ~ , . D t c ; . l 1 ,   1952- ~ : ; : , ; o i l D   23 1952

1981 ROlan Catholicisl Th. Cure' of Ats What is Matter? . -: ;.

1981 The Pentatuch The Deluge The State of Of by 23, 1963

1982 Bridge Legends The Bridge to OT Dee 16, 1952

1982 Prognostication Wostradalus The Phenolena of t ~   Thetan Oct 1952

1982 Man's Battle fer his Soul The Road to Perfecti;r. Mar 17, 1964

1982 6reek, Plato Plato' Wan's Soul Frol Clear to Eternity" Nay 8, 19821982 D u a l i ~ l I   8eingness Cec 18, 1953

lQP Hallaiian Spirits ~   H a ~ a i i   Postulating C ~ u s e   ????

1983 6reek, Socrates In Search of Ethics Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics Probably 198f

1983 Minoan Religion The Wystery of the L a b y r i n t ~   Class VIII and Standard Tech Sep 24. 1968

1383 Wone Handling Energy and force Dee 8-9, 195:

Jan 1984 Buddhi51 ·A Teacher for Sod and Men" Uisdol on Planet Earth Aug 16, 1966

1984 Scientology by LRH The Right O ~ i e n t a t i o n   Aesthetics and Reality Aug 7, 1952

1984 Buddhi51 Descent frol Vulture Peak The Tradition of Scientology Aug 1970·

1985 Sreek, Prolethius The fire Bringer The Hope of Ran JUI 3,1955

T b   .rag•• Slayers '. . .:..:, How to Have a Sale Instead of a Case Iov 13,19591985 _.. ::m5 Pagan European The lost Sots of Europe Thetan Creates by Postulates 'ec:"2, 1952"la, 6,1985 Exteriorization Creation tiThe Reason ~ h y "   1955

1986 Heaven andHe

11 Self-Deter.inisland

ActionIi, 6, 1954

1986 Sreek, Apollo Apollo of the Silver Bow Sods or'lachines? JI I 3, 1955

Sep 1986 Egypt, Spiritual Continuity of Life Mechanisls of the Mind Apr 14,1959

1986 Hinduisl Vedic Hylns The 0: Highest Level of lnoliledge Dec: 2, 1952·•

1987 Reincarnation Christian Tradition of Reincar.ation The Nature of Ti.e Jal 195(0

1987 The Druids ~ i z a r d s   of the ~ o o d s   OT and Clear Defined Iov 29, 1966'

1987 Zen-Buddhisl . THE WAY OF I W O ~ I W 6   OT , Clear Defined lov 29,1956'

1987 Zoroastriani51 AReligion of Truth Versus Evil Clearing, Melory and the Read to OT Sep 3, 1964'

.- _•. i - '... .: - ~ \ ~ _ . ;     .

. ; . . ~ ...~ ' . ~ . . : . .   '.. , , ~   ~ : ; ' . '   ~ ... ./'.'. ;.,.

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'.0 ,; . . . . . :

" i -o r ' .'

1988 Ancient 6reece The Greek Mysteries The P o ~ e r   of Choice dnd Communication Oct 29, 1955


1988 Ancient Egypt The King dnd Queen of Time The Tile Track May 16, 1963

Pre-Christian ROlan Mystery's End Handling Energy &Force Dec 9,1952

1998 Mayan The D a ~ n   of Life Creation Mov 2, 1956

1989 Hinduisl The Vedic Hymns ~ h   Mysticis. Failed 1952

Christi3n Mystics The Dark Night of the Soul Trapped ????

1990 Ancient Egypt Raising the Dead Survival Versus I••ortality 19541990 Tibetan .ysticisl Spirit over Matter Barriers &You 1J1?

1990 Christian reincarnation The Fallen Spirits Aberration &the Sixth Dynamic ??1?

1991 Christian reincarnation Tyranny of Belief Silplicities of standard Tech Oct 13,1968

Ancient Egypt The Phoenix-The Herald of a N e   D d ~ n   Before the Beginning Was a Cause .• . Oct 29, 1954

1991 The Celtic Religion Entrance to the O t h e r ~ o r l d   Cause and Effect Dec 30, 1957

1991 Hinduisl D a ~ n   of the Deathless fla.e Universes Mar 30, 1954

1992 Alericdn Indians The Ancient Alien Ones ,eversing the O ~ i n d l i n g   Spiral of OT Jun 20, 1963

1992 Greek Pdntheon Ancient Gods The Spiritual Decline of the West Jun 3, 1955

1992 Babylonian Creatures of the Mists Ageelent and the NEST Universe Dec 1, 1952

1992 Mayan Vision Serpent Path to the O t h e r ~ o r l d   Relative Size of a Thetan and Handling Tile Dec 10, 1952

1993 Spiritualism Spiritualism OT: The Highest Level ~   Truth Dec 12, 1952

1993 ~ e d i e ~ a l   Christian Religious Knights of the Crusades AHigher Plane of Being Mo v 14, 1952'

1393 Anilisl Animism Exteriorization and arbitrary space Oct 12, 1953

1993 stape-shifting Shape shifting Exteriorization by Feeling Mo v 9, 1953

Greek Pantheon Orphisl, Return to the Gods Exteriorization and Civilization Oct 2B, 1953"

1994 Australian Aborigines The Orea.tile R a n d o ~ i t y ,   Control &Prediction Oct 14, 1953"

1994 Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing Through the Ages The Energy Production Unit Nay 7, 1954*

1994 Various Hells Legends of Hellfire W ~   Thetans love Bodies Apr B, 1954"

1995 Prognostication Divine Sight: Prophets and Prophecy The Spirit of Play Dec 9, 1952"

NOV 1995 The Kabbalah The Kabbalah H o   to Have a 6ale Instead of a Case lov 13, 1959

1995 .arious Paradises In Search of Paradise Scientology and K n o ~ l e d g e   of Life Dec 30. 1961*

1996 Hinduisl The Spiritual ' a t h ~ a y s   of the Vedas The Factors Apr 24, 1953

1996 Stone Monuments The P o ~ e r   Of The Stones The Hidden Influence Mar 27? 1953

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