scientific writing exercise abuse oral presentation 4-6-13

Exercise Abuse Lester Julian McRae

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Exercise AbuseLester Julian McRae

Exercising at RutgersExercising at RutgersO 39, 950 studentsO 4 fitness centersO 48% of College students

exercise once a weekO Injuries

What Leads to Injuries?What Leads to Injuries?O Overtraining O Lack of RestO Lack of Nutrition

RestRestO Only 11% of college

students get quality sleep O Recommended - 9 hours O 68% - 6 to 7 hours O 20% - 5 hours or less O Prevents careless injuries 6 -7 hours

5 hours or less8-9 hours

Hours of Sleep for College Stu-dents




NutritionO 7.8 % of students - recommended 5 servings of fruits

and vegetables a day O 75 % of students - do not eat the 3 recommended

meals per dayO Vitamins and minerals O Build stronger bones and muscleO 97% of students - believe it is healthy to eat a healthy

diet (Arizona State University)O 60% of students - are in a healthy weight range

(Arizona State University)

Effectiveness of a Marketing Campaign

O Alcohol consumption marketing campaign launched to study the efficiency of a poster campaign

O Posters designed to increase awareness of preventing alcohol related automobile accidents by preventing friends from driving while intoxicated

O Poster design is significant in the development of campaign programs as people learn from things they can read

Students who noticed the posters

Students who read the posters

Students who encouraged friends not to drink and drive

Students who felt campaign was effective


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450





Alcohol Consumption Marketing Effi-ciency

Other Approaches

Instructional Videos•NIOSH curriculum consisted of instructional videos

•Helps raise awareness to recognize workplace hazards and safety violations

•Instructional ski videos have proven to be effective in reducing injuries among downhill skiers

Academic Achievement•Students who exercise at least 20 minutes 7 days a week have a higher GPA’s

•Short sleepers who slept for 6 or fewer hours had an average GPA of 2.74

•Long sleepers who slept for 9 or more hours had an average GPA of 3.24.

Core FitnessCore FitnessO Health Awareness GroupO Posters/FlyersO Instructional VideosO Interactive Events O Newspaper AdsO RUTV

BudgetO Newspaper Ads = 70.00O Flyers (400) = 200.00O Poster (24 x 36) Lamination – 12.00 x 32 = 384.00O Instructional Video Filming = 3000.00O Total = $3654.00