scientific journal about reading speed


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This is the journal of my paper about the effectiveness of the use of AceReader Elite software in improving student's reading speed


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INAS AFIFAH ZAHRA The English Language Teaching Programme, the University of Muhammadiyah

Prof Dr. Hamka

Abstract:The research was conducted to as the effort to get the empirical evidence of the effectiveness ofthe use of “AceReader Elite” software in improving the reading speed of the students of the English Department of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede, Bekasi. The method applied was an experimental research with pre-experimental design involving 27 students as the sample. The data were analyzed through t-test analysis for testing the two means. The analysis on the empirical data has given the results that the towas10.32 while the ttwas 1.71. It rejected the null-hypothesis. It has given a firm evidence that the use of “AceReader Elite” softwarein increasing the reading speed of the students of the first semester of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede, has been effective.

Key words: AceReader Elite Software, Reading Speed


English is the language most used over the world as a means of

communication. Whenever people go around to any countries they will not get

lost as long as they can use English as their main verbal communication. As a

matter of fact, by mastering English well, one can get its more advantages for

getting knowledge, widening the social relationship, improving the skill and

personalities. The world is opened wider to be explored and becoming enjoyable

for those who master the four English skills, namely: speaking, writing, listening,

and also reading.

For students of the countries where the status of English is as a foreign

language and where the people rarely meet foreigners face to face, it seems that,

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of the four skills, reading is one which the students have to well master. In their

study, even in their later lives after schooling, they will meet many useful texts to

read and comprehend fully. In many circumstances they will need to do readings

with various purposes, just for pleasure or for full comprehension.

In order to make readings enjoyable and to avoid boredom and scaring

works, one has to be able to do fast reading. Scientifically, such reading is called

“speed reading”, the ability or skill of someone to decode the written symbols and

the verbal system to get the meaning at speed appropriate with the material of the

text and the purposes reader has (Konstan, 2010). In this kind of reading, the

students can read more efficiently because they can manage the speed. In this

way, they can select and avoid the context or the parts of the text which are

irrelevant and unneeded.

It is very important for the teacher to apply a certain suitable and

interesting technique of teaching in order to improve the students’ “reading-

speed” as the indicator of their reading skills. Such a type of reading with speed,

of course is relevant to be mastered well by the advanced level students; those

who are taking higher education in a college or university.

The writer has become one of the assistant lecturers in STKIP PancaSakti,

PondokGede, Bekasi, for several times. Based on the writer’s experience when

lecturing, there has been a problem with the students’ reading ability. They read

English text slowly. Indeed, their speed in reading needs to be increased.

Giving reading conventional tasks to them to do at home has not been

effective. The still read in slow way. The writer has found the indicators that the

students still show reading barriers; such as regression, head movement, and sub-

vocalization. Even though, those habits appear to each student naturally, but they

will be the obstacles for mastering speed in reading.

Actually, in this present-day the computers and related information

technology are giving the benefits in education, especially in improving reading

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speed. The popularly term for the instructional programs which are supported and

taking the advantages of computer technology is Computer Assisted Language

Learning. It is abbreviated to CALL.

CALL programs typically required learners to respond to stimuli on the

computer screen and to carry out tasks (Dudeney, 2007). With the help of

computer programs or application software; especially reading software, the users

(students) can find reading easier to do. Using certain software, beside interesting

and attractive to students, it makes the texts easier to understand.

There have been many kinds of application software for improving

reading. One of the free of charge is “AceReader Elite”. So, by using this

software, the writer intends to improve the reading speed of the students of STKIP

PancaSakti, PondokGede. She is getting curious if “AceReader Elite” can give

the solution for breaking students’ reading barriers and then improve their ability

to do speed reading.

The question of the research is stated as follows “Is the use of “AceReader

Elite” software effective in improving students’ reading speed at the First

Semester in English Department of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede, Bekasi in

2013/2014 Academic Year?”

The objective of the research is to get the empirical evidence on the

effectiveness of “AceReader Elite” software in improving students’ reading speed

at the First Semester in English Department of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede,

Bekasi in 2013/2014 Academic Year.


The Meaning of Reading

The word of reading has a lot definitions. According to Grellet“Reading is

a constant process of guessing, and what one brings to the text is often more

important that one finds in it” (Grellet, 1986). Another definition is given by

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Linse that says “Reading is set of skills that involves making sense and deriving

meaning from the printed word” (Linse, 2008). However, the writer can underline

that reading is an activity which is contains the ability to understand and take

some ideas from a piece of printed information.

On the other hand, Buzan gave his statement “Reading is actually a seven-

part process which comprises the following steps: recognition, assimilation, intra-

integration, extra-integration, retention, recall, and communication” (Buzan,

2003).It can be said that reading is multi-level process that consist of recognizing,

understanding, linking all parts of information, and also keeping those information

in memory by recalling and communicating them in printed paper or screen.

In short, from all the definitions above, the writer concludes that reading is

a process of understanding some information followed by multi-level process that

consist of recognizing, understanding, linking all parts of information, and also

keeping those information in memory by recalling and communicating them in

printed paper or screen.

The kinds of reading technique

There are some techniques that can be used for understanding reading:

a. Sensitizing

Sensitizing is to provide exercise that will help students to cope with

unfamiliar words and complex or apparently obscure sentences.

b. Improving reading speed

Improving reading speed is to develop word-recognition and

comprehension speed.

c. From skimming to scanning

From skimming to scanning is to train students to make predictions and

guesses when reading a text. (Grellet, 1986)

From those kinds of reading technique, the writer only focuses for

improving reading speed.

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The definition of reading speed

There are many descriptions about reading speed through reading experts.

Mikulecky and Jeffries state “You can increase your reading speed by following

these four steps: checking your reading habits, skipping over unknown words,

doing reading sprints, and timing yourself” (Mikulecky, 2004). It can be

underlined from this statement that reading speed is a process increasing reading

rate by checking the reader habits, moving along unknown words, doing reading

in sprints, and also practice the reading by timer or pacer.

Based on Konstan “Reading speed is being able to read at a speed

appropriate for the material you are reading” (Konstan, 2003). On the other hand,

Cutler states “Reading speed is read much faster or you can read three similar

books in the time you now require to read only one” (Cutler, 1993).So, it can be

concluded that reading speed is reading faster in efficient time.

From the experts’ definition about reading speed, the writer concludes that

reading speed is a practical way of reading that has a rate by following some

procedures, such as skipping unimportant words or context, timing the activity by

timer or pacer in order to get appropriate speed and efficient time.

The benefits of reading speed

There are many benefits of reading speed for improving life quality:

a. Improved memory

Reading speed challenges the brain to perform at a higher level. When

students train their brain to be able to take information faster, other

areas of their brain will also improve, such as memory.

b. Better focus

If students are not focused on what they are reading, their mind will

wander and it will become occupied with other thoughts and thought

processes. Reading speed helps build focus.

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c. Higher levels of self-confidence

When students improve their ability to read faster, they will find that

more and more doors open up for them and they start to get more

option in life.

d. Improved logic

The more students improve their reading speed, the faster their brain

become more efficient at sorting information and finding correlations

to other bits of information previously stored. This process will notice

students’ improvement with logic.

e. Emotional well-being

When students read faster, they will be even more absorbed into the

material. This causes them to focus predominately on the information

they are reading. This is also known as active-meditation. Active-

meditation is a meditative state achieved by doing an activity. This

state can release tension and increase emotional well-being (Rodrigues,


The factors inhibiting reading speed

There are some factors that inhibiting reading speed:

a. Vocalization

Vocalization is the act of making vocal or saying the words in low

voice (Mosback, 1979).This factor will decrease the speed of reading

as well as the speed of speaking.

b. Head Movement

Head movement is moving the head from left continually to the right

to follow the readings. This factor will decrease the speed of reading

because it needs a certain time while reading process.

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c. Regression

Regression is moving the eyes backward over words and sentences

when reading a line of the text (Sutz, 2009). This factor contributes to

the lack of speed because the reader worries that he doesn’t understand

what is read.

d. Sub Vocalization

Sub-vocalization is a form of silent speech that occurs when a person

is reading silently yet still hearing the words in his head as he reads.

This factor will disturb the speed because the reader too deepens about

what is read (Noer, 2009)

From those factors above, the writer only focuses in regression and sub

vocalization area.

AceReader Elite Software

The meaning of CALL

Computer assisted language learning (CALL) as the head of software has

many kinds of definitions based on experts’ theories. Levy define CALL as “The

search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and

learning” (Levy, 1997). It can be said that CALL is the study of the value of

computer in language teaching and learning.

Another definition given by Chapelle states CALL as “The area of

technology and second language teaching and learning” (Chapelle, 2001). It can

be said that CALL based on this definition is the technology that used during

language learning process. On the other hand, Beatty refers the nature of CALL as

“Any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or

her language” (Beatty, 2003). It can be said that the use of computer will affect

the improvement of learners’ language. This definition is totally clear and has

closer meaning with the purpose of writer’s research.

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From the experts’ definition about CALL, the writer concludes that CALL

is the computer system that help student to improve their language during learning


Types of CALL programs

There are some types of CALL programs:

a. CALL-specific software

CALL-specific software is applications designed to develop and

facilitate language learning, such as CD-ROMs and web-based

interactive language learning exercises/quizzes.

b. Generic software

Generic software is applications designed for general purposes, such as

word-processors (Word), presentation software (PowerPoint), and

spreadsheet (Excel), that can be used to support language learning.

c. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs are synchronous

- online chat; asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board.

Based on those types, the writer only focuses to CALL-specific software

The descriptions of AceReaderSoftware

There are many descriptions about AceReader software due to the users

and its official company. Stepware Inc. as the official company of AceReader

states “AceReader is referred to as reading improvement software, reading

assessment software, online reader software, reading fluency software, vision

training software, and speed reading software”.Due to the definition of this

software, it can be underlined that AceReader is a kind of computer program

designed for someone who needs quality learning through the good ability to see

and rate about reading.

Another description is given by Ways that said “AceReader Elite software is a computer based speed reading program that focuses on increasing reader’s speed and comprehension” (Ways, 2014). It can be said that AceReader is a software that has a specific purpose on increasing reader’s speed.

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The goal of AceReader is to help someone read faster, while maintaining

or even improving his comprehension by breaking two major bad habits in

reading, such as sub vocalization (pronouncing the words in mind while he reads)

and also Re-Reading/Regression (letting the eyes wander back to read the text).

AceReader paces a person to read at higher speeds. At these higher speeds,

it becomes physically impossible to sub vocalize. And because AceReader

displays text by flashing word sets, he will be forced to read ahead and will not

have opportunity to regress.

The educators are using AceReader as a productivity tools, because it

improves students’ reading speed, fluency, and comprehension by practicing

skimming text rapidly from a variety of documents and clipboard. The clipboard

allows students to import text from other applications, such as their favorite word

processor and text from the Internet (i.e Web pages, e-mail, and new groups).

Utilize the “Burst” and “Sentence Search” features to read efficiently while

online. Adjust (1) speed of text, (2) font color, (3) font size, (4) background color,

(5) number of words or lines, (6) delays, and much more.

The Kinds of AceReader Software

There are three kinds of AceReaderSoftware :

a. AceReader Pro

AceReader Pro is reading software that helps slow reader excel in a

variety of fields. Personal, business, education, and special uses

versions of AceReader exist to give specialized help to those with

specific needs.

b. AceReader Pro Deluxe

AceReader Pro Deluxe is another version of AceReader Pro that

becomes the only choice for Mac users until the transition to the Elite

version for Macs is complete.

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c. AceReader Elite

AceReader Elite is the new version (2013) that supports and tracks

unlimited users up to the three computers and available for PCs also


From those kinds of AceReader, the writer only focuses to

AceReader Elite Software.

The Features of AceReader Elite Software

There are some specific features that included in AceReader Elite


a. 200 activities to do

There are over 200 games, activities and drills included in AceReader


b. 6 themes to choose

There are 6 themed, 13 level courses. The themes are General,

American History, Earth and Space Science, Famous People, Fun

Facts, and a SAT-ACT review.

c. 50 preloaded books and resources

There are 50 preloaded books included with this software. They can be

incorporated into the lessons and also used in the reader mode.

d. Graphed results

Results of the tests and games are captured by the computer and can be

viewed as graphs.

e. Ability to e-mail work progress

Work and progress can be e-mailed to teachers and parents. This is

very helpful if AceReader is being used in an educational institution.

f. Administrator’s section

The administration mode is very helpful for teachers and parents. This allow them to monitor student’s progress and to see what they are working on.

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The Ways of Using AceReader Elite Software

There are three ways to use AceReader Elite software:

a. Course Mode

Course mode is giving the easiest way to use the program because it

provides self-adjusting lesson. It consists of activities about reading

comprehension test.

b. Menu Mode

Menu mode is giving the control to the exercise that user wants to

perform because it trains the way he want to try. There are two main

activities in this part, such as determining a current reading speed, and

also increasing a reading speed.

c. Reading Mode

Reading mode is giving the most control to user’s exercise. It is used

to train or to read faster while on his computer while having full

control. In other words, this menu is used to train the text he needs to


In addition, AceReader Elite software can be used for personal, education,

business, and also special uses according to their needs about reading skill


Conceptual Framework

Reading is a process of understanding some information followed by

multi-level process that consist of recognizing, understanding, linking all parts of

information, and also keeping those information in memory by recalling and

communicating them in printed paper or screen. Moreover, reading speed is a

practical way of reading that has a rate by following some procedure, such as

skipping unimportant words or context, timing the activity by timer or pacer in

order to get appropriate speed and efficient time. It has some factors that inhibit

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the speed of reading such as, vocalization, head movement, regression, and sub

vocalization. Coupled with reading and reading speed definition, AceReader Elite

is a computer program to make someone be better in term of evaluation, quality,

and learning through the good ability to see and rate about reading. It has a goal to

help someone read faster, especially, for educators that use this software as a

productivity tools because it improves students’ reading speed, fluency, and

comprehension by breaking two major habits in reading such as, regression and

sub vocalization.

By understanding the definition of reading speed andAceReader Elite

software, the writer assumes that AceReader Elite software can develop student’s

reading speed because it supports a goal to help someone read faster by breaking

two major bad habits in reading such as regression and sub vocalization which are

known as the factors that inhibit the speed of reading. The writer presumes if

students have bad habits in reading like regression and sub vocalization, so it can

be solved by practicing AceReader Elite software continually.

According to statements above, it is assumed that AceReader Elite

software will improve the student’s reading speed on the first semester of English

department of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede, Bekasi.


Based on the research, the writer proposes the hypothesis as below:

Ho : AceReader Elite software is not effective in improving the students’ reading speed at the first semester in English Department of STKIP PancaSakti ,PondokGede, Bekasi.

Hi : AceReader Elite software is effective in improving the students’

readingspeed at the first semester in English Department of STKIP

PancaSaktiPondokGede, Bekasi.


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The writerconducted the research for almost six months beginning in

October with preparing the administrative matters, searching the relevant theories,

the instrumentations, and treatment programs. The pre-test, the treatment, and

post-test were done during January and February. The research was done in the

English Department of STKIP PancaSakti which is located in PondokGede,

Bekasi. The population of the research was the students of the first semester in

English Department of STKIP PancaSakti, PondokGede, Bekasi. The writer took

only 27 students as the sample by using purposive sampling.

In this research, the writer has done an experimental method with a pre-

experimental design. The treatment has been done in six meetings. The writer

taught the students in the class by using AceReader Elite Software to

practicestudents to increase their reading speed. Before the treatment, the writer

gave a pre-test to measure the entrance behavior of the reading speed of the

students. After the treatments, the post-test was given to measure the effects in the

students’ reading speed.

The writer has done some steps or procedures of this research as I have listed


1. Asking for a permission from the headmaster of STKIP PancaSakti

and the reading lecturer to do the research.

2. Asking the letter of recommendation to do the research from

Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka University. The research has been

conducted on Monday, 12th of January 2014 by using AceReader Elite

software to improve students’ reading speed.

3. Selecting and grading the teaching materials.

4. Developing reading passages and the instrument (tests).

5. Preparing the treatment program and the lesson plans.

6. Giving a pre-test to measure students’ reading speed before the


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7. Giving the treatment, the use of AceReader Elite software during the

teaching-learning of reading.

8. Giving post-test to measure students’ reading speed as the result of the


9. Analyzing the value of the students’ average scores by using t-test

10. Testing the hypothesis

11. Making conclusions and finishing the report.


The Data Interpretation

In this chapter, the writer reports the data interpretation. The writer relates

the result of students’ reading speed scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test. The

description of the data can be seen in the analysis of data as follow:

Table 1

The Statistic of Pre-Test Scores

Statistic Measures Symbols Values

Total Individual = n 27

Mean = 72.70

Variance = 157.29

Standard Deviation = s 12.54

Table 2:

The Statistic of Post-Test Scores

Statistic Measures Symbols Values

Total Individual = n 27

Mean = 81.37

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Variance = 19.396

Standard Deviation = s 4.40

To know the effectiveness of using AceReader Elitesoftware in improving

students’ reading speed, the writer uses the hypothesis testing of t-test.

The Hypothesis testing

t =

81.37 – 72.70 = ——————— 4.40 /

8.67 = ——————— 4.40 / 5.19 8.67 = ——— 0.84 = 10.32

The degree of freedom (df) of this computation is (n-1) = 26. In the

α = 0.05, the t-table is 1.71. From the computation above, the t-observed is 10.32.

Because the t-observed (10.32) is higher than the standard t (1.71), the null-

hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is accepted.



The exercising the students’ reading speed is one of the important aspects

reading skill the teachers of English have to do in the teaching. In order to

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improve students’ reading speed, the use of AceReader Elite free software is

effective and efficient for increasing their speed.

Based on the research conducted at first semester of STKIP Panca Sakti

Bekasi by using AceReader software in improving students’ reading speed, it was

found that the H0 is rejected and Hiis accepted. It gives the writer a firm of

empirical evidence to answer the research problem stated that the use of

AceReader Elite free software is effective in improving the reading speed of the

students of the first semester of the English Department of STKIP PancaSakti,

PondokGede, Bekasi in 2013/2014 Academic Year.


Based on the result of the research above, there are some suggestions

which are needed to the English teacher, students, and school as follows:

1. The institute has to provide various teaching aids to support learning

and teaching activity in the school. In teaching reading, especially

reading speed, the teacher can use AceReader software for the students

to be interested.

2. The teacher should prepare the teaching materials that are needed by

students if the institute does not prepare it.

3. To make students do not feel bored, the teacher should use some

teaching aids that are suitable for learners.

The writer hopes that the teacher can improve the use of technology during

teaching activity, and this research can help the teacher in teaching reading speed.

By using AceReader software, the students feel interested, active, and attention.



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