science vs. pseudoscience ids 3303 issues in science and technology

Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Science vs. Pseudoscience

IDS 3303

Issues in Science and Technology

Page 2: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Agenda Identity issues What is Pseudoscience? Secrets of the Psychics

Page 3: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

What is Pseudoscience “Pseudo” = “fake”

Beliefs masquerading as science Attempt to legitimize

Start with answer Find data to support Ignore conflicting evidence

Page 4: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Example Ivory soap - "99.44/100% Pure: It Floats“ Mixture is unidentified – what’s “pure”? What does “floating” have to due with

purity? Air bubbles mixed in – therefore impure A boat floats, is it “pure”?

Page 5: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Criteria for Determining Pseudoscience

Is anecdotal evidence cited? Individual stories, testimonies Testimonial statements not FTC regulated

Does the claim fit with existing knowledge? What kind of reasoning has been used?

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc “After this, therefore because of this”

Baloney Detection Collection

Page 6: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Criteria for Determining Pseudoscience

Is it possible to test the claim? Elimination of plausible influences

Are sources cited? Unbiased Credible

If sampled, how was the sample obtained?

Baloney Detection Collection

Page 7: Science vs. Pseudoscience IDS 3303 Issues in Science and Technology

Criteria for Determining Pseudoscience

Is “conspiracy theory” used to support claims? Doctors The government Big corporations

Baloney Detection Collection

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Criteria Anecdotal evidence? Fit with existing knowledge? Reasoning? Possible to test? Sources cited? How was the sample obtained? Conspiracy theory?