science- pdhe study notes year 9

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  • 8/10/2019 Science- PDHE Study Notes Year 9


    Family NutritionHow can the food we eat affect our health?

    What is a lifestyle disease?

    A lifestyle disease is a disease that can be developed from choices made in ones food intake,exercise, smoking or alcohol consumption. The main diseases are cancer (mostly lung),

    diabetes type 2, and the most common is cardiovascular disease.


    What is it:Cardiovascular Disease affects the circulatory system, it is the buildup of plaque in

    the arteries, this constricts the blood flow and could lead to blood clots.

    Where does it occur:CVD mostly occurs in the heart but, can also appear in any other part of

    the body.

    Prevention: Get more exercise and eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, quercetin, folate,

    coenzyme Q10, monounsaturated fats, L-carnitine, lycopene, magnesium, polyphenols,

    resveratrol. Stop or never smoke tobacco and limit alcohol intake.

    Lung Cancer

    What is it: Cancer is a defective cell that divides and kill healthy cells which can badly affect

    organs the root of these unhealthy cells are called tumors. This is a lifestyle disease as a large

    majority of the people who have lung cancer are smokers.

    Where is it:Lung cancer is a tumor that originates from the lung.

    Contributing factors:Smoking or chewing tobacco, greatly increases the likelihood of getting lung

    cancer as a cigarette contains over 400 chemical, 40 of which are cancer causing.

    Symptoms: deep, chesty cough that doesnt go away, coughing blood, shortness of breath,chest pains, wheezing, extreme weight loss without any change to regular routines.

    Prevention: stop/ never be affiliated with the use of tobacco, if their is a history of cancer in your

    family see a doctor regularly for chest x-rays, early detection could save a life

    Diabetes Type 2

    what is it: it is a disease that affects the pancreas and prevents it from creating insulin (a

    chemical that helps break down carbohydrates in the body)

    who does it affect: diabetes affects people who are usually 55 years or older but an alarming

    rate of young adults and teenagers are developing the disease. people who are aboriginal,

    torres strait islander, indian or chinese have a higher rate of getting diabetes because of

    genetics. obese and overweight people over the age of 45 have an in increased chance of

    getting diabetes.

    Symptoms: constant thirst, passing urine more frequently, feeling tired, always feeling hungry,

    slow healing wounds

    Key terms

  • 8/10/2019 Science- PDHE Study Notes Year 9


    Glycemic Index: ranking of carbohydrates according to their effect on blood glucose.

    Calories:energy consumption and usage.

    KiloJoules:a measure of how much energy there is in a food in 1000s.

    Nutrition:supplements of food you have that supports growth.

    Nutrient:obtaining or providing food for a good nutrition.

    Carbohydrate: broken down so that it may be converted into glucose.

    Vitamin:organic compounds that assist with natural growth and nutrition.

    Mineral:a natural inorganic substance.

    Water:(h2o) forms lakes, seas, oceans etc. and is a transparent and odourless substance.

    Protein:required for function, regulation and structure.

    Fats: fatty acids stored at room temperature.

    Fibre:helps digest food properly by passing through the bowels.

    Energy:The ability to do work.

    Body Mass Index (BMI):an approximate measure of telling whether someone is overweight or

    underweight. Calculated by dividing the weight (kg) by the height squared (m x m).

    Hereditary-passing, or capable of passing through the genes.

    Balance: even distribution of weight

    Determinant:determining an element or factor.

    Family:two parents and a child/children.

    Environment:surrounding of a which an organism lives.

    Communicable Disease:diseases you can catch like HIV/AIDs

    Stimulus:Something that stirs up action etc.

  • 8/10/2019 Science- PDHE Study Notes Year 9


    Response:behaviour resulting from stimuli or a reply (which one is scientific related).

    Neuron:a nerve cell (transmits nerves).

    Hormone: internally secreted compounds formed in the endocrine gland which are carried by

    body fluids.

    Homeostasis: the tendency of a system owing to the coordinated response of its parts to any

    situation or stimulus which would disturb its natural condition.

    Non-infectious:Cannot be transmitted to anybody.

    Coordinate:to harmonise a bunch of things into one group

    A Stimulus Response Pathway might come up in the exam so here :

  • 8/10/2019 Science- PDHE Study Notes Year 9


    Are you a smart TravellerWhere is the most dangerous place overseas,

    for an Australian to visit?

    Layers of the Earth:Crust: The outermost layer of the earth, it

    ranges from 35-70km in depth, and is mainly

    composed of aluminium silicates.

    Mantle: The layer that lies in-between the

    core and the crust, it is roughly 2900 km

    thick (84% of the Earths volume), and is

    predominantly made of ferromagnesian-

    silicates. In the mantle is where most of the Earths internal heat is located. there are

    two main layers in the upper mantle

    Upper: also known as the lithosphere is made of, rigid rock , 50-120 km deep

    Lower :alternatively called the asthenosphere is made up of flowing plastic rock, 200 km


    Outer Core: the second innermost layer of the Earth, it is over 2300 km deep, is mostly

    made of a nickel-iron alloy, and its 10% than the inner core

    Inner Core: this is the final layer of the earth, it is nearly 1200 km deep, it is entirely

    composed of iron, temperatures average at around 5500 degrees celsius.

    Plate Tectonics:

    What is it: it is the theory of large scale motion of the lithosphere that was developed in the 20th

    century on the concept of continental drift.

    Tectonic Plates: also known as a lithospheric plate. an irregular shaped piece of flat rock. These

    rocks are about 15-200km thick and are made of quartz and feldspar. When two plates are

    close together they create a fault line, this is where earthquakes occur.

    Convection Currents: convection currents is the theory of tectonic plate movement. the mantleproduces heat which raises magma to the crust layer, where it is then cooled and it falls back

    down, the cycle is repeated. Convection currents work like a conveyor belt, either they pull

    plates closer together, or push them further apart.

    Plate Boundaries:

    convergent: when two plates, hit each other and a subduction zone is made, this makes one

    plate sink under another, this can deform regions.

  • 8/10/2019 Science- PDHE Study Notes Year 9


    divergent: this is when two plates move away from each other causing magma to reach the

    surface, and form new land masses

    transforming: when two plates rub against each other these boundaries neither create nor


    What countries are on a fault line? Japan

    USA (California)


    New Zealand

    How are earthquakes measured?

    A device called a Richter Magnitude Scale is used to measure the intensity of the earthquake. It

    was built by Charles Francis Richter and measures in magnitude, and eg. an earthquake of

    magnitude 2 is 10 times stronger than an earthquake of magnitude 1 etc.