science focus lesson sc.5.l.14.1 body organs polk county public schools

Elementary Science Science Focus Lesson SC.5.L.14.1 Body Organs Polk County Public Schools

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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  • Science Focus Lesson SC.5.L.14.1 Body Organs Polk County Public Schools
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  • SC.5.L.14.1 Benchmark: Identify the organs in the human body and describe their functions, including the skin, brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas, muscles and skeleton, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, and sensory organs. Essential Question: What are the organs in the human body, and what are their functions? Vocabulary: organ, digestion, nutrients, wastes
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  • What is an organ? Your body is made of trillions of cells. Cells are grouped together to form tissues. Tissues form organs. Each organ performs a different function for your body, and keeps you alive and healthy.
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  • There are two organs in your body that work in systems to help your body move. They are your skeleton and your muscles.
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  • Besides helping your body move, your skeleton also has other functions. It supports your body, and gives it shape. It protects your internal organs, like your brain, heart, and lungs. It stores substances that are important to your body. It makes red blood cells that fight germs.
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  • Muscles are responsible for every movement your body makes. Muscles move your bones. Muscles make your heart beat. They make you breathe. Even speaking, digestion, and the pupils of your eyes are controlled by muscles.
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  • Summarizing Talk to your shoulder partner about how your skeleton and muscles help you to move your body.
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  • Organs for digestion There are organs in your body that are responsible for digestion. Digestion is the process your body goes through, to break down food into nutrients that your body needs.
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  • Stomach When you eat food, it goes from your mouth, through the esophagus, and into your stomach. The muscles in your stomach churn the food and mix it with special digestive juices.
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  • Your liver makes a digestive juice called bile. Your pancreas makes other kinds of digestive juices. All of these digestive juices pass through a tube in your small intestine. Liver and Pancreas.
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  • Small Intestine The small intestine uses the digestive juices from the liver and pancreas and finishes digesting the food. Nutrients from this digested food move into your blood. Materials that your body does not need are moved into your large intestine.
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  • Large Intestine Your large intestine removes water from the material sent by your small intestine. The water moves into your blood. The solid wastes move into your rectum, and out of your body.
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  • Summarizing Write in your science notebook about an organ that is involved in digestion.
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  • Organs for Waste Removal These organs are the kidneys, bladder, skin, and lungs.
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  • Kidneys Blood passes through your kidneys. Wastes carried in your blood collect in the kidneys and form urine.
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  • Bladder Your bladder collects and stores urine until you release it.
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  • Skin Skin is the largest organ in your body Skin is the outer covering that protects your other organs and tissues. Water and wastes leave your skin in perspiration (sweat).
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  • Lungs Your blood travels through blood vessels, to your lungs. The carbon dioxide and water leave the blood and enter your lungs. The liquid water changes to water vapor. Every time you breathe out, carbon dioxide gas and water vapor leave your body.
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  • Summarizing Talk to your shoulder partner about the organs that are responsible for moving waste out of your body.
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  • Heart Your heart is the size of your fist. It pumps blood through your blood vessels to all parts of your body.
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  • Brain Your brain has 3 main partscerebellum, cerebrum, brain stem It coordinates movements of muscles and helps you keep your balance. Controls body movements that you decide to make, learning, thinking, memory, and imagination Controls breathing, heartbeat, movements inside your digestive system Your brain controls NEARLY EVERYTHING that goes on in your body!
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  • Sensory organs Your sensory organs are your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin Their job is to get information from the environment, (through your senses) and send it to your brain.
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  • Summarizing Answer this question in your science notebook: What are your sensory organs, and what are they responsible for?
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  • Guided Practice What is an organ? A. A group of bones that help you move. B. A group of tissues that perform functions for your body. C. Something used to play music D. A group of cells that carry out a function
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  • Groups of cells are called tissues, and groups of tissues are called organs. Each organ in your body performs a different function.
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  • The heart is an organ that is made mostly of muscle tissue and nerve tissue. What is the main function of the heart? A.To pump blood throughout your body B.To take in oxygen from the air C.To keep your body from getting dehydrated D.To soak up nutrients from your food
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  • The main function of your heart is to pump blood throughout your body!
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  • Tommy is doing a report. He has researched information about the skeletal system. Which of the following is a fact he could have found about the function of a skeleton? A. The skeleton supports your body and gives it shape. B. The skeleton protects your internal organs. C. The skeleton allows you to move when muscles pull on bones. D. All of these are facts about the skeletal system.
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  • Your skeleton does all of these things for your body, and more. It also stores important substances for you body, such as calcium, and makes red blood cells that carry oxygen, and white blood cells that fight germs!
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  • Summarizing Answer this question in your Science Notebook. What are some of the organs of the human body, and what are their functions?
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  • Check Your Understanding 1. What organs in your body are responsible for your heartbeat, breathing, and causing parts of your body to move. a. muscles b. liver and gall bladder c. lungs d. skin
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  • Check Your Understanding 2. During digestion, food moves from your mouth, down your esophagus, and into your stomach. Which of the following is a function of the stomach? a. Helping you communicate b. Making digestive juices c. Churning your food and mixing it with digestive juices d. Removing waste from your body
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  • Check Your Understanding 3. What organs in your body are responsible for collecting wastes in your blood and forming urine? a. lungs b. stomach c. liver d. kidneys
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  • Check Your Answers 1. A All movement in your body is controlled by your muscles. 2. C- Your stomach mixes your food with digestive juices before it moves in to the small intestine. 3. D- Most people have two kidneys which are responsible for forming urine to remove waste from your body.
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  • Turn to your shoulder partner and tell about one organ and the function it performs to keep you alive and healthy. Switch roles. Summary Question