science fair project checklist - roosevelt middle · completed science fair project due monday...

Roosevelt Middle School Science Department Grade 6-8 Science Fair Project DEAR PARENT/GUARDIAN The Roosevelt Middle School Science Department is notifying you that your child will be responsible for completing a Science Fair Project during the first nine weeks of school. Specific requirements regarding procedures and expectations have been explained in class by your child’s teacher. We need each Parent/Guardian to please assist their child in this process. Please be advised that it is our utmost goal to see every child successfully and safely complete a project. To assist in this process, we ask that each child get approval for their topic from the teacher before he or she begins the project. Each child should provide a list of topics to their teacher before experimentation begins. I strongly advise students, pick areas of interest. All Science Fair topics must be approved before the student can begin. If there are any safety concerns, the project will not be approved. We are asking for your support in assisting us by monitoring your child’s progress and helping them to stay on top of their assignment and meet the required deadlines. There will be afterschool help available on Tuesdays for students that may need additional assistance. The specific start date will be announced during class and a notice will be sent home to parents. Please encourage your child to stay after and get any additional support that they may need to get off to a great start. We will meet in room 5-107 at 2:45 pm and I will dismiss them at 5:00 pm. Please arrange for your child to be picked up by 5:00 pm in the back bus loop. Parents, please stay tuned for any additional information that we will be posting on Edline with regards to our RMS School Science Fair. Please note that students that are selected to go on to compete at the District level will have some additional requirements to complete. Due Dates: Completed Science Fair Project due Monday 10/15/18 RMS School Science Fair for Judging Wednesday 10/17/18 RMS Science Fair Parent Night Thursday 10/25/18 in the Media Center 4-6pm Students going to PBC Regional Science Fair Thursday 12/13/18 **Please note, Science Fair is counted as a Project grade worth 20% of the total student grade for the 1 st nine weeks. Late Projects will be dropped one-half of a letter grade (5%) for each class not submitted, as stated in the Syllabus. ** The Science teachers at Roosevelt Middle would like to thank you in advance for your support in helping your sons and daughters to be successful in this endeavor. Sincerely, Mrs. Leiba-Fletcher, Coordinator Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________ Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________

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Page 1: SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT CHECKLIST - Roosevelt Middle · Completed Science Fair Project due Monday 10/15/18 RMS School Science Fair for Judging Wednesday 10/17/18 RMS Science Fair Parent

Roosevelt Middle School

Science Department

Grade 6-8 Science Fair Project


The Roosevelt Middle School Science Department is notifying you that your child will be responsible for

completing a Science Fair Project during the first nine weeks of school. Specific requirements regarding

procedures and expectations have been explained in class by your child’s teacher.

We need each Parent/Guardian to please assist their child in this process. Please be advised that it is our

utmost goal to see every child successfully and safely complete a project. To assist in this process, we ask

that each child get approval for their topic from the teacher before he or she begins the project. Each child

should provide a list of topics to their teacher before experimentation begins. I strongly advise students,

pick areas of interest. All Science Fair topics must be approved before the student can begin. If there are

any safety concerns, the project will not be approved.

We are asking for your support in assisting us by monitoring your child’s progress and helping them to

stay on top of their assignment and meet the required deadlines. There will be afterschool help available

on Tuesdays for students that may need additional assistance. The specific start date will be announced

during class and a notice will be sent home to parents. Please encourage your child to stay after and get

any additional support that they may need to get off to a great start. We will meet in room 5-107 at 2:45

pm and I will dismiss them at 5:00 pm. Please arrange for your child to be picked up by 5:00 pm in the

back bus loop. Parents, please stay tuned for any additional information that we will be posting on Edline

with regards to our RMS School Science Fair.

Please note that students that are selected to go on to compete at the District level will have some

additional requirements to complete.

Due Dates:

Completed Science Fair Project due Monday 10/15/18

RMS School Science Fair for Judging Wednesday 10/17/18

RMS Science Fair Parent Night Thursday 10/25/18 in the Media Center 4-6pm

Students going to PBC Regional Science Fair Thursday 12/13/18

**Please note, Science Fair is counted as a Project grade worth 20% of the total student grade for the

1st nine weeks. Late Projects will be dropped one-half of a letter grade (5%) for each class not

submitted, as stated in the Syllabus. **

The Science teachers at Roosevelt Middle would like to thank you in advance for your support in helping

your sons and daughters to be successful in this endeavor.


Mrs. Leiba-Fletcher, Coordinator

Parent Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________

Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________

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Thursday 8/30 and Friday 8/31 Science Fair Packets are handed out

Tuesday, September 4-Friday September 7 Topic Selection is due!!! Research possible science topics on the Internet and other library resources and decide on a topic that you are interested in enough to move forward. Show up for help on

Tuesdays afterschool if you are having trouble. All topics must be approved by child’s classroom


After Topic Approved by Teacher Spend time researching your topic, taking notes, reading and checking information. Look on the Internet, at the library and use other resources to find information about your topic. You will need

to use this information in the research portion of your project. Your research plan must be written in your own words.

** Rough Drafts allow you to get feedback without losing points. You will have the opportunity

to correct your work before the final project is due enabling you to maximize your points.**

Monday, September 17 Turn in a “rough draft” portion, which will include: Research Plan and Initial Reference List.

(Example of Research plan is attached) Reference list should include at least 3 references and one must be from another source than the internet.

Monday, September 24 Turn in a “rough draft” portion, which will include:

A research plan, Introduction, Hypothesis, Identified variables.

Monday, October 1 Turn in a “rough draft” portion, which will include:

Data, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Monday, October 8

Turn in a “rough draft” portion, which will include:

Title Page, Table of Contents, and Abstract.

***Finalize your project and type the project report. Finalize all data. Check project report for errors, neatness, and the, organization of the content. **

Ask Questions if you are unsure of what is expected!!!!!!!!! Due dates may be subject to change if

other unforeseen circumstances and events arise.

Monday 10/15/18 Finalized project DUE!!!!!! This includes your research report and science fair board. Turn in all parts of the checklist in finalized form. EVERYTHING!!!!! No missing items!!!!

Your project report should be typed and in order. Following the checklist will ensure that you receive a satisfactory grade.

Boards will be judged on Wednesday 10/17/18

Open House for Parents and students Thursday 10/25/18

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SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT CHECKLIST Title Page 5 pts. Is the title in the Middle?

Is the student’s name, school, and grade on the bottom right?

Table of Contents 5 pts. Are all sections in order?

Are page numbers listed correctly?

Abstract 15 pts. Is it in the proper format?

Are all parts summarized?

Research/References 10 pts. Are there three or more paragraphs?

Is it in the student’s own words?

Are there at least 3 references and one is not an internet reference?

Introduction 10 pts. Does it state the question being tested?

Does it include why the project was chosen?

Does it include the hypothesis?

Is the hypothesis testable and stated as an IF…THEN…statement?

Variables 10 pts. Is the independent variable stated and correct?

Is the dependent variable stated and correct?

Are the constants stated and correct?

Was a control variable needed and used?

Procedures 10 pts. Is the material list complete and specific with amounts?

Are the procedures clearly explained and logical?

Could the experiment be done again following the procedures?

Data 10 pts. Is data included, clearly written, and in charts and graphs?

Discussion 10 pts. What observations did you make?

Did you identify any errors that could have occurred?

Are there other experiments that could be conducted from yours?

Conclusion 10 pts. Is the hypothesis restated?

Was your hypothesis proven or not proven? EXPLAIN!!!!

Is there a summary of your results?

Is your data interpreted?

Acknowledgements and References 5 pts. All references listed to include: title, author, and date of publication

All acknowledgements recognized (individuals who helped with your project)

Overall Presentation______________________________________________________15 pts. Neatness: Is the project typed, neatly organized, graphs or charts done neatly, etc.

Creativity/Originality: Is the project subject original, did the student use creativity in addressing

the project. Are graphs, charts, pictures, illustrations, or models included.

Science Board 10 pts.

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Is the science board complete and in the right order?

RESEARCH PLAN (Note: This only a rough draft version; those who are going to the district science fair will

need to complete another form preferably online: Stay Tuned for more information.) The research plan will present your plan for finding information about your topic. It

will include a paragraph that explains your topic and states what you are using to

research this topic. You will then need 2 or 3 paragraphs that summarize

information that you have obtained from references. Place a parenthesis at the end of

each different source that indicates the author and the year. Also at the end of your

summary, make a reference list.

The question I will attempt to answer with my science fair experiment is; (Example: Which soda will dissolve an M&M faster?)





I will research this topic by using (list source types likes magazines, journals,

newspapers, Internet articles, etc.).






The first goal of my research is to (you should be measuring or trying to determine

something) __________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________. I will

rely on ____________________ (Title of book or article) (author

_______________, year___________) to achieve this goal. This article states that

(your own words) _____________________________________



The second goal of my research is to _______________________________


_____________________________________________________________. To

accomplish this goal, I will rely on ____________________________

(__________________,__________), who states _____________________



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(See the back.)

Reference List (include author, title and year). The references below (#6-8) are automatically

required as part of your reference list. Of the references you choose, 3 out of the 5 need to come

from a source that is not strictly Internet-based. For example, a journal that appears online, but

most likely has a hard copy somewhere in the libraries would qualify as one of these 3, but an

article that one can only find on the Internet is not (it would be one of those remaining 2). The

references needed to be cited (listed next to the relevant information) in the research paper next to

any part in the introduction or body that gives factual information.

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

6. Intel Society for Science and the Public (2014). Available on: or

7. Secondary Education Department (2014). Palm Beach Regional

Science and Engineering Fair Handbook. Can be found at:


8. State Science Fair and Engineering Fair of Florida (2014). Retrieved

on September 14, 2013 from:

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(Graphic Optional)


Roosevelt Middle School

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Acknowledgements and References…………………………………….Page______

Research Plan……………………………………………………………Page______

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The abstract is a summary of your ENTIRE project. It must be less than 250 words. The

abstract is completed last because it summarizes all of your data. You will need to

summarize each part. Fill in each section of this worksheet and you will be on your way to

an “A” abstract!!! This paper is DUE ON:_________________


What question are you trying to answer?


State your hypothesis as an IF…THEN…statement.


Briefly describe your materials and how you did your experiment.

This packet is to help you organize your information so that your

report can be turned in complete and accurate.

You are not permitted to turn in this packet as your report.

This packet is your rough draft only.

All the information must be retyped and a printed version must be

submitted as your final project.

All reports should be done in

12 or 14 point Times New Roman Font or something similar.

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What were the results? Summarize the data you collected while doing the



How did what you learn from your experiment compare to your research? What

could you have changed or improved? Could you do a similar experiment using

different materials? Will your experiment help society?


The introduction will state the predictions you are trying to make with your science

experiment. It will also include you hypothesis statement and why you are choosing

to do this particular science fair project.

The question I will attempt to answer with my science fair experiment is; (Example: Which soda will dissolve an M&M faster?)





My hypothesis is: (Example: IF Sunkist has more sugar than the other two sodas, THEN it will dissolve the M&M

fastest) (State your hypothesis as an IF…THEN statement)



I chose this project because: (Write two questions you are trying to answer by completing this project.)

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The independent variable is the variable that will be changed and tested. (Example: I will be

changing the type of soda being used.)

The independent variable in my experiment will be:




I will use these different samples: _____________________________

(Use two or more samples to compare _____________________________

and contrast. Three is a good number _____________________________

of samples.)

The dependent variable is the variable that is being measured. (Example: I am measuring the

time it takes an M&M to dissolve completely in each sample of soda. Time will be measured in seconds.)

The dependent variable that I will be measuring in my subject is:

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The constants are what will stay the same throughout your experiment. (Example: The

amount of soda in each cup, the color and type of M&M, the temperature of each type of soda.)

The constants in my experiment are:





The materials I used are: (Be sure to list each item used indicate how much of each are needed-

Include units like seconds, grams, liters).

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

* Amount used:

Be sure to list the correct amount used in each of your materials. Use exact

measurements. (For example, in the soda experiment I would say that each cup contained 10

mL of soda and that I used 9 M&M’s total. 1 M&M per cup for each trial).

The steps I took to do my experiment were:

1. (First)

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2. (Second)









You may have more steps than 10 steps. Please list all of the steps you took in

completing your experiment. Write the steps clearly so that other scientists would

be able to follow them and the experiment could be tested again if necessary.


This page should include any charts, graphs, pictures, or other forms of data

collected. You should log the information for each trial you conduct in your

experiment. Three trials is a sufficient amount when conducting an experiment. (For example, in the M&M experiment, I tested three samples of soda to see which soda will

dissolve the M&M fastest. This means I will conduct the same experiment three times and record

the results each time. These times should be written down and put into a graph or chart. See




TRIAL 1 19 seconds 21 seconds 15 seconds

TRIAL 2 18 seconds 22 seconds 15 seconds

TRAIL 3 16 seconds 21 seconds 16 seconds

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Types of Soda





This section is used to discuss any results you had. Scientists often share and

discuss their results with others. You may include your opinion of the project in this

section as well as explain things that you did not expect.

Fill in the following:

In this experiment I…






Some errors that could have occurred while conducting my experiment were…

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If another scientist were to conduct an experiment similar to mine, they might







Another scientist could use my experiment to…







Before writing your conclusion, carefully examine all your data (graphs, charts, tables).

This information will tell you whether your hypothesis was correct or not.

Answer these questions:

What were your results? (The results of my experiment were…)




Were the results what you expected, if not, how were the results different? (The results I received…)

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Did you run into any problems that may have affected your results? (The problems I ran into while conducting my experiment were…)




How many trials did you do? (In my experiment I conducted...trials)


How many samples did you use? (In my experiment I used….samples)



Do you think your data was enough to conclude your project? (My data was….to conclude my project)




Do you need to revise of change your hypothesis to fit with the results of your data? (My hypothesis did not match my data, I would need to change my hypothesis-Write a new hypothesis if

needed) Note: Please make a note of the difference between a research plan and a

research paper as indicated from the county science fair coordinator handbook.

Both of them are required and both require similar parts but are written at

different times in relation to the experimentation. Please make sure that the

references are cited in the paper.

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