science fair project airplane production procedure

 Airplane Folding Procedure: *Adjust the angle for more/less angle degree between the wing and the stem 7). Glue top flaps together for  paper clip storing ). !urn o"er# and fold inward at center $). Fold toward center %). &tart with a plain piece of paper '). Fold toward center again (). Fold the paper in half )*. Fold corner toward center# and then turn o"er  

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Science Fair Project Airplane Production Procedure

8/17/2019 Science Fair Project Airplane Production Procedure 1/2


Airplane Folding Procedure:

*Adjust the angle for more/less angle degree between the

wing and the stem

7). Glue top flaps together for 

 paper clip storing

). !urn o"er# and fold inward at


$). Fold toward center 

%). &tart with a plain piece

of paper 

'). Fold toward center again

(). Fold the paper in half )*. Fold corner toward center# and then turn o"e

Page 2: Science Fair Project Airplane Production Procedure

8/17/2019 Science Fair Project Airplane Production Procedure 2/2

Place a binder clip on the midpoint of the stem. eplace the binder clip wing

with ( paper clip for pull bac+ use when fl,ing the airplane. &ecure the


-astl,# optional# but if done to one control group# must be done to all) place

a sil"er clip of on the rear of the airplane to gi"e it balance.