science assignment

EARTHS PRECIOUS RESOURCES The difference between a renewable and non- renewable resource? Renewable energy: sources include solar, wind, geothermal energy. The simple meaning of renewable energy is energy produced by natural sources. We have unlimited supply of these sources and we can generate energy from them. They do not produce green house gasses that harm our planet. Non renewable: energy sources include coal, oil and natural gas. We have limited supply of these sources and we are running out of them. They produce gas emissions that harm our planet. Information on various non renewable resources with some advantages and disadvantages for each. advantages: It creates jobs for thousands of people. While also creating 90% of the energy Humans use in their daily lives and is very easy to access and convert into energy. Disadvantages: It pollutes the environment heavily with CO2 gases. We are also relying on it too much and because its non renewable its going to run out.

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Post on 23-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Science assignment


The difference between a renewable and non-renewable resource? Renewable energy: sources include solar, wind, geothermal energy. The simple meaning of renewable energy is energy produced by natural sources. We have unlimited supply of these sources and we can generate energy from them. They do not produce green house gasses that harm our planet.

Non renewable: energy sources include coal, oil and natural gas. We have limited supply of these sources and we are running out of them. They produce gas emissions that harm our planet.

Information on various non renewable resources with some advantages and disadvantages for each. advantages:

It creates jobs for thousands of people. While also creating 90% of the energy Humans use in their daily lives and is very easy to access and convert into energy.


It pollutes the environment heavily with CO2 gases. We are also relying on it too much and because its non renewable its going to run out.

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Fossil Fuels Crude oil, coal and gas are fossil fuels. They were formed over millions of years, from the remains of dead organisms, coal was formed from dead plant material. crude oil and gas were formed from dead marine organisms.

they are then retrieved from the ground and taken to power plants and factories to produce electricity, gases and oil etc.

Facts: 1.Around 90% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.

2.The energy stored in fossil fuels comes from the sun.

3.Although we have discovered lots of renewable ways to produce energy we still use fossil fuels because we are too lazy.

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Information on mining and its impacts on the environment.


Quarrying creates jobs in areas where there are limited opportunities.

There is a huge demand for the products of quarrying, such as building stone and cement.

Quarrying provides income to local councils through taxation.

Good communications are needed for transporting the products of quarrying. As a result many remote rural areas benefit from improved access.

It is an important part of the UK economy. Over 30,000 people are employed in quarrying itself and related industries.


Wildlife habitats are destroyed.

Valuable agricultural land is taken away.

Quarrying creates pollution from noise and dust.

Heavy traffic causes pollution and congestion narrow country roads. The vibrations from heavy traffic can cause damage to buildings.

Quarries create visual pollution and tourists may be deterred by the scars on the landscape.

Landfill sites and waste tips need to be monitored to check for a buildup of gases, such as methane.


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Information on plastic bags and how they affect the environment? It puts animal sea life in danger

It makes animals experience great pain and distress

They take ages to degrade therefore polluting the land.

Facts: 267 marine species are affected by plastic bags, over 100 million plastic bags are used in the uk per year and 8% end up in the environment.

190000 bags are used in the EU per minute

only 6.6% of plastic bags are recycled

Plastic bags can last over 100 years

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The difference between coal and oil or gas? All are fossil fuels which means that they were formed from plants and animals from millions of years ago.

Coal is a solid. It is mostly carbon. It is made from mostly plant materials.

Oil is a liquid. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is more animal materials. Its composition is different depending on where it is found.

Natural gas is a gas. It is mostly methane

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What a hydrocarbon is and the different types? Hydrocarbons are made up of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. The most common is also the smallest, methane.

Types of Hydrocarbons: Hydrocarbons that have 4 bonds to every carbon atom are called alkanes. These are the least reactive of the hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbons that have a double bond between two carbon atoms are called alkenes. These are more reactive than alkanes.

Hydrocarbons that have a triple bond between two carbon atoms are called alkynes. These are the most reactive.