science and sound

Science and Sounds Science Proves How Sound Can Change DNA  A Russian r e s e a r c h team l e d b y bio p h y s i c is t and mole c ular biologist Pjotr Garjajev has proved sound and vibration caused by sound can transform DNA. Unlike Western scientists they refused to accept that the 90% of our DNA referred to as junk DNA held no value and in an effort to prove this they paired linguists with geneticists to study the impact of vibration and language on Human DNA. What their research uncovered was completely unexpected -  they discovered that human DNA stores data like a computer's memory system , with our genetic code using grammar rules and syntax just like human language! It appears that all human languages are simply verbalizations of our DNA and perhaps even more astounding was the discovery by the team that living human DNA can be changed

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and rearranged with spoken words and phrases simply by

using the right frequency.

The work of Pjotr Garjajev and his team provides scientificevidence as to why the mantra's and chanting used by the

Yogis and Rabbi's throughout history have such a powerful and

positive effect on human beings - Our DNA is inherently

programmed to respond to language(which is essential sound

and vibrations)

Dr. Pillai says: "This gives hope that by manipulating sounds

we can all reach the highest intell igence."

- Dr. Pil lai -

All Matter Originates From Sound

Quantum Physicists have researched tirelessly the origins of


Initial ly it was thought that the

molecule was the smallest form of matter. This was soon

rejected with the discovery of the atom and following that the

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Still searching they have been led to the realization that in

order to find the true origin of matter they must look beyond just material substances, and begin to explore the field of


Their research into energy and search to identify the

appearance of matter led to the latest revelation within the

world of Quantum Physics, the "String theory" .

 As a result of a perfect mathematical calculation, that in over

40 years has not be proven wrong, Physicists have determined

that the shape and structure of the matter we perceive is

actually made up of tiny vibrating fi laments called strings.

Vibrations caused by sound... concluding that matter as the

ancient civi l izations claimed is created by sound.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it

will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous

centuries of its existence."

- Nikola Tesla -

EEG Study Reveals How Dr. Pillai's

Technologies Impact The Brain

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To further qualify what the Yogi's and Siddha's have known for

centuries and to back up the results achieved through his

groundbreaking work with Phenomes and the Tripura

Foundation. Dr. Pillai commissioned his own studies to confirmthe impact sounds have on the human brain.

Jay Gunkelman, Chief Scientist

at Brain Science International, California was the lead on this

particular study which revealed how specific sound vibrations

are hardwired in the Brain.

With each sound vibration having a specific signature in our


The study revealed some truly amazing results, which clearly

showed it is possible to activate specific parts of the brain

already known to control certain activities such as intelligence,

memory and focus through the use of specific sounds.

Jay Gunkelman's study has been able to categorically

conclude that sound vibrations are both acknowledged and

absorbed into the human brain.

Confirming once again the wisdom of the Yogis and

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Siddha's who knew the use of specific sound vibrations

has the ability to increase brainpower and experience

higher intelligence.  

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core

from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration.

I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know

that it exists."

- Nikola Tesla -

Sound and Its Influence on Physical Matter - Water

Can sound really influence physical matter?  

The answer to this question is quite simply yes!

We've already seen proof that our DNA can be altered through

the application of sound but now thanks to the research of Dr.

Masaru Emoto  we can now see the influence it has on

something we all have access to - water!

Dr. Emoto believed that not only does water reflect the

physical word around it, in the same way as a mirror might do

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but it also reflects the consciousness of the being or

environment in which it is present.

To prove this Dr. Emoto exposed different test samples to avariety of both positive and negative influences in the form of

written notes placed with the writing toward the sample - these

notes included words like 'Thank you' 'Love' 'I hate you' and

'You fool'

Each test sample was then frozen and the frozen water


What was revealed was astonishing.

The samples

exposed to the positive influences formed beautiful crystalline

structures, whereas those subjected to negative influences

produced malformed and misshapen crystals.

Dr. Emoto then took his study a step further and subjected

samples previously exposed to negative influences and even

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heavily polluted waters, whose crystal structures were

malformed and requested that a priest pray over the samples.

Once again the results were astounding - following the priestsprayer the crystalline structures of the previously malformed

samples transformed into the same beautiful structures seen in

the samples exposed to positive influences


Our thoughts and words have a direct effect on water, and

since the human body is approximately 70% water, you can be

assured that our thoughts and words affect not only ourselves,

but also the wider world that we live in.

"When you choose to vibrate at a higher level using these

sounds, you pick up the highest values of life, intelligence, and


- Dr. PIl lai -

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Tripura Foundation Transforms Intelligence

Dr. Pillai founded the Tripura

Foundation with one simple goal - to share science-based,

transformational tools through educational programs that

activate the highest potential of people oppressed by poverty.

 A key part in the success of the foundation is its use of the

Phonemic Intell igence methodology.

Phonemic Intelligence (PI) is an innovative program that

activates a child's greatest potential. Scientifically based

sound technologies are used to stimulate whole brain states,

enhancing learning and emotional development.

PI incorporates the repetition of phonemes to stimulate

important areas of the brain.

Facts about PI:  

Linguists have studied the relationship between language and

the mind or intell igence for many years

Phonemes (the smallest unit of sound in a spoken word) arethe building blocks of language

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~ Our ability to perceive and think is a process facilitated by


~ Phonemes and language constitute the mind

Each phoneme carries within it a specific form of intell igence

Phonemes are involved in creating the overall development of

the mental/psychological, intuitive, sensory and biological


In the pilot study, participants in the PI program delivered by

Tripura Foundations HoPE centers were made to listen to and

vocalize four sounds focusing on different parts of the brain.

Lead researcher Dr. Anbarasu Annamalai said "Using EEG

(Electroencephalography), we recorded electrical activity in

the brain and found profound changes with the use of each

discreet sound," while introducing the methodology of the

study via Video.

 As many as 2,450 children are

using this brain-changing education in 70 centers across three

states of India - Tamil Nadu (58 centers), Goa (10 centers) and

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Haryana (2 centers). These children, belonging to

economically poor sections of the community, have

demonstrated very positive results with higher test scores,

greater focus on schoolwork, cooperation and participation,feelings of peace and happiness, and overall wellbeing.

Sarala, grew up with the PI program in Tripura Foundation's


In 2012, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer

Sciences and then wrote her entrance exam to attend the

Masters program at a prestigious College in Chennai. Prior to

her enrolment in PI, Sarala's family of six survived on only $20

US per month.

With Tripura Foundation's support, she has been released from

a cycle of poverty and empowered to help others.

"What we now want is closer contact and better understanding

between individuals and communities all over the earth, and

the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to

plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strive...

Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal


- Nikola Tesla -

Further Proof Sound Can Alter Molecular Structure

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In the 1960's, a medical doctor named Hans Jenny conducted

experiments, which showed the ability of sound to actually

create form in various substances including plastics, liquids

and water.Placing these substances, powders, sand, water etc. onto a

steel plate, which he then vibrated with sound using a crystal

oscillator, the various substances took on the most organic

looking shapes often replicating microscopic organisms or

underwater l i fe.

His work is now known as Cymatics.

Cellular Structure & Energy Impacted By Sound

Fabian Maman, a French acupuncturist and sound healer used

Kirlian photography to take photos of haemoglobin blood cells

that were exposed to different sounds.

His photographs focused on blood cells exposed to an

ascending chromatic scale-C, C#, D, etc.

Each note affected the cell differently, creating a uniquely

different shape and Kirlian colour. Demonstrating clearly

cellular structure and energy is effected by sound.