schulz, s.; tanner, d.p.; o'reilly, e.p.; caro, m.a ... · s. schulz, 1d. p. tanner, ,2e. p....

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Page 1: Schulz, S.; Tanner, D.P.; O'Reilly, E.P.; Caro, M.A ... · S. Schulz, 1D. P. Tanner, ,2E. P. ... the strain-independent spontaneous polarization [3]. One con-sequence of the built-in

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Schulz, S.; Tanner, D.P.; O'Reilly, E.P.; Caro, M.A.; Martin, T.L.; Bagot, P.A.J.; Moody, M.P.;Tang, F.; Griffiths, J.T.; Oehler, F.; Kappers, M.J.; Oliver, R.A.; Humphreys, C.J.; Sutherland,D.; Davies, M.J.; Dawson, P.Structural, electronic, and optical properties of m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells: Insightsfrom experiment and atomistic theory

Published in:Physical Review B


Published: 01/01/2015

Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Please cite the original version:Schulz, S., Tanner, D. P., O'Reilly, E. P., Caro, M. A., Martin, T. L., Bagot, P. A. J., Moody, M. P., Tang, F.,Griffiths, J. T., Oehler, F., Kappers, M. J., Oliver, R. A., Humphreys, C. J., Sutherland, D., Davies, M. J., &Dawson, P. (2015). Structural, electronic, and optical properties of m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells: Insightsfrom experiment and atomistic theory. Physical Review B, 92(23), 1-12. [235419].

Page 2: Schulz, S.; Tanner, D.P.; O'Reilly, E.P.; Caro, M.A ... · S. Schulz, 1D. P. Tanner, ,2E. P. ... the strain-independent spontaneous polarization [3]. One con-sequence of the built-in

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 235419 (2015)

Structural, electronic, and optical properties of m-plane InGaN/GaN quantum wells:Insights from experiment and atomistic theory

S. Schulz,1 D. P. Tanner,1,2 E. P. O’Reilly,1,2 M. A. Caro,3,4 T. L. Martin,5 P. A. J. Bagot,5 M. P. Moody,5 F. Tang,6

J. T. Griffiths,6 F. Oehler,6 M. J. Kappers,6 R. A. Oliver,6 C. J. Humphreys,6 D. Sutherland,7 M. J. Davies,7 and P. Dawson7

1Photonics Theory Group, Tyndall National Institute, Dyke Parade, Cork, Ireland2Department of Physics, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

3Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto University, Espoo 02150, Finland4COMP Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience, Aalto University, Espoo 02150, Finland

5Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PH, United Kingdom6Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FS, United Kingdom

7School of Physics and Astronomy, Photon Science Institute, Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester,Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom

(Received 21 August 2015; revised manuscript received 12 November 2015; published 10 December 2015)

In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the structural, electronic, and optical properties of an m-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN quantum well structure grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. The sample has beenstructurally characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and 3D atom probetomography. The optical properties of the sample have been studied by photoluminescence (PL), time-resolvedPL spectroscopy, and polarized PL excitation spectroscopy. The PL spectrum consisted of a very broad PLline with a high degree of optical linear polarization. To understand the optical properties we have performedatomistic tight-binding calculations, and based on our initial atom probe tomography data, the model includesthe effects of strain and built-in field variations arising from random alloy fluctuations. Furthermore, we includedCoulomb effects in the calculations. Our microscopic theoretical description reveals strong hole wave functionlocalization effects due to random alloy fluctuations, resulting in strong variations in ground state energies andconsequently the corresponding transition energies. This is consistent with the experimentally observed broad PLpeak. Furthermore, when including Coulomb contributions in the calculations we find strong exciton localizationeffects which explain the form of the PL decay transients. Additionally, the theoretical results confirm theexperimentally observed high degree of optical linear polarization. Overall, the theoretical data are in very goodagreement with the experimental findings, highlighting the strong impact of the microscopic alloy structure onthe optoelectronic properties of these systems.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.235419 PACS number(s): 78.67.De, 73.21.Fg, 73.20.Fz, 71.35.−y


(In,Ga)N/GaN quantum well (QW) structures grownon polar c-plane substrates are the building blocks fornitride-based light emitters operating in the blue spectralregion [1,2]. However, when trying to push the emissionwavelength into the green to yellow spectral region the deviceperformance is hampered, among other factors, by the presenceof strong electrostatic built-in fields, arising in part from thestrain-dependent piezoelectric polarization and in part fromthe strain-independent spontaneous polarization [3]. One con-sequence of the built-in field is the so-called quantum confinedStark effect (QCSE) which results in a shift of the emissionto longer wavelength [4,5]. Also the intrinsic field leads to aspatial separation of electron and hole wave functions, causinga reduced radiative recombination rate [4,6], an effect that canbe particularly undesirable for high-efficiency optoelectronicdevices. To circumvent these effects arising from the intrinsicbuilt-in fields, which fundamentally are caused by the growthalong the polar c axis, significant research has been directedtowards the fabrication of semi- and nonpolar structures[7–21]. In the case of semi- and nonpolar planes the c axis isat a nonvanishing angle with respect to the growth direction.In semipolar planes residual built-in fields are expected andobserved, even though these fields are significantly reduced[15,18]. In terms of built-in field reduction, nonpolar QWsystems are ideal since in these structures the c axis lies in

the growth plane. Thus, in a perfect nonpolar system, there isno discontinuity in the built-in polarization vector field at theheterointerfaces, leading ideally to a field-free system [7,9].Consequently, in such a structure the radiative recombinationrate should be much higher than in polar QW structures.Additionally, (In,Ga)N QWs grown on nonpolar planes offerthe possibility of acting as highly efficient sources of linearlypolarized light [11,12,19], which may be of practical use in,e.g., back-lit liquid crystal displays [12]. The potentially highdegree of optical linear polarization (DOLP) in a nonpolar QWoriginates mainly from differences in the effective hole massesalong the growth direction, which leads to a lifting of thedegeneracy of the highest lying p-like valence bands [19,22].

However, the detailed consequences of random alloy fluc-tuations on the ideally zero built-in field and the optoelectronicproperties of nonpolar systems have been largely ignored.Experimental studies on c-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QW systemsreveal that random alloy fluctuations lead to carrier localizationeffects, which can dominate the electronic and optical proper-ties of these structures [23,24]. Clear experimental indicationsof the importance of alloy fluctuations on the properties ofnonpolar (In,Ga)N QWs have also been presented [16,21,22].To fully understand the structural, electronic, and opticalproperties of nonpolar (In,Ga)N QWs requires the use of arange of advanced experimental and theoretical techniques.For example, 3D atom probe tomography (APT) can be usedto help to identify whether the QW should be described by a

1098-0121/2015/92(23)/235419(12) 235419-1 ©2015 American Physical Society

Page 3: Schulz, S.; Tanner, D.P.; O'Reilly, E.P.; Caro, M.A ... · S. Schulz, 1D. P. Tanner, ,2E. P. ... the strain-independent spontaneous polarization [3]. One con-sequence of the built-in

S. SCHULZ et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 235419 (2015)

clustered or random alloy [25,26]. This structural informationcan then form the basis of detailed theoretical modeling.However, from a theoretical viewpoint, polar and nonpolar(In,Ga)N QWs are widely treated as homogeneous systemsdescribed by average material parameters. Obviously, theseapproaches completely neglect wave function localizationarising from effects that could be attributed to the microscopicalloy structure. Recently, continuum-based approaches havebeen modified to include random alloy fluctuations [27–29].Even though such an approach captures some of the lo-calization effects introduced by alloy fluctuations it cannotreveal the microscopic origin of localization effects, includingin particular the presence of In-N-In-N chains as shownby density functional theory (DFT) [30,31]. Unfortunately,realistic QW systems cannot be treated in the framework ofDFT due to the very large number of atoms (>104) required inthe calculations. Additionally, especially for nonpolar systemswhere the strong macroscopic electrostatic built-in field isabsent, DFT calculations would have to be coupled withsolving the Bethe-Salpeter equation or time-dependent DFTwould have to be used to account for excitonic effects. Theseeffects could be very important when comparing the resultswith photoluminescence (PL) measurements [32]. To be able totake all these factors into account, namely the large number ofatoms, the atomistic description of the electronic structure, plusCoulomb correlation effects, semiempirical approaches, suchas tight-binding [33–35] (TB) or empirical pseudopotentialmethods [32,36], coupled with configuration interaction (CI)schemes [32,37,38], are required.

In this work we combine advanced experimental andtheoretical methods to analyze the structural, electronic,and optical properties of nonpolar m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaNQWs. Our approach allows us to clarify the impact of alloyfluctuations on the properties of nonpolar (In,Ga)N structures.We have conducted a comparative study of the predictedand measured optical properties of a 2 nm thick m-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN QW structure grown on a freestanding GaNsubstrate. The heterostructure was grown by metal organicvapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and characterized by x-raydiffraction (XRD), scanning transmission electron microscopy(STEM), and 3D APT measurements. The detailed opticalcharacterization of the sample was carried out by PL, polarizedPL excitation (P-PLE) spectroscopy, and PL time decaymeasurements. The measured optical properties are comparedwith theoretical results. The theoretical framework is based onan atomistic TB model coupled with CI calculations to accountfor Coulomb effects. Our microscopic model takes input fromexperimentally determined structural properties and accountsfor local strain and built-in field fluctuations arising from alloyfluctuations in the QW region.

The TB model assumes that the In atom distribution insidethe QW is close to a random alloy, and we briefly discussthis assumption in the context of available APT data. Theoptical characterization reveals strong Stokes shifts and broadPL linewidth, which is indicative of strong carrier localizationeffects. Additionally, and in stark contrast to c-plane systems,our time-resolved measurements exhibit decay transients thatare single exponential. Also, we find in general an extremelyhigh DOLP (>90%). Using the experimentally obtainedstructural information as input for atomistic TB calculations

we find very good agreement between theory and the opticalspectroscopy measurements.

The theoretical analysis reveals strong hole wave functionlocalization, which leads to a broad emission spectrum. Whenwe include the Coulomb interaction between the electrons andholes in our calculations we find that electron wave functionslocalize about the hole wave functions, giving rise to localizedexcitons. This finding is consistent with the experimentallyobserved form of the decay transients. Also, the calculated PLtransition energy is in good agreement with the experimentallymeasured value. Additionally, analyzing the wave functioncharacter of the valence band edge (VBE) shows a high DOLPsimilar to the experimental data. Overall, this combined exper-imental and theoretical analysis provides clear insights into thebasic physical properties of m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs.

The paper is organized as follows. The details of thegrowth of the sample are given in Sec. II. This is followedby the description of the applied structural characterizationtechniques, the results obtained, and how they are implementedin the theoretical framework (Sec. III). In Secs. IV A andIV B we describe the setup and the results of the experimentaloptical characterization of the m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs,respectively. In Sec. IV C the ingredients of our theoreticalframework are discussed, while Sec. IV D presents the theoret-ical results and the detailed comparison with the experimentaldata. Finally, we summarize our results in Sec. V.


The m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple-QW structurestudied was grown by MOVPE in a Thomas Swan 6 × 2 inclose-coupled showerhead reactor on a freestanding m-plane(1-100) GaN substrate. The misorientation of the substrate is2◦±0.2◦ in the negative c direction. The substrate, provided byAmmono S. A. [39], has a negligible basal plane stacking faultdensity and a threading dislocation density of <5 × 104 cm−2.Onto this freestanding substrate an initially undoped 2 μmthick homoepitaxial GaN buffer layer was grown. For thisgrowth step trimethylgallium (TMG) and ammonia (NH3),with H2 as the carrier gas, were used. A reactor pressure of100 Torr at 1050 ◦C was applied. Subsequently five (In,Ga)NQWs were grown with a quasi-2T method, discussed in detailelsewhere [40]. For the QW growth a reactor pressure of 300Torr was applied. TMG, trimethylindium (TMI), and NH3

have been used as precursors, with N2 as the carrier gas. The(In,Ga)N QWs were grown at a temperature of 735 ◦C. Afterthe growth of each QW period a 1 nm GaN cap was grownat the (In,Ga)N growth temperature. The flows of TMG andNH3 were kept constant during the 90 s temperature ramp to860 ◦C. After this 90 s temperature ramp the growth of thebarrier material was completed.



Having presented growth details of the sample, we nowturn to the analysis of its structural properties. In Sec. III Awe briefly introduce the experimental techniques applied toanalyze the structural properties of the m-plane sample and


Page 4: Schulz, S.; Tanner, D.P.; O'Reilly, E.P.; Caro, M.A ... · S. Schulz, 1D. P. Tanner, ,2E. P. ... the strain-independent spontaneous polarization [3]. One con-sequence of the built-in


the outcome of these studies. We discuss in Sec. III B how theexperimental results serve as input for theoretical supercell(SC) structures, which underlie the atomistic calculations ofthe electronic and optical properties of the sample in question.

A. Structural characterization: Experimental setup and results

To analyze the structural properties of the m-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN QW system, different techniques have beenapplied to obtain a comprehensive picture. The InxGa1−xNQW and barrier widths as well as the In fraction (x) ofthe sample were determined by XRD. The sample wasanalyzed using a high-resolution x-ray diffraction MRDdiffractometer from Panalytical equipped with a symmetric4-bounce monochromator and a triple-axis analyzer to selectthe CuKα1 wavelength. ω-2θ scans of the brightest symmetricreflection (1-100) were used to analyze the multiple QWs,with a range of 10 degrees in ω. The measured QW widthwas 2.0 ± 0.3 nm with a barrier width of 6.1 ± 0.3 nm. TheIn composition was determined to be 18.3% ± 0.7%. Thesample was also characterized with an FEI Osiris fitted withan extreme-Schottky field emission gun operated at 200 keV.The measured QW and barrier widths confirmed the XRDmeasurements.

APT experiments were conducted in pulsed laser mode witha pulse energy of 0.012 nJ using a Cameca LEAP 3000X HR,where the base temperature of the sample was set at ∼30 K anda constant detection rate of 0.01 atoms per pulse was employed.The IVAS software package (CAMECA Version 3.6.6) wasused to carry out APT reconstruction and analysis wasinformed by the thicknesses of the (In,Ga)N and GaN layersmeasured by XRD and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) and also the geometry of the tip as measured by scan-ning electron microscopy (SEM). The In content of the samplewas analyzed using concentration profiles through each QWcomputed using a proximity histogram (proxigram) approachas described in Ref. [26]. The mean In fractions across thefive QWs based on the maxima of the In concentration profilesis 17.0% ± 0.6%, which is in good agreement with the XRDdata. While frequency distribution analysis of c-plane QWsprovides no evidence for the formation of nonrandom indiumclusters [25], recent studies of nonpolar a-plane QWs with asimilar In content (15%) to the m-plane samples studied herehave presented clear evidence for the presence of clustering[26]. For the sample under discussion here, the question ofclustering is less clear-cut. Evidence of clustering is sensitivelydependent on the exact parameters of the analysis used, andthe issue is still under investigation. However, in this paperwe model the QW as a random alloy and assess the extentto which this model can accurately reproduce the observedoptical properties, which can provide an insight into the relativeimportance of slight deviations from randomness in theseQWs, if present. More details of the APT analysis will bereported in Ref. [41].

An isoconcentration surface analysis of the APT datasimilar to that performed by Galtrey et al. [25] has beenperformed to assess whether the roughness of the upperinterface of the QWs [at which GaN is grown on (In,Ga)N]is rougher than the lower interface of the QWs [at which(In,Ga)N is grown on GaN] and typical data are shown in

FIG. 1. (Color online) APT analysis of the first QW (closest tothe substrate); box size is 55 × 55 × 11 nm3. (a) 3D reconstructionof the first QW showing 30% Ga atoms and 50% In atoms; (b) upperand (c) lower interfaces of the QW rendered as isosurfaces at 5% Incontent.

Fig. 1 for an indium concentration at the isosurface of 5%.This yields a roughness for the lower surface of 0.24 nm(root mean square), but a larger roughness for the uppersurface of 0.48 nm, with the increased roughness largelyrelating to raised island-like features a few nm in diameterand 1–2 monolayers in height, consistent with the monolayerand bilayer well-width fluctuations previously observed onthe c plane. High-resolution scanning transmission electronmicroscopy imaging of the surfaces of the QWs also indicatesthe existence of surface roughness. Although the projectionproblem makes it difficult to distinguish the exact nature ofthe roughness observed in STEM, the data are consistent withthe APT observations.

B. Structural characterization: Input into thetheoretical framework

Based on the experimental data discussed in Sec. III A,we take the m-plane QW width to be approximately 2 nm.We include in our calculations disklike 2 monolayer thickwell-width fluctuations at one of the QW interfaces. Thisis a reasonable representation of the well-width fluctuationsthat have been observed in APT and is consistent with earlierapproaches to the modeling of such features [28]. However, forthe m-plane QW structure considered here, we do not expectthat 2 monolayer thick well-width fluctuations are of centralimportance for the description of the electronic and opticalproperties. This assumption is based on the fact that in anm-plane QW the macroscopic field is absent. Therefore, incontrast to a c-plane system, the wave functions in an m-planesystem are not localized near the interface between QW andbarrier material, since there is no field causing this form oflocalization. Consequently, the wave functions are expected tobe far less sensitive to the shape and diameter of the well-widthfluctuations. As we will show below, this assumption isconsistent with the result of our calculations. The In contentin the sample has been measured to be 18.3% ± 0.7% (XRD)and 17.0% ± 0.6% (APT), respectively. For our calculationswe have set the QW In content to 17%, close to the measuredvalues. We use here SCs with a size of 10 × 9 × 10 nm3,


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S. SCHULZ et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 235419 (2015)

thus containing approximately 82 000 atoms, with periodicboundary conditions. Based on the APT data discussed inSec. III A, we treat (In,Ga)N as a random alloy. To be ableto perform a detailed comparison with experiment and toallow for reasonable statistical averages, our calculations havebeen repeated 75 times for the fixed In fraction of 17%. Thisallows us to realize a large number of microscopically differentrandom configurations in a large SC, where we have nominallythe same In content in the SC but the positions of the In atomshave been changed randomly.


Having investigated the structural properties of the sample,we turn now to study the electronic and optical properties ofthe m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QW system. We start in Sec. IV Aby describing the experimental methods used for the opticalcharacterization, followed by the discussion of the experi-mental results in Sec. IV B. We then briefly introduce thetheoretical framework in Sec. IV C, while Sec. IV D focuseson the comparison of theoretical and experimental data.

A. Experimental setup

The PL and P-PLE studies were carried out either usingexcitation from a cw He/Cd laser or using a combination of a300 W xenon lamp and monochromator as a fixed or tunablewavelength excitation source. The sample was mounted in thecryostat so that the c axis of the GaN was horizontal. ThePL from the sample was analyzed by a 0.85 m double-gratingspectrometer and a Peltier-cooled GaAs photomultiplier usingstandard lock-in detection techniques. The spectral depen-dence of the DOLP of the emission was determined bymeasuring the PL spectra polarized in the plane parallel (I‖)and perpendicular (I⊥) to the c axis of the sample. Once thespectra are obtained, the DOLP is calculated from [22]

DOLP = I⊥ − I‖I⊥ + I‖

, (1)

where I⊥ (I‖) is the PL intensity for the electric field Eperpendicular E ⊥ c (parallel E ‖ c) to the c axis.

A time-correlated single-photon counting system was usedfor the time decay measurements. For these studies the excitinglight was generated by a mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with afrequency-tripled emission output of 4.88 eV. A spectrometerfollowed by a microchannel plate detector was used to detectthe emitted light.

B. Experimental results: Optical characterization

In this section we describe the results of our PL, P-PLE,and time decay measurements at 10 K on the m-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN QW sample described above. Figure 2 showsthe P-PLE spectra with the plane of polarization of the incidentlight either perpendicular (E ⊥ c) or parallel (E ‖ c) to the c

axis of the crystal. Figure 2 also displays the (unpolarized)PL spectrum of the sample (solid black line). We note severalspecific aspects of the PL spectrum. First, the full width at halfmaximum (FWHM) of the PL spectrum is 135 meV. This

E ⊥ c

E c

FIG. 2. (Color online) Low-temperature (10 K) PL and PLEspectra for the m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QW structure under consid-eration. The PLE spectra are shown with the plane of polarizationof the incident light perpendicular (blue dashed) or parallel (reddashed-dotted) to the c axis of the crystal. The PL spectrum is givenby the black solid line. For PL and PLE measurements the excitationspot was 0.02 cm2 with an excitation power density of ∼10 μW/cm2.

value is much larger than typical FWHM values found inc-plane systems [42]. Although it should be noted that thePL spectrum exhibits an extended low-energy tail, we haveshown previously [21] that in our samples this low-energytail arises from recombination in QWs present on semipolarfacets which form at step bunches associated with the miscutof the GaN substrate. These semipolar QWs have higher QWwidth and In content than the nonpolar QWs on the adjoiningm-plane terraces on either side of the step, and thus emit atlonger wavelength. We do not aim to include such structuresin our model or reproduce this aspect of the spectra here. Theemission from the semipolar QWs is of secondary importancein determining the magnitude of the spectral width. Second, theenergy difference (Stokes shift) between the peak of the lowestexciton transition in the P-PLE spectrum and the peak of the PLspectra is 180 meV. We also note an energy splitting betweenthe two lowest exciton transitions for the two polarizationsof the excitation light of 35 meV. We attribute this splittingmainly to the crystal field splitting energy in the (In,Ga)Nsystem [43].

The values of the linewidth and Stokes shift, based onthe assumption that the emission is an intrinsic process, arestrongly suggestive of emission involving strongly localizedcarriers. As to the nature of the localization we anticipate that,similarly to c-plane systems, alloy fluctuations will play amajor role.

To help further understand the nature of the recombina-tion we performed PL time decay measurements across thespectrum. The results of these measurements are depictedin Fig. 3. Interestingly, our measurements reveal that thePL decays are single exponentials with characteristic timeconstants τ = 350 ± 20 ps over the majority of the spectrum.Throughout this work we assume that the recombination ispurely radiative and the values of τ are the radiative decay con-stants. This assumption is supported by temperature-dependent


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FIG. 3. (Color online) The unpolarized PL spectrum is displayedby the solid black line. The data are taken under time-averagedconditions, where the average power density of the laser source was1 W/cm2 using 100 fs pulses at a repetition rate of 800 kHz and a spotsize of 2 × 10−5 cm2. The inset shows the time-dependent PL results.The detection energy for the PL transients was 2.934 eV. The spectraldependence of corresponding time constants τ is given (blue squares).All measurements are performed at low temperatures (10 K).

measurements (not shown) and the fact that the values ofτ found here are similar to those of Marcinkevicius et al.[44], also measured at low temperature. The data reportedby Marcinkevicius et al. [44] at low temperature were shownto be not influenced by nonradiative recombination. Only onthe low-energy side of the spectra did we find more slowlydecaying emission as we have reported elsewhere [21]. Theemission on the low-energy side is attributed to semipolarQWs at step bunches described above. The decay time fromthe emission associated with these semipolar QWs occurs ona longer time scale due to the locally present built-in field,which separates the electron/hole wave functions.

It is important to note that the radiative decay dynamicsobserved here are in stark contrast to c-plane (In,Ga)NQW structures [45–48]. First, in polar (In,Ga)N QWs thedecay occurs over a much longer time scale due to thepolarization field perpendicular to the plane of the QWs[45,47–49]. Second, the decay curves are nonexponential dueto the variable in-plane separation of the separately localizedelectrons and holes [46,49]. Single-exponential decays innonpolar QWs have also been reported by other groups [44,50].The explanation proposed for the nature of the decay transientsis that recombination involves localized excitons [44,50].

As discussed in the introduction, nonpolar QWs shouldexhibit a high DOLP. This should be particularly the caseat 10 K, bearing in mind the splitting of the lowest valenceband states as revealed by the PLE measurements shown inFig. 2. The measured DOLP of the m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaNQW sample at 10 K, based on the method described inSec. IV A, is shown in Fig. 4 together with the (unpolarized)PL spectrum. We find a very high DOLP (>90%), whichis in good agreement with other experimental data on m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs [19,22,51]. Theoretically, based oncontinuum-like descriptions, at the VBE one would expecta very high DOLP for several reasons. First, assuming

FIG. 4. (Color online) The (unpolarized) PL emission spectrumfor the m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QW sample is shown by the blacksolid line while the spectral dependence of the DOLP is given bythe red dashed line. All measurements have been performed at lowtemperatures (10 K). The cw excitation power density was 12 W/cm2

with an excitation spot of 5 × 10−5 cm2.

growth along the y direction, the QW confinement lifts thedegeneracy of the |X〉- and |Y 〉-like valence band states dueto their different effective masses along the growth direction[14,19,22]. Second, |X〉- and |Z〉-like states are energeticallyseparated by the crystal field splitting energy in (In,Ga)N alloys[43]. Thus, the VBE is expected to be predominately |X〉-like.Figure 4 shows that the DOLP is almost constant over theentire spectrum. Only on the low-energy side of the spectrumdo we find a small reduction in the DOLP. This reductionis to be expected as the low-energy part of the PL spectrumoriginates from recombination involving semipolar QW states.The detailed strain state of such QWs on nanoscale facets asso-ciated with step bunches is not straightforward to predict andmight cause increased band mixing effects and consequentlya reduced DOLP. A detailed investigation of these semipolarcontributions is beyond the scope of the present study. Overall,given that the PL linewidth exceeds the valence band splitting,it is not immediately obvious why the DOLP, shown in Fig. 4,is virtually constant across the spectrum. One possible answeris that the PL emission spectrum originates almost entirelyfrom transitions involving localized states in different potentialfluctuations. Therefore, calculations including random alloyfluctuations are required to shed more light on this behavior.In the next section we introduce the theoretical frameworkused to address these questions.

C. Theoretical framework

We use an atomistic TB model to study the electronicand optical properties of m-plane (In,Ga)N-based QWs. Thisapproach allows us to include (random) alloy fluctuationsin the QW region and the resulting local strain and built-inpotential fluctuations on a microscopic level. The strain fieldcalculations are based on a modified valence force field modelaccounting for electrostatic corrections in addition to bondbending, bond stretching, and related cross-terms [35]. Localbuilt-in field fluctuations are treated on the basis of our recently


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S. SCHULZ et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92, 235419 (2015)

developed local polarization theory [52]. Strain and built-infield fluctuations are included in the sp3 TB model presentedin Ref. [52]. The bulk TB parameters were determined fromfitting TB band structures to hybrid functional (HSE) DFTband structures, showing a very good agreement between theTB and HSE-DFT band structures. The TB parameters and theTB model are discussed in detail in Ref. [52]. The applicationof the TB model to QW structures, including the coupling ofthe TB model to CI calculations to include excitonic effects,is discussed in detail in Ref. [35]. The model has alreadybeen benchmarked against experimental and DFT data on bulk(In,Ga)N alloys, revealing a very good agreement betweenexperiment, DFT, and TB results [52]. Moreover, our recentcalculations on electronic and optical properties of c-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN QWs show also a very good agreement withavailable experimental data [35]. The model can directly beapplied, without modification of the theoretical framework,to m-plane structures. Here, only the orientation of the QWstructure in the simulation SC has to be changed comparedto a c-plane system. The numerical and structural details ofthe system considered here (QW width, In content, number ofatoms in the SC, SC size, etc.) have already been discussed inSec. III B.

D. Theoretical results: Electronic structure andoptical properties

Equipped with the knowledge about the experimental data,we present here the results of the TB calculations. Figure 5shows the variation of the single-particle electron �Ee

GSand hole �Eh

GS ground state energies with respect to theaverage ground state energy for electrons Ee

GS and holesEh

GS, respectively, as a function of the configuration (Config)number n [�E

e,hGS = E

e,hGS (Config n) − E

e,hGS ]. From Fig. 5 we

can infer that variations in the electron ground state energiesare much smaller than the variations in the hole ground







Config n


0 20 40 80







FIG. 5. (Color online) Variation of the electron �EeGS (blue

square) and hole �EhGS (red circle) ground state energies with

respect to their average ground state energies Ee,hGS [�E

e,hGS =

Ee,hGS (Config n) − E

e,hGS ]. The results are shown as a function of the

configuration (Config) number n.

state energies (�EeGS � �Eh

GS). This is also reflected inthe calculated standard deviations σ . For electrons we finda standard deviation of σ e = 9.8 meV, while the standarddeviation for the hole ground state energy is σh = 33.7 meV.We have observed a similar behavior in c-plane (In,Ga)N/GaNQWs [35].

The strong variations in the hole ground state energies in c-plane systems are attributed to hole wave function localizationeffects due to random alloy fluctuations [28,29,35]. To confirmthis behavior in a nonpolar system, Fig. 6 shows isosurfacesof the single-particle electron (red) and hole (green) groundstate charge densities for configurations 5, 20, and 75, whichreflect typical situations observed in the random alloy as wewill discuss below. The light and dark isosurfaces correspondto 5% and 25% of the maximum charge density values,respectively. From Fig. 6 one can infer that the random alloyfluctuations lead to strong hole wave function localizationeffects, independently of the configuration. In general wefind that the alloy fluctuations have a much weaker effect onthe electron wave functions, when compared with the holes.As expected from our discussion in Sec. III B, 2 monolayerthick well-width fluctuations do not contribute significantlyto wave function localization effects. Unless very deep well-width fluctuations are present, which would generate largec-oriented surface areas, we do not expect that well-widthfluctuations change the localization characteristics of electronand hole wave functions in comparison to the here presenteddata. Therefore, we conclude that in m-plane QW structures,grown on freestanding GaN substrates, localization effectscan be mainly attributed to alloy fluctuations. Looking atthe displayed configurations in more detail, for configuration5, the electron wave function is almost spread out over theentire QW area, with perturbations introduced by the alloyfluctuations. We observe slightly stronger perturbations inthe case of configurations 20 and 75 (cf. Fig. 6). Overallthere is a clear difference in the wave function localizationcharacteristics between electrons and holes. All this showsthat a continuum-based description might give, to a firstapproximation, a reasonable description of the ground stateelectron wave functions but would fail for the descriptionof the hole ground states. One should also note that thedifferences in the localization features of the different electronsingle-particle states, as discussed above, are important. Forinstance, in configuration 75 the electron charge density ismainly localized in the region where the hole ground stateis localized. Consequently, one could expect a higher wavefunction overlap between electron and hole. For configuration5, the electron ground state charge density has strongercontributions (dark red isosurfaces) in areas spatially separatedfrom the strongly localized hole ground state. This is even morepronounced for configuration 20 (cf. Fig. 6).

In general, the observed asymmetry in the localizationcharacteristics of electron and hole ground state wave functionsis consistent with DFT-based calculations for bulk (In,Ga)Nalloys [30,31], and explains the observed asymmetry in theelectron and hole ground state energy variations displayedin Fig. 5. While the local atomic arrangement (In-N-Inchains) is of secondary importance for the electrons, it is ofcentral importance for the hole ground states, as shown byDFT-based calculations [30,31]. Thus, different microscopic


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FIG. 6. (Color online) Single-particle ground state electron (red)and hole (green) charge densities for configurations 5 (Config 5),20 (Config 20), and 75 (Config 75). Results are shown for differentview points. Light (dark) isosurfaces correspond to 5% (25%) ofthe maximum charge density value. Dashed lines indicate the QWinterfaces.

arrangements of In atoms will give very different hole groundstate energies. This picture of localized hole and delocalized



Excitonic (average)

Single-particle (average)




Config n0 20 40 60 80










FIG. 7. (Color online) Single-particle (black circles) and exci-tonic (red squares) transition energies as a function of the config-uration number n. The average single-particle transition energies areindicated by the (black) dashed line, while the (red) dashed-dottedline indicates the average excitonic transition energy.

electrons is not quite compatible with the experimentallyobserved decay times being constant across the spectrum, aswe would still expect some variation in the electron and hole in-plane wave function overlap leading to a range of radiative re-combination times, i.e., nonexponential decay curves. It shouldhowever be noted that the effect would be much less markedthan in the case of polar QWs where the electrons and holesare localized separately. We will discuss this discrepancy later.

The variations in the single-particle energies will alsoaffect the single-particle ground state emission energies. Thisis shown in Fig. 7. The single-particle transition energies(black circles) show large variations between 2.81 eV and3.07 eV. The average single-particle transition energy isaround 2.93 eV (black dashed line). However, to be able tocompare the theoretical ground state emission energies withthe experimental PL emission energies, we have to includeCoulomb (excitonic) effects. We use the CI scheme describedin detail in our previous work, to include excitonic effectsin the description [35]. We assume here a single electron-hole pair. Thus, electron-electron and hole-hole Coulombinteractions are not considered. We neglect electron-holeexchange contributions since these are small corrections onthe energy scale relevant for the discussion of our results. Todescribe the excitonic many-body wave function we include 5electron and 15 hole states in the CI expansion. The calculatedexcitonic ground state energies (red squares) are shown inFig. 7 again as a function of the configuration number n. Theaverage excitonic transition energy is given by the (red) dasheddotted line. From Fig. 7 we conclude that Coulomb effectsintroduce a significant shift and broadening of the spectrumwhen compared with the single-particle results. However,when calculating the excitonic binding energy EX,b as thedifference between the single-particle ground state transitionenergy and the excitonic ground state transition energy, wefind also large variations in EX,b. The excitonic binding energyEX,b is displayed in Fig. 8 as a function of the configuration


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EX,b (average)





Config n0 20











FIG. 8. (Color online) Excitonic binding energy EX,b as a func-tion of the configuration number n. The average excitonic bindingenergy EX,b is indicated by the dashed line.

number n. The calculated values scatter between 36 meV and90 meV. On average we find here an excitonic binding energyof approximately 56 meV (dashed line). The difference in theobserved excitonic binding energies can be understood fromthe single-particle wave functions shown in Fig. 6. We find thatfor configuration 20 the electron wave function, in comparisonto configurations 5 and 75, shows very little charge density inthe spatial region where the hole is localized, leading in thesingle-particle picture to a reduced wave function overlap.From this one could expect a lower exciton binding energy incomparison to a configuration where electron and hole wavefunctions are localized in the same spatial region. As shownin Fig. 6, this is the situation for configuration 75, which hasconsequently a very large excitonic binding energy (cf. Fig. 8).The intermediate situation is realized for configuration 5 givingalso an intermediate excitonic binding energy. In general it isimportant to note that excitonic binding energies in nonpolarQWs are much larger than in c-plane systems. This effect isexpected due to the absence of the macroscopic built-in fieldin nonpolar nitride-based QWs [27,53].

To shed even more light onto the impact of the Coulombinteraction on the wave functions, we use reduced electronand hole density matrices to visualize the electron and holedensities under the influence of the Coulomb interaction. Ingeneral, the excitonic many-body wave function |ψX〉 can bewritten as a linear combination of electron-hole basis states:

|ψX〉 =∑


cXij e

†i h

†j |0〉. (2)

Here |0〉 is the vacuum state, cXij the expansion coefficient, and

e†i (h†

j ) denotes the electron (hole) creation operator. Electronand hole states are denoted by i and j , respectively. We canthen define reduced density matrices for electrons and holes.For instance, for the electrons the density operator ρe is givenby

ρe =∑

i,i ′|i〉


cXij c

X∗i ′j 〈i ′| =

i,i ′|i〉ρe

ii ′ 〈i ′|. (3)

FIG. 9. (Color online) Ground state electron (red) and hole(green) charge densities with Coulomb effects included for configu-rations 5 (Config 5), 20 (Config 20), and 75 (Config 75). Results areshown for different view points. Light (dark) isosurfaces correspondto 5% (25%) of the maximum charge density value. Dashed linesindicate the QW interfaces.

The corresponding electron and hole densities are given byρe = 〈R|ρe|R〉 and ρh = 〈R|ρh|R〉, respectively. Figure 9


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E c (Theo.)

E ⊥ c (Theo.)

Exp. (unpol.)

Energy (meV)












2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400

FIG. 10. (Color online) Calculated excitonic ground state emis-sion spectrum with light polarization vectors parallel (E ‖ c) andperpendicular (E ⊥ c) to the c axis. The (black) dashed-dotted lineshows the experimental (unpolarized) PL spectrum.

depicts the calculated electron ρe and hole ρh densities forthe configurations 5, 20, and 75. We can infer from Fig. 9that while the hole charge density is almost unchanged incomparison to the single-particle description (cf. Fig. 6),the electron charge density is significantly affected by theattractive Coulomb interaction between electron and hole. Theelectron charge density, under the influence of the Coulombinteraction, localizes about the hole for all configurations.Thus our atomistic model predicts exciton localization innonpolar (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs. This behavior is consistentwith the experimental observation of single-exponential PLdecay transients discussed in detail in Sec. IV B and observedexperimentally by other groups [44,50]. Also the strongwave function overlap independent of the hole localizationis consistent with the measured decay times being constantover the spectrum.

To further compare the theoretical results with the exper-imental PL data, we have calculated the excitonic groundstate emission spectrum following Ref. [35]. Since the ex-periment indicates a large DOLP (>90%) we have performedcalculations for two different light polarization vectors ep,i ,namely ep,⊥ = (1,0,0)T and ep,‖ = (0,0,1)T . This means thatthe selected electric field E is perpendicular to the c axis (ep,⊥)and parallel to the c axis (ep,‖), respectively. In the calculationswe have assumed growth along the y axis; therefore thechosen light polarization vectors reflect the experimental setupdescribed in Sec. IV A. The calculated excitonic ground stateemission spectrum is shown in Fig. 10 for ep,⊥ (red solid line)and ep,‖ (blue dashed line) together with the experimental(unpolarized) PL emission spectrum (black dashed-dottedline). Several different features are visible in Fig. 10.

First of all we find a good agreement between the calculated(solid red) and the experimentally determined emission energy(black dashed-dotted line), given the slight uncertainties inIn content and well width as discussed in Sec. III A. Second,we find also theoretically a very broad emission spectrum.For E ⊥ c (ep,⊥), the theoretically determined FWHM is













E c (Theo.)

E ⊥ c (Theo.)

DOLP (Theo.)

Energy (meV)








27002700 27502750 28002800 28502850 29002900 29502950

FIG. 11. (Color online) Calculated excitonic emission spectrumfor the light polarization perpendicular (red solid line) and parallel(blue dashed line) to the c axis. The spectral dependence of thecorresponding DOLP, calculated according to Eq. (1), is shown bythe (green) dashed-dotted line.

approximately 101 meV. Experimentally we find a FWHMvalue of 135 meV. Different factors might contribute to theobserved differences between theory and experiment. Forexample, even though 75 different microscopic structuresmay appear a large number, it could be the case that evenmore configurations have to be considered to fully resolvethe measured FWHM, bearing in mind the large variationsbetween different microscopic configurations (cf. Fig. 5).Additionally, if subtle nonrandom clustering effects exist,they may contribute to the broadening of the PL linewidth.However, the theoretically determined value of 101 meV forthe FWHM is in reasonable agreement with the experimentaldata. Third, Fig. 10 shows that there is a large difference inthe calculated intensities for ep,⊥ and ep,‖. In the theoreticalanalysis, the intensities are normalized to the intensity of ep,⊥.If we calculate the DOLP from our theoretical spectrum viaEq. (1) based on the maximum intensities for ep,⊥ and ep,‖, wefind a value of approximately 87%, which is slightly smallerthan the experimental values (>90%).

To compare our theoretical results in more detail with theexperiment, we have also calculated the spectral dependenceof the DOLP from our theoretical emission spectra for the twolight polarization configurations depicted in Fig. 10. UsingEq. (1), our theoretical results for the spectral dependence ofthe DOLP are shown in Fig. 11. Similarly to Fig. 4, the DOLP(green dashed-dotted line) is shown together with the excitonicemission spectrum for E ⊥ c (red solid line) and E ‖ c (bluedashed line). When comparing our theoretical data with theexperimental data shown in Fig. 4, the theoretical results showslightly lower values than the experiment, plus the calculatedDOLP is not as constant as the experimental data across thespectrum. Again, even though 75 configurations may appeara large number, we show below that some of the structure inthe DOLP spectrum of Fig. 11 is due to a small number ofexceptional states; more configurations would be required toreliably treat the importance of such states. This is beyondthe scope of the present study, since the present analysis gives


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Config n











FIG. 12. (Color online) Orbital contributions to the VBE as afunction of the n different microscopic configurations consideredhere.

already, in general, a good description of the experimentallyobserved spectral dependence of the DOLP.

All in all the theoretical calculations indicate that randomalloy fluctuations, explicitly taken into account in our model,affect the DOLP only slightly. The origin of the calculatedhigh DOLP can be further understood by looking at the orbitalcharacter of the hole ground state/VBE state. The outcome ofsuch an analysis is displayed in Fig. 12, where the orbitalcontributions to the VBE are shown as a function of theconfiguration number n. From a continuum-based calculation,neglecting the weak spin-orbit coupling, one would expect, dueto the differences in the valence band effective masses alongthe growth direction and the positive crystal field splittingenergy in GaN and InN, that the VBE is dominated by asingle-orbital type (px- or py-like orbitals). Obviously suchan analysis neglects the effects of alloy fluctuations. However,we can infer from Fig. 12 that the VBE state in the differentmicroscopic configurations is mainly made up of contributionsfrom a single orbital type, in this case from px-like orbitals.Thus, for the orbital character of the hole ground statethe microscopic configuration is, in general, of secondaryimportance, although we note that there is an enhanced pz-likecharacter and a very low px-like character in about 10%–20%of the structures studied. The dominance of the px characterof the VBE explains the calculated high DOLP, which is ingood agreement with the experimental data. Furthermore, aswe know from Fig. 5 the hole ground state energies varysignificantly between different configurations. This gives riseto the broad emission spectrum shown in Fig. 10. Since Fig. 12reveals that the orbital contribution to the VBE state is for themost part independent of the configuration number n, all thesefindings in combination explain why we observe only a weakspectral dependence of the DOLP displayed in Fig. 11, in linewith the experimental results displayed in Fig. 4.


In summary, we have presented a detailed experimental andtheoretical analysis of the structural, electronic and optical

properties of m-plane (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs. The structuralcharacterization using XRD, STEM, and APT provide us withconsistent parameters for the QW composition and dimensionsand suggest that we may reasonably model the (In,Ga)N asa random alloy, although we are not able to rule out thepossibility of some subtle deviations of the In distributionfrom randomness. In addition to the structural characterization,we used PL, P-PLE, and time-resolved PL measurements toanalyze the optical properties of the system under consider-ation. Our results show a high DOLP, single-exponential PLdecay transients, strong Stokes shifts, and a very broad PLlinewidth. The strong Stokes shift and the broad PL linewidthare indicative of strong carrier localization effects, whilesingle-exponential PL decay transients in nonpolar (In,Ga)NQWs are usually attributed to exciton localization effects. Toshed further light on the experimentally observed properties,we have employed an atomistic TB model to achieve amicroscopic description of the electronic structure of them-plane system including, on an atomistic level, strain andbuilt-in field variations arising from the considered randomalloy fluctuations. To be able to compare with the measuredoptical spectra, our model includes also excitonic effectsvia the CI scheme. The results of our calculations revealstrong hole wave function localization effects originating fromrandom alloy fluctuations. We find that alloy fluctuations havea much weaker effect on the electron wave functions. Theobserved localization effects lead to a significant broadeningof the single-particle ground state energies and therefore thecorresponding transition energies. When including Coulombeffects in the calculations we observe compared to c-plane sys-tems strongly increased excitonic binding energies. This can beattributed to the absence of the macroscopic built-in field in thenonpolar m-plane system studied here. Coulomb effects leadalso to the situation where the electron wave function localizesabout the hole. In other words, the theoretical calculationspredict exciton localization effects, which are consistent withthe single-exponential decay of the PL transients observedin the experiment. Moreover, when calculating the excitonicground state emission spectrum we find a good agreementwith the experimental PL spectra both in terms of FWHMand PL peak position energy. Additionally, when calculatingthe DOLP, the theoretical data are in good agreement with theexperimental result of a very high DOLP. Our findings indicatethat the DOLP is, in general, only slightly affected by randomalloy fluctuations. However, since the observed PL linewidthis larger than the measured valence band splitting, wavefunction localization effects due to random alloy fluctuationsare required to explain the spectral independence of theDOLP, given that the theoretical analysis shows that theselocalized states are dominated by a single orbital type. Overall,this combined experimental and theoretical analysis providesclear insight into the basic physical properties of m-plane(In,Ga)N/GaN QWs.


This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland(Projects No. 13/SIRG/2210 and No. 10/IN.1/I2994), theUnited Kingdom Engineering and Physical Sciences Re-search Council (Grant Agreements No. EPJ0016271 and


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No. EPJ0036031), the European Union 7th Framework Pro-gramme DEEPEN (Grant Agreement No. 604416), and in partby the European Research Council under the European Com-munity’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERCGrant Agreement No. 279361 (MACONS). We would liketo acknowledge the help of D. Haley, University of Oxford,

on the APT results. S.S. acknowledges computing resourcesprovided by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) to the TyndallNational Institute and by the SFI and Higher EducationAuthority Funded Irish Centre for High End Computing.Supporting data may be accessed via the following link:

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