school of sport, health and excercise sciences, bangor university - mres programmes


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School of Sport, Health and Excercise Sciences, Bangor University - MRes Programmes




The UniversityBangor offers a unique environment, highquality academic institution locatedbetween Snowdonia and the sea. It isprobably one of the prime universitylocations in the UK. As well as providingan enjoyable learning environment, thisfantastic location gives students anexcellent opportunity to become activelyinvolved in life outside the lecture hall.Free membership of the many clubs andsocieties on offer at the University is aunique aspect of the Bangor experience.

The City of Bangor is a small, friendlycathedral city that offers a safe andaffordable place to live with good road andrail links to Manchester, Liverpool,Birmingham, London and Dublin and therest of Ireland via the fast ferry to/fromHolyhead.

The School(SHES) has been providing high-calibretaught postgraduate (PGT) (MSc) degreessince 2000.  Over this period Bangor hasattracted some of the world's bestteaching and research staff who havecontributed to the development of one ofthe UK's truly excellent degreeprogrammes. These range from the long-established MSc Applied SportScience course to the more recent andinnovative MSc Applied Sport Science andOutdoor Activities.

The School is research-led and theresearch undertaken by staff is applicableto what they teach on postgraduateprogrammes. Students have theopportunity to put theory into practiceworking with staff from the variousresearch groups within the School.


TEACHING & RESEARCHEXCELLENCEUnlike some other schools in the UK, allstaff are research-active and all teachstudents.  This means that students atBangor are taught by the leaders in thefield and gives them the opportunity to:

• actively engage with those who writethe papers and text books that otherlecturers read;

• benefit from being taught the most up-to-date information in sport andexercise sciences;

• be inspired and learn from experts whoare passionate and enthusiastic aboutwhat they teach.

Many of the School's staff are alsoaccredited by professional bodies such as:the British Association of Sport andExercise Sciences (BASES); BritishPsychological Society (BPS); and theHealth Care Professionals Council (HCPC).And, importantly, over 95% of theresearch-active teaching staff have professionally recognised higher educationteaching qualifications.

Excellent Facilities and Location Based in a beautiful Grade II listed buildingon the banks of the Menai Strait, the Schoolhas an impressive range of laboratories andstate-of-the-art equipment for sport andexercise physiology, motor control andlearning, psychology and motion analysis.The School's physiology laboratories areaccredited by BASES. Facilities include:• environmental and altitude chambers;• exercise rehabilitation laboratories;• two dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

(DXA) scanners;• two state-of-the-art 3D high speed

motion capture systems for movementanalysis;

• psychology intervention andobservation/interview laboratory;

• a live-in/social psychology laboratory;• a suite of psychomotor experimental

rooms;• biochemistry and cell biology labs… some of the best views in thecountry! 

EXCELLENT STUDENTEXPERIENCEThe School values the overall experienceof its students highly and combines acaring and student-centred approach witha challenging but enjoyable learningenvironment.  With an annual intake ofapproximately 40-45 postgraduates, theSchool boasts a close knit and friendlycommunity, which is small enough for allstudents to have access to small grouptutorials and seminars, and regular one-to-one meetings with staff.

Excellent Student LifeThe University is ranked as one of the bestplaces to be a student (Accommodation forStudents website) and has one of the fairestworkloads of any UK university (TimesHigher Education Student ExperienceSurvey).

Go further with a Bangor degreeMRes students undertake additional researchrelated modules in Statistics, Peer Reviewingand Latent Variable Modelling, to enhancetheir future research careers. This ensuresthat individuals graduate, not only with adegree of the highest calibre, but with a CV fullof transferable research skills that enablesthem to excel in today's competitive jobmarket.

All postgraduate taught applicants(Home/EU/International, full-time and part-time) are eligible to apply to become aGraduate Assistant (GA).  Graduate Assistantswork with academic staff in a range ofteaching, learning and assessment activities tosupport undergraduate student learninggaining valuable ‘real-life’ experience to add totheir CVs.

Professional accreditation You may have the opportunity to prepare for the British Association of Sport and ExerciseSciences (BASES) supervisory experience training, which is normally a pre-requisite of theAssociation's professional accreditation.

MRes degrees are aimed at students who wish to gain more extensive training in research insport, health and exercise sciences.

The programmes have been designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop acritical understanding of the principles and application of research design and analyticalmethods relevant to their scientific discipline. The programmes facilitate the integration oftheory and professional practice, and throughout the programmes the research process andemphasis on student autonomy of learning become increasingly important.

Research skills oriented modules form the bedrock of SHES’ MRes programmes. As a resulttaught modules are aligned with both discipline specific and the (higher) cognitive skills theMRes programmes aim to provide. Within a modular structure all students undertakecompulsory modules in research skills totalling 40 credits, an optional 20 credit module(typically aligned to their programme of study), plus a final compulsory Research Projectcomprising 120 credits.

Under the guidance of their supervising tutor(s), students will pro-actively determine thecontent of their project which is developed from a project proposal and the taught phases ofthe MRes programmes. Throughout this module students receive excellent research trainingfrom leaders in the field and it is expected that the resulting projects will be publishable ininternational, peer-reviewed journals.

External Examiners' Report (May 2012)

"Students are conducting research that is very innovative, deals with issues that are at theforefront of sport and exercise psychology, and shows a truly impressive knowledge ofresearch methods. In addition, the students are communicating their knowledge to a veryhigh level…At this level, the research projects that I have seen this year are some of thefinest examples of M level dissertations that I have ever seen."

There are three MRes pathways:


Optional modules include: Advanced Health Physiology; Sport Psychology;Effective Coaching; Exercise Psychology; Performance Physiology; orRehabilitation of the Injured Athlete.

Optional modules include: Advanced Health Physiology; PerformancePhysiology; or Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete.

Optional modules include: Sport Psychology; Effective Coaching; ExercisePsychology; or Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete.

Sport and ExerciseScience

Sport and ExercisePhysiology

Sport and ExercisePsychology



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Please note: the University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in this booklet is correct at the time of printing.

First Class Funding - The School offers Excellence Awards of £1,000 to all applicants with a first classhonours degree (or equivalent).

Other funding to support MRes students is available in the form of fee reductions and Graduate Assistantships.Further information can be found at:

Entry Requirements• First class or 2:1 honours degree in Sport Science or a related subject (GPA equivalent of 3.0

or higher).

• Students with a 2:2 or a degree from a different academic area may also be considered.Working professionals with non-graduate qualifications will be assessed on an individualbasis. Please contact us.

MRes ApplicationsApplicants who are interested in undertaking an MRes programme should first identify apotential supervisor from the staff list available on the School website

They should follow the online application process for PhD/MPhil students which can be found at:

In addition, students should prepare a brief outline of their proposed area ofresearch to accompany their application form.

DurationMRes: 1 year full-time; up to 3 years part-time

Want to know more?Visit the course information pages online at:

Alternatively, please contact:Postgraduate Taught Recruitment and Admissions,

School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences

Tel: +44 (0)1248 388256 E-mail: [email protected]




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