schilt publishing & gallery · vlad sokhin has been recording the tragic ... part of russia’s...

Schilt Publishing & Gallery July – December 2018

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Maarten Schilt

Peter Martensstraat 121NL – 1087 Na amsterdam

+31 6 51 98 47 47

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Yasmin Keel

+44 7794 055862

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Schilt Publishing& GalleryJuly – December 2018

& Gallery

Expected January – June 2019

Geert Broertjes

One Year 9 789053 309148 >

ISBN 978-90-5330-914-8

Dear friends of Schilt Publishing & Gallery,

After releasing many books in the spring, we’re taking things a bit easier this coming autumn. But that doesn’t mean that the three books we’ll be publishing are any less impressive. And we mustn’t forget the stunning exhibition you can admire on our gallery walls for the best part of the autumn.As many of you know, we have quite a special relation with Russian art and culture. And this autumn you will be able to witness a unique expression of our passion.

For many years now, the Russian photographer Vlad Sokhin has been recording the tragic consequences of climate change in the Pacific. Of course he’s not the only photographer active in this field but there’s really no one who does it quite like Vlad. He documents literally what he sees happening: from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and almost everything in between. The result of his systematic quest is as breath-taking as it is horrifying, producing a vital book, titled simply: Warm Waters.

The second Russian link couldn’t be more different. In the early years of the Soviet Union, one of the world’s most celebrated artists, Vladimir Mayakovsky, designed propaganda posters – the so-called Rosta Windows. Today, these splendidly crafted posters have become

part of Russia’s formidable art history, acknowledged worldwide as essential examples of futurism. This book celebrates the fact that Mayakovsky would have turned 125 this year (2018). It will be presented at the opening of a major exhibition featuring the Mayakovsky family in the Moscow Manège on July 19. This magnificent book is published in close collaboration with the Mayakovsky Museum and with RGALI, The Russian State Archive for Literature and Arts, both located in Moscow.

And now let’s leave Russia for a moment and return to home ground, or to be more accurate, Austria. Because the Dutch photographer Carla Kogelman has won international acclaim in recent years. She is a photographer with a unique style, returning every summer to the Austrian region of Waldviertel, where she captures the idyllic country life of children in exquisite black and white. This book is a refreshing look at children, photographed in intimate close-up in a self-confident manner. A masterpiece!

Back to Russia again, and to the bleak north of Siberia. Schilt Publishing & Gallery is proud to be able to showcase the works of the brilliant photographer Elena Anosova. Her project, Out-of-the-way, is the result of her work during the last three years, showing what life on the edge of what is possible actually means. In other words, almost complete isolation. Anosova is originally from this area, a child of the region, and knows it like no other. She records it in the way only an extremely talented insider can. The exhibition opens on 29 September from 17.00-20.00 in the presence of the photographer, who will elaborate on her work in a far more passionate way than I could ever hope to describe here. Keep the date free in your diary! As long as we all continue to refuse to accept mediocrity, a wonderful future lies ahead of us!

Kindest regards,Maarten SchiltApril 2018

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Design: LevievanderM

eer, Amsterdam











new titlesVlad Sokhin Warm Waters

Carla Kogelman I am Waldviertel

Vladimir Mayakovsky Posters

schilt Gallery

Elena Anosova

selected backlist Camilla Jensen Quantum

Peter Dench The Shot That Made Me

The Best of LensCulture Volume 1

The Best of LensCulture Volume 2

World Press Photo 2018

Joshua Lutz Mind the Gap

Saiful Huq Omi 136 The persecution of the Rohingyas

FotoFest India Contemporary Photographic and New Media Art

FotoFest Changing Circumstances

FotoFest View From Inside

Ekaterina Solovieva The Earth's Circle


Kirk Crippens and Gretchen LeMaistre Live Burls

Dornith Doherty Archiving Eden

Giancarlo Ceraudo Destino Final

Pavel Baňka Reflection

Edward Thompson The Unseen

Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of Imitation

Maria Gruzdeva BORDER

Lotte Fløe Christensen Constructs

David Batchelder Tideland

Michel Huneault The Long Night of Megantic/La longue nuit de Mégantic

Mario Giacomelli Under the Skin of Reality

Linda Dorigo and Andrea Milluzzi Rifugio

Louise Baring Emmy Andriesse

North West – South East Jaap Mooy, The Artist and his Collector

Majida Mouasher Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the Levant

Samia Halaby Drawing the Kafr Qasem Massacre

Elliot Ross Animal

Elliot Ross Other Animals


Schilt Publishing 4

Vlad Sokhin

Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam

ISBN 978 90 5330 911 7

Format: 17 x 23 cm (portrait)

Hardbound cloth cover with inlaid

photo and stamping on front and spine

304 pages with approx. 180 photos in

full colour

World rights

September 2018

£40 | $50 | €45

Video preview:

Warm Waters

Warm Waters is a four-year-long documentary journey across the Pacific Ocean, from Northern Alaska to the remote outposts of New Zealand throughout Oceania to document the devastating effects of global warming. The journey started in 2013 in Papua New Guinea, where Russian/Portuguese photographer Vlad Sokhin documented illegal logging and deforestation for the Global Mail (Australia). In 2014 he covered the rise of sea levels, coastal erosion and the effects of El Niño in Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Nauru, the Marshall Islands and Niue. In 2015 and 2016, he extensively covered tropical cyclones aftermaths across Pacific island nations and delved deeper into documenting struggles of the affected communities, their resilience and adaptation to the realities of global warming. This book also looks at other environmental issues our planet is facing such as climate migrants and their resettlement, permafrost melting, coral bleaching, and green energy.

Warm Waters shows the evidence of fight, adaptation, and hope of remote island and coastal communities. This book takes you right into the lives of Inupiat and Yupik people in Alaska, and to the towns and villages that are being destroyed by the sea and coastal erosion on the Russian peninsula Kamchatka. You will see how scientists work in the field, studying the effects of climate change, and how the people of the Pacific region, affected by extreme weather conditions, are trying to survive and build up again their lives after catastrophic events have ruined their land and houses. The book though not only shows tragedy; it shows the beauty of our planet, communities living in harmony with nature, and people that are tirelessly working to protect their fragile shores from the biggest environmental threat ever that they are facing.

Vlad Sokhin | Warm Waters

9 789053 309117 >

ISBN 978-90-5330-911-7

Schilt Publishing 6

Vlad Sokhin is a documentary

photographer, videographer and

multimedia producer. He covers social,

cultural, environmental, health and

human rights issues around the world,

including post-conflict and natural

disaster zones. Vlad’s work has been

exhibited and published internationally,

including at Visa Pour L’Image and

Head On photo festivals and in

National Geographic, BBC World

Service, The Guardian, GEO, The

Atlantic, Stern, Le Monde, Esquire,

Sydney Morning Herald, Marie Claire,

amongst others. Vlad has produced

short multimedia films as well as

fundraising and campaign videos for


OHCHR, The Fred Hollows Foundation,

Amnesty International and ChildFund.

Vlad is represented internationally by

Panos Pictures.

I am Waldviertel

In 2012, photographer Carla Kogelman was commissioned by Szene Bunte Wähne, a youth theater festival in Austria, to make a documentary about the rural Waldviertel region. She ended up in Merkenbrechts, a small bio village of 170 inhabitants, where she met Hannah and Alena, two sisters who spend much of their time together in a carefree life, swimming, playing outdoors, and engrossed in games around the house.

“In an idealized world, peace is the visualization of the paradise lost long ago. And, as life goes…: Suddenly you hit on the series by Dutch photographer Carla Kogelman. Her work comes across as a bit old-fashioned. It plays with the idea of the ‘good old times’, the atmosphere of a happy childhood. Carefree, honest, unpretentious, incorruptible. What you see in her black-and-white photographs is an era of inquisitiveness, cheerfulness and warmth. It makes you all melancholy and calm. These are moments of sheer magic that Kogelman has captured. Moments of a pristine nature, intact. Children splash around in the lake, romp through the garden, wade through the mud. Free, uninhibited, inspired, buoyed up by life, air, twilight. They play freely, explore nature, look for earthworms, snails and salamanders. Unbound, they fly through the air, play in the house, laughing. In harmony with nature, often naked. Fairies and fauns appear, dancing in front of Kogelman’s lens. This is what peace looks like. Kogelman hits on the nerve of our times: a longing for the past and for slowness in a world of superficial speed. In her pictures she evokes a diffuse lightness of being. The series hits you without warning – and touches you. Magical and outmoded. Peace is love, tolerance, acceptance and freedom. Emotionally free, rationally unbound. Peace emerges from within, from contentment, serenity, confidence and appreciation.” – Jury statement, Alfred Fried Photography Award

Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam

ISBN 978 90 5330 912 4

Format: 17 x 24 cm (portrait)


256 pages with approx. 175 photos in


World rights

November 2018

£40 | $50 | €45

Carla Kogelman

9 789053 309124 >

ISBN 978-90-5330-912-4

Schilt Publishing 8 Schilt Publishing

Dutch photographer Carla Kogelman

(b. 1961) has worked in the theatre

industry for 25 years. In December 2011,

she graduated from the Foto Academie

Amsterdam. She won 1st Prize at the

Zilveren Camera 2011 with a portrait

series of actors backstage. In 2014, she

won several prizes for the series Ich Bin

Waldviertel: 1st Prize in the category

Observed Stories in the 2014 World

Press Photo Awards; the Cortona on the

Move 2014 Happiness Award; the PF

Portfolio; and the Alfred Fried Award.

Carla Kogelman is one of three

nominees for the 2018 World Press

Photo Long Term Stories Award; at the

moment of printing this catalogue it

was still unknown if she would receive

the 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize.

Vladimir V.


Design: LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam

ISBN 978 90 5330 914 8

Format: 24 x 30 cm (portrait)


256 pages with approx. 200 images in

full colour

World rights: Russian rights under


July 2018

ROSTA Windows Okna Rosta

Texts and research by Vera Terekhina

Curated by Natalia Strizhkova

Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930) was a poet, playwright, artist and actor. He is one of the most famous Russian poets, and during his early, pre-Revolution period, Mayokovsky became renowned as a prominent figure of the Russia Futurist Movement. Though Mayakovsky's work regularly demonstrated ideological and patriotic support for the ideology of the Communist Party and a strong admiration of Vladimir Lenin, Mayakovsky's relationship with the Soviet state was always complex and often tumultuous. Mayakovsky often found himself engaged in confrontation with the increasing involvement of the Soviet Union in cultural censorship and the development of the State doctrine of Socialist realism.

The State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky in Moscow is dedicated to the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The museum was founded 80 years ago and is located in the house in which he lived from 1919-1930 and where his life tragically ended after he committed suicide. The museum has a beautiful collection of agitational Soviet posters from Mayakovsky’s time working for the Rossiejskoje Telegrafnoje gentstvo (Russian Telegraph Agency, ROSTA, the revolutionary press agency of the Soviet Union from 1918 until 1925, the predecessor of TASS). The other institute which has an impressive and huge collection of Mayakovsky posters is RGALI, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts. This archive, established in 1941, contains the richest materials on the history of Russian literature, music, theatre, cinema, fine arts and architecture. Schilt Publishing & Gallery is extremely grateful and proud that the museum and the archive have decided to cooperate with us to make this book.

The posters were titled ROSTA Windows or Windows of ROSTA. It is a specific form of mass agitational art that arose in Soviet Russia during the period of revolution and civil war. Satirical posters were made in a sharp and accessible artistic manner in the style of popular art and in the tradition of Russian iconography. Figures were accompanied by laconic texts in verse and devoted to actual events. Malevich and Mayakovsky developed and used an alphabet of this agitational art. Nowadays, these posters are considered great works of avant-gardeart.

The book will comprise approximately two hundred posters from both collections. The subjects of these posters are extremely varied, ranging from the realities of the revolutionary and military years to the economic and domestic issues of the young Soviet state.

9 789053 309148 >

ISBN 978-90-5330-914-8

Schilt Publishing10

The author of this magnificent

book is the Russian expert

Vera Terekhina, Doctor of

Philology, chief research fellow

of the Gorky Institute of World

Literature, a specialist in

Russian literature of the 20th

century and the literary and

artistic avant-garde. In addition

to the illustrations, the album

will include articles for each

section, annotations with the

illustrations, and indexes.

The book will coincide with a

major exhibition about the

Mayakovsky family in Manège,

the big exhibition space

located next to the Kremlin in

Moscow. At this exhibition,

starting on 19th July 2018, on

what would have been

Mayakovsky’s 125th birthday,

there will be a section

dedicated to his posters.

Many other events will take

place during 2018 in

celebration of Mayakovsky.

Schilt Publishing 11

The Tambov province has

produced 15,500,000 eggs.

And Ukraine has produced only

4,860,590. A poster referring to

the Civil War in Ukraine.

9 pictures with the texts by 

V.Mayakovsky, 1920, stencil,

glue paint, 187 x 100 cm.

Schilt Publishing12

The close end of a dissolute lady.

A poster referring to the frequent

change of power in Ukraine during the

Civil War. 9 pictures with the texts by

V. Mayakovsky, 1920, stencil, glue

paint, 150 x 123 cm.

> America receives concessions from us.

A poster about the hostile attitude of

the West towards the Soviet Union.

4 pictures. V. Mayakovsky, 1920,

original drawing, watercolours,

gouache, 124 x 101 cm.

>> We scream down at you. A poster

directed to make the masses aware

of the Communist power. 4 pictures

with the texts of V. Mayakovsky, 1920,

original drawing, glue paint,

124 x 101 cm.

Schilt Publishing 13

Week of the trade unions. Strengthen the labour unions!

4 drawings with texts by V. Mayakovsky, 1921, stencil,

imprint, glue paint, 108 x 85 cm.

Stop! You have a leather jacket and pants. A poster about the

need to support the Red Army. 4 pictures by A.M. Lavinsky

(Ladovsky), with texts by V. Mayakovsky, 1920, stencil, glue

paint, 154 x 109 cm.

& Gallery

Elena Anosova


29 September – 9 December 2018

Schilt Publishing14 15

Elena Anosova's work concentrates on boundaries and isolation. She mainly works also on personal topics. She captures things that traumatized her or made her happy, based on her experiences in life.This story, made between 2015 and 2017, is about a settlement in the far North of Russia, founded about 300 years ago by Anosova’s ancestors and other people. She has never been there before, and travelled there for the first time to shoot this story. In her work, Anosova explores the isolated microcosm. People in that region preserve not only their identity, but also their myths and legends. The place is the epitome of mythology. It was important for Anosova to show this amazing community, that conserves itself and accepts the new only with great caution.One of the aims of Anosova’s work is to ask where we come from, what our roots are. The project was created in the far-away territories of the Extreme North of Russia, where bad accessibility and isolation, a special relationship with nature, and following the centuries-long way of life involve the unique mythology of the region where fiction is very often more important than modern reality.These lands are immersed into the flow of their own life activity, where the past and the present surprisingly interlace. Anosova’s ancestors were hereditary hunters in a small settlement near the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River. Almost 300 years ago, they came to colonize Siberia, then assimilated with the Evenks – one of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North, with a population of roughly 40,000 – and founded a village in the taiga. They lived in an old house as a large family with more than fifteen children.Nowadays, the population of the village numbers 130, all of them distant relatives. Those who are not real family are related in a neighbourly way. Life of this part of Anosova’s family – her father’s siblings and numerous cousins and nephews – has not changed for centuries in the remote area surrounded by pristine wilderness. Modern civilization penetrates slowly and fragmentarily, it is intricately woven into the local way of life. The closest town is 300 km away, and the transport connection functions only in winter time. Local and family legends and traditions are still a powerful influence in the settlement.

Elena Anosova lives between Moscow

and Irkutsk. She graduated from Irkutsk

State Technical University. In 2013,

Anosova started studying documentary

photography at the famous Rodchenko

Photography and Multimedia School in

Moscow. She is the winner of multiple

photography contests, including the

Russian Young Photographers Contest

(2015), the Andrei Stenin International

Contest (2016), Portraits – Hellerau

Photography Awards (2016),

LensCulture Exposure Awards (2017),

and World Press Photo (2017, 2nd Prize

Daily Life). Her work has been exhibited

during group and solo exhibitions in

Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Austria, Italy,

and the USA. Schilt Publishing &

Gallery is extremely proud to show the

work of this exceptional talent this fall

in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Schilt Publishing 15


The Best of LensCulture Volume 1 150 Contemporary Photographers You Should Knowisbn 978 90 5330 880 6

£22 | $29.95 | €25

The Best of LensCulture Volume 2 A source of inspirationand a reference guide for everyone who loves photography! isbn 978 90 5330 902 5

£22,50 | $29.95 | €25


Check our website

for a complete

overview of all

our titles and

special editions!

2018dutch edition

isbn 978 90 5330 905 6


2018enGlish edition

isbn 978 90 5330 901 8

£22.50 | $27.50 | €25

Joshua LutzMind the Gapisbn 978 90 5330 894 3

£40 | $50 | €45

Peter DenchThe Shot That Made Meisbn 978 90 5330 909 4

£32.50 | $40 | €35

Camilla JensenQuantumisbn 978 90 5330 908 7

£22.50 | $27.50 | €25

Schilt Publishing 19

FotoFestView From Inside Contemporary Arab Photography, Video and Mixed Media Artisbn 978 90 5330 825 7

£45 | $60 | €50

Saiful Huq Omi 136The Persecution of the Rohingyasisbn 978 90 5330 898 1

£40 | $50 | €45

FotoFestIndiaContemporary Photographic and New Media Artisbn 978 90 5330 900 1

£45 | $60 | €50

FotoFestChanging Circumstances Looking at the Future of the Planetisbn 978 90 5330 862 2

£45 | $60 | €50

Ekaterina SolovievaThe Earth’s CircleKolodozeroisbn 978 90 5330 899 8

£30 | $40 | €35

PhotoCat.Sacha de Boer (ed.)isbn 978 90 5330 896 7

£30 | $40 | €35

Kirk Crippens and Gretchen LeMaistreLive Burls Poaching the Redwoodsisbn 978 90 5330 881 3

£35 | $45 | €40

Dornith Doherty Archiving Edenisbn 9978 90 5330 884 4

£40 | $50 | €45

Schilt Publishing 21Schilt Publishing20

Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of ImitationText by Elisabeth Biondi isbn 978 90 5330 845 5

£27.50 | $35 | €30

Edward ThompsonThe UnseenAn Atlas of Infrared Platesisbn 978 90 5330 863 9

£40 | $50 | €45

David BatchelderTidelandText by David Campanyisbn 978 90 5330 856 1

£60 | $75 | €65

Michel HuneaultThe Long Night of Mégantic /La longue nuit de Méganticisbn 978 90 5330 876 9

Bilingual: English/French

£30 | $40 | €35

Maria GruzdevaBORDERA journey along the edges of Russiaisbn 978 90 5330 878 3

£30 | $40 | €35

Giancarlo Ceraudo Destino Finalisbn 978 90 5330 864 6

£40 | $50 | €45

Pavel BaňkaReflectionisbn 978 90 5330 882 0

£40 | $50 | €45

Lotte Fløe ChristensenConstructsisbn 978 90 5330 883 7

£22.50 | $27.50 | €25

Linda Dorigo & Andrea MilluzziRifugio Christians of the Middle Eastisbn 978 90 5330 843 1

£35 | $45 | €40

Mario GiacomelliUnder the Skin of RealityTreasures from the Sassoferrato ArchiveEdited by Katiuscia Biondi, Marina Itolli and Catia ZucchettiWith an introduction by Achille Bonito Olivaisbn 978 90 5330 813 4

£40 | $50 | €45

Elliot RossAnimalText by Manfred Zollnerisbn 978 90 5330 730 4

£35 | $45 | €40

special edition

isbn 978 90 5330 736 6

Edition of 50

£175 | $350 | €250

Elliot Ross Other AnimalsText by Diana L. Danielsisbn 978 90 5330 835 6

£35 | $45 | €40

North West – South EastJaap Mooy,The Artist and his Collectorisbn 978 90 5330 892 9

£45 | $55 | €50

dutch edition

Noordwest – ZuidoostJaap Mooy, de kunstenaar en zijn verzamelaarisbn 978 90 5330 897 4

Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the LevantThe Majida Mouasher Collectionisbn 978 90 5330 877 6

£40 | $55 | €45

Samia HalabyDrawing the Kafr Qasem Massacre Essay by Salman Abu Sittaisbn 978 90 5330 874 5

£40 | $50 | €45

Louise BaringEmmy Andriesse Hidden Lensisbn 978 90 5330 790 8

£30 | $40 | €35


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Schilt Publishing& GalleryJuly – December 2018

& Gallery

Expected January – June 2019

Geert Broertjes

One Year 9 789053 309155 >

ISBN 978-90-5330-915-5