scalable maximum margin factorization by active riemannian subspace search yan yan, mingkui tan,...

Scalable Maximum Margin Factorization by Active Riemannian Subspace search Yan Yan, Mingkui Tan, Ivor W. Tsang, Yi Yang, Chengqi Zhang and Qinfeng Shi QCIS, University of Technology, Sydney ACVT, The University

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Scalable Maximum Margin Factorization by

Active Riemannian Subspace searchYan Yan, Mingkui Tan, Ivor W. Tsang, Yi Yang,

Chengqi Zhang and Qinfeng Shi

QCIS, University of Technology, Sydney

ACVT, The University


• Introduction• The Proposed Model• Experiments• Conclusion

Collaborative filtering for recommendation systems• Goal• Recover missing ratings by low-rank matrix completion

• Real world applications• Recommend TV shows/movies on Netflix• Recommend artists/music tracks on Xiami• Recommend products on Taobao…

• Data that can be used• Partially observed rating data from users on items

• A specific output of recommendation systems• The predicted ranking scores of users on unseen items

A user/item rating matrix on movies

Figure: An example of a user/item rating matrix on movies

Problem setup of matrix completion

• Reconstruct the rating matrix X with a low-rank constraint

• Y is the observed matrix• The problem is NP-hard

• Approach: matrix factorization

Matrix factorization approach

Figure: Matrix factorization


• Real world rating data are in discrete values• Maximum margin matrix factorization

• Existing methods usually requires repetitive SVDs• Our optimization avoids repetitive SVDs and applies cheaper QR

• The latent variable r is usually unknown and can be different among various datasets• A automatic method to detect the rank

Maximum margin matrix factorization (M3F)• Hinge loss: appropriate for discrete rating data in real world• M3F for binary values (-1/+1)

• From binary values to ordinal values• Suppose • Introduce L+1 thresholds • •

Maximum margin matrix factorization (M3F)• M3F for ordinal values

Maximum margin matrix factorization (M3F)

Figure: M3F loss for discrete ordinal values


Differential Geometry of Fixed-rank Matrices•

Differential Geometry of Fixed-rank Matrices

Figure: Gradient descent on Riemannian manifold

Differential Geometry of Fixed-rank Matrices• •

Differential Geometry of Fixed-rank Matrices

Figure: Gradient descent on Riemannian manifold

Differential Geometry of Fixed-rank Matrices• Retraction•

• Retraction can be cheaply calculated without SVD in

Line Search on Riemannian Manifold

Figure: Gradient descent on Riemannian manifold

BNRCG: Block-wise nonlinear Riemannian conjugate gradient descent for M3F

Active Riemannian subspace search for M3F: ARSS-M3F

Active Riemannian subspace search for M3F: ARSS-M3F Step 1: Increase

the rank.

Active Riemannian subspace search for M3F: ARSS-M3F Step 2: Update X

and thresholds.


Data sets # users # items # ratings

Binary-syn 1,000 1,000 All

Ordinal-syn-small 1,000 1,000 All

Ordinal-syn-large 20,000 20,000 All

Movielens 1M 6,040 3,952 1,000,209

Movielens 10M 71,567 10,681 10,000,054

Netflix 480,189 17,770 100,480,507

Yahoo! Music Track 1 1,000,990 624,961 262,810,175

The sensitivity of the regularization parameter experiment

The convergence behavior experiment

RMSE and consumed time on the synthetic datasets

RMSE and consumed time on Movielens 1M andMovielens 10M

RMSE and consumed time on Netix and Yahoo Music


• Two challenges in M3F: scalability and latent factor detection• BNRCG addresses the scalability problem by exploiting Riemannian

geometry• ARSS-M3F applies an efficient and simple method to detect the latent

factor• Extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed method can

provide competitive performance.

Thank you!