sc2 return of the lost e return of...

One character must start in the upper starting hex. Door is locked until Bandit Guard is killed. Even then, only a character who started in one of the lower starting hexes can open the door. Doors and are locked. Wall sections have 6+3L hit points. They do not block line of sight, but cannot be moved through in any way until destroyed. When either door is opened or one wall section has been destroyed, read section 1 on page 2. Goal : Stop the Serpent Cabal “Secrets of the Lost Cabal” scenario complete Requirements: Return of the Lost Cabal SC2 The slightest of stirrings breaks the dead silence in your room. Being ever vigilant, a mercenary such as yourself is never fully asleep. Your eyes open ever so slightly as a sudden hand forcefully covers your mouth. You see the moonlight from the window gleaming off the blade of a kris poised to run through your heart. You instinctively sock the intruder in the gut, knocking him off his balance, which allows you to roll off the bed and draw your weapon in one fluid motion. A black robed figure stands before you with arcane jewelry and a fiery malevolence in his eyes. The figure grins with evil intent as you swing your weapon, and a clang of steel rings out. Over your shoulder, your companions tangle with other figures in the same garb. You trade blows with the assailant, and before long, he lay at your feet, leaking blood onto the hardwood floor. You are safe... for the moment. These figures look familiar. You pull up his sleeve to reveal a forearm tattoo depicting the dreaded symbol of the cabal thought vanquished in your last encounter over a year ago. The Lost Cabal has returned once more to enact their nefarious revenge. Your group turns to one another, but one of you is missing. The cold night air chills the room as it billows the curtains flanking the now open window overlooking the courtyard below. From the courtyard, you pick up the trail of the cabal, and it leads out of town to the ancient ruins of a foregone religion. Upon exploring the grounds, you discover a hidden entrance to an underground catacomb. Fresh footprints lead forward into the lair. Introduction : Special Rules : After descending a dark and winding stairwell lined with familiar arcane markings, you hear a distant chanting—the chanting of some vile ritual being performed. You burst into a hall lit with flickering torchlight illuminating more robed figures. On the far end you see your companion bathed in a purple light, screaming in agony. Before you can act, the swirling of purple light is extinguished—the ritual is complete! A robed figure carrying a large, blackened clay pitcher darts to the left through a corridor and another carrying a glowing crystal skull exits through one on the right. All remaining heads turn to meet your gaze, and weapons are unsheathed. A2b M1a E1a Maps : Layout : a b c 2 3 b B4b A3a K1a D2b G1b Bandit Archer Bandit Guard Giant Viper Wall Section (x2) b c a b a 2 3 1

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Post on 09-Mar-2021




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Page 1: SC2 Return of the Lost e Return of the Lost Cabal Doors and are now unlocked. If door is opened, read section 2 below

One character must start in the upper starting hex. Door is locked until Bandit Guard is killed. Even then, only a character who started in one of the lower starting hexes can open the door. Doors and are locked.

Wall sections have 6+3L hit points. They do not block line of sight, but cannot be moved through in any way until destroyed.

When either door is opened or one wall section has been destroyed, read section 1 on page 2.

Goal : Stop the Serpent Cabal“Secrets of the Lost Cabal” scenario completeRequirements:

Return of the Lost CabalSC2

The slightest of stirrings breaks the dead silence in your room. Being ever vigilant, a mercenary such as yourself is never fully asleep. Your eyes open ever so slightly as a sudden hand forcefully covers your mouth. You see the moonlight from the window gleaming off the blade of a kris poised to run through your heart. You instinctively sock the intruder in the gut, knocking him off his balance, which allows you to roll off the bed and draw your weapon in one fluid motion. A black robed figure stands before you with arcane jewelry and a fiery malevolence in his eyes. The figure grins with evil intent as you swing your weapon, and a clang of steel rings out. Over your shoulder, your companions tangle with other figures in the same garb. You trade blows with the assailant, and before long, he lay at your feet, leaking blood onto the hardwood floor. You are safe... for the moment.

These figures look familiar. You pull up his sleeve to reveal a forearm tattoo depicting the dreaded symbol of the cabal thought vanquished in your last encounter over a year ago. The Lost Cabal has returned once more to enact their nefarious revenge. Your group turns to one another, but one of you is missing. The cold night air chills the room as it billows the curtains flanking the now open window overlooking the courtyard below.

From the courtyard, you pick up the trail of the cabal, and it leads out of town to the ancient ruins of a foregone religion. Upon exploring the grounds, you discover a hidden entrance to an underground catacomb. Fresh footprints lead forward into the lair.

Introduction : Special Rules :After descending a dark and winding stairwell lined with familiar arcane markings, you hear a distant chanting—the chanting of some vile ritual being performed. You burst into a hall lit with flickering torchlight illuminating more robed figures. On the far end you see your companion bathed in a purple light, screaming in agony. Before you can act, the swirling of purple light is extinguished—the ritual is complete! A robed figure carrying a large, blackened clay pitcher darts to the leftthrough a corridor and another carrying a glowing crystal skull exits through one on the right. All remaining heads turn to meet your gaze, and weapons are unsheathed.


Maps :Layout :



c2 3








Wall Section (x2)






Page 2: SC2 Return of the Lost e Return of the Lost Cabal Doors and are now unlocked. If door is opened, read section 2 below


Return of the Lost Cabal

Doors and are now unlocked. If door is opened, read section 2 below. If door is opened, read section 3 on page 3. In

either case, the door on the other side of the room is now permanently locked.

Your companion wraps up bloody slashes on both of their palms as they greet you. They explain how their blood was drained into the black pitcher as some sort of ritual. And some other, darker process also took place, leaving them feeling cold and hollow.

Special Rules :One of the cabal, dying on the floor, laughs through their bloody teeth. “We took a piece of your soul, you wretched fool, and it will be the life force needed to resurrect the Grand Founder! Hahaha! And your rotten blood will open the gate giving way to the Avatar of Darkness!”


If the Founder suffers any damage, he will stop moving towards hex and instead act normally in the round, flipping a monster ability card as if he were just spawned.

The Founder has CxH hit points, where H is the regular hit point value of an elite Bandit Guard. Any time the Founder gains Shield from an ability card, all characters within Range 3 of the Founder suffer 1+L/2 (rounded up) damage, and the Founder heals an amount equal to the total damage suffered.

As you enter the passage to the left, you hear the telltale sound of an arcane lock from the other door—the choice has been made, and there’s no going back! The room beyond is bathed in a swirling dark purple light and the robed man with the black pitcher turns the corner out of sight. You can hear chanting from chambers beyond as a ritual is clearly in progress. If he reaches the ritual with that blood, all will be lost!

Special Rules :

The hiss of more giant viper guardians fills the room. They are blocking the path, and one lashes out at you, nearly sinking its fangs into your leg.

The Bandit Guard is the Founder. When he is killed, the scenario is won, and Conclusion A should be read below. Instead of acting normally in the round, the Founder will perform a “Move 2” towards hex at the end of each round,. If he reaches hex , the scenario is lost.


Conclusion A :With a cough of blood and a pained expression, the black pitcher slips from the Founder’s hand and crashes to the ground. The red liquid within splatters over the stone tiled floor. His body goes to its knees and finally slumps forward onto the ground. You approach the circle of acolytes performing the ritual, and they scatter. The purple dancing lights dissipate with the disrupted ritual, and you make short work of your unarmed foes.

From the outer chamber behind you, there is




RockColumn (x3)






2 3

a deafening explosion, and you race back the way you came. The corridor to the right has been blown out by some kind of powerful magical spell and the way to the surface is ablaze! You fight through the flames and dodge falling rubble from the ceiling. You ascend the treacherous stairs as the ground beneath your feet quakes with terrible strength. When you reach the surface, you fall to your knees, coughing and choking from the foul smoke. A loud, maniacal cackle echoes out over the ruined courtyard... but there’s no one in sight.

Rewards :The player who started in the upper

hex has lost a piece of their soul. Their maximum hit point value is permanently

reduced by 4, and, once per scenario, on their turn, they can perform an

“INVISIBLE , Self ” action.


Page 3: SC2 Return of the Lost e Return of the Lost Cabal Doors and are now unlocked. If door is opened, read section 2 below



Return of the Lost Cabal

As you enter the passage to the right, you hear the telltale sound of an arcane lock from the door to the left—the choice has been made, and there’s no going back! The winding passage beyond is bathed in dim and ominous light. In the distance you can hear the faint chanting of a necromantic ritual in progress. The robed figure with the crystal skull rounds the corner, heading towards the resurrection chamber. If that monster reaches the tomb of the Grand Founder with the soul fragment, the Grand Founder will be returned to life once again! He must be stopped!

You step into the passage and hear the tick and snap of a trapped floor tile from under your feet and the pull of bow strings from the shadows!


The Bandit Guard is the Founder. When he is killed, the scenario is won, and Conclusion B should be read below. Instead of acting normally in the round, the Founder will perform a “Move 2” towards hex at the end of each round,. If he reaches hex , the scenario is lost.

If the Founder suffers any damage, he will stop moving towards hex and instead act normally in the round, flipping a monster ability card as if he were just spawned.

The Founder has CxH hit points, where H is the regular hit point value of an elite Bandit

Special Rules :

Conclusion B :The body of the Founder drops to its knees. The crystal skull slips from his fingers and crashes onto the stone floor. With a blinding flash of purple light, it explodes into a million shards. A ghostly visage emerges from the wreckage. You recognize it to be the lost fragment of your companion’s soul. It whisps towards them, returning to its rightful vessel. The Founder slumps to the floor in a pool of blood. You enter the tomb and make short work of the scattering circle of acolytes. Not only that, but even shattered, the shards of




IMMOBILIZE and damage trap





Guard. Any time the Founder gains Shield from an ability card, all characters within Range 3 of the Founder suffer 1+L/2 (rounded up) damage, and the Founder heals an amount equal to the total damage suffered.

You run back towards the stairs, dodging falling rocks with every step. When you reach the surface, you fall to your knees with exhaustion. A terrifying and monstrous roar echoes through the ruined courtyard... but there’s nothing in sight.

the crystal skull look like they could be very valuable, so you gather them up as well.

Just as a quiet creeps over the halls, you hear a deafening roar and a rumble of stone from the outer chambers behind you! Racing back to the main hall, you see the left passage and the ceiling have been smashed. Moonlight gleams down into the chamber from where something huge burst through to the surface. The ruined temple, now in the midst of a terrible earthquake, begins to crumble around you!

Rewards :-2 prosperity100 gold each