sbsgrid meaning based_information_linking_explained

SBSGRID_Meaning_Based_Information_Linking_Explained.docx 1 / 4 © SBSGRID.NET Information Linking across Silos based on Meaning Dynamic and associative relationships based on Linked-Data brings data and information integration based on meaning (Dataset example uses Artists, Galleries and Artworks) Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Characteristics 2 3. Meaning Based Integration 3 3.1. Semantic Reasoning Trace 3 3.2. Polymorphic Roles 3 3.3. Decoupled Process 4

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Meaning based Information Linking across Silos


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Information Linking across Silos

based on Meaning Dynamic and associative relationships based on Linked-Data brings data and information integration

based on meaning

(Dataset example uses Artists, Galleries and Artworks)


1. Introduction 2

2. Characteristics 2

3. Meaning Based Integration 3

3.1. Semantic Reasoning Trace 3 3.2. Polymorphic Roles 3 3.3. Decoupled Process 4

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1. Introduction

SBSGRID brings dynamic and associative relationships (dynamic schemas) on Linked-Data1. This integrates

heterogeneous datasources without hard-coded logic. The development of a middleware (e.g. SQL statements) is not

necessary nor an ETL process. Instead information is published into facts with the instant ability of executing semantic

search/query and information browsing (superset of SPARQL functionality). The alignment of information structures is

conducted through the submission of additional facts (e.g. sameAs, subClass and hasRole facts). This can be done at any

given point in time during run-time when the application is already deployed (declarative developmemt).

2. Characteristics

Data co-existence vs. data-merging approach.

Open and dynamic schema (multiple virtual information models in parallel)

Instant information discovery through SearchQueries and incremental information structure alignment.

Inherent and hidden semantics within relational databases are retained and made accessible.

Complex relationships (database schemas) are published into polymorphic roles (graph structures). They are

automatically discovered by the SBSGRID reasoner and handled accordingly (queries are context aware).

No hard-coded logic. No query development. Instead declarative and explicit statements (facts) for information

structure alignment.

1 see

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3. Meaning Based Integration

In Linked-Data system every piece of information is expressed through a simple sentence or triple (subject, predicate,

object construct) which expresses a fact. Thus every fact carries meaning and is embedded in a network of facts where

the context becomes an active part in the query as well as information alignment and discovery process.

The following example is from the art world and shows a meaning based integration through a semantic reasoning trace:

3.1. Semantic Reasoning Trace

Query: "Galleries in New York City showing Modern Paintings"

The system returns the gallery “Claire Oliver” (and others). The following reasoning logic led to this result:

the gallery “Claire Oliver” is linked to "Manhattan" and "Gallery"

the artist Helen Frankenthaler is linked to "Claire Oliver" and "Abstract Expressionism"

"Abstract Expressionism" is a subcategory of "Modern Painting" (reserved predicate SUBCLASS)

"Manhattan" is a subcategory of "New York City" (reserved predicate SUBCLASS)

the semantic space makes the connection and "infers" that "Claire Oliver is a [GALLERY] which shows


Note: Semantic search solutions work on the concept level not data level (no Linked-Data). They have an ontological

body put on top of a fulltext-search index. This means that the information that Abstract Expressionsim is a subclass of

Modern Painting is in the system. However the relationship between Claire Oliver and Helen Frankenthaler lies within

the data and is not covered by the ontology. Thus the inference/reasoning from above can not conducted.

3.2. Polymorphic Roles

Complex relationships are resolved through polymorphic roles (e.g. the same person has relationships with different

organizations in different roles based on different works and activities). These roles adapt automatically (the resultset

changes) based on the given context in the query. Thus the logic is not hard-coded in any SQL-statement or middleware

code. For more information see the document on the "Graphical Linked-Data Publisher".

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3.3. Decoupled Process

The mediation and virtualization of the data schema allows for a totally decoupled process. Information can be found at

any given point in time (also when it is not correctly linked-in). Namespace alignment can be done during query. The

semantic publishing of the relational schemas is not required to have the big picture in mind.