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  • 1.Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Anonymous. View of Rome. ca. 1550.

2. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Map: Rome ca. 1400, at the birth of the Renaissance. 3. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Melozzo da Forli. Sixtus IV, his Nephews, and Platina. 1480-81.12 2-1/4" 10 2-1/2". 4. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Bacchus. 1496-97.Height: 6 7". 5. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Piet. 1497-1500.5 8" 6 5" 27". 6. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Leonardo da Vinci. Vitruvian Man. ca. 1485-90.13-1/2" 9-5/8". 7. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Donato Bramante. Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, Rome. 1502. 8. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Donato Bramante. Plan for St. Peters, Rome in the form of a Greek Cross.1506. 9. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Plan for St. Peters, Rome. 1546-64. 10. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome: Interior, looking towardsaltar wall with Last Judgment. Built 1475-81; side wall frescoes 14821483;ceiling 15081512; end wall 15361541. 11. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome: Ceiling, complete view.1508-12.45 128. 12. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome: Iconographic program ofceiling (diagram). 13. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome: Creation of Adam. 1510. 14. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Studies for the Libyan Sibyl, for Sistine Chapel ceiling. ca.1510.11-3/8" 8-7/16". 15. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome: Libyan Sibyl. 1512. 16. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Raphael. Closer Look: Raphaels School of Athens: View into the Stanzadella Segnatura, Vatican, Rome. 1510-11. 17. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Raphael. Closer Look: Raphaels School of Athens: The fresco, also calledPhilosophy, in the Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, Rome. 1510-11. 18. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Raphael. Disput, in the Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rome.1508-11.19 27. 19. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Raphael. Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de Medici and Luigi de Rossi.1517.60-1/2" 47". 20. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Tomb of Giuliano de Medici, in New Sacristy, San Lorenzo,Florence. 1519-34.Height, central figure: 71". 21. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Michelangelo. Staircase in Laurentian Library, Florence, seen from above.Design as of 1524; completed 1559. 22. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Josquin des Prez. Musical score, opening bars of Josquin des PrezsPange lingua Mass. After 1513. 23. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Map: The Islands of Venice, the lagoon, and (at left) the Italian mainland. 24. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Vittore Carpaccio. The Lion of St. Mark. 1516.4 6-3/4" 12 1" . 25. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Map: Venice and the Venetian Terraferma, the Venetian-controlledmainland, at the end of the fifteenth century. 26. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.View of the Doges Palace, Venice, with St. Marks Cathedral at left.Begun 1340. 27. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon. The Ca dOro (House of Gold), ContariniPalace, Venice. 1421-37. 28. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon. The Ca dOro (House of Gold), ContariniPalace, Venice: Floor plan of ground level. 1421-37. 29. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Gentile Bellini. Procession of the Reliquary of the True Cross in Piazza SanMarco. 1496.12-1/2" 24 5-1/4". 30. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Vittore Carpaccio. Miracle at the Rialto (Healing of the Possessed Man).ca. 1494.11 11-3/4" 12 9-1/4" 31. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Giorgione. Tempest. ca. 1509.31-1/4" 28-3/4" 32. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Titian. Sacred and Profane Love. ca. 1514.46-1/2" 109-7/8". 33. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Titian. Reclining Nude (Venus of Urbino). ca. 1538.47" 65". 34. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Leonardo da Vinci. Isabella dEste. 1499-1500.18-1/2" 14-1/2". 35. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Francesco Xanto Avelli da Rovigo. Scene from Orlando Furioso: Ruggieroescapes the castle of Atlante on Atlantes winged horse (hippogriff). 1531.Diameter: 17-3/4". 36. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Andrea Palladio. Villa La Rotonda, near Vicenza, Italy: Plan of piano nobile(main floor). Begun 1560s. 37. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Andrea Palladio. Villa La Rotonda, near Vicenza, Italy. Begun 1560s. 38. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Titian. Self-portrait. ca. 1570.34" 27-1/4". 39. Copyright 2012 Pearson Inc.Rembrandt. Self-portrait. 1659.33-1/4" 26".