say the following sentences in hindi. dattatreya yoga...

BALA DATTA HANUMAN LIKHITA DATTATREYA YOGA CENTRE TRINIDAD Name : ________________________________ Number of Hanuman Mantras Written : _______ Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Page 35 Issue : No. 6 Answer to crossword on page 20 Ages : 7+ Say the following sentences in Hindi. 1. I see a white butterfly. 2. The bird is in the garden 3. I walk on the green grass 4. I see grandmother in the garden 5. What is in the garden? 6. There are flowers in the garden.

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Post on 10-Jun-2018




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Page 1: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita



Name : ________________________________

Number of Hanuman Mantras Written : _______

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 35Issue : No. 6

Answer to crossword on page 20

Ages : 7+

Say the following sentences in Hindi.

1. I see a white butterfly.2. The bird is in the garden3. I walk on the green grass4. I see grandmother in the garden5. What is in the garden?6. There are flowers in the garden.

Page 2: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Swamiji has instructed that we perform Hanuman Likhita or writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra.

Bala Hanuman Likhita allows you to participate in writing the mantra on the lines of the pages with Jai Hanuman.

You can also learn about Hanuman’s wonderful life through stories.

Can you write one page of Jai Hanuman every day?

The book also contains fun activities for you to do.



Page 1 Page 34

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Children Classes are heldEvery Sunday Morning between 8:45 – 9:45am

at the Dattatreya Yoga Center





Page 3: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 2Page 33

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 4: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 3 Page 32


SITA IN THE ASHOKA VANAMNear a small temple , Hanuman saw a very thin

lady, with soiled clothes and she was crying .

Even so she had a divine brilliance. Around her many

ugly demonesses were on guard.

Hanging from a nearby tree were ornaments that Sri Rama had described as Sita’s.

Hanuman was very observant and noticed the lady’s sari was the same colour as the cloth around the bundle of

ornaments that Lakshmana had identified as Sita’s.

By these clues and her physical appearance, Hanuman

believed that he had found Sita .

Hearing the chanting of mantras by veda boys Hanuman knew it was dawn. He thought, “When they have so much power from vedicchanting, how can anyone defeat them?”

Hanuman hid himself carefully amongst the trees .


1) Start standing. Bend one leg and press the bottom of the foot to the inside of the other leg, or to the thigh.

Make sure that the foot is not pressing against the knee cap.

2) As you get your balance, find a focal point (something that is motionless) to keep your eyes on.

Try to keep the knee of your lifted leg pointed out to the side.

3) Once everything feels steady, point your arms up toward the sky.

4) Practice the Tree Pose on each side for about 10-30 seconds.

Page 5: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 4Page 31

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

This pious woman induced jealousy and envy in others. The three Gods decided to prove these doubting elements how wrong they were. They transformed themselves into mendicants, approached the hermitage of sage Atri and begged for alms.

At that time sage Atri was away at the river offering his daily oblations. Anusuya came out and offered food to them. They made a strange request; the food be prepared and served to them by Anusuya, in the nude.

In the Indian tradition any 'athithi' (guest) cannot be turned away, as they are considered to be an aspect of God. Hence she was placed in a dilemma.

She smiled to herself and reflected, ‘I am totally purified by the long association with the holy sage Atri. As they have sought food from my hands, I look upon them as my own children and not as strangers and grown up men!’ Her thoughts – the thoughts of a pious and chaste person – instantly became reality; the elderly guests became babies!

Sage Atri on his return to the hermitage saw his wife Anusuya fondling three babies. Anusuya said "These children are the gift of God to us who have been childless so far". Sage Atri was overjoyed and named them Datta, which means 'given'. At this the three Gods reverted to their real forms and disclosed the truth. They extolled the

Dattatreya had descended into the world as the son of Atri and Anusuya, a sage couple.

Anusuya became very famous for her devotion to her husband. Such was her spiritual power that hard, uneven earth turned soft and smooth for her as she walked about.

power of chastity and purity of Anusuya which vanquished the combined and colossal powers of all three of them.

Sage Atri and Anusuya prayed that they should remain as their sons. They consented and the three Gods merged into one body.

This is how Sri Dattatreya incarnated and is known as Gurudeva Datta –the Guru of all Gurus


Page 6: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

story continued…..At the main entrance to the Ashoka garden Hanumansaw many beautiful women approaching and holding torches around a tall, well-built male.

Hanuman recognized the male as the demon king Ravana.

The guards saw their king and leaped to attention. Ravana stopped in front of Sita.

Hanuman thought, “This cruel fellow came here in a drunken state, what harm will he cause her? I may have to stop him.”

Upon seeing Sita, Ravana became very soft. pitifully begging her to accept him as her husband.

Hanuman thought, “Is this a great warrior and king? He is acting like a beggar. Who is this good lady treating him like a blade of grass?”

Lord Brahma had cursed Ravana saying if he molested a chaste woman his head would be reduced to ashes and he would die.

Page 5 Page 30

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 7: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 6Page 29

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Do you remember the meaning of the symbols in the picture?

The cow represents Mother _ _ _ _ _

The four dogs are the _ _ _ _ _ or holy scriptures

The trident shows that Datta is beyond qualities of illumination, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The damaru destroys _ _ _ _ _ and gives control of the _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _.

The disc shows that Datta is beyond _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _. He controls _ _ _ _.

The conch makes the sound _ _ _ _ . The world is created from this sound.

The begging bowl reminds us to share our _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _.

The rosary or mala reminds us to _ _ _ _ _ the name of the Lord.

Page 8: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 7 Page 28

Hanuman listened to Ravana’s words, “ Oh, daughter of

King Janaka , your husband is in a state of poverty.

I will make you my queen. Accept me as your husband.”Hanuman now knew for certain that he had found Sita, the wife of Lord Rama .

Sita placed a broomstick in front of her. She looked at it and

not Ravana. She rebuked him, “Good people exist every where even here in Lanka. They would advice you to

return me to Sri Rama . You do not heed good advice.

My husband alone is dearest to me. I will not swerve from good, even if you were to kill me.If you are a great hero why did you use deception and take me away?”

“If you wish to remain alive and want the welfare of your kingdom return me to Sri Raamanow. He is benevolent. Sri Rama will pardon a person if he admits the mistake and sincerely repents.

By wanting that which is not yours you will be destroyed!Nothing will remain.”

BAA-GI-CHA : GardenIS : This ME (sounds like “may”) : In

IS BAAGICHA ME : In this garden

PHOOL : FlowerSA-FED : White

SAFED PHOOL : white flower


SUR-YA-MU-KHE : Sunflower


TIT-LEE : ButterflyMEIN TITLEE DEKHTAA HOON : I see the butterfly (boy)MEIN TITLEE DEKHTEE HOON : I see the butterfly (girl)

GHAAS : GrassHA-RA : GreenPAR : On

Can you speak with your friends in Hindi and tell them about things you see around you?

MEIN DEKH-TAA HOON : I see (boy says dekhta)MEIN DEKH-TEE HOON : I see (girl says dekhti)

MEIN CHAL-TAA HOON : I walk (boy says chalta)MEIN CHAL-TEE HOON : I walk (girl says chalti)


Story continued……..

Page 9: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 8Page 27

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

MERA BAAGICHA : MY GARDENYah mera baa-gi-cha hai

This is my garden

Is baa-gi-cha me kya hai?What is in this garden?

Is baa-gi-cha me phool hain : There are flowers in this garden

Mein sur-ya-mu-khe dekh-taa hoon (boy)Mein sur-ya-mu-khe dekh-tee hoon (girl)I see a sunflower

Mein nee-la pan-chee dekh-taa hoon (boy)Mein nee-la pan-chee dekh-tee hoon (girl)I see a blue bird.

Pan-chee perd par haiThe bird is on the tree.

Mein ha-ra ghaas par chal-ta hoon (boy)Mein ha-ra ghaas par chal-ti hoon (girl)I walk on the green grass.

Mein sa-fed phool dekh-taa hoonMein sa-fed phool dekh-tee hoon

I see a white flower

Is baagicha me lal gu-laab haiThere is a red rose in this garden

Page 10: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 9 Page 26

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Hanuman was astonished. “How courageous she is! How bravely she speaks, she must be the wife of Lord Rama .”

Suddenly, a voice like thunder roared, “ Sita you have two months to make up your mind. If you don’t marry me, I will have my cooks kill you. I will eat you for breakfast the day after your time is up!”

He roared at the guards, “Threaten her and make her agree or I will kill you.”Then he left the garden.

The demonesses started screaming, “Agree! Agree! If you don’t I will bite and eat you! I will strangle you! I will cut you into pieces!”

They spoke foul and senseless words.

Sita finally broke down and yelled, “Fine kill me now! Otherwise I will commit suicide!” She wept bitterly.

Hanuman thought, “During the last ten months Ravana and the demoness would have threatened her everyday. Today they have exceeded their limit and now she is willing to end her life.”

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Story continued……..

Page 11: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 10Page 25

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Follow the instructions below to make a TreeYou need a square sheet of paper.Colour one side of the paper green

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman




Science and knowledge are only a small part of the infinite energy

to be acquired by chanting the Gayatri mantra

• The Cow, which is always with Him, represents the Mother Earth and Dharma. She is the wish fulfilling cow 'Kamadhenu'.• The four dogs symbolise the four Vedas – the books of Spiritual Wisdom.• The trident indicates that He is beyond the three states of illumination, activity and inertia (inaction) of this world. He is truth, existence and bliss.• The damaru (drum) produces the sound “Dham” and abolishes anger etc in me bestowing control of mind and senses• The 'Sudharshana chakra' , disc indicates that He is beyond the cycles of time i.e. the past, present and future and His holding of 'chakra' means He is the controller of time.• The conch represents the eternal sound ‘AUM’ – which is the manifestation of the Spirit. It is also the life principle in us and the cosmos.• He always carries a begging bowl so as to teach us the lesson that we will have to share our wealth and food with others.• The japa-mala, rosary beads He wears reminds us that our primary duty is chanting the sacred name of the Lord and meditating on the feet of the Lord, and our redemption depends on this discipline alone.

Sri Dattatreya, in order to bless His devotees and the righteous ones, wanders about in the guise of a random guest at the lunch hour. That's why it is said that a random guest has to be treated as the very embodiment of Lord Dattatreya.

Page 12: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 11 Page 24

The screaming of the demoness disturbed the sleep of the aged demoness,Trijata.

“Keep your mouths shut, you devilish girls.” she chided.

They quietened and asked, “What is the matter with you old one?”

“I just had a dream and you know my dreams always prove to

She began, “Girls, I saw a big chariot made of elephant tusks flying in the sky. Rama sat in it, dressed in white clothes, wearing white flower garlands and smiling sweetly. His brother Lakshmana sat by his side.

A white hill rose up from the sea. Sita was seated on the hill wearing a white sari, white flowers adorning her hair. Sita left the hill and went straight to Rama’s side.

Rama, Sita and Lakshmana came to the PushpakaVimana. They entered the magic vehicle and flew off to the east.

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Story continued……..

be true. This woman here (Sita) will be prosperous and our kingdom and everyone in it will be destroyed!”

In the branches overhead Hanuman heard Trijata’s story.

Page 13: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 12Page 23

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

WRITE JAI HANUMAN________________________________________Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 14: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 13 Page 22

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman


• Hanuman observed all that was happening• Hanuman listened to Sita and Trijata• After thinking about the situation Hanuman decided to act

Ravana was dressed in red clothes and red garlands. He rode a cart drawn by donkeys. The drunken Ravana was flipped

off the donkey. He fell into a deep sewer pit. A woman with a jet black complexion arrived. She cast a big net around his neck and pulled him out and dragged him south.

Trijata continued, “In another dream, all of Ravana’ssons were anointed with oil and rolling on the floor. Indrajit (his son) was riding a crocodile and Kum-bha-kar-na(his brother) was riding a camel.

Then I saw Vi-bhi-sha-na (Ravana’s brother) standing smiling, anointed with white sandal paste and wearing white clothes. I heard conches blowing, huge drums sounding victory and music playing.

With the exception of Vibhishana and his four ministers, all other Lanka residents were dressed in red, and falling down.

Trijata then told them more about her dream. “Then I saw a flying monkey was coming here as Rama’s messenger. This monkey killed many demons in our city and reduced our city to ashes.” Hanuman acted wisely to gain Sita’s trust

while not disturbing the guards

Story continued……..

Page 15: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 14Page 21


Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

ABOUT SRI ANAGHA SWAMI & ANAGHA DEVIAnagha means sinless. In general we commit a number of sins by our deeds, words and thought. These sins prevent us from progressing.

The Couple that destroys these types of sins are Datta and his consort, Anagha Devi, who protect the people in the world.

Dattatreya takes the role of a householder to help his devotees. Dattatreya is known as AnaghaSwami. His wife is known as Anagha Devi. In reality she is incarnation of Lakshmi Devi.

Both husband and wife grant happiness, wisdom and knowledge to all the aspirants.

When to perform Sri Anaghashtami vratamAt present, Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji has made the Vrata simple. Procedures of this Vrata are described in an easy manner for all devotees to perform themselves. All devotees should perform this Vrata to prevent the obstacles that are placed on our path toward progress.

By obtaining the blessings of Lord Dattatreya, devotees can achieve spiritual happiness, experience bliss and become harbinger of peace and tranquility in the society. This Vrata is performed by young girls wishing to get married or couples who are experiencing domestic problems with kumkum archana.

The most important date to perform this Vrata is in December - Ashtami day following the full moon. In fact it is very auspicious to perform this Vrata on Ashtami day of each month. One should perform this Vrata at least once a year.

Page 16: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 15 Page 20

Listen carefully to what I say, “The husband of Sita Devi is not an ordinary man. He will

definitely cross the ocean and arrive here. He will kill everyone in this city, including me and you!

Sita is also powerful. In our city, when a husband loses everything and goes to the forest, no wife follows him. Have you ever found such a woman in Lanka? Yet, Sita has done just that.

How great is her chastity (goodness and purity)!”

“I tell you, be wiser and do not mistreat her. Ask her to pardon you and seek her mercy.Only she has the power to protect us. As yet, none of my dreams have proven false and this will also be true.”

The guards fell asleep. Hanuman thought, “I must not awaken them or let them see me. I must not endanger Sita’s life.

A wise man never does anything doubtful or controversial.”

Sita Devi sat under the tree while Trijata narrated her dream. She spoke softly to herself but Hanuman had heard every word.

Across2. Hanuman had to gain Sita’s _ _ _ _ _5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Ravana’s brother was dressed in white 6. Hanuman found Sita in the _ _ _ _ _ _ garden8. Sita told Ravana that Sri Raama was benevolent and would _ _ _ _ _ _

him if he returned her to Sri Raama

Down1. Ravana’s brother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was riding a camel3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ told the girls her dream about Lanka being destroyed 4. Hanuman spoke in _ _ _ _ _ _, the language of Sri Raama7. Sri Rama was dearest to Sita she would not swerve from _ _ _ _

Hanuman’s Crossword #7

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Story continued……..

Page 17: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Page 16Page 19

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

ZEN GARDEN CRAFTIn this monkey form Sita will think I am a demon. If I wish to melt her heart there is no better way than to praise Lord Rama. As Lord Rama’s messenger I will speak in his

Hanuman narrated the story of Sri Rama.“As ordered by his father Sri Rama with his brother Lakshmana and wife Sita went to the forest. Ravana deceived Sri Rama and took his beloved wife Sita.

Sri Rama searched for her in many forests. He won the friendship of king Sugriva andhelped him. Sugriva out sent vanaras in search of Sita.

The southern army was told by an eagle that Sita was held captive in Lanka.

With devotion to Lord Rama, I have come alone across the ocean in the hope of locating her. I believe I am now seeing her with my own eyes.”

On hearing these words, Sita was anxious and happy at the same time. She observed all around and saw a small monkey who was lying on a branch with arms extended bowing to her.

language of Saketa.

Here is an unusual craft idea for a Japanese theme (it also makes a great gift for someone who needs a calming influence!)

A Japanese Zen garden is traditionally a rock garden made up of just rocks and sand, although plants may be used. Patterns are made in the sand to represent rippling water. Zen gardens are supposed to be peaceful, serene places.

Miniature gardens are often placed on desks to promote a sense of peace.

To make your own miniature garden you will need:

A small box (we used a chocolate box)Sand or fine gravelPebblesA fork

Fill your box halfway to the rim with sand. Use your fork to draw a pattern in the sand. Arrange your pebbles. Fine gravel can be used instead of sand.

Story continued……..

Page 18: Say the following sentences in Hindi. DATTATREYA YOGA · writing of the Jai Hanuman mantra. Bala Hanuman Likhita

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Page 17 Page 18





Find the words below and Circle them in the puzzle above The words are written in the directions indicated by the arrows

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Hanuman

Sita whispered, “Everything is over. My predicament is my own fault. When the demon came disguisedas the golden deer I insisted my husband bring the deer to me. I abused Lakshmana

and sent him far away.

Oh, Rama you do not know that I am alive here. You may feel sad for a few days, then your stay in the forest ends. Though I think of you incessantly, I will soon be dead.”

It was getting dark and Sita observed auspicious signs.

“What is this? My left eye, shoulder and left thigh are all twitching. When I observe such good signs, good events always happen. But what good could happen to me at this place?”

After hearing Trijata’s story and listening to Sita’swords, Hanuman did some contemplation on his own. “By my great fortune I have found the Divine Mother, Sita.

Now that I have found her, I must comfort her before leaving. I must give her some courage.

But how to speak to her? She does not know me. I must gain her trust.












YTIBIMFOEAASStory continued……..