saving and investing © 2013 created by sally camden ~ the reflective educator ~

Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

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Page 1: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Saving and Investing

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 2: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Introduction Having money allows people to buy what they need and what they want. When people earn money, they have choices about how they will use their money.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 3: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Income People have basic needs that must be met to survive. Some of these needs include food, clothing, and a place to live. People also have wants. Wants can include games, toys and trips to fun places. To pay for both their needs and wants, people earn money. Money earned is called income.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 4: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Choices with Money After paying for needs and wants, sometimes there is still some money that hasn’t been spent. When that happens, people have choices about how to use that money.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 5: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Saving Saving is one choice people have with their money. People who save their money put it aside because they want to spend it in the future. Perhaps they will save up to take a vacation or buy a new television.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 6: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Investing Another choice is investing. When you invest money, you use it to make more money. For example, you could choose to buy stocks in a company. Buying stock is like buying a small piece of that company. If the company makes money (called a profit), you would get some of that money.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 7: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Investing Another example is when a business buys more equipment. Having more equipment allows them to create more products to sell to customers. This could mean they might make more money.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 8: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Level of Risk Saving and investing are both choices people make with money. However, the level of risk involved with each is very different. Saving money is a low-risk decision. Money that is put into a savings account at a bank is guaranteed to be safe.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 9: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Level of Risk With investing, however, there is a greater risk that you could lose your money. If you invest your money, you accept that risk. You decide that the chance of making more money is greater than the chance you will lose it.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 10: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~


Money that is earned.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 11: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~


Putting aside money for future use.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~

Page 12: Saving and Investing © 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~


Using money to make more money.

© 2013 Created by Sally Camden ~ The Reflective Educator ~