savernake team ministry · office a9, royal british legion enterprise units, ordnance road,...

Raspberry Tree We are a small local business, specialising in good quality, fresh cut flowers for every occasion. Each of the fresh flower designs we create are entirely unique and hand crafted to suit the occasion and your budget. We work with your choice of flowers. Hand ties Table decorations Flowers for your home Potted arrangements Weddings Functions Order your flowers by Monday for free local delivery from Wednesday onwards. Call Olivia or Carly on 01264 730695/242 [email protected]

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Page 1: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

Raspberry Tree

We are a small local business, specialising in good quality, fresh cut flowers for every


Each of the fresh flower designs we create

are entirely unique and hand crafted to suit

the occasion and your budget. We work with

your choice of flowers.

Hand ties

Table decorations

Flowers for your home

Potted arrangements



Order your flowers by Monday for free local

delivery from Wednesday onwards.

Call Olivia or Carly

on 01264 730695/242

[email protected]

Page 2: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 3: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 4: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


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Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units,

Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9

Page 5: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


Mary Edwards, Team Vicar, Savernake Team writes:

As I write this we are preparing for two major events in the church. The first is the major Christian Festival of the year – Easter. A wonderful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus to new life. This is also a life in which we can all participate because change and resurrection are possible in our lives too. When we move away from habits and a way of life that binds us and restricts us, into a way of life that is more closely attuned to the life God wants us to lead. Come and celebrate on Easter day and find out more. The second is also part of a new life – perhaps a new and better way of being! In June the churches and communities in this area will come together over a week in June (6-13

th June) to celebrate the life of these

communities in which we live. Our Bishop for this area and other members of his staff (Archdeacons) will be with us for a week – travelling around the area visiting and encouraging us all. It is hoped that as many people as possible, whether church goers or otherwise, will join in the many varied and interesting activities that are being planned. It is all very exciting and hopefully will give a real lift to the whole life of this area. Keep your diaries free for that week and keep an eye on advertising and articles in your magazines; meanwhile I commend to you the Bishop‘s letter. . . . .

Dear Friends,

I am thrilled at the prospect of coming to spend the

week of 6th

- 13th

June with you all. I am looking

forward to getting to know better each of the villages in

which our churches are set. Most of all, 1 am looking

forward to meeting lots of people, whether or not they

are regular churchgoers.

During the week we shall be joyful in our celebration of our Christian faith and we

recognise that this faith is what fuels us to work and play with everyone who helps

to make our villages flourish.

You will be deciding together the best ways of celebrating the life of each of your

communities. I and my colleagues in the Ramsbury Team look forward to joining

in with what you plan and to encourage all the prayers, kindnesses, imagination

and energy which kindle life and hope. I relish the opportunity to be with people

united in a common purpose to celebrate Christ in our communities.

All Good wishes

Page 6: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


Love is all we have The only way that each can help the other.



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2 April Good Friday

2pm Last Hour Service

Everyone n/a ME No flowers

4 April Easter Day

11.00amFamily Service + HC

David Mary

Vikki – Acts 10:34-43 David – John 20:1-8 or Luke 24:1-12

ME Everyone

11 April Easter 2

11.00 Village Communion

New rotas will be

prepared and

circulated soon

18 April Easter 3

11.00 Family Service & Baptism

25 April Easter 4

9.30am Holy Communion

GOOD FRIDAY David and Mary Brown have kindly invited us to partake of hot cross buns and tea at Quince Cottage after the Last Hour Service at 2pm. (Don‘t forget the Andover Passion, starting at 11am in Andover High Street!) EASTER SUNDAY We look forward to seeing you at the 11.00am service, and there will be an Easter egg hunt in the churchyard for the children during the sermon. (If you can‘t get to church for Easter, please do visit the church later to enjoy the flowers!) Pram Gathering – 3.30pm on Friday 30

th April for the under 4s and their

carers! Monthly Munch and Bible Supper to be arranged. Sunday Club will resume on 2

nd May.

The Chestnut Tree It is some time since experts last surveyed the chestnut tree overhanging the path to the church. The PCC has consulted an arboriculturist and his report is expected very soon. We understand that the tree is in good health, but will need some attention. Planning permission is required and will be applied for, and then a tree surgeon will be engaged to do the work. It will take time and

Page 7: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

will be expensive but the PCC is determined to look after this old and much-loved tree in the best way we can. So to be on the safe side we will keep the church locked during the week until the work is carried out (but it will be open in the week following Easter Sunday).

CHUTE PARISH COUNCIL Planning Applications E/10/0145/FUL, Limmer, Upper Chute : Rear extension + conservatory. No objection by PC E/10/0252/LBC, Valance Cottage, Upper Chute : Sgl storey kitchen extn (to rear). Under consideration by PC Planning Application Outcomes E/10/0027/FUL, Yew Tree Cott, Upper Chute : Side extension. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC E/10/0073/TCA, Well Cottage, Cadley : Eucalyptus - reduce crown. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC E/10/0087/LBC, The Old Cottage, Chute Cadley: Replace heat system. No objection by PC. Now approved by WC The next meeting of the Parish Council will be the Annual Meeting and will take place on Thursday 13

th May 2010 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

As always, you will be welcome to attend: the agenda will be displayed around the Parish and the previous (draft) minutes will be displayed on the official Council notice board at the Village Hall.


Rainfall : 83mm [36] Max 24 hrs: 16mm [28mm] Days: 16 [3] No settled snow. Days of full sun: 12 [7] No Sun: 12 [12]

Note : Until this year, February has consistently been the driest month with over the past six years with an average of 36mm.

Temperatures: Max: 10c [14] Min Day: 2[1] Min Night: -6c [-3] Days below 5c: 14 [13] Nights below 0c: 16 [14] Av Day: 5c [6] Av Night: 1c [2c] Courtesy of Virginia Chambers see:

Page 8: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


The 116th

Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 8th

April 2010 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Are you one of the 292 folk on the on the Chute Parish electoral roll? If so then this meeting is arranged for you and you have the right to be present and to speak if you choose. It is a great opportunity to hear about and discuss what has been happening in the Parish and an opportunity to influence the Parish Council. Please come along and take part. There will be brief reports on a wide range of subjects and activities in the Parish and we will try to arrange for Wiltshire Council representation. The agenda is (Chairman to be provided by Chute Parish Council) :-

1. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (displayed on the Parish Council Notice Board at the Village Hall). 2. Report from Chute Parish Council. 3. Statement by your local Police Beat Manager. 4. Statement by the King George Playing Field Committee. 5. Statement by the Chronicle editorial board 6. Statement by the Chute web-site Management Team 7. Statement by the Chute Fete Committee. 8. Statement by the Chute In Need Charity. 9. Statement by the Village Hall Committee. 10. Statement by the Community Emergency Volunteer 11. Any other business David Clark (Chute Parish Clerk: Tel 730782)


The owners of the land adjacent to Chute Forest Cottage have appealed against the decision of Wiltshire Council to serve a tree replacement notice. The appeal will be held on Tuesday 13

th April, at 10.00am, in Chute Village

Hall. Chute Forest Parish Council

Page 9: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

Chute Play 2010

“The Bench Beneath the Velvet”

Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th June 2010

In the grounds of Standen House By kind permission of Georgina and Anthony Andrews

This lively new play, written for Chute, is on its way! The rehearsals have been surprising and revealing,

moving and hilarious, and, above all, great fun! The show will be a joy for all ages!

Don‘t miss it!


The AGM was held on Wednesday March 17th 2010 at 2.00pm in Chute Club. 43 members were present. The minutes of the 2009 AGM were read and accepted.

The Treasurer Mr. John Burden gave his report of the accounts and also his decision to stand down as Treasurer after 13 years. He was given a vote of thanks by the Secretary on behalf of all the members. Mr. James Haines was elected as our new Treasurer. Chairman Mrs. Lesley Ryder and Secretary Mrs. Eileen Soper were re-elected. All other committee members remained the same but with the addition of Mrs. Gwen Howard who offered herself for election and was accepted.

A beautiful iced cake was brought to the meeting by David and Averil Glover who had just celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. The cake was divided amongst the members, who congratulated David and Averil on their special Anniversary.

After a quiz and a raffle the meeting ended with tea served by the committee.

ARPIL OUTING Our first trip for 2010 will be to the Beaulieu Motor Museum on Wednesday April 21st There are not many seats left, so book early if you would like to go. Eileen Soper 730698

Page 10: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

GAY PARKER I would like to thank all those who sent cards and letters expressing their condolences and sorrow on the death of my wife, Gay Parke,r on the 15


January this year. Many Thanks, Michael Parker.


As you know, the Chute LINK scheme amalgamated with the Collingbourne and Everleigh LINK, in November last, to save on overhead costs. When we closed, we transferred all our funds, amounting to £656.27, to the Collingbourne scheme. A summary of our audited closing account is shown below:



Envelope Donations BT Credit

169.50 116.33

TOTAL 285.83


Insurance Telephone Administration Volunteers Expenses Balance to Collingbournes & Everleigh LINK

235.69 229.21 87.20

271.20 656.27

TOTAL 1479.57

Excess of expenditure over income 1193.74

Opening Balance at 10 February 2009 1193.74

Less excess of expenditure 1193.74

Balance zero

B P Daly

Page 11: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

CHUTE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH. The latest information on crime covers a spate of burglaries taking place in the Chippenham area. The target has been jewellery and entry to households has been via the ground floor--- generally through a window left unlocked and on occasions windows left open to the elements. Vandals carrying out these robberies have the best available transport to hand, probably stolen, and a thorough knowledge of the best escape routes. They are ready to find targets far and wide, so we must be watchful. If you are leaving the house for a few days the following action is recommended; secure and lock all windows properly. Lock all doors inside the house including adjoining doors and bolted if possible. Keep neighbours informed and how long you will be away. Cancel Newspapers and arrange for post to be collected and not piling up. Timer switches set at different times are excellent safeguards These few actions should help in deterring any threat NHW Team Meetings: we tend to meet every 3 months to exchange views and take stock. If Villagers have any ideas on how to improve security, we should be pleased to hear from you. Bill Withall, Coordinator.

DAFFODIL SUNDAY 11th APRIL 2010 2 – 5pm


two glorious gardens with woodland walks

home made teas, plants, bric-a-brac & raffle

entrance £2.00 – dogs 50p to be kept on leads

in aid of ANDOVER RIDING for the DISABLED charity no 1073578

Page 12: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

Saturday 17th

April World Music ACapella Workshop with Chris Rowbury

Fairground Hall, Weyhill Fairground Craft and Design Centre, Weyhill, Near Andover, Hampshire

10.15 coffee 10.30 start - 4.30pm Learn songs from all around the world especially arranged for voice only.

Everything will be taught by ear (no need to read music!). No previous experience needed — just bring yourself and have a go.

Whether you've only ever sung in the shower, or you're already in a choir, there will be something here for everyone —

all in a fun, friendly and relaxed atmosphere Coffee, tea and light refreshments included £20 - Booking essential as numbers limited

Tel Mary Holden 01264 730628 email [email protected]

Proceeds to Animals Asia and the Moon Bear Rescue Putting the Fun into Fundraising

Mary Holden GDB Enterprises Rathlin House, Tangley SP11 0RU

Tel 01264 730628 Mob 07939 260859FIRST NEWS

CHINOOK IN OPERATIONS EVENING Chute Village Hall The above evening on March 13th was a resounding success and special thanks to Squadron Leader Ian Diggle for his superb and facinating presentation giving an insight to life and hardship in Afghanistan and Iraq and the role the Chinook plays. Thank you also especially to everyone who supported the event which was a sell out. The evening raised £500 for Help the Hero‘s and £390 towards the Village Hall repairs. Carolyn Wall On behalf of Chute Village Hall Committee

Page 13: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


Perhaps you heard about the very successful Ladies‘ Breakfast last year, when the superb Fiona Castle shared her life and her inspiration with the ladies? This year it‟s the men‟s turn!

In 2000 James Burke-Dunsmore produced and led our Millennium Project – the tremendous and moving Chute Passion Play. Now, ten years on, he is back with us, driving a performance in Chute of an entirely new and different production. Already this has fired people across our community with vision and confidence. Some of us have seen him work and motivate people to achievements they never expected. Now he has agreed to share with us his experiences, his motivation, where he has come from, the road he has travelled and his hopes for us all. Our Master of Ceremonies will be another great speaker, well known to many of us, Canon Alan Deboo.

Saturday 1st May 2010, 0830 to 1030, Cross Keys Inn, Upper Chute

Admission by ticket, £7.00 to cover Full English breakfast, from David Brown 01264 730236 John Woods 01264 730685 Gareth Dickson 01264 731305

ANDOVER RIDING FOR THE DISABLED HORSEY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Have you got a couple of hours to spare? Andover Riding for the Disabled is looking for volunteer helpers for Ibthorpe and Abbotts Ann. Experience with horses and to be able to run at the trot (often the highlight of the lesson) would be a real help. Should you have a suitable horse or pony to bring along once a week, please, do let us know. Andover Riding for the Disabled is the largest RDA group in the South of England. Over 80 riders come and have lessons, fun days, picnics & many other activities throughout the year. The aim is to give to our many riders whose ages range from 4 to 74, a sense of fun, therapy, independence, enjoyment and achievement. Our teaching venues range from Ibthorpe, Binley, Hare Warren Abbotts Ann to Romsey. Throughout the year we must raise funds for our ever increasing running costs. The very popular DAFFODIL SUNDAY (see advert on page 7) at Binley, St Mary Bourne is one of our most important fundraising days. So come and join us on Sunday 11 April and bring your friends, bring the family. Two Glorious Gardens, with Woodland Walks. Home made Teas, Plants, Bric-a-Brac and Raffle. Entrance £2.00. Well behaved dogs on leads welcome (50p). Mercedes Leonard, Secretary, 01264 735246

Page 14: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


The next talk will be:

More Secret Gardens of Hampshire Mrs P Elkington

Tuesday 20th April

8.00pm Chute Village Hall

Annual membership subscription is £7.50. Non-members are welcome, £2 for each talk. Club Visits 2010

Redenham Park – June

Longstock Water Gardens – July

Ted Perrens Garden at Amport – August If you are interested or would like further information on any of the visits contact John Wood on 730685. The Plant Sale – Sunday 16

th May. Chute Gardening Club Plant Sale has

a reputation for producing good quality plants at reasonable prices, so come along and see for yourself. The Plant Sale is the Club‘s main fundraising event and a lot of hard work goes into making this a success, so if you are busy splitting your perennials or have any left over seedlings, please contact any member of the committee, all contributions are very much appreciated. Potato Competition – Saturday 24

th July. The potatoes for the

competition have arrived, they will be on sale at the next Gardening Club meeting for 50p each. Flower show – 31

st July. The Flower Show schedules are almost

complete, the garden competitions this year are:

My Favourite Garden

Best Cottage garden

Best garden to attract and encourage bees Jan Quirk Secretary to the Gardening Club 730347

Page 15: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

National Cask Ale Week Monday 29

th - Quiz

Tuesday 30th

– Guess the Beer

Wednesday 31st – Pie Making Competition

Thursday 1st - 2 for 1 menu

Friday 2nd

Dart Knock Out

Saturday 3rd

– Wii Challenge

Sunday 4th

– Roast with Beer Gravy

Monday 5th

– ‘Drink the Dregs’

Call us or drop in for more details


2 for 1 Menu Thursday Evenings 7 – 9pm

Choose two main meals from our selected menu and get the cheaper meal



We would like to wish all our customers a

very Happy Easter

Open all day Friday – Monday

Book your tables now

The Cross Keys Inn, Upper Chute, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 9ER 01264 730295

[email protected]

Page 16: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


01 April 7:45 pm Bell Ringing St Nicolas 01 April 8:00 pm Curry Night Hatchet Inn 02 April 9:00 am Yoga Village Hall

02 April - - - Hants & Wilts Schools Easter holiday starts

- - -

02 April 2:00 pm Final Hour Service St Nicolas 04 April 10:00 am Touch Rugby King George’s Field 04 April 11:00 am Family Service & HC St Nicolas 05 April 7:30 pm Line Dancing Village Hall

06 April 8:00 pm CCC Nets John Hanson School,


06 April 8:00 pm Fete Committee

meeting Cross Keys Inn

06 April 8:00 pm Quiz Night Hatchet Inn 07 April 10:00 am Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 07 April 1:00 pm Monthly Munch Village Hall 07 April 7:30 pm Choir Practice St Nicolas

08 April 7:30 pm Chute Parish Annual

Meeting Village Hall

08 April 7:45 pm Bell Ringing St Nicolas 08 April 8:00 pm Curry Night Hatchet Inn 09 April 9:00 am Yoga Village Hall 09 April 7:00 pm Fish Night Cross Keys Inn 09 April 7:30 pm Barn Dance Village Hall 11 April 10:00 am Touch Rugby King George’s Field 11 April 11:00 am Village Communion St Nicolas 12 April 7:30 pm Line Dancing Village Hall 13 April 10:00 am Planning Appeal Village Hall

13 April 8:00 pm CCC Nets John Hanson School,

Andover 13 April 8:00 pm Quiz Night Hatchet Inn

14 April 9:45 am Wilts County Council

Mobile Library

C Forest (9.45), C Cadley (10.10), Upper

C (10.45) 14 April 10:00 am Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 14 April 7:30 pm Choir Practice St Nicolas 14 April 8:00 pm Investment Club Cross Keys Inn

15 April 7:00 pm Chute Forest Annual

Parish Meeting Village Hall

15 April 7:45 pm Bell Ringing St Nicolas 15 April 8:00 pm Curry Night Hatchet Inn 16 April 9:00 am Yoga Village Hall

16 April - - - Hants & Wilts Schools Easter holiday ends

- - -

17 April 2:00 pm Chute CC v

Stockbridge CC King George’s Field

17 April 10:30 am Chute Play Rehearsal Chute Village Hall 18 April 10:00 am Touch Rugby King George’s Field 18 April 11:00 am Morning Worship St Nicolas 18 April 1:00 pm Chute Play Rehearsal Chute Village Hall

Page 17: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

19 April 7:30 pm Line Dancing Village Hall 20 April 8:00 pm Gardening Club Village Hall 20 April 8:00 pm Quiz Night Hatchet Inn 21 April Wednesday Club 21 April 10:00 am Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 21 April 7:30 pm Choir Practice St Nicolas 22 April 7:00 pm Chute CC Nets King George’s Field 22 April 7:45 pm Bell Ringing St Nicolas 22 April 8:00 pm Curry Night Hatchet Inn 23 April 9:00 am Yoga Village Hall 24 April 10:30 am Chute Play Rehearsal Chute Village Hall

24 April 2.00 pm Great Bedwyn CC v

Chute CC Great Bedwyn

25 April 9:00 am Holy Communion St Nicolas 25 April 10:00 am Touch Rugby King George’s Field 26 April 7:30 pm Line Dancing Village Hall 27 April 8:00 pm Quiz Night Hatchet Inn 28 April 10:00 am Mothers & Toddlers Village Hall 28 April 7:30 pm Choir Practice St Nicolas 29 April 7:00 pm Chute CC Nets King George’s Field 29 April 7:45 pm Bell Ringing St Nicolas 29 April 8:00 pm Curry Night Hatchet Inn 30 April 9:00 am Yoga Village Hall 30 April 3:30 pm Pram Service St Nicolas

Paul Burnell

Financial Advisor (Upper Chute)

Life Insurance - Income Protection

Mortgages - Pensions - Investments

ISA's Transfers - Wills & Estate


Call 07772 331719 or Email

[email protected]

Page 18: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

CHRONICLE RATES & DISTRIBUTION As you may be aware, the Chronicle made a financial loss of £313 in 2009, on top of a loss of £83 in 2008; This has largely come about due to the magazine‘s success, but clearly we cannot allow this situation to continue, especially as any loss results in a direct cost to the Church.

After much consideration, a number of steps have been brought in to return the Chronicle to a break-even position – there is no intention for it to be a money maker – these measures are as follows:

Advertising rates will be increased;

Print runs will be even more tightly controlled than before;

Editorial controls are being increased;

A sponsor is being brought in to help defer costs; and

Inevitably, subscription rates must be increased, marginally, to £4.00 per annum.

The subscription year is being put back slightly, and will now run from May to April, to coincide with the advertising year. Furthermore, before 20


April, your local distributor will now need to collect your £4 subscription and pass it on to a central point; if this is not paid, then we regret to advise that you will not receive your May edition, nor any future editions until the subscription has been paid. We hope you will continue to both enjoy and support YOUR local magazine which has, after all, the highest circulation of any publication in Chute! Chris Stock On behalf of your Chronicle management team.

Page 19: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 20: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

CHUTE CRICKET CLUB As spring and summer hopefully get closer, so does the cricket season! We will continue with indoor nets for the next couple of Tuesdays (8pm, John Hanson School), but will be moving outdoors as soon as we possibly can, certainly no later than Thursday 22

nd of April.

A (very!) full list of fixtures has been arranged, kicking off with a home game against Stockbridge CC on Sunday 18

th, before we travel to Great

Bedwyn on 25th and St Mary Bourne on 2

nd May, all 2pm starts.

New members are always welcome – guys and gals! – so please just come along, or contact either myself or Marilyn Cripps (730740). Chris Stock, 730613 [email protected]

GARDENING / GROUNDS EQUIPMENT It occurs to me that over the last year or so, both the Cricket Club and the Playing Fields have acquired or restored quite a bit of grounds maintenance equipment which may be of benefit to Chute‘s gardeners. Clearly looking after the Cricket Club and the Playing Field must be our priority, but if there is something we have and which you might like to borrow (for a small donation to the relevant owner), then please let me know. While clearly some of the bigger stuff is of limited gardening value, some of the items which might be useful include rollers, rakes / scarifiers, a seed / fertiliser spreader, a sorel spiker, a 36‖ lute (excellent for leveling off top soil, etc.), an electric hedge trimmer, chain saw, etc. If you would like to borrow something, please let me know and we‘ll do whatever we can to assist. Sorry, but you will need to provide the labour! Chris Stock, 730613 [email protected]

BOURNE VALLEY MOVIES in support of Chute Village Hall The prize winners continue in our Spring programme. One of the highlights is surely the next one, ―The Hurt Locker‖(15) won Oscars for best film and for its director, Kathryn Bigelow, as well as 6 BAFTAs. This highly acclaimed film is a study of a bomb disposal team in Iraq. If you are looking for spine tingling tension, this is the one. If it‘s beautiful

Page 21: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

camerawork and direction, coupled with a sensitive treatment of the impact of war on soldiers, then this is also the one. The showing will be at the Vernham Dean Millennium Hall on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 at 7.30pm (the bar opens at 7pm). Tickets, priced at £5, can be purchased in advance at Hurstbourne Tarrant post office, the George Inn, Vernham Dean, or Pat Caddick on 730730, or £5.50 on the door. Top quality persists to the end of our season, with more prize winners, ―A Single Man‖ in May and ―Up in the Air (June). You can‘t afford to miss any of these! Pat Caddick

For Sale & Wanted 2 x Fire grates for sale in good condition but needing to be shined up, cast iron. Photos available on request. Offers invited.

* Travel Graco cot available for sale for children up to 3 yrs old approx. Good clean condition, with carry case, hardly used mattress etc.

* Brazier wanted to buy for outdoor burning. Please contact the Bradleys on 01264 730445.

Sport Relief Pony Ride 13th March Thank you so much to the contributions made on Saturday. We managed to raise over £130 and a further £60 in the sweepstake, half of which was won by EMILY PICKERNELL who picked Jenson Button. All the donations will go to Sport Relief to help those who are less fortunate. Thank you - Jess, Donna, Megan and Elle.

Job Wanted Hi, my name is Jessica and im looking for some small jobs at the weekend to help pay for my pony. I can do pretty much anything including babysitting, car cleaning, dog walking or looking after animals while you are on holiday. I can also do any horsey related stuff too like poo picking, mucking out or even riding if needed. - My number is 730701.

Page 22: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

For Sale Various IKEA (Stat) Kitchen Units Floor & Wall. 1 Year old. Offers Contact Marilyn Cripps 730422


Get busy writing!

Are you a budding poet? Do you like writing poetry? Never tried?

Then why not have a go?

Free Poetry Competition

The theme is „A Journey‟

We want to encourage everyone to write poetry across the Pewsey Deanery area as part of the Pewsey Deanery ‘Pilgrimage‘. We are running a FREE poetry competition to get everyone in our communities involved and sharing the wonderful written word. Poems should be on the theme of ‗A Journey‘ and may reflect on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual journey in the present, future or past. Winners and runners up will each receive a cash prize.

Don‘t worry if you have never written anything before; the chances are you will have something really special to say.

All entries must be received by 14 May 2010 so get going! Pick up an entry form from any local church, Pewsey Tea Rooms or the Church Office, Bouverie Hall, Pewsey. Or download an entry form from or You can also pick up an entry form from: Published by The Vale of Pewsey Team Church Admin Office The Bouverie Hall, Pewsey, SN9 5ES

Page 23: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil


The big day is getting closer!

Stalls Organisers Books & Music Gwen Howard - 730301 Draw Tim Harker & Annie Griffith - 730898 Cakes Caroline Elwes - 730228 Hoopla Barbara Long - 730655 Nearly New Sheila & Peter - 772459 Plants Mark & Chris - 730284 Produce stall holder needed Toys stall holder needed Portobello Wally Long - 730655 Teas Pat Caddick - 730730 Bottles Jim Foxen – 730601 Tombola Jim & Jenny Haines - 730387

Please contact any of the above stall holders if you would like to be of any

help on the day or if you are able to supply any of the items needed.


We are looking for a qualified First Aider with a current certificate to be on call between the hours of 1pm and 4pm. Please call Louise on 730451 if you are able to offer your services.

Page 24: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 25: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 26: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

Date Burbage C' Ducis C'


Grafton Gt











1 April



7.45pm HC


- 8.00pm HC


- 7.30pm

HC +

Watch RH

- - - - -

2 April

2010 Good


8.00am M’

Prayer 11am

Good Friday

Hour by the



Walk of

Witness to








- - 11am

Walk of

Witness to



- 2pm









3 April

Easter Eve

- - - - 10am E.


- - - - 8.00pm

Team Vigil

4 Aprl



8am HC

11am Fam.

Service +


- 9.30am HC

+ Easter

Egg Hunt



Com RH



Com AD


Fam Com




Com RH

9.30am HC





7 April


2.30pm HC

S'mr Ct

- - - - - - - - -

11 Aprl 2nd of


8am HC

11am Fam.





8.00am HC


- 9.30am

United HC





- - 9.30am



18 Aprll


Sunday of


8am HC ME



Service HN




9.30am HC




Com R






11am HC



Eve Prayer




Com R





25 April

4th Sun of


8am HC

11am Fam.








11 am




Prayer &






11am HC


10am Dog





Page 27: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 28: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil
Page 29: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

The Hatchet Inn

Lower Chute

A warm welcome awaits locals & visitors alike

Tuesday Evenings – Quiz Night

Thursday Evenings – Curry Night

Home cooked food served in the restaurant or bar with a changing menu of special dishes

Modern rooms with en-suite facilities in a quiet annex away from the bar & restaurant for your family or


Telephone 01264 730229 or by fax: 730212

E-Mail - enquiries - [email protected]

Page 30: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil

Pilates classes

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. One to one sessions and 6 week courses for beginners to

advanced level. Experienced Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute

Qualified Instructor. Experienced chartered physiotherapist. Pilates suits all ages and fitness levels and is an essential part of a balanced fitness program. Modified Pilates is particularly beneficial for those with back pain, poor postures, neurological conditions, sports injuries, arthritis, before and after pregnancy and stress related illness.

For more details please

call Sindy Wall on

01264 730303


‘In town, out of town!’

A secluded, peaceful environment

Close to Andover town centre, free parking

St. Tropez tanning Reflexology

Hot Rock massage Reiki healing

Facials Indian Head massage

Waxing, pedicures, eye treatments

Special monthly offers

For an appointment or general discussion about treatments please contact

Corry on 01264 350227 or 07881 585129

[email protected]

Page 31: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil



CALL KEVIN ON 01264 359171 OR MOBILE 07885 516997


Locks Drove Farm

Hampshire Free Range Chicken


Reared locally using traditional breeds and traditional methods.

Free ranging birds grown slowly for a dense, intense flavour.

Small flock numbers ensure high welfare standards.

Bird sizes available from 1.5kg – 3kg for the larger family

Chicken available from local butchers at Enham, Stockbridge, Andover and

Newbury or alternatively delivered to your door.

Call Jamie anytime on 07977 077875 or use

Page 32: SAVERNAKE TEAM MINISTRY · Office A9, Royal British Legion Enterprise Units, Ordnance Road, Tidworth, Wilts., SP9 . ... Sunday Club will resume on 2nd May. The Chestnut Tree ... Averil