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  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


    Dec-Jan 2009-2010

    To empower a generation to win a generation, that is Planetshakers mandate.

    On a quest to see everyone on the planet living in the reedom that only Jesus Christ

    can bring, the Planetshakers under the leadership o Russell & Sam Evans, is devoted to

    seeing Gods presence revolutionise this generation.

    Their just released CD Deeper is the brand new praise and worship album rom Planetshakers,

    recorded live over three services at Planetshakers City Church. In typical Planetshakers ashion

    this album captures the heart o passionate worship. As you listen, youll be encouraged to stir

    up a hunger within you and go deeper in your relationship with God.

    Songwriters on this album rom the Planetshakers Team include

    Henry Seeley, Sam Evans, Joth Hunt, Mike Pilmer and Andy Harrison.Back in 2008, Becca Music Inc. invited, produced and coordinated

    the bands 2-day mall tour in Manila at the SM Mega Mall and SM

    North Edsa. Planetshakers will be coming to Manila once again to

    have a ull-on concert with the goal to worship with Filipinos and

    help us grow Deeper with our intimacy with Jesus Christ. Watch out

    or more details at

    Committed to the scripture Hebrews 13:15, Through Jesus, thereore, let us continually oerto God a sacrifce o praise - the ruit o lips that coness his name. And do not orget to do good

    and to share with others, or with such sacrifces God is pleased. The Parachute Band is made

    o ve young men on a mission to bring relevant, resh and real worship to their generation.

    Their music has many components, the most visible being Parachute Band and Parachute Music

    Festival - a our-day annual event in New Zealand. Keeping the same heart and mission, the band

    is touring the world with passionate and energetic worship.

    Parachute Band has released two albums Roadmaps And Revelations and Technicolor.

    They came to Manila back in Nov. 2008 and held a concert at the Convenarium Crossroad77 in

    Quezon City. The band is slated to come back this Dec. 2009 or concerts to be held in Bacolod

    and Manila.

    SideshowWorship never sounded thisgood!

    More than a decade ago,

    a band o brothers was called

    together to worship. With

    their chemistry, passion and

    aith, music became their main

    weapon to battle. This group, consisting o Christian Tan, George

    Padolina, Jojo Revina, Teepee Aguilar, Simon Tan, Jai Gonzalez and

    Jun Uy, has stepped out o their comort zones to tour churches

    nationwide in the hopes o touching hearts and changing lives

    through their music, with God take center stage.

    Layagis an up andcoming usion band,

    unraveling elements

    o jazz, R&B, & soul in

    their perormances.

    Compromised o members

    rom diverse musical

    backgrounds & inuences,

    Layag merges poetic lyrics,

    soulul melodies, and catchy

    rhythms in their songs. This combination is undamental in crating the

    bands unique yet distinctly Filipino sound.

    Watching Layag perorm onstage is like witnessing a sunrise; at rst

    you catch glimpses oa a subtle glow, then as each song is unveiled,

    they slowly build up to cast a majestic radiance. The audience is then

    persuaded to embark with them on journey o sel discovery, hope,

    and new beginnings.

    Michael W. Smithmade his humble beginnings with

    his very rst record in 1983 and it was

    called Michael W. Smith Project. Now,

    ater 18 albums, ten books, countless

    awards, and his own recording label,

    Michael sums up his lie as this, to be

    remembered as a God-earing man

    who loved his wie and kids well.

    For more details visit

    For more details visit

  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


    Igrew up in a very privileged situation. Not due to the act that we were materially

    blessed, but because my parents were rich in lie experiences, having brought

    my brother and I to many dierent places in the world. They were educators

    who worked at dierent universities in the states, and had a great deal o concern

    or people, requently being involved in helping reugees and the third world poor

    in general. Thus, I was molded into putting value in people and education, having

    had excellent educational opportunities mysel as well as opportunities to see my

    parents helping others.

    However, rom my teen years up til I was about 27, my lie revolved around

    basketball and partying. My belie was that i I could be a basketball star and be a

    popular party guy and get the pretty girls, then I would establish mysel as the man

    and attain all that lie had to oer.This liestyle continued through my graduation rom Cornell University as captain

    o the basketball team to the beginning years o my proessional basketball career in

    the Philippines. Then something happened as I let the States that made me begin

    to think that perhaps there was more to lie than I thought. My older brother, Ben,

    who had been my role model thus ar, became a Christian right beore I let or the

    Philippines. It was quite weird or me, because I didnt want to hear anything he was

    saying about Jesus, I just wanted to party with my brother. And though I denied it

    outwardly, inwardly I noticed a radical change in his hear t.

    When I got to the Philippines I decided to get my own Bible and read about Jesus

    on my own. Slowly I learned who He is and how much I need Him. Then, people

    would reach out to me and invite me to church. Eventually, I elt convicted about the

    things I did to hurt mysel and others. In April 2001, I got baptized, acknowledging

    that I could not live my lie on own anymore. I needed Jesus!

    The transormation that has taken place in my hear t and lie has been radical.

    There are so many things that Jesus has done or me, in me, and then through me.

    But the one thing that He has done that many may not be able to see is the peace

    in my heart, knowing that He loves me in spite o my transgressions; that He has aplan or me that is much bigger than me; and that though I still otentimes all I can

    come running back to him, trusting in His grace. To know that I can be open and

    honest with God about my weaknesses, struggles, hopes and dreams, is something

    I never had beore.

    My concept o a distant God and o religion has been shattered. Instead I have

    come to know a Mighty, Sovereign, Powerul, yet incredibly Loving God who desires

    or me to know Him and to be with Him eternally. Bringing my daily struggles and

    troubles into the light o that knowledge has brought me peace and security that I

    now can not imagine living without. And the exciting thing is there is still so much

    or me to learn about God, and I will get to know Him better. My hope or you is that

    in your own unique way you too will be able to experience Gods love and peace.



    Devoted to their church vision to unmistakably

    inuence our world or good and or GOD,

    Citipointe Live travel internationally bringing

    lie changing worship and training to Churches and

    conerences worldwide.

    Last September 11 to 21, Citipointe Live, led Aaron

    Lucas, Becky Lucas and Joel Ramsay, visited the Philippines

    or the rst time and did a 4-city tour in Cebu, Bacolod,

    Dumaguete, and Manila, conducting 2 workshops and 3

    worship concerts.

    The workshops in both Cebu and Manila, entitled

    The Ultimate Worshipper, Elevate Masterclass Series

    Workshop, were instrumental in helping local worship

    leaders, musicians and church technical teams elevate

    their standards in worship, encouraging everyone to give

    God nothing short o excellence in every aspect.

    To say that the concerts in Cebu, Bacolod and

    Dumaguete were amazing would be an understatement.

    In Cebu, we experienced a poweroutage in the middle o the concert,

    but that did not stop the group and the audience rom singing their hearts

    out, worshipping God. Aaron ound a megaphone by the stage and they

    started singing the song You Reign, and just beore they hit the chorus,

    power began to gradually restore, starting with the keyboard, then the

    drums, then the guitars, and as soon as chorus started, stage lights

    came on. It was the best show, ever, and timing could not be more


    The bands visit was one lled with encouragement and

    inspiration to do greater things or the glory o God, drawing

    strength rom Him, and to elevate our standards in every aspect o

    our lives, giving it all to Him, as this is our true orm o worship.

    Ater 33 years, things are nally starting to make sense to me. Things happenedand lessons were learned. Ater all these years, a revelation comes that it is onlyin Christ that I nd who I am and who I must live or. It is all about Him and not

    about any o us.

    We are here to be the light, bringing out Gods colors in the world. God is not a secretto be kept hidden under a bucket. So we are going public with this as public as a cityon a hill. He puts each o His children on a light stand, or everyone to see His glory. SoSHINE! Keep open house; be generous with your lives! Open yourselves up to othersthat they would open themselves up to God. (Matthew 5:14-16)

    My counsel or you is simple and straightorward: Go with what youve been given.You have received Christ Jesus the Master. Now live or Him alone. Youre deeply rootedin Him. Youre well constructed in His Word. You know your way around the aith. Nowdo what youve been taught. Schools out! Start living the lie Christ has called you to,and let your living spill over into thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-7)

    This is a shout out to all musicians who uphold Jesus in their lives. You may send your

    demo cds and band prole to [email protected] or at the Becca Music Inc. ofce.

    Happy reading SAVED! (Acts 4:12)

    All or His ame and glory!

    Stan [email protected]

    And how can we be sure that we belong to him? By obeying his

    commandments, if someone says I belong to God but doesnt obeyGods commandments, that person is a liar and does not live in the

    truth. But those who obey Gods word really do love him. That is the way

    to know whether or not we live in him. Those who say they live in Godshould live their lives as Christ did. (1 John 2:3-6)

    God has standards:

    , a singer-songwriter, He writes music

    to make Jesus known.Inuenced by his ather Rolly Cayabyab an evangelistand by Christian artists Keith Green and Steven CurtisChapman, he started writing songs in the 90s and ormeda band with his brothers called Slingshots because likeDavid, they would hit giants with their songs.Now he is continuing the ministry and came up with songslike Hellsong and was nominated or best religious/bestinspirational song in the 2008 Awit Awards.His recent album Second-String is now available underHouse o Praise.

    Ogie Cayabyab

  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


    Spiritual MakeoNo.You cant. But you have to.You have to be perect inorder to see God. You haveto ollow each command to the dot. Its all or

    nothing. In Hosea 11:9, we see that sin merits

    the erce anger o God. But on the ipside,we also see a God so loving that he would

    turn aside the punishment that sin deserves.

    I will not carry out my erce anger, nor will

    I turn and devastate Ephraim. For I am God,

    and not manthe Holy One among you. I will

    not come in wrath. Thats what makes Him

    God. He is both loving and just. And this is

    personied in Christ Jesus. We all deserve to

    die because o our sins, but Jesus took our sins

    upon Himsel and accepted Gods wrath so

    that we might live or His glory.

    Romans 3: 20 says: Thereore no one

    will be declared righteous in his sight byobserving the law; rather, through the law we

    become conscious o sin. Thats one o the

    purposes o the ten commandments: to make

    known to us that we can never ever measure

    up. But i we put on Jesus righteousness

    upon ourselves, we can be condent to stand

    beore God.

    Good morning. I am Grace Tuason, a member o

    Greenhills Christian Fellowship since March 2005.It has been 11 months since my surgery on the

    brain stem it is the lower extension o the brain which

    connects to the spinal cord.

    It was a miracle or me to have survived a very delicate

    surgery and come out whole, standing here beore you to

    declare what the Lord has done.

    First o all, I praise God or giving me physical

    maniestations which led to the discovery o the tumor. At

    that time, I had daily headaches and blurring o vision which

    at rst was attributed to astigmatism. But, new eyeglasses

    did not correct my condition.

    One aternoon, while driving, I saw all vehicles seemingly

    going into dierent directions, and all images were

    overlapping. I had double vision.

    My neurologist had me conned immediately, and an

    MRI revealed a deep-seated tumor lodged in my brain stem.

    My initial reaction was disbelie. And then anxiety creptin. The anxiety, however, lasted only or a while. I chose

    then to immediately rest in the assurance that the Lord will

    not allow anything to happen to me, His child, without a

    purpose. (Romans 8:28)

    A neurosurgeon had to be consulted immediately as

    the doctors eared that my tumor could burst and lead to a

    lietime coma, or worse, death.

    As we prayed or wisdom, the Lord led us to two o the

    best neurosurgeons in the country.

    When the neurosurgeon visited me, one cannot miss the

    look o concern on his ace. He told me that his last recourse

    was surgery as my case was complicated. Ater two days, a

    cerebral angiogram was perormed to rule out aneurism.

    Praise God it was not aneurism. The result, however,

    was just as rightening. It was cavernous malormation, or

    cavernoma or short a group o abnormal blood vessels

    which, as it bled and grew, maniested numbness, pain orweakness on the let side o my body.

    An immediate surgery was necessary. I was advised that

    the risks o surgery were death, massive bleeding, comatose

    and paralysis.

    The two neurosurgeons could only assure me that they

    will do their best, and asked me to continue to pray. My case

    was critical.

    From the rst day o connement, I elt this peace that I

    ound awesome.

    I had so much peace in my heart knowing that God was in

    control. I was in the hands o the One who giveth and taketh

    away lie. All ear was gone.

    God comorted me through my Growth Group and many

    rom the church who constantly prayed or me. Pastors rom

    Greenhills Christian Fellowship visited and prayed or me.

    Many Christians rom all over the world prayed or me.

    As we waited or the Lords conrmation on other doctors

    to consult and the surgery schedule, God continued to assure

    me that He will deliver me rom that trial and will preserve

    my lie, through many verses in the book o Psalm. By aith,

    I claimed those verses. I knew without any doubt that the

    Lord would never leave me nor orsake me as HE promised

    in Hebrews 13:5.I did not realize until later that most o my amily and

    riends, both here and abroad, including the whole sta o

    nurses in the neurological science oor, were not optimistic

    that I was going to pull through and i ever I survived

    surgery, I was going to be comatose or paralyzed.

    My mother-in-law, who is a doctor, even asked everyone

    in the amily to visit me in the hospital everyday as she eared

    that they may lose me.

    The Lord gave me the privilege to minister to those who

    visited and called me beore surgery. I shared with them why

    I was condent that God would see me through.

    I shared with them the verses that ministered to me in

    Psalm 41 and 117 which I claimed by aithwhich say The

    Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him rom

    his bed o illness and I will not die but live and will declare

    what the Lord has done.

    I now stand beore you completely well and declaring toyou Gods healing power, goodness, aithulness and mercy.

    Just a month ago, a ollow-up MRI showed that the part

    o the tumor (which the surgeons conservatively chose not

    to remove during surgery, or I would have died or been

    comatose i they tried to), has been washed away by my

    normal blood ow.

    The MRI was clear o any tumor.

    God is truly awesome!

    What did God reveal to me and teach me through this

    medical crisis?

    God revealed Himsel to me once more as my Healer

    and My Provider. He completely healed me and provided

    the nances to cover my hospitalization expense and my

    medical needs thereater.

    The Lord showed me that HE is truly the GOD o the

    impossible. The doctors conrmed that my case was one o

    the most difcult, i not the most difcult, surgery that theyhave so ar perormed on the brain stem.

    Jesus taught me how to be still and know that HE is

    God. He taught me the meaning o waiting upon the Lord.

    Throughout my recovery and even up to this time, God

    continues to show me what total trust, complete surrender,

    and patience mean.

    My conviction that nothing, and I mean nothing, in this

    world is more important than ones relationship with God

    and with one another, was once again reinorced.

    We can die anytimeoften unexpectedly. The question

    is, are we ready? Do we know where we are going? Are we

    assured of eternal life? Are our relationships with our loved

    ones right?

    For those who still have to experience a personal

    relationship with Jesus who still have not surrendered their

    lives to Christ I pray that they wil l not wait for a near-death

    experience like what I had before they make the decision to

    ask Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior, and be assured

    of eternal life.

    It just might be too late.

    Can you do allothese?

    Spiritual Makeover

    Formed in late 2004 and having gone through severallineup changes in the past ve years, Salamin hasnally arrived at what seems to be its strongest and

    tightest roster yet. Fronted by the enigmatic vocalist,

    Paolo Valenciano and with the guitar virtuoso, Sho

    Hikino; along with Rock Awards nominated bassist, Miks

    Bersales and skinsman Eo Marcos this incarnation o

    the band has created music that stands out among

    its contemporaries o rock musicians and even more

    is the act that theirs is a message that is truly theirs,and theirs alone. Christian in virtue and upbringing,

    these boys are not araid to carry their hearts on their

    sleeves as they thump their way through the stages

    proclaiming loud and proud the story that they wish to

    tell. Aggressive, In-your-ace and downright metal, this

    is Salamins way o getting the word out.

    Watch out or Salamins new release set or 2010.


    For more details visit

  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


  • 7/31/2019 Saved Newsmag1


    His eyes just melt me on the spot! Plus he gave me

    chocolates or my birthday. Isnt he so thoughtul and

    sweet? She thought.

    Well, shes pretty and so excited with the git. Kind and sweet

    girl. I think I like her. He thought.

    I eel something special or him; he probably eels the same

    or me. It must be us. It must be really us. She concluded.MU a.k.a. Mutual Understanding. Same eelings or each

    other. Feelings keep rushing and its so good that you wish it

    wont stop. Well, you wish.

    MU is everywhere and you just cant get enough o it. Its

    pretty viral. Symptoms are dreamy-eyed young people oating

    in the air thinking MU must be love. Well, MU is not love. The act

    that mutual has mute or its root word proves that it isnt love.

    Love is expressed in balance through words and actions. Love is

    not mute.

    When you are in a mutual understanding, you dont usually

    utter words to conrm what you understand. You just assume

    that what you think is what the other person thinks. Surprise,

    surprise, we are not mind readers! Just because you think it is,

    doesnt mean it really is! And thats dangerous.

    Imagine youre driving a car and your ka-MU is your

    passenger. There is MU so you assume your passenger wants to

    go where you want to go. You start driving to Baguio. But your

    passenger is thinking otherwise. He/she want to go to Tagaytay.

    You both assumed you agree where youre going so there is no

    need or words to conrm the understanding. He thought, she

    thought. All in your thoughts and in the end you quarrel because

    you nd out you were not thinking the same things. Where did

    all the eelings go?

    See here, MU is dangerous because there is no certainty, no

    direction, and above all no smooth communication ow. It is

    selsh and cares not or the welare o the other. You think that

    they would think like you do; eel the way you eel.

    In the little thought exchange above, girl and boy assumes

    in their thoughts that they like each other. Their thoughts are

    justied by the acts o kindness and sweetness to each other. But

    do kindness, sweetness and thoughtulness equate love? Could

    a rush o tingly eelings in your heart mean love? Just because

    something eels so right, could it really mean love? I all youranswers are yes, please reconsider because youre headed the

    wrong and very dangerous highway.

    Love is not just the good eelings. Love requires commitment.

    It speaks, it acts and it conrms.

    Have you ever allen in love? Was it really love or was it just a

    trip to the dangerous highway o MU? Share us your story. Wed

    love to hear rom you. Email us at [email protected]

    Editor-in-Chie: Stanley L. Kuy

    Art and Graphics Team: Joseph W. Davis

    Gel G. Nicolas

    Associate Editor: Anne Marie R. Ilagan

    Deputy Managing Editor: Maan Cayabyab

    News and Website: Natalie T. Santos

    President: Rebecca Ann K. Sy

    Administrative Director: Jennifer Anna S. Kuy

    Account Manager: Tetchie U. Pramono

    Distribution Group Head: Kathrina D. DonaEDITORIA


    Vol. 1 Issue 1 2009ACTS 4:12

    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other nameunder heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

    Across1 Puries (7)5 Tainted (7)9 Forbidden objects

    o worship (5)10 Abundant (9)11 Wie o David (9)12 Lit up (5)13 Grapple (7)15 Lack o rain (7)17 Senanacheribs realm (7)19 Domain (7)21 Biblical clothing (5)

    23 Supplant (9)25 Announced (9)26 Tamars brother (5)27 Person seeking redress

    or wrong (7)28 Decorates (7)

    Down1 Colourul arc seen ater

    the ood (7)2 Forehead ornaments (9)3 Bird homes (5)4 Greatest in status (7)5 Servant (7)6 Time o day (9)7 Ruths mother in law (5)8 Lineage (7)14 Separating wheat rom

    cha (9)16 Legions people (9)17 King who was almost

    persuaded to be a

    christian (7)18 One more (7)19 Pummelled bread (7)20 Grass clippings (7)22 Holy book (5)24 Barter (5)


    Basketball involves a lot o starting and stopping. While not renowned as an

    aerobic sport, it is still a great workout that can help you:

    Burn calories (an hour o basketball can burn 630750 calories).

    Build endurance.

    Improve coordination.

    Develop concentration and sel-discipline.

    Build up muscle.

    Basketball teaches you about being a good team player and can be a

    great social sport.

    Adults should check with their doctor beore taking up basketball.

    Basketball puts a lot o stress on the body and injuries can happen so

    warming up, stretching your muscles and joints, and cooling down is


    Make sure you have plenty o uids on hand.


    Better Health Channel




    For comments and article suggestions please emai l at [email protected]

    By Christin Alvarez


    BACOLOD:18th St. Palapala - Nonoy Lopez | Cafe Uma, Trattoria Uma - Juan Miguel Gaston | San

    Juanokan - Cecil Alova | M.A. Wheels - Mike Arimas | Sugarland Hotel | Bongbongs Pasalubong| House of Praise Bacolod - Jackie Naranja MOR - Ms. Leilani Alba | DYVS - Ralph Belzunce |VCF Bacolod - Ptr. Ryan Gider | Butch Causing | Rina Alisan BPPF Pastors | Ptr. Dave King |Ptr. Cynthia Causing | ABS-CBN Bacolod | DYVS-Far East Broadcasting Corp. | MOR 101.9 |Killer Bee Bacolod

    MANILA:Legend Villas | 91.5 Energy FM | The Edge Radio Manila | NU 107 | Against The Flow | 105.1Crossover | Jam 88.3 | Lifted | DZAS | Sowers of the Word James Tioco | PRETTY LOOKS -Mr. & Mrs. Roe dela Fuente | F & B Research - Joselito Bacar | McDonalds Philippines - GeorgeT. Yang

    DAVAO:Microtel Inns & Suites | Kangaroo Coffee Company | GH Ofce Depot | Chippens | ModernTeknika | Ansaldo Car Rentals | Better Components | House of Praise | OMF Literature PhilippineChristian Book Store | Mindanao Christian Book Store | My Hotel Davao | Spirale Ristorante| Tadakuma | Cafe Firenzo | Victory Christian Fellowship Davao - Ptr. Alvin Supan | VictoryChristian Fellowship Davao - Ptr. Tyrone Lacerna | Lord of the Harvest Christian Community -Pastor Noel Alkuino | Jesus Is Lord - Ptr. Dennis Castillanes | Campus Crusade for Christ - GlenVelasco | Microtel - Rene Rocky Jorolan | GH Ofce Depot - Ken Go | GH Ofce Depot - PaulGo | Kangaroo Coffee Company - Mark Seng | Lu Chin Bon | OMF - Aileen Ocariza PCBS - AllenLeopoldo | MCBS - Vicky Ong | Edge Radio Davao | 88.3 Energy FM | ABS-CBN

    Printed by VELPRINT

    In several places Paul and Peter write about spiritual gits and give examples.Heres an alphabetical list that combines all the gits specically tagged in the Greek text as charismata(literally, grace-gits) rom God.Is this list exhaustive? Not necessarily, say many Bible scholars. But even so, it orms abountiul registry on its own.

    Spiritual Gift reference (s)Discerment of good spirits from bad 1 Corinthians 12:10

    Encouraging Romans 12:8

    Giving Money Romans 12:8

    Interpreting unknown languages 1 Corinthians 12:10

    Kindness Romans 12:8

    Power to heal the sick 1 Corinthians 12:9

    Power to perform miracles 1 Corinthians 12:10

    Prophecy Romans 12:6 ; Corinthians 12:10;Peter 4:10

    Salvation; eternal Life Romans 5:15-16 ; 6:23

    Serving Romans 12:7 ; Pater 4:10

    Speaking in unknown languages 1 Corinthians 12:10

    Special faith 1 Corinthians 12:9

    Special Knowledge 1 Corinthians 12:8

    Teaching Romans 12:7

    Wise Advice 1 Corinthians 12:8