save your eyes in eighty days qf may ¡ j» arcade theater ... · save your eyes investing in...

/ SAVE YOUR EYES INVESTING IN COMFORT k Moody t Tone L tn ttt art but 11 TI1K most ulivlNrtory glasses you can buy I’oiios mid Kryptoks will give you more com tort in proportion to thmr cost than anything « Is«' you can buy. In addition to tin* thorough diagnosis of your eyes, the grinding and fitting of lenses in our own factory assures you of a pair of glasses that must be satisfactory in every respect or your money will be refunded. SHERMAN W. cTWOODY Broken Lensas EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Factory ou Quickly Replaced AND OPTICIAN I’rwuis** 881 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Telephone 362 « » PECULAR SOURCES IN EIGHTY DAYS Qf may ¡ j» The Joker dub uu-t MouJav <veiling mtk Mis. Clara Burkholder. the eve mug hub Mpeut playing list- hundred. No refreshment* were served and the club voted to cooperate with the local committee of the food administration. Mr*. Will Hall was a guest of Ihc club. . » The seventh and eighth grades of the public school* hdd a party m the as M'lnbly room of the old school building Friday evening. Games were played and apple* were served. Ilns was the lirst of svveral parties which these grade* plan to hold. P T T The Constellation dub met at Masouic hall last Thursday with Mia. J<e 1’orter aud Mr*. Harry Wynne as hostesses. Ilooverizcd refreshments were served and it Wa* voted to do away with te freshment* entirely during the war. <S The freshman elass party was held in Mouse hall Friday evening, '¡nun ■ auu dancing were indulged in. A few it-v't •d guest* were present. 4T Mrs. CJ. B. I’iteher entertained & few friends Tuesday afteruoou m honor of her guest, Mi«* Allie Worrell, ¿if Al bany. The Social Twelve club meets this afternoon with Mrs. George M. Hall. The Emauon club meet* this after noun with Mrs. Van Allison. backing them at home. Wouldn't our lioys who have cheered so lustily for the Honor Guard and its splendid spirit have a mighty poor opinion of the pa triotiMii ot the Oregon girls if on their leturii from service they should ask. What happened to the Honor G u a r d f '' aad some girls would anawei * * Oh, w* got tiled and dropped it.'’ Our organization was started to ere j ate a spirit of patriotism and duty in , the girls ol America. Girls, we have i mill' out strong in expressing our pa i triotism but when it comes to duty we ii-t don 't know what that menu*, that 'a all. Many of us have forgotten that it IS our duty to live up to the pledge we signed to obey the rules and regula tions of the Guard, to hold the name of the Honor Guard high above reproach and that it is our duty to serve our co ntry in any way can, howevei small and menial the service may be Extract from Icttei ot Miss Lucih* lUiiiforth. state organizer. V Mi'> May and Mina Klurt*nc«? Hickey, with the aaaiatance ot’ Paul Hnllatinv, l\an Saum mid several other nehuoi boy»*, harvest««! the Honor Guard bean i rop planted on the Xichol* lot. Tin beans and others grown on the Newcomb place arc yet to be shelled. Volunteers accepted. Come on; girl* and boy.Q, and help *4 do your bit." * * * The Gills' National Honor Guard will publish a magazine shortly. Au associ ate editor will be appointed to represent personally request HONOR GUARD NOTES A* members of the Girls' National Honor Guard we are today standing at the crucial point of our existence. .lust what the Honor Guard may become de pends upon our efforts this winter. We have all read of the heroism and splen did deed* of the women of the Civil war and of Revolutionary times and have wished that we too might have •omi' part in our country's history. Girls, our time is here. In England, France snd other countries of Europe it ha* b0*111 proved that their armies could not have taken the stands they have had it not been for the girls and women our Guard. She will various girls to contribute social notes, -tories. joke.-, poems, etc. All members who have pai l tiu-ir quarterly dues arc entitled to a three mouths subscription ! to th.- magazine free of charge. * * * A meeting of the Guard will be held at 7bio tomorrow evening at the high school auditorium to discuss various matters relating to the Guard. All member* are urgently requested to Ht tend. * • * The Honor Guard girls have occasion to feel proud of thetr assistance in the bucket brigade which saved the lumber in the disastrous fire which recently de stroyed the J. H. Chambers mill. « • • Military drill has been suspended un til the girls feel sufficiently enthusias tic to attend. Mr. Woodruff has ob tained the new I’lattsburg manual of arms and is fully prepared to do His part. One of thè must novcl und elemi pie turca to corno ti» iVltag* Greve is ' Vicini.1 th* World ia Eigkty Day*, lo b* seroeut'd at lite Arcade i t w i n on \\ aduesday, Novembcr II. Thi» production ir. adupte.l troni thf fammi* hook by Jnle* Verno aud a «elio» ot sceu«* are ahovvu in thè citiea vis ited in miiking thè trip. The story vvhich lii.s boni exeeptioiially woll read. teli» ot a tale of l'Uileu* Fogg. «ho is loft heir to s fortune witli tbu enudi tlon* tlist he make a trip armimi thè world iu cigliti day* aud come back vvitk a bride. At il» til»e of atarting he is suapected of a crune nini a vvtxnun detectiv« is UHstgiied to trini hiiu. Just ìiuagiuo lliiis situati.>u aad you bava thè basi» tur u dcligUtful chuse Adv future after adveiituro confi.mi*.I l tieni sud all tliis i* pictured with ubsolute regur.l to thè dotali of thè hook. A u ni di numi ic emliug i> place.l before thè audience iu whieh thè anger, fortuna ami bride uro won at thè laat minute. Klauiath Full», Od. 20. The largo un dionee at thè opera house lust night was veri «veli plcMcd with the feature pho topluy ** Armimi the World iu Kighty Day»,“ by Jules Verno. l'Ius production is very interesting, as it keepa the spor tutors in *uspeusc, guessing how the »tory is gmug to end. Mentimi should he uinde in respeet to the photography. whieh is exreptionnlly good, ami was gioatlv appreemted by those preseli! tasi eveaing. OF PLACES ROW RIVER HOME OF SCRAP PKRS; WOMAN S FANCY NAMES SILK CREEK RED CROSS NOTES The Masonic lodge has donated the use of their banquet room for the class in surgical dressings ami bandages Mrs. R. H. Trask, who will have charge of this class, called a meeting which was beivi at the high school Monday after mum, a large number eulistiug for the work. The first meeting for vvmk will lie held at libiti Thursday afternoon, November 15. * The Mount View He.i Cross auxiliary met Thnrsduy with Mrs. F. J. Ilelliwell and the time was spent in doing sew mg for the Red Cross. Refreshments were served, but in accordance with the campaign to eliminate all unnecessary use of food, no lunch Will be served at future meetings. Mrs. Clara Burklndd er. Mis. J. N Silaby ami Mrs. G ('. Dye were out from the Grove to assist the members in starting the sewing. Those present licsivlcs those from Cottage Giove were Mrs John lahmuel, Mrs. B G. Crow, Miss Mae Haiiiunt, Mrs, Hop per Mrs. Georg»- I.ayng. Mrs. Waldo Miller, Mrs. Art Demurest, Mrs. C. W. Sears, Mrs. I. J. Beidler, Mr*. James Miles and Mrs. ('has. Hales. All the meetings will be held hereafter at the Ironie of Mrs. F. J. Ilelliwell. The n.-xl inerting will be on Wedncsdli v, Nnvcm ber 14. Room 7 at the high school will available Wednesday forenoons and leriioou*. The Friday afternoon da- will meet their as usual. be af Membership t lines. fees are ncreptable at all A fl 01)1 -ontribution of a member this .F1 ..To was week. r.-.-oi vi*d A live community wan*« a live new*- paper. There ran be no live newspaper without the support of those who wish such a newspaper. Ar* you doing your bitt ••• For baby's bath I'r- .rf-ts him from chill — keepshimeomfy. In stant heat. Easily car ried. F uel consumed on ly when heat is needed — no wane. N o smoke or odor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALlPofttttA) Mrs. I’rotzmun has organized a class which meets at her home Saturday af terminus. Thirteen were present last Saturday, at which time II tray cloths and *i bed so.-k» were made. Work has I.».-* planned for next Saturday. * * * Mr». ft. S. Trank \\«*nt to Ktig«*nc Tu«»*<lay to complete k«*r preparation» l'or taking «‘barge of the eia.«« in »urgi «ul (IreHhiogs and bandag**.«. From th«*r«* »he will go to Fort land to euli.«t an a Ked Fro«« nur»«? for home work, when •be will be ready to take « barge <*f th«* «la«». Tk# Oieg««maa and tU» ('«h \»II i « lit /-•ft# Tim«»* hivtf Itwea having «(Ulti* a diSi UBMou coiirci Ning tin* p«*«‘ u li u r t t y uud «Uri\ Ht i «» ii of tba mime« of’ |da*ea. «««omit hi mb nu«t atrcaiUH of Oiegua. Pba Cottage (Hove «ouiltiv prt»b»ldy ha« h« luuiiv |»«*«u!iar nani«« na any pince on i tie «' and there ih nutbeiiti« mforiitatiom :«e to tb« deiixutiuu of all ot them. Steamboat « ‘reck, for « ‘\uinpl«, «io«n not g«*t it« name in the inanimi on«* won!«! e\po«t. T h e r e n**v«*r tin* l»«»eii u atiuiiwboat anywhere n«»ai thia littl«* mountain ntreani. In tin* early «lay« g«»l«l mum diMcoYered uhmg thin «*r«*«k aud tbei«A was a Htampwde to «take out « ‘Imiti*. While go|«| ba« been mint*«! there « ‘ \«*r »in«*«*, t h e e u i l v pro«peet«»i h w«» i «> dinappotiit«‘d. The coti »try did n«*t ««tine up to tin* u«ÌYnnet» untie«'* and in mining puilnuce that «nlled being ! ' ' ?*t earn boat ed. ’ ’ The ereek I iiah i*v«*r «ilice b«*«*n «ailed Stenmboat. How river, prottotinee«! with ali«»rt ‘ «», iiai originally «-ulte«! the eu»»t fork *»f th** Foant t»»rk. I'ww neighbor« ivlio liveil al«*ng it« bank wet«* con11nutillv • |Uar 1eling ami gradually the name wa« • hanged to How ri ver. ll«>rH(* lietiveti iieek wa« 1111 inml in 1he early 5 U A t the hi*ud «>f the creek, which ih 111 tin* liitbeiuiu diatrnt, w»a u «iinkcii prairie where grin«« grew •H«*v«*ial f«*et high 111 th«* .«innmer time, iln'i«' wa« I»« 11 om* way in uml out of ibi» vallev and u pole |de»ed acro«« thi« trail are 11rely penned in «tock put there I ! !«1 gru/.e. The early pioneer» «nlb'd thi« I Hiiiiken prairie a hor«e henven and that name wa« gradually adopted for th«* • ■reek lh «f has ita aouree then*. Silk creek wan originally Ha/«'lt«»n | cieek, but many year» ago the wife ot 1 farmer living there I»*« tunc dinaati« lied with h«*r lot and want««l better I elodie» «(» *d»«‘ brought a «*ow t*» town ! ; and traded it for a «ilk «ire«». Sin«*«4 then I . the name Silk <*r«*ek bua «tu«k Frank Bra.«« creek wai named after I a pro«pe( tor of the early day«. While 1he and l>r. Ogle»by, »till a re«i«b‘iit **t tki« city, were trailing it into the Ho lu'Uiia district looking for the «our«c of g«dd flak«*» which they had found hi th«* larger «treni» below, Mr. Bra«« f«ll into the creek and hi« companion there upon named the creek after Mr. lira».«. I'he right fork of flu* ri\«*r they natned Oglenby creek, but fina ha» «ilice been changed to Sharp'.« creek, being nuined after old Bohemia Sharp, early proii pec tor and r«*»d builder, now aw inmate of tin* county farm. Lynx Hollow, now one of th«* fluent farming aectioiifi of thm vicinity, wa« named in thi» manner: One night, utter (lark, one of the early »«*ttler« wa« fui lowed by n neighbor'» «log. lie thought tiia blight eye» »bowing in the dark were tho*«* «• f » lynx and that name wnn gradually '«'Idled upon th# community Adam« mountain w-« naimwi after O. I*. Adam», an «*nrly proNpector wh«» «lied a few year» ago. June mountain wa« thim named beenu»«* the »now remain« on it until that month of the year, rio (ionio mountain wna named bv un Arcade Theater _ N ov. 14 1 . ONI«; NIGHT ONLY Wednesday— SPECIAL ATTRACTION Around the World in Eighty Days BY JULES VERNE Also Author of "Twenty Tliausiuul I.ra^umi Undur the Sen TURILLINO ------------ INTERESTING ---------- — F.XOITINO THE CAMEL RACE THE HAREM THE CHINESE OPIUM DEN—THE JAPANESE CABARET Brin* the Children— Will Pietist* Both the Old and the Young Come Early and Avoid the Rush AIM I.TS 1J5C CIIII.DKKX JOC ALSO AN UPROARINQ COMEDY EIGHT REELS EIGHT REELS EIGHT REELS i! ) LRONARD MOROAN TELLS OF HIS LIFE IN THE NAVY I.eonnri I Morgall, who 1« with a I’liited Mtat«*« bat t lealnp, hit» writteu I 11« niotlii'i mid ridativi*» her«* of «om«* «•! Ina experi«*nee« Hi« «hip convoyé«! ie\ ernl troop trnn«p(»rt« und «II g«*t (might in one of the worat «tonn» the «hip« had ever been in All «-»me throagb Uiidiimage«i On«* «¡ulor w«» wnabod overbonid but wua r«*«« ticil by a not he 1 . who went ov er litter him with a life preaerver. The trip win» 1111 «‘xeitmg • » 11 «*, two aub*. being »ighted 111 th«* itili /one Kv ideiti ly the niiI i» did not «ate to laonki'V with the hcrfsilv ••nvove*l traimport», which opened fire upon tke uiider««'a boat» Leonard a«id he gieutlv enjoye«| th«* letter« fiotn kiotu«4 and «• • • p ie« n| The S« mtinel. Those w ko udaertiaa in The Sentinel deaervn your bu«inc«» be«*au«e tli«*v lall voii that they want it. und nam«« priera that ahoiild gat it. * 9S COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS AMONG THE CHURCHES ? PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR SALE BY KNOWLES & GRABERj) SWENGEL HARDWARE CO. WYNNE & KIME Presbyterian Church— I). A. MncLeed, paetor; phone 1J7R Biblo school al JO a. 111 . Mornini' worship at I I j ovening worship at 7:50; bible atmiy U i-<lnfa«iHy *-v anings at 7:30. Morning »ubjwt, “ David’s Appeal for the Young Man.” a Methodist Church— Rav. Joe. Knotts, pastor. Hominy school at 10 a. in. Reg ulsr preaching services at II a. m. ami 7:30. Mpworth league st 7 p. rn. Mid week prayer meeting Thursday evening nt 7:30.' Morning sermon, “ The Abiding Pres enec of Christ.” In the evening there will lie a union service in the interest of the Army Y. M. C. A. George Thompson, accused of n stat utory crime, was found guilty by a jury in cireuit court yesterday after having been out two hours. The jury retired at 11:30 a. rn. and returned its verdict at 1:30 p. rn. Strike DoertD’t Touch Cottage Grove Cottage Grove was not affected by the strike of telephone operators ripon the system of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company. All the girls here remained on the job and there wns no interruption of sorviee. ( Irish pioneer of lM.r>4 who Imd fought ill the Mexican war and he gave it that name because it so greatly resembled (Y n o Gordo mountain in Mexico. Ilu also named the valley above Cerio Gor do calling it Buena Vista becmise it so greatly resembled the valley by thut name in Mexieo. Prayther creek was nsined after in early settler who hud his home there. I.ayng creek was named after George I.ayng, still living, and jhus the history of the naming of Cottage Grove places snd mountains and streams might be carried oir indefinitely. Perhaps the most rnvishingly classical name the Cottage Grove country has is Rujada, the lumber enmp nt III* end of the t». p, ti E. railway. This is a word taken from a telegraph code rm-s* ing a considerable body of standing firs ber which is available. The name of Cottage Grove itself has quite n history. In the early days there was no postoffiee in this part of the county. Finally one was established at n point east of what ia now Creawell. Postmaster Pierce had his home hi a cottage in a beautiful oak grove, and named the |sistoffice Cottage Grove. Later a man named Hamilton got the postmasterahip and moved the postof fice to a place near wliat is now Hag maw. Later a mini named Martin, fnth er of N. H. Martin, now n resident of Portland, was made postmaster and he moved th« post of fice to Hlnbtowa, now u part of Cottage Grove, the pc-ripHtetic postoffice retaining its old num«. The Sentinel ¡s indebted to l)r. W. W. Ogb-sbv for much of tin- information in this ttarv. Ortober 5 The «mini-li nict in n-gti lar si-ksinn witli all m.-itit »«-■w presi-ut The roti was cnlb-d and minute» usai and upprov cd. Ilo- icpoit» ol ih-- iniirshnl, tranaun-r and recorder «vere r«*nd and placed on file. The recorder was instructed to file a petition with thè pubtic servici- codi ! inissimi relensing tiie city troni plucing olialo i- waining sign» at railwav eros» ! The proposition of J. II. Chambers and thè Cottage Grove Maaufacturing -otnpaay to build u ho»e house fur cast j side fire truck wa» remi and referred to water cominittee. A resolution ntithori/ing thè furaish ing of thè overflow water to the Itrow n 1.ilinI>•* r rompati! was read and aft*i |considerali!» diseussion upon the part of the couni'il and riti/rns preseut, the following mot ion was adopted: “ Movi-d that it is the scuse of this coiiticil that thè Brovvn l.umber company b* given thè use of the overflow water l'or * peiiod of 15 vanrs on thè sani* conili finn» thev bave htol it i* thè pnst sud city will enter iato u biuding with said company lo that cf that the coiitriict feet.” On mtition a drawn in favor 1 1 ■1 .is iti«- citv '* portimi of thè expi-as« ol it-hiiilding Ilo- C iiiiiu fonibriilgi*. On inolimi the water coman»«imi*r nasordered to cotini-ct up thè wslei for Joe Porter. <In molimi the eitv iiiui«hal ani in structed to bi -i -iuc Ininber for thè rapair of del ri live sole w BIh a w Ilei a thè ow «*rs liiive fuiled to iiiuke thè nercaatuv re funi» when ordereil lo ilo »o, thè i-oat lo be u bea ngnlliat I he property. Ibi aiotion thè recorder wu* iaafrurteil to liii\ .• thè ooliti iipproa. h to ihe SiIk creek bridgi- mi Paciflr Ingliwitv re piured. \ i olino nini ut ma ws* read ftoai the atlorncv gi-ueial givmg hi» optatoli timi t h è e 11 v i nubi net hold anolher elei fi-.» uni il ilo- Ulne of thè next »tale election imi Itisi Gii - |iia»«-ut un iniibent* of riiv office» «vili hold over il II f 11 limi lune The following bill» weie read, suditeli sud ordcred pani Fire cmnpnny »alane». . t 'JS.iai J II Chaiabar», Ininber . 4 1 73 «tei Img h <-«-d Co , wnnd for »team roller ....................................... ^1 7.5 Swing.-| Hardware Co, »irert bromu» ...................................................... | (NI I riink \\ oo.lruff, refluii* *ew*-r It 15 W II Malnoti, nork oK «trerl» 45.INI G 13 Pitclier, «alary .......................... 75 imi J II Itrow n. »alari nini i->|o-H-.e» 75 l i Fred Beidlcr, hmiliug rock .... pimi Ralfih Milli.-, wotk on *1 r r«l » ... 4 35 C \ Iteidler, work on »freet» 7 imi *(1. Transfer Co,, »w.-.-fong aireet» .............................................. 7P C G Transfer Co. haulmg ho»e cari» to firw ................................ f,f»*l Portland W’ood Pipe *'o. woo.l pipe ................................................... 17.5.5 H«-ntineI finii, prncccdiiig» .... imi W \V Me Fai land, hiinhiig ............ S P.5 \\ W McFurluad, huuling ... .. 5# l'ha» Muli, hiinling buse cari» to fire .............................................. 3.75 W \\ Mglesbv, »alary .............. inno .1 K. Y'oniig, «alary ............................ 55 imi Henlinel, f.nnting water receipta Ih pii C. (1. Mfg. Co., ceinent .......... .Hit C <5. Electric Cu., Iight» Mei ... “ .'Il * H ì Fugane Hand and Grnvel Co., car eruahed gravel ........................... 27,tMi L. P. McCoy, Inniber .......................... 3:| "_*H Brunii 4 Co., Ino fiound» »od» fur chi-mical cugine ........................ rt * n W . \\ McEarlnud, haulmg ..... .'I.L’O <in laottoa cauncil adj.wirned. .1 E VIG NO fitv Re.-order warrant was ordered I Want ad», ara for tho»a wha nani . .. «oiaèthiag. They ara a punsi e* far all ul J. I (Yrrm fm $.5 |,hs wnn(> niR, U|Ml) ■ » ■I I ■» -------- i—i— ■ ------- - ----------- ------- - ------- Oregonian Sabscrlptlona. During the month of November, I will take subscriptions for tha Oregon ian, delivered by mail, at the following prices: Daily, one year .............................. $4.00 Daily and Hundny, one year ......... $fl.00 Weekly, one year ................................ 75c a l 2tfc •KO. H BIALNAKI), Agt. Subscription Rates. After November 20, the following rate» will apply upon sukneriptions to The Hentinel: One year, $1.75; six months, fiOe; three months, 50c. One year, when paid in advance, or within 30 days after expi rntion, tl.50 (this special rate applies only upon subscriptions for full year). Thi- advanced rnfes are made abso lutely necessary by the increased coat of producing a nawapapey. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES TO LAND PRODUCTS SHOW PORTLAND Costs But Little More to Go East via California You will enjoy the i I ivoim I v of Heenerv Many ehatigi-a of ('lininte (IppMlunity to visit San l-'ninrisoo L om Angeles Kl l*as« Sim Antonio New Orleans or Hall Lake, Denver, He. Clinic« "f routes uml trains 4 Trains a Day Portland to San Francisco LET US MAKE UP AN ITINERARY YOUR TRIP AND ARRAN0E Ask any agent for particulars or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines nvH-15 i .

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Page 1: SAVE YOUR EYES IN EIGHTY DAYS Qf may ¡ j» Arcade Theater ... · SAVE YOUR EYES INVESTING IN COMFORT k Moody t Tone Ltnttt art but 11 TI1K most ulivlNrtory glasses you can buy I’oiios



k Moody t T one L t n t t t a r t b u t

11TI1K most ulivlNrtory glasses you can buy I’o i io s mid Kryptoks will give you more com tort in proportion to

thmr cost than anything « Is«' you can buy.In addition to tin* thorough diagnosis of your eyes, the

grinding and fitting of lenses in our own factory assures you of a pair of glasses that must be satisfactory in every respect or your money will be refunded.

SHERMAN W. cTWOODYBroken Lensas EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Factory ouQuickly Replaced AND OPTICIAN I’rwuis**881 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Telephone 362


The Joker dub uu-t MouJav <veiling mtk Mis. Clara Burkholder. the eve mug hub Mpeut playing list- hundred. No refreshment* were served and the club voted to cooperate with the local committee of the food administration. Mr*. Will Hall was a guest of Ihc club.

. »The seventh and eighth grades of the

public school* hdd a party m the as M'lnbly room of the old school building Friday evening. Games were played and apple* were served. Ilns was the lirst of svveral parties which these grade* plan to hold.

P T TThe Constellation dub met at Masouic

hall last Thursday with Mia. J<e 1’orter aud Mr*. Harry Wynne as hostesses. Ilooverizcd refreshments were served and it Wa* voted to do away with te freshment* entirely during the war.

<SThe freshman elass party was held in

Mouse hall Friday evening, '¡nun ■ auu dancing were indulged in. A few it-v't •d guest* were present.

4T ♦ ♦Mrs. CJ. B. I’iteher entertained & few

friends Tuesday afteruoou m honor of her guest, Mi«* Allie Worrell, ¿if Al bany.

♦ ♦ ♦The Social Twelve club meets this

afternoon with Mrs. George M. Hall.• •

The Emauon club meet* this after noun with Mrs. Van Allison.

backing them at home. Wouldn't our lioys who have cheered so lustily for the Honor Guard and its splendid spirit have a mighty poor opinion of the pa triotiMii ot the Oregon girls if on their leturii from service they should ask.

What happened to the Honor Guardf' ' aad some girls would anawei * * Oh, w* got tiled and dropped i t . ' ’

Our organization was started to ere j ate a spirit of patriotism and duty in , the girls ol America. Girls, we have i mill' out strong in expressing our pa

i triotism but when it comes to duty we ii-t don 't know what that menu*, that 'a

all. Many of us have forgotten that it IS our duty to live up to the pledge we signed to obey the rules and regula­tions of the Guard, to hold the name of the Honor Guard high above reproach and that it is our duty to serve our co ntry in any way can, howevei small and menial the service may be Extract from Icttei ot Miss Lucih* lUiiiforth. state organizer.

V • • •Mi'> May and Mina Klurt*nc«?

Hickey, with the aaaiatance ot’ Paul Hnllatinv, l\an Saum mid several other nehuoi boy»*, harvest««! the Honor Guard bean i rop planted on the Xichol* lot. Tin beans and others grown on the Newcomb place arc yet to be shelled. Volunteers accepted. Come on; girl* and boy.Q, and help *4 do your b it . "

* * *

The Gills' National Honor Guard will publish a magazine shortly. Au associ ate editor will be appointed to represent

personally request


A* members of the Girls' National Honor Guard we are today standing at the crucial point of our existence. .lust what the Honor Guard may become de­pends upon our efforts this winter. We have all read o f the heroism and splen­did deed* of the women of the Civil war and of Revolutionary times and have wished that we too might have •omi' part in our country's history. Girls, our time is here. In England, France snd other countries of Europe it ha* b0*111 proved that their armies could not have taken the stands they have had it not been for the girls and women

our Guard. She will various girls to contribute social notes, -tories. joke.-, poems, etc. All members who have pai l tiu-ir quarterly dues arc entitled to a three mouths subscription

! to th.- magazine free of charge.* * *

A meeting of the Guard will be held at 7bio tomorrow evening at the high school auditorium to discuss various matters relating to the Guard. Allmember* are urgently requested to Ht tend.

* • *The Honor Guard girls have occasion

to feel proud of thetr assistance in the bucket brigade which saved the lumber in the disastrous fire which recently de stroyed the J. H. Chambers mill.

« • •Military drill has been suspended un­

til the girls feel sufficiently enthusias­tic to attend. Mr. Woodruff has ob­tained the new I’lattsburg manual of arms and is fully prepared to do His part.

One of thè must novcl und elemi pie turca to corno ti» iV ltag * Greve is ' Vicini.1 th* World ia Eigkty Day*, lo b* seroeut'd at lite Arcade i t w i n on \\ aduesday, Novembcr II.

Thi» production ir. adupte.l troni thf fammi* hook by Jnle* Verno aud a «elio» ot sceu«* are ahovvu in thè citiea vis ited in miiking thè trip. The story vvhich lii.s boni exeeptioiially woll read. teli» ot a tale o f l'Uileu* Fogg. «h o is loft heir to s fortune witli tbu enudi tlon* tlist he make a trip armimi thè world iu cigliti day* aud come back vvitk a bride. At i l » t il»e o f atarting he is suapected of a crune nini a vvtxnun detectiv« is UHstgiied to trini hiiu. Just ìiuagiuo lliiis situati.>u aad you bava thè basi» tur u dcligUtful chuse Adv future after adveiituro confi.mi*.I l tieni sud all tliis i* pictured with ubsolute regur.l to thè dotali of thè hook. A u ni di numi ic emliug i> place.l before thè audience iu whieh thè anger, fortuna ami bride uro won at thè laat minute.

Klauiath Full», Od . 20. The largo un dionee at thè opera house lust night was veri «veli plcMcd with the feature pho topluy ** Armimi the World iu Kighty Day»,“ by Jules Verno. l'Ius production is very interesting, as it keepa the spor tutors in *uspeusc, guessing how the »tory is gmug to end. Mentimi should he uinde in respeet to the photography. whieh is exreptionnlly good, ami was gioatlv appreemted by those preseli! tasi eveaing.




The Masonic lodge has donated the use of their banquet room for the class in surgical dressings ami bandages Mrs. R. H. Trask, who will have charge of this class, called a meeting which was beivi at the high school Monday after mum, a large number eulistiug for the work. The first meeting for vvmk will lie held at libiti Thursday afternoon, November 15.

• • • *The Mount View He.i Cross auxiliary

met Thnrsduy with Mrs. F. J. Ilelliwell and the time was spent in doing sew mg for the Red Cross. Refreshments were served, but in accordance with the campaign to eliminate all unnecessary use of food, no lunch Will be served at future meetings. Mrs. Clara Burklndd er. Mis. J. N Silaby ami Mrs. G ('. Dye were out from the Grove to assist the members in starting the sewing. Those present licsivlcs those from Cottage Giove were Mrs John lahmuel, Mrs. B G. Crow, Miss Mae Haiiiunt, Mrs, Hop per Mrs. Georg»- I.ayng. Mrs. Waldo Miller, Mrs. Art Demurest, Mrs. C. W. Sears, Mrs. I. J. Beidler, Mr*. James Miles and Mrs. ('has. Hales. All the meetings will be held hereafter at the Ironie of Mrs. F. J. Ilelliwell. The n.-xl inerting will be on Wedncsdli v, Nnvcm ber 14.

Room 7 at the high school will available Wednesday forenoons and leriioou*. The Friday afternoon da- will meet their as usual.


Membership t lines.

fees are ncreptable at all

Afl 01)1

-ontribution of a member this

.F 1 ..To was w eek.

r.-.-oi v i*d

A l i v e community wan*« a live new*- paper. There ran be no live newspaper without the support of those who wish such a newspaper. Ar* you doing your bitt •••

Forbaby's b a thI'r- .rf-ts him from chill — keepshimeomfy. In­stant heat. Easily car­ried. F uel consumed on­ly when heat is needed —no wane. No smoke or odor.


Mrs. I’rotzmun has organized a class which meets at her home Saturday af terminus. Thirteen were present last Saturday, at which time II tray cloths and *i bed so.-k» were made. Work hasI.».-* planned for next Saturday.

* * *

Mr». ft. S. Trank \\«*nt to Ktig«*nc Tu«»*<lay to complete k«*r preparation» l'or taking «‘barge of the eia.«« in »urgi «ul (IreHhiogs and bandag**.«. From th«*r«* »he will go to Fort land to euli.«t an a Ked Fro«« nur»«? for home work, when •be will be ready to take « barge <*f th«* «la«».

Tk# O ieg««m aa a n d tU» ('«h \ » I I i « l i t / - • f t # Tim«»* hivtf Itwea h a v in g «(Ulti* a d iS i UBMou c o i i r c i N in g t in* p«*«‘ u l i u r t t y u u d «Uri\H t i «»i i o f tb a mime« o f ’ |da *ea . «««omit h i mb nu«t atrca iUH o f O ie g u a .

Pba Cottage (Hove «ouiltiv prt»b»ldy ha« h« luuiiv |»«*«u!iar nani«« na any pince on i tie «' and there ih nutbeiiti« mforiitatiom :«e to tb« deiixutiuu of al l ot them.

S t e a m b o a t «‘ re c k , for «‘ \uinpl«, «io«n not g«*t it« nam e in th e inanimi on«* won!«! e\po«t. T h e r e n**v«*r tin* l»«»eii u atiuiiwboat a n y w h e r e n«»ai thia littl«* m o u n ta in ntreani. In tin* e a r l y «lay« g«»l«l mum diMcoYered u h m g thin «*r«*«k aud tbei«A w as a Htampwde to « tak e ou t «‘ Imiti*. W h i le go|«| ba« been mint*«! th ere «‘ \«*r »in«*«*, the e u i l v pro«peet«»ih w«»i «> dinappotiit«‘d. T h e coti » try did n«*t ««tine up to tin* u«ÌYnnet» untie«'* and in m in in g p u i ln u ce th a t 1« «nlled b e in g

! ' ' ?*t earn boat ed. ’ ’ T h e e re ek Iiiah i*v«*r «ilice b«*«*n «ailed S te n m b o a t .

How river, prottotinee«! with ali«»rt ‘ «», iiai originally «-ulte«! the eu»»t fork

*»f th** Foant t»»rk. I'ww neighbor« ivlio liveil al«*ng it« bank wet«* con11 nutillv• |Uar 1 eling ami gradually the name wa«• hanged to How ri v er.

ll«>rH(* lietiveti iieek wa« 1111 in ml in 1 he early 5 U A t the hi*ud «>f the creek, which ih 111 tin* liitbeiuiu diatrnt, w»a u «iinkcii prairie where grin«« grew

•H«*v«*ial f«*et high 111 th«* .«innmer time, iln'i«' wa« I»«11 om* way in uml out of ibi» vallev and u pole |de»ed acro«« thi« trail are 11 rely penned in «tock put there I

! !«1 gru/.e. The early pioneer» «nlb'd thi« I Hiiiiken prairie a hor«e henven and that name wa« gradually adopted for th«*• ■reek lh«f has ita aouree then*.

Silk creek wan originally Ha/«'lt«»n | cieek, but many year» ago the wife ot 1 farmer living there I»*« tunc dinaati« lied with h«*r lot and want««l better

I elodie» «(» *d»«‘ brought a «*ow t*» town ! ; and traded it for a «ilk «ire«». Sin«*«4 then I . the name Silk <*r«*ek bua «tu«k

Frank Bra.«« creek wai named after I a pro«pe( tor of the early day«. While

1 he and l>r. Ogle»by, »till a re«i«b‘iit **t tki« city, were trailing it into the Ho lu'Uiia district looking for the «our«c of g«dd flak«*» which they had found hi th«* larger «treni» below, Mr. Bra«« f«ll into the creek and hi« companion there upon named the creek after Mr. lira».«. I'he right fork of flu* ri\«*r they natned Oglenby creek, but fina ha» «ilice been changed to Sharp'.« creek, being nuined after old Bohemia Sharp, early proii pec tor and r«*»d builder, now aw inmate of tin* county farm.

Lynx Hollow, now one of th«* fluent farming aectioiifi of thm vicinity, wa« named in thi» manner: One night, utter (lark, one of the early »«*ttler« wa« fui lowed by n neighbor'» «log. lie thought t iia blight eye» »bowing in the dark were tho*«* «• f » lynx and that name wnn gradually '«'Idled upon th# community

Adam« mountain w-« naimwi after O. I*. Adam», an «*nrly proNpector wh«» «lied a few year» ago. June mountain wa« thim named beenu»«* the »now remain« on it until that month of the year,

rio (ionio mountain wna named bv un

Arcade Theater_ N o v . 1 4


ONI«; NIGHT ONLYWednesday—


Around the World in Eighty Days

BY JULES VERNEAlso Author of "Twenty Tliausiuul I.ra^umi Undur the Sen T U R IL L IN O ------------ INTERESTING----------— F.XOITINO


Brin* the Children—Will Pietist* Both the Old and the Young Come Early and Avoid the Rush




I .eonnri I M orgall, who 1« with a I’liited Mtat«*« bat t lealnp, hit» writteu I11« niotlii'i mid ridativi*» her«* of «om«* «•! Ina experi«*nee« Hi« «hip convoyé«! ie\ ernl troop trnn«p(»rt« und «II g«*t (might in one of the worat «tonn» the «hip« had ever been in All «-»me throagb Uiidiimage«i On«* «¡ulor w«» wnabod overbonid but wua r«*«« ticil by a not he 1. who went ov er litter him with a life preaerver. The trip win» 1111 «‘xeitmg • »11«*, two aub*. being »ighted 111 th«* itili /one Kv ideiti ly the niiIi» did not «ate to laonki'V with the hcrfsilv ••nvove*l traimport», which opened fire upon tke uiider««'a boat» Leonard a«id he gieutlv enjoye«| th«* letter« fiotn kiotu«4 and «• • • p ie« n| The S« mtinel.

Those w ko udaertiaa in The Sentinel deaervn your bu«inc«» be«*au«e tli«*v lall voii that they want it. und nam«« priera that ahoiild gat it. * 9S






Presbyterian Church— I). A. MncLeed,paetor; phone 1J7R Biblo school al JO a. 111. Mornini' worship at I I j ovening worship at 7:50; bible atmiy U i-<lnfa«iHy *-v anings at 7:30.

Morning »ubjwt, “ David’s Appeal for the Young Man.”

• a •Methodist Church— Rav. Joe. Knotts,

pastor. Hominy school at 10 a. in. Reg ulsr preaching services at II a. m. ami 7:30. Mpworth league st 7 p. rn. Mid­week prayer meeting Thursday eveningnt 7:30.'

Morning sermon, “ The Abiding Pres enec of Christ.” In the evening there will lie a union service in the interest of the Army Y. M. C. A.

George Thompson, accused of n stat­utory crime, was found guilty by a jury in cireuit court yesterday after having been out two hours. The jury retired at 11:30 a. rn. and returned its verdict at 1:30 p. rn.

Strike DoertD’t Touch Cottage GroveCottage Grove was not affected by

the strike of telephone operators ripon the system of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company. All the girls here remained on the job and there wns no interruption of sorviee.

(Irish pioneer of lM.r>4 who Imd fought ill the Mexican war and he gave it that name because it so greatly resembled (Y n o Gordo mountain in Mexico. Ilu also named the valley above Cerio Gor do calling it Buena Vista becmise it so greatly resembled the valley by thut name in Mexieo.

Prayther creek was nsined after in early settler who hud his home there. I.ayng creek was named after George I.ayng, still living, and jhus the history of the naming of Cottage Grove places snd mountains and streams might be carried oir indefinitely.

Perhaps the most rnvishingly classical name the Cottage Grove country has is Rujada, the lumber enmp nt III* end of the t». p, t i E. railway. This is a word taken from a telegraph code rm-s* ing a considerable body of standing firs ber which is available.

The name of Cottage Grove itself has quite n history. In the early days there was no postoffiee in this part of the county. Finally one was established at n point east of what ia now Creawell. Postmaster Pierce had his home hi a cottage in a beautiful oak grove, and named the |sistoffice Cottage Grove. Later a man named Hamilton got the postmasterahip and moved the postof fice to a place near wliat is now Hag maw. Later a mini named Martin, fnth er of N. H. Martin, now n resident of Portland, was made postmaster and he moved th« post of fice to Hlnbtowa, now u part of Cottage Grove, the pc-ripHtetic postoffice retaining its old num«.

The Sentinel ¡s indebted to l)r. W. W. Ogb-sbv for much of tin- information in this ttarv.

Ortober 5 The «mini-li nict in n-gti lar si-ksinn witli all m.-iti t »«-■ w presi-ut

The roti was cnlb-d and minute» usai and upprov cd.

Ilo- icpoit» ol ih-- iniirshnl, tranaun-r and recorder «vere r«*nd and placed on file.

The recorder was instructed to file a petition with thè pubtic servici- codi

! inissimi relensing tiie city troni plucing olialo i- waining sign» at railwav eros»

!T he p ro p o s i t io n o f J . I I . C ham bers

and thè C o t ta g e G rove M a a u fa c tu r in g -o tn p a a y to b u i ld u ho»e house f u r cast

j s ide f i r e t r u c k wa» rem i and re fe r re d to w a te r co m in i t te e .

A resolution ntithori/ing thè furaish ing of thè overflow water to the Itrow n 1. il in I >•* r rompati! was read and aft*i

| considerali!» diseussion upon the part of the couni'il and riti/rns preseut, the following mot ion was adopted: “ Movi-d that it is the scuse of this coiiticil that thè Brovvn l.umber company b* given thè use of the overflow water l'or * peiiod of 15 vanrs on thè sani* conili finn» thev bave htol it i* thè pnst sud

city will enter iato u biuding with said company lo that cf

that the coiitriict feet.”

On mtition a drawn in favor

1 1 ■ iti«- c i tv '* p o r t im i o f thè expi-as« ol i t -h i i i ld in g Ilo- C i i i i i u fo n ib r i i lg i * .

O n in o l im i the w a t e r c o m a n » « im i* r n a s o r d e r e d to cotini-ct up th è w s l e i fo r Joe P o r te r .

< In m o l im i th e e i tv i i iu i« h a l a n i in stru c ted to bi-i -i u c In inber fo r th è r a p a i r o f d e l ri l i v e sole w B Ih a w Ile i a thè ow « * rs li iive fu i le d to i i iu ke th è n e rc aatu v re fu n i» when ordere i l lo ilo »o, thè i-oat lo be u b e a ngnll iat I he p r o p e r ty .

Ib i a io t io n th è recorder w u * i a a f r u r t e i l to li i i \ .• thè o o l i t i i ipproa. h to ih e S iIkcreek br idgi- mi P a c i f l r In g l iw i tv re piured.

\ i olino nin i ut m a w s * read f to a i th e a t lo rn c v g i -u e ia l g i v m g hi» o p ta to l i t im i th è e 11 v i nubi net hold a n o lh e r elei fi - .» un i il ilo- U lne o f thè n e x t » ta le e le c t io n im i I t i s i G i i - |iia»«-ut un in i ib e n t * o f r i i v

o f f ic e » «vili hold o v e r il II f 11 l i m i lu n e T h e fo l lo w in g b i l l» w e ie read , s u d i te l i

sud o rd c re d paniF i r e c m n p n n y » a la n e » . . t 'JS.iaiJ I I C ha iaba r» , In inbe r . 4 1 73« t e i Im g h <-«-d Co , wnnd fo r

»team r o l l e r ....................................... ^1 7.5S w in g . - | H a r d w a r e C o , » i r e r t

b ro m u » ...................................................... | (NII r iink \ \ o o . l r u f f , r e f lu i i * *ew *-r It 15 W II Malnoti, n o r k oK « t re r l» 45 .INIG 13 P i tc l ie r , « a l a r y .......................... 75 imi

J I I I t row n . » a la r i nini i->|o-H-.e» 75 l iF re d B e id lc r , h m i l iu g rock . . . . p i m i R alfih M il l i . - , w o tk on *1 r r « l » . . . 4 35C \ I te id le r , w o rk on » free t» 7 imi

* ( 1 . T r a n s f e r Co,, »w.- .-fonga i r e e t » .............................................. 7P

C G T r a n s f e r C o . h a u lm g ho»ec a r i» to f i r w ................................ f,f»*l

P o r t la n d W’ood P ip e * ' o . woo.lp i p e ................................................... 17.5.5

H«-ntineI finii, p r n c c c d i i ig » .... imi

W \V Me F a i land , h i i n h i i g ............ S P.5\ \ W M c F u r lu a d , h u u l i n g . . . . . 5#l 'h a » M u li , h i in l in g buse c a r i»

to f i r e .............................................. 3 .75W \ \ M g lesb v , » a l a r y .............. i n n o.1 K. Y'oniig, « a l a r y ............................ 55 imi

H e n l in e l , f . n n t in g w a te r rece ip ta Ih piiC. (1. M f g . Co., c e in e n t .......... .HitC <5. E le c t r ic Cu., I ig h t» Mei . . . “ .'Il* H ì

F u g a n e Hand and G r n v e l Co., ca reruahed g r a v e l ........................... 27,tMi

L. P. M c C o y , I n n i b e r .......................... 3:| "_*HB ru n i i 4 Co., Ino fiound» »od» fu r

ch i-m ical c u g in e ........................rt *nW . \ \ M c E a r ln u d , h a u l m g ..... .'I.L’O

<in lao tto a ca unc i l ad j .w irned ..1 E V I G N O f i t v R e .-order

warrant was orderedI Want ad», ara for tho»a wha nani

. . . «oiaèthiag. They ara a punsi e* far allul J. I (Yrrm fm $.5 | , hs wnn(> niR, U|Ml)■ » ■ I I ■»--------i—i— ■-------- n» ----------- — ------- - -------

Oregonian Sabscrlptlona.During the month of November, I

will take subscriptions for tha Oregon­ian, delivered by mail, at the following prices:Daily, one year.............................. $4.00Daily and Hundny, one year......... $fl.00Weekly, one year................................ 75cal 2tfc •KO. H B IALNAKI), Agt.

Subscription Rates.After November 20, the following

rate» will apply upon sukneriptions to The Hentinel:

One year, $1.75; six months, fiOe; three months, 50c. One year, when paid in advance, or within 30 days after expi rntion, tl.50 (this special rate applies only upon subscriptions for full year).

Thi- advanced rnfes are made abso­lutely necessary by the increased coat of producing a nawapapey.


Costs But Little Moreto Go East via

CaliforniaYou w i l l enjoy the i I iv o im I v o f Heenerv Many ehatigi-a o f ( ' l in in te ( Ip p M lu n i ty to visit San l- 'ninrisoo L om Angeles Kl l*as« Sim Anton io New Orleans or Hall Lake, Denver, He.Clinic« " f routes uml tra ins

4 Trains a Day Portland to San FranciscoLET US MAKE UP AN ITINERARY


Ask any agent for particulars or writeJohn M. Scott,

General Passenger Agent,Portland, Oregon

Southern Pacific LinesnvH-15

i .