saurabh android report.doc

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  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    Seminar Report



    In partial fulfillment of reuirement! for t"e De#ree of

    Ba$"elor of Te$"nolo#% in Computer S$ien$e & n#ineerin#




    Un/er t"e 0ui/an$e of

    Mr. Sumeet Gupta Mr. Shashank Uphadhyay


  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    Seminar Report



    In partial fulfillment of reuirement! for t"e De#ree of

    Ba$"elor of Te$"nolo#% in Computer S$ien$e & n#ineerin#




    Un/er t"e 0ui/an$e of

    Mr. Sumeet Gupta Mr. Shashank Uphadhyay


  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    This is to certify that the Seminar entitled ANDROID & ITS CUSTOMIZABILITYhas been

    submitted by Saurabh Sharma under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the degree of Ba$"elor

    of Te$"nolo#% in Computer S$ien$e & n#ineerin# of U.P.T.U University, LU!"#$ during the

    academic year %&'()%&'* +Semester)- .

    Date' )-5-*56-)*

    7la$e' Lu$8no9

    0ui/e name (AD O2 D7ARTMNT

    Mr. Sumeet Gupta Mr . nkur Singh

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    ndroid po/ers hundreds of millions of mobile devices in more than '0& countries around the

    /orld. 1t2s the largest installed base of any mobile platform and gro/ing fast3every day

    another million users po/er up their ndroid devices for the first time and start looking for

    apps, games, and other digital content.

    ndroid gives you a /orld)class platform for creating apps and games for ndroid users

    every/here, as /ell as an open marketplace for distributing to them instantly.

    $hen it comes to personali4ing an ndroid smartphone, sky2s the limit as to /hat can be

    altered. The platform allo/s for deep customi4ation of pretty much everything, both under the

    hood and on the visual side. nd if you2ve also gro/n tired of the stock look and feel of your

    ndroid handset, then you can change /hatever you /ant. There are various /ebsites that put

    together a selection of ndroid personali4ation apps 5 apps that can modify the /ay one

    interacts /ith their phone or change the /ay ndroid2s U1 looks. 6est of all, many of them are

    free or have a free version that can be tested before purchasing the full app.

    ndroid has a great advantage that if you don7t like your stock 8#M or stock kernel then you

    don7t have to /ear out that. 9ou can easily change them /henever you /ant.

    There are various /ebsites that provide free 8#M and free kernels for most of the android

    devices, for e:ample 9991:/a;/e

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    1 take this opportunity to e:press my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Professor

    Sumeet 0uptafor his e:emplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout

    the course of this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry

    me a long /ay in the ;ourney of life on /hich 1 am about to embark.

    1 also take this opportunity to e:press a deep sense of gratitude to ProfessorS"a!"an8

    Up"a/"%a% for his cordial support, valuable information and guidance, /hich helped me in

    completing this task through various stages.

    1 am obliged to my friends, for the valuable information provided by them according to their

    kno/ledge. 1 am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my assignment.

    Saurabh Sharma

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    TO7IC 7A0 No1

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  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


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  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    ndroid is a mobile operating system developed by Google. 1t is used by several smartphones,

    such as the Motorola >roid, the Samsung Gala:y, and Google2s o/n "e:us #ne.

    The ndroid operating system +#S- is based on the open Linu: kernel. Unlike the iPhone #S,

    ndroid is open source, meaning developers can modify and customi4e the #S for each phone.

    Therefore, different ndroid)based phones may have different graphical user

    interfaces GU1s even though they use the same #S.

    ndroid phones typically come /ith several built)in applications and also support third)party

    programs. >evelopers can create programs for ndroid using the free ndroid S>! +Soft/are

    >eveloper !it-. ndroid programs are /ritten in ava and run through Google2s J>avlikJ virtual

    machine, /hich is optimi4ed for mobile devices. Users can do/nload ndroid JappsJ from the

    online ndroid Market.

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    1n uly %&&D, Google acKuired ndroid 1nc., a small startup company based in Palo lto, .

    ndroid2s co)founders /ho /ent to /ork at Google included ndy 8ubin +o)founder of

    >anger-, 8ich Miner +co)founder of $ildfire ommunications, 1nc.-, "ick Sears +once BP at T)

    Mobile-, and hris $hite +one of the first engineers at $ebTB-. t the time, little /as kno/n

    about the functions of ndroid 1nc. other than they made soft/are for mobile phones.

    t Google, the team, led by 8ubin, developed a Linu:)based mobile device #S /hich

    they marketed to handset makers and carriers on the premise of providing a fle:ible,

    upgradeable system. 1t /as reported that Google had already lined up a series of hard/are

    component and soft/are partners and signaled to carriers that it /as open to various degrees of

    cooperation on their part.


    #n the "ovember D, %&&E the #pen @andset lliance, a consortiumof several companies /hichinclude orporation, Google, @T, 1ntel, LG, Marvell Technology

    Group, Motorola,"Bidia, =ualcomm, Samsung

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    =ualcomm processor and a Synaptic capacitive touch screen, and used the UMTS

    ellular standard. 1t had '%F M6 of 8M and %D M6 of flash, sho/ing that ndroid2s

    memory reKuirements are reasonable. The demo /as carried out using a

    (.Mbits @S>P connection.

    61 2ATURS

    61) A77LICATION 2RAM4OR3

    1t is used to /rite applications for ndroid. Unlike other embedded mobile environments

    ndroid applications are all eKual, for instance, an applications /hich come /ith the

    phone are no different than those that any developer /rites. The frame/ork is supported

    by numerous open source libraries such as open SSL, S=Lite and libc. 1t is also

    supported by the ndroid core libraries. Arom the point of security, the frame/ork is based

    on U"1H file system permissions that assure applications have only those abilities that mobilephone o/ner gave them at install time.


    1t is e:tremely lo/)memory based virtual machine, /hich /as designed especially for ndroid

    to run on embedded systems and /ork /ell in lo/ po/er situations. 1t is also tuned to the

    PU attributes. The >alvik BM creates a special file format +.>

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    Google made a right choice on choosing $eb!it as open source /eb bro/ser. They added a t/o

    pass layout and frame flattening. T/o pass layout loads a page /ithout /aiting for blocking

    elements, such as e:ternal SS or e:ternal avaScript and after a /hile renders again /ith

    all resources do/nloaded to the device. Arame flattening converts founded frames into

    single one and loads into the bro/ser. These features increase speed and usability

    bro/sing the internet via mobile phone.

    61* O7TIMIZD 0RA7(ICS

    s ndroid has %> graphics library and (> graphics based on #penGL

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    The platform is adaptable to both larger, BG, %> graphics library, (> graphics library based

    on #penGL

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    The /eb bro/ser available in ndroid is based on the open)source $eb!it application

    frame/ork. 1t includes Lib$ebore /hich is a modern /eb bro/ser engine /hich po/ers both

    the ndroid bro/ser and an embeddable /eb vie/.


    Soft/are /ritten in ava can be compiled into >alvik byte codes and e:ecuted in the >alvik

    virtual machine, /hich is a speciali4ed BM implementation designed for mobile device use,

    although not technically a standard ava Birtual Machine.

    61)6 MDIA SU77ORT

    ndroid /ill support advanced audiovideostill media formats such as MP

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    telephony. great /ork /as done for the developers to start /ork /ith ndroid usingdevice emulator, tools for debugging and plugin for 1 O7RATION


    ndroid includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality available in the

    core libraries of the ava programming language. alvik virtual machine. >alvik has been /ritten so that a

    device can run multiple BMs efficiently.

    The >alvik BM e:ecutes files in the >alvik alvik BM relies on the Linu: kernel for underlying functionality such as threading and

    lo/)level memory management.

    >16 LINU@ 3RNL

    ndroid relies on Linu: version %. for core system services such as security, memory

    management, process management, net/ork stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an

    abstraction layer bet/een the hard/are and the rest of the soft/are stack.

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    1t helps to manage security, memory management, process management, net/ork stack and

    other important issues. Therefore, the user should bring Linu: in his mobile device as the main

    operating system and install all the drivers reKuired in order to run it.

    >evelopers have full access to the same frame/ork P1s used by the core applications. The

    application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components any application can

    publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities

    +sub;ect to security constraints enforced by the frame/ork-. This same mechanism allo/s

    components to be replaced by the user. Underlying all applications is a set of services and


    >1> ARC(ITCTUR

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    The follo/ing diagram sho/s the ma;or components of the ndroid operating system.

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    chipset family. Aor instance, the current kernel tree supports =ualcomm MSM E%&& chipsets,

    but in the second half of %&&F /e should see mobile devices /ith stable version =ualcomm

    MSM E%&&, /hich includes ma;or featuresQ

    $>M@SUP and

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc



    t the same level there is ndroid 8untime, /here the main component >alvik Birtual Machine

    is located. 1t /as designed specifically for ndroid running in limited environment, /here the

    limited battery, PU, memory and data storage are the main issues. ndroid gives an integrated

    tool d:N, /hich converts generated byte code from .;ar to .de: file, after this byte code

    becomes much more efficient to run on the small processors

    2i#ure' onversion from .;ava to .de: file

    s the result, it is possible to have multiple instances of >alvik virtual machine running on the

    single device at the same time. The ore libraries are /ritten in ava language and contains of

    the collection classes, the utilities, 1# and other tools.

    *1* A77LICATION 2RAM4OR3

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    fter that, there is pplication Arame/ork, /ritten in ava language. 1t is a toolkit that all

    applications use, ones /hich come /ith mobile device like ontacts or SMS bo:, or

    applications /ritten by Google and any ndroid developer. 1t has several components.

    The ctivity Manager manages the life circle of the applications and provides a common

    navigation back stack for applications, /hich are running in different processes. The Package

    Manager keeps track of the applications, /hich are installed in the device. The $indo/s

    Manager is ava programming language abstraction on the top of lo/er level services that are

    provided by the Surface Manager.

    The Telephony Manager contains of a set of P1 necessary for calling applications.

    ontent Providers /as built for ndroid to share a data /ith other applications, for instance, the

    contacts of people in the address book can be used in other applications too. The 8esource

    Manager is used to store locali4ed strings, bitmaps, layout file descriptions and other e:ternal

    parts of the application. The Bie/ System generates a set of buttons and lists used in U1. #ther

    components like "otification manager is used to customi4e display alerts and other functions.


    t the top of ndroid rchitecture /e have all the applications, /hich are used by the final

    user. 6y installing different applications, the user can turn his mobile phone into the uniKue,

    optimi4ed and smart mobile phone. ll applications are /ritten using the ava programming


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    $e can think of an ndroid application as a collection of components, of various kinds. These

    components are for the most part Kuite loosely coupled, to the degree /here you can accurately

    describe them as a federation of components rather than a single cohesive application.

    Generally, these components all run in the same system process. 1t2s possible +and Kuite

    common- to create multiple threads /ithin that process, and it2s also possible to create

    completely separate child processes if you need to. Such cases are pretty uncommon though,

    because ndroid tries very hard to make processes transparent to your code.

    Google provides three versions of S>! for $indo/s, for Mac #SH and one for Linu:. The

    developer can use ndroid plugin for < or other 1>

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    ,1)16 INTNT RCIR

    $akes up a predefined action through the e:ternal event. Aor e:ample, for the application like


    task, /hich is done in the background. 1t means that the user can start an application from the

    activity /indo/ and keep the service /ork, /hile bro/sing other applications. Aor instance, he

    can bro/se Google Maps application /hile holding a call or listening music /hile bro/sing

    other applications.

    ,1)1* CONTNT 7ROIDR

    component, /hich allo/s sharing some of the data /ith other processes and applications. 1t is

    the best /ay to communicate the applications bet/een each other. ndroid /ill ship /ith a set

    of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, bro/ser, contacts

    and others. ll applications are /ritten using the ava programming language.

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    ,16 An/roi/Manife!t1:ml

    The ndroidManifest.:ml file is the control file that tells the system /hat to do /ith all the top)

    level components +specifically activities, services, intent receivers, and content providers

    described belo/- you2ve created. Aor instance, this is the JglueJ that actually specifies /hich

    1ntents your ctivities receive.

    developer should predefine and list all components, /hich he /ants to use in the specific

    ndroidManifest.:ml file. 1t is a reKuired file for all the applications and is located in the

    root folder. 1t is possible to specify all global values for the package, all the components and its

    classes used, intent filters, /hich describe /here and /hen the certain activity should start

    permissions and instrumentation like security control and testing.

    @ere is an e:ample of ndroidManifest.:ml fileQ

    '. I:ml versionJ'.&J encodingJutf)FJI

    %. manifest


    *. application androidQiconJVdra/ableiconJ

    D. activity classJ.@ellondroidJ androidQlabelJVstringappWnameJ

    . intent)filter

    E. action androidQvalueJandroid.intent.action.M1"J

    F. category androidQvalueJandroid.intent.category.LU"@

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    The line % is a namespace declaration, /hich makes a standard ndroid attributes

    available for that application. 1n the line * there is a single application element, /here the

    developer specifies all application level components and its properties used by the

    package. ctivity class in the line D represents the initial screen the user sees and it may have

    one or more intent)filter elements to describe the actions that activity supports.


    In Android, every application runs in its own process, which gives better

    performance in security, protected memory and other benets. Therefore,

    Android is responsible to run and shut down correctly these processes when

    it is needed.

    It is important that application developers understand how dierent

    application components (in particular Activity, ervice, and !roadcast

    "eceiver# impact the lifetime of the application$s process. %ot using these

    components correctly can result in the system &illing the application$s

    process while it is doing important wor&.

    To determine which processes should be &illed when low on memory,

    Android places each process into an 'importance hierarchy' based on the

    components running in them and the state of those components. These

    process types are (in order of importance#.

    '. foreground process is one that is reKuired for /hat the user is currently doing. Barious

    application components can cause its containing process to be considered foreground in

    different /ays. process is considered to be in the foreground if any of the follo/ing

    conditions holdQ

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    i. 1t is running an ctivity at the top of the screen that the user is interacting /ith

    +its on8esume+- method has been called-.

    ii. 1t has a 6roadcast8eceiver that is currently running +its

    6roadcast8eceiver.on8eceive+- method is e:ecuting-.

    iii. 1t has a Service that is currently e:ecuting code in one of its callbacks

    +Service.onreate+-, Service.onStart+-, or Service.on>estroy+--.

    There /ill only ever be a fe/ such processes in the system, and these /ill only be

    killed as a last resort if memory is so lo/ that not even these processes can continue to

    run. Generally, at this point, the device has reached a memory paging state, so this

    action is reKuired in order to keep the user interface responsive.

    %. visible process is one holding an ctivity that is visible to the user on)screen but not in

    the foreground +its onPause+- method has been called-. This may occur, for e:ample, if the

    foreground ctivity is displayed as a dialog that allo/s the previous ctivity to be seen behind

    it. Such a process is considered e:tremely important and /ill not be killed unless doing so is

    reKuired to keep all foreground processes running.

    %. service process is one holding a Service that has been started /ith the startService+-

    method. Though these processes are not directly visible to the user, they are generally doing

    things that the user cares about +such as background mp( playback or background net/ork dataupload or do/nload-, so the system /ill al/ays keep such processes running unless there is not

    enough memory to retain all foreground and visible process.

    %. background process is one holding an ctivity that is not currently visible to the user

    +its onStop+- method has been called-. These processes have no direct impact on the user

    e:perience. Provided they implement their ctivity life)cycle correctly +see ctivity for more

    details-, the system can kill such processes at any time to reclaim memory for one of the three

    previous processes types. Usually there are many of these processes running, so they are kept in

    an L8U list to ensure the process that /as most recently seen by the user is the last to be killed

    /hen running lo/ on memory.

    %. n empty process is one that doesn2t hold any active application components. The only

    reason to keep such a process around is as a cache to improve startup time the ne:t time a

    component of its application needs to run. s such, the system /ill often kill these processes in

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    order to balance overall system resources bet/een these empty cached processes and the

    underlying kernel caches.

    2i#ure' Alo/chart Sho/ing The Lifecycle #f n ctivity

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    1n the follo/ing e:ample /e /ill display a process flo/ from the ndroid System point of

    vie/ to get a clear idea ho/ the applications behave. Let assume the

    Possible scenarioQ user talks to his friend via mobile phone and he is asked to bro/se the

    internet +a talk is hold for a moment-, find a picture of him in his Picasa lbum, send it via

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    a Talk state T in order to remember that processQ

    t this point, as a user holds a talk and opens a /eb bro/ser, the system creates a ne/ process

    and ne/ /eb bro/ser activity is launched in it. gain, the state of the last activity is saved +$-Q

    fter that, the user bro/ses the internet, finds his picture in Picasa album and saves it to

    particular folder. @e does not close a /eb bro/ser, instead he opens a folder to find saved

    picture. The folder activity is launched in particular processQ

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    At this point, the user nds his saved picture in the folder and he creates a

    reuest to open an )mail application. The last state * is saved. %ow assume

    that the mobile phone is out of the memory and there is no room to create a

    new process for )mail application. Therefore, Android loo&s to &ill a process.

    It can not destroy *older process, as it was used previously and could be

    reused again, so it &ills +eb !rowser process as it is not useful anymore and

    locates a new )mail process

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    The user opens )mail application and sends a picture to his friend via email.

    %ow he wants to go bac& to the Tal& application and to resume a tal& to his

    friend. !ecause of the previously saved states, this wor& is done fast and

    easily. In this e-ample, )mail application is popped out and the user sees a

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    previous *older application

    %e-t, the user goes bac& to +eb !rowser application. nfortunately, web

    browser process was &illed previously so the system has to &ill anotherprocess (in our case it is )mail application process, which is not used

    anymore# in order to locate +eb !rowser process and manage the stac&

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  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    And nally

    %ow the user comes bac& to the Tal& application and resumes his tal& with

    his friend.!ecause of the saved states, going bac& procedure is fast anduseful, because it remembers previous activities and its views. This e-ample

    shows, that it does not matter how many applications and processes are

    active or how much available memory is left, Android it manages fast and

    without a user interaction.

    ,1* A77LICATION 2RAM4OR3

    >evelopers have full access to the same frame/ork P1s used by the core applications. The

    application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components any application can

    publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities

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    +sub;ect to security constraints enforced by the frame/ork-. This same mechanism allo/s

    components to be replaced by the user.

    Underlying all applications is a set of services and systems, includingQ

    '. rich and e:tensible set of Bie/s that can be used to build an application,

    including lists, grids, te:t bo:es, buttons, and even an embeddable /eb bro/ser

    %. ontent Providers that enable applications to access data from other applications

    +such as ontacts-, or to share their o/n data

    (. 8esource Manager, providing access to non)code resources such as locali4ed

    strings, graphics, and layout files

    *. "otification Manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts in the

    status bar

    D. n ctivity Manager that manages the life cycle of applications and provides a

    common navigation backstack

    ,1,1 LiGrar%

    ndroid includes a set of RR libraries used by various components of the ndroid system.

    These capabilities are e:posed to developers through the ndroid application frame/ork. Some

    of the core libraries are listed belo/Q

    System library ) a 6S>)derived implementation of the standard system library

    +libc-, tuned for embedded Linu:)based devices

    Media Libraries ) based on PacketBideo2s #pen#8

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    Lib$ebore ) a modern /eb bro/ser engine /hich po/ers both the ndroid bro/ser

    and an embeddable /eb vie/

    SGL ) the underlying %> graphics engine

    (> libraries ) an implementation based on #penGL

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    7artial Li!tin# of Open (an/!et Allian$e 7arti$ipant! en/or!


    ndroid mobile phone platform is going to be more secure than pple7s iPhone or any other

    device in the long run. There are several solutions no/adays to protect Google phone from

    various attacks. #ne of them is security vendor Mcfee, a member of Linu: Mobile +LiMo-

    Aoundation. This foundation ;oins particular companies to develop an open mobile)device

    soft/are platform. Many of the companies listed in the LiMo Aoundation have also become

    members of the #pen @andset lliance +#@-.

    s a result, Linu: secure coding practice should successfully be built into the ndroid

    development process. @o/ever, open platform has its o/n disadvantages, such as source codevulnerability for black)hat hackers. 1n parallel /ith great opportunities for mobile application

    developers, there is an e:pectation for e:ploitation and harm. Stealthy Tro;ans hidden in

    animated images, particular viruses passed from friend to friend, used for spying and identity

    theft, all these threats /ill be active for a long run.

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    nother solution for such attacks is SMobile Systems mobile package. Security Shield 5an

    integrated application that includes anti)virus, anti)spam, fire/all and other mobile protection is

    up and ready to run on the ndroid operating system. urrently, the main problem is availability

    for viruses to pose as an application and do things like dial phone numbers, send te:t messages

    or multi)media messages or make connections to the 1nternet during normal device use. 1t is

    possible for somebody to use the GPS feature to track a person7s location /ithout their

    kno/ledge. @ence SMobile Systems is ready to notify and block these secure alerts. 6ut the

    truth is that it is not possible to secure your mobile device or personal computer completely, as

    it connects to the internet. nd neither the ndroid phone nor other devices /ill prove to be the




    Google ndroid enters a tangled mess of cellular carrier /orld. s a ne/ player in the mobile

    market, ndroid brings an open platform /ith the ne/ rules. #n the one hand there is #@

    /ith ma;or companies and carries, such as T)Mobile and Sprint. #n the other hand, there are

    t/o largest cellular carries TXT and Beri4on $ireless in United States, /hich have a vested

    interest in operating systems of their o/n. 1t is predictable, that Sprint or T)Mobile /ill be first

    carriers providing devices /ith Google ndroid. This ensures eKual development time for the

    net/orks, GSM side and >M. 6ut the main problem, /hich faces all the cellular carriers

    around the /orld, is the availability to do/nload and use free applications that could block

    almost every communications product they sell. user does not need to pay for GPS mapping

    service anymore. @e can simply do/nload a free one that taps into Google Maps.

    1n fact, /hy pay for cellular minutes at all /hen a user can do/nload Skype, Gtalk or other

    client and ;ust use his data planI #S7s such as ndroid threaten carriers /ith a loss of control

    over the applications on the phones on their net/ork and they may find themselves becoming

    nothing more than /ireless 1nternet service providers, forced to compete on price and


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    nother aspect is hard/are costQ Google ndroid o/ns '& percent of the total cost of a phone,

    /hich combined /ith falling hard/are prices could eventually result a fertile unlocked handset

    market. 1n conclusion, Google has a better start in this race than any company had before to

    bring ne/ rules to the mobile market /ith all carriers, mobile devices and its customers.


    Presently, Google main competitors like "okia, Microsoft and pple do not see Google ndroid

    as a serious rival or threat to their business strategies. @o/ever, the current situation is not so

    unsophisticated. There is a huge flurry in the companies, /hich are not in the list of #@.

    Aor instance, "okia, /hich is the largest handset manufacturer in the /orld, no/adays o/ning

    some (0Y market share, /as one of the companies snubbed on the invitation list to the (*)party

    #pen @andset lliance that is gro/ing daily.

    1n contrast, "okia is buying companies and dumping cash into development, /hile Google is

    releasing an open platform hoping the applications and services /ill build themselves /ith the

    help of a strong developer community, development contests and large alliance of grand


    >espite of this, "okia is ready to combat /hatever Google has to thro/ /ith Google ndroid in

    %&&F. nother company pple has already stroked the market /ith iPhone and its closed

    operating system. ccordingly, iPhone in the US remains loyal to TXT mobile carrier for five


    That is plenty of time for Google to conKuer the market /ith open ndroid. #bvious advantage

    of ndroid is costQ /hile iPhone is priced at a /eighty Z*&&, Google says it hopes to reach a

    more mainstream market by pricing ndroid)po/ered devices at around Z%&&. Microsoft,

    selling %' million copies of $indo/s Mobile soft/are, stays calm at this point, /aiting for

    some particular results from Google ndroid.

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    This nice and healthy competition is ;ust /hat the mobile industry needs at the moment, at least

    for the consumers. The /ars being /aged bet/een Google and the field /ill only create better,

    cheaper handsets and more advanced applications.

    +1> MAR3T RSARC(

    ne/ generation of mobile device users is coming in the ne:t decade. These users are going to

    e:plore the mobile internet afresh /ith its ne/ features, compatible mobile phones, ne/

    services and applications.

    This is a huge leap for mobile advertisement business, /here revenue could rise F times more

    by %&'%. Google ndroid is going to present ne/ solutions through the fast search engine, open

    source applications and other services.

    The !elsey Group, /hich /orks /ith public opinion polls and statistics, published the results

    released #ctober '' %&&E, /hich say, that one hundred out of D&&, or %& percent of people

    /ould be interested in purchasing a Google phone. >espite the fact, that Google ndroid is in

    alpha version and it is unkno/n for the customers and mobile market, the results look


    The diagram belo/ sho/s the study, /hich /as conducted in September %&&E via an online (&)

    Kuestion survey of D&& U.S. mobile phone users aged 'F and older. People do not find a good

    1nternet e:perience in their phones today, so they are more interested in gravitating to/ard an

    1nternet or technology company telephone

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    because they think connectivity bet/een devices and to the 1nternet is going to be much better

    on those phones. They use Google search, GMail, Google Maps, Picasa albums and other

    popular services on their computers, and this is /hat they e:pect to have in their mobile devices

    in the close future.

    +1* MOBIL ADS

    aiku ) an activity stream and sharing service that /orks from the $eb and mobile phones /as

    bought by Google as important investment into the mobile advertisement. People /ondered

    /hy Google preferred the micro)blogging service to T/itter, /hich is much more popular


    The ans/er lies in aiku7s uniKue ability to combine micro)blogging /ith user7s location. n

    integral part of the service is a aiku client application for Symbian S& platform mobile

    phones, /hich should come to ndroid platform as /ell. The client uses location P1s /ithin

    device to get the handset and the users7 location based on nearby cellular net/ork to/ers.

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    Though the location is not very precise, the mobile phone is able to broadcast it automatically.

    t that point the te:t can be connected to users7 location and create a list of preferences for each

    place the user freKuently visits.

    Using such a technology, it is simple to track do/n a user via phone7s 1P address, /henever he

    comes into Mc>onald or is sitting in the airport. Google is not a million miles a/ay from being

    able to push advanced advertising to individuals based on their profile, their location and their

    availability. They already offer regional and local targeting for ads for desktop users, but this

    could be much more useful for a mobile phone. nd if the ads are truly relevant, interesting and

    unobtrusive, people might actually start to like them.


    dding to its fast gro/ing suite of mobile applications and services, Google has applied for a

    patent for a mobile payments service that /ould allo/ users to make payments at retail shops

    using their mobile phones. The Te:t Message Payment patent describes a system /here Google

    offers mobile focused payments called GPay. This describes a system /here a SMS message

    /ould be sent containing a payment amount and other information. That payment amount

    /ould then be validated, debited from the user2s account, and communicated from server to

    server. Payment confirmation that had been received /ould also simultaneously be sent to the

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    relevant party, as illustrated in the diagram belo/Q

    2i#ure' Aigure describes Google7s mobile focused payments called GPay

    >escribed as Ja computer)implemented method of effectuating an electronic on)line payment,J

    the system mentioned in the patent application is similar to e:isting mobile payment services.

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    These services like mobile version of PayPal have been available for some time but have had

    little success bursting /ith merchants and /ith customers. The main difference bet/een

    e:isting mobile payment systems and GPay is, of course, that GPay is created by Google and

    /ill be easily adopted by ndroid Platform. The more issues regarding Gpay are yet to be



    There are already many mobile platforms on the market today, including Symbian, iPhone,

    $indo/s Mobile, 6lack6erry, ava Mobile evelopers like it because they kno/ that the platform has legsN and is not locked into

    any one vendor that may go under or be acKuired.

    component)based architecture inspired by 1nternet mash)ups. Parts of one application

    can be used in another in /ays not originally envisioned by the developer. 9ou can even

    replace built)in components /ith your o/n improved versions. This /ill unleash a ne/

    round of creativity in the mobile space.

    Tons of built)in services out of the bo:. Location based services use GPS or cell to/er

    triangulation to let you customi4e the user e:perience depending on /here they are.

    full)po/ered S=L database lets you harness the po/er of local storage for occasionally

    connected computing and synchroni4ation. 6ro/ser and Map vie/s can be embedded

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    directly in your applications. ll these built)in capabilities help to raise the bar on

    functionality /hile lo/ering your development costs.

    utomatic management of the application life cycle. Programs are isolated from each

    other by multiple layers of security, /hich /ill provide a level of system stability not

    seen before in smart phones. The end user /ill no longer have to /orry about /hat

    applications are active, or close some programs so that others can run. ndroid is

    optimi4ed for lo/)po/er, lo/)memory devices in a fundamental /ay that no previous

    platform has attempted.

    @igh Kuality graphics and sound. Smooth, anti)aliased %> vector graphics and animation

    inspired by Alash is melded /ith (> accelerated #penGL graphics to enable ne/ kinds of

    games and business applications. odecs for the most common industry standard audio

    and video formats are built right in, including @.%* +B-, MP(, and .

    Portability across a /ide range of current and future hard/are. ll your programs are

    /ritten in ava and e:ecuted by ndroid7s >alvik virtual machine so your code /ill be

    portable across 8M, :F, and other architectures. Support for a variety of input methods

    is included such as keyboard, touch, tilt, camera, voice, and trackball. User interfaces can

    be customi4ed for any screen resolution and orientation. ndroid is a fresh take on the

    /ay mobile applications interact /ith users, along /ith the technical underpinnings to

    make it possible. 6ut the best part of ndroid is the soft/are that you are going to /rite

    for it. This book /ill help you get off to a great start.


    ava Platform, Micro

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    collection of ava P1s for the development of soft/are for small, resource)constrained

    devices. Though, do not confuse it /ith Google ndroid, even there are some similaritiesQ


    6oth %M< and ndroid seem to share the same core ava P1s, such as ;ava.util and

    ; 6ut their P1s for graphics, U1s, etc. are very dissimilar and philosophies

    for developing applications are very different

    ndroid seems to be more tightly integrated +up to even the #S services provided and

    ho/ they interact /ith the P1s-, /hile %M< is far more liberal in its

    specifications for the developer and mobile device manufacturer.

    slo/er application development and performance 5 these are the main disadvantages ava2s

    %M< have for today. %M< apps are second)rate citi4ens in the phones. They do not have an

    access to most of the lo/)level features, like call P1, e:ternal connectivity +US6- and other.

    There is no /ay to replace or e:tend built)in phone apps like contacts, calendar and calls.

    Aor instance, %M< applications in "okia devices /ith S& /ork great for standard tasks. 6ut

    more advanced users find difficulties handling $i)Ai access points /ith S&, because P1s

    simply do not seem to be e:posed to %M

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    stack +neither M< nor S!- are critical to attracting innovation.

    #penN is an invariably sub;ective term. Symbian and Microsoft can claim a degree of openness

    for their mobile platforms, for e:ample, but ultimate control of P1 access and source code

    remains /ith a single entity. #n the contrary, as Google has pointed out, there7s nothing keeping

    any of the alliance members from using ndroid to build a 9ahoo\ Go phone.

    Motorola has had some success delivering high)volume Linu:)based devices such as the Ming

    and 8C8 11 to market. 6ut mobile Linu: initiatives have failed to scale on the basis of

    attractiveness to third)party developers it7s been supply)push /ith the development focus in

    ava M< or other application frame/ork components.

    1mportantly, ndroid includes almost the entirety of the applications)related soft/are stack, less

    key technical pieces such as telephony protocol stacks, /hich are left to silicon vendors.

    ndroid bundles critical components such as a Linu: kernel from $ind 8iver, various

    optimi4ed graphics engines, codecs, notification soft/are, a clean roomN BM implementation,

    and the !@TML open source bro/ser. The latter forms the basis of pple7s Safari and "okia7s

    S& offerings.

    ))1 ADANTA0S

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    #pen ; ndroid allo/s you to access core mobile device functionality through standard

    P1 calls.

    ll applications are eKual ; ndroid does not differentiate bet/een the phone2s basic and

    third)party applications )) even the dialer or home screen can be replaced.

    6reaking do/n boundaries ; ombine information from the /eb /ith data on the phone

    )) such as contacts or geographic location )) to create ne/ user e:periences.

    Aast and easy development ; The S>! contains /hat you need to build and run ndroid

    applications, including a true device emulator and advanced debugging tools.


    Security ; Making source code available to everyone inevitably invites the attention

    of black hat hackers.

    #pen Source ; disadvantage of open)source development is that anyone can scrutini4e

    the source code to find vulnerabilities and /rite e:ploits.

    Login; Platform doesn2t run on an encrypted file system and has a vulnerable log)in.

    1ncompetence ) Google7s dependence on hard/are and carrier partners puts the final

    product out of their control.


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    ndroid has been critici4ed for not being all open)source soft/are despite /hat /as announced

    by Google. Parts of the S>! are proprietary and closed source, and some believe this is so that

    Google can control the platform. Soft/are installed by end)users must be /ritten in ava, and

    /ill not have access to lo/er level device P1s. This provides end)users /ith less control over

    their phone2s functionality than other free and open source phone platforms, such as #penMoko.

    $ith all upcoming applications and mobile services Google ndroid is stepping into the ne:t

    level of Mobile 1nternet. ndroid participates in many of the successful open source pro;ects

    That is, architect the solution for participation and the developers /ill not only come but /ill

    play /ell together. This is notable contrast /ith pple and other companies, /here sucharchitecture of participation is clearly belated.

    The first ndroid based official devices may /ell be launched sometime in the early half of

    %&&0. #bviously, that2s an age a/ay /hen it comes to handset design, and ndroid may /ell

    find itself competing against the forthcoming "okia touch screen phones and maybe even the

    iPhone %.

    )*1 R2RNCS

    '. httpQ/// ) ndroid #fficial $ebpage

    %. ) #fficial ndroid Google ode $ebpage

    (. httpQ/// ) #pen @andset lliance $ebpage

    *. httpQ///.android/ 5 ndroid $iki

    D. ) #fficial Google 6log

    . httpQen./$ikipedia


    E. httpQen./

    F. httpQen./$eb!it

    0. httpQen./

  • 8/9/2019 saurabh android report.doc


    '&. httpQ///.it/orld.comgoogle)android)dr)&F&%'(

    ''. ///.:da)