satellite comms link budget

1 Satellite Communication Lecture # 9 Link Budget Link Budget Introduction Overall design of a complete satellite communications system involves many complex trade-offs to obtain a cost- effective solutions Factors which dominate are Downlink EIRP, G/T and SFD of Satellite Earth Station Antenna Frequency Interference General Architecture HPA / Transceiver LNA / LNB G/T & SFD EIRP down Uplink Downlink Uplink Path Loss Rain Attenuation Downlink Path Loss Rain Attenuation EIRP Up G/T ES Gt Pt Transmit Earth Station Antenna Gain Power of Amplifier Uplink Path Loss Rain Attenuation

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Page 1: Satellite Comms Link Budget


Satellite Communication

Lecture # 9

Link Budget

Link Budget IntroductionOverall design of a complete satellite communications system involves many complex trade-offs to obtain a cost-effective solutions

Factors which dominate are

Downlink EIRP, G/T and SFD of SatelliteEarth Station AntennaFrequencyInterference

General Architecture

HPA / TransceiverLNA / LNB


EIRP down


Uplink Path Loss

Rain Attenuation

Downlink Path Loss

Rain Attenuation



Transmit Earth StationAntenna GainPower of Amplifier

UplinkPath LossRain Attenuation

Page 2: Satellite Comms Link Budget


SatelliteG/TEIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power)

SFD (Saturated Flux Density)

Amplifier CharacteristicDownlink

Path LossRain Attenuation

Receiving Earth StationAntenna GainLNA /LNB Noise TemperatureOther Equipment

Signal Power CalculationAntenna GainAntenna Gain

G = η (Π * d / λ) 2 [dBi]

Where,λ = C / f , C = Speed of lightf = frequency of interestη = efficiency of antenna (%), d = diameter of antenna (m)

Signal Power CalculationAntenna Beam widthAntenna Beam width

θ3dB = 70 * C / df [degrees]

Where,C= 3x108 m/s (Velocity of Light)

EIRPIs the effective radiated power from the transmitting side and is the product of the antenna gain and the transmitting power,expressed as

EIRP = Gt + Pt –Lf [dB]Where,

Lf is the Feed Losses

Signal Power (Pr)

Pr = EIRP – Path Loss + Gr (sat) [dB]Where,Path Loss = (4ΠD / λ) 2

D is the Slant Range (m)

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Noise CalculationThermal NoiseIs the noise of a system generated by the randommovement of electronics, expressed as

Noise Power = KTBWhere,

K= (-228.6 dBJ/K)T= Equivalent Noise Temperature (K)B= Noise Bandwidth of a receiver

Effective Temperature

Te = T1 + (T2/G1)Where,

T1= Temperature of LNAT2= Temperature of D/CG1= Gain of LNA

Noise Temperature

Ts = Tant / Lf+(1-1/Lf)Tf

Where ,Tant = Temperature of antennaLf = Feed LossesTf = Feed Temperature

Effective Temperature

Tsys = Ts + Te

Being a first stage in the receiving chain, LNA is the major factor for the System Temperature CalculationLower the noise figure of LNA lower the system temperatureAntenna temperature depends on the elevation angle from the earth station to satellite

G/T (Gain to System Noise Temperature)

This is the Figure of merit of any receiving systemIt is the ratio of gain of the system and system noise temperature

G/T = G-10log (Tsys) [dB/K]

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Link AnalysisC/N Uplink

(C/N)u = (EIRP)e-(Path Loss)u+(G/T)sat-K-Noise BW [dB]

C/N Downlink

(C/N)d = (EIRP)sat-(Path Loss)d+(G/T)e-K-Noise BW [dB]

C/N Total

(C/N)T-1 = (C/N)u

-1 + (C/N)d-1 + [C/I)IM-1 + [C/I]adj

-1 + [C/I]xp-1 [dB]

Eb/No (Energy per bit per Noise Power Density)

Is the performance criterion for any desire BERIt is the measure at the input to the receiverIs used as the basic measure of how strong the signal isDirectly related to the amount of power transmitted from the uplink station

Eb/No = (C/N)T + Noise BW – Information Rate

Carrier ParametersSolution - Carrier Performance:

Eb/No ThresholdBit Error Rate (BER)Rain Attenuation

Why is it used? - To represent the amount of errors occurring in a transmission

- To express the link qualityWhat is it? - BER is an equipment characteristic

- BER is directly related to Eb/No- BER improves as the Eb/No gets larger

P = 1/2 e -Eb/No (with P = Probability of error)

Bit Error Rate (BER)

• Data links: - BER threshold: 10-4

Carrier ParametersPerformance:

Application specific

Digital voice links:BER threshold 10-3

Eb/No for FEC 1/2 (dB)

Eb/No for FEC 3/4 (dB)

Eb/No for FEC 7/8 (dB)


6.5 8.0 9.1 10-6 7.1 8.7 9.7 10-7 7.6 9.2 10.4 10-8 9.9 11.0 12.1 10-10

Carrier ParametersPerformance:

Typical Eb/No values for different FEC

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Performance - Rain Attenuation:Availability

Rain MarginsTypically 99.60 % for Ku-Band Typically 99.96 % for C-Band

Performance - Additional Margins:Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASI)Interference Margins



Rain AttenuationRain Attenuation Questions?